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 Unit 1 The Living World AP Exam Review 5669280205740Predator Prey1) Define Predator. An organism that preys on others.2) Define Prey. An animal that is hunted and killed for food.3) Describe the trends from observations of the figure to the left:38114445If the number of prey animals increases, there is more food available for the predators and hence they are able to raise more offspring. This, in turn, will cause the number of predators to rise after a short time lag.Symbioses4) Define Symbiosis.5) Fill in the chart below on the different types of symbiosis.Symbiosis TypeSpecies 1 Interaction (Beneficial, Harmful, or Neutral)Species 2 Interaction(Beneficial, Harmful, or Neutral)Give a Real World ExampleMutualismBeneficialBeneficialClownfish and sea anemoneCoral and zooxanthellaeCommensalismBeneficialNeutralBird nesting in treeParasitismBeneficialHarmfulTapeworm and HumanCompetition and Resource Partitioning6) What is competition? Sharing a limited environmental resource7) How does competition sometimes lead to resource partitioning? When organisms are competing for a common limited resource they evolve to coexist by dividing a niche.8) Compare interspecific to intraspecific competition. Inter-between two different species in the same area/Intra-between two of the same species in the same areaTerrestrial Biomes9) Define the term biodiversity. The number of species in an area.10) Define the term biome A certain area of Earth which has a consistent climate, flora, and fauna.11) Sketch and/or label the following on the map of the world below:the equator (on map 0 Degrees Latitude)the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn (23.5 N and 23.5 S Latitude)the Mid-Atlantic Ridge(STARS)the location of suppressed upwelling characteristic of the occurrence of El Ni?o (Yellow Star)the location of China(Red Star), India(Blue Star), Ethiopia(Green Star), Brazil(Orange Star), Bangladesh(Black dot), and Fremont(Purple dot)20764502286003257550342900481965068103834766251104900347662512954003024188110013831908755334003319463914400257175011715754076700809625460057562865049434755810253190875723900236220053340012) Fill in the table below about the different terrestrial biomes of the world. Type of BiomeTypical LocationTypical ClimateCharacteristic adaptations for survivalTropical Rain Forest20N-20S Latitude(Central and S. America/ Southeast Asia/ N. Australia)Avg Temp: 20-30CPrecipitation: 250-450 cmPlants – Lush Vegetation, cocoa, coffee, bamboo, strangler figsAnimals – Ape, monkey, sloths, toucanTemperate Deciduous ForestEastern US, Japan, Chile, China, Europe, Eastern AustraliaAvg Temp: 5 to 20CPrecip: 50-225 cmPlants – Oak, maple, beech, hickory, some pineAnimals – Toad, squirrel, chipmunkTaiga (Boreal) Forest50N-60N in Europe, Russia, and N AmericaAvg Temp:-5 to 10CPrecip: 25-200 cmPlants – Coniferous trees; pine, spruce, fir. Some deciduousAnimals – Moose, beaver, bear, wolfTropical Grasslands (Savanna)Central America, S. Asia, Coastal S. America, Sub-saharan Africa, MW AustraliaAvg Temp: 20 to 30CPrecip: 50-275 cmPlants – Dense stands of shrubs and trees, grassesAnimals – Scorpion, giraffe, rhinosTemperate Grassland (Prairie)N. America, S. America, Central Asia, E. EuropeAvg. Temp: -5 to 20CPrecip: 0-50 cmPlants – Grasses, non woody flowering plantsAnimals – Bison, zebra, rhino, kangarooTundra(Cold Grassland)Northernmost Northern Hemisphere, AntarcticaAvg. Temp: -10 to -5CPrecip: 0-100 cm Plants – Woody shrubs, mosses, lichensAnimals –Hare, fox, caribou, polar bearDesert30N-30S, Mojave Desert(US), Sahara(Africa), Arabian(Middle East), Great Victoria(Australia)Avg Temp: 18 to 31Precip: 0-100 cm Plants – Cacti, succulentsAnimals – Camel, rock hyrax13) For each of the following biomes, identify a specific country in which each biome occurs in relative abundance:Taiga(N. America) Desert(US, Africa)Tropical rainforest(S. America)Temperate grassland(N. America, Europe)Tropical grassland(Africa, Asia)Coral reef(Central America, Australia, SE Asia)Temperate deciduous forest(Eastern US)Tundra(Russia, N. America)Aquatic Biomes14) Fill in the table below about the different aquatic biomes of the world. Type of BiomeTypical LocationTypical ClimateCharacteristic adaptations for survivalCoral ReefNear equator, Australia, Caribbean Sea, IndonesiaTemp:23-29CPlants – Algae, ZooxanthellaeAnimals – Coral, reef fish, sharks, rays, mollusksOpen OceanWater column beyond continental shelfTemp: Varies depending on currents and sunlightPlants – PhytoplanktonAnimals – Sharks, dolphins, whalesKelp ForestPacific Northwest USTemp:5-20CPlants – Kelp Animals – Urchins, Sea stars, otters, whalesEstuary/WetlandCoastal where freshwater and saltwater mixTemp: VariesPlants – Mangrove trees, algae, cordgrassAnimals – Sharks, crocodiles, herons, crabs, fishBiogeochemical Cycles: Carbon Cycle, Phosphorus, Nitrogen and Water Cycles15) Complete the following table for these biogeochemical cycles:TraitCarbonNitrogenPhosphorusWaterImportance to lifeNeeded for photosynthesisEssential for plant lifeEssential nutrient for plants and animals (ATP, DNA, RNA)Essential to life, moves nutrients through ecosystemLargest reservoirOceanAtmosphereSedimentary RockOceansMethods of transportPhotosynthesis, respiration, sedimentation, burial, extraction, and combustionNitrogen fixation, Nitrification, Assimilation, Ammonification, DenitrificationMoves through water and landEvaporation, condensation, precipitationCycle duration (long/short)BothShortShort(Plants and Animals)Long(Soil and Ocean)ShortDetailed Nitrogen Cycle16) Identify the characteristic process associated with each of the following.Nitrification: Convert ammonia into nitrite and then nitrateDenitrification: Nitrate into nitrogen gas(N2)Assimilation: Producers incorporate elements into their tissuesNitrogen Fixation: Converts nitrogen gas(N2) into forms producers can useAmmonification: Bacteria and fungus breakdown organic nitrogen from dead bodies and waste and convert it into inorganic ammoniumFood Chains17) Identify three examples of biotic components of an ecosystem and three examples of abiotic components of an ecosystem.(1) Plants (1) SoilBiotic:(2) AnimalsAbiotic: (2) Water(3) Bacteria (3) Temperature18) Diagram a simple food chain in the space below. Label the trophic levels and illustrate the Rule of 10 with each trophic level. Start with 1,000,000 kCal in the primary producer level. Grass -----> Rabbit ------> Fox1,000,000 kcal 100,000 kcal 10,000 kcalPrimary Producer Primary Consumer Secondary Consumer19) What happens when a predator is removed from the food chain or web?1st and 2nd Law of Thermodynamics20) Define the First Law of Thermodynamics Energy can neither be created or destroyed instead it may be transferred from one form to another.-Example Humans converting energy from food into activity21) Define the Second Law of Thermodynamics When energy is transformed, the quantity remains the same, but its ability to do work diminishes-Example Moving up the food chain most of the energy is lost to the environment as heatGross Primary Productivity and Net Primary Productivity23) Define GPP Gross Primary Productivity: total amount of solar energy that producers in an ecosystem capture via photosynthesis24) Define NPP Net Primary Productivity: the energy captured in an ecosystem minus the energy producers respire25) What biomes have high NPP? Low NPP? Why?High NPP: Rainforest and SwampsTemperatures are warm, solar energy and water abundantLow NPP: Desert and Open OceanThe volume of the open ocean compared to the amount of phytoplankton is massiveDeserts have little precipitation resulting in a low number of primary producers GPP and NPP Math26) Perform the following calculation. Show all of your work. If the grasses on a 100-hectare area of grassland grow at an average rate of 1 cm/day, the average volume of grass that is added to the grassland each day is ____________ m3. If the density of the grasses that grow in the grassland averages 400 kg/m3, the net primary productivity is approximately _____________ g/day or _____________ g/year. 1 hectare = 10,000 m2Show work:First, convert 100 ha to m2 using 1 ha=10000 m21,000,000 m2Second, convert 1 cm/day to m/day using 100 cm=1 m.01 mThird, multiply the two (1,000,000 m2 x .01 m)10,000 m3Fourth, Density=Mass X Volume, D= 400 kg/m3Must convert to grams/m31000 g= 1 kgD=400,000 g/m3so….V=10,000 m3M= D/V(400,000 g/m3 / 10,000 m3)= 40 gramsNPP= 40 g/day365 days=1 yearNPP= 40 g/day x 365 days= 14,600 g/yrSample FRQs27) Biogeochemical cycles describe the movement of certain elements (typically bound with other elements in compounds) through Earth’s atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere. These elements and their compounds are necessary components of all life, and because they cycle, they can be used repeatedly by new generations of organisms. Each biogeochemical cycle has different pathways with various reservoirs (sources and sinks) where elements may reside for days or millions of years. (a) The atmosphere is one important carbon reservoir. (i) Describe a biological process by which carbon is removed from the atmosphere and converted to organic molecules.Photosynthesis: the process by which plants/autotrophs take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it into food/glucose/sugar/complex carbohydrates; plants/autotrophs fix carbon into food/glucose/sugar/complex carbohydrates.