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ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDSFORTHE COMMUNITY OFLAFAYETTE SHORESPublished-November 1990Updated 1991Updated 1993Updated 1994Updated 1996Updated 2005Updated 2006Updated 20171Table of ContentsPURPOSE OF ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS 3DEFINITIONS 4HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION8ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS 9GOVERNING DOCUMENTS 10COMMUNITY PLAN 11COMMUNITY LANDSCAPE 13COMMUNITY CHARACTER 14BUILDING ENVELOPE AND SETBACK 15GARAGES20BUILDING FEATURES AND MATERIALS 21MAILBOXES AND STANDS 27LANDSCAPE STANDARDS 28ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE 32SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 33SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 34REVIEW PROCESS37ARCHITECTURAL APPROVAL APPLICATION FORM 38MAINTENANCE APPLICATION FORM 39APPENDIX A- PLANTS 402Purpose of the Architectural StandardsThe Architectural Standards presented in this publication govern the design and details ofthe Owner’s Improvements constructed on Home sites in The Community of LafayetteShores. The requirements included in these Standards are intended to establish and tomaintain the design character of the Community. These standards will help you designyour new home so that it will be in harmony with the other homes, and with the siteimprovements, landscaping and the streetscape of the Community. These standardsconstitute the architectural, landscaping and site construction requirements that must bemet as you design and build your Improvements to your Lafayette Shores Homesite andso are included in the Governing Documents and within the Bylaws of the LafayetteShores Homeowners Association.In addition to meeting these requirements, Improvements to on your Homesite must also,of course, conform to all applicable city, state, and federal requirements. In someinstances, these requirements may overlap or differ. Wherever that occurs, the morestringent requirements will apply.3DefinitionsApproved Drawings: All the contents of Submittal No. 2 to the Architectural Committeeupon determination by the Architectural Committee that all requirements of theseArchitectural Standards have been met.Architect: A person certified of registered to practice the profession of Architecture in theCommonwealth of Virginia.Architectural Committee: The committee appointed by the BNB financial Partners andthe City of Norfolk during all new home construction and then subsequently appointed bythe Board of Directors of the Lafayette Shores Homeowners Association, as provided inthe Governing Drawings, to review and either approve or disapprove proposals and!ordrawings and specifications for the construction or installation of Improvements withinThe Community of Lafayette Shores.BNB Financial Partners: A Virginia General Partnership, which has complete control ofthe land known as The Community of Lafayette Shores and has entered into aDevelopment Agreement with the City of Norfolk to improve the property and the sellsingle-family, detached homesites to the general public.Builder: An individual or business entity licenses as a Class A General Contractor in theCommonwealth of Virginia.Building Envelope: That volume in which a house may be constructed as defined by theapplicable setback requirements and height limits set forth herein and in the GoverningDocuments.Civil Engineer: A person, registered to practice engineering in the Commonwealth ofVirginia, who is professionally skilled in Civil mons: Landscaped greenswards constructed by the Developer on land owned by theCity of munity: The Community of Lafayette Shores.Developer: The Lawson Group, Ltd. a real estate development company and a GeneralPartner of BNB Financial Partners, who will manage the improvements of TheCommunity of Lafayette Shores.Dormer: A structure projecting from a sloping roof housing a window or ventilatinglouver.Excavation: Any removal from or displacement of soil on a Homesite, or a portionthereof, to a depth of two feet or more below the existing elevation of the portion of thesurface of the ground.4Fill: Any grading or added soil that raises the elevation of a homesite, or a portionthereof by two feet or more above the existing elevation of the portion of the surfaceground.Finish floor Elevation: The elevation at the front door of the finish surface of the firstfloor of the House.Finish Grade: The designed average elevation of the surface of the ground adjacent to thefront wall of the house.Gable: The vertical triangular portion of the end of a building having a double slopingroof, from the height of the eaves to the ridge of the erning Documents: The Articles, Bylaws Declaration of Covenants, Conditions andRestrictions of the LSHOA as well as the Association’s Rules of the GoverningDocuments, together with the Architectural Standards, as adopted by its Board ofDirectors and as amended from time to time.Hardscape: Building and paving materials placed on the ground to form a permanentdriving or walking surface (such as driveways, walkways, pool decks, recreation or gamesurfaces).LSHOA: Lafayette Shores Homeowners AssociationHomesite: One or more adjacent Lots, owned by the same Owner and a single House andassociated Improvements are constructed.House: Custom designed, single-family dwelling.Improvements: Any construction, structure or appurtenance of every kind and type, orportion thereof, including, but not limited to buildings, accessory buildings, shadestructures, patio covers, walkways, play yards, playhouses, storage structures, pet housesand runs, irrigation sprinkler pipes, drainage devices, garages, swimming pools, spas,recreational facilities, tennis courts, roads, driveways, parking areas, fences, screeningwalls, retaining walls, stairs, decks, landscaping, exterior lighting, antennas, hedges,windbreaks, piers, plantings, planted trees and shrubs, poles, signs, mailboxes,mechanical or electrical equipment visible on the exterior including air conditioning,solar panels, and water softening fixtures of equipment.The Community of Lafayette Shores: The project, which is subject to these ArchitecturalStandards and the Governing Documents.Landscape Architect: A person licensed to practice Landscape Architecture in theCommonwealth of Virginia.5Lot: A parcel of real property shown on a final official plat of The Community ofLafayette Shores covering real property subject to the jurisdiction of the LSHOA togetherwith any improvements thereon.Mews: The private lanes, owned by LSHOA, constructed on access easements locatedwithin the real yards of the adjacent Lots situated within the street loops.Owner: The person or persons who own a Homesite.Porte Cochere: A roofed structure extending from an entrance of the house to serve as aporch or as a shelter to or over an adjacent driveway, open on three sides except for thesupporting columns and customary architectural features.Slope Bank: The surface of the ground located between Elevation +105.0 and the meanlow water line.Soils Engineer: A person registered to practice engineering in the Commonwealth ofVirginia who is professionally skilled in soils engineering.Streetscape: Design elements provided in connection with a street, its right of