American Revolutionary Unit Grade 5 Created by: …

American Revolutionary Unit Grade 5 Created by:

Kelsey Morris

5th Grade Social Studies Unit: American Revolutionary War

Theme: The theme of my unit is focused on the American Revolutionary War. Students will be engaged in many lessons that will exemplify the core standards that need to be met in the fifth grade in social studies. The unit will go in chronological order of the events that occurred during the Revolutionary War. Students will be given the chance to explore and discover information that will assist them during the course of the unit.

Goals: 9 Students will learn what happened during the American Revolutionary War in chronological order. 9 Students will understand the cause and effect of the American Revolutionary War. 9 Students will be able to identify key people involved in the American Revolutionary War.

Standards: 5.1.9 (Social Studies) - The American Revolution: 1763 to 1783. Analyze the causes of the American Revolution as outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

5.1.10 (Social Studies) - The American Revolution: 1763 to 1783. Identify major British and American leaders and describe their roles in key events of the war for independence.

5.1.12 (Social Studies) - The American Revolution: 1763 to 1783. Identify contributions of women and minorities during the American Revolution.

5.1.13 (Social Studies) - The American Revolution: 1763 to 1783. Explain consequences of the American Revolution including the Articles of Confederation, changes in trade relationships and the achievement of independence by the United States.

5.1.14 (Social Studies) - Making the United States Constitution and Establishing the Federal Republic: 1783 to 1800. Explain why the United States Constitution was created in 1787 and how it established a stronger union among the original 13 states by making it the supreme law of the land. Identify people who were involved in its development.

Objectives: 9 Students will discover the reasons that caused the American Revolutionary War. 9 Students will compare and trace the important battles of the war.

9 Students will recognize important leaders of the war. 9 Students will identify important documents created during the war for independence.

Rationale: Students need to be able to identify the war that gave United States its independence from Britain. This war established the freedom that Americans experience everyday. The documents that were created for the independence of our country are still law. Also, the leaders of the war are still heroes to America, for they are the ones that helped create the free country we reside in.

Assessment Tools


The students will fill in the first two sections, K and L, on a KWL chart so the teacher can see where the students are before the teacher begins the unit. With the information provided from the students the teacher can decide what topics need more time spent on them or what topics can be reviewed.


The students will fill in the L section of the KWL chart that they started before the unit. The students will be given back the same KWL chart they used at the beginning of the unit to see the amount of knowledge they have obtained. The teacher will be able to see how much knowledge the students gained during the unit. Also, the teacher can relay to the student's next year teacher what information they may need more review on. Also, along with filling in the L section of the KWL chart, the students will complete a five-paragraph essay that will show the knowledge they gained over the 2 weeks. In the paragraph the students will need to include information they learned that: surprised them, wants them to research more, and what they still want to learn; while including five points in each section. The paper should also have an introduction and conclusion paragraph.






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