(ii) Describe a biological process by which carbon is converted from organic molecules to a gas and returned to the atmosphere. ? Respiration breaks down food/glucose/sugar/complex carbohydrates and releases CO2 into the atmosphere ? Animals digest food and produce gases such as methane that can be emitted either through belching or flatulence ? Decomposition of organic material by bacteria or fungi converts organic carbon into gases such as methane(b) Oceans and terrestrial systems are also important carbon reservoirs. (i) Explain how atmospheric carbon is incorporated into two oceanic sinks. ? Carbon (CO2) can be taken up by organisms like phytoplankton for photosynthesis ? Carbon can be taken up by marine organisms and used for shells, skeletons, coral, etc. ? Biological pump (organisms in the upper ocean sink to the bottom of the ocean)? Atmospheric CO2 can dissolve directly into ocean water OR atmospheric CO2 can dissolve into precipitation and ultimately reach the ocean ? Carbon can react with other elements/compounds and form carbonates/limestone/sedimentary rocks (just “rocks” is too vague to earn a point)(ii) Identify one terrestrial sink, other than fossil fuels, that stores carbon for thousands to millions of years. Old growth forests/trees that live for thousands of years (just “forests” does not earn credit) ? Trapped/incorporated into ice caps/glaciers ? Limestone or sedimentary rocks ? Incorporation into soil ? Freshwater wetlands/bogs ? Peat formation/burial of plant material under anaerobic conditions ? Dissolved in aquifers(c) The burning of fossil fuels has been shown to increase the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere. Discuss TWO other human activities that increase the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere. ? Deforestation—cutting down trees reduces the reservoirs for carbon OR cutting down trees can result in carbon being released back into the atmosphere through the process of decay/decomposition ? Biomass burning releases carbon (CO, CO2, carbon particulates) ? Trash/waste incineration can release carbon (CO2, CO, carbon particulates) ? Slash and burn agricultural practices—burning organic matter releases carbon (CO2, CO, carbon particulates) ? Deep plowing or strip mining disrupts soil and releases carbon (CO2) ? Humans make landfills that can produce carbon-containing carbon-based gases (mainly methane) ? Raising cows and/or other ruminant animals releases carbon-containing gases (methane) ? Manufacture and use of CFCs/HCFCs/other carbon-containing compounds releases carbon ? Destruction of wetlands (releases CO2/removes sink for CO2) ? Production of cement releases CO2(d) Identify an environmental problem that results from elevated atmospheric carbon concentrations. Discuss one consequence of the problem you identified. Global climate change/global warming/increased global temperatures ? some species of plants and/or animals will not be able to survive temperature changes ? climate zones will shift so some species may not be able to adapt Sea Level Rise? sea level rise which will flood habitats Ice caps/glaciers melting ? coastal habitats will be flooded Ocean acidification ? flooding and habitat loss ? shells of marine organisms may dissolve ? lower pH may be below the tolerance level of some species Reduction in air quality due to (for example) increased CO in the atmosphere ? hazardous to animals breathing it in(e) Phosphorus is another element important to all organisms. i) Describe one major way in which the phosphorus cycle differs from the carbon cycle. ? Phosphorus cycle does not typically have a gas/atmospheric phase ? It is more difficult for living organisms to access phosphorus since it has to be weathered from rocks and minerals (phosphorus cycle is much “slower” than the carbon cycle; phosphorus has fewer sinks than carbon)ii) Identify one reason that phosphorus is necessary for organisms. ? Phosphorus is a component of nucleotides/ATP in cells ? It is necessary for the formation of DNA and RNA ? Phospholipids are a major component of all cell membranes ? Phosphorus is found in/gives strength to the bones and/or enamel of teeth in mammals28) After reading the following excerpt from an article