The Home Front During WWII - NT Schools

The Home Front During WWII

Page 813-817

*Why did the United States enter WWII?

*Define Sacrifice?

Getting Ready for War: Mobilizing

What did the War production Board do?

What kind of things were factories producing?


As the armed forces need for materials grew, Americans found…?

What did automakers produce instead of cars?

Define Rationing?

List 3-4 items that were rationed.

Paper drives, rationing of food and gasoline, and victory gardens were all elements of

(1) growth of industry in the late 1800s

(2) support for World War II at home

(3) post–Civil War economic growth

(4) New Deal relief programs

During World War II, the federal government reacted to shortages of various goods by

(1) raising prices to increase consumer demand

(2) rationing certain products

(3) increasing imports when shortages developed

(4) imposing a national sales tax

Financing the War

How did the government raise money for the war?

Define War Bond.

Opportunities for Women

With men overseas the demand for women workers?

Where did women work?

Rosie the Riveter?

How did women contribute to the war effort?

During World War II, the number of American women working outside the home increased greatly because

(1) large numbers of men entered military service

(2) high prices created a need for two family incomes

(3) laws ending child labor created openings for women

(4) government regulations forced industries to adopt hiring quotas

“Rosie the Riveter” was a wartime symbol of the growing role of women in

(1) education (3) the home

(2) factories (4) the armed forces

During both World War I and World War II, women supported the war effort by

(1) joining the infantry

(2) going to work in factories

(3) gaining the right to vote

(4) returning to college


Japanese Internment

What was executive order 9066?

Describe Japanese Internment.

Who was Fred Korematsu and describe the result of his court case.

Which group later received an apology and money from the federal government as a result of their internment during World War II?

(1) German Americans

(2) Japanese Americans

(3) Mexican Americans

(4) Italian Americans



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