way andthe immediately adjacent land, primarily consisting of street trees and other plants, walls,Hardscape and of Slope: The contour of Elevation +105.0 on the private slope bank first reachedshoreward from the wetlands.Working Drawings: All of the documents, including drawings, specifications, schedulesor material and equipment which set forth in detail the requirements for the completeconstruction of the Improvements.Yard: That portion of a Homesite between any property line and the ground area of theBuilding Envelope.6Homeowners AssociationOfThe Community of Lafayette ShoresThe Lafayette Shores Homeowners Association (LSHOA) governs the Community ofLafayette Shores.LSHOA is responsible for the maintenance of the entries and Mews, security controls (ifany) and Community owned recreational facilities. II is responsible for maintaining thelandscaping of all Community owned property and of the three Common areas.7The Architectural StandardsThe Architectural Standards consist of those restrictions, limitations, requirements andguidelines contained in this document that concern:? The design of all improvements constructed on or made to the Homesite;? The conformity of the completed improvements to the Approved Drawingsand specifications for the Improvements; and? Construction, reconstruction, exterior additions, changes or alterations to ormaintenance of any Improvement, including the nature, shape, height, exteriormaterials, colors, surface texture, configuration and location of suchImprovements.These standards, along with the provisions set forth in the Governing Documents for theLafayette Shores Homeowners Association (LSHOA), serve as the basis and form thecriteria for the evaluation of drawings and specifications for Improvements submitted forreview and approval by the Architectural Committee. In the event of a conflict betweenthese Architectural Standards and any of the terms of the Governing Documents, theterms of the Governing Documents prevail over those contained herein.Any specific condition or material, not discussed or defined in these ArchitecturalStandards, unless described by the Governing Documents, will be subject to thediscretionary judgment of the Architectural Committee, acting in good faith on behalf ofthe best interest of the LSHOA as a whole.8Governing DocumentsThe governing powers and regulations of LSHOA are contained in the Articles, Bylaws,Declaration or Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Association Rules of theGoverning Documents.The Community of Lafayette Shores is located within the City of Norfolk, Virginia and isgoverned by its zoning ordinances, building codes, planning regulations, and theGoverning Documents.The Lots in The Community of Lafayette Shores have been zoned R-8 by the ZoningOrdinance of the City of Norfolk.The Building Official of the City of Norfolk should be contacted concerning municipalordinances, codes and regulations including requirements of the Chesapeake BayPreservation Act.9Community PlanLafayette Shores, located on the banks of the Lafayette River, seeks to blend with theestablished character of Norfolk. The Community is intended to include houses thatexemplify the best of the city’s traditional styles and buildings of contemporary design,which is developed as a continuum of the historic architectural roots of the city. The planprovides a framework for individual architectural expression that promotes the highest ofaesthetic standards.The Community of Lafayette Shores relies on three overall features to achieve a cohesiveCommunity character: a unified streetscape, compatible architectural styles and materials,and control or the visual scale of the Houses.In consonance with the further goal to establish and maintain cohesive neighborhoodcharacters, the Community has been designed to include a combination to both single andmulti-story homes. The Homesites in some portions of the Community must consist oftwo or more Lots. These designated neighborhoods are indicated on the SiteDevelopment Plan on the following page.10Community Plan11Community LandscapeCommunity EdgeThe Slope Bank is located between the mean low water line and Elevation + 105 contourof the individual Lots. It includes public and private wetlands and contains naturalvegetation and plantings that frame distant views from The Community of LafayetteShores toward the Lafayette River while partially screening the Community from offsiteview. Any disruption or damage to the Slope Bank by Owners will require restoration tothe pre-existing conditions, in accordance with standards set be applicable governingbodies.StreetscapeThe City owned land between the back of the street curb and the front property line andthe portion of each Lot immediately adjacent to a street must have a Community unifyinglandscape treatment. It is termed the Streetscape. This Streetscape acts as a bufferbetween private and public spaces and as a visually unifying design element. Owners areencouraged to enhance the effect of existing free emplacement with additional plantmaterials selected from approved plant lists provided as an appendix to the ArchitecturalStandards.Homeowners are required to maintain the landscaping on the portion of the City ownedright-of-way between the back of the curb and the front property line of their Lots.12The Community CharacterIt is the intent of these Architectural Standards to provide design guidance that will resultin a recognizable Community character yet encourage a diversity of architectural styles.The Community aspires to be characterized by a variety of architectural styles tiedtogether by a vocabulary of elements typical to all styles. The use of these elements shallbecome the means by which the Community character will develop.Designs deemed inappropriate are “thematic or period” types not historically apropos toNorfolk, and “post Modem” styles. Thematic or period styles are characterized by theirrepresentation or the architecture of a different time or place in history. Unacceptableforms include half-timber wall framing, pseudo castles, adobe and Spanish colonial, neoGothic, Mediterranean, French provincial and country rustic. Unsuitable postmodernarchitecture is characterized by the free use of a combination or neo-historic and modemdecoration and forms and by the use of materials, shapes and colors, which areincongruous to local architectural environment or irrelevant to the residential architectureidioms of this area.Avoidance of these architectural styles and designs will help achieve a Community ofenduring quality with the benefits of visual harmony for its inhabitants.13Building Envelope and SetbacksThe Building Envelope sets the maximum height, setback, and special boundaries of eachHouse. It does not represent the ultimate shape or architectural appearance of thebuilding. It presents the boundaries beyond which no part of any House may protrudeexcept Porte cocheres and covered or uncovered unenclosed porches to the extentallowed by these restrictions.Unenclosed attached porches, landings, terraces, patios or platforms that are not coveredby a roof or canopy and do not extend about the Finish Floor Elevation (except forrailings and railing supports) may project into any required front, side or rear Yard adistance not to exceed 