about the interrelationships among organisms in an oak forest, answer parts (a), (b), and (c), which follow. Chain Reactions Linking Acorns to Gypsy Moth Outbreaks and Lyme Disease Risk Oak trees (Quercus spp.) produce large autumnal acorn crops every two to five years, and produce few or no acorns during intervening years. Acorns are a critical food for white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). Mice are important predators of the pupal stage of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). This introduced insect periodically undergoes outbreaks that defoliate millions of hectares of oak forests, decreasing tree growth, survival, and acorn crop production. An abundance of acorns provides food for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Mice and deer are the primary hosts of the black-legged tick (Ixodes scapularis), which carries Lyme disease. (a) In the space provided below, diagram a food web based on the interrelationships of the organisms identified in the excerpt. 1219200293772(b) Design a controlled experiment that tests the relationship between acorn production and gypsy moth population. Include the hypothesis that the experiment tests. 19051457200266700285750(c) Briefly describe a strategy that uses integrated pest management for the control of the black-legged tick population.29) Wetlands were once considered to be wastelands. Over 50 percent of the United States original wetlands have been destroyed. (a) Describe TWO characteristics that are used by scientists to define an area as a wetland. ? Soil covered/saturated/submerged/inundated/flooded with water (for all or part of the year) OR shallow/standing water with emergent vegetation. ? Plants/vegetation have adaptations that allow them to live under these conditions (are water tolerant). ? Characteristic (hydric) soils(b) Wetlands are highly productive ecosystems with complex food webs. (i) Complete the diagram of the wetland food web to the right by drawing arrows that show the direction of energy flow.480822010795923925161925(ii) Explain why it takes many hectares of wetland to support a pair of eagles. ? To support a pair of eagles, there must be a large amount of biomass at lower trophic levels.? Less energy is available at each successive trophic level, because as energy moves up the food chain, much of it is: o lost as heat (10 percent rule) or lost as metabolic work; or, o transformed into a less usable form/becomes less organized (second law of thermodynamics). ? Some biomass is not digestible at the next trophic level (e.g., cellulose, chitin). Note: Students may use a trophic pyramid diagram, but it must be accompanied by an explanation in order to earn credit.1266825285750(c) Describe TWO economic benefits (other than those related to water quality) that wetlands provide.1152525285750(d) Describe one specific human activity that degrades wetlands.Modified by A. Willis from David Hong’s AP Environmental Science Review Packets (Diamond Bar HS). FRQ’s are College Board Released. Unit 1 The Living World Review Videos40005000Mr. Andersen, Bozeman Biology007 - Ecosystem Ecology ?008 - Energy Flow in Ecosystems ?009 - Ecosystem Diversity010 - Natural Ecosystem Change ?011 - Biogeochemical CyclesAmoeba SistersCarbon and Nitrogen Cycle: Ecological Relationships: Crash CoursePopulation Ecology - Crash Course Biology #2: Ecology: Feel the Love Crash Course Ecology #4 Community Ecology II: Predators Crash Course Ecology #5: Ecological Succession: Change is Good Crash Course Ecology #6: Ecosystem Ecology: Links in the Chain Crash Course Ecology #7: The Hydrologic and Carbon Cycles: Always Recycle Crash Course Ecology #8: and Phosphorus Cycles: Always Recycle Part Two Crash Course Ecology #9: BioInteractiveSome Animals are More Equal Than Others: Trophic Cascades Khan AcademyEcology Introduction: Ecosystems and Biomes: Flow of Energy and Matter Through Ecosystems: Interactions Between Populations: The Water Cycle: Organism Life History and Fecundity: Nitrogen Cycle: Biogeochemical Cycles: Exponential and Logistic Growth in Populations: Predator Prey Cycle: Ecological Succession: Population Regulation: Phosphorus Cycle: Carbon Cycle: Barron’s Review Chapters, 7th EditionChapter 4: Ecosystems (Pg 91)Chapter 5: Natural Biogeochemical Cycles (Pg 145)Unit 1 The Living World VocabularyPCBs: Polychlorinated Biphenyls used in electronics. Chemical products banned in 1979. Polluted groundwater. Quantitative Data: data that uses numbersQualitative Data: data that uses qualities and characteristics to