Sarah A - Fiduciary and Investment Risk Management …

Sarah A. Miller

Senior Vice President

American Bankers Association

Washington, D.C.

Sarah Miller or Sally as she is often called is a Senior Vice President in charge of the Center for Securities, Trust and Investments at the American Bankers Association. The Center resides in the ABA’s Government Relations Group and is dedicated to assisting member banks with legislation, regulations and other issues involving securities, trusts and investments, including common and collective funds, mutual funds, derivatives, brokerage, investment adviser, trust tax and pension issues. Sally is also Executive Director and General Counsel for the ABA Securities Association (“ABASA”). ABASA focuses on investment banking and other similar bank capital markets activities.

Sally is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and meetings sponsored by organizations such as, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (“FFIEC”), the Comptroller of the Currency, state bankers associations, the Fiduciary and Investment Risk Managers Association, various trust vendor user groups and the American Bar Association, to name just a few.

Sally and her other colleagues at the ABA direct the editorial content of the ABA’s Trust Letter, a monthly publication focused on legislative and regulatory issues affecting the trust and wealth management industry.

In August 2008, Sally began serving a three-year term as Chair of the American Bar Association’s Banking Law Committee. Previously, she had served as Vice-chair of the Committee and Chair of its Securities Subcommittee. Sally is also a member of the Board of Directors of the International Securities Exchange, an all-electronic options exchange.

Prior to coming to ABA, Sally served as Special Counsel in the Division of Corporation Finance and in the Office of the General Counsel at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

She received her Bachelors degree from Boston University and her J.D. from American University’s Washington College of Law. She is a member of the D.C. Bar.


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