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Period 5 (1844 – 1877) Review SheetChapters 16 – 23 of the American Pageant TextbookChapters 12-15 in the AMSCO Textbook Welcome to Period 5! This period accounts for roughly 13% of the exam – the biggest so far! In past exams, this period has been a popular choice for essays and Short Answer Questions, so make sure you are able to explain main ideas! Potential Short Answer Questions/Essay Topics Include:● How could The Mexican-American War be seen As A Turning Point?● Causes and effects of HYPERLINK "" Manifest Destiny● Sectional tensions prior to the Civil War – for example, HYPERLINK "" The Compromise of ● 1850, The Kansas-Nebraska Act, and The Dred Scott decision.● How successful was Reconstruction?● Ways Southern states resisted the HYPERLINK "" 13 – 15 Amendments Why were these years chosen for this period?1844 marked the election of James K. Polk. Shortly after his election, Manifest Destiny was in full thrust as well as the Mexican-American War. Many have argued that this war was a Turning Point. After the Civil War ended, the US entered a time period known as Reconstruction, which ended in 1877. Key vocabulary terms to know for this time period: Reasons for westward migration (Manifest Destiny) - Access to natural and mineral resources, economic opportunities for settlers, religious refuge (Mormons).Arguments to annex western lands included – Manifest Destiny and American institutions (democracy)Impact US acquiring the Mexican Cession- Debates over the status of slavery (Wilmot Proviso), Native Americans, and Mexicans in the newly acquired land.How did the government encourage westward migration?- Passing new legislation ( Homestead Act) encouraging settlers to move west, government gave land and subsidies to RR companies.Goal of the Nativist Movement? - It was especially Anti-Catholic. The nativists hoped to limit the power and cultural influence of the immigrants (Irish and Germans).What was the free soil movement? - Sought to keep slavery from expanding into newly acquired territories.What were ways abolitionists campaigned against slavery? - Moral arguments (William Lloyd Garrison), assisting slaves' escapes, using violence ( Bleeding-Kansas and Harpers Ferry).How did the South justify and defend slavery? – They claimed slavery was a positive good (John C. Calhoun).What was the Compromise of 1850? - Dealt with the Mexican Cession - popular sovereignty would be used in the territory, slave trade was banned in Washington D.C., California was added as a free state, a more strict fugitive slave law was created.What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act? - Overturned the MO Compromise - introduced popular sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska. Helped lead to the creation of the Republican Party.What did the Supreme Court rule in Dred Scott v. Sanford? – Slaves were property, not citizens; Congress could NOT legislate slavery in the territories.What did Lincoln campaign on in the Election of 1860? – A free soil platform – non extension of slavery.How did Lincoln’s views towards the war change over time? – Lincoln viewed the war initially as preserving the union, but eventually sought to end slavery -> Emancipation Proclamation and Gettysburg AddressHow did the Union ultimately prevail in the Civil War? – Improvements in leadership and strategy (Grant and the “Anaconda Plan”), Key Victories – Gettysburg and Antietam; Greater resources – more factories and RRs, the South’s infrastructure was destroyed.What did the 13 – 15 amendments do? – 13 – abolished slavery; 14 – granted citizenship and equal protection; 15 – universal adult male suffrage.Why did the 15th amendment split the women’s rights movement? – Some women advocated suffrage be extended to women as well as African American males.Why did Reconstruction end? – Compromise of 1877 withdrew troops from the South; The North’s WANING resolve led to many in the North to no longer support Reconstruction.What is sharecropping? – Renting of land to former slaves – limited economic opportunities to former slaves and poor whites in the south.What were ways the South resisted the 14th and 15th amendments? (Great Short Answer Question) – Segregation – Jim Crow laws; Violence – KKK and White League; Supreme Court Decisions – Plessy v. Ferguson (“Separate but equal”); Local political tactics – poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses Watch THIS video on Period 5 before you proceed. (10 minutes) What is MANIFEST DESTINY?It was the belief that is was America's “God- Given” right to expand from coast to coast.How did territorial expansion lead to debates over slavery? (Need SPECIFIC historical evidence) During the 19th century many americans moved west in hopes of wealth and prosperity. While this expansion continued many bought or brought slaves to go west and work in the fields there. The problem was that the territories did not fall under the Missouri Compromise,therefore no rules applied to these territories. Bloody Kansas is a prime example. Bloody Kansas was a border war between the north and the south.What are examples of nativism faced by “Old” immigrants?The German and Irish are examples of people who were the “old” immigrants. The navtism they were faced with was Anti-Catholic and sought to limit their power and influence, especially the Irish cause they were catholic. ( “no Nothing Party” which was the power to keep Catholics from holding office.) How did the government encourage westward expansion during the time period?