Before you begin:

Microsoft Office Excel 2013Chapter 4: Financial Functions, Data Tables, and Amortization SchedulesAssignment SheetBefore you begin:Create a folder called Excel 2013Create a folder in your Excel 2013 folder called Chapter 4You will save all files in your new Chapter 4 folder with class period last name and name of file as indicated in the instructions in the book. Do NOT print anything UNLESS specifically indicated on your Assignment Sheet.All data files are located on my website bonitaklein.Place your name in a header on all documentsSubmit assignments to send to my cloud with the name period#ExcelCh4 by the due date listed below.AssignmentDueStep by Step (pages EX 210-261)Create file: FCU At Home Financial ToolsFollow the steps on pages EX 247-248 “To Set Up a Worksheet to Print” and print the worksheet.Read pages EX 248-249 but do not print; DO “To Name and Print Sections of a Worksheet” and pages EX 249-252 but do NOT print.Follow all remaining steps on page EX 252-261.Save file, using period#FCU At Home Financial Tools, in your PowerPoint Chapter 4 folder in your home directory and upload to send to my cloud.October 11Apply Your Knowledge (pages EX 262-263)Open the file Apply 4-1 Loan Payment Calculator on website bonitaklein.Follow all steps and save as period#lastnameApply 4-1Loan Payment Calculator Complete.Step 4 Print the Worksheet once. Make sure name is on print out before printing.Skip step 7.Step 8—determine monthly payment for both Home and Debt Consolidation Load and copy to new tab on Loan Payment Calculator worksheet. (Name tabs; will have 3 worksheets, Home, Debt Consolidation, and Sailboat)Save file as period# last name Apply 4-1 Loan Payment Calculator Complete and upload to send to my cloud.Do not do step 11.October 11SAM—ProjectFollow direction from download file on SAMSubmit in SAM, correct if needed, resubmitOctober 11SAMPre-Test/TrainingOctober 12AssessmentChapter 4 Excel SAM ExamOctober 13 ................

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