| |

|The study of drugs and their effects is called: |

|a) physiology |

|b) anatomy |

|c) medicinology |

|d) pharmacology |

|e) pharmacy |

| |

|Solid form of a drug is: |

|a) solution |

|b) ointment |

|c) suspension |

|d) tablet |

|e) ampoules |

| |

|Whitch of the following is not a liquid form? |

|a) tinture |

|b) suspension |

|c) solution |

|d) powder |

|e) syrup |

| |

|An example of a semisolid form would be: |

|a) tablet |

|b) capsules |

|c) suspension |

|d) powder |

|e) cream |

| |

|Liquid form of a drug in which a partile of a drug are not completely dissolved: |

|a) suspension |

|b) ointment |

|c) capsule |

|d) tablet |

|e) gel |

| |

|What is considered the brand name? |

|a) paracetamol |

|b) acamol |

|c) non opioid analgesic |

|d) "off label" use |

|e) inhibit cyclooxygenase |

| |

|Xenobiotics are considered: |

|a) Endogenous |

|b) Exogenous |

|c) Inorganic poisons |

|d) Toxins |

|e) Ligands |

| |

|Pharmacokinetics is: |

|a) The study of biological and therapeutic effects of drugs |

|b) The study of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs |

|c) The study of mechanisms of drug action |

|d) The study of methods of new drug development |

|e) The study of pharmacological effects of drugs |

| |

|What does "pharmacokinetics" include? |

|a) Localization of drug action |

|b) Mechanisms of drug action |

|c) Biotransformatin of drugs |

|d) Interaction of substances |

|e) Side effects of drugs |

| |

|Pharmacokinetics is the effect of the ____ and pharmacodynamics is the effect of the_______: |

|a) Drug on the body; Body on the drug |

|b) Drug on a drug; Drug on a drug |

|c) Body on the drug; Drug on a drug |

|d) Body on the drug; Drug on the body |

|e) Drug on a drug; Body on the drug |

| |

|How is called the pharmacokinetic index, that shows the fraction of an administered dose of unchanged drug that reaches the systemic |

|circulation? |

|a) Bioavailability |

|b) Dosage |

|c) Bioinequivalence |

|d) Drug absorption |

|e) Bioequivalence |

| |

|Which of the following statement is correct for bioavailability? |

|a) The ratio of a drug that reaches the systemic circulation and make an effect. |

|b) The time it takes for the amount or concentration of a drug to fall to 50 % |

|c) The ratio of the rate of elimination of a drug to its concentration in plasma. |

|d) The fraction of the administrated dose of unchanged drug that reaches the systemic circulation. |

|e) the ability of the administered drug metabolites to cause undesirable physiological effects. |

| |

|For intravenous (IV) dosages, what is the bioavailability assumed to be? |

|a) 0% |

|b) 25% |

|c) 50% |

|d) 75% |

|e) 100% |

| |

|Weak acids are excreted faster in _____urine and weak bases are excreted faster in _____urine: |

|a) Acidic; Alkaline |

|b) Alkaline; Acidic |

|c) Acidic; Neutral |

|d) Neutral; Alkaline |

|e) Alkaline; Neutral |

| |

|The principle of drug manipulation for excretion of a drug out of the renal tubule can be accomplished by: |

|a) Acidifying the urinary pH |

|b) Adjusting the urinary pH to protonate weakly acidic drugs |

|c) Adjusting the urinary pH to unprotonate weakly basic drugs |

|d) Adjusting the urinary pH to ionize the drug |

|e) By neutralizing the urinary pH |

| |

|What organ is responsible for metabolism in the "first pass effect"? |

|a) Brain |

|b) Heart |

|c) Kidney |

|d) Liver |

|e) Spleen |

| |

|What type of drug would be needed to enter the brain and CNS? |

|a) Hydrophilic |

|b) Hydrophobic |

|c) Lipophilic |

|d) Lipophobic |

|e) Large molecular weight |

| |

|Which of the enteral administration routes has the largest first-pass effect? |

|a) SL (sublingual) |

|b) Buccal |

|c) Rectal |

|d) Oral |

|e) IV (intravenous) |

| |

|All administration ways listed below are parenteral but one: |

|a) Intravenous |

|b) Subcutaneous |

|c) Peroral |

|d) intramuscular |

|e) subarachnoidal |

| |

|More slowly effect appears after: |

|a) intravenous administration |

|b) per oral administration |

|c) subcutaneous administration |

|d) intramuscularly administration |

|e) inhaled administration |

| |

|More rapid effect appears after: |

|a) subcutaneous administration |

|b) intramuscularly administration |

|c) intravenous administration |

|d) per oral administration |

|e) intrarectal administration |

| |

|Which of the administration routes is not often used, is painful, and has a risk of infection and adhesion? |

|a) EPI (epidural) |

|b) IA (intraarterial) |

|c) IP (intraperitoneal) |

|d) IV (intravenous) |

|e) SL (sublingual) |

| |

|Which organ or tissue would receive drug slowly? |

|a) Liver |

|b) Brain |

|c) Fat |

|d) Muscle |

|e) Kidney |

| |

|What type of drugs can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB)? |

|a) Large and lipid-soluble |

|b) Large and lipid-insoluble |

|c) Small and lipid-soluble |

|d) Small and lipid-insoluble |

|e) Small and ionized |

| |

|Name the simplest way of drugs penetration through membrane? |

|a) Filtration |

|b) Pinocytosis |

|c) Active transport |

|d) Facilitated-difuzion |

|e) Co-transport |

| |

|Name the way of the penetration through the membrane that needs energy: |

|a) filtration |

|b) active transport |

|c) facilitated diffusion |

|d) simple diffusion |

|e) filtration& simple diffusion |

| |

|Which location can accumulate lipid-soluble drugs, has little or no receptors, and can hold distributed drugs like barbiturates? |

|a) Liver |

|b) Kidney |

|c) Brain |

|d) Fat |

|e) Fetus |

| |

|Which location has high blood flow and is a site of excretion? |

|a) Liver |

|b) Kidney |

|c) Brain |

|d) Fat |

|e) Fetus |

| |

|Elderly patients often have ____ muscle mass and thus a(n) ____ Vd (volume of distribution): |

|a) More; Increased |

|b) More; Decreased |

|c) Less; Increased |

|d) Less; Decreased |

|e) Less, Unchanged |

| |

|Most drugs are active in their ____ form and inactive in their ____ form: |

|a) Non-polar; Polar |

|b) Polar; Non-polar |

|c) Water-soluble; Lipid-soluble |

|d) Lipid-insoluble; Water-insoluble |

|e) Neutral; Neutral |

| |

|Which of the metabolically active tissues is the principle organ for drug metabolism? |

|a) Skin |

|b) Kidneys |

|c) Lungs |

|d) Liver |

|e) GI Tract |

| |

|What is the goal of the P450 system (microsomes pinched off from endoplasmic reticulum)? |

|a) Only metabolism of substances |

|b) Only detoxification of substances |

|c) Metabolism of substances & Detoxification of substances |

|d) Decreasing pH of compartments containing substances |

|e) Increasing pH of compartments containing substances |

| |

|Intrinsic activity is a drug's ability to elicit: |

|a) Strong receptor binding |

|b) Weak receptor binding |

|c) Response |

|d) Excretion |

|e) Distribution |

| |

|What is the object of pharmacovigilance? |

|a) Evaluation of pharmacokinetic parameters for new drugs. |

|b) Determining the therapeutic index |

|c) Monitoring of drugs introduced into therapeutic, especially side effects. |

|d) Intensive therapeutic studies of the 3rd stage on clinical evaluation. |

|e) Drugs interactions. |

| |

|The main mechanism of most drugs absorption in GI tract is: |

|a) Active transport (carrier-mediated diffusion) |

|b) Filtration (aqueous diffusion) |

|c) Endocytosis |

|d) Passive diffusion (lipid diffusion) |

|e) Exocytosis |

| |

|What determines the degree of movement of a drug between body compartments? |

|a) Partition constant |

|b) Degree of ionization |

|c) pH |

|d) Size |

|e) All of the above |

| |

|Which of these physical chemical properties from medicaments are essential for filtration (crossing of channel membranes) as a means of |

|crossing through cellular membranes? |

|a) Lipid solubility |

|b) Water solubility |

|c) Coefficienct of lipid/big water partition |

|d) small pKa |

|e) Affinity for a transportable system |

| |

|Name the way of the penetration through the membrane that needs the energy: |

|a) Filtration |

|b) Pinocytosis |

|c) Facilitated difuzion |

|d) Simple diffusion |

|e) Facilitated difuzion& Simple difuzion |

| |

|What is a pharmacodynamic process? |

|a) The drug is readily deposited in fat tissue |

|b) Movement of drug from the gut into general circulation |

|c) Drug metabolites are removed in the urine |

|d) The drug causes dilation of coronary vessels |

|e) Alteration of the drug by liver enzymes |

| |

|If a medication is intended to be administered per os, how is it typically administered? |

|a) Oraly |

|b) Inhaled |

|c) Rectally |

|d) Injected |

|e) Vaginaly |

| |

|What is characteristic of the oral route? |

|a) Fast onset of effect |

|b) Absorption depends on GI tract secretion and motor function |

|c) A drug reaches the blood passing the liver |

|d) The sterilization of medicinal forms is obligatory |

|e) Bypassing the hepatic barrier in the first - pass |

| |

|What is characteristic of the intramuscular route of drug administration? |

|a) Only water solutions can be injected |

|b) Oily solutions can be injected |

|c) No need in sterillity |

|d) The action develops slower, than at oral administration |

|e) Oily solutions can't be injected |

| |

|Tick the feature of the sublingual route: |

|a) Pretty fast absorption |

|b) A drug is exposed to gastric secretion |

|c) A drug is exposed more prominent liver metabolism |

|d) A drug can be administrated in a variety of doses |

|e) Absorption depends on GI tract secretion |

| |

|Pick out the parenteral route of medicinal agent administration: |

|a) Rectal |

|b) Oral |

|c) Sublingual |

|d) Inhalation |

|e) Through gastric tube |

| |

|Pick out the enteral route of medicinal agent administration: |

|a) rectal |

|b) intravenous |

|c) subcutanous |

|d) inhalation |

|e) transdermal |

| |

|The volume of distribution (Vd) relates: |

|a) Single to a daily dose of an administrated drug |

|b) An uncharged drug reaching the systemic circulation |

|c) An administrated dose to a body weight |

|d) The amount of a drug in the body to the concentration of a drug in plasma |

|e) Process of physicochemical and biochemical alteration of a drug in the body |

| |

|The term "biotransformation" includes the following: |

|a) Accumulation of substances in a fat tissue |

|b) Binding of substances with plasma proteins |

|c) Accumulation of substances in a tissue |

|d) Process of physicochemical and biochemical alteration of a drug in the body |

|e) The amount of a drug in the body to the concentration of a drug in plasma |

| |

|If a drug is 80% bound to blood elements or plasma proteins, what part is considered the free form? |

|a) 20% |

|b) 40% |

|c) 50% |

|d) 80% |

|e) 100% |

| |

|Specify the aim of microsomal oxidation: |

|a) Microsomal oxidation always results in inactivation of a compound |

|b) Microsomal oxidation results in a decrease of compound toxicity |

|c) Microsomal oxidation results in an increase of ionization and water solubility of a drug |

|d) Microsomal oxidation results in an increase of lipid solubility of a drug |

|e) Microsomal oxidation takes pleace just in the kidney |

| |

|Metabolic transformation (phase 1) is: |

|a) Acetylation and methylation of substances |

|b) Transformation of substances due to oxidation, reduction or hydrolysis |

|c) Glucuronide formation |

|d) Binding to plasma protein |

|e) Elimination through kidney |

| |

|Which of the following processes proceeds in the second phase of biotransformation? |

|a) Acetylation |

|b) oxidation, |

|c) reduction |

|d) hydrolysis |

|e) Elimination through kidney |

| |

|Conjugation is: |

|a) Process of drug reduction by special enzymes |

|b) Process of drug oxidation by special oxidases |

|c) Coupling of a drug with an endogenous substrate |

|d) Solubilization in lipids |

|e) Reduction and oxidation by special enzymes |

| |

|Pick out the answer which is the most appropriate to the term "receptor": |

|a) Free molecules that caries the drug to the CNS |

|b) Enzymes of oxidizing-reducing reactions activated by a drug |

|c) Active macromolecular components of a cell or an organism which a drug molecule has to combine with in order to elicit its specific effect |

|d) All types of ion channels modulated by a drug |

|e) Second mesangers that participate in genes trasncription |

| |

|What does "affinity" mean? |

|a) A measure of how tightly a drug binds to plasma proteins |

|b) A measure of how tightly a drug binds to a receptor |

|c) A measure of inhibiting potency of a drug |

|d) A measure of bioavailability of a drug |

|e) A measure of plasmatic concentraton of a drug |

| |

|Which of the drug permeation mechanisms uses the HendersonHasselbalch equation for the ratio of solubility for the weak acid or weak base? |

|a) Pinocytosis |

|b) Lipid diffusion |

|c) Endocytosis and exocytosis |

|d) Aqueous diffusioт |

|e) Carrier molecules |

| |

|What is implied by «active transport»? |

|a) Transport of drugs trough a membrane by means of diffusion |

|b) Transport without energy consumption |

|c) Engulf of drug by a cell membrane with a new vesicle formation |

|d) Transport against gradient of concentration |

|e) Filtration through the membrane pores |

| |

|If an agonist can produce submaximal effects and has moderate efficacy it's called: |

|a) Partial agonist |

|b) Antagonist |

|c) Agonist-antagonist |

|d) Full agonist |

|e) Full antagonist |

| |

|Which of the ion is increased in intracellular concentration due to second messengers such as IP3? |

|a) K+ |

|b) Ca++ |

|c) Cl- |

|d) Na+ |

|e) Mg++ |

| |

|Which of the following affirmations define an agonist action? |

|a) metabolic phenomena are being triggered by activating specific and on calcium- calmodulin or calcium-phopholipid dependent phosphates. |

|b) a chemical that binds to a receptor and activates the receptor to produce a biological response |

|c) interaction between the drug and body molecules. |

|d) interaction between a drug and plasmatic proteins. |

|e) intensity of an effect, expressed through a maximal effect. |

| |

|Describe definition of an agonist? |

|a) A drug directed at parasites infecting the patient |

|b) A drug that binds to a receptor and inhibits or opposes cellular activity |

|c) A drug that binds to a receptor and stimulates cellular activity |

|d) A specific regulatory molecule in the biologic system where a drug interacts |

|e) Any substance that brings about a change in biologic function through its |

|chemical action |

| |

|The substance binding to one receptor subtype as an agonist and to another as an antagonist is called: |

|a) Competitive antagonist |

|b) Irreversible antagonist |

|c) Agonist-antagonist |

|d) Partial agonist |

|e) Chemical agonist |

| |

|The situation when failure to continue administering the drug results in serious psychological and somatic disturbances is called? |

|a) Tachyphylaxis |

|b) Sensibilization |

|c) Abstinence syndrome |

|d) Idiosyncrasy |

|e) Tolerance |

| |

|Idiosyncratic reaction of a drug is: |

|a) A type of hypersensitivity reaction |

|b) A type of drug antagonism |

|c) Unpredictable, inherent, qualitatively abnormal reaction to a drug |

|d) Quantitatively exaggerated response |

|e) Toxic reaction after drug administration |

| |

|Tachyphylaxis refers to definition? |

|a) Responsiveness increased rapidly after administration of a drug |

|b) Responsiveness decreased rapidly after administration of a drug (rapid tolerance) |

|c) Responsiveness increased rapidly after maintenance of a drug (hypersensitiv) |

|d) Responsiveness decreased rapidly after maintenance of a drug (desensitize) |

|e) Responsiveness decreased slowly after administration of a drug |

| |

|Which of effect refers to an increased intensity of response to a drug? |

|a) Idiosyncratic |

|b) Hyporeactive |

|c) Hyperreactive |

|d) Allergy |

|e) Tolerance |

| |

|In case of liver disorders accompanied by a decline in microsomal enzyme activity the duration of action of some drugs is: |

|a) Decreased |

|b) Enlarged |

|c) Remained unchanged |

|d) Changed insignificantly |

|e) Decreased insignificantly |

| |

|Which drugs inhibit hepatic enzymes? |

|a) nicotine |

|b) prednisone |

|c) erythromycin |

|d) penicillin |

|e) fenobarbital |

| |

|Which is an example of a drug acting directly through receptors? |

|a) Mannitol for subarachnoid hemmorhage |

|b) Cancer chemotherapeutic agents |

|c) Epinephrine for increasing heart rate and blood pressure |

|d) Rezerpine to decreases high pressure |

|e) Protamine soulphate binds stoichiometrically to heparin anticoagulants |

| |

|Half life (t½ ) is the time required to: |

|a) Change the amount of a drug in plasma by half during elimination |

|b) Metabolize a half of an introduced drug into the active metabolite |

|c) Absorbed a half of an introduced drug |

|d) Bind a half of an introduced drug to plasma proteins |

|e) Total duration of treatment |

| |

|Which is the median effective dose, or the dose at which 50% of the individuals exhibit the specified quantal response? |

|a) LD50 |

|b) ED50 |

|c) EC50 |

|d) TD50 |

|e) T.I. |

| |

|What is considered the therapeutic index in animal studies? |

|a) T.I. = TD50 / ED50 |

|b) T.I. = LD50 / ED50 |

|c) T.I. = ED50 / TD50 |

|d) T.I. = ED50 / LD50 |

|e) T.I. = TD50 / ED50 & T.I. = LD50 / ED50 |

| |

|The therapeutic index for humans is: |

|a) the ratio of therapeutically doses to the minimum toxic doses. |

|b) dose which produce the therapeutically effect |

|c) is the ratio of the TD50 to the ED 50 |

|d) the doses which makes more favorable effects |

|e) the most quantity of the drug that produces maximum effect without side effects. |

| |

|What is the most relevant use of therapeutic index? |

|a) Guide for toxicity in therapeutic the setting |

|b) Multiple measures of effectiveness are possible |

|c) Measure of impunity with which an overdose may be tolerated |

|d) Toxicities may be idiosyncratic (e.g. propranolol in asthmatics) |

|e) Used just in bioequivalence study |

| |

|Describes minimal effective concentration (MEC)? |

|a) The minimal drug plasma concentration to reach therapeutic levels |

|b) The minimal drug plasma concentration to interact with receptors |

|c) The minimal drug plasma concentration to enter tissues |

|d) The minimal drug plasma concentration to produce effect |

|e) The minimal drug plasma concentration that can be detected |

| |

|If a patient misses three doses of their daily drug, which is the best solution? |

|a) Prescribe a higher dosage pill so missed doses will have less effect |

|b) Setup an appointment to have the patient evaluated |

|c) Do nothing and continue normal regimen |

|d) Wait 3 more days (week total) then return to normal regimen |

|e) Take a 4x dose at the next dose time |

| |

|What type of study for an Investigational New Drug involves neither the investigators or subjects knowing if the drug or placebo is being |

|given? |

|a) Single-blind study |

|b) Double-blind study |

|c) Placebo |

|d) Positive-control |

|e) Crossover study |

| |

|What clinical trial phase is conducted with several hundred to thousands of volunteer patients suffering from the condition the |

|investigational drug treats? |

|a) Phase 1 |

|b) Phase 2 |

|c) Phase 3 |

|d) Phase 4 |

|e) bioequivalence study |

| |

|What clinical trial phase is conducted with up to several hundred patients suffering from the condition the investigational drug is designed |

