MAST - John Murray's Musings


By John F. Murray

This book traces the ancestry and descendants of John and Lucinda (Stutzman) Troyer. Both were born in Holmes County, Ohio. When in their youth their families moved to Indiana and then on to Seward County, Nebraska settling west of Milford, Nebraska. Bishop Joseph Schlegel married John and Lucinda on October 21, 1888 at the Pleasant View meetinghouse.

After marriage they lived west of Milford and then in 1893 they homesteaded in Deuel County Nebraska near the town of Chappell. There they lived in a sod house for five years and then returned in 1898 to Fillmore County, Nebraska where they raised their family. In 1927 they retired to a home in Milford, Nebraska where they died. They are buried in the East Fairview Mennonite Church Cemetery.

Both John and Lucinda were born in Amish homes but as the families moved west to Indiana and Nebraska they adopted more progressive ways. They joined the Amish Mennonite Church.


Perhaps a word about the Amish Mennonite-Anabaptist faith is in order here. The name Anabaptist means a rebaptizer who believed in an adult believer’s baptism. They were first called Swiss Brethren and later called Mennonites after the Dutch Reformer, Menno Simons. This denomination began in 1525 when George Blaurock rebaptized Conrad Grebel and Felix Manz in Zurich, Switzerland. The areas along the Rhine River Valley in France and Germany, as well as the country of Netherlands, were centers of Anabaptist activity in the Eve of the Reformation.

On the surface the issue was adult baptism versus infant baptism. Adult baptism became the proverbial "line in the sand." When one was rebaptized, he stepped over that "line" and was subject to the wrath of the authorities. The real issues that the Anabaptists wanted and which upset the civil and church authorities were three in number:

1. Separation of church and state. In those days the civil authorities chose the local priests who were supported by government taxes.

1. Voluntary church membership sealed by adult believer's baptism. This was a commitment to follow Christ in a life of discipleship. This was to reflect in one’s life style, one’s speech, and in one’s earthly relationships. One’s word is one’s bond. One must not take advantage of other people’s misfortunes. One must be morally upright not just legally right. One’s yes must be yes and no, no. And one must be ready to witness to one’s faith and to suffer if need be.

2. Opposition to war. The Anabaptists refused to bear arms and fight, insisting on peaceable ways to settle disputes short of war.

Today here in the United States we accept separation of church and state and voluntary church membership as matters of principle. They are guaranteed by the first amendment to the Constitution. Today because of the destructive nature of modern warfare with the real possibility of self annihilation and injuries to one’s own soldiers, people are taking a new look at the issue of opposition to war and alternatives to war as a means for settling disputes. Many governments allow a place for conscientious objection to war. But in that time the heads of state and church felt extremely threatened by these three issues. They thought these issues would destroy their country.

In 1535 Menno Simons, a Priest in Holland, joined the Anabaptist movement and became the chief spokesman for the Anabaptists through his writings. Then the world began to call the Anabaptists, Mennonites, meaning followers of Menno. About 1670 the persecution of the Mennonites began to subside because so many educated and business people were leaving Switzerland causing problems for the Swiss economy. Representatives of William Penn went to Europe and invited the Mennonites to come to PA. The first known boatload came in 1683.

Back in Europe the Amish group began in the Palatinate region of Germany in 1693 when Jacob Amman, a young Mennonite minister, wanted a more strict discipline and opposed Jacob Reist, the Bishop of Canton Berne, Switzerland. Among the names of ministers who signed with Bishop Jacob Reist for more patience and love for those who differed was a minister named Christian Holly. (Letters of the Amish Division: A Sourcebook as translated by John D. Roth. page 50). A letter written in 1698 by Ulli Ammann, brother of Jacob, says that Christian Holly had died. (Ibid. page 92).

The first boat loads of Amish came about 1737 though a few may have come earlier. In America the Amish retained their strict discipline and way of life. In the late 1800s some became more progressive leaving some of their Amish ways and were called Amish-Mennonites. Our ancestors the Jonathan Troyer and Christian Stutzman families were among them. They then merged with the Mennonites. In Indiana this merger took place in 1916. For a fuller understanding of these religious groups one can read the Mennonite histories listed in the Bibliography.

Mennonites and Amish used the 1527 Schleitheim Confession of Faith and the 1632 Dordrecht Confession of Faith. These were updated in English in 1923 and 1963. The most recent update, Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, was adopted in 1995 at the Mennonite General Assembly meeting in Wichita, Kansas. These are, as the titles suggest, statements that help us confess and express our faith rather then dogma or creeds that everyone must believe to be saved. We are saved by God’s grace through our repentance and faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ in his death and resurrection.


Our Troyer ancestor is confirmed as far back to Michael Troyer and his wife Magdalena Mast. Some facts concerning the life of Michael Troyer can be fairly well established. They are as follows:

1. He had 14 children. The eldest, John, was born March 4, 1753 (tombstone says Feb. 4, 1753) and the youngest, Elizabeth, was born September 21, 1781.

2. Michael was born about 1732. I figured this by subtracting 21 years from the birth year of his oldest son. This would make him 49 years old in 1781 when his youngest child was born and 75 when he died in 1807. We might move the year of birth a year one way or the other, but 1732 must be close to correct.

3. Also figuring from the birth year of his eldest son, 1753, Michael must have married Magdalena Mast in 1752.

4. I figure Magdalena's birth year as 1735-36. Seeing that her youngest daughter was born in 1781 and noting that normally a woman did not give birth beyond the age 45, I subtracted 45 from 1781 to get 1736 or 35, as her birth year. She was then about 17 when her eldest son, John, was born in 1753. This birth year also agrees with the tradition that she was over 90 years old at death in August 1827 (tombstone date).

5. Magdalena Mast, wife of Michael Troyer, was the daughter of Johannes Mast or a niece under his guardianship as some stories say. The 1752 tax lists for Berks County show Johannes Mast living in Pine Grove Twp., Berks Co., (now Schuylkill Co.). So Michael and Magdalena's marriage in 1752 most likely took place there. This means, of course, that Michael Troyer must have been living nearby, as in those days, neighbors married neighbors.

Interestingly enough, the newly discovered tax lists for Bethel Twp., Lancaster Co. show a David and Michael Triar living in Bethel Twp. in 1756 near Andreas Holly. Bethel Twp. borders Pine Grove Twp. on the west. The Amish names in the tax list indicate that the Amish community straddled the county line.

A note in the 1756 Bethel Twp., tax list says David and Michael fled the area. The list shows many people fled the area due to Indian raids on the white settlers. Andreas Holly was reported to have fled in 1757.

From these facts, it seems reasonable to conclude that the Michael Triar of this Amish community was our Michael Troyer. Therefore it is also reasonable to assume that Michael and Magdalena's first three children were born in Bethel Twp., in what is now Lebanon Co., Pa., then Lancaster Co. From 1785 to 1810 this area was part of Dauphin Co.

6.The next established fact in Michael Troyer, Sr.'s life is his purchase of 130 acres of land in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster Co., in 1771. To make this purchase, Jacob Kurtz of Manheim Twp., Lancaster, accepted a mortgage on the property from Michael Troyer (Dreier, Treier, Trair, Tryer). The spellings in the parenthesis are used in the deed and in the Tax records for Michael Troyer’s property. John Holly (son of Andreas) signed as a witness to the mortgage along with a Michael Gerber.

7. On May 31, 1775 Jacob Kurtz went to Lancaster and signed a statement added at the bottom of the mortgage. The statement reads: "Michael Tryer has satisfied the mortgage in full."

8. The tax lists for Salisbury Twp., show Michael Troyer (Tryar) living near John Holly (son of Andreas), Michael Gerber and Dr. Johannes Blank, the father-in-law of John Holly.

9. Michael Troyer must have sold his farm in Salisbury Twp., in 1775 (no deed of sale has been found) and moved yet that summer or fall to Somerset Co., Pa., then Bedford Co., where the tax list of 1776 shows Michael Troyer (Tryar) and his son, John Troyer (Tryar). The 1779 tax list for Bedford Co. shows Michael Sr., Michael Jr., John and Christian Troyer (Tryer). Later tax lists and land purchases also confirm that Michael and his family lived in Somerset Co., (then Bedford). Michael Jr’s deed to his land is signed "Michael Dreyer Jr."

10. Michael Troyer (Treyer) Sr. of Brothers Valley Twp., Somerset Co., made a will on Sept. 18, 1803. This will was probated in Somerset on April 4, 1807. In his will he mentioned money he was to receive from “my sister." This verifies that Michael had siblings in America and the will seems to indicate that this sister died childless, so Michael was an heir to her money.

Other names in the will make it plain that this Michael was the father of the list of children copied from the Troyer family Bible by Moses K. Troyer.

His will also makes it plain that Michael's daughter, Barbara, was still a widow Rhoads, and not yet married to Peter Sipe. Since Barbara was already 45 years old in 1803, she probably had no children with Peter Sipe whom she married sometime after 1803.

11. The Troyer Family Bible was found among Troyer descendants in Holmes Co., Ohio. Moses K. Troyer (born June 29, 1838) removed the family information from the Bible, copied off the list of children complete with birth dates, added what he believed to be marriage partners, and gave his list to Harvey Hostetler, who in turn printed it in his book, Descendants of Jacob Hochstetler, in family DJH 9179.

Somehow in the printing of this book, the eldest son, John, and the youngest daughter, Elizabeth, were left out. But after publication the error was discovered and corrected before the family Bible pages were burned. So today we have a complete list of the children with birth dates, as they appeared in the Troyer family Bible. We should note in passing, this list gives John's birth date as March 4, 1753. His tombstone says February 4, 1753.

We'll return to this Bible later in discussing the "Moses K. Troyer Story."

II. At this point it would be helpful to review "four stories" about the life of Michael Troyer and his family. These stories were printed between 1889 and 1929.

1. The first story chronologically was the story recorded in The Commemorative Biographical Record of the Counties of Wayne and Holmes, Ohio (1889) (J. H. Beers and Co.) page 660. This story was written by Seth Troyer who wrote that Michael Troyer Sr. came to this country about 1745-1750 at about age 8 with his stepfather Holly (no first name given). Further, he said his grandfather, Michael Troyer Jr., was born in Somerset Co., Pa.

Checking the records, something is wrong. The Hollys came on Nov. 3, 1750. And if Michael came with the Hollys at age 8, he would have been only 10 years old when his eldest son was born in 1753. However if we assume for a moment that Michael was about age 8 when coming to America and that he was born about 1732-33, as discussed above, then Michael Troyer came to this country about 1740-1741.

Interestingly enough when checking the ship lists, a David Dreyer age 29, came to Philadelphia, Pa. on the Ship Friendship arriving on Oct. 12, 1741. This David Dreyer at age 29 was the right age to have had a son age 8 on the ship with him; and a son age 8 in 1741 would be old enough to have an eldest child born in 1753.

