Rutgers University

Past Presentations by residents at various national/international meetings: Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, May, 2008.? Askanase, Akpovwa I, Katholi M, Ivelja D, and Buyon JP. Frequency of Attention Disorders In Children Exposed to Anti-SSA/Ro Antibodies. Annual Research Day, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, May, 2010.? Weiner J, Aggarwal R. Delusions of Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery in a Delirious Male. American Psychiatric Association's 62nd Institute of Psychiatric Services, Boston, MA, October, 2010.? Dholakia R, Aggarwal R, Williams A. Dear Psychiatry Residents, Where is your Stethoscope? ? Salgado G, Aggarwal R. Improving Quality of life During Residency. Poster presented at the Institute on Psychiatric Services, Boston, MA, October, 2010.American Psychiatric Association 164th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2011? Concepcion E, Aggarwal R, Caracci G. Urban Medical Students’ Attitudes towards Psychiatry. ? Grudnikoff E, Johns-Harris K, Abdul-Karim Y, Mehta H, Mushtaq S, Ivelja-Hill D, Taneli T. Consequences of Inappropriate Referrals: Emergency Department Evaluation of Youth Sent from School for Suicidal or Disruptive Thoughts and Behaviors. ? Mushtaq S, Taneli T. Rapunzel Syndrome (Giant Trichobezoar) in an Adolescent Male with Eating Disorder and Trichophagia? Ivelja-Hill D, Zhivago E, Sandhu GS, McKinney TS, Ocasio DL. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) in HIV Patients in the Emergency Room: Therapeutic and Diagnostic Considerations. ? Mushtaq S, Taneli T. Adolescent Conversion Disorder with Hysterical Quadriplegia Following Head Trauma.? Kennedy CA, Latif S, Guanci N, Shukla N, Ciccone DS: Non-Responders Explain Prolonged Length of Stay for Acute Psychiatric Admissions. ? Kreider T, Aggarwal. Documentation of Capacity by Psychiatrists and Non-psychiatrists. ? Ciccone DS, Caracci G, DeAsis SJ, and Kline A. Psychiatric Symptoms Prior to Deployment Predict Risk of New Onset PTSD in a Cohort of National Guard Troops. American Psychiatric Association's 63rd Institute of Psychiatric Services, San Francisco, CA, October 2011.? Arora G, Aggarwal R. Delirium and Radiation Induced Leukoencephalopathy. ? Arora G, Sandhu G, Fleser C. Celexa and Nightmares. ? Diez-Caballero H, Sostre S, Aggarwal R. Acute Right Hemiplegia Subsequently Treated with Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator (TPA): A Case of Factitious Disorder. ? Ivelja-Hill D, Markou TI, Taylor BL, Sun Y. A Case of Co-existence of Capgras, Fregoli, Erotomania and Persecutory Delusions and Its Management Issues. ? Marambage K, Ivelja-Hill D, Mysels W. Hypothermia Induced by Olanzapine and Risperidone in a Patient with Schizophrenia and Dementia: Diagnostic and Pathophysiologic Considerations. NASPGHAN Meeting, Orlando, FL, October 2011.? Oliveira SB, Almeida DM, Jean MR, Monahan E, Monteiro IM. Levetiracetam associated acute pancreatitis in an adolescent with Autism. Meeting of the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, Phoenix, AZ, November 2011? Aggarwal R, Goracy M. Ultra-Short tools for depression screening in cancer patients: Literature review. American Psychiatric Association 165th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, May, 2012.? Kennedy CA, Latif S, Guanci N, Madubuko U, Hussain N, Ciccone DS. Predicting Re-admission to a Psychiatric Inpatient Unit: A Pilot Study. ? Marambage K, Zhivago E, Aggarwal R. Multiple episodes of Rhabdomyolysis in a patient with Schizoaffective Disorder, induced by Paliperidone, Ziprasidone, Quetiapine and Haloperidol. ? Ciccone DS, Caracci G, Latif S, and Kline A. Low Self-Efficacy is Associated with Increased Risk of New Onset PTSD in a Cohort of New Jersey National Guard Troops. Pennsylvania Health Equity Conference, Harrisburg, PA, August, 2012.? Qasim S, Batana J, Fakhar D, Latif S, Lubarsky K, Caracci G, and Ciccone DS. Access to Mental Health Services Among Primary Care Patients with High Versus Low Expectations of Coping Ability. American Psychiatric Association's 64th Institute of Psychiatric Services , New York, NY, October, 2012.? Khurshid T, Limson F, Caracci G, Sun YJ. Exacerbation of Pre-exiting Actinic Keratosis During Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) Therapy: A Case Report. ? Almeida D, Aggarwal R. Apathetic Thyroid Storm Diagnosed in a Hispanic Elderly Woman With Past Psychiatric History of Depression. ? Fineti K, Almeida DM, Colavita M, Aggarwal R. Considerations on Morgellons Disease From the Psychiatrist’s Perspective. ? Guanci N, Aggarwal R. Serotonin Syndrome: An Uncommon Cause for a Common Syndrome. ? Raza M, Aggarwal R. Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of SLE: Its correlation with Anti-ribosomal P Antibody and Its Implication on Treatment Guidelines. ? Trelles MP, Aggarwal R: Gender Related Considerations of Parenthood During Residency: A Review. ? Trelles MP, Sanchez S, Ivelja-Hill D: Benzodiazepine Use Misreport: A Potentially Lethal Complication of Benzodiazepine Dependence – Two Case Reports. ? Raza M, Tariq M. A Case of Visual Distortion Caused by Zolpidem in a Patient with Schizoaffective Disorder: A New Learning Curve. ? Salgado G, Cartwright CN, Taneli T. Riluzole for impulsive aggression in autistic disorder, a case report.? Janusz C, Yarlagadda K, Ndukwe N, Radhakrishnan A, Ciccone D, Taneli T. Ambient temperature and humidity influence criminal behavior? Sandhu G, Kennedy CA, Batana J, Brar A, Tariq M. First Case Report Of Brugada Syndrome Unmasked by Prescribed dosage Of Amitriptyline.? Kennedy CA, Latif, S., Guanci N, Madubuko U, Hussain N, Ciccone D. Predicting Re-admission to a Psychiatric Inpatient Unit: A Pilot Study. ? Batana J, Qasim S, Silver N, Caracci G, Ciccone DS. Depression Mediates the Association Between Somatization-like Illness and PTSD in Patients Seeking Primary Medical Care. 5th World Congress of Women’s Mental Health, Lima, Peru, March 2012.? Trelles MP, Shoaib H, Raza M, Aggarwal R. Pregnancy during Residency Training: a review. American Psychiatric Association 166th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 2013? Almeida DM, Chandra S, Chou K, Messias E, Taneli T: Teenager Obesity and Suicidal Behavior: Analysis From the 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. ? Chandra S, Bekhit M. Pervasive Refusal Syndrome: A Story Untold. ? Chandra S, Khizar A, Ahmad Y. Combination of Fluoxetine and Naltrexone: An Effective Treatment of Paraphilias. ? Chandra S, Khizar A, Aggarwal R. A Case of Post-Traumatic Brain Injury Psychosis or Late-Onset Schizophrenia? ? Diegue L, Aggarwal R. When Psychiatric Symptoms Are Not Caused by Psychiatric Illness: A Case of Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease (CJD) Masquerading as MDD With Psychotic Features. ? Domogauer J, Aggarwal R. Depression in the Oncology Population and the Role of Stigma. ? Fineti K, Aggarwal R, Trelles MP, Goyal R. Hyponatremia in Patients With Chronic Schizophrenia, Biases in Diagnosis and Decision Making: A Case Report. ? Guanci N and Aggarwal R: The Development of Suicidal Ideation With Duloxetine Treatment: A Case Report and Literature Review. ? Khizar A, Chandra S, Yarla K, Aggarwal R: Endogenous Depression in a Patient With Undiagnosed Multiple Sclerosis. ? Montes C, Aggarwal R. Medically Cleared? Unrecognized Pulmonary Embolism in a Patient With Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). ? Trelles MP, Fineti K, Aggarwal R. Thinking Outside the Box: A Simple Behavioral Intervention for an Unusual Case of Thrichotillomania. ? Montes C, Sun Y, Carraci G. Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) on a Patient with Temperomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)? Patel A, Zalcman S. Potentiation for Locomotor Activities and Stereotypical Movements After Repeated Cocaine Administration in TNF- receptor Deficient Mice. ? Patel A, Raza M, Eljarrah F. Easy Access to Alcohol in Substance Abuse Treatment Program: A Potential Failure/Breach in Treatment. ? Raja S, Kennedy CA, Sostre S. Trazodone-induced hepatotoxicity associated with Thioridizine inhibition of Trazodone metabolism. ? Raja S, Kennedy CA. A Case of Low Dose Quetiapine-Induced Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in a Patient With Frontotemporal Dementia. ? Kennedy CA, Amin R. Brief Literature Review and Case Report of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Neuromyelitis Optica.? Kennedy CA, Amin R, Sangra P. Preliminary Report of hospital Behavioral Crisis Response Team led by Psychiatry.? Raza M, Zubera A, Spariosu M, Coira D, Finch D, Sharma T, Harkhani N. Hypothesizing the Causation Leading to Conversion Disorder: Differences in Sex Have Some Role to Play.Workshop/Oral PresentationsAggarwal R, Guanci N, Trelles MP, Montalvo C: No Poster, No Publication, No Problem: A Step-by-Step Guide to Get You Started in the Scholarly Activity Process. Workshop to be presented at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 2013.Han S, Sun Y. Combination of Ketamine and?Methohexital anesthesia in?electroconvulsive therapy:?a case report. Clinical report to be presented at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 2013. ................

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