|to treat? |

|a) Phase 1 |

|b) Phase 2 |

|c) Phase 3 |

|d) Phase 4 |

|e) bioequivalence study |

| |

|What clinical trial phase involves submitting a New Drug Application, monitoring, and reporting by clinicians using the drug? |

|a) Phase 1 |

|b) Phase 2 |

|c) Phase 3 |

|d) Phase 4 |

|e) bioequivalence study |

| |

|What clinical trial phase is “first-in-man studies”, conducted in a small group of healthy volunteer? |

|a) Phase 1 |

|b) Phase 2 |

|c) Phase 3 |

|d) Phase 4 |

|e) bioequivalence study |

| |

|Name clinical study used to assess the expected in vivo biological equivalence of two proprietary preparations of a drug: |

|a) Phase 1 clinical study |

|b) Phase 2 clinical study |

|c) Phase 3 clinical study |

|d) Phase 4 clinical study |

|e) bioequivalence study |

| |

|Name liquid volatile anesthetics: |

|a) Propanidid |

|b) Nitrous oxide |

|c) Thiopental |

|d) Ketamine |

|e) Halothane |

| |

|How to prevent reflex bradycardia during anesthesia? |

|a) By atropine injection |

|b) By diazepam injection |

|c) By halothane injection |

|d) By decreasing dose of the anesthetic agent |

|e) By epinephine injection |

| |

|Which is characteristic for surgical stage with diethyl ether anesthesia? |

|a) analgesia |

|b) combative behavior |

|c) medullary paralysis |

|d) eyes initially rolling, then becoming fixed |

|e) excitement |

| |

|Which anesthetic cause "dissociative anesthesia": |

|a) Diethyl ether |

|b) Halothane |

|c) Ketamine |

|d) Sodium hydroxybutyrate |

|e) Nitrous oxide |

| |

|Which drug can be used for controlled hypotension during anesthesia: |

|a) Trimethafan |

|b) Diazepam |

|c) Atropine |

|d) Flumazenil |

|e) Sodium hydroxybutyrate |

| |

|Name drug used for all type of local anesthesia: |

|a) Cocaine |

|b) Tetracaine |

|c) Procaine |

|d) Lidocaine |

|e) Bumecaine |

| |

|Which local anesthetic has ability to constrict vessels? |

|a) Cocaine |

|b) Tetracaine |

|c) Procaine |

|d) Lidocaine |

|e) Bumecaine |

| |

|Which local anesthetic can be used for ventricular arrythmias? |

|a) Cocaine |

|b) Tetracaine |

|c) Procaine |

|d) Lidocaine |

|e) Bumecaine |

| |

|Name organic astringent: |

|a) Zinc oxide |

|b) Silver nitrate |

|c) Lead acetate |

|d) Tannin |

|e) Cooper sulphate |

| |

|Choose astringent drug: |

|a) menthol |

|b) tanninum |

|c) carbosem |

|d) mucilago amyli |

|e) medicas E |

| |

|All the preparations listed below are sedatives but one: |

|a) natrium bromide |

|b) preparations made of valerian |

|c) amphetamine |

|d) diphenhydramine |

|e) barbital |

| |

|Name indication of disulfiram: |

|a) Alcoholic coma |

|b) Acute alcohol poisoning |

|c) Withdrawal syndrome |

|d) Delirium tremens |

|e) Used to support the treatment of chronic alcoholism |

| |

|Name flumazenil mechanism of action: |

|a) Blocks competitivly benzodiazepins receptors |

|b) Blocks GABAB receptors |

|c) Increases benzodiazepins metabolism |

|d) Decreases benzodiazepins metabolism |

|e) Has GABA-mimetic action |

| |

|Name diazepam mechanism of action: |

|a) Blocks benzodiazepins receptors |

|b) Blocks GABAB receptors |

|c) Blocks GABAA receptors |

|d) GABAA receptors activation and hyperpolarization |

|e) GABAA receptors activation and depolarization |

| |

|What drug does manifest the minimal action on the rapid faze of sleeping: |

|a) phenobarbital |

|b) pentobarbital |

|c) nitrazepam |

|d) barbital |

|e) cyclobarbita |

| |

|Hypnotic drugs are used to treat: |

|a) psychoses |

|b) sleep disoders |

|c) narcolepsy |

|d) Parkinsonian disorders |

|e) acute mania |

| |

|What explains the anxiolytic action caused by diazepam? |

|a) interaction with adrenoreceptors |

|b) interaction with cholinoreceptors |

|c) interaction with benzodiazepinic receptors |

|d) interaction with opioid receptors |

|e) interaction with serotonine receptors |

| |

|Mechanism of barbiturates tolerance: |

|a) Induction of microsomal enzymes |

|b) Inhibition of microsomal enzymes |

|c) Decreased absorption in GI tract |

|d) Increased elimination through kidney |

|e) Receptors desensitization |

| |

|The mechanism of action of benzodiazepines is: |

|a) Activation of GABA receptors |

|b) Antagonism of glycine receptors in the spinal cord |

|c) Blockade of the action of glutamic acid |

|d) Inhibition of GABA aminotransferase |

|e) Activation of M cholynoreceptors |

| |

|GABA A receptors (ligand-gate ) involve the movement of what ion across the membrane? |

|a) K+ |

|b) Ca++ |

|c) Cl- |

|d) Na+ |

|e) Mg++ |

| |

|Name antagonist of benzodiazepines: |

|a) unitiol |

|b) naloxone |

|c) tramadol |

|d) protamine sulphate |

|e) flumazenil |

| |

|Which of the below listed drugs manifest a minimum action upon fast sleep phase? |

|a) fenobarbital |

|b) pentobarbital |

|c) chloral hydrate |

|d) barbital |

|e) oxazepam |

| |

|Choose opioid receptor antagonist: |

|a) Morphine |

|b) Codeine |

|c) Omnopon |

|d) Naltrexone |

|e) Talamonal |

| |

|Morphine has each the effects listed EXCEPT: |

|a) myosis |

|b) constipation |

|c) bradycardia |

|d) hypothermia |

|e) hyperthermia |

| |

|Name agonist-antagonist of opiod receptors: |

|a) Metamisol |

|b) Naltrexone |

|c) Tramadol |

|d) Pentazocine |

|e) Omnopon |

| |

|Signs of opioid poisoning are, EXCEPT: |

|a) Miosis |

|b) Falling in body temperature |

|c) Increased body temperature |

|d) Respiratory depression |

|e) Hypotension |

| |

|Name antagonist of opiod analgesics: |

|a) Metamisol |

|b) Naloxone |

|c) Tramadol |

|d) Pentazocine |

|e) Omnopon |

| |

|Choose GABA-receptor agonist with analgesic properties: |

|a) Diphenhydramine |

|b) Carbamazepine |

|c) Ketamine |

|d) Baclofen |

|e) Paracetamol |

| |

|Choose α2-agonist with analgesic properties: |

|a) Diphenhydramine |

|b) Carbamazepine |

|c) Ketamine |

|d) Clonidine |

|e) Paracetamol |

| |

|Choose drug with analgesic properties administered by inhalation: |

|a) Nitrous oxide |

|b) Diphenhydramine |

|c) Carbamazepine |

|d) Ketamine |

|e) Halothane |

| |

|The main effects of non-opioid analgesics are, except: |

|a) anti-inflammatory |

|b) antiagregant |

|c) antipyretic |

|d) somnolence |

|e) analgesic |

| |

|Morphine causes following effects, EXCEPT: |

|a) Analgesic |

|b) Euphoria |

|c) Stimulation of the vagal center |

|d) Stimulation of the cough center |

|e) Segmentation of the intestine |

| |

|The diagnostic triad of opioid overdosage is: |

|a) Mydriasis, coma and hyperventilation |

|b) Coma, depressed respiration and miosis |

|c) Miosis, tremor and hypertermia |

|d) Mydriasis, chills and abdominal cramps |

|e) Mydriasis, tremor and vomiting |

| |

|Which of the following agents is used in the treatment of acute opioid overdose? |

|a) Pentazocine |

|b) Methadone |

|c) Naloxone |

|d) Remifentanyl |

|e) Buprenorphine |

| |

|All of the following are opium derivatives EXCEPT: |

|a) codeine |

|b) thebaine |

|c) morphine |

|d) paracetamol |

|e) papaverine |

| |

|Each of the findings listed is characteristic of opioid poisoning EXCEPT: |

|a) Coma |

|b) Miosis of the pupils |

|c) Bradycardia |

|d) Low body temperature |

|e) Mydriasis |

| |

|Each of the findings listed is characteristic of opioid poisoning EXCEPT: |

|a) Coma |

|b) Myosis |

|c) Depressed respiration |

|d) Flaccidity of skeletal muscles |

|e) Elevated body temperature |

| |

|Indicate the pure opioid antagonist: |

|a) Morphine |

|b) Naltrexone |

|c) Tramadol |

|d) Pentazocine |

|e) Tramadol |

| |

|Which of the following drugs has weak µ agonist effects and inhibitory action on norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake in the CNS? |

|a) Loperamide |

|b) Tramadol |

|c) Fluoxetine |

|d) Butorphanol |

|e) Nalbuphine |

| |

|What is the difference of trimeperidine from morphine? |

|a) Analgesic activity is inferior by up to 2-4 times |

|b) Causes nausea more frequent than morphine |

|c) Inhibits respiratory center to higher degree |

|d) Duration of analgesic effect is longer |

|e) Is administered in lower dose |

| |

|Alkaloid from Papaver somniferum is: |

|a) nalbuphine |

|b) thalamonal |

|c) pentazocine |

|d) morphine |

|e) sufentanyl |

| |

|Which antiepileptic drug causes hyperplastic gingivitis? |

|a) Phenobarbital |

|b) Phenytoin |

|c) Carbamazepine |

|d) Ethosuximide |

|e) Sodium valproate |

| |

|Which one of the following drugs exerts its anticonvulsant effects by blocking sodium chanels in neuronal membranes? |

|a) Phenobarbital |

|b) Valproic acid |

|c) Diazepam |

|d) Chlorpromazine |

|e) Magnesium sulphate |

| |

|Which one of the following drugs exerts its anticonvulsant effects by blocking sodium chanels in neuronal membranes? |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Carbamazepine |

|c) Diazepam |

|d) Gabapentin |

|e) Vigabatrin |

| |

|Which of the following drugs is useful in the treatment of Parkinson′s disease? |

|a) Pilocarpine |

|b) Trihexyphenidyl |

|c) Edrophonium |

|d) Succinylcholine |

|e) Hexamethonium |

| |

|Antiparkinsonic drugs are: |

|a) Primidone + Phenytoin + Ethsuximide |

|b) Phenibut + Baclofen + Mefedol |

|c) Lorazepam + Flurazepam + Zopiclon |

|d) Madopar + Selegeline + Trihexyphenidyl |

|e) Diazepam + Lamotridgine + Valproic acid |

| |

|Effective in treating of extrapyramidal disorders caused by antipsychotic drugs: |

|a) carbidopa |

|b) trihexyphenidyl |

|c) haloperidol |

|d) amantidine |

|e) levodopa |

| |

|Name catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitor: |

|a) Carbidopa |

|b) Benserazide |

|c) Sinemet |

|d) Entacapone |

|e) Selegiline |

| |

|Choose antagonist of glutamate NMDA-receptors: |

|a) Carbidopa |

|b) Benserazide |

|c) Sinemet |

|d) Amantadine |

|e) Selegeline |

| |

|Name trihexyphenidyl side effects: |

|a) Intestinal spasm |

|b) Bradycardia |

|c) Tachycardia |

|d) Miosis |

|e) Hypersalivation |

| |

|Select antipsychotic drugs: |

|a) Diazepam, Ethosuximide, Carbamasepine |

|b) Phenobarbital, Barbital, Chloralhidrate |

|c) Levodopa, Trihexyphenidyl, Amantadine |

|d) Levomepromazine, Chlorpromasine, Droperidol |

|e) Omnopon, Morphine, Fentanyl |

| |

|The phenothiazines have a variety of actions at different receptors types. However, they do NOT appear to interact with receptors: |

|a) Dopamine |

|b) Histamine |

|c) Nicotine |

|d) Adrenoreceptors |

|e) Muscarine |

| |

|A 50-yer-old patient has periodically a period of depression follow by psychosis. Choose the drug to prevent this disorder: |

|a) Amitriptyline |

|b) Lithium carbonate |

|c) Levomepromasine |

|d) Nootropil |

|e) Vallerian |

| |

|Effective in treating acute dystonia caused by antipsychotic drugs: |

|a) carbidopa |

|b) trihexyphenidyl |

|c) haloperidol |

|d) madopar |

|e) levodopa |

| |

|Chlorpromazine would not be appropriate drug management of: |

|a) Acute mania |

|b) The amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome |

|c) CNS stimulants intoxication |

|d) Schizoaffective disorders |

|e) Bipolar disorders |

| |

|If one patient is taking amitriptyline and another patient is taking chlorpromazine, they are both likely to experience: |

|a) Excessive salivation |

|b) Extrapyramidal dysfunction |

|c) Gynecomastia |

|d) Increased gastrointestinal motility |

|e) Postural hypotension |

| |

|The following neuroleptic drug has sympatholytic activity: |

|a) Reserpine |

|b) Sulpiride |

|c) Risperidone |

|d) Chlorprothixene |

|e) Haloperidol |

| |

|The main effect of neuroleptics is: |

|a) antiagregant |

|b) antidopaminic |

|c) cholinomimetic |

|d) adrenomimetic |

|e) GABA-ergic. |

| |

|The following neuroleptic drug blocks both D2 and 5-HT2A receptors: |

|a) Risperidone |

|b) Sulpiride |

|c) Droperidol |

|d) Chlorprothixene |

|e) Haloperidol |

| |

|Name atypical antipsychotic drug: |

|a) Droperidol |

|b) Pimozid |

|c) Clozapine |

|d) Chlorprothixene |

|e) Haloperidol |

| |

|Parkinsonian symptoms and tarditive dyskinesia are caused by blockade dopamine in: |

|a) The nigrostriatal system |

|b) The mesolimbic and mesofrontal systems |

|c) The chemoreceptor trigger zone of the medulla |

|d) The tubero-infundibular system |

|e) The scheletal muscle |

| |

|Select antiparkinsonic drugs: |

|a) Diazepam, Ethosuximide, Carbamasepine |

|b) Phenobarbital, Barbital, Chloralhidrate |

|c) Levodopa, Trihexyphenidyl, Amantadine |

|d) Levomepromazine, Chlorpromasine, Droperidol |

|e) Phenobarbital, Diazepam, Nitrazepam |

| |

|Many therapeutically useful drugs act via brain dopaminergic systems. Which one of the following mechanism exacerbates Parkinson's disease? |

|a) Inhibition of dopamine reuptake |

|b) Increase in dopamine synthesis |

|c) Activation of dopamine receptors |

|d) Inhibition of dopamine metabolism |

|e) Blockade of dopamine receptors |

| |

|The drug that increase amount of dopamine in Parkinson's disease: |

|a) bromocriptine |

|b) levodopa |

|c) selegeline |

|d) amantadine |

|e) trihexyphenidyl |

| |

|Select peripheral DOPA decarboxylase inhibitor: |

|a) Amantadine. |

|b) trihexyphenidyl |

|c) Carbidopa. |

|d) Selegiline. |

|e) Bromocriptine. |

| |

|Select nootropics (smart drugs) from the combinations: |

|a) Carbamazepine + Chlorpromazine +Haloperidol |

|b) Pyracetam + Meclofenoxat + Picamilone |

|c) Caffeine + Mesocarb + Methamphetamine |

|d) Nialamide + Maprotiline + Amitriptyline |

|e) Amphetamine + Sibutramine + Mezocarb |

| |

|Which of the following can cause ""serotonin syndrome": |

|a) Fluoxetine |

|b) Amitriptyline |

|c) Pipofezin |

|d) Imipramine |

|e) Maprotiline |

| |

|Mechanism of action of tricycle antidepressants:: |

|a) Stimulation of GABA system |

|b) Increasing of beta adrenoreceptors activity |

|c) M-cholinoreceptors block |

|d) Inhibition of mediators reuptake on the presynaptic membrane level |

|e) MAO inhibition |

| |

|The following drug blocks selectively neuronal uptake of norepinephrine: |

|a) Fluoxetine |

|b) Amitriptyline |

|c) Pipofezin |

|d) Imipramine |

|e) Maprotiline |

| |

|The following drug blocks selectively MAO-A: |

|a) Fluoxetine |

|b) Amitriptyline |

|c) Moclobemide |

|d) Imipramine |

|e) Maprotiline |

| |

|What is the principal mechanism of action of Tricyclic antidepressants? |

|a) exit receptors |

|b) diminishes monoaminoxidase activation |

|c) inhibits neuronal reuptake of monoamines |

|d) activates monoaminoxidase |

|e) stimulates neuronal reuptake of monoamines |

| |

|Which kind of substance is psychostimulants? |

|a) piracetam |

|b) baclofen |

|c) amphetamine |

|d) valproaic acid |

|e) prometazine |

| |

|Following groups are psychoanaleptics: |

|a) neuroleptics, sedatives, tranquilisators |

|b) adaptogenes, neuroleptics, nootropes |

|c) psychostimulants, antidepressants, adaptogenes |

|d) psychosomimetics, antidepressants |

|e) analgesic, neuroleptics, sedatives |

| |

|Name the nootropic agent: |

|a) Caffeine |

|b) Fluoxetine |

|c) Eleuterococci extract |

|d) Piracetam |

|e) Sydnocarb |

| |

|What amino acids is converted into catecholamines (NE, Epi, Dopamine)? |

|a) Valine |

|b) Lysine |

|c) Proline |

|d) Tyrosine |

|e) Alanine |

| |

|Which location contains choline from phosphatidylcholine? |

|a) Milk |

|b) Liver |

|c) Eggs |

|d) Peanuts |

|e) Blood plasma |

| |

|Which of the mediator is broken down by MAO-B (monoamine oxidasmore than the others? |

|a) Serotonin |

|b) Norepinepherine |

|c) Dopamine |

|d) Histamine |

|e) Achetylcholine |

| |

|Which of the adrenergic receptor subtypes relaxes smooth muscle and causes liver glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis? |

|a) α1 (Gq/Gi/Go) |

|b) α2 (Gi/Go) |

|c) β1 (Gs) |

|d) β2 (Gs) |

|e) β3 (Gs) |

| |

|Which of the adrenergic receptor subtypes causes vascular smooth muscle contraction and genitourinary smooth muscle contraction? |

|a) α1 (Gq/Gi/Go) |

|b) α2 (Gi/Go) |

|c) β1 (Gs) |

|d) β2 (Gs) |

|e) β3 (Gs) |

| |

|Which of the adrenergic receptor subtypes increases cardiac chronotropy (ratand inotropy (contractility), increases AV-node conduction |

|velocity, and increases rennin secretion in renal juxtaglomerular cells? |

|a) α1 (Gq/Gi/Go) |

|b) α2 (Gi/Go) |

|c) β1 (Gs) |

|d) β2 (Gs) |

|e) β3 (Gs) |

| |

|Which of the adrenergic receptor subtypes decreases insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells, decreases nerve cell norepinephrine release, |

|and contracts vascular smooth muscle? |

|a) α1 (Gq/Gi/Go) |

|b) α2 (Gi/Go) |

|c) β1 (Gs) |

|d) β2 (Gs) |

|e) β3 (Gs) |

| |

|Which of the adrenergic receptor activation mechanisms is involved with ephedrine, amphetamine, and tyramine? |

|a) Direct binding to the receptor |

|b) Promoting release of norepinephrine |

|c) Inhibiting reuptake of norepinephrine |

|d) Inhibiting inactivation of norepinephrine |

|e) Stimulation of monoaminoxydase |

| |

|Which of the adrenergic receptor activation mechanisms is involved with MAO inhibitors? |

