(Professional Registered Parliamentarian, Professional Accredited Parliamentarian)


FOR SOME STATE FFA CDE’s, even-numbered motions will be used on even-numbered years (2008, 2010, etc.),

and odd-numbered motions will be used on odd-numbered years (2007, 2009, etc.). Check with your state advisor.

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Underlined items can be substituted by words that are in parentheses at the end of each statement to create additional original main motions. For example, if you include the alternatives in parentheses that could be substituted for the underlined words, #1 can actually be converted to seven motions!

The following programs are referred to in some of the original main motions below. Information for each one is listed in the Official FFA Manual and/or on the National FFA Organization’s web site, .

• ALD (Advanced Leadership Development)

• BLAST Off (Building Leaders and Strong Teams of Officers)

• CDE (Career Development Event)

• EDGE (Experiencing Discovery, Growth, and Excellence)

• Food For America

• H.O. Sargent Award

• MFE (Made For Excellence)

• National Chapter Award

• National FFA Alumni Association

• National FFA Foundation

• NLCSO (National Leadership Conference

for State Officers)

• PALS (Partners in Active Learning Support)

• Partners for a Safer Community

• POA (Program of Activities)

• SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience)

• SPC (State Presidents’ Conference)

• WLC (Washington Leadership Conference)

1. I move that our chapter prepare a (an) farm safety booth at the next state fair. (or wildlife preservation and awareness, FFA activities, plant diseases, native plant identification, native poisonous plant identification, landscape plant).

2. I move that our chapter sponsor an FFA Agriscience Fair.

3. I move that our chapter host a petting zoo at the next county fair. (or our Agriculture shop).

4. I move that our chapter organize and sponsor a high school rodeo at the next county fair.

5. I move that our chapter host an agriculture carnival at the local fair grounds.

6. I move that our chapter donate $500 for improving the animal barns at the county fair. (or purchasing picnic tables).

7. I move that our chapter conduct a Farm Hand Olympics during the next county fair.

8. I move that our chapter sponsor a calf-roping contest at the next county fair.

9. I move that our chapter rent a booth at the next state fair and sell plants grown in our greenhouse.

10. I move that our chapter raise a steer to show and sell at the local county fair.

11. I move that our chapter purchase 100 potted poinsettias and sell them during the week before our Christmas vacation.

12. I move that our chapter build and sell a flatbed trailer as a fundraiser.

13. I move that our chapter sell FFA Calendars.

14. I move that our chapter make corsages to sell to students for the prom.

15. I move that our chapter grow hanging plant baskets in our greenhouse for our Mothers’ Day plant sale.

16. I move that our chapter donate 25% of the profits from our Spring plant sale to the National FFA Foundation. (or State).

17. I move that our chapter have a car wash to raise money for a BOAC program. (or bake sale, candy sale, plant sale, apple sale, raffle, dance, fishing tournament)

18. I move that our chapter conduct a car wash and donate the profits to the March of Dimes. (or bake sale, candy sale, plant sale, apple sale, raffle, dance, donkey basketball game, dance-a-thon).

19. I move that our chapter buy fruit from the Premium Fruit Company for resale.

20. I move that our chapter build a greenhouse for the Agriscience classes. (or Biology).

21. I move that our chapter conduct a tour of our greenhouse for first graders. (or farm, shop, gardens).

22. I move that our chapter work in cooperation with the Soil Conservation District to plant trees.

23. I move that our chapter donate $100 to the National High School Rodeo Association.

24. I move that our chapter recommend that the state association create a new Equestrian CDE.

25. I move that our chapter organize a community trail ride event during the Fourth of July weekend.

26. I move that our chapter provide lunch for the Habitat for Humanity Building Crew next Saturday.

27. I move that our chapter purchase a new American Flag for the FFA meeting room. (or FFA Chapter Banner, FFA Flag, gavel, lectern, set of 3-dimensional officer station markers, set of plaque officer station markers, set of corduroy banner officer station markers).