It is also of interest to note that a David Triar appears in the tax lists of the 1750's of Bethel Twp., next to Michael Triar who, as discussed earlier, is very likely our Michael Troyer.

It appears that Seth Troyer made two false assumptions. First, because Michael had a stepfather Holly, Seth falsely assumed he came with the Hollys. Second, because Michael Troyer Jr. came to Holmes Co., from Somerset Co., that he was born in Somerset Co. Michael Jr. was born in 1754 and the Troyers didn't move to Somerset County until 1775-76. The tax lists of 1754 show Michael Triar (Troyer) living in Bethel Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa.

2 A second "story" was published in 1912 by Harvey Hostetler in family DJH 9179 mentioned before. The information came from Moses K. Troyer (b. 1838) who had in his possession the family record cut from the Troyer family Bible. Moses K. Troyer, working from the Bible record, insisted that the father of the children listed in the Bible was David Troyer. Harvey Hostetler, in his footnote to DJH 9179, showed that this did not agree with the Mast Family History, p. 690, and the tax records of Somerset County. But in the end, Harvey Hostetler printed the Moses K. Troyer version with David as the father, because of the Bible record.

Therefore it would appear that David Troyer was the original owner of the Bible and when he died, sometime after 1756, the Bible passed to his eldest son, Michael Troyer Sr., who then wrote the names of his own children in the Bible. The Bible record evidently did not show the generation between David and the list of children.

Further, Moses K. Troyer made no mention of a stepfather Holly, or of Michael coming to America with the Hollys.

3. A third story was told by C. Z. Mast. He published it in the Mast Family History in 1911, a year before Harvey Hostetler published the Jacob Hochstetler book. This was the history of Bishop Jacob Mast, the brother of Magdalena Mast, the wife of Michael Troyer Sr.

Jacob Mast was married to Magdalena Holly, the eldest child of Johannes Holly, the brother of Andreas Holly. Jacob Mast's marriage took place in Bern Twp., after the Amish moved out of the Bethel-Pine Grove community due to Indian raids. Jacob Mast with his father-in-law, Johannes Holly, purchased land together on the Berks Co.-Chester Co., line. This Johannes Holly was often confused with John Holly, son of Andreas, until the Johannes Holly Bible was found in Holmes Co., Ohio and the unfinished letter of John Holly, son of Andreas.

Let’s return to our Troyer story. In the Mast history, pages 689- 690, Family 2072, Mast wrote that Michael Troyer Sr. came to this country on the same ship with his brother, Andreas. He married Magdalena Mast, lived in Somerset Co., Pa. or Holmes Co., Ohio. Among their children were: Michael, Andreas, Abraham, Joseph and David.

Mast made a footnote on Abraham that clearly indicates that the Abraham he had in mind was a grandson of Michael Sr. as it turns out. Then Mast added a last paragraph to his footnote that reads, "The descendants of Magdalena Mast and David Troyer have spread to nearly every state in the union…” So, all of a sudden Mast had a David Troyer as the progenitor of the Troyer family in America and that he was married to Magdalena Mast. Thus, it is obvious that Mast jumbled his Troyer notes or something was left out of the footnote in the typesetting of his book.

When Mast said that Michael Troyer came on the same ship with his brother, Andreas, he was with little doubt referring to the ship list for the Ship Hamilton, which arrived October 6, 1767. But the Michael Dreher of this ship could not have been our Michael Troyer Sr. because his oldest children were born in PA in the 1750's. Tax lists show that this Michael Troyer lived near Philadelphia.

Mast says nothing about Michael having a stepfather Holly or that he came with the Hollys to America. If it is true that Michael Troyer came with the Hollys, Mast surely should have known that because Bishop Jacob Mast came on the same ship with the Hollys and married Johannes Holly's daughter.

4. The fourth story was written by C. Henry Smith in his book, The Mennonite Immigration to PA in the Eighteenth Century, published in 1929 in Norristown, Pa. (page 237).

It is clear that Smith relied heavily upon C. Z. Mast's understanding of the early Amish families, and then tried to reconcile the "C. Z. Mast story" with the "Seth Troyer Story" and the ship list of 1750 on which the Hollys came. So Smith wrote Michael Troyer and his brother, Andrew, came with the Hollys in 1750, but they were too young to sign the list in 1750.

Can this be true? Figuring from the birth date of Michael's oldest child, John, born on March 4, 1753, Michael must have been at least 16 by Nov. 3, 1750 and therefore was old enough to sign the ship list, if he came with the Hollys.

There are 3 passenger lists for the Ship Brotherhood of November 3, 1750, none of which has the name Michael Troyer. All 3 lists do have the names of Johannes Mast, and Johannes, Andreas and Michael Holly.

Recently a couple of persons have devised a theory in which they say that the Andreas and Michael Holly of the ship list were really Andreas and Michael Troyer, and that their stepfather, Johannes Holly, signed for them writing the name "Holly" instead of "Troyer."

There are four arguments against this theory, as follows:

First, the Andreas Holly of the ship list was the father of John Holly who married Catherine Blank. This John Holly was the close associate of Michael Troyer Sr. in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster, as proven by tax records and the mortgage between Jacob Kurtz and Michael Troyer Sr., which John Holly signed as a witness.

This John Holly, in 1805, started to write a letter to friends in Europe but never finished it. The Holly family preserved this letter. In it John wrote, "My father was Andreas Holly" and "my stepsister died no children. " Andreas Holly lived in Bethel Twp., Lancaster Co., near David and Michael Troyer just across the county line from Johannes Mast.

Second, there is also a Michael Holly who died in 1782 in Philadelphia Co., Pa of the right age to have been the Michael Holly of the 1750 ship list.

Third, it is very unlikely that a man, loyal to the Amish faith as Johannes Holly was, would have written a false name when signing an oath of allegiance. I believe if their names were Troyer, he would have written Troyer, not Holly.

Fourth, there are 3 lists for the ship Brotherhood. On lists A and B, Michael Holly's name comes many names before the names of Johannes and Andreas Holly. On list C it is next to Andreas’s name. Reason would say that if Michael Holly were really a young stepson who could not sign his name and needed his stepfather to sign for him, he surely would have waited for his stepfather to sign for him, and therefore his name should appear next to the name of his stepfather.

But on none of the 3 lists does Michael Holly's name come next to Johannes Holly's name. Neither does Andreas' name come next to Johannes. Therefore, it seems reasonable to conclude that the Michael and Andreas Holly of the Ship Brotherhood were not Troyers and that Michael Troyer Sr. did not come with the Hollys on the Ship Brotherhood.

The name that appears right after Johannes Holly’s name on all three ship lists is Nicholas Miller. Nicholas was surely the Nicholas Miller given as .ML4 in Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies by Hugh F. Gingerich and Rachel W. Kreider. Nicholas appears in the 1752 tax list for Berne Twp., Berks Co., He died there in 1784. By 1784 his son Christian had moved to Bedford Co., now Somerset Co., PA. There he died in 1795 and named David Holly, the son of Johannes Holly, as one of his executors, which also helps connect Nicholas with the Johannes Holly family. I suspect that Nicholas was a young brother or nephew of Franey, the wife of Johannes Holly. But I can’t prove that. All we know is that there was a close connection between Nicholas Miller and the Hollys as indicated by the ship lists and his estate.

III. In summary, let's ask several questions and then attempt to answer them based on the known facts and the four stories.

1. Was the ancestor of the Troyer family in American named David? Was he the father of Michael Troyer Sr.? My answer to both questions is "Yes" for 4 reasons.

a. One, Moses K. Troyer, who had the family Bible, convinced Harvey Hostetler to record the father as David, and the simple explanation of how Michael Troyer Sr.'s family as listed in the David Troyer Bible seems reasonable.

b. A David Triar appears with Michael Triar in the Bethel Twp., tax list near Johannes Mast, and if Michael Troyer had a younger brother, David, his brother David would not have been old enough to be the David Triar of the tax lists of the 1750's.

c .The Seth Troyer story says that Michael Troyer Sr. came to America at about age 8. Figuring from the birth date of his eldest son in 1753, Michael came about 1741; and a David Dreyer did come to America on Oct. 12, 1741 at age 29, the right age to have had a son age 8 on the ship with him in 1741.

d. C. Z. Mast in the footnote to his "story" says David Troyer was the progenitor of the Troyers spread in nearly every state in the Union. The problem with the “Mast Story" is that Mast has Magdalena Mast married to both Michael Sr. and David. But it is fairly well established that she was the wife of Michael Sr. as Mast stated in the main body of his book.

e. Further, since neither Mast nor Moses K. Troyer said anything about Michael coming with the Hollys, and since the idea of Michael coming with the Hollys can to be traced directly to Seth Troyer who knew neither the exact date of the Holly's arrival nor the given name of the stepfather Holly, the following appears to be true. Seth falsely assumed that, just as he had assumed because Michael Jr. came to Holmes County from Somerset Co., Pa., he was born in Somerset. Seth's statement that Michael Sr. came to America at about 8 years old was, no doubt, a tradition passed down through the family and is probably correct.

2. Did Michael Troyer have a stepfather named Holly? I believe that the primary records support the fact that Michael Troyer was a stepbrother to John Holly, the son of Andreas.

a. Both the tax records of Bethel Twp., and Salisbury Twp., Lancaster Co., and the mortgage between Jacob Kurtz and Michael Troyer, witnessed by John Holly, show a close association between this John Holly and Michael Troyer.

b. John Holly, in his unfinished letter stated, "my father was Andreas Holly" and "my stepsister died, no children." Michael Troyer Sr., in his will, mentioned his sister from whom he was expecting money, which would indicate his sister had died without descendants, which agrees with the John Holly letter.

c. The Seth Troyer story says Michael had a stepfather Holly. But Seth might have simply jumped to that conclusion knowing only that Michael had a stepbrother, John Holly. Did John's father, Andreas Holly, marry Michael Troyer's mother after 1756, or did John Holly's mother marry Michael Troyer's father? Either way John and Michael would have been stepbrothers. A good researcher will be open to this possibility until it is established one way or the other. My inclination is that Andreas was his stepfather and that he married David Troyer’s widow sometime after 1757. I doubt that Andreas had children with his second marriage, as John Holly in his unfinished letter did not list any half brothers and sisters.

3. Did Michael Troyer come to America in 1750 with the Holly families? My answer is "No" for 3 reasons.

a. Figuring from the birth of Michael's oldest son, he would have had to be old enough to sign the ship list in 1750, and the name of Michael Troyer is not there.

b. For the four reasons stated before, Michael Holly of the ship list was not Michael Troyer.

c. Seth Troyer's statement that Michael Troyer came to America at age 8 fits very well with the known facts about the David Dreyer of the 1741 ship list and the David Triar who appears in the tax lists of Bethel Twp., The mortgage between Jacob Kurtz and Michael Troyer, Sr. shows that the names "Dreyer" and "Triar" to be one and the same name.