|a) Direct binding to the receptor |

|b) Promoting release of norepinephrine |

|c) Inhibiting reuptake of norepinephrine |

|d) Inhibiting inactivation of norepinephrine |

|e) Activation of COMT |

| |

|Which of the adrenergic receptor activation mechanisms is involved with tricyclic antidepressants? |

|a) Direct binding to the receptor |

|b) Promoting release of norepinephrine |

|c) Inhibiting reuptake of norepinephrine |

|d) Inhibiting inactivation of norepinephrine |

|e) Activation of COMT |

| |

|At the adrenergic presynapse, what does α2 do? |

|a) Stimulates NE release |

|b) Inhibits NE release |

|c) Stimulates ACh release |

|d) Vasoconstrcition |

|e) No effect |

| |

|β2 stimulation leads to an increase in the cellular uptake of what ion, and thus a decrease in plasma concentration of that ion? |

|a) K+ |

|b) Ca++ |

|c) Cl- |

|d) Na+ |

|e) Mg++ |

| |

|Dopamine receptor activation (D1) dilates renal blood vessels at low dose. At higher doses (treatment for shock), which of the adrenergic |

|receptors is activated? |

|a) α1 |

|b) α2 |

|c) β1 |

|d) β2 |

|e) β3 |

| |

|Supraselective beta1 adrenergic receptor antagonist: |

|a) esmolol |

|b) metoprolol |

|c) nebivolol |

|d) propranolol |

|e) timolol |

| |

|Primary therapeutic use for central alpha2 selective adrenergic agonists: |

|a) management of arrhythmias |

|b) management of renal insufficiency |

|c) management of intraoperative hypotensive states |

|d) management of hypertension |

|e) management of Raynaud's phenomenon |

| |

|Receptors that mediate most of epinephrine's cardiac effects: |

|a) beta1 adrenergic |

|b) beta2 adrenergic |

|c) dopaminergic |

|d) alpha1-adrenergic |

|e) alpha2-adrenergic |

| |

|Concerning low-dose dopamine: interaction with this receptor causes renal, mesenteric, and coronary vasodilation: |

|a) beta1 adrenergic receptors |

|b) beta2 adrenergic receptors |

|c) dopamine D1 receptors |

|d) alpha-adrenergic |

|e) prostaglandin receptors |

| |

|Beta adrenergic receptor blockers:effects on the heart: |

|a) increase heart rate |

|b) increase contractility |

|c) reduce contractility |

|d) increase automatism |

|e) no change |

| |

|Primary mechanism by which norepinephrine acutely increases BP: |

|a) increases intravascular volume |

|b) increases heart rate |

|c) vasoconstriction at precapillary resistance muscles and veins |

|d) increases angiotensin II plasma levels |

|e) increases renine levels |

| |

|Muscarinic ACh receptors and adrenergic receptors are associated with which of the receptors? |

|a) Intracellular receptors for lipid soluble ligands |

|b) Transmembrane receptors with enzymatic cytosolic domains |

|c) G-protein coupled receptors |

|d) Ligand-gated ion channels |

|e) Non of the above |

| |

|Nicotinic N2 receptors are the ____ subtype and nicotinic N1 receptors are the ____ subtype: |

|a) Neuronal; Muscular |

|b) Muscular; Neuronal |

|c) Nodal; Neuronal |

|d) Neuronal; Nodal |

|e) Sympathetic; Parasympathetic |

| |

|Name beta 2 adrebomimetic drug: |

|a) Phenylephrine |

|b) Epinepherine |

|c) Oxymetazoline |

|d) Isoprenaline |

|e) xSalbutamol |

| |

|Name the α1 drug of choice for retinal exams and surgery, giving mydiasis (dilation of iris)? |

|a) Ephedrine |

|b) Epinepherine |

|c) Oymetazoline |

|d) Isoproterenol |

|e) Phenylephrine |

| |

|Name drug used in hypotension: |

|a) Clonidine |

|b) Methyldopa |

|c) Guanabenz |

|d) Guanfacine |

|e) Epinephrine |

| |

|Name group of drugs that is used for asthma patients or to delay premature labor? |

|a) α2-agonist |

|b) α1-agonist |

|c) β3-agonist |

|d) β2-agonist |

|e) β1-agonist |

| |

|Which of the agonists would be used for cardiogenic shock, cardiac arrest, heart block, or heart failure? |

|a) α1-agonist |

|b) α2-agonist |

|c) β1-agonist |

|d) β2-agonist |

|e) β3-agonist |

| |

|Name β-antagonist? |

|a) Terbutaline |

|b) Ritodrine |

|c) Salmeterol |

|d) Metoprolol |

|e) Phenylepherine |

| |

|Prior to an operation to remove a pheochromocytoma (neuroendocrine tumor of the medulla of the adrenal glands), which of the group should be |

|given to the patient? |

|a) α-agonist |

|b) α-blocker |

|c) β-agonist |

|d) β-blocker |

|e) α, β -agonist |

| |

|Name contraindication for β-blocker therapy? |

|a) Hypotension |

|b) Angina pectoris |

|c) Arrhythmias |

|d) Myocardial infarction |

|e) Glaucoma |

| |

|Which of the β-blockers is used for decreasing aqueous humor secretions from the ciliary body? |

|a) Propranolol |

|b) Nadolol |

|c) Carvedilol |

|d) Timolol |

|e) Metoprolol |

| |

|Blocking α2 presynaptic receptors will do which of the changing in the mediator release? |

|a) Stimulate NE release |

|b) Inhibit NE release |

|c) Stimulate DA release |

|d) Inhibit DA release |

|e) No effect |

| |

|Which of the effect is the most likely to occur with parenteral administration of a α1-agonist drug? |

|a) Hypotension |

|b) Hypertension |

|c) Tissue necrosis |

|d) Vasodilation |

|e) Lipolysis |

| |

|Which of the adrenergic agonist can have dose-related withdrawal syndrome if the drug is withdrawn to quickly, leading to rebound |

|hypertension? |

|a) α1-agonist |

|b) α2-agonist |

|c) β1-agonist |

|d) β2-agonist |

|e) β3-agonist |

| |

|Which of the adrenergic agonists can have sedation and xerostomia (dry mouth) in 50% of patients starting therapy, sexual dysfunction in |

|males, nauseas, dizziness, and sleep disturbances? |

|a) α1-agonist |

|b) α2-agonist |

|c) β1-agonist |

|d) β2-agonist |

|e) β3-agonist |

| |

|Which of the adrenergic agonists can cause hyperglycemia in diabetics? |

|a) α2-agonist |

|b) α1-agonist |

|c) β3-agonist |

|d) β2-agonist |

|e) β1-agonist |

| |

|Angina pectoris, tachycardia, and arrhythmias are possible adverse effects of which of the adrenergic agonists? |

|a) α2-agonist |

|b) α1-agonist |

|c) β3-agonist |

|d) β2-agonist |

|e) β1-agonist |

| |

|If a patient is taking MAO inhibitors and ingests tyramine (red wine, aged cheese), which of the acute responses is most likely? |

|a) Stimulation of NE release |

|b) Inhibition of NE release |

|c) Stimulation of ACh release |

|d) Inhibition of ACh release |

|e) No response due to MAO inhibitor |

| |

|Major adverse affects of the α1 blockade include reflex tachycardia and which of the other? |

|a) Orthostatic tachycardia |

|b) Orthostatic bradycardia |

|c) Orthostatic hypertension |

|d) Orthostatic hypotension |

|e) Increased cardiac output |

| |

|Which of the effect would be intensified with the α2 blockade? |

|a) Reflex tachycardia |

|b) Reflex bradycardia |

|c) Orthostatic hypertension |

|d) No effect |

|e) Platelet clotting |

| |

|Name the most severe adverse effect that has been associated with β1-blockers: |

|a) Atrial fibrillation |

|b) Reflex tachycardia |

|c) Hypertention |

|d) Angina pectory |

|e) AV block |

| |

|Which of the groups of patients is most at risk for adverse effect seen in β2-blockers? |

|a) Asthmatics |

|b) Congestive heart failure patients |

|c) Trauma patients |

|d) Myocardial infarction |

|e) Patients with deep vein thromboses (DVTs) |

| |

|Administration of which drug can be detrimental in diabetics and also can lead to masking of tachycardia, which is indicative of hypoglycemia?|

| |

|a) α1-blocker |

|b) α2-blocker |

|c) β1-blocker |

|d) β2-blocker |

|e) β3-blocker |

| |

|Influx of what ion causes ACh release into the synaptic cleft, prior to ACh being terminated by acetylcholinesterase (AChE)? |

|a) K+ |

|b) Ca++ |

|c) Cl- |

|d) Na+ |

|e) H+ |

| |

|Best description of the drug nicotine is: |

|a) Muscular subtype nicotinic agonist |

|b) Muscular subtype nicotinic antagonist |

|c) Neuronal subtype nicotinic agonist |

|d) Neuronal subtype nicotinic antagonist |

|e) Non of above |

| |

|With receptors are acting by Pilocarpine? |

|a) α1 adrenoreceptrs |

|b) α2 adrenoreceptrs |

|c) N Cholynoreceptors |

|d) β2 adrenoreceptrs |

|e) M cholynoreceptors |

| |

|What is pilocarpine most commonly used for? |

|a) For decreasing heart rate |

|b) To decrease blood pressure (vasodilation) |

|c) For urinary retention |

|d) Decreasing intraocular pressure |

|e) For erectile dysfunction |

| |

|What type of drugs are atropine, scopolamine, and pirenzepine? |

|a) Acetylcholine agonists |

|b) Acetylcholine antagonists |

|c) Muscarinic agonists |

|d) Muscarinic antagonists |

|e) Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors |

| |

|What drug is a natural alkaloid found in Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade)? |

|a) Bethanechol |

|b) Pilocarpine |

|c) Pirenzepine |

|d) Scopolamine |

|e) Atropine |

| |

|What two clinical results of atropine facilitate opthalmoscopic examination? |

|a) Mydriasis (iris dilation) and increased lacrimation |

|b) Cycloplegia (ciliary paralysis) and miosis (iris constriction) |

|c) Miosis and increased lacrimation |

|d) Mydriasis and cycloplegia |

|e) Xerophthalmia (dry eyes) and miosis |

| |

|Name an adverse affect of atropine? |

|a) Increased salivation |

|b) Blurred vision |

|c) Bradycardia |

|d) Diaphoresis (sweating) |

|e) Decreased intraocular pressure |

| |

|Which drug is used for motion sickness? (injection, oral, or transdermal patch): |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Scopolamine |

|c) Homatropine |

|d) Tropicamide |

|e) Pirenzepine |

| |

|Name correct drugs: mydriatics/cycloplegics, ____ last 7-10 days (longest) and ____ last 6 hours (shor): |

|a) Atropine; Scopolamine |

|b) Scopolamine; Homatropine |

|c) Homatropine; Tropicamide |

|d) Tropicamide; Atropine |

|e) Atropine; Tropicamide |

| |

|Which from reversible cholinesterase inhibitors is mostly used for atropine intoxication? |

|a) Neostigmine |

|b) Physostigmine |

|c) Endrophonium |

|d) Donepezil |

|e) Pyridostigmine |

| |

|Which from reversible cholinesterase inhibitors is used for anesthesia? |

|a) Neostigmine |

|b) Physostigmine |

|c) Endrophonium |

|d) Donepezil |

|e) Pyridostigmine |

| |

|Which from reversible cholinesterase inhibitors is used for Alzheimer disease? |

|a) Neostigmine |

|b) Physostigmine |

|c) Endrophonium |

|d) Donepezil |

|e) Pyridostigmine |

| |

|Which drug is used for dyagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis (MG)? |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Endrophonium |

|c) Homatropine |

|d) Tropicamide |

|e) Physostigmine |

| |

|In smooth muscle and glandular tissue, ACh binds to what muscarinic receptor, leading to the DAG cascade? |

|a) M1 |

|b) M2 |

|c) M3 |

|d) M4 |

|e) M5 |

| |

|In the heart and inines, what muscarinic receptor inhibits adenylyl cyclase activity? |

|a) M1 |

|b) M2 |

|c) M3 |

|d) M4 |

|e) M5 |

| |

|Which of the following is a common effect of muscarinic stimulant drugs? |

|a) Decreased peristalsis |

|b) Decreased secretion by salivary glands |

|c) Hypertension |

|d) Relaxation of ciliary muscle |

|e) Bradycardia |

| |

|Name drug which causes hypersecretion of exocrine drugs: |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Scopolamine |

|c) Pilocarpine |

|d) Ephedrine |

|e) Tropicamide |

| |

|Name drug used in intoxication with Sorin: |

|a) Pilocarpine |

|b) Neostigmine |

|c) Atropine |

|d) Aceclidine |

|e) Galantamine |

| |

|The main symptoms in intoxication with Amanita Palidum and organophosphates are: |

|a) bronchospasm + bradycardia + miosis |

|b) myasthenia + olyguria + hyposalivation |

|c) sphincters constriction + bronchodilation |

|d) hypomotility + tachycardia + cycloplegia |

|e) mydriasis + olyguria + hyposalivation |

| |

|Which of the following direct-acting cholinomimetics has the shortest duration of action? |

|a) Acetylcholine |

|b) Methacholine |

|c) Carbachol |

|d) Bethanechol |

|e) Atropine |

| |

|Name the M-cholinimimetic agent: |

|a) Carbachol |

|b) Pilocarpine |

|c) Acetylcholine |

|d) Bethanechol |

|e) Atropine |

| |

|Neostigmine acts through blocking: |

|a) cholinetransferase |

|b) acetyl-CoA |

|c) adenylatecyclase |

|d) acetylcholinesterase |

|e) phosphodiesterase |

| |

|Which of the following cholinomimetics is a plant derivative with lower potency than nicotine but with a similar spectrum of action? |

|a) Lobeline |

|b) Pilocarpine |

|c) Carbachol |

|d) Acetylcholine |

|e) Atropine |

| |

|Which one of the following drugs has been used in ophthalmology, but causes intaoculary hypotension: |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Echothiophate |

|c) Pilocarpine |

|d) Ephedrine |

|e) Tropicamide |

| |

|The mechanism of action of indirect-acting cholinomimetic agents is: |

|a) Binding to and activation of muscarinic or nicotinic receptors |

|b) Inhibition of the hydrolysis of endogenous acetylcholine |

|c) Stimulation of the action of acetylcholinesterase |

|d) Releasing acetylcholine from storage sites |

|e) Decrease releasing of acetylcholine from storage sites |

| |

|Indicate a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor: |

|a) Dipiroxime |

|b) Carbachol |

|c) Galantamine |

|d) Pilocarpine |

|e) Aceclidine |

| |

|Which of the following cholinesterase inhibitors is irreversible? |

|a) Physostigmine |

|b) Galantamine |

|c) Neostigmine |

|d) Armine |

|e) Pilocarpine |

| |

|By using cholinomimetics following effects might be established: |

|a) rise of cardiac contraction frequency |

|b) vasoconstriction |

|c) bronchospasm |

|d) decrease of renal secretion |

|e) relaxation of smooth muscle in gastrointestinal tract |

| |

|Which of the following is a common effect of cholinomimetic drugs? |

|a) Decreased peristalsis |

|b) Decreased secretion by salivary glands |

|c) Hypertention |

|d) Inhibitoon of sweat glands |

|e) Spasm of accommodation |

| |

|Indications of cholinomimetics include following states EXCEPT: |

|a) intoxication with Atropine |

|b) glaucoma |

|c) myasthenia |

|d) stimulation of the respiration |

|e) bronchial asthma |

| |

|Cholinomimetics have follow effects EXCEPT: |

|a) bradyckardia |

|b) bronchospasm |

|c) xerosthomia |

|d) lacrimation |

|e) miosis |

| |

|Indicate the location of M2 cholinoreceptor type: |

|a) Heart |

|b) Glands |

|c) Smooth muscle |

|d) Endothelium |

|e) Eye smooth muscle |

| |

|The symptoms of mushroom poisoning include all of the following EXCEPT: |

|a) Salivation, lacrimation, nausea, vomiting |

|b) Dryness of mouth, hyperpyrexia, hallucination |

|c) Headache, abdominal colic |

|d) Bradycardia, hypotension and shock |

|e) Nausea, vomiting, bradycardia |

| |

|Select the drug that you will administrate in intoxication with mushrooms and organophosphates: |

|a) Pilocarpine |

|b) Neostigmine |

|c) Atropine |

|d) Cizaprid |

|e) Tubocurarine |

| |

|Which of the following cholinomimetic activates both muscarinic and nicotinic receptors? |

|a) Lobeline |

|b) Pilocarpine |

|c) Nicotine |

|d) Acetylcholine |

|e) Aceclidine |

| |

|Indicate a cholinomimetic agent, which is related to direct-acting drugs: |

|a) Edrophonium |

|b) Physostigmine |

|c) Carbachol |

|d) Dipiroxime |

|e) Atropine |

| |

|Which of the following is a common effect of muscarinic stimulant drugs? |

|a) Decreased peristalsis |

|b) Decreased secretion by salivary glands |

|c) Hypertention |

|d) Inhibitoon of sweat glands |

|e) Miosis |

| |

|Choose the broncholitic mechanism of atropine: |

|a) Excitement of M-cholinoreceptors of the smooth muscle of bronchi |

|b) β2 adrenoreceptors stimulation in the smooth muscle of bronchi |

|c) Stimulation of N-cholinoreceptors of the smooth muscle of bronchi |

|d) Inhibition of adenosine-receptors |

|e) Blocking of M-cholinoreceptors of the smooth muscle of bronchi |

| |

|Patients complain of dry or "sandy" eyes when receiving large doses of: |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Hexamethonium |

|c) Pilocarpine |

|d) Carbachol |

|e) Lobeline |

| |

|Choose drug used in motion sickness: |

|a) Tropicamide |

|b) Ipratropium |

|c) Scopolamine |

|d) Homatropine |

|e) Oxitropium |

| |

|The pharmacologic actions of scopolamine most closely resemble those of: |

|a) Hexamethonium |

|b) Atropine |

|c) Succinylcholine |

|d) Pilocarpine |

|e) Aceclidine |

| |

|Compared with atropine, scopolamine has all of the following properties EXCEPT: |

|a) More marked central effect |

|b) Less potent in decreasing bronchial, salivary and sweat gland secretion |

|c) More potent in producing mydriasis and cycloplegia |

|d) Lower effects on the heart |

|e) Lower effect on the bronchial muscle and intestines |

| |

|Indicate the drug, which is rapidly distributed into CNS and has a greater effect than most other antimuscarinic agents? |

|a) Pilocarpine |

|b) Scopolamine |

|c) Homatropine |

|d) Ipratropium |

|e) Oxitropium |

| |

|The mechanism of atropine action is: |

|a) Competitive ganglion blockade |

|b) Competitive muscarinic blockade |

|c) Competitive neuromuscular blockade |

|d) Noncompetitive neuromuscular blockade |

|e) Inhibition of cholinesterase |

| |

|Indicate following preparation, which provokes the longest term effect of mydriasis: |

|a) scopolamine |

|b) ephedrine |

|c) Platyphylline |

|d) Epinephrine |

|e) Atropine |

| |

|Which of the following drugs is used for acute toxic effects of mushrooms poisoning? |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Pilocarpine |