28. I move that our chapter purchase new paraphernalia for the FFA meeting room.

29. I move that our chapter create a Public Relations Special Committee.

30. I move that our chapter take a field trip to our state capitol when the Legislature is in session.

31. I move that our chapter host a foreign exchange student from the Future Farmers of Japan.

32. I move that our chapter elect a Parliamentarian as part of the officer team. (or Historian, Chaplain, Corresponding Secretary, Librarian, Sergeant-at-arms).

33. I move that our chapter award a plaque for one outstanding first year FFA member. (or second, third, fourth).

34. I move that FFA Chapter officer candidates must submit a resumé and an application form.

35. I move that our chapter purchase two gilts and a boar to raise market hogs for members’ SAE programs.

36. I move that our chapter start a swine chain. (or cattle, dairy heifer, sheep, horse, goat, poultry).

37. I move that our chapter develop a cooperative SAE gardening enterprise for members.

38. I move that our chapter host a fitting and showing clinic.

39. I move that our chapter conduct an activity to promote good herdsmanship for this year’s livestock shows.

40. I move that our chapter host a lamb show for FFA members before the state show.

41. I move that our FFA Reporter develop a web site featuring our chapter activities.

42. I move that our chapter organize a blood drive at our school.

43. I move that our chapter attend the Farm Machinery Show.

44. I move that our reporter add a biography of each of our officers to our chapter web site. (or a biography of our Advisor, a schedule of chapter activities, photographs of our top shop projects, photographs of our CDE teams).

45. I move that our Reporter send chapter news by e-mail to the parents of our FFA members.

46. I move that our chapter submit “an FFA member of the month” article to our local newspaper each month.

47. I move that our chapter Reporter write weekly press releases about FFA activities for our local newspaper.

48. I move that our chapter purchase a gift subscription of the FFA New Horizons magazine for our principal. (or assistant principal, school board, superintendent, counselors, city council, boosters club president, alumni president, library.)

49. I move that our chapter create a monthly newsletter to inform our community of chapter events. (or FFA Alumni, school personnel, parents of FFA members.)

50. I move that our chapter purchase a digital camera. (or camcorder, DVD player).

51. I move that our chapter purchase a photo printer for our digital camera.

52. I move that our chapter purchase $500 worth of shrubs to donate to the City Hall Landscape Project.

53. I move that our chapter purchase six copies of the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised for our parliamentary procedure team.

54. I move that our chapter purchase an electronic interval timer for our parliamentary procedure team.

55. I move that our chapter purchase Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised in the CD-ROM format.

56. I move that our chapter purchase a new tractor for our school farm. (or ATV).

57. I move that our chapter purchase a trophy case for the Agriculture Classroom. (or build).

58. I move that our chapter purchase two hydroponic units for our Agriculture Laboratory.

59. I move that our chapter purchase a new livestock trailer for FFA members to use. (or pickup truck).

60. I move that our chapter purchase a used minivan to transport members to FFA activities.

61. I move that our chapter build a livestock trailer for FFA members to use.

62. I move that our chapter build ten picnic tables for the city park.

63. I move that our chapter create a land laboratory for the use of our members in developing their SAE programs.

64. I move that our chapter donate $1000 to our school for a new electronic signboard.

65. I move that our chapter build and install “FFA Welcomes You” signs for incoming traffic to our community.

66. I move that our chapter develop a POA workshop for the members. (or record book)

67. I move that our chapter conduct at least one community service project each month.

68. I move that our chapter establish a community service week.

69. I move that our chapter purchase a fruit juice vending machine. (or pop, bottled water, milk, beef jerky, apple, candy).

70. I move that our chapter present the Honorary Chapter FFA Degree to our High School Principal. (or School District Superintendent, school board members).

71. I move that our chapter award a Certificate of Honorary Membership to our principal. (or assistant principal, school superintendent, FFA Alumni President, school board president, city police chief, city fire chief, city council president,

city agribusiness owners).

