American Society for Engineering Education

American Society for Engineering Education


Tulio Sulbaran, Treasurer-Secretary

Southeastern Section

Instruction τ Administration τ Research


Luncheon Business Meeting

20 April 2010

Blacksburg, Virginia

1. Keith Plemmons called the meeting to order at 12:10 pm

2. Tulio Sulbaran read the minutes of the Spring 2009 luncheon business meeting. Minutes were recommended for approval by Thomas Dion and second by Barbara Bernal. The meeting minutes was approved unanimously.

3. Claire McCullough read the list of resolutions expressing appreciation to all who helped with conference preparations. Motion made by Dennis Fallon with second by Barbara Bernal to approve the resolutions. The resolutions were approved unanimously.

4. Barbara Bernal announced nominations for President Elect and Secretary-Treasurer were presented during the executive board at the April 18, 2010 Sunday executive board meeting. Barbara Bernal opened the floor for additional nominations, no additional nominations were made. On recommendation by Keith Plemmons and second by Claire McCullough the slate of officers was approved unanimously Elections were conducted during the breakfast by written ballots with the following results:

Brent Jenkins – President Elect

Tulio Sulbaran - Secretary/Treasurer

5. Keith Plemmons announced that the new section President was Claire McCullough.

6. Claire McCullough gave plaque to the past president Keith Plemmons.

7. Thomas Dion made the motion to adjourn second by Thomas Dion to adjourn the meeting at 12:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tulio Sulbaran




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