|c) Pralidoxime |

|d) Aceclidine |

|e) Edrophonium |

| |

|The main symptoms in intoxication with mushrooms and organophosphates are: |

|a) sphincters constriction + mydriasis + bronchodilation |

|b) myasthenia + olyguria + hyposalivation |

|c) bradycardia + bronchospasm + miosis |

|d) hypomotility + tachycardia + cycloplegia |

|e) olyguria + cycloplegia+ tachycardia |

| |

|M3 receptor subtype is located: |

|a) In the myocardium |

|b) In sympathetic postganglionic neurons |

|c) On effector cell membranes of glandular and smooth muscle cells |

|d) On the motor end plates |

|e) In parasympathetic ganglia |

| |

|The treatment of the antimuscarinic effects can be carried out with: |

|a) Neostigmine |

|b) Hexametonium |

|c) Homatropine |

|d) Scopolamine |

|e) Acetylcholine |

| |

|What phenomena of atropine is being used to establish a diagnose in ophthalmology? |

|a) miosis |

|b) mydriasis |

|c) spasm of acommodation |

|d) circular iris muscle contraction |

|e) intraocular pressure growth |

| |

|The remedy used in intoxication with organophosphates: |

|a) cizaprid |

|b) armine |

|c) phenytoin |

|d) pylocarpine |

|e) atropine |

| |

|Which of the following drugs has been used in ophthalmology, but causes mydriasis and cycloplegia lasting more than 24 hours? |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Echothiophate |

|c) Edrophonium |

|d) Ephedrine |

|e) Tropicamide |

| |

|Which one of the following drugs has been used in ophthalmology, but causes mydriasis and cycloplegia lasting more than 24 hourrs? |

|a) Plathyphylline |

|b) Atropine |

|c) Scopolamine |

|d) Izoprenaline |

|e) Echothiophate |

| |

|Atropine has the effects EXCEPT: |

|a) dry moth |

|b) mydriasis |

|c) hypersalivation |

|d) tachycardia |

|e) atony of smooth muscle |

| |

|Choose the broncholitic mechanism of atropine:: |

|a) Blockage of M- cholinoreceptors of the smooth muscle of bronchi |

|b) Excitement of beta2 adrenoreceptors of the smooth muscle of bronchi |

|c) Stimulation of adenilatcyclase |

|d) Direct action on the smooth muscle of bronchi |

|e) Excitement of M cholinoreceptors of the smooth muscle of bronchi |

| |

|Which one of the following statements about scopolamine is false? |

|a) It has depressant actions on CNS |

|b) It may cause hallucinations |

|c) It is poorly distributed across the placenta to the fetus and across blood-brain barrier |

|d) It may prevent motion sickness and vertigo when applied as a patch to the skin |

|e) It is from the same group with atropine. |

| |

|Choose the drug belonging to selective beta2-adrenomimics: |

|a) x Salbutamol |

|b) Isoprenaline |

|c) Salmeterol |

|d) Terbutaline |

|e) Hexoprenaline |

| |

|Select the side-effect characteristic for non-selective beta-adrenomimics: |

|a) Depression of the breathing centre |

|b) Tachycardia |

|c) Peripheral vasoconstriction |

|d) Dry mouth |

|e) Miosis |

| |

|Which of the following M-cholinoblocking agents is used especially as an anti-asthmatic? |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Ipratropium |

|c) Platiphylline |

|d) Metacin |

|e) Pirenzepine |

| |

|Which of the following M-cholinoblocking agents is used mostly as intestinal spasmolytic? |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Ipratropium |

|c) Platiphylline |

|d) Metacin |

|e) Pirenzepine |

| |

|The main effects of ganglion-blocking drugs are, EXCEPT: |

|a) vasodilatation and hypotension |

|b) hyposecretion |

|c) increase of intraoculary pression |

|d) bronchospasm |

|e) relaxation of the smooth muscles and contraction of the sphincters |

| |

|Tubocurarine blocks the action of acethylcholine and similar agonists at: |

|a) Muscarinic receptor site |

|b) Neuromuscular junction |

|c) Parasimpathetic ganglia |

|d) Axonal transmission |

|e) Simpathetic ganglia |

| |

|Which of the following agents is a short-acting ganglion blocker? |

|a) Homatropine |

|b) Trimethaphane |

|c) Hexamethonium |

|d) Pancuronium |

|e) Atropine |

| |

|Ganglion blocking drugs are used for the following states EXCEPT: |

|a) Hypertensive crises |

|b) Controlled hypotension |

|c) Cardiovascular collapse |

|d) Pulmonary edema |

|e) Malignant hypertension |

| |

|The shortest duration hypotensive activity is characteristic for: |

|a) Reserpine |

|b) Guanethidine |

|c) Treperium iodide |

|d) Tropaphen |

|e) Propranolol |

| |

|Agents that produce neuromuscular blockade act by inhibiting: |

|a) Interaction of acetylcholine with cholinergic receptors |

|b) Release of acetylcholine from prejunctional membrane |

|c) Packaging of acetylcholine into synaptic vesicles |

|d) Reuptake of acetylcholine into the nerve ending |

|e) Metabolism of acetylcholine |

| |

|Which of the following drugs has "double-acetylcholine" structure? |

|a) Tubocurarine |

|b) Carbachol |

|c) Atropine |

|d) Atracurium |

|e) Suxamethonium |

| |

|Indicate the depolarizing agent: |

|a) Suxamethonium |

|b) Tubocurarine |

|c) Vecuronium |

|d) Atracurium |

|e) Pancuronium |

| |

|Neuromuscular blockade by suxamethonium may be prolonged in patients with: |

|a) Renal failure |

|b) An abnormal variant of plasma cholinesterase |

|c) Cardiac failure |

|d) Acute hypotension |

|e) Gastric ulcer |

| |

|Which of the following drugs is a nondepolarizing muscle relaxant? |

|a) Pancuronium |

|b) Succinylcholine |

|c) Hexamethonium |

|d) Scopolamine |

|e) Atropine |

| |

|Which of the following neuromuscular blockers causes transient muscle fasciculations? |

|a) Atracurium |

|b) Pancuronium |

|c) Suxamethonium |

|d) Tubocurarine |

|e) Atropine |

| |

|Depolarizing agents include all of the following properties EXCEPT: |

|a) Interact with nicotinic receptor to compete with acetylcholine without receptor activation |

|b) React with the nicotinic receptor to open the channel and cause depolarisation of the end plate |

|c) Cause desensitization, noncompetive block manifested by flaccid paralysis |

|d) Cholinesterase inhibitors do not have the ability to reverse the blockade |

|e) Can caused transient muscle fasciculations |

| |

|Which neuromuscular blocking agent has the potential to cause the greatest release of histamine? |

|a) Suxamethonium |

|b) Tubocurarine |

|c) Pancuronium |

|d) Vecuronium |

|e) Atracurium |

| |

|Which of the following muscular relaxants causes hypotension and bronchospasm? |

|a) Vecuronium |

|b) Suxamethonium |

|c) Tubocurarine |

|d) Pancuronium |

|e) Atracurium |

| |

|Indicate the neuromuscular blocker, which causes tachycardia: |

|a) Tubocurarine |

|b) Atracurium |

|c) Pancuronium |

|d) Suxamethonium |

|e) Vecuronium |

| |

|Which neuromuscular blocking agent is contraindicated in patients with glaucoma? |

|a) Tubocurarine |

|b) Suxamethonium |

|c) Pancuronium |

|d) Vecuronium |

|e) Atracurium |

| |

|Indicate the agent, which effectively antagonizes the neuromuscular blockade caused by nondepolarizing drugs: |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Neostigmine |

|c) Acetylcholine |

|d) Pralidoxime |

|e) Scopolamine |

| |

|Which of the following neuromuscular blocking agents cause cardiac arrhythmias? |

|a) Vecuronium |

|b) Atracurium |

|c) Tubocurarine |

|d) Pipecuronium |

|e) Suxamethonium |

| |

|Witch substance can be mostly used in acute rhinitis? |

|a) clonidine |

|b) nafasoline |

|c) salbutamol |

|d) izoprenaline |

|e) phenylefrine |

| |

|Which of the following effects is associated with beta3-receptor stimulation? |

|a) Lipolysis |

|b) Decrease in platelet aggregation |

|c) Bronchodilation |

|d) Tachycardia |

|e) Hyperglicemia |

| |

|Indicate the beta1-selective agonist: |

|a) Isoproterenol |

|b) Dobutamine |

|c) Metoprolol |

|d) Epinephrine |

|e) Ephedrine |

| |

|Mechanism of action of Clonidine: |

|a) Inhibition of rennin-angiotensine system |

|b) Activation of β-adrenoreceptors |

|c) Activation of alfa2-presynaptic adrenoreceptors |

|d) Blockage of alfa2 adrenoreceptors |

|e) Inhibition of cholinergyc system |

| |

|Select the drug that acts on the bronchi selectively: |

|a) Epinephrine |

|b) Ephedrine |

|c) Norepinephrine |

|d) Salbutamol |

|e) Izoprenaline |

| |

|Which of the following agents is an alfa1-selective agonist? |

|a) Norepinephrine |

|b) Fenilephrine |

|c) Ritodrine |

|d) Ephedrine |

|e) Epinephrine |

| |

|By what mechanism does clonidine lower blood pressure? |

|a) Decreased heart rate by direct action on S-A node |

|b) Direct action on the emetic center causing nausea and vomiting |

|c) Direct action on blood vessels causing vasodilatation |

|d) Stimulation of α2-adrenoreceptors with inhibition of noradrenaline release |

|e) None of the above |

| |

|Location of beta 2 adrenoreceptors includes following places EXCEPTS: |

|a) Vessels |

|b) Presynaptic membrane |

|c) Liver |

|d) Bronchi |

|e) Juxtaglomerular cells |

| |

|Sympathetic stimulation is mediated by: |

|a) Release of norepinephrine from nerve terminals |

|b) Activation of adrenoreceptors on postsynaptic sites |

|c) Release of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla |

|d) N-cholinoreceptors stimulation in sympathetic ganglia |

|e) All of the above |

| |

|Which of the following sympathomimetics acts indirectly? |

|a) Epinephrine |

|b) Norepinephrine |

|c) Ephedrine |

|d) Naphasoline |

|e) Fenilephrine |

| |

|What is the mechanism of action of ephedrine? |

|a) inhibit eliberation of acetylcholine |

|b) stimulate eliberation of acetylcholine |

|c) stimulate eliberation of norepinephrine |

|d) inhibit eliberation of norepinephrine |

|e) doesn't have an effect on eliberation of neurotransmitters |

| |

|Phenylephrine causes: |

|a) Constriction of vessels in the nasal mucosa |

|b) Increased gastric secretion and motility |

|c) Increased skin temperature |

|d) Miosis |

|e) All of the above |

| |

|Direct effects on the heart are determined largely by: |

|a) Alfa1 receptor |

|b) Alfa 2 receptor |

|c) Beta1 receptor |

|d) Beta 2 receptor |

|e) Beta 3 receptor |

| |

|What kind of drug is contraindicated in the pregnancy because of stimulation of the delivery? |

|a) alcohol |

|b) salbutamol |

|c) indomethacine |

|d) furosemide |

|e) ergometrine |

| |

|In which of the following tissues both alfa and beta adrenergic stimulation produces the same effect? |

|a) Blood vessels |

|b) Intestine |

|c) Uterus |

|d) Bronchial muscles |

|e) Platelets |

| |

|The effects of sympathomimetics on blood pressure are associated with their effects on: |

|a) The heart |

|b) The peripheral resistance |

|c) The venous return |

|d) Juxtaglomerular apparatus |

|e) All of the above |

| |

|Beta adrenoreceptor subtypes is contained in all of the following tissues EXCEPT: |

|a) Bronchial muscles |

|b) Heart |

|c) Pupillary dilator muscle |

|d) Fat cells |

|e) Juxtaglomerular apparatus |

| |

| |

|Which of the following drugs is a nonselective beta-blocker without intrinsic sympathomimetic or local anesthetic activity and used for the |

|treatment of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias? |

|a) Propranolol |

|b) Oxprenolol |

|c) Nadolol |

|d) Sotalol |

|e) Atenolol |

| |

|Which of the following drugs is a reversible nonselective alfa, beta antagonist? |

|a) Labetalol |

|b) Phentolamine |

|c) Metoprolol |

|d) Propranolol |

|e) Prasosine |

| |

|Select the mechanism of action of propranolol: |

|a) stimulation of beta1-adenoreceptors |

|b) blockage of beta2 adrenoreceptors |

|c) blockage of alpha, beta adrenoreceptors |

|d) blockage of beta1, beta2 adrenoreceptors |

|e) stimulation of M, N cholynoreceptors |

| |

|Which of the following beta receptor antagonists is preferable in patients with asthma, diabetes or peripheral vascular diseases? |

|a) Propranolol |

|b) Metoprolol |

|c) Nadolol |

|d) Sotalol |

|e) Timolol |

| |

|Indicate the indirect-acting adrenoreceptor blocking drug: |

|a) Tolazoline |

|b) Reserpine |

|c) Carvedilol |

|d) Prazosin |

|e) Propranolol |

| |

|Name property of salbutamol: |

|a) neselective Beta-adrenomimetic |

|b) selective action on Beta2-adrenergic recetors |

|c) marked cardiac effects |

|d) positive marked inotropic, batmotropic, chronotropic and dromotropic |

|e) rise of bronchial and uteral tonus. |

| |

|Location of beta2 adrenoreceptors includes following places EXCEPT:: |

|a) vessels |

|b) ciliary muscle |

|c) liver |

|d) bronchi |

|e) juxtaglomerular cells |

| |

|Select the mechanism of action of propranolol: |

|a) stimulation of β1- adrenoreceptors |

|b) blockage of β 2 adrenoreceptors |

|c) stimulation of α1- adrenoreceptors |

|d) blockage of α,β adrenoreceptors |

|e) blockage of β1, β 2 adrenoreceptors |

| |

|Select the mechanism of action of metoprolol: |

|a) blockage of β1, β 2 adrenoreceptors |

|b) blockage of αβ adrenoreceptors |

|c) blockage of β 1 adrenoreceptors |

|d) stimulation of β2 adrenoreceptors |

|e) stimulation of β1 adrenoreceptors |

| |

|Name beta adrenoblocker drug: |

|a) neostigmine |

|b) hydralazine |

|c) propranolol |

|d) atropine |

|e) clonidine |

| |

|What type of drug is propranolol? |

|a) Anticonvulsive |

|b) Antihypertensive |

|c) Antihistamine |

|d) Antinauseant |

|e) Antipyretic |

| |

| |

|What would be contraindicated for propranolol? |

|a) Hypertension |

|b) Essential tremoк |

|c) Angina |

|d) Tachycardia |

|e) Asthma |

| |

|Select the mechanism of action of metoprolol: |

|a) stimulation of β2 adrenoreceptors |

|b) blockage of β1 adrenoreceptors |

|c) blockage of α,β adrenoreceptors |

|d) blockage of β1, β 2 adrenoreceptors |

|e) stimulation of α1- adrenoreceptors |

| |

|Indirect action includes all of the following properties EXCEPT: |

|a) Displacement of stored catecholamines from the adrenergic nerve ending |

|b) Inhibition of reuptake of catecholamines already released |

|c) Interaction with adrenoreceptors |

|d) Inhibition of the release of endogenous catecholamines from peripheral adrenergic neurons |

|e) MAO inhibition |

| |

|From witch group is phentolamine? |

|a) non-selective α-blocker |

|b) selective α1-blockers |

|c) selective (1-blockers |

|d) selective (2-blockers |

|e) Non-selective (-blocker |

| |

|Mechanism of action of prazosin : |

|a) Alpha-1 receptor blocker |

|b) Beta-1 receptor blocker |

|c) Phosphodiesterase inhibitor |

|d) Calcium channel blocker |

|e) Alpha-2 receptor blocker |

| |

|Indicate the reversible nonselective alfa-receptor antagonist, which is an ergot derivative: |

|a) Ergotamine |

|b) Prazosin |

|c) Phenoxybenzamine |

|d) Fenilephrine |

|e) Carvedilol |

| |

|Nonselective alfa-receptor antagonists are most useful in the treatment of: |

|a) Asthma |

|b) Cardiac arrhythmias |

|c) Urinary retention |

|d) Pheochromocytoma |

|e) Chronic hypertension |

| |

|Indicate the adrenoreceptor antagonist drug, which is a rauwolfia alkaloid: |

|a) Prazosin |

|b) Propranolol |

|c) Sotalol |

|d) Reserpine |

|e) Phentolamine |

| |

|Which one of the following statements about sympatholytics is fals? |

|a) Affect noradrenaline synthesis |

|b) Affect noradrenaline release |

|c) Affect noradrenalne reuptake |

|d) Bind covalently to the alfa- receptor an produce an irreversible effect |

|e) Inhibit influx of Ca 2+ through presynaptic membrane and inhibit in this way mediators release |

| |

|What is the drug of choice for an anaphylactic reaction? |

|a) Adenosine |

|b) Atropine |

|c) Epinephrine |

|d) Dobutamine |

|e) Midazolam |

| |

|Name the sympatholythic drug: |

|a) Labetalol |

|b) Prazosin |

|c) Guanethidine |

|d) Clonidine |

|e) Propranolol |

| |

|With one of the following statements about sympatholytics is fals?: |

|a) block alfa, beta adrenoreceptors |

|b) affect noradrenaline release |

|c) affect noradrenalne uptake. |

|d) affect noradrenaline synthesis |

|e) inhibit the flux of Ca 2+ through presynaptic membrane and inhibit in this way mediators release |

| |

|Specify the level of action of sympatholitics: |

|a) blockage of alfa adrenoreceptors |

|b) stimulation of adrenoreceptors |

|c) act on the presynaptic level. |

|d) adrenaline destruction |

|e) blockage of beta adrenoreceptors |

| |

|The agent is from sympatholitics group: |

|a) prazosine |

|b) hydralazine |

|c) diazoxide |

|d) propranolol |

|e) reserpine |

| |

|Dopamine-mediated renal vasodilation is caused by which receptor(s) system(s): |

|a) Beta2 adrenergic receptors |

|b) Beta1 adrenergic receptors |

|c) Dopamine D1 and D2 postsynaptic receptors |

|d) Muscarinic receptors |

|e) Leukotriene receptors |

| |

|Drugs prescribed to relax the smooth muscles of the bronchial tubes are called: |

|a) Bronchospastics |

|b) Bronchodilators |

|c) Broncoconstrictors |

|d) Anticonvulsants |

|e) Muscle relaxants |

| |

|What is the mechanism of action of trypsin? |

|a) Direct action on the bronchial glands. |

|b) fluidification of sputum, depolymerization of proteins. |

|c) Stimulates bronchial muscles and ciliated epithelium. |

|d) Rising secretion and fluidification of sputum. |

|e) Intensive secretion of reflexive bronchial glands. |

| |

|What is the indication for chymotrypsin? |

|a) pregnancy |

|b) purulent and necrotic processes |

|c) enterobiosis |

|d) duodenal ulcer |

|e) angina pectoris |

| |

|Indicate the drug belonging to antitussive of narcotic type of action: |

|a) Glaucine hydrochloride |

|b) Aethylmorphine hydrochloride |

|c) Noscapine |

|d) Oxeladine |

|e) Pentoxiverine |

| |

|Which of the following drugs are being used as expectorants? |

|a) potassium chloride |

|b) magnesium sulfate |

|c) sodium sulfate |

|d) potassium iodide |

|e) calcium carbonate |

| |

|Mechanism of action of bromhexine? |

|a) breaks off S-S groups and bind with them. In this way decrease viscosity of the bronchi mucus. |

|b) irritates gastric mycousa membrane and increase bronchi secretions |

|c) inhibits cough center in the bulb |

|d) breaks off mucopolysaharide and mucoproteic groups. Also it stimulates secretion of surfactant. |