4. Did Michael Troyer have a brother, Andrew, living in America as stated by C. Z. Mast? There is a strong possibility that Michael Sr. had a brother, Andrew. I say this for two reasons.

a. Michael Troyer in his will mentions "my sister." It would be logical to assume that he had other siblings living in America.

b. There is an Andreas Tryer who settled in the city of Lancaster, Pa. He was born Sept. 30, 1747 (this birth date was figured from his Revolutionary War Pension records in which he said that he was 72 years old on Sept 30, 1819. He married a woman named Elizabeth Meyer and had 9 children, all baptized in the First Reformed Church of Lancaster. A Jacob Tryer born 1742 of Donegal Twp., Lancaster Co., with wife, Mary, also had 3 daughters baptized in the First Reformed Church. But as yet, no connection has been established between these Tryers and Michael Troyer Sr.

5. Was the David Troyer family Amish? My answer is perhaps not, at first, for 3 reasons.

a. Only the Michael Troyer Sr. family was Amish, probably due to his marriage to Magdalena Mast who was Amish. Andrew and Jacob of Lancaster were Reformed.

b. The ship list of 1741 has no names recognizable as Amish besides Dreyer.

c. A note on the tax list of Bethel Twp., Lancaster Co., says David Triar was "poor.” No doubt being "poor" he was helped by his Amish neighbors and thus associated with the Amish faith. This story would be very similar to the story of the Henry Reichenbach family baptized in the Reformed faith in Switzerland. They came to America in 1740, settled in Berks Co., where the Amish helped them and several children and grandchildren married into the Amish faith. In fact, four of the granddaughters married into the Michael Troyer Sr. family.

6. Did Michael Troyer have only one wife, Magdalena Mast? My answer is "Yes" for 3 reasons.

a. Magdalena's tombstone in Holmes County has the date "8-27" meaning she died in August of 1827, and tradition says she was past 90 years of age at death. So she must have been born about 1735 or 1736. Therefore it is possible for a woman of her age to have married by 1752 and had children from 1753 to 1781. There is no natural break in the ages of the children that might indicate a second mother for the younger children.

b. Michael Troyer Sr. was married in 1752 and the tax lists of the 1750's show Michael Troyer and Johannes Mast living in the same vicinity but across the county line from each other.

c. C. Z. Mast gives her birth year as 1741. If one accepts 1741 as her birth year, she could not have been the mother of Michael's oldest children and she would not have been over 90 at her death in 1827. I discount the date 1741 because of the confused information in the Mast story and 1741 doesn't fit the other known facts.

To close, these are the facts and stories about Michael Troyer, as I understand them today, July 1, 2002. I am open to discussion and changes, as more facts become known.


As discussed above the father of Michael Troyer appears to be David Troyer/Dreyer, 1741 immigrant. David died after 1757 and his wife evidently married again to Andreas Holly, father of John Holly who was married to Catherine Blank. To conform to the numbering system of Hugh Gingerich in his book Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies, we will list Michael Sr. as TY.

TY Michael Troyer b. about 1732 in Europe d. 1807 in Somerset Co., PA. md Magdalena Mast .MS13 b. about 1735 d. 1827 in Holmes Co., OH. (Chart 1 # 32 & 33) She was a sister of Bishop Jacob Mast of Berks Ea., PA, the progenitor of the Mast Book. See the Mast Families. Judging from the birth date of their eldest child Michael and Magdalena were married about 1752 and had 14 children as follows:

TY1 John, b. March 4, 1753 (Feb. 4, 1753 – Tombstone Date), d. 1842 Long Point, Ontario md Sophronia Reichenbach or/and Veronica Yoder YR231, b. 1758, d. 1821 in Simcoe, Walsington Twp., Norfolk Co., Ont. (Our Reichenbach/Rickenbach records have no such person as Sophronia but Veronica Yoder might have been a widow of Rickenbach who died young. So Sophronia and Veronica could be the same person. – JFM).

TY2 Michael Jr., b. Sept. 4, 1754 md 1 Anna Rickenbach/Reichenbach; (Chart 1 # 16 &17) md 2 Magdalena (Rickenbach RB35) Yoder, widow of Yost Yoder and cousin to Anna, Michael’s first wife.

TY3 Christian b. Jan. 5, 1755/1756*, d. 1839 Walnut Creek, Ohio; md 1 Barbara (?Yoder YR232) md 2 Elizabeth Becker.

TY4 Barbara b. Jan. 31, 1757/1758*, d. after 1807. Barbara was still the widow Barbara Rhoads in her father’s 1803 will so she could not be the mother of any of Peter Sipe’s children. She md 1 John Rhoads md ? 2 Peter Sipe.

TY5 Magdalena b. Jan. 20, 1760/1761* d. 1840; md Christian Yoder YR233

TY6 Anna, b. Sept. 4, 1762 d. about 1799 md Peter Sipe SI who was a widower in census of 1800.

TY7 Jacob b. Sept. 19, 1764 d. Holmes Co., Ohio md Mary Wenger/ Maria Wingard WGB11

TY8 Henry b. Sept. 13, 1766, d. 1870 md Veronica/Fanny Kauffman KF131

TY9 Maria/Mary b. Nov. 6, 1768, d. after 1842 Walnut Creek Holmes Co., OH md Conrad Keck KK1. (Ancestors of the Murray family 1-1 of this genealogy)

TYa Joseph, b. March 3, 1771, d. Bunker Hill, Ohio md Maria/ Mary Kauffman KF132.

TYb Andrew, b. Nov. 30, 1773, d. md Margaret Reichenbach RB2d

TYc David, b. July 6, 1777 d. Feb. 9, 1851 md Barbara Schrock, SKB2

TYd Veronica/Fanny, b. May 7, 1779, d. Walnut Creek, Ohio md Jacob Miller ML225

TYe Elizabeth b. Sept. 21, 1781 md David Miller ML223 who became the executor of the Michael Troyer Will in 1807.

* These birth dates in the Troyer Family Bible were no doubt dates using the old calendar when January and February were the last months of the year, not the first months of the year. The year after the slash (/) is the year as we count dates today.

TY2 Michael TROYER was born 4 September 1754. Michael died in Holmes Co., Ohio. He married Anna Rickenbach about 1776 in PA. She died before 1794 in Somerset Co., PA. (Chart 1 # 16 & 17) Their four children, born in Brothers Valley, Somerset Co, PA, are:

.TY21 Magdalena d. in Holmes Co., She married Daniel Miller .ML222.

.TY22 Anna b. 1779 d. 1840 md Ulrich Summers SUB.

.TY23 John b. 1781 d. 1813 in Holmes Co., md Magdalena Miller .ML242 (Chart 1 # 8 & 9)

.TY24 Abraham b.1788 d. 1858 in Holmes Co, OH. He married Susanna ROUSE.

Michael TY2 md 2 Magdalena Rickenbach RB35. She was a first cousin to Michael’s first wife and widow of Yost Yoder .YR326. Michael and Magdalena had four children born in Somerset Co, PA:

.TY25 daughter

.TY26 Jacob b. 1799 md Veronica Yoder .YR1629.

.TY27 Daniel b. 1802 d. 1881 in Holmes Co, md 1 Anna Bontrager BN251 md 2 Elizabeth Yoder .YR12571 md 3 Elizabeth Miller .ML6134.

.TY28 Joseph b. 1806 d. 1858 in Holmes Co, md 1 Leah Mast .MS14a6 md 2 Elizabeth Lantz LZ353.

.TY23 John TROYER b. 1781 d. 1813 was killed by Indians in Holmes Co, OH where he had gone to prepare a home for his family that was still in Somerset Co., PA. So his estate was probated in Somerset Co. John married Magdalena MILLER .ML242 about 1802 in Somerset Co, PA. She was born 13 November 1781 in Somerset Co, PA. She died about 1820 in Holmes Co, OH. (Chart 1 # 8 & 9) Their children born Brother Valley, Somerset Co., PA are:

.TY231 Samuel b. 1803 md 1 Magdalena Hochstedler HS561 md 2 Esther Stutzman ST423 md 3 Sarah Schrock SK2111.

.TY232 Mary b. 1806 md Levi Miller .ML626.

.TY233 Abraham b. 1808 d. 1838 md Susanna Mast .MS14a8

.TY234 Michael b. 3 October 1810 in Somerset Co., PA d. 15 April 1855 in Holmes Co, OH. He married Barbara Miller .ML6133 (Chart 1 # 4 & 5) [Note: Chronologically Michael is out of order. He was younger than John TY235. But he was placed here in Gingerich and Kreider. So to make my numbers match their book, I have left Michael as TY234. - JFM]

.TY235 John J b. 1809 d. August 1861 He married twice but only the first name of his second wife is known, Magdalena.

.TY236 Sarah b. 1811 d. 1886 in Topeka, LaGrange Co, IN md Isaac Schmucker/Smucker who became an Amish Bishop and was one of the progressive leaders in the Amish-Mennonite movement in Topeka, IN that later merged with the Mennonite Church. For a biography of his life see The Mennonites in Indiana and Michigan by John Christian Wenger (1961) page 328.

.TY234 Michael TROYER b. 3 October 1810 in Somerset Co., PA d. 15 April 1855 in Holmes Co, OH. He married Barbara Miller .ML6133 about 1826 in Holmes Co, OH. She was born 3 October 1810 in Somerset Co, PA. (Chart 1 # 4 & 5). They had 12 children all born in Walnut Creek Twp., Holmes Co., OH as follows:

.TY2341 Jonathan b. 1827 d. 1897 Milford, NE md Magdalena Gingerich GGD7 (Chart 1 # 2).

.TY2342 John b. 1830 d. 1912 in Howard Co, IN. md 1 Catherine Schrock SKB124 md 2 Caroline Schrock SKB1a4.

.TY2343 Magdalena b. 1831 d. 1908 in Deuel Co, NE md Abraham Stutzman ST542.

.TY2344 Catherine b. 1832 d. 1903 in Seward Co, NE md Jacob G. Stutzman ST544.

.TY2345 Anna b. 1835 md Abraham Garber GB1a14.

.TY2346 Veronica b. 1836 d. 1904 in Oscoda Co, MI md John Stutzman ST546.

.TY2347 Mary b. 1838 d. 1920 in Holmes Co, OH md Daniel B Miller .ML22162.

.TY2348 Gertrude b. 1841 d. 1901 md Joseph M Miller .ML22242.

.TY2349 Jeremiah M b. 1843 d. 1927 in Lagrange Co, IN md Susanna Slabaugh SBC16.

