[Pages:7]January 2021

Lutgert College of Business 10501 FGCU Boulevard S. Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565


E-mail: Phone: 239-590-7167

AREAS OF INTEREST Research: Derivative Security Markets, Investments, Initial Public Offerings, Real Estate Teaching: Corporate Finance, Investments, Derivative Securities

EDUCATION 2005 Ph.D. 2001 M.A. 1999 B.S.

Finance Finance Finance

University of Alabama University of Alabama Auburn University


2016 ? present

Professor of Finance

2018 ? present

Executive Education Faculty

2010 ? 2016

Associate Professor of Finance

2005 ? 2010

Assistant Professor of Finance

2001 ? 2005

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Atlantic University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Gulf Coast University University of Alabama

COURSES TAUGHT FIN 3403 Business Finance FIN 3414 Financial Management FIN 3504 Principles of Investments FIN 4514 Security Analysis FIN 4533 Derivative Securities FIN 4934 Student Managed Investment Fund FIN 4941 Internship in Finance FIN 6406 Financial Management (MBA) FIN 6515 Analysis of Investments (MBA) FIN 6930 Student Managed Investment Fund (MBA) FIN 6943 Internship in Finance (MBA) FIN 6605 Multinational Finance FIN 6806 Advanced Corporate Finance FI 301 Intro. to Financial Institutions and Markets FI 302 Business Finance FI 410 Intermediate Financial Management

Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University University of Alabama University of Alabama University of Alabama


PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS "Using Investor Utility to Determine Portfolio Choice with REITs" (with Wei Feng and Marcus

T. Allen), Financial Services Review, forthcoming.

"Pricing Three Cases of Performance Fees using Options Methodology" (with Tom Messmore), Managerial Finance, 46(1), January 2020.

"Evidence of Faculty Salary Differences Across Business Disciplines and Employment Contracting Systems" (with Sandra Schrouder, Marcus T. Allen and Rupert Rhodd), International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, 9(1), Winter 2019.

"A Look at Corporate Control: The Case of Hertz Global Holdings" (with Marcus T. Allen), Managerial Finance, 44(10), October 2018.

"A Look at Millennials' Banking Preferences" (with Shawn Mayhew and Estelle Messer), Financial Decisions, 28(1), Fall 2016.

"The Salary Value of Academic Journal Articles at an AACSB Accredited Business School: Quantity and Quality" (with Marcus T. Allen and Ara G. Volkan), Journal of Financial Education, Fall 2016.

"Volatility and Targeted Portfolio Returns" (with Steve P. Fraser and J. Howard Finch), Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 27(1), Summer 2016.

"Is a VIX ETP an Investment in the VIX?" (with R. Parker Clowers), Financial Services Review, 25(1), Spring 2016.

"Faculty Salary Compression: Years at the Institution or Years in the Profession?" (with Marcus T. Allen and Rupert Rhodd), Financial Decisions, 27(2), Fall 2015.

"A Note on the Premiums and Discounts Embedded in VIX Futures Prices" (with Marcus T. Allen), Journal of Investing, 24(2), Summer 2015.

"Valuation of Chinese Equity Based on Implied Growth Rates" (with Zhongming Liu and Daniel Borgia), Journal of Investing, 24(1), Spring 2015.

"Determinants of Earnest Money Amounts in Real Estate Sell/Buy Contracts" (with M. Tim Allen and H. Shelton Weeks), Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education, 17(1), Summer 2014.

"Student Managed Investment Fund Performance: A Look at Equity Portfolio Data" (with Mushfiq Swaleheen), Journal of Economics and Finance Education, 13(1), Summer 2014.

"Extracting Implied Risk Aversion from Asset Prices and Other Economic Data," Financial Decisions, 25 (1), Summer 2013.


"Investing in IT Security: How to Determine the Maximum Threshold" (with Amanda Eisenga and Walter Rodriguez), International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, 6(3), 75-87.

"Time Decay Anomalies in S&P 500 Index Options" (with J. Howard Finch), Journal of Index Investing, Summer 2012.

"Property Taxes: Are Property Owners Getting their Money's Worth" (with H. Shelton Weeks and William J. Ritchie), Journal of Business Cases and Applications, Volume 6, October 2012.

"Using Reverse Mergers to take Chinese Companies Public on U.S. Securities Markets: The Case of China AutoStar" (with Daniel Borgia and Arthur Rubens), Journal of Financial Education, Spring/Summer 2012.

"An Application of Asset-Liability Management (ALM) for Financial Planners" (with Jack Brown), Journal of Financial Planning, May 2011.