8 feet. Open, unenclosed stairway or balconies extending abovethe Finish Floor Elevation, not covered by roof or canopy, may extend or project into arequired read Yard only, not more than 4 feet.Minor entrance porches are permitted to project into any front Yard provided they do notproject more than 3 feet and are not more than 6 feet in width.Oriel windows, cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, canopies, or similar architecturalfeatures, but not including bay windows or vertical projections which extend to theground, may project into a required side Yard not more than 18 inches and may extendinto a required front of rear Yard not to extend 36 inches.SetbacksNo accessory building or structure may be located in any required front Yard or requiredYard adjacent to a street except that poles, posts, and other customary Yard accessories,ornaments, and furniture are permitted if they are of architectural design congruous to theprincipal House structure and do not constitute substantial impediments to free flow oflight and air across the yard; but swimming pools, landscape pools or combinations orpools that exceed 12 inches in depth or 50 square feet in total area, outdoor grills orovens, tennis courts and the like are prohibited in such yards. Accessory buildings andthese type Improvements are permitted in the required back Yards.The EnvelopeThe horizontal projection of the Building Envelope is the site area to which ground levelconstruction must be confined, except for the ancillary appurtenances previouslydescribed.Front Yard: 25-foot setback fronts the front property line.Side Yard: 5-foot setback for single lots, 10-foot setback for estate or double lots fromthe side property line.14Rear Yard: 25-foot setback from rear property line or Top of Slope, whichever iscloser to the front.The vertical projection of the Building Envelope is the area projected upward from theground within which vertical construction is permitted. Construction above the eaveheight of the principal roof of the building must lie within the volume which isdetermined be a 1:1 slope inward from the roof eave height, except that roof gablesshaped donners may extend to the vertical projection of the Building Envelope.The diagrams of Pages 18, 19 and 20, illustrate the horizontal and vertical limitingdimensions of the Building Envelope.The envelope system of the building setback control provides a framework within whicha great variety of architectural expressions are possible. The sketches, which follow,illustrate diagrammatic examples of some of the many building variations that con occurwithin the envelopes.15Garages and Offstreet ParkingAll houses are required to have fully enclosed garages. Carports open on one or moresides are not acceptable. Insofar as is practicable, garage doors shall be located at the sideor rear of the house. Homesites situated on Mews must have the garage doors in the wallfacing the Mews, except Homesites comprising two or more Lots may have the garagedoors in the wall facing the side yard.Where garage doors are located in the front elevation of the house, the design of doors,dimensions and shapes shall be carefully conceived to coordinate with the dimensionsand visual scale of the other fenestrations,The driveway design must allow for a minimum of two offstreet parking spaces exclusiveof the garage. Parking on or otherwise obstructing Mews access is not allowed. Publicstreets should be used for overflow parking.19Building Features and MaterialsExterior Walt SurfacesAll dwellings are encouraged to be predominately brick, however, horizontal wood siding or wood shingles may be used. Certain cementitious board siding that simulates wood siding may be permitted upon approval by ACCC. Pressed board, vinyl, aluminum siding or other similar manufactured board sidings are not allowed. Exterior Insulation Finish System (EIFS) is not recommended and will only be considered if installed by a certified and trained EIFS installer. For material and color contrast one or more detail elements are recommended for construction incontrasting brick, header, or soldier coursing, concrete, or limestone. If unpainted cedar siding is used, it shall be treated to prevent unsightly uneven color due to weathering. Owner shall be responsible for ongoing prevention and/or correction of such uneven coloring.First Floor HeightsCrawl space construction of the first floor of the House is required. The 3 foot minimum to 5 foot height maximum of the finish Floor above Finish Grade is required to be expressed architecturallyat the front of the building.RoofsAll roofs shall have a pitch in the range of 8:12 to 12:12. Pitches on secondary structureswill be considered on a case-by-case basis. Principal roof form shall be hip or gable.Roofs of gambrel, mansard, or other composite forms are to be avoided. Wood shakes orshingles, slate or architectural grade asphalt shingles are required. All other roofmaterials are prohibited except standing seam metal roofing over limited areas of specialfeatures. Limited areas of flat roof for balconies, sun decks, terrace covers and trellisesare acceptable if designed as architectural extensions of the house, Roof materials onsuch areas shall blend in color with the main roof.Gutter and DownspoutsGutters and rain leaders must be of approved materials and theirdesign and application must be approved. Exposed gutters and rain leaders shall becomplementary and closely resemble trim color unless unpainted copper is used. Baked on enamel isrecommended to decrease the appearance of wear.ChimneysThe visible portions of the walls of all chimneys must be constructed of brick or exteriorinsulation finish system (EIFS). Chimney walls faced with the same material as the wallof the House are acceptable. Exposed metal flues are not acceptable except for minorprojections above the chimney walls and must be painted out.20Chimneys may not exceed the minimum heights required by the Building Code of theCity of Norfolk.SkylightsSkylights shall be designed as an integral part of the roof. Skylight glazing must be clear,solar bronze or gray; white or reflective glazing is prohibited. Skylight framing materialvisible on the exterior must be bronze anodized or colored to match adjacent roof.Natural color aluminum is prohibited. It is recommended that skylights not be visible onthe front elevation.Flashing and Sheet MetalAll flashing and sheet metal except unpainted copper must be colored or painted to matchthe material to which it is attached. Roof flashing should be painted to closely resemble theroof color.VentsAll vent stacks and pipes must match as close as possible the roof color. They shall not extendhigher from the roof surface than the minimum required by engineering design orbuilding codes. Effective 03/21/06, the painting of stacks and vents will no longer berequired.AntennasOutdoor satellite dish antennas are allowed as long as they comply with FCC recommendations. They may in no instance be visible from the public right of way. With approval of all neighborsbordering the dish homesite, they may be visible from outside the homesite. TheArchitectural Review Committee must approve all dish placements.Solar Panels & Wind TurbinesSolar panels, if utilized, shall be integrated into the