describeExperimental Design: set up of an experimentControl: constant variable and unchanged throughout the course of the investigation.Easter Island: an island owned by Chile where people died because of lack of natural resourcesEcology: study of living organisms in their nonliving worldBiotic factor: living item (ex: bacteria)Abiotic factor: not living item (ex: Ecological Hierarchy: species ? population ? community ? ecosystem ? biome ? biospherePopulation: a group of individuals of the same speciesCommunity: a group of populations interacting togetherEcosystem: a group of communities interacting togetherBiosphere: another name for earthNatural Selection: survival of the fittestChesapeake Bay Watershed: Where the Potomac River dumps into the Atlantic Ocean. Extremely polluted with sediments and nutrients.Salinity: level of salt in the waterBrackish: medium levels of salinity. Often occurs in wetlands where salt and freshwater mix.Potential Energy: The energy stored. PE = mghKinetic Energy: The energy in movement: KE = ? mv21st Law of Thermodynamics: Energy is not created nor destroyed…changes forms2nd Law of Thermodynamics: No reaction is 100% efficient. Entropy is created after every energy transformation.Entropy: Disorder and chaos in a system. Gaia hypothesis: organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planetEcological footprint: a measure of human impact on Earth's ecosystems. It's typically measured in the area of wilderness or amount of natural capital consumed each year.Carrion: the decaying flesh of dead animalsPhototrophs: organisms that use light to perform photosynthesis. Often plants and phytoplankton.Chemotrophs: organisms that use chemicals to perform chemosynthesis. Often bacteria in deep sea vents.Heterotrophs: organisms that consume to obtain energy. Often herbivores and carnivores.Primary Consumer: first level heterotroph, eat primary producersSecondary Consumer: organism that eats primary consumerTertiary Consumer: organism that eats secondary consumerSaprotrophs: organism that eats dead organic materials (fungi and bacteria)Food Chain: a series of who eats whom with one pp, one pc, one sc, one tcFood Web: a diagram of who eats whom for all organismsGross Primary Productivity: the rate of photosynthesis taking place in an areaNet Primary Productivity: The biomass left over in a phototroph after photosynthesis and respiration takes place. Nitrogen Fixation: Taking nitrogen in air (N2) and changing to nitrite (NO2) or ammonia (NH3)Nitrification: Take nitrite and turning it into nitrate NO3Assimilation: Organisms use nitrate and ammonium to make DNA and amino acids.Ammonification: Taking NH3 and turning it into NH4.Denitrification: Taking nitrate and ammonium and turning it back into nitrogen (N2) in the air.Sink: a storage place of an elementSource: a process that releases an element.Primary Succession: community change that occurs with new land formation: lichen ? moss ? small shrubs ? small trees ? large trees ? climax communitySecondary Succession: community change that occurs with land already formed. Bottleneck Effect: cut down of genetic diversity due to loss of individuals in a population.Non-native species: a species that is not known historically in an area. Ex: cane toads in AustraliaSpecies diversity: a count of how many species are in an area.Ecotone: a transitional zone between two communities. Ex: intertidal zone.Niche: an organism’s job in a community.Hybrid: the offspring of two different species.Lichen: a symbiotic relationship of a fungus and an algaeGermination: sprouting of a seedMutualism: a symbiosis where two species benefit from the relationship. Ex: oxpecker and rhinoCommensalism: a symbiosis where one species benefits and the other is neutral in the relationship. Ex: cattle egret and cowParasitism: a symbiosis where one species benefits and the other is harmed in the relationship. Ex: tapeworm and humanCompetitive Exclusion Principle: species with the same niche in the same area cannot coexistKeystone Species: often a dominant predator whose removal allows a prey population to explode and often decreases overall diversity. Ex: sea otterPredation: the preying of one animal on others.Mimicry: the close external resemblance of an animal or plant (or part of one) to another animal, plant, or inanimate objectInterspecific Competition: competition between two different species.Intraspecific Competition: competition of the same species.Aerobic: using oxygenAnaerobic: using no oxygen ................

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