|e) stimulates CNS in subcortical lever and bulb. |

| |

|Indicate the expectorant with the reflex mechanism: |

|a) Sodium benzoate |

|b) Derivatives of Ipecacucnha and Thermopsis |

|c) Trypsin |

|d) Ambroxol |

|e) Acetylcistein |

| |

|Which of the following drugs is proteolytic enzyme? |

|a) Potassium iodide |

|b) Desoxiribonuclease |

|c) Carbocysteine |

|d) Acetylcysteine |

|e) Sodium benzoate |

| |

|Mechanism of broncholytic action of isoprenaline: |

|a) blocking of M-cholinoreceptors from smooth muscles of the bronchi |

|b) direct influence on the smooth muscles of the bronchi |

|c) excitment of beta-adrenoreceptors of smooth muscles of the bronchi. |

|d) depression of phosphodiesterase activity |

|e) non f the above |

| |

|Choose the drug that block leucotriene receptors: |

|a) Budesonide |

|b) Sodium cromoglycate |

|c) Zileuton |

|d) Beclometazone |

|e) Zafirlucast |

| |

|Drug used in asthma that often cause tachycardia and tremor include: |

|a) beclomethasone |

|b) cromoglycate sodium |

|c) ipratropium |

|d) isoprenaline |

|e) all of the above |

| |

|Which of the following drugs is a 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) inhibitor? |

|a) Ibuprofen |

|b) Zileuton |

|c) Methamizole |

|d) Diclofenac |

|e) Zafirlukast |

| |

|Name the drug belonging to membranestabilizing agents: |

|a) Zileutin |

|b) Sodium cromoglycate |

|c) Zafirlucast |

|d) Montelucast |

|e) Aminophylline |

| |

|Choose pharmacodynamic particularity of aminophylline: |

|a) inhibits respiratory center in bulb |

|b) biliary motility depression |

|c) bronchial relaxation |

|d) decreasing cardiac activity |

|e) increased mast cell degranulation |

| |

|Name drug contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma: |

|a) Propranolol |

|b) Clonidine |

|c) Enalapril |

|d) Nifedipine |

|e) Salmeterol |

| |

|Which drug is a leukotriene receptor antagonist D4 (LTD4)? |

|a) ibuprofen |

|b) zileuton |

|c) zafirleukast |

|d) diclofenac |

|e) aspirin |

| |

|Which drug is an inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOG)? |

|a) zafirlukast |

|b) zileuton |

|c) beclomethasone |

|d) montelukast |

|e) terbutaline |

| |

|Mechanism of action of aminophylline consists in:: |

|a) stimulates phosphodiesterase |

|b) decreasing of intracellular сAMP |

|c) rising of mast cells degranulation |

|d) xblock of adenozinic receptors |

|e) inhibition of hyaluronidase |

|Mechanism of action of aminophylline: |

|a) phosphodiesterase stimulation |

|b) phosphodiesterase inhibition |

|c) increasing of mast. degranulation |

|d) modification of membrane permeability for Ca+ |

|e) inhibition of hyaluronidase |

| |

|Name the main therapeutic effect of methylxanthine drugs such as aminophylline: |

|a) Vasoconstriction in many vessels |

|b) Decrease in the amount of camp in mast cells |

|c) Bronchodilation |

|d) Activation of the enzyme phosphodiesterase |

|e) Sedation |

| |

|A drug useful in the treatment of asthma but lacking bronckodilator effect is: |

|a) Sodium Cromoglycate |

|b) ephedrine |

|c) Isoprenaline |

|d) Metoprolol |

|e) Salbutamol |

| |

|Select the drug that acts selectively on the Beta 2 receptors of the bronchi: |

|a) epinephrine |

|b) ephedrine |

|c) norepinephrine |

|d) salbutamol |

|e) izoprenaline |

| |

|What is therapeutic effect of ethanol in pulmonary edema? |

|a) dehydration |

|b) analgesia |

|c) antispume effects |

|d) decreasing of the arterial tension in the small circulation |

|e) stimulation of the respiratory center |

| |

|What kind of action have morphine in pulmonary edema? |

|a) Dehydration |

|b) Diuretic |

|c) Antispume |

|d) Decreasing of the arterial pressure in the small circulation |

|e) Sedative action. |

| |

|Witch kind of action will be in ganglioblockers administration in pulmonary edema? |

|a) dehydration |

|b) diuretic action |

|c) anti-spume action |

|d) antihypertension action |

|e) sedative action |

| |

|The main effect of ganglion blocking drugs in pulmonary edema is: |

|a) dehydration |

|b) hypotensive |

|c) bronchodilation |

|d) antiallergic |

|e) anti-foaming |

| |

|With one of the following statements about ethanol is false? |

|a) xdoesn’t cross the biological barrier |

|b) the drug is distributed to most body tissues |

|c) its volume of distribution is equivalent to that of total body water. |

|d) is rapidly and completely absorbed |

|e) causes withdrawn syndrome |

| |

|What kind of the remedies is used in bronchial asthma? |

|a) Propranolol |

|b) Naphasoline |

|c) Dobutamine |

|d) Salmeterol |

|e) Norepinephrine |

| |

|Pharmacodynamics of disodium chromoglycate: |

|a) Bronchospasmolitic |

|b) Stabilization of the mast cell membrane. |

|c) Antihistaminic |

|d) Antispastic |

|e) Anntiinflamatory |

| |

|Mechanism of action of sodium cromoglycate: |

|a) produce a lymphopenia, particularly of T lymphocytes by destribution of cell into the lymphoid tissue |

|b) produces mast cell stabilization (depression of release of histamine, neuropeptides, antagonism of tachykinin receptors, inhibition of PAF |

|interaction with platelets and eosinophils) |

|c) blocks H1 histaminoreceptors |

|d) alteration of lymphocyte function |

|e) stimulate beta2 adrenoreceptors of bronchi |

| |

|What kind of drug is used in bronchial asthma? |

|a) propranolol |

|b) nafasoline |

|c) doputamine |

|d) ozagrel |

|e) norepinephrine |

| |

|A drug useful in the treatment of asthma but lacking bronchodilator effect is: |

|a) Salbutamol |

|b) Fenoterol |

|c) Nedocromil |

|d) ephedrine |

|e) Isoprenaline |

| |

|Drug used in asthma often causing tachycardia and tremor is: |

|a) Beclomethasone |

|b) Cromolyn sodium |

|c) Ipratropium |

|d) Orciprenaline |

|e) All of the above |

| |

|What is therapeutic effect of ethanol in pulmonary edema? |

|a) Dehydration |

|b) Analgesia |

|c) Anti-foaming effects |

|d) Decreasing of the arterial tension in the small circulation |

|e) Stimulation of the respiratory center |

| |

|Which of the following anti-asthmatic drugs may worsen gastric ulcer? |

|a) epinephrine |

|b) prednisolone |

|c) salbutamol |

|d) isoprenaline |

|e) disodium cromoglycate |

| |

|This drug acts by inhibiting nucleotide phosphodiesterase type III: |

|a) Amiodarone |

|b) Milrinone |

|c) Propanolol |

|d) Enalapril |

|e) Valsartan |

| |

|This drug should probably not be administered to a patient with congestive heart failure because the drug may further reduce contractility; |

|the drug should probably also not be prescribed to an asmatic since the drug may increase bronchiolar smooth muscle tone: |

|a) Digoxin |

|b) Terbutaline |

|c) Propranolol |

|d) Atropine |

|e) Doxazosine |

| |

|Initial drug(s) for management of mild to moderate heart failure: |

|a) Parenteral inotropic drugs, e.g. dobutamine |

|b) Hydralazine |

|c) Furosemide |

|d) Captopril |

|e) Torasemide |

| |

|Which one of the following drugs predictably prolongs the PR interval and increases cardiac contractility? |

|a) Digoxin |

|b) Lidocaine |

|c) Propranolol |

|d) Quinidine |

|e) Verapamil |

| |

|A positive cardiac inotropic agent? |

|a) Amrinone |

|b) Amiodarone |

|c) Atenolol |

|d) Salbutamol |

|e) Mannitol |

| |

|Longest acting from digitals: |

|a) Digoxin |

|b) Digitoxin |

|c) Both |

|d) Neither |

| |

|Name positive inotropic drug of glycoside structure: |

|a) Dopamine |

|b) Digoxin |

|c) Dobutamine |

|d) Adrenalin |

|e) Methyldopa |

| |

|Diuretic most likely to cause hypokalemia: |

|a) Triamterene |

|b) Amiloride |

|c) Spironolactone |

|d) Furosemide |

|e) Acetazolamide |

| |

|Choose the drug with longest duration of action? |

|a) strophantine |

|b) celanide |

|c) corglicon |

|d) digoxine |

|e) digitoxine |

| |

|An elderly male patient has essential hypertension, congestive heart failure, and type I insulin-dependent diabetes. His congestive failure |

|developed secondary to coronary vascular disease associated with hyperlipidemia. What antihypertensive drug(s) may be most appropriate for |

|this patient? |

|a) Chlorothiazide |

|b) Captopril |

|c) Propranolol |

|d) Metoprolol |

|e) Hexamethonium |

| |

|A drug devoid of negative inotropic effects and is effective in the treatment of cardiac insufficiency: |

|a) amantadine |

|b) papaverine |

|c) digoxine |

|d) clonidine |

|e) metoprolol |

| |

|The primary cause of digitalis toxicity is: |

|a) Intracellular calcium overload |

|b) Intracellular potassium overload |

|c) Increased parasympathetic activity |

|d) Increased adrenocorticosteroid levels |

|e) All of the above |

| |

|In the therapy of congestive heart failure, the most important pharmacologic action of digitalis is its ability to: |

|a) produce diuresis in edematous patients |

|b) reduce venous pressure |

|c) increase myocardial contractile force |

|d) increase heart rate |

|e) decrease pacemaker automaticity in cells of the bundle of His |

| |

|A positive cardiac inotropic agent: |

|a) Amrinone |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Propranolol |

|d) Salbutamol |

|e) Neostigmine |

| |

|Glycosides are indicated in: |

|a) Cardiac right blockade |

|b) Ventricular tachyarrhythmias |

|c) Atrio-ventricular blocks |

|d) Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias |

|e) W.P.W. syndrome. |

| |

|Potentiate hypokalemia associated with digoxin therapy: |

|a) insulin |

|b) spironolactone |

|c) furosemide |

|d) indomethacine |

|e) imipramine |

| |

|Antihypertensive: action based on inhibition of norepinephrine release from adrenergic nerve endings: |

|a) Propranolol |

|b) Guanethidine |

|c) Hexamethonium |

|d) Phentolamine |

|e) Prazosine |

| |

|A severe hypertensive crisis is treated with: |

|a) epinephrine |

|b) salbutamol |

|c) trimetaphan |

|d) diazepam |

|e) tubocurarine |

|The drug with the most useful effects in the treatment of inoperable metastatic pheochromocytoma secreting mostly norepinephrine is: |

|a) clonidine |

|b) minoxidil |

|c) phentolamine |

|d) propranolol |

|e) reserpine |

| |

|Which of these following antihypertensives are an alpha 1- adrenoblocker? |

|a) Hydralazine |

|b) Propranolol |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Nifedipine |

|e) Prazosin |

| |

|Name the hypotensive remedy from beta- adrenoblokers?: |

|a) Hydrochlorthyazide |

|b) Methyldopa |

|c) Clonidine |

|d) Hydralazine |

|e) Metoprolol |

| |

|Vasoconstriction, aldosterone secretion, and renin release suppression occur upon activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. How |

|would captopril affect these responses? |

|a) Blocks all three |

|b) Blocks only vasoconstriction |

|c) Blocks all except vasoconstriction |

|d) Blocks only renin release |

|e) No effect |

| |

|Side effects of this antihypertensive agent includes tachycardia, angina, reversible lupus-like syndrome: |

|a) Propranolol |

|b) Hexamethonium |

|c) Hydralazine |

|d) Diazoxide |

|e) Metoprolol |

| |

|Following preparation groups belong to antihypertensive drugs but one exception: |

|a) alpha- adrenoblockers |

|b) alpha- adrenomimetics |

|c) beta- adrenoblockers |

|d) alpha-2-central adrenomimetics |

|e) sympatholytics |

| |

|Principal mechanisms by which beta adrenergic receptor blockade decreases BP: |

|a) Vasodilation-- arteriolar |

|b) Vasodilation -- venular |

|c) Reduced heart rate and reduced myocardial contractility |

|d) Blockade of angiotensin II receptors |

|e) Decreased central sympathetic outflow |

|Antihypertensive drugs belonging to the same class: |

|a) Doxazosin, prazosin, metoprolol |

|b) Nifedipine, verapamil, diltiazem |

|c) Clonidine, guanabenz, terazosin |

|d) Lisinopril, fosinopril, guanadrel |

|e) Propranolol, labetalol, dinoprostol |

| |

|Select Ca channel-blocking drugs: |

|a) nifedipine + diltiazem + verapamil |

|b) trinitrolong + nitrong + isosorbide dinitrat |

|c) minoxidil + pinacidil + nicorandil |

|d) aminophylline + xantinol nicotinates + carbocromen |

|e) dipyridamol + lidoflazine |

| |

|Name hypotensive remedy, which act on the renin-angiogenesis system: |

|a) propranolol |

|b) spironolactone |

|c) bendazole |

|d) captopril |

|e) hydrochlorothiazide |

| |

|Place of action of clonidine: |

|a) Inhibition of rennin-angiotensine system |

|b) Activation of beta adrenoreceptors |

|c) Activation of alpha2 presynaptic adrenoreceptors |

|d) Blockage of alpha2 adrenoreceptors |

|e) Inhibition of cholinergyc system |

| |

|By what mechanism does clonidine lower the blood pressure?: |

|a) Decreased heart rate by direct action on S-A node |

|b) Direct action on the emetic center causing nausea and vomiting |

|c) Direct action on blood vessels causing vasodilatation |

|d) Stimulation of alfa2 adrenoreceptors with inhibition of noradrenaline realizing |

|e) None of the above |

| |

|This antihypertensive compound will inhibit both α-and β-receptor functions: |

|a) Atenolol |

|b) Labetalol |

|c) Both |

|d) Neither |

| |

|Choose the drug which increases cardiac output: |

|a) Norepinephrine |

|b) Methyldopa |

|c) Phenylephrine |

|d) Angiotensinamide |

|e) Diazoxide |

| |

|Indicate the vasoconstrictor of endogenous origin: |

|a) Ephedrine |

|b) Phenylephrine |

|c) Xylomethazoline |

|d) Angiotensinamide |

|e) Profetur |

| |

|Choose the synthetic vasoconstrictor having an adrenomimic effect: |

|a) Norepinephrine |

|b) Epinephrine |

|c) Phenylephrine |

|d) Angiotensinamide |

|e) Atropine |

| |

|General unwanted effects of vasoconstrictors are: |

|a) Increase of arterial pressure |

|b) Increase of cardiac output |

|c) Decrease of peripheral blood flow |

|d) Increase of blood volume |

|e) Dispnoe |

| |

|Which statement describes the pathway of nitric oxide (NO)? |

|a) Stimulates guanylyl cyclase, increase cGMP concentration, vasodilation |

|b) Stimulates guanylyl cyclase, decreases cGMP concentration, vasodilation |

|c) Stimulates guanylyl cyclase, increase cGMP concentration, vasoconstriction |

|d) Inhibits guanylyl cyclase, increase cGMP concentration, vasodilation |

|e) Inhibits guanylyl cyclase, decreases cGMP concentration, vasoconstriction |

| |

|By what mechanism does nitroglycerine lower the blood pressure? |

|a) Direct action on the emetic center causing nausea and vomiting |

|b) Direct action on blood vessels causing vasodilatation |

|c) Decreased heart rate by direct action on S-A node |

|d) Stimulation of α 2 adrenoreceptors with inhibition of noradrenaline realizing |

|e) None of the above |

| |

|Which type of receptors can be activated by angiotensinamide: |

|a) Adrenergic alpha-1 receptors |

|b) Cholinergic receptors |

|c) Dopaminergic receptors |

|d) Angiotensin's receptors |

|e) Adrenergic beta-1 receptors |

| |

|For increasing blood pressure in case of low cardiac output the following agents must be used: |

|a) Ganglioblockers |

|b) Vasoconstrictors |

|c) Positive inotropic drugs |

|d) Diuretics |

|e) M-cholinomimetics |

| |

|Name the unwanted effects of clonidine: |

|a) Parkinson's syndrome |

|b) Sedation, dry mouth, and hypotension |

|c) Gray baby syndrom |

|d) Agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia |

|e) Psychostimulant effect |

|A severe hypertensive crisis is treated with: |

|a) atropine |

|b) levodopa |

|c) benzohexonium |

|d) diazepam |

|e) amphetamine |

| |

|The longest anti-hypotensive action can be observed by administrating of: |

|a) epinephrine |

|b) phenylephrine |

|c) dopamine |

|d) norepinephrine |

|e) isoturon |

| |

|Indicate hypotensive beta-adreno blocker remedy: |

|a) hydrochlorothiazide |

|b) methyldopa |

|c) clonidine |

|d) hydralazine |

|e) metoprolol |

| |

|Antiarrhythmic drug with antimalarial and antipyretic effects: |

|a) Tocainide |

|b) Procainamide |

|c) Metoprolol |

|d) Quinidine gluconate |

|e) Lidocaine |

| |

|Choose the drugs from Group IB antiarrhythmic drugs: |

|a) quinidine, ajmaline, procainamide |

|b) flecainide, encainide, propafenone |

|c) phenytoine, lidocaine, mexiletine |

|d) verapamil, galapamil, diltiazem |

|e) amiodarone, adenosine |

| |

|Preferred in the treatment of Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome: |

|a) Morphine |

|b) Carbamazepine |

|c) Amantadine |

|d) Verapamil |

|e) Nifedipine |

| |

|Antiarrhythmic drug: long-term use associated with a lupus-related side effect: |

|a) Quinidine gluconate |

|b) Propranolol |

|c) Procainamide |

|d) Verapamil |

|e) Adenosine |

| |

|Preferred for acute management of angina: |

|a) Nitroprusside sodium |

|b) Hydralazine |

|c) Sublingual nitroglycerin |

|d) Propranolol |

|e) Minoxidil |

| |

|Name antianginous mechanism ov validol: |

|a) musculotropic coronarodilatory action |

|b) reflectory coronarodilatory action |

|c) inotropic negativ effect |

|d) peripheral vessels dilation |

|e) stimulation of cardiac contractility |

| |

|Which of the following antianginal agents is a myotropic coronary dilator: |

|a) Dipyridamole |

|b) Validol |

|c) Atenolol |

|d) Alinidine |

|e) Nitroglycerine |

| |

|Which of the following antianginal agents refers to reflex coronary dilators: |

|a) Dipyridamole |

|b) Validol |

|c) Atenolol |

|d) Alinidine |

|e) Nitroglycerine |

| |

|Mechanism of action of diltiazem : |

|a) Phosphodiesterase inhibitor |

|b) Blockade of calcium channels |

|c) Alpha-1 receptor antagonists |

|d) Beta-1 receptor antagonist |

|e) Beta-2 receptor agonist |

| |

|Witch antiarrhythmic is for the first choice in ventricular arrhythmias in myocardial infarction? |