roof design. Visible portions ofpanels and frames must be bronze anodized or colored to closely resemble roof. Natural coloraluminum is prohibited. Solar equipment shall be screened from view. The panels cannot be visible from the street. Wind turbines are not allowed.Windows and DoorsTo enhance the shades and create architecturally produced shadows on the walls, it isrecommended that window and door openings give the appearance of being recessed inthe wall plane. Actual recessed openings are highly encouraged although the appearancecan be achieved through surrounds, box-outs, projections, bay and oriel windows.21Window colors should be complementary and closely resemble the window trim color.Mirrored or highly reflective glass is prohibited, as are silver or gold colored frames.Front loading garage doors shall be recessed a minimum of 12 inches from adjacent wallsurfaces. Patterns or strongly applied color to garage doors are not acceptable.The sizes, shapes and glazing patterns of windows must be compatible with thearchitectural style of the house. Natural aluminum color framed windows will not bepermitted.If aluminum storm doors are used, they shall have a factory baked-on enamel or bronzeanodized finish. Storm doors shall be full glass. Crossbuck, pseudo-Colonial or othersimilar paneled aluminum storm doors will not be permitted.AwningsCanvas awnings, if used, must be an approved color (see trim and color accent). Metal orrigid plastic awnings are not acceptable.Trim and Color AccentsExterior trim and architectural details and color accents shall be of permanent materials(with the exception of awnings). Wood trim including deck railings and bands shall bepainted. Colors shall be compatible architecturally with House design and materials, andmust be approved.Porches, Trellises, Port cocheres, Sun Shades and GazebosIf appurtenant Improvements are connected to the House, the appurtenances must belocated entirely within the boundaries described in the Building Envelope and Setbackssection of these Architectural Standards. All appurtenant Improvements are subject tothe approval process described herein. Whether attached or not, all auxiliary structuresshall be designed true to the architectural character of the House.Sundecks, Balconies, PatiosUncovered porches and decks may protrude beyond the Building Envelope only if theyare constructed no higher than the finish Floor Elevation. Any deck or platform whichextends beyond the fop of Slope of an individual Lot must be cantilevered or supportedby piles in such a manner as does not disturb the ground surface. Wood railings andbands are regarded as trim and must be painted or stained. Decks visible from the street or a Mewsmust have a skirt of brick weave, matching the foundation of the house, or a solid woodskirt. Wood trim including deck railings and bands shall be paintedor stained when visible from the public right of way. All materials are subject to committee approval.22-4FencesFor all Homesites, solid fencing or walls within the rear 10 feet of lot shall be fully brickor semi-transparent to a maximum height of 6 feet. Transparent fencing may beconstructed above a 3-1/2 feet high masonry wall, matching the color and texture of theHouse, to a maximum total height of 6 feet. fencing or walls within the “rear 10 feet of aLot” shall be understood to mean the portion of the Lot measured from the edge of theMews easement. for Homesites located on a Mews, fencing and walls may beconstructed, except within the Mews easement, as permitted at the front of the Lots.Side yard fencing and walls, except within the front and “rear 10 feet of a Lot” arepermitted to a maximum height of 6 feet.Masonry and other architectural accents such as pilaster or columns are allowed. Allfence and wall heights are measured vertically from the average fmished grade at the baseof the fence or wall. No fence is to be constructed in the Slope Bank area below the Topof the Slope. Solid or semi-transparent fences must be of masonry material, finished tomatch the character or the principle dwelling. Where fully or semi-transparent fencing isdesired, wrought iron is encouraged. Wood fences are prohibited. Open patternbrickwork providing at least 33% open space, may be utilized for semi-transparentfencing.Existing Community fencing or walls may not be modified or altered by Homeownerswithout approval of the Architectural Review Committee. Side yard fencing betweenLots must be kept inside property lines and may not be constructed on a property linewithout the written approval of all Lot owners affected. Structural framing and/orunfinished sides of fences and walls may not be exposed to any public right-of-way,Community Facility or neighboring Lot.PiersPile supported piers for recreation use may be constructed over Slope Banks providedthat official approval is received from the U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers and all othergoverning agencies. All portions of piers shall be constructed of materials that resistdeterioration due to weathering and attack by marine and other biological organisms.The top of the deck shall be no higher than the finish Grade of the Homesite. Railings, ifany, shall be constructed as transparent structures and shall not be higher than 42 inchesabove the deck. Enclosed superstructures are not allowed. The Architectural Committeepermits shelters, open on all sides, subject to review and approval of the design.It is the intent of these Architectural Standards that the Slope Banks is left in theirpresent, natural state, and to prevent the construction of Improvements, which willdisturb the surface slopes, vegetation or views. To this end, the construction ofsuperstructures on piers is discouraged. Lighting, if included, shall be designed toilluminate only the pier deck and the immediately adjacent portion of the site.23Luminaries shall be shielded so that the source of the light is not visible from outside theHomesite.No pier or portion thereof shall create an unreasonable obstruction to the view of thewetlands or river from outside the Homesite.Pools and Game CourtsPools, pool decks and game courts shall be designed so they do not impact adjoiningproperties with light, sounds, drainage run-off or other adverse impacts. They shall not project beyond that Top of the Slope. Pool heaters and pumps must be screened from view and should be sound insulated from neighboring houses.PavingDriveway and other flat paved areas may be exposed aggregate concrete, quarry tile,brick, paving blocks and similar materials. Asphalt paving and broom finished concrete within the Homesite is prohibited.Gas and Electric MetersEffective 11/4/93 Residents/builders will not be required to screen gas and electricmeters. Utility companies, city code and design of home designate meter location. Whenpossible, landscaping should be used to soften the appearance of meters.Trash and Recyclable ContainersThe preferred method of hiding trash and recyclable containers will always be behind awall. However, landscaping is permitted to “hide” the containers using a selection ofmaterials in Appendix A.Mechanical EquipmentAll air conditioning (A/C), heating equipment, swimming pool, emergency generators and similar equipment must be screened from view by public