1 - University of Michigan

1. Item of Each Type

1. Book

American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental

[pic]disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

2. Journal Article

Sleath, B., Thomas, N., Jackson, E., West, S., & Gaynes, B. (2008). Survey of characteristics and treatment preferences for physicians treating postpartum depression in the general medical setting. Community Mental Health Journal, 44(1), 47-56. Retrieved from Social Work Abstracts database.

Grote, N., & Bledsoe, S. (2007). Predicting postpartum depressive symptoms in new mothers: the role of optimism and stress frequency during pregnancy. Health & Social Work, 32(2), 107-118. Retrieved from Social Work Abstracts database.

Gruen, D. (1990). Postpartum depression: a debilitating yet often unassessed problem. Health & Social Work, 15(4), 261-270. Retrieved from Social Work Abstracts database.

3. Newspaper Article or Magazine article

Rabin, C.R. (January 8, 2010). Mental Health: Deficiencies in Treatment of Depression. The New York Times, D6.

4. Encyclopedia of Social Work entry (most relevant one)

Marjorie R. Sable , Patricia J. Kelly "Reproductive Health" Encyclopedia of Social Work. Terry Mizrahi and Larry E. Davis. Copyright © 2008 by National Association of Social Workers and Oxford University Press, Inc.. Encyclopedia of Social Work: (e-reference edition). Oxford University Press. Cleveland State University. 23 March 2010

5. Web Page (can be a key organization’s website)

Mental Health America. (2010). Factsheet: Postpartum Disorders. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Pregnancy . (2009). Postpartum Psychosis. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Postpartum Health Alliance (2010). Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Postpartum Support International. (2010). Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Pregnancy . (2009). Postpartum Psychosis. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

NPR. (2010). One Mother’s Story. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Congressman Bobby, L. Rush. (2010). Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

6. PDF report from a key organization’s website

Rush, B.(2010). United States House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations

Project Request Summary. Retrieved March 13, 2010 from

8. Bill/Legislation Pending or Law (Enacted legislation, signed and in effect)

Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act, H.R. 20. January 6, 2009. Retrieved from

2. Alphabetically listed bibliographies

American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental

[pic]disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Congressman Bobby, L. Rush. (2010). Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Grote, N., & Bledsoe, S. (2007). Predicting postpartum depressive symptoms in new mothers: the role of optimism and stress frequency during pregnancy. Health & Social Work, 32(2), 107-118. Retrieved from Social Work Abstracts database.

Gruen, D. (1990). Postpartum depression: a debilitating yet often unassessed problem. Health & Social Work, 15(4), 261-270. Retrieved from Social Work Abstracts database.

Marjorie R. Sable , Patricia J. Kelly "Reproductive Health" Encyclopedia of Social Work. Terry Mizrahi and Larry E. Davis. Copyright © 2008 by National Association of Social Workers and Oxford University Press, Inc.. Encyclopedia of Social Work: (e-reference edition). Oxford University Press. Cleveland State University. 23 March 2010

Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act, H.R. 20. January 6, 2009. Retrieved from

Mental Health America. (2010). Factsheet: Postpartum Disorders. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

NPR. (2010). One Mother’s Story. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Postpartum Health Alliance (2010). Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Postpartum Support International. (2010). Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Pregnancy . (2009). Postpartum Psychosis. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Rabin, C.R. (January 8, 2010). Mental Health: Deficiencies in Treatment of Depression. The New York Times, D6.

Rush, B.(2010). United States House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations

Project Request Summary. Retrieved March 13, 2010 from

Sleath, B., Thomas, N., Jackson, E., West, S., & Gaynes, B. (2008). Survey of characteristics and treatment preferences for physicians treating postpartum depression in the general medical setting. Community Mental Health Journal, 44(1), 47-56. Retrieved from Social Work Abstracts database.

2 Scope of the Problem

American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental

[pic]disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Grote, N., & Bledsoe, S. (2007). Predicting postpartum depressive symptoms in new mothers: the role of optimism and stress frequency during pregnancy. Health & Social Work, 32(2), 107-118. Retrieved from Social Work Abstracts database.

Gruen, D. (1990). Postpartum depression: a debilitating yet often unassessed problem. Health & Social Work, 15(4), 261-270. Retrieved from Social Work Abstracts database.

Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act, H.R. 20. January 6, 2009. Retrieved from

Mental Health America. (2010). Factsheet: Postpartum Disorders. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

NPR. (2010). One Mother’s Story. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Sleath, B., Thomas, N., Jackson, E., West, S., & Gaynes, B. (2008). Survey of characteristics and treatment preferences for physicians treating postpartum depression in the general medical setting. Community Mental Health Journal, 44(1), 47-56. Retrieved from Social Work Abstracts database.

3 Past Policy

Congressman Bobby, L. Rush. (2010). Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act, H.R. 20. January 6, 2009. Retrieved from

4 Current Policy- There is no current policy other than the old proposed law.

Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act, H.R. 20. January 6, 2009. Retrieved from

5 Proposed Solutions

American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental

[pic]disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Congressman Bobby, L. Rush. (2010). Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Gruen, D. (1990). Postpartum depression: a debilitating yet often unassessed problem. Health & Social Work, 15(4), 261-270. Retrieved from Social Work Abstracts database.

Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act, H.R. 20. January 6, 2009. Retrieved from

Mental Health America. (2010). Factsheet: Postpartum Disorders. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

NPR. (2010). One Mother’s Story. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from

Sleath, B., Thomas, N., Jackson, E., West, S., & Gaynes, B. (2008). Survey of characteristics and treatment preferences for physicians treating postpartum depression in the general medical setting. Community Mental Health Journal, 44(1), 47-56. Retrieved from Social Work Abstracts database.


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