Sample Questions for Final Exam - University of North ...

Practice Questions for Final Exam.

If you address these questions it will help you on the multiple choice and T/F questions on the exam. This is not a complete list! You will be asked questions on other material too!

Chapter 12

1. What is the purpose of the electron transport process? That is, what is the result of electron flow through the ETS?

2. Why is O2 the terminal electron acceptor?

3. What does it mean to say that ATP production and O2 consumption are normally tightly coupled?

4. What do uncoupling proteins like thermogenin do? Why are they called uncoupling proteins?

5. What is meant by the term, oxidative phosphorylation? What does it entail?

6. In general terms, how is oxidative phosphorylation regulated?

Chapter 14

1. Why are lipids energy rich?

2. What do we mean when we talk about mobilizing fatty acids? What is the process of fatty acid mobilization?

3. How much ATP do you get from a C-18 saturated fatty acid?

4. What is the biochemical reason for ketone body production? What sort of physiological conditions lead to ketone body production?

Chapter 15

1. Why are proteins constantly degraded and resynthesized?

2. Why are there many pathways for amino acid degradation?

3. What are the two major components of the amino acid degradation pathways?

4. Why is NH4+ toxic? What do you do to avoid ammonium toxicity?

5. How do transaminations work? What are the substrates and products of a transamination reaction? What is an example of a specific transamination?

6. Where do the two amino groups in urea come from? What becomes of urea once it is synthesized?

7. What are the two major types of amino acids, based on what can become of their carbon skeletons?

Chapter 16

1. What are the major catabolic fates of glucose, fatty acids and amino acids? What molecules are produced by the oxidation of these fuel molecules? What molecules are common intermediates to the oxidation of these different fuels?

2. What are the requirements for interorgan pathways like the glucose-alanine cycle and the Cori cycle?

3. When might insulin be secreted from the pancreas? What is the pathway of insulin action? What is the response of the liver, muscle and adipocytes to insulin?

4. When might glucagons be secreted from the pancreas? What is the pathway of glucagon action? What is the response of the liver, muscle and adipocytes to glucagon?

5. What is the function of the adenylate cyclase and receptor tyrosine kinase systems?

6. What is reciprocal regulation? How does it work in the control of glycogen breakdown and synthesis?

7. What is the primary source of glucose immediately after a meal, after 8 hours of fasting, and after 2 days of fasting?

8. What are the primary fuels of the brain? Under what conditions are these two types of fuels used?

9. Is the glucagon/insulin ratio high or low after a meal? After 1 day of starvation?

10. What is the major fuel used by organs in the well fed state? In the early fasting state? In the late fasting state? In Type I diabetics? In Type II diabetics? In alcoholics?

11. What are the principal symptoms of Type I and Type II diabetes? What is the biochemical basis for these symptoms? What is a fundamental difference in the symptoms of these two diseases? What causes this difference?

12. Diabetes is a disease in glucose metabolism. However, it is also a disease of lipid metabolism – why is this?

13. What are the symptoms of alcoholism? What is the major biochemical cause of these symptoms?


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