right-of-ways. Where located within ten feet ofthe property line, compressors shall be insulated from sound attenuation. A/C units willnot be permitted on the roofs unless installed in recessed or otherwise architecturallydesigned enclosures, which render them fully not visible from outside the Home site.Effective 11/4/93: Residents/builders may submit lattice and/or landscape plans to screenmechanical equipment. Brick will remain the preferred screening method.Exterior SignsExterior signs or signs visible from the exterior, other than house numbers and securitysigns are prohibited. Temporary unlighted “for Sale” signs, with the necessaryinformation only, not exceeding 8 square feet, may be erected at or near the front24property line. Only one sign per Homesite will be permitted. When the building is soldthe sign must be promptly removed. During construction of a new House or of majoralterations or additions one temporary sign not exceeding 16 square feet in size may beerected in addition to the foregoing to list the builder, architect and/or other suchparticipants in the work.Exterior LightingAll exterior lighting shall be shielded to prevent spillover outside the Homesite. Exteriorluminaries shall be housed in fixtures, which are architecturally compatible with thedesign of the House. Effective 12/19/96 Exposed bulbs and reflector lamp spot lights areallowed to the extent that their light does not spill over into their neighbors homesite.Color of exterior lighting generally shall be natural incandescent. Metal halideluminaries or fluorescent lighting will not be allowed except high pressure sodiumluminaries may be used for lighting the front and rear yards. The height of light polesshall not exceed 10 feet.25Mailboxes and Standsln order to enhance the consistency and overall attractiveness of the Community, mailboxes and mailbox stands will be standardized throughout Lafayette Shores. All mailboxes and stands shall conform to the following design specifications:The post shall be 3” square tubular steel ?” thick.The supporting bracket shall be of ?” steel.The finial shall be a Julious Bloom 5330 cap.The box shall be black with house numbers displayed.The bottom of the box shall be 41” above the street level.The entire stand shall be painted flat black.It is recommended that the stand by installed with the face of the box within four (4”)inches of the curb line and be placed on either side of the front walk (or driveway if thefront walk does not intersect with the street or sidewalk).Mailbox stands conforming to these specifications are available from London BridgeWelding.Effective 3/21/06: Seasonal decorations can be used on mailboxes as long as they areremoved within two weeks of the holiday.26Landscape StandardsLot Landscape ZonesEach of the Homesites contains two designated landscape zones; the Streetscape zone andits associated front Yard planting and the side and rear Yard zone. Planting in thesezones is controlled by the Landscape Standards to create an arborous environment, whichcomplements that of the community.The Lot Owner is responsible for planting and maintaining al landscaping within theHomesite. All plant material must be selected from the approved list for each zone.The Streetscape Zone is the front 15 feet of each Lot.The side are rear Yard Zone consists of the required side and rear Yards of the Homesite.Side Yard planting is required to provide screening between neighboring Houses. Notree may be planted on a property line without obtaining the written permission of alladjoining Lot owners.Grading PlansAll grading of the Homesite must be based on a grading plan prepared by an Architect, aCivil Engineer or Landscape Architect in conformance with the requirements of the Cityof Norfolk and other governmental agencies. This plan must be submitted to andapproved by the Architectural Committee.Excavation or fill in excess of two feet from the existing Lot elevation, as installed by theDeveloper, is prohibited in the Yards. Excavation in the rear Yard for pool constructionand tree installation are the only allowed exceptions.Site PreparationAll demolition, clearing, grubbing, stripping of soil, excavation, and compaction andgrading must be performed within the Owner’s Homesite. Stockpiling may be allowedon adjacent Lots with the written permission of the Lot Owners.The use of chemical treatment of existing vegetation, if necessary, must be accomplishedthrough a State Licensed Pest Control Applicator. Case must be taken to prevent runoffof chemicals used onto the Slope Bank or outside the property lines.Existing Slope Bank Landscaping must be protected during grading operations throughthe use of fencing or other protective barriers.Adequate provisions must be made to prevent surface water runoff from damagingexcavations; public or private property cut and fills slopes, both during and after constructions. 27 The erosion control requirements of the City and State shall be scrupulously followed.Site DrainageSurface drainage or paved areas must be sloped a minimum 1 percent, except forswimming pooi deck areas which must be sloped at least Y2 percent and shall be directedto deck drains and underground drain lines. Surface drainage or portions of the Homesitenot covered with Hardscape must be sloped a minimum of 1-1/2 percent except swale drainage oflarge turf areas which shall be sloped at least 2 percent.All sites unable to meet these minimum surface drainage rates must use undergrounddrains, which transport drainage water to existing drains of the storm drainage system ofThe Community of Lafayette Shores development. All underground drains must containapproved inlets with an appropriate grate and maintain a minimum slope sufficient for drainage flow rate. All drain lines shall be constructed of high density polyethelene (i.e. H.D.P.E.), schedule 40 or 80 P.V.C., ductile iron, reinforced concrete pipe (i.e. P.C.P.) or of other ACCC approved material.All existing Lot drainage patterns and Top of Slope berms shall be maintained asoriginally installed by Developer except modifications to Lot drainage will be consideredif designed by a Civil Engineer and approved by the Architectural Committee. Drainageover the rear Top of Slope is prohibited.Weep holes or other provisions shall be made for drainage through or beneath privacywalls and fences where such Improvements obstruct the surface drainage.Landscape DesignIt is suggested that an Architect or Landscape Architect prepare Landscape Plans. Theplanting palettes, appended to these Architectural Standards, should be used in designingthe landscaping of each Homesite. Deviation from these palettes will only be permittedupon written approval by the Architectural Review Committee or upon appeal to themajority vote of the Board of Directors of LSHOA.Streetscape Planting ZoneThe area of land within 15 feet from the edge of the sidewalk, or back of curb whereapplicable, toward the dwelling constitutes the Streetscape planting zone. Turf grass isrecommended for ground cover in this area. The use of sod is highly encouraged. Ifshrubs and alternative ground covers are included because of the landscape design orspace restraints, up to 50 percent of the Streetscape area may consist of support shrubsand support ground covers selected