|a) Quinudine |

|b) Amiodarone |

|c) Lidocaine |

|d) Propranolol |

|e) Niphedipine |

| |

|Which of the following is most useful in the treatment of obesity? |

|a) Bromocriptine |

|b) Cimetidine |

|c) Ergotamine |

|d) Ondansetron |

|e) Sibutramine |

| |

|Indicate the serotonin antagonists preventing vomiting? |

|a) scopolamine |

|b) ondansetron |

|c) diphenhydramine |

|d) atropine |

|e) droperidol |

| |

|Which of the following drugs may cause reversible gynecomastia? |

|a) Omeprazole |

|b) Pirenzepine |

|c) Cimetidine |

|d) Sucralfate |

|e) Pirenzepine |

| |

|What vitamine belongs to cytoprotective gastric mucosa? |

|a) Choline |

|b) Orotic acid |

|c) Pangamic acid |

|d) 5- methyl methionine (sulfonium chloride) |

|e) Polyphenol |

| |

|All of the following agents intensify the secretion of gastric glands except: |

|a) Pepsin |

|b) Gastrin |

|c) Histamine |

|d) Somatostatin |

|e) Prostaglandin E |

| |

|Name the drug that causes metabolic alkalosis: |

|a) Sodium bicarbonate |

|b) Cimetidine |

|c) Pepto-Bismol |

|d) Carbenoxolone |

|e) Famotidine |

| |

|Which drug is an analog of prostaglandin E1? |

|a) Misoprostole |

|b) De-nol |

|c) Sucralfate |

|d) Omeprazole |

|e) Lansoprasole |

| |

|Name antacid that causes constipation: |

|a) Sodium bicarbonate |

|b) Aluminium hydroxide |

|c) Calcium carbonate |

|d) Magnesium oxide |

|e) Almagel |

| |

|The effect of omeprazole on a parietal cellular level manifests itself through: |

|a) competitive inhibition of gastrinic effect |

|b) competitive inhibition of histamines on a H2-receptor level |

|c) irreversible inhibition of H+/K+ ATPase |

|d) irreversible inhibition of adenylate cyclase |

|e) blocking of prostaglandin receptors |

| |

|Name the drug forming a physical barrier to HCL and Pepsin: |

|a) Ranitidine |

|b) Sucralfate |

|c) Omeprazole |

|d) Pirenzepine |

|e) Sodium bicarbonate |

| |

|Name drug used in gastric ulcer complex treatment: |

|a) chloroquine phosphate |

|b) metronidazole |

|c) chiniophone |

|d) pyrimethamine |

|e) solusurmine |

|Alkaloid of opium with potent smooth muscle relaxant properties: |

|a) phenytoin |

|b) papaverine |

|c) digitalis |

|d) reserpine |

|e) propranolol |

| |

|Name the drug, which inhibits peristalsis: |

|a) Castor oil |

|b) Bisacodyl |

|c) Loperamide |

|d) Sorbitol |

|e) Metoclopramide |

| |

|Namer an emetic drug of central action: |

|a) Ipecacuanha derivatives |

|b) Promethazine |

|c) metoclopramide |

|d) Apomorphine hydrochloride |

|e) zinc sulphate |

| |

|Name the metoclopramide’s mechanism of antiemetic action: |

|a) H1and H2-receptor blocking effect |

|b) M-cholinoreceptor stimulating effect |

|c) D2 -dopamine and 5-HT3-serotonin receptor blocking effect |

|d) M-cholinoblocking effect |

|e) stimulation of D2 -dopamine and 5-HT3-serotonin receptor |

| |

|Name the emetic agent having a reflex action: |

|a) Ipecacuanha derivatives |

|b) Apomorphine hydroclorid |

|c) Chlorpromazine |

|d) Metoclopramide |

|e) cytostatics |

| |

|Name an antiemetic agent which is related to neuroleptics: |

|a) Apomorphine hydroclorid |

|b) Nabilone |

|c) domperidone |

|d) chlorpromazine |

|e) Metoclopramide |

| |

|Name the laxative drug belonging to osmotic laxatives: |

|a) Docusate sodium |

|b) Bisacodyl |

|c) Phenolphthalein |

|d) Sodium phosphate |

|e) Bulk laxatives |

| |

|Which of the laxative and purgative preparation listed below acts exclusively on the small intestine level? |

|a) purgative antrachinone |

|b) castor oil |

|c) phenolphthalein |

|d) magnesium sulfate |

|e) paraffin oil |

| |

|Laxatives and purgatives can act through whichever mechanism listed below but one: |

|a) stimulates motility through an irrigative mechanism. |

|b) stimulates direct cholinergic receptors |

|c) difussion growth plus active water and electrolytes secretion |

|d) water retention in the intestines through hydrophilic and osmotic force. |

|e) direct softening of defecation |

| |

|The mechanism of stimulant purgatives is: |

|a) Increasing the volume of non-absorbable solid residue |

|b) Increasing motility and secretion |

|c) Altering the consistency of the feces |

|d) Increasing the water content |

|e) makes feces softer and more easily passed |

| |

|Arginine is part of a substance group listed below: |

|a) Cholecystokinetic |

|b) Choleretic |

|c) Astringent |

|d) Hepatoprotective |

|e) Antiflatulent |

| |

|Choose hepatoprotective preparations: |

|a) papaverine |

|b) olive oil |

|c) silymarin |

|d) calcium salt |

|e) apomorphine |

| |

|Name a hepatoprotector: |

|a) papaverine |

|b) essentiale |

|c) apomorphine |

|d) lipase |

|e) atropine |

| |

|Name the drug used in chronic pancreatitis: |

|a) apomorphine |

|b) bisacodyl |

|c) pancreatine |

|d) cimetidine |

|e) All of the above |

| |

|Select the medication that ameliorate digestion. |

|a) tripsine, chimotripsine, chimopsine |

|b) fibrinolizine, alteplase, streptokinase |

|c) pepsine, digestal, abomine |

|d) hialuronidase, ronidase, lecozim |

|e) cholinesterase, monoaminoxidase |

| |

|Phenylbutazone belongs to following derivatives: |

|a) pyrazolone |

|b) salicylates |

|c) oxicam |

|d) anthranilic acid |

|e) indoleacetic acid |

| |

|Anti-Inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids is caused by: |

|a) inhibition of phospholipase A2 with reduced synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotriene |

|b) reducing the migration of macrophages in the inflammatory foci |

|c) reduce capillary permeability |

|d) the influence of macrophages by blocking the formation of free radicals |

|e) all of the listed |

| |

|Name specific effects for NSAIDs: |

|a) antihistaminic, antipyretic, analgesic |

|b) immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, analgesic |

|c) antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory |

|d) anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, antihistaminic |

|e) analgesic, antihistamine, immunosuppressive |

| |

|Name drug from indole acetic derivatives? |

|a) ibuprofen |

|b) indomethacin |

|c) mefenamic acid |

|d) diclofenac |

|e) piroxicam |

|The selective non steroid anti-inflammatory drug is: |

|a) ibuprofen |

|b) naproxen |

|c) nimesulid |

|d) paracetamol |

|e) diclofenac |

| |

|Name drug from oxicam: |

|a) piroxicam |

|b) indomethacin |

|c) mefenamic acid |

|d) diclofenac |

|e) paracetamol |

| |

|Which NSAIDs is a COX-2 selective NSAIDs? |

|a) piroxicam |

|b) indomethacin |

|c) celecoxib |

|d) diclofenac |

|e) ibuprofen |

| |

|Which NSAIDs is a non-selective NSAIDs? |

|a) piroxicam |

|b) rofecoxib |

|c) celecoxib |

|d) meloxicam |

|e) parecoxib |

| |

|What is the contraindication for NSAIDs? |

|a) rheumatism, inclusive and nonarticulary |

|b) the development of gastric ulcer |

|c) deforming osteoarthrosis |

|d) lumbago |

|e) osteoarthritis |

| |

|Which of the following NSAIDs is a selective COX-2 inhibitor? |

|a) Piroxicam |

|b) Indomethacin |

|c) Celecoxib |

|d) Diclofenac |

|e) Acetylsalicylic acid |

| |

|Choose a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug: |

|a) Phenylbutazone |

|b) Ketoprofen |

|c) Ketorolac |

|d) Triamcinolone |

|e) Hydroxychloroquine |

| |

|Corticoids are indicated in: |

|a) colagenoses |

|b) viral diseases |

|c) AIDS |

|d) immunodeficiency |

|e) herpetic diseases |

| |

|The primary objective for designing drugs that selectively inhibit COX-2 is to |

|a) Decrease the risk of nephrotoxicity |

|b) Improve anti-inlammatory effectiveness |

|c) Lower the risk of gastrointestinal toxicity |

|d) Reduce the cost of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis |

|e) Selectively decrease thromboxane A2 without effects on other eicosanoids. |

| |

|Mechanism of action of non steroid anti-inflammatory preparations: |

|a) Antiemetic effect |

|b) Increasing prostaglandin's synthesis |

|c) Cyclooxigenase inhibition |

|d) Activation of lysosomic enzymes |

|e) Decreasing of neutrophils migration |

| |

|Antiinflammatory steroids often induce: |

|a) hypoglycemia |

|b) hypotension |

|c) hyponatriemia |

|d) buffalo hump |

|e) abdominal colics |

| |

|Name indication for Diclofenac sodium: |

|a) Extraarticular rheumatism |

|b) Gastroduodenal ulcer |

|c) Hemmorrhagic diathesis |

|d) nonspecific ulcerous colitis |

|e) Bronchial asthma |

| |

|Mechanism of action of anti inflammatory steroids consists of: |

|a) Stimulation of Phospholipase A2 |

|b) Inhibition of Phospholipase A2 |

|c) Producing of prostaglandins rises |

|d) Stimulates phosphodiesterase |

|e) blocks beta- adrenergic receptors |

| |

|Mechanism of action of steroidal anti-inflammatory consists in: |

|a) Inhibition of phosphodiesterase |

|b) Stimulation of adenylate cyclise |

|c) Inhibition of phospholipase A2, which is necessary for arachidonic acid. |

|d) Rising in mast cells degranulation. |

|e) Depressing heart activity |

| |

|Inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins: |

|a) Sodium salicylate |

|b) Bromhexine |

|c) Colchicine |

|d) Aminophylline |

|e) Carsil |

| |

|The analgesic action of salicylates is the result of: |

|a) the irritability of the reticular pathways |

|b) hypothalamic effect |

|c) cortical effect |

|d) peripheral effect |

|e) opioid receptors stimulation |

| |

|The toxicity spectrum of acetylsalicylic acid does not include: |

|a) Respiratory alkalosis |

|b) Metabolic acidosis |

|c) Hyperprothrombinemia |

|d) Increased risk of peptic ulcer |

|e) Increased risk of encephalopathy in children with viral infection |

| |

|Select nonselective non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug: |

|a) phenytion |

|b) ascorbic acid |

|c) indomethacin |

|d) morphine |

|e) phenobarbital |

| |

|Oral doses may cause gastric irritation and may even cause gastrointestinal bleeding: |

|a) Levomepromazine |

|b) Ampicillin |

|c) Acetylsalicylic acid |

|d) Diphenhydramine |

|d) Loratadine |

| |

|Which of the following statements concerning the anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs are TRUE? |

|a) Anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs results from inhibition of cyclooxygenase |

|b) Anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs results from inhibition of phospholipase A2 |

|c) Anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs results from induction of cyclooxygenase II |

|d) Anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs results from inhibition of leucotriens |

|e) All of the answers |

| |

|Which group of histamine H1 antagonists is noted for the alpha-adrenoreceptor-blocking effect? |

|a) Alkylamines |

|b) Ethanolamines |

|c) Ethylenediamines |

|d) Phenothiazines |

|e) Piperidines |

| |

|Effects of antihistamines are, EXCEPT: |

|a) Euphoria and /or disphorya |

|b) Anticholinergic peripheral effect |

|c) Low blood pressure |

|d) Antiemetic |

|e) Sedation |

| |

|Name H1 antihistamine from II generation: |

|a) loratadine |

|b) diphenhydramine |

|c) suprastine |

|d) promethazine |

|e) chlorpheniramine |

| |

|Antihistamines H1 aren’t used in: |

|a) the vertigo and Meniere's disease |

|b) psychotic disorders |

|c) allergic symptoms (rhinitis, urticaria) |

|d) nausea and vomiting in pregnancy |

|e) sleep disorders |

| |

|These categories of histamine H1 antagonists are noted for the anticholinergic effect, EXCEPT: |

|a) Alkylamines (propylamines) |

|b) Piperazines |

|c) Ethylenediamines |

|d) Phenothiazines |

|e) Imidasols |

| |

|These categories of histamine H1 antagonists are noted for sedative effects, EXCEPT: |

|a) Piperidines; i.e. Loratadine |

|b) Ethanolamines (aminoalkyl ethers); i.e. Diphenhydramine |

|c) Ethylenediamines; i.e. Chlorophiramine |

|d) Phenothiazines; i.e. Promethazine |

|e) Imidasols: i.e. Antasoline |

| |

|Which category of histamine H1 antagonists is noted for the best antiemetic action? |

|a) Alkylamines |

|b) Ethanolamines |

|c) Piperazines; |

|d) Ethylenediamines; |

|e) Imidasols: i.e. |

| |

|Which category of histamine H1 antagonists is noted for the highest local anesthetic effect? |

|a) Alkylamines (propylamines); i.e. Brompheniramine |

|b) Piperidines; i.e. Loratadine, Fexofenadine |

|c) Ethylenediamines; i.e. Chlorophiramine |

|d) Phenothiazines; i.e. Promethazine |

|e) Imidasols: i.e. Antasoline |

| |

|Side effect of first-generation histamine H1 antagonists is: |

|a) Aplastic anemia |

|b) Vomiting, tinnitus, decreased hearing |

|c) Sedation |

|d) Gastric ulcers and upper gastrointestinal bleeding |

|e) Ventricular arrhtythmias |

| |

|Which category of histamine H1 antagonists is recognized for as second-generation antihistamines? |

|a) Alkylamines ; i.e. chlorphenamine |

|b) Piperidines; i.e. Loratadine, Fexofenadine |

|c) Ethylenediamines; i.e. Chlorophiramine |

|d) Phenothiazines; i.e. Promethazine |

|e) Imidasols: i.e. Antasoline |

| |

|Which of histamine H1 antagonists is noted for the serotonin-blocking effect? |

|a) Diphenhydramine |

|b) Cyproheptadine |

|c) Chlorophiramine |

|d) Antasoline |

|e) Promethasine |

| |

|Many antihistamines have additional nonhistamine-related: these are likely to include all of the following EXCEP: |

|a) Antimuscarinic reduction in bladder tone |

|b) Local anesthetic effects if the drug is injected |

|c) Anti-motion sickness effects |

|d) Increase in total peripheral resistance |

|e) Sedation |

| |

|Which of the below listed preparation doesn’t inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins? |

|a) Indomethacin |

|b) Diclofenac |

|c) Piroxicam |

|d) Dyphenhydramine |

|e) Ibuprofen |

| |

|Mechanism of action of diphenhydramin: |

|a) inhibit α- adrenoreceptors |

|b) inhibit dopaminoreceptors |

|c) inhibit H1- receptors |

|d) inhibit Purinergic receptors |

|e) inhibit Serotoninergic receptors. |

| |

|Which receptors block diphenhydramine chloride to cause anti-allergic action? |

|a) H1-histaminoreceptors |

|b) H2-histaminoreceptors |

|c) alpha1-adrenoreceptors |

|d) alpha2-adrenoreceptors |

|e) alpha, beta-adrenoreceptors |

| |

|Gold-salts drugs are: |

|a) methotrexate, azathioprine, cyclosporine |

|b) auranofin, gold sodium thiomalate, aurothioprol |

|c) hydrocortisone, prednesolone, dexamethasone |

|d) nimesulid, meloxicam, celecoxib |

|e) diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen |

| |

|Class of cyclosporine A is: |

|a) Interferons |

|b) Immunosuppressive agents |

|c) Monoclonal antibodies |

|d) Immunoglobulins |

|e) H1 antihistamines |

| |

|The most important side effect of interferon gamma is: |

|a) Hypertension |

|b) Pulmonary edema |

|c) Nephrotoxicity |

|d) Fatigue |

|e) Hepatotoixicity |

| |

|Immunomodulating agent is: |

|a) Sirolimus |

|b) Levamisole |

|c) Tacrolimus |

|d) Promethasine |

|e) Cyproheptadine |

| |

|Indication for interferon alpha administration is: |

|a) Autoimmune diseases |

|b) Rheumatoid arthritis |

|c) Organ transplantation |

|d) Hepatitis C virus infection |

|e) Gastric ulcers and upper gastrointestinal bleeding |

| |

|Name immunomodulatory preparations from cytokines:recombined interleukins: |

|a) Chipferon, Reaferon |

|b) Amyxin, Arbidol |

|c) Timogen, Imunofan |

|d) Pyrogenic, Prodighiozan |

|e) Roncoleuchin, Betaleuchin. |

| |

|Which one of the following compounds enhances immune function in vitro and in clinical trials decreases the symptoms of the common cold? |

|a) Echinacea |

|b) Feverfew |

|c) Garlic |

|d) Milk Thistle |

|e) Melatonin |

| |

|Name the main indication for administration of interferon alpha: |

|a) autoimmune diseases |

|b) rheumatoid arthritis |

|c) organ transplantation |

|d) hepatitis C |

|e) atopic asthma |

| |

|Name minor immunosuppressive preparations: |

|a) cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil |

|b) chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine |

|c) mercaptopurine, azathioprine |

|d) cyclosporine, tacrolimus |

|e) tacrolimus, actinomycin |

| |

|Glycosidic anthracyclene antibiotoc effective in treatment of acute leukemias, malignant lymphomas, and a number of solid tumors: |

|a) Doxorubicin |

|b) Vinblastine |

|c) Penicillin |

|d) Emetine |

|e) Vincristine |

| |

|Choose a slow-acting anti-inflammatory drug: |

|a) Phenylbutazone |

|b) Ketoprofen |

|c) Ketorolac |

|d) Triamcinolone |

|e) Hydroxychloroquine |

| |

|Which one of the following drugs reduces the activity of phospholipase A2: |

|a) Aspirin |

|b) Ibuprofen |

|c) Misoprostol |

|d) Prednisolone |

|e) Zafirlukast |

| |

|Choose a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug from pyrazolone derivatives: |

|a) Phenylbutazone |

|b) Ketoprofen |

|c) Ketorolac |

|d) Triamcinolone |

|e) Hydroxychloroquine |

| |

|Name an endocrine drug, which is an amino acid derivative: |

|a) Insulin |

|b) Hydrocortisone |

|c) Calcitonin |

|d) Thyroxin |

|e) Prednesolone |

| |

|Name an endocrine drug, which is a peptide derivative: |

|a) Insulin |

|b) Prednisolone |

|c) Nandrolone |

|d) Progesterone |

|e) Thyroxin |

| |

|Which one of the following compounds is not a hormone? |

|a) Thyroxine |

|b) Somatotropin |

|c) Vasopressin |

|d) Bromocriptine |

|e) Oxytocin |

| |

|Indicate the use of parathyroid hormone: |

|a) spasmophilia |

|b) pregnancy |

|c) acute renal insufficiency |

|d) hyperglycemia |

|e) Addison disease |

| |

|Indications of vasopressin is following: |

|a) Diabetes mellitus |

|b) Hypertension |

|c) Pituitary diabetes insipidus |

|d) Incompleted abortion |

|e) Acromegaly |

| |

|Which of the following organs is a target for prolactin? |

|a) Liver |

|b) Adrenal cortex |

|c) Thyroid |

|d) Mammary gland |

|e) Pancreas |

| |

|What kind of drug is contraindicated in pregnancy because of high uterine stimulation? |