● There were many opportunities from expanding out west and that increased due to legislation promoting economic development. That the federal govt is encouraging westward expansion. The homestead act, which gave 160 acres to families who would move out west and settle their for 5 years (probably wasn’t the best land) Provide two examples of conflicts with Native Americans during this time period.● Sand creek massacre- which the CO militia attacked Cheyenne Indians, killed over 100, mostly women and children.● Little bighorn (Custer’s last stand)- Natives attacked and killed Custer and his men What were three ways abolitionists sought to achieve their goals?● They used fierce arguments -William Lloyd Garrison● Helped slaves escape -Underground RR● They also used Violence -john Brown How did the Mexican-American War contribute to tensions between the north and south?● The north has free labor manufacturing, the south was dependent on agriculture and slavery, with slow population growth. (as a result, the north has more power in the house.How did the South defend slavery?● John C Calhoun argued that slavery was a positive good. They also used nullification which was the belief that states declare federal laws unconstitutional. They also Racist stereotypes (minstrel shows) 9. Briefly explain how each of the following contributed to tensions over slavery:● Compromise of 1850: Dealt with land gained from Mexican Cession: Popular sovereignty and a strict fugitive slave law.● Kansas-Nebraska Act:” Bleeding Kansas” , 1854 law that allowed for popular sovereignty in the kansas and Nebraska territories, the expectation was that Kansas would be a slave, nebraska would be free by the 36, 30 line.● Dred Scott decision: African American were not citizen and could not sue in court, whether they were free or not. Slaves were considered property and could not be taken away without due process. 10. What was the purpose of John Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry? What was the impact of this raid?● It was one of the immediate causes of the civil war. John Brown hopped to incite a slave rebellion, so he and his followers took control of the armory, Brown envisioned that abolitionists would take weapons and rebel, but he only controlled the armory for less then 36 hours and he lost two of his sons. Brown was then captured and hung for his crimes. He became a hero to abolitionist movement, The south was convinced that the attack was the first of many.10. What was the significance of the Election of 1860?● Lincoln was elected on a free-soil platform which slavery would not expand. It was the immediate cause of secession which then led to the civil war.11. What impact did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the Civil War?● Changed the purpose of the war, was no longer to just preserve the union, helped keep Europe out of the war, also African Americans fought in the union army, It could be associated with the Gettysburg address.12. What were three reasons the Union succeeded in the Civil War?● They had improved military leadership, effective strategies (anaconda plan), They had key victories (Antietam, Gettysburg),Greater resources (more factories)13. Please describe the following Amendments:● 13- Abolished slavery (drastic social and economic change) Huge economic and social implications for the country.● 14- Provided citizenship and equal protection of the laws also confederate officials could not hold office.● 15- Suffrage for African American men 14. What impact did the 15th amendment have on the women’s rights movement?● Split the group- Some only advocated the 15th amendment if it included women. And others argued that the amendments should be passed because the African American have suffered long enough. These amendments were stalled for many decades but were used in the 1950’s and 60’s civil rights movements. *they will be used to help the civil rights movements*15. What are examples of African Americans gaining political opportunities during Reconstruction?● Hiram Revels16. What does the word waning mean? What happened to the North’s resolve to continue with Reconstruction?● It means to reduce, by the 1870’s, the north's resolve for reconstruction was warning or pursue reconstruction policies decreased.17. What were three ways Southern states limited the rights of African Americans?