from the shrub and ground cover landscape paletteand the balance in turf. All planting and landscape modifications within the public right-of-way (usually 10 feet behind face curb (shall be approved by the City of Norfolk Division of Parks and Urban Forestry prior to submitting plan for ACCC approval.28Front Yard PlantingIt is recommended that at least 25% of this area be planted in turf grass. The use of sod is encouraged. The remaining plant material should be made up of shrubs and ground covers selected fromthe front Yard landscaping palette. Side and Rear Yard PlantingIt is suggested the owner make maximum use of specimen trees selected from the side and rear yard planting palette. Shrubs and ground covers for the side and rear yards shall be similar to those included in the front yard palette. Landscaping in these areas shall be comparable to densities in the front Yard area. Placement of all front and rear yard trees will be subject to approval of the Architectural Committee in the interest of avoiding view obstruction.Planting StandardsLandscape plant materials are to be considered as important visual unifying elements andshould reflect the physical, functional, and aesthetic qualities of the Homesite. Theplanting should be designed to create a concordant exterior environment to complementthe landscaping, which will be displayed throughout the Community. Plant materialshould be selected to relate to the scale and character of the Homesite and itsImprovements.Trees and shrubs should be utilized to provide the principle visual enhancement, withherbaceous and quick growing plants representing only a small quantity of the planting.The recommended shrub-type and vine ground covers should be spaced so theycompletely cover the soil when mature.Close attention should be given to the use of plants so they create a livable environmentfor people. Plants may be used to provide screening, define three dimensional spaces,control erosion, glare, noise and dust, accentuate or re-emphasize land forms, and todefine circulation patterns. It is recommended that installation of the plant materials beaccomplished in a manner than reduces potential maintenance problems.Vines should be secured to vertical surfaces in permanent fashion without improvisedtrellises or other non-approved supports. Maj or trellis structures, designed as an integralpart of the architecture should be attached to existing structures.29IrrigationIt is recommended that all landscape areas have an underground irrigation system. Useof automatic controls is encouraged. It is highly recommended that all irrigation systemsbe professionally designed by either a Landscape Architect or an irrigation consultant toinsure efficient water management and control for proper watering plant material. Theuse of wells or exclusion water meters is recommended to minimize Sanitation Districtsewage disposal charges.All pumps and other irrigation equipment must be screened from view or otherwiserendered inconspicuous. Pumps located within 10 feet of a property line shall beinsulated for sound attenuation.MaintenanceAfter installation of all landscaping it is recommended that a maintenance program beimplemented. Problems such as irrigation adjustment and related plant failure should becorrected within a ninety (90) day period. The landscape maintenance program shouldinclude mowing and edging of turf grass at least once a week, water as required tomaintain soil moisture necessary for proper plant growth, fertilizing at least four times ayear with a balanced fertilizer, and controlling weeds through the selective use ofapproved post-emergent to pre-emergent herbicides.Consultation with a licensed pest control advisor is recommended prior to the use ofinsecticide and fungicide for pest and disease control.Yearly InspectionsThe Compliance Committee shall make a thorough inspection of the outside of all privateproperty at least once each calendar year. The Compliance Committee shall issue aNotice to property owners found to be out of compliance with The Covenants and or TheStandards. The Notice shall follow the rules established in the Bylaws and The Board ofDirectors.30Architectural CommitteeSubmittal of drawings and specifications for the construction or installation of any and allImprovements within The Community of Lafayette Shores is to be made to theArchitectural Committee at the following address:Lafayette Shores Homeowners AssociationArchitectural Committee3525 Norway PlaceNorfolk, VA 23509The Board of Directors has the authority to change the address for the submittal ofdrawings and specifications.Approval of the Architectural Committee is required prior to the construction orinstallation of all Improvements. By way of illustration, but without limitation,submission to the Architectural Committee for approval is required for the following:1. New construction or installations including dwellings, accessory buildings,garages, fences, retaining walls, steps, awnings, canopies, poles, mailboxes, trellises,patio, overheads or decks, gazebos, sundecks, piers, wind screens, tennis courts,swimming pools, fountains, spas, hot tubs, exterior recreational apparatus, exteriorlighting, sound systems and solar energy systems.2. Installation or revision of landscaping, hardscaping or surface or subsurfaceimprovements including ground covers, frees, shrubs, plants, irrigation or drainagesystems, recreation areas or courts, and surface grading and drainage.The Architectural Committee reserves the authority to waive and/or modify any of theguideline contained in the Architectural Standards. Waivers of requirements and/ormodifications of the guidelines in the Architectural Standards will be considered pursuantto requests from owners only in response to demonstrated hardships due to specificHomesites.31Submissions RequiredCity and Other ApprovalsApproval of any Improvement by the Architectural Committee does not waive therequirement of obtaining City of Norfolk and other governmental permits, nor doesobtaining all required City of Norfolk permits waive the need for the ArchitecturalCommittee approval. The Architectural Committee will not knowingly approve a projectwhich violates City of Norfolk building or zoning codes or those of any othergovernmental agency or entity, but takes no responsibility for verifying plan conformanceto any criteria other than these Architectural Standards fro The Community of LafayetteShores.Submissions Required for ReviewAll submissions for the Construction or installation of any Improvements on a Homesitemust be made in duplicate. The submissions must include the following information onArchitectural Approval Application Forms. The Architectural Committee upon requestwill provide the application forms to the Owner. A reproducible copy is included in theappendix.Lot Owner’s NameMailing AddressBusiness and Residence Phone Numbers (include area code)Lot Number (s) (site of proposed construction)Address of SiteName, Address and Phone number of Architect or Owner’s Representative List or number of drawing(s) and other documents or material submitted for review and approval.Submissions in two stages are recommended in the review and approval process, but notrequired. The first submission should show preliminary design; the second