.TY234A Barbara b. 1845 d. 1906 in St Joseph Co, MI md Levi Garber GB1a68.

.TY234B Michael b. 1848 md Elizabeth DARR b. Germany.

.TY234C Jacob M b. 1853 d. 1930 in Reno Co, KS md 1 Veronica Schrock SKB1a5 md 2 Susanna Lehman LM311721.

.TY2341 Jonathan TROYER b. 21 December 1827 d. 7 September 1897 in Seward Co, NE, and was buried in East Fairview Cemetery, Milford, NE (Chart 1 #2). He married Magdalena Gingerich (GGD7) 27 April 1854 in Holmes Co., OH (Chart 2 #3). She was born 28 October 1836 in Holmes Co, OH, the daughter of Michael GINGERICH and Sarah MAST. Magdalena died 16 January 1917 in Shickley, Fillmore Co, NE and is buried in the Mennonite Cemetery there. Her death record filed in Lincoln gives her name as Lena. They had 14 children. The first 11 children were born in Holmes Co., OH and the rest near Kokomo, IN.

.TY23411 Sarah b. 1855 d. 1931 in Shanesville, Holmes Co, OH md Amos C Gerber

.TY23412 Jacob J d. in Nappanee, IN md Catherine Hensler

.TY23413 Michael b. 1857 d. young.

.TY23414 Barbara b. 1858 d. 1923 in Shanesville, OH md Joseph Stutzman in Kokomo, IN. He d. 1926 in Aurora, OH.

.TY23415 Elizabeth b. 1860 d. 1890 in Milford, NE md William Stutzman d. 1927 in Milford, NE.

.TY23416 Caroline b. 1862 d. in Milford, NE md Nathaniel Harris.

.TY23417 John b. 4 October 1863 d. 1 October 1942 (Chart 1 & 2 #1 md Lucinda Stutzman (Chart 3 & 4 #1) They are the progenitors of the families listed in the genealogy section of this book.

.TY23418 Joseph J b. 1865 d. young

.TY23419 Katherine b. 1867 d. 1908 in Beaver Crossing, NE md Joseph Schweitzer

.TY2341A Daniel J b. 1869 md Mary Roth in Milford, NE and lived near Shickley, in Fillmore Co., NE. His mother died at his home. His wife, Mary, was a sister to Catherine Roth who married Martin Eicher (parents of Elsie wife of John Troyer No. 6 and Mary wife of Christian D. Stauffer parents of Uriah Stauffer md to Edna Troyer No. 1-1 of this book and Lena Roth who married Frank Smetter of Goehner, NE.

.TY2341B Abraham b. 1871 d. in Fillmore Co., NE md Amanda Kuhns.

.TY2341C Magdalena d. in Carleton, NE md Nicholas Schweitzer.

.TY2341D Mary b. 1874 d. young

.TY2341E Fannie b. in Kokomo, IN d. in Davenport, NE md Samuel P Schweitzer


The Hochstetler name is also spelled Hochstedler and Hostetler. New research published in the September 2001 issue of “Hochstetler, Hostetler, Hochstedler Family Newsletter” on this family says that they arrived on the ship “Charming Nancy” on November 9, 1738. The ship list gives his age as 26, which makes a birth year of 1712. This also eliminates Eva as his wife because she was the wife of Jacob Hochstetler of the Ship “Harle,” which arrived on September 1, 1736. For a more complete discussion of these points see Daniel E. Hochstetler article “Corrections Concerning Jacob Hochstetler” in the 2001 issue of the Hochstetler News Letter pages 3-7.

This article also says that Jacob was born in what is now Ste. Marie-aux-Mines, France and that he was the son of a Jacob Hochstetler who was born in Winterkraut near Schwarzenburg, Switzerland. This is in Canton Bern south of the city of Bern.

Jacob’s spouse has not been identified. Some Indians killed her and at least two children during the French and Indian War on September 21, 1757. They took Jacob and sons, Joseph and Christian captive. The story is recorded in the Introduction to the Hochstedler Books listed in the Bibliography. Kenneth Reed wrote the story of Joseph Hochstetler that was published in “People Pieces” a book edited by Merle Good on pages 24 to 38. When coming from Europe the family settled in Bern Twp, Berks Co., PA.

.HS JACOB HOCHSTETLER was born 1712 in Europe and died 1776 in Berks Co., PA. (Chart 3 # 34) Known children of Jacob Hochstetler and his wife killed by the Indians are:

HS1 John b. 1730 in Europe d. 1805 in Somerset Co., PA md 1 Catherine Hertzler HZ2 md 2 Anna Christner CH1, widow of Ulrich Schrock SK2.

HS2 Barbara b. 1732 md Christian Stutzman ST about 1752 in Berks Co., PA (Chart 1 #38&39; Chart 3 #16&17 and Chart 4 #30&31)). For their children see the ST Stutzman Family.

HS3 Jacob killed by Indians 21 September 1757 in Berks Co., PA.

HS4 Daughter killed by Indians 21 September 1757 in Berks Co., PA.

HS5 Joseph b. about 1744 in Berks Co., PA md 1 Anna Blank PKB1 md 2 Barbara Kauffman.

HS6 Christian b. about 1746 in Berks Co., PA d. April 1814 in Montgomery Co., OH md Barbara Rupp.


Recent research seems to show that our Stutzman ancestry begins with Christian Stutzman who married a Maudlin Steck in Switzerland (Chart 2 # 32 & 33). The story is that they were forced to leave their home in Switzerland. From there they went to Holland where Christian died. Maudlin then brought her children to PA. Since many ships lists do not include lists of women and children, her name does not appear on any known list.

She purchased and warranted 115 acres of land in Upper Bern Township on February 19, 1738. She appears to have had at least 3 sons Christian, Jacob, and Hans who purchased land next to hers in the 1750s. Christian purchased 6 tracts of land from 1753 to 1765. His first purchase of 193 acres bordered Maudlin’s farm on the west. (See Early Amish Land Grants Berks County, PA by John M. Slabaugh pages 4 and 5.) Jacob’s descendants spelled the name Stutsman and are found in the Church of the Brethren. Nothing more is known of Hans. Christian married Barbara Hochstetler and they head the ST family. Two of their children are ancestors of our Troyer family as follows:

.ST Christian Stutzman d. 1770 md Barbara Hochstetler about 1752 in Berks Co., PA. She b. 1732. (Chart 1 #38&39; Chart 3 #16 & 17 and Chart 4 #30 & 31) They lived south of Barbara’s parents at the time of the Hochstetler massacre in 1757. (See the Hochstetler Family). Their children born in Berks Co., PA are:

.ST1 Magdalena b. 1753 d. 1825 in Tuscarawas Co., OH md John Yoder .YR125.

.ST2 Anna b. 12 April 1755 d. 27 March 1814 in Tuscarawas Co md Jacob Miller .ML23

.ST3 Mary b. 1756 d. 13 March 1838 in Meyersdale, PA md Peter Miller .ML24 ( Chart 1 #18 & 19 and Chart 4 #14 &15) See the Miller family for their children.

.ST4 Christian b. 1758 d. 12 September 1825 in Mifflin Co., PA md 1 (? Elizabeth Steiner) md 2 Susanna Miller .ML55 md 3 Mary Beiler BY37

.ST5 Jacob b. 25 January 1760 in Berks Co., PA d. about 1820 in Holmes Co., OH md Anna Yoder YR129. (Chart 3 # 8 & 9)

.ST6 Elizabeth d. about 1795 in Somerset Co., PA md John Gnaegi KY11

.ST7 Veronica d. in Somerset Co., PA md Nicholas Keim KM1

.ST8 John b. 1766 d. 10 September 1833 in Berlin, Somerset Co., PA md Anna Speicher SP16

.ST5 Jacob Stutzman b. 25 January 1760 in Berks Co., PA. Jacob moved to Somerset Co., PA in the late 1700s and then on to Holmes County Ohio where he died about 1820. He married Anna Yoder b. 1761 in Berks Co., PA (Chart 3 # 8 & 9). Their children were born in Somerset Co., PA and died in Holmes Co., OH. They are:

.ST51 Paul d. 1840 md 1 Elizabeth Yoder YR2352 md 2 Mary Troyer TY81

.ST52 Jonas b. 1788 d. 1871 md 1 Magdalena Gerber GB185 md 2 Catherine

.ST53 Jost Justice b. 1791 d. 1871 md 1 Magdalena Gerber md 2 Elizabeth DeHaven.

.ST54 Jacob b. about 1793 d. 8 March 1834 md Sarah Gerber GB1a5 (Chart 3 # 4 & 5)

.ST5415 Christian b. 1804 d. 1845 md Elizabeth Troyer TYb2

.ST54 Jacob Stutzman b. about 1793 in Somerset Co, PA d. 8 March 1834 in Holmes Co, OH md Sarah Gerber GB1a5 (Chart 3 # 4 & 5) about 1823 in Holmes Co, OH. She was born about 1801 in Somerset Co, PA. Sarah went to Seward Co, NE with some of her children where she died in 1886. Known children of Jacob and Sarah Gerber are:

ST541 Christian b. 11 June 1824 md Magdalena Mast .MS3627 (Chart 3 # 2 & 3).

.ST542 Abraham b. 1826 d. 1898 in NE md Magdalena Troyer TY2343

.ST543 David b. 1827 d. 1898 in Seward Co., NE md Sarah Mast MS3639 These are the great grandparents of Eleanor Stutzman wife of Leonard (1-5), son of Melvin Troyer (1) of this book.

.ST544 Jacob G b. 1828 d. 1911 in Seward Co., NE md Catherine Troyer TY2344

.ST545 Magdalena b. 1830 d. 1867 in Holmes Co., md Jonathan Miller .ML2493

.ST546 John b. 1832 d. 1917 in Oscoda Co., MI md Veronica Troyer TY2346

.ST541 Christian Stutzman b. 11 June 1824 in Holmes Co, OH d. 4 April 1900 in Seward Co, NE, (Chart 3 # 2) and was buried in East Fairview Mennonite Cemetery, Milford, NE md Magdalena Mast (Chart 4 #3) about 1848 in Holmes Co, OH. She was b. 4 September 1828 in Holmes Co, OH and d. 13 October 1904 in Seward Co., NE. Their children are:

.ST5411 Sarah b. 1849 md Alexander Hostetler HS18e3

.ST5412 Joseph b. 1850 d. 1926 in Geauga Co., OH md Barbara Troyer TY23414

.ST5413 Sophia b. 1852 d. 1913 in Holmes Co., OH md Moses A Mast .MS36348

.ST5414 John b. 1854 d. 1913 in Holmes Co., OH md Anna Gerber GB1a653

.ST5415 Alexander b. 1856 d. 1917 in Brown Co., SD md Mary Bender BDB64

.ST5416 Abner b. 1859 d. 1913 in Marion Co., OR md Lydia Hershberger HB4979

.ST5417 Mary Ann b. 1861 md Nathaniel Hostetler HS18eb

.ST5418 Magdalena b. 1864 d. in IA md Daniel R Eicher. These are the grandparents of Merle Eicher, the husband of Verba Troyer (1-7), daughter of Melvin Troyer (1) of this book.

