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Romantic and Transcendentalist Authors Activity

1. Select any two of the follow American Romantic-Transcendentalist era writers:

- Emily Dickinson

- Washington Irvin

- Nathanael Hawthorne

- Edgar Allen Poe

- Herman Melville

- Walt Whitman

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

- Margaret Fuller

2. Select any of their poems, short stories or essays that are labelled as a “romanticism” or “transcendentalism”

- Read the selected literature

- Select any educational video on YouTube about the author’s works of art

- Write a 1 paragraph summary of the literature (5 sentences)

- Write a 1 paragraph summary of how it reflects “romanticism” or “transcendentalism” (5 sentences)

- Write a 1 paragraph closing summary of what you noticed in common about the pieces of literature (3-5 sents)

3. Create a visual for the two pieces of literature that you read

- Neat

- Color

- Reflect the “romanticism” or “transcendental” nature of the story

- Include name of the author and the literature

4. List the websites used:

a. Website Author 1 –

b. YouTube Author 1 –

c. Website Author 2 –

d. YouTube Author 2 -


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