Liza Mohanty


Linda M. Monroe


Contact Information


Olive-Harvey College, Room XXXX

10001 South Woodlawn Avenue

Chicago, IL 60628

(773) 291-XXXX


1997-2007: University of Illinois at Chicago, Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, December, 2007.

1992-1996: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Bachelor of Science degree, major Biological Sciences, minor Physical Sciences, June 1996.

Professional Development

2013-present: Graduate Certificate in Public Health, Gillings School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (in progress). Completed coursework: Epidemiology 758, Principles and Methods of Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology. Expected program completion date: May 2014.

January, 2013: City Colleges of Chicago Faculty Development Seminar. Introduction to classroom assessment techniques, syllabus design, classroom management techniques, Blackboard, and other teaching tools.

April 5-9, 2013: Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference (Chicago). Attended several workshops and seminars at this conference, including:

- Closing the Achievement Gap for College Students: Strategies for Success

- Engaging Faculty in Assessing and Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

- Repurposing Student Learning Outcomes Assessment

- Steps to Success: Curriculum Mapping

- An Integrated Effort to Develop and Assess Critical Thinking Skills

April 19, 2013: CORD STEM Transitions Contextual Learning Workshop (Chicago). This workshop focused on ways that instructors can help students see the relevance of what they are learning in the classroom and how it applies to the real world andtheir future professions, to increase student engagement and motivation.

April 26, 2013: Learning Communities Workshop, presenter: Jacque Mott, Harper College (Chicago). This was an introduction to the use of learning communities as a means of increasing student retention, success, and recruitment to disciplines including STEM.

Professional Experience in Education

January, 2013-present: Instructor, Department of Natural Sciences (Biology Division), Olive-Harvey College, Chicago. Instructor of undergraduate courses in consumer education nutrition (Biology 107), general education biology (Biology 114), and microbiology (Microbiology 233).

August 2007-December 2012: Visiting Research Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Lecturer for BioS 222, Cell Biology. Research laboratory manager and mentor for graduate and undergraduate students.

1997-2007: Teaching Assistant, Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Courses taught as a teaching assistant at the undergraduate level:

BioS 100 Cells and Organisms (Laboratory and Discussion)

BioS 220 Cell Biology (Discussion)

BioS 325 Embryology (Laboratory)

BioS 320 Developmental Biology (Grader)

BioS 351 Microbiology (Laboratory and Prep Work)

BioS 442 Human Physiology I (Laboratory and Discussion)

BioS 443 Human Physiology II (Laboratory and Discussion)

BioS 454 Biochemistry (Discussion)

Honors 201 Human Genome Project (Lecture)

2001-2004: Saturday College teacher for UIC Early Outreach, an enrichment program for students from Grades 4-12. Designed curricula for high school science classes. Prepared lectures and relevant laboratory exercises to provide students with hands-on learning. Courses taught:

10th Grade Biology (Anatomy and Physiology)

10th Grade Biology (Microbiology and Cell Biology)

11th Grade ACT Science Reasoning Test Preparation

Other Professional Experience

1995 (May-December): Student internship as a Quality Control Technician at Van’s Quality Foods, Edmonton, Canada. Inspected conditions at a food processing plant and performed microbiological tests for food and water safety. Designed a HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) plan to identify plant hazards during food processing and establish measures to prevent food-borne illness.

Professional Membership

January 2013-present National Science Teachers Association

March 2009-present: American Society for Microbiology

January 2008-present: University of Illinois Alumni Association


Monroe, L.M.: Regulation of synaptobrevin trafficking by the clathrin adaptor protein UNC-11 (C. elegans AP180). Molecular Biology of the Cell. 15S:199a, Nov 2004 (ASCB Meeting abstract).

Monroe, L.M.: A novel role for UNC-11 (C. elegans AP180) in neuronal trafficking of the v-SNARE SNB-1. In prep.

Conference Presentations

Poster presentation: Regulation of synaptobrevin trafficking by the clathrin adaptor protein UNC-11 (C. elegans AP180). American Society for Cell Biology, 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, December 2004.

Seminar: Regulation of SNARE traffic by the clathrin adaptor protein UNC-11. Sigma Xi Graduate Student Research Forum, University of Illinois at Chicago, April 2002.

Seminar: Role of the clathrin adaptor protein UNC-11 in synaptobrevin trafficking. Chicago Developmental Biology Club, University of Illinois at Chicago, February 2002.

Poster presentation: Interaction of the C. elegans homologues of EAST and Hrs with the clathrin adaptor protein UNC-11A. 13th International C. elegans Meeting, University of California, Los Angeles, June 2001.

Honors, Recognitions, and Awards

2001 and 2003: Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award in the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago

2001 and 2004: Graduate College Student Travel Award, University of Illinois at Chicago

College-Wide Activities

Faculty advisor for the Health Professions Student Organization at Olive-Harvey College, January 2013 to present.

Member of STEM Advisory Committee at Olive-Harvey College. January 2013 to present.

Member of Olive-Harvey College Assessment Committee. January 2013 to present.

Skills and Training

Laboratory skills:

DNA methods, PCR, protein extraction and purification, antibody purification, immunoprecipitation, electron and confocal fluorescence microscopy, yeast two-hybrid system, SDS-PAGE, Western immunoblotting, use of C. elegans as a model system, mammalian and C. elegans cell culture, standard microbiology techniques (bacterial culture, physiological tests, light microscopy), C. elegans DNA microinjection for the generation of transgenic lines, basic statistical analysis

Relevant coursework:

Health Science courses taken: Field Epidemiology, Neurobiology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Human Physiology, Human Nutrition, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Medical Entomology, Botany of Medicinal Plants, Environmental and Occupational Health Science, Biostatistics

Microbiology courses taken: General Microbiology, Microbial Physiology, Medical Microbiology, Parasitology, Virology, Biotechnology, Immunology, Environmental Microbiology


Fluent in English

Working knowledge of French

Reading knowledge of German

Computing and other technology:

Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, basic programming, BlackBoard, SmartBoard technology

Signature: Linda M. Monroe

Date: July 23, 2013


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