.ST5419 Sanford b. 1867 d. 1935 in Seward Co., NE md Elizabeth Kuhns

.ST541A Lucinda md John TROYER TY23417 (Charts 3 #1 & 4 #1) They are the progentors of the genealogy that follows.

.ST541B Leander b. 1873 d. 1887.

.ST541C Albert b. 1876 md Margaret Baker.


Jacob Beiler and his family arrived in Philadelphia October 8, 1736 on the Ship “Charming Polly.” In the ship’s list of women and children are the following Beilers: Ferona, Barbara, Anna, Christopher, Maria and Elizabeth. The first listed is probably Jacob’s wife, Feronica or Frany, and the rest are their children. The Beiler family settled in Berks County where Barbara, Anna and Christopher married into Yoder families. Jacob Beiler kept a diary of his days crossing the Atlantic Ocean. In it he recorded the hardships suffered and deaths on the ship of persons who were buried at sea.

BY Jacob Beiler md 1 Veronica ___ . (Chart 3 #38 & 39)

BY1 Barbara b. 1723 md Christian Yoder .YR12 (Chart 3 #18&19) See the Yoder family for their children.

BY2 Anna b 1726 md Jacob Yoder .YR14

BY3 Christian b. 1729 md 1 Elizabeth ? Yoder .YR24 md 2 Barbara ___.

BY4 Mary b. 1732

BY5 Elizabeth b. 1735 md ? Jacob Kauffman .KF6

Jacob Beiler married 2 Elizabeth Kallen and had children: Jacob, John, Sarah, Joseph and David.


The Berkey families are not complete. The names of Leonard and Anna Bergi come from notes made by Eber Cockley and published in the “Laurel Messenger,” Somerset Co., PA. Jacob and Christian may not have been brothers. Jacob appears to have immigrated in 1733 and Christian on October 8, 1737. Both settled in what became Berks Co., PA.

.BK Leonard Bergi md Anna Catherine Facesh

BK1 ?? Jacob d. Dec. 1763 in Berks Co., PA (Chart 2 #60; Chart 3 #46; Chart 4 #52)

BK2 Christian b. 1715 d. Somerset Co., PA md Catherine (Parents of Jacob Chart 1 # 42)

BK1 Jacob Berkey (Chart 2 #60; Chart 3 #46; Chart 4 #52)

BK11 Christian b. 1733 md Catherine Seiler SL42

BK12 Mary

BK13 Catherine d. 18 May 1809 md John Seiler SL41

BK14 Anna md John Yoder YR17 (Chart 2 # 22 & 23) See the YR14 Yoder family

BK15 John b. 1745 d. about 1800 md Susanna (Chart 2 # 30 & 31; Chart 4 #26&27)

BK2 Christian Berkey md Catherine b. about 1717 (Parents of Jacob Chart 1 # 42)

BK21 Jacob b. about 1738 d. 1805 (? Elizabeth) Mishler, .MH6 (Chart 1 #42&43) md2 Elizabeth Blough, BL5

BK22 Joseph b. about 1740 d. 1797 md Barbara Speicher, SP4

BK23 ?? Christian b. 1742 md Anna Blough BL3

BK24 Elizabeth * b. about 1744 d. after 1800 md Joseph Mishler MH3

BK25 Anna * b. about 1746 md Valentine Dillabaugh

* Elizabeth BK24 and Anna BK25 are my additions from the study of the Dillabaugh and Mishler connections. Anna Dillabaugh died in York County, Ontario near Toronto and she named “My nephew Joseph Mishler (.MH32) the son of Joseph Mishler, the Younger (.MH3),” as her executor. Joseph MH32 was married to Elizabeth Hully. Jacob Berkey (BK21) also served as an executor for her estate in Somerset Co., PA. We can prove that Anna was not an aunt on the Mishler, Dillabaugh or Hulley/Holly sides. The only way for Joseph (.MH32) to be her nephew is that Anna and Joseph’s mother were sisters in the Berkey B2 family.

BK15 John Berkey b. 1745 d. about 1800 md Susanna (Chart 2 # 30 & 31 and Chart 2 # 26&27)

BK151 Jacob b. 1765 d. about 1810 md Catherine

BK152 John b. 1766 d. 1805 md Catherine

BK153 Veronica b. 1768- md Mast, Joseph .MS36 (Chart 2 # 14 & 15 and Chart 4 # 12 &13) See the Mast family)

BK154 Christian b. 1770 d. about 1805 md ?

BK155 Adam b. 1771 md Susanna Miller

BK156 Magdalena b. 1773 md Jacob Stutzman

BK157 Susanna b. 1774 md Stutzman, David

BK158 Sarah b. 1776 md Samuel Stutzman

BK159 Samuel b. 1777 md Barbara Lenhart

BK15a Daniel b. 1779 d. 1843 md Susanna Ripple

BK15b Mary b. 1784 md Christian Yordy

BK21 Jacob Berkey b. about 1738 d. 1805 (? Elizabeth) Mishler, .MH6 Her first name is uncertain as Christian Zug, her stepfather, in his will names only Jacob Berkey as her husband. (Chart 1 # 42 & 43) md2 Elizabeth Blough, BL5

BK211 Elizabeth md John Furry

BK212 Veronica md Benedict Lehman LM34

BK213 Magdalena b. Berks Co., d. 1832 in Somerset Co., PA md Christian Miller .ML61 (Chart 1 # 20 & 21) See the Miller family for their children.

BK214 Jacob md Barbara Miller ML65

BK215 Joseph b. 1768 md Mary Taylor,

Children of Jacob Berkey BK21 md 2 Elizabeth Blough BL5

BK216 Samuel b. 1778 md Susanna Taylor

BK217 David b. 1821 md Barbara Kauffman, .KF533

BK218 Peter b.1782 d. 1862 md Elizabeth Fyock

BK219 Anna md Philip Harmon

BK21a Sarah md David Fyock

BK21b Rachel md Peter Lehman LM315


.GGD Michael GINGERICH (Chart 2 #6) was born 1792 in Hesse, Germany. Michael died 30 December 1867 in Holmes Co., Ohio. The best information we have is that he and his first wife arrived from Germany on August 15, 1820 on the ship “James.” It is uncertain if he had two or three wives. From the ship list it does appear that he was married first in Germany. His four oldest children might be from wife (1) or only the oldest child with children 2, 3, and 4 from a second wife as follows:

GGD1 Barbara b. Feb. 10, 1822 md Jacob Yoder YRC81

Michael GGD married ? (2) ? Veronica MAST (sister of Sarah wife 3) about 1824 in Somerset Co., PA where she was born about 1794. They had 3 children:

GGD2 Susannah b. Jan. 26, 1825 d. Apr. 15, 1895 in Holmes Co. md John Hershberger HB497

GGD3 Joseph M b. Mar. 7, 1827 d. Aug. 14, 1896 in Holmes Co. md Magdalena Miller ML22313 md 2 Barbara Yoder YR261111 md 3 Barbara Hershberger HB4331

GGD4 a daughter b. about 1829 and is in the 1830 and 1840 censuses for Holmes Co., OH.

Michael GGD married (3) Sarah MAST (Chart 2 # 6 & 7) about 1831 in Holmes Co., Ohio. Known children of Michael Gingerich and Sarah MAST are:

.GGD5 Mary b. 25 April 1832 d. 17 February 1901 Johnson Co., IA md David J. Miller ML22314

.GGD6 Jacob b. about 1834 d. 11 September 1893 single Holmes Co., OH

.GGD7 Magdalena b. 28 October 1836 d. 16 January 1917 (Chart 2 #3). Her death certificate recorded in Lincoln, Nebraska gives her name as Lena and her parents as Mical (sic) Gingerich born in Germany and Sarah Mast born in PA. She was buried on January 19 in Fillmore Co., in the Mennonite Cemetery near Shickley, NE. Her son Daniel J. Troyer gave this information for the death certificate. Magdalena married Jonathan Troyer (Chart 1 # 2). See the Troyer family for their children. They are the parents of John Troyer (Charts 1 & 2 #1) who married Lucinda Stutzman (Chars 3 & 4 #1).

.GGD8 Elizabeth b. 10 February 1838 Holmes Co. wife 2 of Jonathan Gerber GB1a71

.GGD9 Catherine b. 11 June 1842 d. 4 July 1907 Holmes Co. wife 2 of Nathaniel Gerber GB177

.GGDA Christian b. about 1847 d. 1850 Holmes Co., OH


Very little is known about John Gerber at this point. He was naturalized on September 6, 1761 as John Carver (sic). Other spellings of the name are Garver, Garber. The naturalization list made by the Philadelphia court includes residents of Berks County, PA, who were "persons being Quakers or such who conscientiously scruple to take an oath:" John Carver (sic) (GB1), Christian Suke (sic) (Zug) (ZK1), Joseph Mishler (.MH1), Jacob Mishler (.MH2), and Adam Richenbacher (sic) (RB2). John was not in the 1752 Tax List for Berne Twp., Berks Co., PA. In 1761 the Mishler brothers were stepsons of Christian Zug (Suke).

.GB1 John GERBER was born in Europe. He died about 1778 in Berks Co., PA. He married Christina. (Chart 3 # 20 & 21) Known children of John GERBER and Christina are:

.GB11 John b. 1747 d. 1819 md Anna Marie ____ .

.GB12 Catherine b. 1749 d. 1783 md Christian Stoltzfus SF5

.GB13 Veronica b. 1750 md George Laub

.GB14 Barbara b. 18 February 1753 md Christian Smucker SM5

.GB15 Jacob b. 1755 d. about 1799 md Elizabeth ___ .

.GB16 Magdalena b. 1758 md Christian Kauffman KF36

.GB17 Anna b. 19 September 1760

.GB18 Christian b. 1763 d. 1841 md Anna Yoder YR176

.GB19 Elizabeth b. 18 October 1766 d. about 1779

.GB1A Abraham b. 22 April 1769 d. 11 March 1840 m. Magdalena Yoder (Chart 3 # 10 & 11)

John Gerber GB1 md 2 Catherine ____ and they had two sons

GB1b Hannes b. 1772

GB1c Daniel b. 1775 d. 1839 md Catherine Kline

.GB1A Abraham GERBER b. 22 April 1769 in Berks Co., PA d. 11 March 1840 in Holmes Co., OH. He married Magdalena Yoder. (Chart 3 # 10 & 11) She was born 2 August 1771 d. 13 March 1850 in Tuscarawas Co., OH. Their children are:

.GB1A1 John b. about 1793 d. 1860 md Magdalena Keck KK15

.GB1A2 David b. 1795 d. 1818 single

.GB1A3 Anna b. 1797 d. 1858 md John Schrock SKB6

.GB1A4 Benjamin b. 1799 d. 1867 md Elizabeth Hostetler HS163

.GB1A5 Sarah b. about 1801 d. April 1886 in Seward Co., NE md Jacob Stutzman ST54 (Chart 3 # 4 & 5) See the Jacob Stutzman family for their children.