72. I move that our chapter nominate our principal as a recipient of the “Who’s Who” award in education. (or superintendent, FFA Advisor).

73. I move that our chapter participate in the Food For America program. (or PALS, National Chapter Award, Partners for a Safer Community).

74. I move that our chapter petition the city council for the right to use the City Park for a PALS project.

75. I move that our chapter assemble a time capsule for our chapter’s twentieth anniversary celebration.

76. I move that our chapter start an Alumni Chapter affiliated with the State and National Alumni Associations.

77. I move that our chapter conduct an FFA Alumni Membership drive.

78. I move that our chapter send two FFA members to the FFA National Alumni Convention.

79. I move that our chapter president attend FFA Alumni meetings. (or school board, city council, chamber of commerce).

80. I move that our chapter sponsor an FFA/FFA Alumni basketball game. (or softball, powder puff football).

81. I move that our chapter host an FFA Alumni banquet.

82. I move that our chapter sponsor a local FFA Alumni Outstanding Member Award.

83. I move that our chapter invite our FFA Alumni to our annual awards banquet.

84. I move that we invite FFA Alumni to judge the next Parliamentary Procedure CDE held at our school. (or Agriculture Communications, Agriculture Issues Forum, Agriculture Mechanics, Agriculture Sales, Agronomy, Creed Speaking, Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Dairy Handler’s Activity, Dairy Foods, Environmental and Natural Resources, Extemporaneous Public Speaking, Farm Business Management, Floriculture, Food Science and Technology, Forestry, Horse Evaluation, Job Interview, Livestock Evaluation, Marketing Plan, Meats Evaluation and Technology, Nursery and Landscape, Poultry Evaluation, Prepared Public Speaking).

85. I move that our chapter make a parliamentary procedure CDE presentation to our school board during National FFA Week. (or host a breakfast for our local business owners, host a breakfast for our local agribusiness owners, host a teachers’ appreciation breakfast, host a breakfast for our Agriculture Advisory Committee, host a barbecue for our school staff, purchase a full-page newspaper advertisement, hold an open house for parents of FFA members, set up an FFA display in the school board meeting room, prepare an agricultural exhibit at our elementary school, hold an agriculture career fair, host a teacher/staff appreciation luncheon, hold an agriculture awareness assembly for our school, conduct radio spots promoting our chapter, make a video for the local television station, sponsor a coloring contest for elementary school students, hold a senior FFA officer exchange with a neighboring chapter, host a dance, host an agriculture career day, host a luau at the city pool).

86. I move that our chapter take a field trip to a state agriculture university. (or substitute the name of a university)

