Intern: Maddison HamiltonDate: 4/8/15Lesson/Activity Title: Using our 5 senses to create a Native American name Standards Addressed: Social Studies: First Grade: Standard 1. History 2. Family and cultural traditions in the United States in the past. Standard 2. Geography 2. People in different groups and communities interact with each other and with the environment.Purpose: The purpose of this activity is for students to jump into History for a quick lesson and to understand the meaning behind a Native American name given to them by their family. We will also read Knots on a Counting Rope by Bill Martin Jr. This book is a great mentor text and talks about the senses and gives them a quick introduction into the life of a Native American family.Learning Objective(s): I can create a Native American name that is unique to my life. I can listen carefully to a historical book Knots on a Counting Rope. Setting: This lesson will take place inside the classroom.Materials and preparation: Knots on a Counting Rope by Bill Martin Jr.Worksheet to plan out their names and make copiesCharacter traits paper Writers notebooksIntroduction: I will read the objectives out loud to the students. I will then ask them what they know already about Native American history. This way I can see what their background knowledge is and how much do I need to explain.Activity Procedure:Ask students their background knowledgeStart read-a-loudDiscuss what their wonders and notices were about the bookModel creating a name for themselvesExplain that they will go out and create their names When they are done they are to get their writers notebooks and they are to write how they go their name, whom gave it to them, and illustrate a picture to go with it.We will then transition and share in a community circle our Native American names.Differentiation: Swiss and Gold will meet with me on the carpet with a clipboard and we will come up with one name for each of them together. I will then expect from them that they will label and illustrate a picture of themselves in their story. Assessment: My assessment for them will be during the read-a-loud and if they could listen and understand the symbolism of the story and understand why the boy is weak. It will also be interesting if they can use their visualization skills and infer what might happen at the end. Extensions: The extension will be for those who are done with everything else they will be able to write a story with them as the main character. The story should include how they got their name and who gave it to them but it should be a creative writing piece. ................

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