|a) oxytocin |

|b) salbutamol |

|c) fenoterol |

|d) drotaverine |

|e) acetylsalicylic acid |

| |

|Which of the following hormones is produced by the thyroid gland? |

|a) Thyroid-stimulating hormone |

|b) Thyrotropin-releasing hormone |

|c) Triiodothyronine |

|d) Adrenaline |

|e) Parathormone |

| |

|Corticosteroids are contraindicated in: |

|a) crisis of bronchial asthma |

|b) status asthmaticus |

|c) allergic rhinitis |

|d) colagenosis |

|e) hypertention |

| |

|Which of the following compounds is not a hormone? |

|a) Tamoxifen |

|b) Somatomedin |

|c) Somatotropin |

|d) Thyroxine |

|e) Vasopressin |

| |

|Name the estrogen inhibitor: |

|a) Leuprolide |

|b) Tamoxifen |

|c) Flutamide |

|d) Anastrozole |

|e) Testosterone |

| |

|Name the antiandrogen drug: |

|a) Flutamide |

|b) Aminoglutethimide |

|c) Tamoxifen |

|d) Testosterone |

|e) Carbapenem |

| |

|Toxic effects of the corticosteroids do not include: |

|a) Growth inhibition |

|b) Hypertention |

|c) Hypoglicemia |

|d) Psychosis |

|e) Salt retention. |

| |

|Potentiates the hypokalemia associated with cortisol therapy: |

|a) Glucagon |

|b) Calcium |

|c) Furosemide |

|d) Pyridoxine |

|e) Imipramine |

| |

|Name an antiestrogen drug: |

|a) Aldosterone |

|b) Bromocriptine |

|c) Carbimazole |

|d) Tamoxifen |

|e) Hydrocortisone |

| |

|Triphasic contraceptive is: |

|a) nonoxynol |

|b) tricvilar |

|c) regulon |

|d) divina |

|e) marvelone |

| |

|Which of the following is most useful in the treatment of hyperprolactemia? |

|a) Bromocriptine |

|b) Cimetidine |

|c) Ergotamine |

|d) Ondansetron |

|e) Sumatriptan |

| |

|A hormone that acts to stimulate absorption of calcium and phosphate from the intestine: |

|a) Calcium |

|b) Calcitonin |

|c) Sodium etidronate |

|d) Vitamin D |

|e) Fluoride |

| |

|Name the drug that has the strongest action in water retention in the body: |

|a) aldosteron |

|b) progesterone |

|c) estradyol |

|d) cortocosteron |

|e) testosteron |

| |

|Glucocorticoids are contraindicated in: |

|a) Bronchial asthma |

|b) Status astmaticus |

|c) Allergic rhinitis |

|d) Collagenoses |

|e) Diabetus mellitus |

| |

|Prednisone is contraindicated in: |

|a) crisis of the bronchial asthma |

|b) status asthmaticus |

|c) allergic rhinitis |

|d) collagenosis |

|e) duodenal ulcer |

| |

|Name the indication for estrogens in oncological practice: |

|a) Leukemia |

|b) Cancer of prostate |

|c) Endometrial cancer |

|d) Brain tumors |

|e) Cancer of thyroid gland |

| |

|Hormone androgen preparations have following indications but one: |

|a) Insufficient renal anemia treatment |

|b) inoperable breast cancer in woman during postmenopause |

|c) hypogonadism |

|d) lactic suppression |

|e) breast cancer in men |

| |

|The rate of secretion of thyrotropin is controlled by: |

|a) The amount of iodine in the thyroid gland |

|b) The amount of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland |

|c) The concentration of thyroid hormones in blood |

|d) The concentration of catecholamines in blood |

|e) The concentration of cortisol in blood |

| |

|Which of the following drugs may be used in diabetes insipidus? |

|a) Ergometrine |

|b) Oxytocin |

|c) Vasopressin |

|d) Methylergometrine |

|e) Quinine |

| |

|What drug might be useful for triggering and obtaining labor term? |

|a) Ergometrine |

|b) Oxytocine |

|c) Dinoprost |

|d) Methylergometrine |

|e) Quinine |

|Indicate the mechanism of contraception being based on preparations, which contains estrogen and gestagen: |

|a) Spermatocidal action |

|b) Annihilation of spermatozoic activities. |

|c) Development inhibition of the follicle and implantation disturbances of the fertilized ovary. |

|d) Cervical liquefaction |

|e) Contribution to the proliferation of uterine mucosa |

| |

|Hormones are: |

|a) Products of endocrine gland secretion |

|b) Mediators of inflammatory process |

|c) By-products of tissue metabolism |

|d) Products of exocrine gland secretion |

|e) Products of arachydonic acid cascade |

| |

|Give the definition of hormone analogues: |

|a) Naturally occurring substances but slightly different from hormones |

|b) Naturally occurring substances but less efficacious than hormones |

|c) Naturally occurring substances having the same structure but different pharmacological properties than hormones |

|d) Synthetic compounds, which resemble the naturally occurring hormones |

|e) Naturally occurring substances |

| |

|Name hormones produced by the hypothalamic gland: |

|a) Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) |

|b) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) |

|c) Aldosterone |

|d) Estradiol |

|e) Prednesolone |

| |

|Name the hormonal preparation of hypothalamus: |

|a) Thyreotoxin |

|b) Somatostatine |

|c) Hydrocortisone |

|d) Glucagon |

|e) Insulin |

| |

|Which of the following hormone is not synthesized in the hypothalamus? |

|a) Vasopressin |

|b) Thyrotropin-realizing hormone |

|c) Oxytocin |

|d) Luteinizing hormone |

|e) Corticotropin- releasing hormone |

| |

|Name hormones produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland: |

|a) Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) |

|b) Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) |

|c) Growth hormone (somatotropin, GH) |

|d) Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) |

|e) Aldosterone |

| |

|How does oxytocin change the sensitivity of the myometrium during the period of pregnancy? |

|a) decreasing |

|b) nonessential decreasing |

|c) no changes |

|d) nonessential increasing |

|e) increasing |

| |

|Choose the indication for anabolic steroids: |

|a) Obesity |

|b) Formation of bony callus |

|c) Myxedema |

|d) Arterial hypertension |

|e) Hyperglycemia |

| |

|Vasopressin possesses the following: |

|a) Antidiuretic property |

|b) Vasodilatation property |

|c) Release of a thyroid hormone into the plasma |

|d) Diuretic property |

|e) Release of a adrenal hormone into the plasma |

| |

|Which of the following drugs may be used in diabetes insipidus? |

|a) Ergometrine |

|b) Oxytocin |

|c) Vasopressin |

|d) Methylergometrine |

|e) quinine |

| |

|Excessive doses of thyroid hormone may cause each of the following EXCEPT: |

|a) angina pectoris |

|b) cardiac decompensation |

|c) adrenal insufficiency |

|d) psychotic behavior |

|e) constipation |

| |

|Concerning testosterone, all of the following are true EXCEPT: |

|a) it is a major male hormone |

|b) it is highly effective by the oral route |

|c) it is reduced to dihydrotestosterone in the body |

|d) it is produced by the testes, ovaries, and adrenal cortices |

|e) about 99% of testosterone in plasma is bound to protein |

| |

|Thyrotropin stimulates the following processes: |

|a) Concentration of iodine by thyroid follicles |

|b) Iodination of thyroglobulin |

|c) Release of thyroxine and triidothyronine |

|d) De-iodination of thyroid hormones |

|e) Release of calcitonine |

| |

|Thyroid hormones produce various pharmacological effects. Indicate the wrong statement: |

|a) Decrease of the basal metabolic rate in the body |

|b) Increase in the rate and force of contraction of the heart |

|c) Increase in the blood level of cholestrol |

|d) Increase in the heat production |

|e) Decrease body mass |

| |

|Insulin is a polypeptide hence: |

|a) It is resistant to destruction by gastric juice |

|b) It is destroyed by gastric juice |

|c) It is not a polypeptide |

|d) It is metabolized immediately by cellular enzymes |

|e) It is used in diabetes mellitus |

| |

|Witch drug is indicated in diabetes insipitus? |

|a) oxytocin |

|b) vasopresin |

|c) angiotensin |

|d) ephedrine |

|e) prazosin |

| |

|Which drug is preferentially indicated in diabetes mellitus, type II? |

|a) tolbutamine |

|b) vasopresin |

|c) glucagon |

|d) insulin |

|e) gonadotropine |

| |

|Which of the following is true for glucagon? |

|a) Stimulates gluconeogenesis in the liver |

|b) Stimulates the secretion of insulin by beta cells |

|c) Inhibits glucose utilization by skeletal muscle |

|d) Inhibits uptake of aminoacids by cells |

|e) Stimulates the secretion of calcitonine by beta cells |

| |

|Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors act by: |

|a) Diminishing insulin resistance by increasing glucose uptake and metabolism in muscle and adipose tissues |

|b) Competitive inhibiting of intestinal alpha-glucosidases and modulating the postprandial digestion and absorption of starch and |

|disaccharides |

|c) Reducing the absorption of carbohydrate from the gut |

|d) Stimulating the beta islet cells of pancreas to produce insulin |

|e) Replacement therapy |

| |

|Insulin cannot be administered by: |

|a) Oral route |

|b) Intravenous route |

|c) Subcutaneous route |

|d) Intramuscular route |

|e) Artificially pancreas |

| |

|Choose the pair of hormones that have agonistic effects on blood sugar levels: |

|a) Calcitonin and PTH |

|b) Adrenalin and Glucagon |

|c) Glucagon and Glucose |

|d) ADH and Aldosterone |

|e) Insulin and Glucagon |

| |

|Glucocorticosteroids are contraindicated in which of the below listed diseases? |

|a) herpetic keratitis |

|b) status asthmaticus |

|c) lymphoma maligna |

|d) rheumatoid arthritis |

|e) chronic hepatitis |

| |

|Effects of the glucocorticoids do not include: |

|a) Reduction in circulating lymphocytes |

|b) Inhibition of leukotriene synthesis |

|c) Increased skin protein synthesis |

|d) Increased blood glucose |

|e) Altered fat deposition |

| |

|Choose following indications for antithyroid preparations: |

|a) cretinism |

|b) diabetes mellitus |

|c) impotence |

|d) thyrotoxicosis |

|e) myxedema |

| |

|Mineralocorticoid drug cause: |

|a) Increased catabolism |

|b) Increased Na+ retension and К+ excretion |

|c) Increased gluconeogenesis |

|d) Deposition of fat on shoulders, face and abdomen |

|e) Increased К+retension and Na+ excretion |

| |

|Prednisone can determine every side effect listed below but one: |

|a) Arterial Hypertension |

|b) Gastroduodenal ulcer |

|c) Retention of sodium and water |

|d) Hyperpotassemia |

|e) Central nervous excitation |

| |

|Immunosupressive effect of glucocorticoids is caused by: |

|a) Reducing concentration of lymphocytes (T and B cells) |

|b) Suppression of cyclooxygenase II expression |

|c) Activation of phospholipase A2 |

|d) Activation of cyclooxygenase II expression |

|e) All of the answers |

| |

|Which of the following glucocorticoids is a long-acting drug? |

|a) Prednisolon |

|b) Dexamethasone |

|c) Triamcinolone |

|d) Cortisone |

|e) All of the answers |

|Serious side effects of glucocorticoids include the following, EXCEPT: |

|a) Acute peptic ulcers |

|b) Iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome (rounding, puffiness, fat deposition, moon faces) |

|c) Salicylism (vomiting, tinnitus, decreased hearing, and vertigo) |

|d) Hypomania or acute psychosis |

|e) High arterial pressure |

| |

|Serious side effects of glucocorticoids include the following: |

|a) Adrenal suppression |

|b) Insomnia, behavioral changes (primarily hypomania) |

|c) Rounding, puffiness, fat deposition and plethora alter the appearance of the face - moon faces |

|d) Diabetus mellitus type II |

|e) All of the answers |

| |

|Indicate the mechanism of contraception based on preparations, which contains estrogen and gestagen: |

|a) Spermicide action |

|b) Annihilation of spermatozoic activities |

|c) Development inhibition of the follicle and implantation disturbances of the fertilized ovary. |

|d) Cervical liquefaction |

|e) Contribution to the proliferation of uterine mucosa |

| |

|Glucocorticosteroids are contraindicated in which of the below listed diseases? |

|a) Rheumatoid arthritis |

|b) Status asthmaticus |

|c) Lymphoma maligna |

|d) Herpetic keratits |

|e) Chronic hepatits |

| |

|Glucocorticoids are hormonal steroids: |

|a) Having an important effect on intermediary metabolism, cardiovascular function, growth, and immunity |

|b) Having principally salt-retaining activity |

|c) Having androgenic or estrogenic activity |

|d) Having thyroid stimulating activity |

|e) All of the answers |

| |

|Which of the following glucocorticoids is an intermediate-acting drug? |

|a) Cortisone |

|b) Triamcinolone |

|c) Betamethasone |

|d) Dexamethasone |

|e) All of the answers |

| |

|Which of the following glucocorticoids is a short- to medium-acting drug? |

|a) Prednisolon |

|b) Dexamethasone |

|c) hydrocortisone |

|d) Cortisone |

|e) All of the answers |

|Which of the following substances has the most intense salt and water retention? |

|a) estradiol |

|b) progesterone |

|c) aldosterone |

|d) corticosterone |

|e) testosterone |

| |

|Note the mechanism of antiplatelet action of acetylsalicylic acid: |

|a) inhibs irreversibly platelet cyclooxygenase |

|b) stimulates platelet biosynthesis of TxA2 |

|c) inhibits prostacycline PgI2 biosynthesis |

|d) inhibits PgI1 biosynthesis |

|e) inhibits PgE2 biosynthesis |

| |

|Indicate the effect of protamine sulphate: |

|a) antifybrinolytic |

|b) antidot of heparine |

|c) thrombolytic |

|d) local hemostatic |

|e) nonspecific hemostatic |

| |

|Note the mechanism of action of cumarins: |

|a) are active in vivo and in vitro |

|b) blocks synthesis of factors II, VII, IX, X by inhibition of epoxi-reductase |

|c) are vitamine C antimetabolits |

|d) often cause thromboses |

|e) administered only intramusculary |

| |

|Which stage of arterial thrombosis is inhibited by acetylsalicylic acid: |

|a) adderation of platelets to colagen |

|b) arahydonic acid release |

|c) formation of thromboxan A2 |

|d) activation of thromboxan A2 receptors |

|e) inhibition of adenilatcyclase-AMPc system |

| |

|Indicate the antithrombotic drug with fibrinolytic action: |

|a) alteplaze |

|b) sulphinpirazon |

|c) warfarin |

|d) heparin |

|e) dypiridamole |

| |

|Which antitrombotic drug activates AT III: |

|a) streptokinaze |

|b) sulphinpirazone |

|c) warfarin |

|d) heparin |

|e) acetylsalicylic acid |

| |

|Indicate the antidote of oral anticoagulants: |

|a) etamsilat |

|b) carbazocrome |

|c) aprotinine |

|d) vitamine K iv and blood transfuzion |

|e) fibrinogen |

| |

|Name the reason of acetylsalicylic acid long duration: |

|a) high half-life |

|b) concentration in thombocytes |

|c) inactivates ireversibilly platelet cyclooxigenase |

|d) lysis of fibrin |

|e) slow absorption |

| |

|Which drug is better for long-term prophylaxis of venous thrombosis? |

|a) acenocumarol |

|b) heparin intravenuosly |

|c) streptokinase |

|d) acetylsalycilic acid |

|e) dypiridamole |

| |

|Which drug is from Coumarin derivates? |

|a) sulphinpirazone |

|b) acenocumarol |

|c) acetylsalycilic acid in low dose |

|d) carbazocrom |

|e) dypiridamole |

| |

|Name the drug which can't be used as local hemostatic: |

|a) epinephrine |

|b) tromboplastin |

|c) trombin |

|d) fibrin |

|e) fitomenadione |

| |

|Indicate heparine antagonist: |

|a) trombin |

|b) acenocumarol |

|c) menadion |

|d) protamine sulphate |

|e) fibrinogen |

| |

|All preparations listed below might be used for local homeostasis but one exception: |

|a) fibrin |

|b) phytomenadion |

|c) thrombin |

|d) epinephrine |

|e) thromboplastin |

| |

|Indicate the mechanism of action of indirect anticoagulants: |

|a) inhibits thromboplastine activity |

|b) fixes calcium ions in blood |

|c) inhibts gama-carboxilation of protrombin and proconvertin in liver |

|d) activates antithrombin III |

|e) activates factors IX,X,XI,XII and calicrein |

| |

|What is specific for iron drugs, prescribed intravenously: |

|a) can increase sideremia les then oral drugs |

|b) iron from this drugs is fixt initially by reticulo-endotelial system |

|c) restore landfills weaker than oral preparations |

|d) they require an acid medium |

|e) side effects more rare and less pronounced then oral drugs |

| |

|Indicate the topical drug used to stop hemorrhage from little vessels: |

|a) fitomenadion |

|b) calcium chloride |

|c) acetylsalycilic acid |

|d) trombin |

|e) fibrinogen |

| |

|Indicate the pharmacologic feature of iron drugs: |

|a) it is absorbed mostly in the stomach |

|b) daily recquest in healthy - 1 mg and 1,4 mg in women |

|c) food and stomach antacids increase bioavailability for absorption |

|d) absorption is not higher in patients with iron deficiency anemia than in healthy people, because it's transported stably by specific |

|proteins |

|e) after iron absorption is carried by the plasma erythrocytes |

| |

|Indicate the antagonist of indirect anticoagulants: |

|a) fitomenadion |

|b) calcium chloride |

|c) protamine sulphate |

|d) aprotinin |

|e) epinephrine |

| |

|Tick the mechanism of action of sodium citrate: |

|a) fixes calcium ions |

|b) inhibits trombin activation |

|c) decreases tromboplastine synthesis |

|d) inhibs protrombine and proconvertin synthesis in liver |

|e) increases platelet aggregation |

| |

|Aminocapronic acid is a drug of choice for treatment of: |

|a) Acute myocardial infarction |

|b) Bleeding after fibrinolytic therapy |

|c) Heart failure |

|d) Multiple pulmonary emboli |

|e) Myocardial infarction |

| |

|Indicate the pharmacologic feature of heparin: |

|a) heparin is obtained from human tissue |

|b) heparin is badlly absorbed from digestive tub |

|c) speed of elimination of heparin is not dose-dependent |

|d) effect of heparin can be antagonized by nadroparin |

|e) heparin does not pass into the breast milk |

| |

|Indicate heparin antagonist: |

|a) naloxone |

|b) naltrexon |

|c) flumazenil |

|d) protamine sulphate |

|e) disulfiram |

| |

|Choose the mechanism of action of heparin: |

|a) activates prothrombin and other factors of coagulation. |

|b) binds to and activates endogenous antithrombin III. (ATIII). |

|c) activates physiologic fibrinolytic system,that degradate fibrin into fragments |

|d) inhibits COX and decreases synthesis of tromboxan, that has aggregant effect. |

|e) interferes with the normal posttranslational modification of clotting factors in the liver, a process that depends on vitamin K. |

| |

|Which of the following antiaggregans inhibits prostaglandin synthesis? |

|a) dextran 40 |

|b) dypiridamole |

|c) prostacyclin |

|d) acetylsalycilic acid |

|e) ticlopidin |

| |

|Indicate low-molecular-weight heparin: |

|a) acenocumarol |

|b) heparin |

|c) sodium citrate |

|d) nadroparine |

|e) warfarin |

| |

|Indicate the drug that stop bleeding by vassoconstrictive action: |

|a) epinephrine |

|b) menadion |

|c) menadiol |

|d) fibrinogen |

|e) fitomenadion |

| |

|Note the mechanism of antiplatelet action of acetylsalicylic acid: |

|a) inhibits the activity of tromboplastine and impairs the passage of prothrombin in thrombin |