87. I move that our chapter sponsor a Summer Career Tour.

88. I move that our chapter host a State FFA officer tour.

89. I move that our chapter start a point award system to encourage member participation.

90. I move that our chapter conduct a program to increase the grade point average of our students.

91. I move that our chapter conduct an after-school tutoring program for FFA members.

92. I move that our chapter members pick up litter on our school campus.

93. I move that our chapter pick up litter at the fair grounds.

94. I move that our chapter participate in the community clean-up day.

95. I move that our chapter pick up litter in and around the bleachers after the next home football game.

96. I move that our chapter conduct an FFA talent show.

97. I move that our chapter conduct an FFA work auction. (or for hire auction).

98. I move that our chapter solicit businesses for donations of items that we can sell at our annual auction.

99. I move that our chapter donate a day of labor to the State FFA Camp.

100. I move that our chapter have a workday at the school farm next Saturday.

101. I move that our chapter sponsor an eighth-grade Parliamentary Procedure CDE.

102. I move that we invite eighth-grade students and their parents to our annual awards banquet.

103. I move that our chapter officers conduct a recruitment program for eighth-grade students.

104. I move that the Recruitment Committee develop a presentation for the eighth grade parent orientation.

105. I move that our chapter develop a PowerPoint presentation to recruit eighth graders

106. I move that the chapter officers set up an FFA booth at the freshmen orientation.

107. I move that our chapter issue demerits to FFA members who miss mandatory functions.

108. I move that our chapter host a reception for our new school Superintendent (or Principal, teachers, school board


109. I move that we invite a neighboring chapter to our next chapter meeting.

110. I move that our chapter sponsor a student exchange program with a chapter from another state.

111. I move that our chapter sponsor a Pride Breakfast for all CDE participants during the last week of school.

112. I move that the Public Relations Committee construct an FFA Pride Wall to display the achievements of its members.

113. I move that our chapter hold an open house for parents of Greenhand members.

114. I move that our chapter purchase an FFA jacket for our Star Greenhand. (or Star FFA Chapter member).

115. I move that our chapter pay all expenses for our Star Greenhand to attend the National FFA Convention. (or Star FFA

Chapter member).

116. I move that our chapter hold a District Greenhand Initiation.

117. I move that our chapter sponsor a Thanksgiving Party for all Greenhand members this year.

118. I move that our chapter hold a Greenhand Initiation Banquet.

119. I move that our chapter purchase Student Handbooks for all new members. (or Official FFA Manuals)

120. I move that our chapter sponsor a leadership-training workshop for our first and second year members. (or Greenhand)

121. I move that our chapter host a picnic for incoming Greenhands and their parents. (or barbecue).

122. I move that our chapter host an overnight Greenhand Leadership Conference.

123. I move that Greenhand members must attend a minimum of three FFA functions.

124. I move that our chapter invite a state officer to speak at our Greenhand FFA Degree Ceremony. (or Chapter FFA Degree,

State FFA Degree, Honorary Member).

125. I move that our chapter send our Star Greenhand and our Star FFA Chapter member to the WLC.

126. I move that our chapter purchase five FFA jackets for the new Greenhands to use.

127. I move that our chapter purchase ten FFA ties from the FFA.

128. I move that our chapter pay for FFA jackets for our officers.

129. I move that all chapter members be required to purchase FFA jackets. (or freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior).

130. I move that our chapter set aside $500 to assist FFA members to purchase official dress.

131. I move that all FFA members must wear official dress at chapter meetings. (or officers)

132. I move that our chapter purchase FFA chapter caps for each officer. (or member).

133. I move that our chapter purchase FFA stickers for each member and their parents.

134. I move that our chapter purchase FFA chapter short-sleeve tee shirts for each officer. (or member, member showing


135. I move that our chapter present an Outstanding Service Plaque to the fire department at our annual awards banquet. (or

police department, paramedics).

136. I move that our chapter organize our annual awards banquet.

137. I move that our chapter invite a national officer to our annual awards banquet as a keynote speaker. (or state senator).

138. I move that our chapter have our annual awards banquet at a local restaurant. (or substitute name of a local restaurant).

139. I move that our chapter fund an ice cream social at the Retirement Home.

140. I move that our shop classes build birdhouses for the Retirement Home.

141. I move that our chapter host the next FFA District Parliamentary Procedure CDE. (or Agriculture Communications,

Agriculture Issues Forum, Agriculture Mechanics, Agriculture Sales, Agronomy, Creed Speaking, Dairy Cattle

Evaluation, Dairy Handler’s Activity, Dairy Foods, Environmental and Natural Resources, Extemporaneous Public

Speaking, Farm Business Management, Floriculture, Food Science and Technology, Forestry, Horse Evaluation, Job

Interview, Livestock Evaluation, Marketing Plan, Meats Evaluation and Technology, Nursery and Landscape, Poultry

Evaluation, Prepared Public Speaking).