submissionshould consist of the Working Drawings, other construction documents, landscape plan,and material and color samples. On completion of the review and approval process, oneset of each submission is retained by LSHOA and one set is returned to the Owner. It issuggested that all architectural designs and drawings be prepared and signed by anArchitect, except for minor additions, alterations, patios and patio covers and siteImprovements the drawings from which may be prepared be an Architect, LandscapeArchitect, or Civil Engineer.32Submittal RequirementsSubmittal No. 1 (Pretiminaiy Design)Preliminary submittals must be prepared to scale and include all of the following:Application Form (Included on last page)Preliminary Plot and Site Plan:A. Show and dimension Lot lines accurately, including lengths, angles andlengths and degrees of curves, if any.B. Show all buildings, structures, fences, setbacks, sidewalks, slopes andstreet right-of-way contiguous to the Homesite.C. Show all proposed or existing buildings, principal and detached structures,fences, driveways, walls, recreation facilities and pier, if proposed.D. Show all principal dimensions of work to be considered, distancesbetween existing and proposed work, and distances between proposed work and propertylines.E. Show and dimension the required Building Envelope and Yards.F. Show location of HVAC condensers, electrical and gas metering bases anda proposed detail of their screening.Preliminary Roof Plan:A. Show plan of al proposed roofs with slope pitches, and ridge heightsabove finish Grade unless these heights are shown on building elevation drawings.B. Show materials of all proposed roofing and flashing.C. Indicate any unusual roofing conditions or construction.The preliminary roof plan required information may be shown on the Preliminary Plotand Site Plan if doing so does not obscure the prime functions of that plan.Preliminary Floor Plan(s):A. Indicate all walls, partitions, columns, fenestrations and other openings,and general conditions or features that will affect the exterior appearance of the building.33B. Show clearly major items and parts of the building and appurtenant detail,including balconies, deck Porte, cocheres, atriums, carports, garages, storage buildingsand other accessory structures.C. Show, in schedule form, the square foot areas of the living area ofresidence, garage, pools, recreation areas, patio covers, porches, etc.D. Include notes pertaining to items of the exterior that cannot be clearlynoted on the elevations.Preliminary Elevations:A. Provide, to scale, exterior elevations of all proposed buildings. Show partelevations where necessary to illustrate portions of exterior walls, which would beotherwise, concealed in general elevations.B. All finish materials, colors, and textures should be identified if known atthis time.C. Delineate the required Building Envelope in relation to the proposedstructure for all elevations.Perspective or Isometric Renderings or Scale Models:Additional drawings or models are not required; however, perspective sketches orrenderings or scale models may be submitted where the Owner considers they can helpthe Architectural Committee to understand the proposed Improvements.34Review ProcessReview Process of Submittal No. 1When the Architectural Committee has determined that all requirements for SubmittalNo. 1 have been met, the Committee must, within thirty (30) calendar days thereaftermeet and either approve or disapprove the proposed Improvements. failure by theArchitectural Committee to act within this thirty (30) day period will constitute anapproval of the submittal.Should the Architectural Committee disapprove any submittal it will state the reason(s)therefore. The Owner is expected to take those reasons into consideration and to revisethe preliminary submittal or to prepare new Submittals No. 1 for resubmission to theArchitectural Committee. IF the requested revisions are nominal, the Owner may elect toproceed with Submittal No. 2, incorporation the requested minor revisions in theWorking Drawings.The Owner has the right to appeal the decision of the Architectural Committee to theBoard of Directors of LSHOA as provided in the Governing Documents.Submittal No. 2 (Working Drawings,)Submittal No. 2 consists of the Working Drawings developed from all approvedSubmittal No. 1 preliminary drawings, if any, including all revisions required by theArchitectural Committee. The Working Drawings must be prepared to scale and includeat least all of the following:Architectural Drawings:A. Floor Plans and all other drawings, schedule, elevations, sections anddetails for architectural and structural systems as necessary to complete the constructionof the Improvements.B. Mechanical, electrical, plumbing and other systems drawings, details andschedule as necessary and appropriate to complete the construction of the Improvements.C. Written trade specifications for all proposed work.Grading Plan:A. Show, in definitive form, the information required for site plan SubmittalNo. 1.B. Show contours and spot elevations, flow lines, finished grades, asnecessary to define fully the grades and surface drainage.35C. Show erosion control methods and systems as required by regulatoryagencies.Landscape Plan:The Landscape Plan should show at least the general location of the minimum requiredplantings and any vegetative screens. If an extended landscaping effort is contemplatedthe Committee may request:A. Drainage for surface and subsurface storm water, including direction offlow and type and size of drainage facilities.B. Soil preparation and irrigation system and specifications.C. Types, sizes, and locations of all plant materials.D. All fences, walls, trellises, arbors and gazebos and other Plot and GradingPlan information, which affect the landscape, design, such as berms or terraces.Pool Plans:If a swimming pool is to be constructed, Submittal No. 2 shall include plans for the pool,fence enclosure, deck construction, drainage, pool equipment and other relatedconstruction.Because of the soils and ground water conditions in this location it is stronglyrecommended that the services of a Soils Engineer be retained to review pool plans andspecifications prior to executing a construction contract.Exterior Color Selection:The Committee requires all exterior colors to be approved. These include, but are notnecessarily limited to: roof, brick, siding, trim, doors, windows, and payers. Extremecolors or color combinations are generally discouraged however, the Committee willconsider any color or color combination subject to the overall effect desired by theapplicant; the appropriateness of the use and the broad harmony of the streetscape.The Committee requires that all paint colors or material samples such as brick, shinglesor pavers be provided in small chips or wafers appropriately labeled for point(s) of use.A mounting board is ideal for this. If approved, the sample will be retained for a filecopy.The Committee reserves the right to disapprove any color or color combination even ifpreviously approved on another residence in Lafayette Shores. This is especially true ifidentical or near identical colors is proposed for residences in close proximity.36Review Process of Submittal No. 2Upon determination by the Architectural Committee that all requirements for SubmittalNo. 