Journal Article with 7 or more authors, with assigned DOI ...

Based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2009) (6th ed.). New York: American Psychological Association.Italics are used for book and journal titles (underlining no longer used). First line of entry flush with margin, second and subsequent lines indented 5 to 7 spaces. Alphabetize by author’s last name. If no author, alphabetize by first significant word in title. Heading for reference list page is “References,” typed, centered at top of page. References page is double-spaced.Type of EntryReference ListCitation in TextBook—Basic Components in order in which they are normally arrangedAuthor Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Title of Chapter or Part of Book. In editor’s name (Ed.), Book Title (pp. page numbers if part of a book) (Edition). Place of Publication: Publisher.(Author Last Name, year)Book—One AuthorNewton, P.M. (1995). Freud: from youthful dream to mid-life crisis. New York: Guilford Press.(Newton, 1995)Book—Two to Seven Authors (eight or more authors, include the first six authors’ names, then use “…." and the finalauthor’s name)Maimon, P., Belcher, G.L., & Hearn, G.W. (1981). Writing in the arts and sciences. Boston: Little, Brown.(Maimon, Belcher, & Hearn, 1981) [After 1st citation show first author and “et al.”]Book – Editors and edition numberNoll, M. A., & Harlow, L. E. (Eds.). (2007). Religion and American politics: From the colonial period to the present (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.(Noll, 2007)Book—Signed Article in a Single Reference WorkTrosman, H. (1993). Freud’s dream theory. In M. Carskadon (Ed. in Chief), Encyclopedia of sleep and dreaming. (pp. 251-254). New York: Macmillan.(Trosman, 1993)Book—Multi-volume Work by chapter or article, no author or editorSolitude. (1994). In Encyclopedia of world problems and human potential. (4th ed.). (Vol. 2, p. 57). New Providence: Saur.(Solitude, 1994)Book—Chapter of a Book in a SeriesSapolsky, R. (1995). Broad definitions of mental illness are beneficial. In D. Bender & B. Leone (Eds.), Mental illness: Opposing viewpoints (pp. 17-21). San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press.(Sapolsky, 1995)Book—Article or Chapter Reprinted in an AnthologyGibbs, R., Jr. (1997). How language reflects the embodied nature of creative cognition. In T. Ward, S. Smith, & J. Vaid, Creative thought: An investigation of conceptual structures and processes (pp. 351-373). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.(Gibbs, 1997)Organization as authorAmerican Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text rev.). Washington, DC: Author.(American Psychiatric Association, 2000)Magazine ArticleHamilton, A. (1999, May 24). On the virtual couch. Time, 153, 71.(Hamilton, 1999)Magazine Article—No AuthorPolicing cyberspace. (1995, January 23). U.S. News and World Report, 118, 55-59.(Policing, 1995)Journal Article with Continuous Pagination throughout the YearKing, A.S., & Ehrhard, B. (1996). Analyzing organizational ideology: A workplace assessment exercise. International Journal of Value-Based Management, 9, 273-57.(King & Ehrhard, 1996)Journal Article, Each Issue Beginning on Page OneKrycka, K.C. (1997). The recovery of will in persons with aids. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 37 (2), 9-30.(Krycka, 1997, p. 9) include page number if using a direct quotationJournal Article with 7 or more authors, with assigned DOI (digital object identifier)Wang, M., Kirk, J. S., Venkataraman, S., Domann, F. E., Zhang, H. J., Schafer, F. Q., . . . Oberley, L. W. (2005). Manganese superoxide dismutase suppresses hypoxic induction of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 α and vascular endothelial growth factor. Oncogene, 24, 8154–8166. doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1208986(Wang, et al, 2005)Affirmative Action/EEOC College 9/04/09 cme ................

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