142. I move that our chapter participate in the fire prevention campaign sponsored by our local fire department.

143. I move that our chapter sponsor a Safety Program.

144. I move that our chapter sponsor a CPR class for FFA members and their families.

145. I move that our chapter host a hunter safety course for FFA members. (or high school students, FFA member parents).

146. I move that our chapter conduct a farm safety day for area farmers and ranchers.

147. I move that our chapter sponsor a safety poster contest for sixth graders.

148. I move that our chapter construct a farm toy display of potential farm accident scenes to exhibit at our elementary school.

149. I move that our chapter conduct a fire safety program at our elementary school.

150. I move that our chapter hold a bicycle safety clinic at our elementary school. (or middle, junior high).

151. I move that our chapter conduct a natural resources and environmental awareness program at our elementary school.

152. I move that our chapter repaint the playground equipment at our elementary school.

153. I move that our chapter donate one-half of the profits from our citrus sale to buy playground equipment for our

elementary school.

154. I move that our chapter sponsor an agriculture literacy day for our elementary school.

155. I move that our chapter conduct a parliamentary procedure workshop for the student council. (or student council officers,

class officers, club officers, District FFA members, eighth graders).

156. I move that our chapter offer to help train our school’s FBLA parliamentary procedure team. (or BPA, FCCLA, TSA,

HOSA, SkillsUSA).

157. I move that our parliamentary procedure team conduct a Parliamentary Procedure CDE demonstration for our faculty.

(or school board, Chamber of Commerce, Toastmasters Club, city council, Parent Teacher Association, student council,

student council officers, class officers, club officers, District FFA members, eighth graders).

158. I move that our chapter construct a float for our Homecoming Parade. (or July 4th, Memorial Day, Veterans’ Day)

159. I move that our Reporter start a chapter scrapbook.

160. I move that we allocate $100 for supplies for our chapter scrapbook.

161. I move that our chapter have a booth at the Back-to-School Carnival.

162. I move that our chapter host a Back-to School cookout. (or dance).

163. I move that our chapter work with the FCCLA to welcome students back to school. (or FBLA, SkillsUSA, BPA, TSA,

HOSA, DECA, ASB officers, school administration, counselors).

164. I move that our chapter provide personalized officer notebooks to all newly elected chapter officers.

165. I move that our chapter pay the annual FFA dues for all students enrolled in the agriculture education program.

166. I move that our chapter require that all freshmen students enrolled in agriculture education classes must join the FFA. (or

sophomore, junior, senior, or delete “freshmen”).

167. I move that our chapter provide refreshments for all election officials at each of the voting precincts on Election Day.

168. I move that our chapter co-sponsor the Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Citizen Award.

169. I move that FFA chapter officer candidates must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average.

170. I move that our chapter officers must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average in order to remain in office.

171. I move that our chapter officers must be in the Senior Class.

172. I move that our chapter use a nominating committee to narrow chapter officer candidates to two candidates per office.

173. I move that all FFA officers must attend the district leadership camp next July.

174. I move that our chapter build a storage shed.

175. I move that our chapter conduct a fundraiser to send delegates to the national convention.

176. I move that our chapter volunteer for the Courtesy Corp for next year’s National FFA Convention.

177. I move that our chapter pay our officers expenses to the National FFA Convention. (or State FFA Convention).

178. I move that our chapter pay hotel expenses of members attending this year’s FFA State Convention. (or meal, travel).

179. I move that our chapter pay hotel expenses of members attending this year’s FFA National Convention. (or meal,


180. I move that our chapter pay all the expenses for our president to attend the National FFA Convention.

181. I move that our chapter send ten delegates to the National FFA Convention.

182. I move that our chapter members must accumulate points in order to qualify to attend the state and national conventions.

183. I move that our chapter limit the number of members to attend the State FFA Convention to fifteen per year.

184. I move that our chapter limit the number of members to attend the National FFA Convention to ten per year.

185. I move that our entire chapter attend the State FFA Convention.

186. I move that our chapter invite our principal to serve as a chaperone for our trip to the next National FFA Convention.