"A Look at the Use of VIX Futures in Investment Portfolios: Buy-and-Hold versus Tactical Allocations," Journal of Trading, Spring 2011.

"An Endogenous Examination of Underwriter Reputation and IPO Initial Returns" (with Musfiq Swaleheen), Managerial Finance, April 2010.

"Accounts Receivable Factoring As A Response to Weak Governance: Panel Data Evidence" (with Daniel Borgia, H. Shelton Weeks, and Musfiq Swaleheen), International Business & Economics Research Journal, February 2010.

"Integrating Asset-Liability Risk Management with Portfolio Optimization for Individual Investors" (with Jack Brown), Journal of Wealth Management, Winter 2009.

"Characterizing Student Finance Organizations-A Survey of FMA Chapters" (with Steve P. Fraser and H. Shelton Weeks), Journal of Economics and Finance Education, Summer 2009.

"The Day Of The Week Effect in IPO Initial Returns" (with James Ligon), Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, February 2009.

"Day-Of-The-Week Effect in the Seasoned Equity Offering Discount" (with X. Fu and T. Tang), Managerial Finance, January 2009.

"A Note for Appraisers on Option Valuation" (with J. Howard Finch and H. Shelton Weeks), Appraisal Journal, Summer 2008.


"Speedways, Economic Development, and Home Values" (with Arthur Rubens, William J. Ritchie, and H. Shelton Weeks), Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education, Winter 2008.

"An Examination Of Underwriter Reputation, File Amount, and IPO Initial Returns," Financial Decisions, Winter 2007.

"Investor Type, Transaction Fees, and Single-Stock Futures," Journal of Trading, Winter 2007.

"Agricultural Applications of Weather Derivatives," International Business & Economics Research Journal, May 2007.

"An Analysis of Single-Stock Futures Trading in the U.S." (with Robert Brooks), Financial Services Review, June 2005.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS "Methods on Determining the Investment in IT Security," (with Amanda Eisenga and Walter

Rodriguez), book chapter in Analyzing Security, Trust, and Crime in the Digital World, H.R. Nemati (ed.), IGI Global, 2014.

"Asset-Liability Risk Management with Private Wealth," (with Jack Brown), CFA Institute Private Wealth Management Newsletter, April 2010.

"Weathering the Storm," (with Howard Finch, Steve Fraser, Gary Jackson, and Dan Regelski), Pinnacle Magazine, Spring 2009.

WORKING PAPERS AND WORKS IN PROGRESS "Characteristics of Chinese Reverse Merger Firms in U.S. Markets" (with Daniel Borgia and

Yixuan Huang), working paper.

CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION "Using Investor Utility to Determine Portfolio Choice with REITs" accepted for presentation,

Academy of Financial Services Annual Meeting, 2020, virtual.

"Using Investor Utility to Determine Portfolio Choice with REITs" accepted for presentation, American Real Estate Society Annual Meeting, 2019, Scottsdale, AZ.

"Corporate Headquarters Relocation: A Case Study of Hertz Global Holdings" accepted for presentation, American Real Estate Society Annual Meeting, 2018, Bonita Springs FL.

"A Look at Corporate Control: The Case of Hertz Global Holdings," accepted for presentation, Financial Education Association Annual Meeting, 2017, Savannah, GA. (conference cancelled due to hurricane)


CFA Institute Annual Americas Regional Meeting, 2016, Miami, FL.

"A Look at Corporate Control: The Case of Hertz Global Holdings," accepted for presentation, Financial Education Association Annual Meeting, 2016, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

CBOE Risk Management Conference, March 2016, Bonita Springs, FL

"Is a VIX ETP an Investment in the VIX?" presented at ETF Evolution, presented by Cantor Fitzgerald and CFA Society of Jacksonville, 2015, Tallahassee, FL.

"A Comparison of Chinese Reverse Merger and IPO Firms in U.S. Markets: Is Something Fishy Going On," accepted for presentation, China Business Studies Initiative, 2015, San Francisco, CA.

CFA Institute Annual Americas Regional Meeting, 2015, New Orleans, LA.

"VIX Index and its Derivatives", presented to CFA Society of Naples, 2014, Naples, FL.

CFA Society Leadership Conference, 2014, London, England.

Midwest Finance Association, 2013, Orlando, FL.

"Equity-Weighted Performance Methodology for Stock Portfolios," accepted for presentation, 2011, Academy of Business Disciples, Fort Myers Beach, FL.