.GB1A6 Abraham b. 1804 d. 1877 md Anna Miller ML628

.GB1A7 Jacob b. 1807 d. 1865 md Elizabeth Miller ML6134

.GB1A8 William b. 1809 d. 1882 md Catherine ? Mishler MH3141

.GB1A9 Christian b. 1811 d. 1895 md Catherine Miller ML2268


Many Kauffmans (also spelled Coffman) came to America in the 1700s. If the introduction to the Kauffman-Coffman Lineage by Charles F. Kauffman is correct, the families were distantly related. In America our Kauffman line begins with Isaac Kauffman and his wife Anna Streit, daughter of Hans Streit. They lived in Homberg, about 3 kilometers east of Steffisburg, Switzerland until 1714 and then moved out of the country.

The court records in Switzerland show that Isaac’s father was also named Isaac Kauffman and his mother was Elizbeth Mergerdt. They lived in the Alp pasture near Schangnau, which is about 16 kilometers east of Steffisburg, Switzerland. As an Anabaptist teacher Isaac Sr. was often in trouble with the law. He was banished from Switzerland for his teaching but sneaked back in a couple of times. In Alsace, France on Feb. 7, 1700 he signed a letter with Jacob Amman, the leader of the Amish division.

When Isaac Sr.’s wife died on Nov. 15, 1715, Isaac Jr’s brothers, Jacob and Christian, and a brother-in-law Ruchti placed claims for their share of the estate and related that their brother Isaac (Jr) had brought debt on the family, left the country and ought to be deprived of any part of the estate. (Kauffman Lineage page xvii.)

Isaac Jr. and Anna had four children christened in Switzerland, Barbara on Mar. 11, 1807 (died young not in Gingerich’s list so I gave her the number .KF0); Hans, Sept 15, 1710; Barbara, Apr. 1, 1714 and Isaac May 29,1718 who was baptized at Aigle im Waahland im Rhontal near Genfersee. The first three were christened when they lived at Homberg, Switzerland. After leaving Switzerland, they lived in Germany or France before coming to PA on “Virtuous Grace” arriving on Sept. 24, 1737. The ship list has Isaac Kauffman age 55, Hans Kauffman age 24 and Isaac Jr. age 19. The women and younger children were not listed. Only men over 16 signed the ship list. They were no doubt other children with perhaps a daughter or two between Isaac Jr. and Stephen.

Some are now questioning if Christian and Jacob listed as KF5 and KF6 were sons in this family. They could be the Christian and Jacob Kauffman who arrived on the ship “Phoenix” on September 15, 1749. See the article, Jacob Kauffman and the Amish Settlement at Irish Creek, Berks County, Pennsylvania published in “Mennonite Family History,” April 2002, pages 61-66.

So that the my numbers conform to Hugh Gingerich’s book, I’ll leave the family as he constructed it but add question marks where there is some doubt. The family in Gingerich’s book is as follows:

.KF Isaac Kauffman md Anna Streit had children:

.KF0 Barbara c. Mar. 11, 1707 died young before 1714

.KF1 Hans/ Johannes b. 1710 md about 1735 ______ .

.KF2 Barbara b. 1714

.KF3 Isaac Jr. b. 1718 md 1 Catherine Yoder .YR11 md 2 Anna ______.

.KF4 Stephen b. abt 1725 d. 1800 md Barbara Yoder .YR21

.KF5 ? Christian b. about 1728 d. Feb 23, 1764 md 1 Maria (Chart 1 #44&45) md 2 Margaret Schnaebele

.KF6 ? Jacob b. about 1730 md Elizabeth Beiler BY5

.KF5 Christian Kauffman b. about 1728 d. Feb 23, 1764 in Berks Co., PA md 1 Maria (? Beiler BY5) (Chart 1 # 44 & 45) md 2 Margaret Schnaebele

.KF51 Barbara b. 1752 md ? Jacob Gindlesperger GR2 d. in 1799 in Somerset Co., PA

.KF52 Anna b. about 1754 md ______

.KF53 Jacob b. 1756 d. Nov. 1825 md 1 Catherine Miller .ML25 (Chart 1 # 22 and 23)

Christian .KF5 md 2 Margaret Schnaebele

.KF54 Abraham b 1758 d. Sept. 1821 md Veronica _____.

.KF55 Veronica b. 1760 md David Boehler

.KF56 Christian b. 1762 d. 1843 md Elizabeth Miller .ML46

.KF57 Joseph b. 1764 d. 1815 md Mary _____.

.KF53 Jacob KAUFFMAN was born 1756 in Berks Co., PA d. September 1821 in Somerset Co., PA. He married Catherine Miller ML25 about 1780 in PA. (Chart 1 # 22 and 23) She was born 1758 in Berks Co., the daughter of John Miller ML2 and Magdalena. Catherine died in Somerset Co., PA. Their children are:

.KF531 John b. 1781 d. 1855 md Veronica ? Hershberger HS24

.KF532 Christian

.KF533 Barbara md David Berkey ?BK217

.KF534 Magdalena b. 9 September 1785 d. 16 August 1862 m. Jonathan C. Miller ML613 (Chart 1 # 10 &11) See the Miller family for their children.

.KF535 Elizabeth b. about 1787 d. Elkhart Co., IN md John Garver GB151

.KF536 Mary b. 1789 d. 1861 md John Thomas TH31

.KF537 Gertrude d. 1847 md Peter Yoder YRB6

.KF538 Jacob b. 1793 d. 1859 md Rebecca Plank PK432

.KF539 Solomon b. 1796 d. 1881 md Magdalena Hostetler HS523

.KF53A Abraham md Susanna Keck KK17

.KF53B Veronica b. 1800 d. 1877 md wife 2 of Christian Yoder YR2344

.KF53C Jonas b. about 1802 d. about 1870 md Veronica Keim KM38 md 2 Magdalena Miller ML6175

.KF53D Moses b. 1804 d. 1872 md Lydia Plank PK436


It is generally thought that our Miller immigrant ancestors came with the Mishler and Gindlesberger families on the ship “Phoenix” arriving in Philadelphia on September 15, 1749.

.ML Miller, [Christian?] spouse unknown at present - He immigrated in 1749 (Chart 4 # 56)

.ML1 ??dau b. Europe d. Somerset Co., PA md ? Benedict Lehman LM3

.ML2 John (Annas on the ship list) b. Europe d. 1798 Somerset Co., PA md Magdalena (Chart 1 # 36 & 37 and #46 and 47 and Chart 4 #28 & 29)

.ML3 Peter b. Europe d. 1798 Somerset Co., PA md Anna Zug ZK11

.ML4 ? Nicholas b. Europe d.1784 Berks Co., md Barbara ? Staley – [Note: As explained in the Troyer family. I’m sure Nicholas Miller does not belong in this family. JFM]

.ML5 Christian b. Europe d.1777 Berks Co., md 1 ___ Gnaegi, [KY9 or KYb] ? md 2 Veronica Mishler .MH5

.ML6 Samuel b. after 1733 in Europe d. Berks Co., md Barbara (Chart 1 # 40 & 41)

.ML7 ? Abraham b. after 1733 in Europe d.1812 Somerset Co., md Anna

.ML8 ? Isaac b. after 1733 in Europe md ?? Barbara Yoder [.YR232]

.ML2 John (Annas on ship list) Miller Europe d. 1798 Somerset Co., PA md Magdalena (Chart 1 # 36 & 37 and #46 and 47 and Chart 4 #28 & 29) John Miller is often referred to as “Indian John or Wounded John Miller” because he was wounded in the hand by Indians at the time of the Hochstetler Massacre in the French and Indian War. Our Troyers descend from two of their children, Peter and Catherine. The children are:

.ML21 Barbara b. abt 1750 md Jacob Hochstetler HS11

.ML22 John b. 1752 d. 1802 Somerset Co., md Veronica Yoder [.YR126?]

.ML23 Jacob b. 1754 d. 1835 Tuscarawas Co., OH md Anna Stutzman ST2

.ML24 Peter b. 1756 d. Nov. 11, 1818 Somerset Co., PA md Mary Stutzman ST3 (Chart 1 # 18 & 19 and Chart 4 # 14& 15)

.ML25 Catherine b. 1758 d. Somerset Co., md Jacob Kauffman .KF53 (Chart 1 # 22 & 23) See the Kauffman family for their children.

.ML26 Christian b.1760 d.1839 Somerset Co., md Veronica

.ML27 Joseph b. 1762 md 1 Barbara Speicher, SP12 md 2 Barbara Bontrager BN23

.ML28 Mary b. 1764 md John Schrock SK11

.ML29 Veronica b. about 1766 md Christian Speicher SP14

.ML2a dau b. 1768 d. Somerset Co., md Christian Mishler, .MH31

.ML2b Elizabeth b. 1770 md Joseph Speicher, SPI5

.ML24 Peter Miller b. 1756 d. Nov. 11, 1818 Somerset Co., PA md Mary Stutzman, ST3 (Chart 1 # 18 & 19 and Chart 4 # 14& 15)

.ML241 Abraham b. 1780 d. 1849 md Mary Saylor SL418

.ML242 Magdalena b. Nov. 13, 1781 d. about 1820 Holmes Co., OH md John Troyer TY23 (Chart 1 # 8& 9) See the Troyer family for their children.

.ML243 Peter P b. 1783 d. 1852 md 1 Barbara Yoder .YR2343 md 2 Elizabeth Growall

.ML244 Jonas b. 1788 d. 1854 md Catherine Hershberger HB48

.ML245 Joseph b. 1790 d.1862 md Catherine Livengood LG14

.ML246 Jeremiah b. 1792 d. 1868 md Elizabeth Livengood LGLI

.ML247 Sarah b. Apr. 24, 1794 d. Mar. 21, 1847 md Joseph Mast .MS362 (Chart 4 # 6 & 7) See the Mast family for their children.

.ML248 Mary b. 1798 d. 1847 md Peter C. Livengood LGI3

.ML249 Moses b.1802 d 1877 md Catherine Miller .ML624

.ML6 Samuel Miller md 1 Barbara d. 1847 (Chart 1 # 40 & 41) They lived and died in Berks Co., PA.