2 have been met, the Architectural Committee will review this submittal inaccordance with the procedures and time periods used for the review of a Submittal No.1.This review will include, but not be limited to, a determination of whether the submittalis consistent with Submittal No. 1 and if not, the reasons for any differences. The reviewwill result in the approval or disapproval of the concept of the Working Drawings.Upon receiving approval be the Architectural Committee, the Working Drawings maythen be submitted to the City of Norfolk for approval and issuance of the buildingpermits. If a pier is to be constructed, the approval of the cognizant governing agenciesmust be obtained.Any proposed change or deviation from the approved Working Drawings occurringsubsequent to approval by the Architectural Committee which affects the exteriorappearance or function of the improvements must be submitted to the ArchitecturalCommittee for approval prior to the execution of such changes.37LAFAYETTE SHORESARCHITECTURAL APPROVAL APPLICATION FORMDate of ApplicationLot Ownerme(s):Address: city, State. Zip:Work Phone: JHome Phone:Representatives (if applicable):Architect Name: IWork Phone:Address: Cfty, State, Zip:Builder Name: Work Phone;Address: City, State, Zip:QUiet Representative: Work Phone:Name: TcUe:Address: Cty, State, Zip:Building Site/Data:Lot Number:Schedule:Planned Building Permit Dale:Planned Start of Consthjction:Plans Enclosed (check appropriate):Preliminary Review: Final Review:I IPlot/Site PlanPlot/Site PlanPlan I Grading PlanPlanPlanPlanPlanPlanPlanFishes/ColorsFinishes/ColorsjFence and Wall Plans and Elevationsand Wall Plans and ElevationsJRendenngsPlan Pool PlanOther38LAFAYETTE SHORESMAINTENANCE APPLICATION FORMLot OwnerName(s):_____________________________________________________________________________Address: City. State. Zip _____________________________________________________________Work Phone: _________________________Home/Cell Phone_______________________________RepresentativesConstruction Firm __________________________________________________________________Address: _________________________________________________________________________Supervisor/foreman: ________________________________________________________________PaintingCompany_________________________________________________________________________Address __________________________________________________________________________Supervisor/Foreman ________________________________________________________________Landscape Firm ___________________________________________________________________Address __________________________________________________________________________Supervisor/Foreman ________________________________________________________________Other Firm _______________________________________________________________________Address __________________________________________________________________________Supervisor/Foreman ________________________________________________________________ScheduleScheduled StartDate ________________________________________________________________________________City of Norfolk Work Permit Required: Yes or NoPlans Enclosed (check appropriate):____Plot/Site Plan Landscape Plan____Landscape Plan____Exterior finishes/Colors Swing Set____Swing Set____Fence and Wall Plans and Elevations Renderings____RenderingsMy Neighbors have been notified: Yes or NoArchitectural Approval Application Form will continue to be submitted for any exterioradditions to the residence.Maintenance Application form will be submitted for all other projects as stated in theArchitectural Standards.This form can be used to build a database of contractors for Lafayette Shores residents.39Appendix APlanting Patettes forThe Community of Lafayette ShoresLarger Trees: (taller than 20’)Quercus bigra (Water oak)Quercus palustris (Pin oak)Quercus phellos (Willow oak)Zelkova serrata (Japanese Zelkova)Platanus x acerifolia (London plane free)Acer Buergeranum (Trident maple)Betula Nigra (River birch) — drought tolerantKoelreuteria Paniculata (Golden rain tree) — drought tolerantMagnolia Grandiflora, ‘Sunsation’, ‘Eskimo’, ‘R20-l’, ‘Kay Parris’hex xaquipernyi and Ipemyi (Holly) — also a good hedge plantPinusSassafras albidum (Common Sassafrass)Small to Medium Specimen Trees: (less than 20’)Comus florida (Flowering dogwood) — tolerates shadeAmelanchier arborea (Servicebeny)Cercis canandensis (Eastern redbud) - drought tolerantMagnolia x Soulangeana (Saucer magnolia)Prunus yedoensis (Yoshino cherry)Acer palmatum (Japanese maple)Comus kousa chinensis (Kousa dogwood)hex x attenuata “Fosteri” (foster’s hybrid American holly)Quercus acuta (Japanese evergreen oak)Prunus caroliniana (Carolina cherry laurel)Styracaceae Japonicus (Japanese snowbell)Magnolia stellata (Star magnolia)Acer “Sango Kaku” (Coral bark maple)Crepe MyrtleChionanthus virginicus (White fringefree)Pnmus cerasifera ‘Krauter Vesuvius’, ‘Newport’, ‘Thundercloud’Prunus subbirtella ‘Higan Cherry’Shrubs:hex cornuta “rotunda” (Dwarf Chinese holly)Ilex crenata “Helleri” (Helleri Holly)Ilex xmeserveae (Holly) — heat and shade tolerantPittosporum tobira “Wheeleri” (Wheelers Dwarf)Pittosporum va?egatum (Variegated pittosporurn)Raphiolepis indica (Indian Hawthorn)40Lafayette Shores Planting Palette —page twoShrubs (continued)Juniperus chinensis “Sargenti” (Sargent’s juniper)Carnellia Japonica (Camellia) — tolerates shadehex comuta “Budfordi Nan” (Dwarf Burford holly)Azaleas (various varieties)Cotoneaster salicifolius (Willowleaf cotoneaster)hex crenana “Microphylla” (Little leaf Japanese holly) — tolerates shadeOsmanthus heterphyllus Illicifolus “Gulftide”Prunus laurocerasus “Scbipkaensis” (Schipka Cherry Laurel)Pieris Japonica (Japanese andromedaItea virginica, (Virginia Sweetspire)Comus sericealstolonifers (Red Twig Dogwoods)Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub/Carolina Allspice)Callicarpa (Beauty Berry Cultivars)Buddleia davidii (Butterfly bush)VitexVibumurns- small free or large shrub, rivals the Dogwood for beauty through theyearHydrangeas (all varietiesONandina (Heavenly bamboo)Larger Shrubs for Screening or HedgesCuppressus sempervirens (Italian cypress) — Drought tolerantMyrica cerifera (Wax myrtles)Illicium Anisatum (Japanese anise) — tolerates shadeViburnum ChindoHeavenly BambooShrubs, Vines, Espalier for Training on Walls:Clematis armandii (Armand Clematis)Clematis ‘Sweet Autumn’Gelsemium sempen’irens (Carolina Jessamine)Jasminum polyanthus (Pink jasmine)Irachelospeniaumjasminoides (Star or Confederate jasmine)Pyracantha — drought tolerantClimbing rosesRosa banksiae (Lady Banks’ rose) — drought tolerantHydrangea, petiolaris (Climbing Hydrangea)Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’ (Japanese Hydrangea Vine)41Lafayette Shores Pta;ttthg Palette —page threeGround Covers:Ajuga reptans (Bronze Beauty ajuga)Hemerocalis (Day lilly)Ophiopogan Iaponicus (Mondo grass)Pachysandra terminalis (Japanese spurge) — for shady areasVinca minor (Periwinkle)LiropeHostaThyme, creeping varietiesGaliurn (Sweet Woodruff)Hypericum (St. John’s Wort)Veronica puncularis (Georgia blue $peedwell)42 ................

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