187. I move that our chapter pay all the expenses to send one of our school counselors to the National FFA Convention. (or

administrators, school board members, teachers, ASB Officers, librarians).

188. I move that our chapter pay all the expenses to send one of our school counselors to the State FFA Convention. (or

administrators, board members, teachers, ASB Officers, librarians).

189. I move that our chapter host a leadership workshop for our school club officers.

190. I move that our chapter collect canned food and donate it to the Salvation Army. (or county Food Bank).

191. I move that our chapter operate a food concession stand at all home football games. (or basketball, baseball, soccer).

192. I move that our chapter park cars at the next home football game.

193. I move that our chapter organize a paper and plastic recycling program at our school

194. I move that our chapter paint the fence at the Community Center.

195. I move that our chapter start a landscape maintenance business. (or Farmers’ Produce Market).

196. I move that our chapter landscape the main entrance of our high school. (or Elementary, Middle, Junior High)

197. I move that our chapter construct a pond with a waterfall near the main entrance to our high school.

198. I move that our chapter officers participate in the District Officer Retreat.

199. I move that our chapter host an FFA District Officer Training Workshop at our school.

200. I move that our chapter host a World Experience in Agriculture (WEA) international student.

201. I move that our chapter conduct a recruitment program to encourage enrollment in Vocational Agriculture Programs.

202. I move that our chapter sponsor a picnic to recruit new members.

203. I move that our chapter sponsor an FFA membership recruiting display.

204. I move that our chapter set up an incentive program to encourage FFA members to become more actively involved.

205. I move that our chapter raise local FFA membership dues to $20.

206. I move that we raise chapter dues by five dollars a year to donate to our State FFA Foundation Fund Drive.

207. I move that our chapter develop a permanent trust with our State FFA Foundation.

208. I move that our chapter donate $100 to our State FFA Foundation.

209. I move that our chapter put together holiday fruit baskets to be delivered to all of our FFA Foundation Sponsors.

210. I move that our chapter donate $500 to our high school’s Scholarship Fund.

211. I move that we recommend to the state association that FFA members who have violated the showring code of ethics be

banned from showing at any future FFA events.

212. I move that our chapter sponsor a forum to inform cattle producers about the new National Identification Program.

213. I move that our chapter raffle a cord of wood. (or a side of beef, a side of pork, one day of home landscape maintenance).

214. I move that our chapter conduct a student SAE program tour.

215. I move that our chapter conduct an SAE program orientation night for incoming freshmen and their parents.

216. I move that our chapter take the top ten FFA members on a canoe trip next summer.

217. I move that our chapter hold its annual camping trip next July.

218. I move that our chapter sponsor a snow skiing trip for FFA members next winter.

219. I move that our chapter host an FFA district co-ed volleyball tournament. (or basketball, softball, bowling, ping pong).

220. I move that we recommend to our advisor that our chapter participate in the Prepared Public Speaking CDE. (or griculture Issues, Agriculture Mechanics, Agriculture Sales, Creed Speaking, Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Dairy Foods, Evironmental and Natural Resources, Extemporaneous Public Speaking, Farm Business Management, Floriculture, Food Science and Technology, Forestry, Horse Evaluation, Livestock Evaluation, Marketing Plan, Meats Evaluation and Technology, Nursery/Landscape, Parliamentary Procedure, Poultry Evaluation).

221. I move that our chapter host an All-Terrain Vehicle Safety Class.

222. I move that our chapter construct an All-Terrain Vehicle training course.

223. I move that our chapter start an Adopt-A-Highway clean-up program.

224. I move that our chapter conduct a jog-a-thon and donate all proceeds to the American Cancer Society. (or Special Olympics, Red Cross, March of Dimes, Salvation Army, Womens’ Shelter)

225. I move that our chapter set up a college scholarship fund for our FFA graduates.

226. I move that our chapter collect toys for the local Toys for Tots Program.

227. I move that our chapter conduct a Christmas Toy Drive as this year’s community service project.

228. I move that our chapter collect coats and sweaters for the Community Clothing Bank.

229. I move that our chapter award a $300 scholarship to a member attending the WLC.

230. I move that our chapter pay all the expenses to send two chapter delegates to the State FFA Leadership Conference.

231. I move that our chapter contribute $500 to our state FFA Center Building Fund.

232. I move that FFA members must attend at least six chapter meetings as one of the requirements for a chapter degree pin.