.ML61 Christian, md 1 Magdalena Berkey BK213 (Chart 1 # 20 & 21) md 2 Veronica Miller

.ML62 John md [Catherine Yoder .YR12b]

.ML63 Isaac b. Berks Co., d.1850 md Catherine, md 2 Magdalena Honderich, [HN5?] h2 He had no children with either wife.

.ML64 Rachel b. Berks Co., md Andrew Ochsenrider

.ML65 Barbara b. Berks Co., d. Somerset Co., md Jacob Berkey, BK214

.ML61 Christian Miller b. 1763 in Berks Co. and d. 1847 in Somerset Co., PA md Magdalena Berkey BK213 (Chart 1 # 20 & 21) Christian was an Amish Bishop. They lived in Somerset Co., PA.

.ML611 Henry C b. 1785 d. 1850 md Anna Lehman LM318?1

.ML612 Elizabeth b. 1787 d. 1816 md Christian C Yoder,.YR2337

.ML613 Jonathan C b. Feb. 9, 1789 Somerset Co., d. Sept. 18, 1867 Holmes Co., OH md 1 Magdalena Kauffman .KF534 (Chart 1 # 10 & 11) md 2 Elizabeth Farmwald, [FW4??] ni

.ML614 Solomon b. 1790- dy?

.ML615 Veronica b. 1791 d. 1860 md Christian Wingard WG1

.ML616 Daniel b. 1793 d. 1861 md Rebecca Kauffman, .KF482

.ML617 Jacob S b. 1795 d. 1874 md Catherine Keim KM31 md 2 Veronica Hershberger HB354

.ML618 Barbara b. 1797 d. Jacob Kauffman ni

.ML619 Christian b. 1799 dy

.ML61a Magdalena b. 1803 md Michael Troyer TY71 md 2 Daniel Miller .ML222

.ML613 Jonathan C. Miller b. Feb. 9, 1789 Somerset Co., d. Sept. 18, 1867 Holmes Co., OH md 1 Magdalena Kauffman .KF534 (Chart 1 # 10 & 11)

.ML6131 Veronica b.1807 d.1875 md 1 Jonas Miller ML2231 md 2 Paul Hershberger HB435

.ML6132 Mary b. 1809 d.1869 md Joseph Christner CH212

.ML6133 Barbara b. Oct 3, 1810 d. Jan. 21,1889 Holmes Co., md Michael Troyer TY234 (Chart 1 # 4 & 5) See the Troyer family for their children.

.ML6134 Elizabeth b. 1812 d. 1885 md Jacob Gerber GBla7 md 2 Daniel Troyer TY27

.ML6135 Magdalena b. 1813 d.1875 md Elias Hershberger HB443

.ML6136 Gertrude b. 1815 d.1858 md Elias Stutzman ST521

.ML6137 Jeremiah b. 1817 d. 1890 md Lydia Troyer TYb6 md 2 Catherine Keim KM1j

.ML6138 Anna b. 1820 d. 1899 md Simon Miller .ML2239 md 2 Shem Miller .ML2295

.ML6139 Christian J b. 1822 d. 1900 md 1 Catherine Frey md 2 Barbara Miller .ML2449

.ML613a Jonathan b. 1824 d. 1913 md Susanna Hochstetler HS5621

.ML613b Benedict b. 1828 d. 1906 md Rachel Mast .MS3637

.ML613c Jacob J b. 1830 d. 1908 md Mary Mast .MS363 md 2 Sarah


There are two immigrant Mast Families in our Troyer ancestry. One is Magdalena Mast MS23, who married Michael Troyer about 1752. She was born in 1736 in Switzerland or Germany. According to the Mast book, she, three sisters and two brothers, Jacob and John, were orphaned in Europe and were brought to America by their Uncle Johannes Mast. They came on the Ship “Brotherhood” with the Hollys arriving in Philadelphia on Nov. 3, 1750. Johannes Mast settled in Pine Grove Township Berks County, now in Schuylkill County, PA keeping the children in his care. It appears that they moved south to friends during the French and Indian War. One wonders if the orphan story is true. The fact that all known children had an eldest son named John might indicate that their father was Johannes. Unfortunately we have not found any wills or deeds for Johannes Mast. Gingerich and Kreider list the family as follows:

MS2 Parents names unknown:

.MS21 daughter

.MS22 Anna md John Yoder YR25

.MS23 Magdalena b. 1736 md Michael Troyer TY - They are the ancestors of all Amish-Mennonites who have Troyer ancestors. (Chart 1 #32 & 33)

.MS24 Jacob b. 1738 d. Feb. 8, 1808 md Magdalena Holly HL21. Jacob was an Amish Bishop in Berks Co., PA.

.MS25 John b. abt 1740 md Barbara and moved to NC and then to Miami County, OH.

.MS26 daughter

Another Mast family also came to America. Some descendants of this family spelled their name Maust. The Strassburger Ship Lists say Jacob and Barbara Mast arrived October 8, 1737 on the Ship “Charming Nancy.”

.MS3 Jacob MAST(Chart 2 #28 and Chart 4 # 24) was born in Europe. Jacob died 1772 in Berks Co., PA. He married (1) Barbara about 1736. She was born in Germany. Known child of Jacob MAST and Barbara is:

.MS31 Anna md Jacob Kauffman ?KFB

Jacob Mast's MS3 spouse (2) has not been identified. (Chart 2 # 28 and 29 and Chart 42# 24 & 25)

.MS32 John b. 1749 d. 1823 md Anna Staehle SAB24

.MS33 Jacob d. 1826 md Anna L

.MS34 Christian d. June 1812 md _______

.MS35 Veronica was wife 1 of John Hochstetler HS12

.MS36 Joseph b. 20 May 1763 d. 20 May 1846 md Veronica Berkey BK153 (Chart 1 #14& 15 and Chart 4 # 12&13) md 2 Mary Schrock SK28.

.MS36 Joseph MAST was born 20 May 1763 in Berks Co., and died 20 May 1846 in Somerset Co., PA. He married Veronica BERKEY about 1783 in Somerset Co., PA. She was born 1768 in Berks Co., PA. (Chart 2 # 14 & 15 and Chart 4 # 12 and 13). Their children are:

.MS361 John b. 1784 d. young from a log rolling on him

.MS362 Joseph b. 2 January 1786 d. 20 November 1850 md Sarah Miller ML247 (Chart 4 # 6 & 7)

.MS363 Jacob b. 1787 d. 1868 md Elizabeth Yoder YR2614

.MS364 Susanna b. about 1789 d. 1855 md Joseph Hochstetler HS161

.MS365 Daniel b. 1791 d. 1874 md Elizabeth Hochstetler HS184

.MS366 Veronica might be wife 2 of Michael Gingerich GGD

.MS367 John b. 1794 d. 1869 md Salome Shoemaker

.MS368 Mary b. 1796 d. 1895 md Daniel Miller ML543

.MS369 Samuel b. 1800 d. 1865 md Eve Seese SSB8

.MS36A Sarah b. 10 February 1801 d. 14 January 1882 m. Michael Gingerich GGD (Chart 2 # 6 & 7) See the Gingerich family for their children.

.MS36B Christian b. 1801 d. 1876 md Dorothy Hochstetler HS1232

Joseph Mast MS36 md 2 Mary Schrock SK28 and had 2 children:

MS36C Lydia b. 1826 d. 1840 in Somerset Co., PA

MS36D Jonas b. 1830 d. 1916 md Barbara Miller ML54221

.MS362 Joseph MAST was born 2 January 1786 in Somerset Co., PA. Joseph died 20 November 1850 in Holmes Co., Ohio. He married Sarah MILLER about 1813 in Somerset Co., PA. She was born 24 April 1794 in Meyersdale, Somerset Co., PA. (Chart 4 # 6& 7) Sarah died 21 March 1847 in Holmes Co., Ohio. Their children are:

.MS3621 Daniel J. b. 1814 d. 1899 md Elizabeth Troyer TY713

.MS3622 Mary b. 1816 d. 1850 md Michael D. Miller ML2234

.MS3623 Jacob J. b. 1818 md Mary Mishler MH387 md 2 Rebecca Plank PK4261

.MS3624 Veronica b. 1821 d. 1877 md Benjamin Miller ML223b

.MS3625 Moses b. 1823 d. 1890 md Elizabeth Yoder YR23363

.MS3626 Sarah b. about 1826 md John M. Miller ML7223

.MS3627 Magdalena b. 4 September 1828 d. 13 October 1904 (Chart 4 #3) m. Christian Stutzman ST541 (Chart 3 # 2) These are the parents of Lucinda (Stutzman) Troyer (Charts 3 and 4 #1).

.MS3628 Elizabeth b. about 1831 md Christian Stutzman ST526


Researchers generally agree that this Mishler (.MH) family immigrated on the ship “Phoenix” that arrived in Philadelphia on September 15, 1749. On that ship list are the names of Jacob Mishler, who signed with an X, followed by Joseph Mishler, who wrote his name in German. Some researchers, including myself, have mistakenly suggested that Ulrich Mischler whose name comes near the end of the ship list was their father. There was also an Ulrich Mishler in Cocalico Township near our Mishler family.

But the Ulrich Mishler of Cocalico Township was age 30 and married to Elizabeth age 25 with their daughter Anna age 13 years when they immigrated on the ship “Oliver” which landed in Philadelphia on August 26, 1735. These ages given on the ship list seem off a couple of years. Ulrich’s estate proves that he had only one child, Anna, who married Christian Zweller. They were Lutheran. This couple was from Schwarzenburg, Switzerland.

The Ulrich Mischler on the 1749 ship was not the father either. He was married to Eleanora Mueller. They were from Schwarzenburg, Canton Bern, Switzerland. They settled in Hanover Township, York County. They had only two known children: Maria Louisa born "on the sea" on August 17, 1749 and Eleanora Mishler baptized on April 5, 1752, at St. Matthew Lutheran Church in York County, PA. They belonged to the Reformed Church.

Back to our Mishler family. The marriage record in the First Reformed Church in Lancaster dated April 22, 1754 of the oldest daughter Catherine .MH1 to Casper Diefenbach says that she was from the Durlach territory. This is an area near Karlsruhe, Germany. In the records of Karlsruhe is the name of an Ulrich Mishler, an Amish-Mennonite minister who was living in that area. This is a third Ulrich Mishler adding confusion to the stories. This Ulrich being 40 to 50 years old was perhaps a grandfather of our Mishler family.

Some have written that Christian Zug ZK1 and Christian Miller .ML5 returned to Europe for their Mishler wives. But the Mishler family is proven to have been in Berks County, PA before these marriages took place. The proofs are the marriage of Catherine .MH1 to Casper in 1754 and the Mishler sons begin to appear in the tax list as early as 1756.