"Property Taxes: Are Property Owners Getting their Money's Worth," accepted for presentation, 2010, American Real Estate Society, Naples, FL.

"Using Reverse Mergers to take Chinese Companies Public on U.S. Securities Markets: The Case of China Autostar," accepted for presentation, 2009, Academy of International Business, Jacksonville Beach, FL.

"Using a Reverse Merger to take Chinese Companies Public on U.S. Securities Markets: The Case of China Autostar," accepted for presentation, 2008, Academy of Business Disciples, Fort Myers Beach, FL.

"Property Taxes: Are Property Owners Getting their Money's Worth," accepted for presentation, 2007, Southern Finance Association, Charleston, SC.

Session Chair and Discussant, 2007, Southern Finance Association, Charleston, SC.

Redefining Investment Strategy Education (RISE) Forum, 2007, Dayton, OH.

"Day-of-the-Week Effect in the SEO Discount," accepted for presentation, 2006, Southern Finance Association, Destin, FL.


"Using Replacement Costs to Understand Derivative Pricing," accepted for presentation, 2006, Southern Finance Association, Destin, FL.

"Does a Calendar Effect Exist in IPO Initial Returns?" accepted for presentation, 2005, Southern Finance Association, Key West, FL.

Discussant, 2005, Southern Finance Association, Key West, FL.

Discussant, 2005 Financial Management Association Conference, Chicago, IL.

Allied Social Science Association Conference, 2005, Philadelphia, PA.


2016 ? present

Florida Gulf Coast Univ. ? Peer Review Committee (Secretary, 2016-20)

2013 ? present

Coordinator for FGCU in CFA University Recognition Program

2009 ? present

Advisor for CFA Investment Research Challenge Team from FGCU

2018 ? 2019

Florida Gulf Coast University ? Finance Faculty Search Committee

2018 ? 2019

Florida Gulf Coast University ? Finance Instructor Search Committee

2014 ? 2016

Florida Gulf Coast Univ. ? Undergrad. Program Committee (Secretary)

2014 ? 2015

Florida Gulf Coast Univ. ? Economics Asst. Prof. Search Committee

2014 ? 2015

Florida Gulf Coast University ? Academic Integrity Committee

2013 ? 2014

Florida Gulf Coast Univ. ? Dean's Search Advisory Committee

2011 ? 2014

Fl. Gulf Coast Univ. ? Peer Review Comm. (co-Chair, 2012-13, 2013-14)

2009 ? 2013

Florida Gulf Coast University ? Academic Integrity Committee

2011 ? 2012

Florida Gulf Coast University ? Alico Chair in Finance Search Committee

2010 ? 2011

Florida Gulf Coast University ? Undergraduate Program Committee

2006 ? 2011

Florida Gulf Coast University ? FMA (finance club) Faculty Advisor

2009 ? 2010

Florida Gulf Coast University ? Faculty Senate

2005 ? 2009

Florida Gulf Coast University ? Faculty Advisory Council

2006 ? 2007

Florida Gulf Coast University ? Finance Faculty Search Committee


2007 ? present

CFA Society of Naples ? University Liaison/Board of Directors

2016 ? 2019

Florida Collaborative Initiative (CFA Institute) ? board member

2013 ? 2018

Editorial Board Member ? Business Quest

2016 ? 2017

Coordinator for CFA Institute Research Challenge in Florida


Ad hoc Reviewer for Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning


Ad hoc Reviewer for Journal of Investing


Ad hoc Reviewer for Journal of Index Investing


Ad Hoc reviewer for Journal of Economics and Finance Education


Ad Hoc reviewer for Business Quest


Ad hoc Reviewer for Theoretical and Applied Climatology


Ad hoc Reviewer for Applied Mathematics and Computation


2011 & 2013 2009, 2010 & 2014 2008 2007 2006

Ad hoc Reviewer for Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance Ad hoc Reviewer for Managerial Finance Ad hoc Reviewer for Journal of Housing Research Ad hoc Reviewer for Financial Decisions Ad hoc Reviewer for Financial Services Review



Awarded, Citizen of the Year, by the CFA Society of Naples


1999 ? 2013

Associated Person, R.G.J. Trading, Inc.

A futures brokerage with Daniels Trading, a division of R.J. O'Brien

2012 ? 2013

Investment consultant, Aviance Capital Partners, Naples, Florida

2007 ? 2011

Senior Investment Strategy Advisor, Laureola Asset Management

An investment portfolio management firm, based in Naples, Florida

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS CFA Society of Naples/CFA Institute Financial Education Association Academy of Financial Services American Real Estate Society


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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