233. I move that our chapter sponsor a square dance and invite members of other organizations from our school.

234. I move that our chapter hold its annual barn dance at the fairgrounds.

235. I move that our chapter sponsor a Valentine Dance.

236. I move that our chapter co-sponsor a dance with the FBLA. (or FCCLA, BPA, DECA, HOSA, TSA, SkillsUSA, ASB)

237. I move that our chapter hold a countywide FFA fun night.

238. I move that our chapter sponsor an FFA roller-skating party after our next regular chapter meeting. (or bowling, ice-skating, swimming).

239. I move that our chapter organize a Halloween party for our FFA members.

240. I move that our chapter pay the registration costs for our officers to attend the EDGE conference. (or ALD, WLC).

241. I move that our chapter pay all expenses for the state officer from our chapter to attend the NLCSO. (or BLAST Off)

242. I move that our chapter pay the travel expenses for the state president from our chapter to attend the SPC.

243. I move that our chapter pay all expenses for a seventh grade FFA member to attend the EDGE conference. (or eighth).

244. I move that our chapter pay all the expenses for one ninth grade FFA member to attend the MFE conference. (or tenth).

245. I move that each FFA member donate $5.00 to buy our advisor a (an) birthday gift. (or retirement, appreciation).

246. I move that our chapter sponsor a surprise party for our Agriculture Teachers.

247. I move that our chapter submit an Outstanding Administrator Award application for our school principal.

248. I move that we nominate our high school principal for the H.O. Sargent Award. (or school superintendent, assistant


249. I move that every chapter member must participate in a minimum of two, different CDE’s during the school year.

250. I move that chapter members be allowed to be team members for only two different CDE’s each semester.

251. I move that our chapter conduct an activity to encourage greater participation in CDE’s.



252. I move that our chapter purchase a new laptop computer and a new laser printer.

253. I move that our chapter run a Food for America and an Agricultural Awareness Program.

254. I move that our chapter host District parliamentary procedure and public speaking CDE’s.

255. I move that our chapter purchase FFA jackets and shirts for our new officers.

256. I move that our chapter pay the expenses for our president and vice-president to attend the National FFA Convention.

257. I move that we invite our State FFA President and Secretary to attend our next annual awards banquet. (or the National FFA President and Secretary, our Principal and Assistant Principal, our teachers and counselors, our school superintendent and school board, our ASB President and Vice-President).

258. I move that we recommend to our advisor that our chapter participate in the District Parliamentary Procedure and Extemporaneous Public Speaking CDE’s.

259. I move that the chapter send our President and Vice President to the WLC.

260. I move that our chapter conduct a parliamentary procedure demonstration for our school board and our faculty.

261. I move that our chapter donate $200 to our State FFA Foundation and $100 to the National FFA Foundation.

262. I move that our chapter sell Christmas trees and wreaths.

263. I move that our chapter landscape the front entrance of our elementary school and our middle school.

264. I move that our chapter conduct a bicycle safety inspection and a parking lot seat belt survey at our elementary school. (or high, middle, junior high).

265. I move that our chapter submit an Outstanding Administrator Award and an Outstanding Counselor Award to our Regional Supervisor.

266. I move that our chapter pay all the expenses to send two delegates to the State FFA Convention and two members to the National FFA Convention.

267. I move that our chapter offer to host the MFE and EDGE conferences for our state.

268. I move that our chapter donate $50 to the local food bank and $50 to the Red Cross.




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