● Segregation (Jim crow laws) which aloud separate facilities● Violence (kkk, White league) which terrorized African Americans● Supreme Court Decisions (Plessy v. Ferguson, Civil Rights Cases) Which established the Separate but equal document. 18. Why did “Radical” Reconstruction occur? ● Congress Republicans wanted to maintain their powero 2 key congressman: Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner● Former confederate officials ran for federal officeo Former CSA VP alexander Stevens● Black codeso Regulated affairs of freedom; conditions similar to slavery● South was divided into 5 different military zones each held by a union general. Document Analysis Check out THIS VIDEO to review many documents from this period. More in-depth document analysis can be found on the following pages. Thank you. Want more information on this topic? Click HERE to check out this video. 1. How would the following people view the image?● Native Americans- They would oppose this● Frederick Jackson Turner- He would favor this● Farmers hoping to prosper out west- They would favor this because of its encouraging people to go out west. 2. What is the Historical Circumstance of this document?● End of the civil war● US encourage expansion (homestead Act, RR subsides)3. Who is the Intended Audience of this document?● American public would have been the intended audience.4. What is the Point of View of the document?● The point of view would have been a positive towards the westward expansion.5. What is the Purpose of this document?● The purpose of this is to portray US expansion as positive/beneficial. (Check out THIS video that breaks down the above document) 1. What is the Historical Circumstance of this document?● The civil war ended, reconstruction, 13th and 14th amendment have been passed.2. Who is the Intended Audience of this document?● The American public, and African American men were the audience.3. What is the Point of View of the document?● The point of view is a positive towards African American suffrage. Many African American are patriating in voting.4. What is the Purpose of this document?● The main purpose of the document is to encourage African American men to vote, show the benefits of African American suffrage.“Provided, That, as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the Republic of Mexico by the United States, by virtue of any treaty which may be negotiated between them, and to the use by the Executive of the moneys herein appropriated, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory, except for crime, whereof the party shall first be duly convicted.”- Wilmot Proviso, 1846(Check out THIS video that breaks down the above document) What is the goal of the Wilmot Proviso?● To ban slavery in all land gained from Mexico during the war. 2. How did Manifest Destiny contribute to debates over slavery, such as the Wilmot Proviso?● AS the country expanded, a major question would the new land be free or slave. The Wilmot Proviso is an example of tensions between the north and south over the expansion of slavery (south was against it)3. The Proviso was passed in the House of Representatives, but not the Senate. What does that tell us about the population distribution in the 1840s?● The house of Reps is based on population. Since it passed in the House, a majority of representatives were in support of the proviso. The north has more representation, which is why it passed in the House, and not the senate, which has equal representation per state.4. How would the following view the Wilmot Proviso?● Southern Plantation Owners: Against, Southern planation owner were a group that sought to see slavery expand as the us expanded● Supporters of Popular Sovereignty: Against, those that supported popular sovereignty wanted people living in the territories to decide the status of slavery, NOT the federal government● Members of the Free-Soil Party: The free-soil party would support the Wilmot Proviso. They sought to keep slavery out of the western territories● Members of the Republican Party: Just like the free-soil party, the republican party sought to keep slavery from expanding. They would favor the Wilmot proviso 5. Where else in American History have we seen bans on slavery? (Besides the 13th amendment).● Northwest Land Ordinance- Banned slavery in the NW territory● Missouri compromise- banned above the 36, 30 line in the LA purchase6. What is the Historical Circumstance of this document?● The US was at war with Mexico. As the US was expanding (manifest Destiny), there were debates over whether land acquired should be free or slave7. Who is the Intended Audience of this document?● Congress, specifically the House of Representatives. David Wilmot sought to keep slavery from spreading. Free-Soilers and abolitionist would agree8. What is the Point of View of the document?● Free soiler or an abolitionist. The author wanted to keep slavery from expanding.9. What is the Purpose of this document?● The purpose is to keep slavery from expanding,especially in any land the US would gain from Mexico ................

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