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The End of SlaveryAfrican American StudiesLeading up to the Civil WarThe institution of slavery grew to ____________ and the economy of the Southern states was dependent on it (____________, ____________, ____________)As new states were added to the Union, the question came up: ____________________?Compromises____________— prohibited slavery in the former Louisiana Territory ____________ of the parallel 36°30′ north, except within the boundaries of the proposed state of Missouri.____________ — Amended the ____________; Abolished the slave trade in ____________; created Utah as a Free state; Settled boundary dispute between Texas and New Mexico____________— created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opening new lands for settlement, repealed the ____________ by allowing white 674078426974040612214269740male settlers in those territories to determine through ____________ whether they would allow slavery within each territory.Resistance to Slavery____________ and ____________ led slave rebellions.____________ led freed slaves and massacred slave owners and their families.Abolitionists such as ____________ and ____________ worked to bring slavery to an end through more peaceful means (publishing and politics)The Underground RailroadWhites and free African Americans helped ____________ through the ____________. Members called “____________” secretly transported runaways to freedom in the ____________ or ____________. They gave the runaways food and shelter along the way. ____________ — a runaway slave who continually risked going into the slave states to help free enslaved persons. The Civil War____________ was elected President in 1860.This terrified the southern states, even though Lincoln did not plan to end slavery.Led by ____________, Southern states began to ____________ from the Union.The war lasted 4 years and saw over ____________ Americans killed.North/South ____________, slavery ____________.The Emancipation ProclamationIn late 1862, Lincoln issued the ____________, which freed slaves in all states “____________”This included the states of LA, AL, MS, GA, NC, SC, FL, & VA.It did not apply to ____________.Not a slave was actually freed at this time, but it did shift the focus of the war to ____________.Post- Civil War LifeWhile technically free following the Civil war, “____________” faced many challenges.Black Codes_________________________________________Violence and intimidation________________________Farming land that someone else ownsDid not allow freed blacks to move forward $$$Voting/ political rightsIntimidation, ____________, ____________VocabularyMissouri CompromiseCompromise of 1850Kansas-Nebraska ActFugitive Slave LawPopular SovereigntyDenmark VesseyNat TurnerFrederick DouglassJohn BrownWilliam Lloyd GarrisonUnderground Railroad“Conductors”Harriet TubmanSecessionEmancipation ProclamationFreedmenSharecroppingLiteracy TestsPoll Taxes


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