I believe that the father of our Mishler family was Joseph Mishler who signed his name in German script on the ship list in 1749. He died sometime before 1755 and his widow Dorothea married Christian Zug by 1760. The Joseph Mishler who signed the Ship list could not have been Joseph .MH3 as .MH3 never signed any deeds or wills but only made his X for his name and he was called Joseph Mishler Jr. in the Valentine Dillabaugh Will. Joseph .MH3 first appears in the 1756 tax list as a single male of 21 years old, which gives him a birth year of 1735. That would make Joseph .MH3 only 14 in 1749 and too young to sign the ship list. Only males 16 years and older signed. For a more complete story see the article, “Mishler Families of Lancaster County, PA” published in the “Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage Magazine,” October 1993.

The will and estate papers of Christian Zug who died Dec. 17, 1787 in East Whiteland Township, Chester County, PA, names members of this Amish Mennonite Mishler family due to the fact that Christian Zug was their stepfather who married their mother, Dodorea/Dorothea. I follow Hugh F. Gingerich’s order in listing the children even though I believe that Joseph was younger than Christina and perhaps even younger than Veronica.

.MH Joseph Mishler b. around 1700 to 1710 d. 1750s md Dorothea

.MH1 Catherine md Casper Diefenbach

.MH2 Jacob

.MH3 Joseph md Elizabeth Berkey BK24 (Ancestor of Murrays in Family 1-11)

.MH4 Christina md Christian Speicher SP1

.MH5 Veronica md Christian Miller .ML5

.MH6 daughter (?Elizabeth) md Jacob Berkey BK21 (Chart 1 # 42 & 43) See the Berkey Family for their children.

Christian Zug ZK married Dorothea in fall 1760 or spring 1761--between August 4, 1760 when he sold land (with no wife listed) and September 6, 1761, when he and his two Mishler stepsons became naturalized citizens. The naturalization list made by the Philadelphia court includes residents of Berks County, PA, who were "persons being Quakers or such who conscientiously scruple to take an oath:" John Carver (sic) (GB1), Christian Suke (sic) (ZK1), Joseph Mishler (.MH3), Jacob Mishler (.MH2), and Adam Richenbacher (sic) (RB2).


The Rickenbach lineage given in the footnote of our Rickenbach family (Gingerich page 361) is as follows:

1. Martin Rickenbach b. abt 1560 had a son:

2. Jacob Rickenbach b. July 25, 1585 at Zeglingen, Switzerland md Barbara Widmer on April 27, 1623 at Kilchberg, Switzerland. had a son:

3. Hans Rickenbach b. May 25, 1626 at Zeglingen md Dec 1, 1646 at Kilchberg to Anna Gysin had a son:

4. Martin Rickenbach b. Dec. 25, 1629 Zelinger, Switzerland md Barbara Gerber Jan. 19, 1692 at Kilchberg. had a son:

5. Henry Rickenbach (RB) b. abt 1696 d. 1741 md Barbara Thommen b. about 1701 daughter of Adam. They came to Philadelphia arriving Sept. 23, 1740. He was age 44 and she was 39. Henry wrote his will Feb 28, 1740/41 and it was probated on March 25, 1741. The story is that after the death of their father, the children were placed in Amish homes and were brought up Amish. The son Adam returned to Switzerland to collect the inheritance from the estate of Adam Thommen, his grandfather, who died in 1743. The following are the christening dates for their children in the Reformed Church, Zeglingen, Switzerland. Their children were:

.RB1 Elizabeth c. July 30, 1724 d. 1796 md John Kurtz KZB6

.RB2 Hans Adam c. Nov 18, 1726 d. 1804 md _______. (Chart 1 # 34)

.RB3 John c. Oct. 24, 1728 d. 1782 md Anna ____Their daughter Magdalena (RB35) was the second wife of Michael Troyer TY2. – See the Troyer family.

.RB4 Jacob c. June 25, 1730 d. 1805 single

.RB5 Margaret c. March 18, 1732 md Samuel Baer

.RB6 Henry c. May 22, 1735 md _________

.RB7 Barbara c. Oct 20, 1737 died young

.RB8 Anna c. Nov. 28, 1739 died young

* c. = christening dates

.RB2 Hans Adam c. Nov 18,1726 d. 1804 in Chester Co., PA md _______. (Chart 1 # 34) They had 14 children.

.RB21 Henry b. 1752 d. 1827 in Juniata Co., PA. md Anna Gerber GB2

.RB22 John d. September 1796 in Lancaster Co., PA. md Anna ? Rupp RP3

.RB23 Mary b. in Berks Co., PA md Casper Schneider

.RB24 Anna md Michael Troyer TY2 (Chart 1 # 16 & 17) See the Michael Troyer TY2 family for their children

.RB25 Adam died single

.RB26 Barbara md Adam Herner

.RB27 Veronica md Christian Lantz LZ1

.RB28 Elizabeth md Tobias Schenck

.RB29 Betsy md John McConkey

.RB2A Jacob died single

.RB2B Catherine md John Grabill

.RB2C David b. 1772 md Elizabeth Young

.RB2D Margaret b. in Chester Co., PA d. in Holmes Co., OH md Andrew Troyer TYb, the brother of Michael Troyer TY2.


The Yoders in the ancestral Charts begin with two brothers whose families arrived in Philadelphia aboard the ship “Francis and Elizabeth” on September 21, 1742. One of the brothers died at sea and was buried at sea. His widow Barbara and children settled in Berne Township, Berks County. The list of children in this family comes from the will of their sister Barbara YR18 who died without children and named her brothers and sisters as heirs.

.YR1 ____ Yoder (died at sea coming to America) md Barbara _____. (Chart 3 # 36 & 37 and 44 & 45)

.YR11 Catherine, wife (1) of Isaac Kauffman .KF3

.YR12 Christian, d. 1773 md Barbara Beiler BY1 (Chart 3 #18 & 19)

.YR13 Magdalena md? Moritz Zug (Zook) ZK2, his name not in Shirk will

.YR14 Jacob (Strong) d 1790 md Anna (?) Beiler BY2

.YR15 Anna md Samuel King KG

.YR16 Michael d 1799 md ____

.YR17 John d 1804 md Anna Berkey BK14 (Chart 3 # 22 & 23).

.YR18 Barbara d 1793 wife (2) of John Shirk

.YR19 Veronica md John Hertzler HZ1 (will of Barbara Sherk calls him brother-in-law and makes him executor)

.YR12 Christian Yoder d. 1773 in Berks Co., md Barbara Beiler BY1 (Chart 3 #18 & 19)

.YR121 Jacob b. 1745 md Veronica Hochstetler HS13

.YR122 Christian b 1747

.YR123 Elizabeth b. 1749 md Christian Hertzler HZ5 (Ancestor of Murrays in family 1-11)

.YR124 Barbara b. 1751 md Jacob Hertzler HZ3

.YR125 John b. 1753 md Magdalena Stutzman ST1

.YR126 Veronica b. 1755 md John Miller .ML22

.YR127 Joseph b. 1757 md Elizabeth Yutzi YZB13

.YR128 Henry b. 1759 md Barbara Kauffman .KF47

.YR129 Anna b. 1761 md Jacob Stutzman ST5 (Chart 3 # 8 & 9) See the Stutzman family

.YR12a David b. 1763 md Jacobina Eash ES2

.YR12b Catherine b. 1765 md John Miller .ML62

.YR17 John Yoder b. 1732 d 1804 md Anna Berkey BK14 (Chart 3 # 22 & 23). In his will probated in Berks Co., on November 7, 1807 (Will Book 4, page 443) John named his wife, Anna, and his children as follows: David, “who shall have my property located in Mifflin County, PA where he now lives”. Johannes and Jacob who “shall receive my plantation in Oley Township, consisting of 343 acres.” Their children were:

.YR171 Barbara b 1763 md Jacob Gnaegi KY7

.YR172 Veronica b. 1764 died single

.YR173 Anna b. 1765 md Christian Gerber GB18

.YR174 David b. 1767 md 1 Barbara Steeley SAB231 md 2 Veronica Riehl RL2 md 3 Magdalena

.YR175 Elizabeth b. 1769 md Steven Kurtz KZB79

.YR176 Magdalena b. 1771 md Abraham Gerber GR1a (Chart 3 # 10 & 11) See the Gerber family

.YR177 John b. 1773 md Veronica Rickenbach RB322

.YR178 Sarah b. 1776 md Daniel Kauffman .KF116 (Ancestor 0of Murrays in family 1-11)


1. Cooper, H. Austin, Two Centuries of Brothers Valley Church of the Brethren, 1762-1962, The Time Inc, Westminster, MD, 1962.

2. Davis, Richard Warren, Emigrants, Refugees and Prisoners, Vol I, Provo, UT 1995

3. Ellis, Franklin and Samuel Evans, History of Lancaster County PA, Philadelphia, Evert & Peck, 1883, p. 247, 248 and 905, 906

4. Gingerich, Hugh F. and Rachel W. Kreider, Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies, Pequea Publishers, Gordonville, PA 1986

5. Good, Merle, Editor, People Pieces, Herald Press, Scottdale, PA 1974.

6. Hostetler, Rev. Harvey, D.D., Descendants of Barbara Hochstetler, Gospel Book Store, Berlin, OH, 1965. (DBH)

7. Hostetler, Rev. Harvey, D.D., Descendants of Jacob Hochstetler, Brethren Publishing House, Elgin, IL, 1912. (DJH)

8. Kauffman, Charles Fahs, A Genealogy and History of Kauffman-Coffman Families of North America, 1584-1937, York, PA, 1940 (Kauffman Book)

9. Kauffman, Monnoah A., Abraham Kauffman Family History.

10. Keim, J. J., Zimmerman Family, 1939.

11. Levine, Neil Ann Stuckey, Previous Kennel Froschauer Bible Owners – Christian Zaug and Hans Zaug. Mennonite Family History, Volume XV, Number 2, April 1996. Pages 50-70

12. Mast, C. Z., Mast Family History, Elverson, PA, 1911.

13. Mast, C. Z., and Robert E. Simpson, Annals of Conestoga Valley, Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA, 1942. (ACV)

14. Murray, John F., Mishler Families of Lancaster County, PA, published by PA Mennonite Heritage Magazine, October 1993

15. PA Archives, Series III.

16. Smith, C. Henry, The Mennonites of America, Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA, 1909.

17. Strassburger, Ralph Beaver, LLD., PA German Pioneers (Ship-lists 1727-1808) PA German Society, Norristown, PA, 1934.

18. Roth, John D., translator and editor, Letters of the Amish Division: A Sourcebook Mennonite Historical Society, Goshen, IN 1993.

19. United States Census, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio.

20. Weaver, Martin G., Mennonites of Lancaster Conference, Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, PA, 1931.

21. Wenger, J. C., The Mennonites in Indiana and Michigan, Herald Press, Scottdale, PA, 1961.


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