|b) fixes calcium ions in blood |

|c) inhibits thromboxan synthesis |

|d) activates antithrombin III |

|e) activates factors IX, X, XI, XII and calicrein |

| |

|A 26-year-old woman comes to the outpatient clinic with a complain of rapid heart rate and easy fatigability. Laboratory work up reveals low |

|hemoglobin and microcytic red cell size. The most suitable therapy will be: |

|a) ferrous sulfate |

|b) folic acid |

|c) iron |

|d) pyridoxine |

|e) cyanocobalamin |

| |

|What is the onset of furosemide at intravenous administration: |

|a) after 25 minutes and lasts for 4 ore |

|b) after 3-4 minutes and lasts for 1-2 ore |

|c) after 10 minutes and lasts for 6 ore |

|d) after 60 minutes and lasts for 24 ore |

|e) after 25 minutes and lasts for 4-8 ore |

| |

|Which kind of action will be in furosemide administration in pulmonary edema? |

|a) dehydration |

|b) antidiuretic action |

|c) anti-foam action |

|d) antihypertensive action |

|e) sedative action |

| |

|Name diuretic drug with antiepileptic properties: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Etacrinic acid |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Triamterene |

| |

|The drug inhibits the carbonic anhydrase enzyme: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Amiloride |

| |

|Which one of the following statements about spironolactone is TRUE? |

|a) Spironolactone reverses many of the manifestations of aldosteronism |

|b) Spironolactone is also an androgen antagonist and as such is used in the treatment of hirsutism in women |

|c) Spironolactone is useful as a diuretic |

|d) All the answers |

|e) No one answer |

| |

|All of the following statements regarding diuretics are true, EXCEPT: |

|a) Carbonic anhydrase inhibition leads to increased reabsorption of NaHCO3 |

|b) Loop diuretics decrease Na+ reabsorption at the loop of Henle by competing for the Cl- site on the Na+/K+/2Clcotransporter |

|c) In general, the potency of a diuretic is determined by where it acts in the renal tubule |

|d) Hydrochlorothiazide decreases urinary calcium excretion |

|e) Diuretics decrease edema in the body |

| |

|The drug acts by competitively blocking NaCl cotransporters in the distal tubule: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Triamteren |

| |

|The drug acts by competing with aldosterone for its cytosolic receptors: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Ethacrinic acid |

| |

|The drug is a potassium-sparing diuretic that blocks Na+ channels in the collecting tubules: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Amiloride |

|c) Furosemide |

|d) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|e) Indapamid |

| |

|The drug inhibits the enzyme carbonic anhydrase: |

|a) Sulthiame |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Triamteren |

| |

|Name carboanhydrase inhibitor diuretics: |

|a) hydrochlorothiazide |

|b) spironolactone |

|c) furosemide |

|d) triamterene |

|e) acetazolamine |

| |

|Which kind of diuretic is more active in treatment of glaucoma? |

|a) acetazolamide |

|b) hydrochlorthiazide |

|c) ethacrinic acid |

|d) furosemide |

|e) triamteren |

| |

|Sustained use of this drug results in increased plasma urate concentrations: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Both of the above |

|d) Neither of the above |

|e) Their associated administration |

| |

|Chronic use of this drug can lead to metabolic acidosis: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Amiloride |

|c) Furosemide |

|d) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|e) Triamteren |

| |

|The drug acts at the proximal tubule: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Triamteren |

| |

|The drug can be used to treat glaucoma: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Both of the above |

|d) Neither of the above |

|e) Their association |

| |

|The drug has a steroid-like structure which is responsible for its anti-androgenic effect: |

|a) Amiloride |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Indapamid |

| |

|The drug decreases calcium excretion in urine: |

|a) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|b) Amiloride |

|c) Furosemide |

|d) Acetazolamide |

|e) Manitol |

| |

|The drug can cause ototoxicity: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Both of the above |

|d) Neither of the above |

|e) just their associated administration |

| |

|Which of the following diuretics may cause deafness (ototoxicity) in case of an overdose? |

|a) hydrochlorothiazide |

|b) furosemide |

|c) acetazolamide |

|d) spironolactone |

|e) triamterene |

| |

|Diuretics with action in thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle (TAL): |

|a) chlortalidon + clopamide |

|b) mannitol, urea |

|c) spironolactone + amiloride + triamterene |

|d) furosemide + ethacrine acid + bumetamide |

|e) cyclopentazide + polythiazide |

| |

|The drug is sometimes part of fixed-dose combinations used to treat essential hypertension: |

|a) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|b) Amiloride |

|c) Both of the above |

|d) Neither of the above |

|e) Their associated administration |

| |

|Choose short-acting drug: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Spironolactone |

|d) Acetazolamide |

|e) Polythiaside |

| |

|The drug needs aldosterone present in order to be effective: |

|a) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|b) Amiloride |

|c) Both of the above |

|d) Neither of the above |

|e) Their associated administration |

| |

|The drug acts only in loop Henle, ascending part: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Both of the above |

|d) Neither of the above |

|e) Their associated administration |

| |

|Which of the following diuretic groups act above the collecting tube? |

|a) thiazides |

|b) loop diuretics |

|c) carbonic anhydrase inhibitor |

|d) antialdosteronics |

|e) osmotic diuretics |

| |

|The drug can be used to treat nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: |

|a) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Spironolactone |

|d) Mannitol |

|e) Amilorid |

| |

|The drug should never be administered to patients taking potassium supplements: |

|a) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|b) Amilorid |

|c) Furosemide (Lasix) |

|d) Neither of the above |

|e) Their associated administration |

| |

|The drug acts by competitively blocking the Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter: |

|a) Loop diuretics |

|b) Thiazide diuretics |

|c) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|d) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors |

|e) Osmotic diuretics |

| |

|The drug acts at the proximal tubule: |

|a) Loop diuretics |

|b) Thiazide diuretics |

|c) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|d) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors |

|e) Osmotic diuretics |

| |

|The drug acts in the distal convoluted tubule: |

|a) Loop diuretics |

|b) Thiazide diuretics |

|c) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|d) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors |

|e) Osmotic diuretics |

| |

|The drug is the most potent diuretic: |

|a) Loop diuretics |

|b) Thiazide diuretics |

|c) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|d) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors |

|e) Cardiac glycosides |

| |

|Which kind of diuretic is more active in acute renal failure ? |

|a) triamteren |

|b) furosemide |

|c) indapamide |

|d) hydrochlorthiazide |

|e) acetazolamide |

| |

|Name agent - aldosterone antagonist: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Spironolactone |

|c) Dichlothiazide |

|d) Captopril |

|e) Bumetamide |

| |

|The drug acts by competitively blocking the NaCl cotransporter: |

|a) Loop diuretics |

|b) Thiazide diuretics |

|c) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|d) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors |

|e) Osmotic diuretics |

| |

|The drug is one of the most potent diuretics: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Amiloride |

|e) Indapamid |

| |

|The drug inhibits sodium and chloride transport in the early distal tubule: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Amiloride |

|e) Manitol |

| |

|The drug acts in the collecting tubules: |

|a) Loop diuretics |

|b) Thiazide diuretics |

|c) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|d) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors |

|e) Osmotic diuretics |

| |

| |

|The drug blocks the sodium/potassium/chloride cotransporter in the thick ascending loop of Henle: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Amiloride |

|e) Manitol |

| |

|Choose antagonist of aldosterone: |

|a) aminoglutethimide |

|b) mitotan |

|c) spironolactone |

|d) ketoconazole |

|e) miphepristone |

| |

|The drug can cause ototoxicity: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Amiloride |

|e) Manitol |

| |

|Drug used in night enuresis: |

|a) Osmotic diuretics |

|b) Loop diuretics |

|c) Thiazide diuretics |

|d) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|e) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors |

| |

| |

|These agents must be given parenterally because they are not absorbed when given orally: |

|a) Osmotic diuretics |

|b) Loop diuretics |

|c) Thiazide diuretics |

|d) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|e) Thiazide like diuretics |

| |

|Amiloride acts at this nephron site: |

|a) Proximal convoluted tubule |

|b) Ascending thick limb of the loop of Henle |

|c) Distal convoluted tubule |

|d) Collecting duct |

|e) All nephron |

| |

|These drug may be used in the treatment of recurrent calcium nephrolithiasis: |

|a) Mannitol |

|b) Ethacrinic acid |

|c) Hydrochlorthiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Acetazolamide |

| |

|Furosemide acts at this nephron site: |

|a) Proximal convoluted tubule |

|b) Ascending thick limb of the loop of Henle |

|c) Distal convoluted tubule |

|d) Collecting duct |

|e) Glomerules |

| |

|The drug is the least (less) potent diuretic: |

|a) Mannitol |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Indapamid |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Hydrochorthiazide |

| |

| |

|Acetazolamide acts at this nephron site: |

|a) Proximal convoluted tubule |

|b) Ascending thick limb of the loop of Henle |

|c) Distal convoluted tubule |

|d) Collecting duct |

|e) All nephron |

| |

|Amiloride acts at this nephron site: |

|a) Proximal convoluted tubule |

|b) Ascending thick limb of the loop of Henle |

|c) Distal convoluted tubule |

|d) Collecting duct |

|e) All nephron |

| |

|The drug inhibiting the cotransport of sodium, potassium, and chloride in Loop Henle: |

|a) Torasemid |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Triamterene |

|d) Manitol |

|e) Indapamid |

| |

|Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor is: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Triamterene |

|d) Manitol |

|e) Indapamid |

| |

|Mechanism of action of osmotic diuretics includes: |

|a) They inhibit sodium chloride transport in the early segment of the distal convoluted tubule |

|b) This drugs inhibit the cotransport of sodium, potassium, and chloride |

|c) They increase osmotic pressure of plasma, increase minute-volume of blood and increase also the renal circulation and filtration |

|d) Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase in the brush border and intracellular carbonic anhydrase in the PCT cell |

|e) They are antagonist (competitive or noncompetitive) of aldosterone in the collecting tubules |

| |

|The drug acts by competitively blocking NaCl cotransporters in the distal tubule: |

|a) Ethacrinic acid |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Polythiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Triamterene |

| |

|The drug acts by competing with aldosterone for its cytosolic receptors: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Triamterene |

| |

|Choose non-competitive antagonist of spironolactone: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Amiloride |

|c) Furosemide |

|d) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|e) Spironolactone |

| |

|The drug that inhibit carbonic anhydrase: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Mannitol |

| |

|The drug has a steroid-like structure which is responsible for its anti-androgenic effect: |

|a) Amiloride |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Triamterene |

| |

|The drug decreases calcium excretion in urine: |

|a) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|b) Amiloride |

|c) Furosemide |

|d) Acetazolamide |

|e) Spironolactone |

| |

|The drug can promote sodium loss in patients with low (e.g., 40 ml/min) glomerular filtration rates: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Amiloride |

| |

|The drug needs aldosterone present in order to be effective: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Amiloride |

| |

|The drug can be used to treat nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: |

|a) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|b) Amiloride |

|c) Acetazolamide |

|d) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|e) Spironolactone |

| |

|The drug is the most potent diuretic: |

|a) Loop diuretics |

|b) Thiazide diuretics |

|c) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|d) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors |

|e) Aldosteron's antagonists |

| |

|The drug acts by competitively blocking the NaCl cotransporter: |

|a) Loop diuretics |

|b) Thiazide diuretics |

|c) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|d) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors |

|e) Aldosteron's antagonists |

| |

|The drug is one of the most potent diuretics: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Ethacrinic acid |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Amiloride |

|e) Spironolactone |

| |

|The drug inhibits sodium and chloride transport in the early distal tubule: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Amiloride |

|e) Spironolactone |

| |

|The drug acts in the collecting tubules: |

|a) Loop diuretics |

|b) Thiazide diuretics |

|c) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|d) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors |

|e) Osmotic diuretics |

| |

|The drug blocks the sodium/potassium/chloride cotransporter in the thick ascending loop of Henle: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Amiloride |

|e) Spironolactone |

| |

|The drug is usually given in combination with a thiazide diuretic: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Amiloride |

|e) Bumetanide |

| |

|What diuretic is contraindicated in cardiac insufficiency? |

|a) furosemide |

|b) hydroclorothiazide |

|c) acetazolamide |

|d) spironolactone |

|e) mannitol |

| |

|Diuretic that acts in loop Henle is: |

|a) Indapamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Mannitol |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Acetazolamide |

| |

|An important therapeutic effect of loop diuretics is: |

|a) Decreased blood volume |

|b) Decreased heart rate |

|c) Increased serum sodium |

|d) Increased total body potassium |

|e) Metabolic acidosis |

| |

|Spironolactone acts at this nephron site: |

|a) Proximal convoluted tubule |

|b) Ascending thick limb of the loop of Henle |

|c) Distal convoluted tubule |

|d) Collecting duct |

|e) Glomerulus |

| |

|These drugs may be used in the treatment of recurrent calcium nephrolithiasis: |

|a) Osmotic diuretics |

|b) Loop diuretics |

|c) Thiazide diuretics |

|d) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|e) Furosemide |

| |

|Furosemide acts at this nephron site: |

|a) Proximal convoluted tubule |

|b) Ascending thick limb of the loop of Henle |

|c) Distal convoluted tubule |

|d) Collecting duct |

|e) Glomerulus |

| |

|The drug is the least potent diuretic: |

|a) Osmotic diuretics |

|b) Loop diuretics |

|c) Thiazide diuretics |

|d) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|e) Thiazide-like diuretics |

| |

|Acetazolamide acts at this nephron site: |

|a) Collecting duct |

|b) Ascending thick limb of the loop of Henle |

|c) Distal convoluted tubule |

|d) Proximal convoluted tubule |

|e) Glomerulus |

| |

|Amiloride acts at this nephron site: |

|a) Proximal convoluted tubule |

|b) Ascending thick limb of the loop of Henle |

|c) Distal convoluted tubule |

|d) Collecting duct |

|e) Glomerulus |

| |

|The drug competitively blocks chloride channels and prevents movement of sodium, potassium, and chloride into the renal tubular cells: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Triamterene |

|d) Mannitol |

|e) Spironolactone |

| |

|Choose anti gout drug: |

|a) salbutamol |

|b) propranolol |

|c) allopurinol |

|d) carvedilol |

|e) atenolol |

| |

|Has been used in the treatment of gout: |

|a) Loperamide |

|b) Probenecid |

|c) Both |

|d) Neither |

| |

|Effective in the treatment of gout by inhibition of the movement of leukocytes into the inflamed joint: |

|a) Sodium salicylate |

|b) Acetylcysteine |

|c) Colchicine |

|d) Acetaminophen |

|e) Sulfinpyrazone |

| |

|Electrolytes are responsible for: |

|a) Acid-base balance |

|b) Blood sugar levels |

|c) Hemoglobin levels |

|d) Hormone levels |

|e) Enzymes level |

| |

|What vitamin is inactivated by pyrazinamide? |

|a) Vitamin B6 |

|b) Vitamin B1 |

|c) Vitamin A |

|d) Vitamin C |

|e) Vitaimin K |

| |

|List typical characteristics of acid folic: |

|a) Inhibits central nervous system |

|b) acts on coagulation of blood. |

|c) occurs as a formation of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides. |

|d) Stimulates central nervous system. |

|e) act directly on plasminogen. |

| |

|Which vitaminic preparation is being used in scurvy? |

|a) thiamine |

|b) cyanocobalamin |

|c) pyridoxine |

|d) ascorbic acid |

|e) biotin |

| |

|Name the indications for Vitamin K preparations: |

|a) Keratits |

|b) Rheumatoid arthritis |

|c) Angina Pectoris |

|d) Parenchymal hemorrhage |

|e) Muscle pain |

| |

|Vitamins are: |

|a) Inorganic nutrients needed in small quantities in the body |

|b) Organic substances needed in very large quantities in the body |

|c) An organic compound and a vital nutrient that an organism requires in limited amounts. |

|d) Products of endocrine gland secretion |

|e) Any of numerous proteins or conjugated proteins produced by living organisms and functioning as specialized |

| |

| |

|Antienzymes are: |

|a) a substance that inhibits or counteracts the action of an enzyme |

|b) substances that prevent vitamins from exerting their typical metabolic effects |

|c) any of numerous proteins or conjugated proteins produced by living organisms and functioning as specialized atalysts for biochemical |

|reactions |

|d) nonprotein organic substances that usually contain a vitamin or mineral |

|e) products of endocrine gland secretion |

| |

|Select the fat-soluble vitamin: |

|a) Ascorbic acid |

|b) Tocopherol |

|c) Thiamine |

|d) Riboflavin |

|e) Piridoxin |

| |

|Beri-beri is caused by the deficiency of: |

|a) Riboflavin |

|b) Ascorbic acid |

|c) Nicotinic acid |

|d) Thiamine |

|e) Riboflavin |

| |

|Select a water-soluble vitamin: |

|a) Vitamin A |

|b) Vitamin E |

|c) Vitamin D |

|d) Vitamin B1 |

|e) Vitamin K |

| |

|Which of the following vitamins is responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of calcium,: |

|a) Vitamin К |

|b) Vitamin A |

|c) Vitamin D |

|d) Vitamin E |

|e) Vitamin B1 |

| |

|Which of the following vitamins can be also synthesized from a dietary precursor? |

|a) Vitamin С |

|b) Vitamin A |

|c) Vitamin B1 |

|d) Vitamin B6 |

|e) Vitamin P |

| |

|Vitamin C is required for the production and maintenance of: |

|a) Collagen |

|b) Hormone |

|c) Ascorbic Acid |

|d) Red Blood Cells |

|e) Vitamin P |

| |

|Vitamin C deficiency is called: |

|a) Rickets |

|b) Scurvy |

|c) Cancer |

|d) Cold |

|e) Beri-beri |

| |

|Which of the following statements concerning pyridoxine (vitamin B6) functions is true: |

|a) Active functional form is pyridoxal phosphate, which is an essential coenzyme for transamination and decarboxylation of amino acids |

|b) Active group of the coenzymes nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide-adenine phosphate (NADP) |

|c) Essential constituent of flavoproteins, flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) |

|d) An extremely important antioxidant, which protects cell membrane lipids from peroxidation by breaking the chain reaction of free radical |

|formation to which polyunsaturated fatty acids are particularly vulnerable |

|e) Active functional form is dihydroergocalciferol |

| |

|Name the main function of Vitamin A in the body: |

|a) Immune defenses, maintenance of body linings and skin |

|b) Vision, |

|c) Normal cell development and reproduction |

|d) Bone and body growth |

|e) All of the above |

| |

|Vitamin B12 deficiency caused by lack of intrinsic factor is called: |

|a) Rickets |

|b) Pernicious anemia |

|c) Scurvy |

|d) Poor circulation of the red blood cells |

|e) Beri-beri |

| |

|The vitamin Folate works together with ______________to produce new red blood cells |

|a) Vitamin D |

|b) Vitamin B12 |

|c) Vitamin A |

|d) Vitamin B6 |

|e) None of the above |

| |

|Which of the following vitamins is also known as an antisterility factor? |

|a) Vitamin E |

|b) Vitamin B6 |

|c) Vitamin B1 |

|d) Vitamin C |

|e) Vitamin D |

| |

|Characterictic of Vitamin B12: |

|a) Is present in large amounts in green, leafy vegetables |

|b) Prevents goiter |

|c) Prevents scurvy |

|d) Requires intrinsic factor secreted in the stomach to aid its absorption |

|e) Prevents Beri-beri disease |

|.Whch of the following is a function of Vitamin B12 |

|a) Red blood cell formation |

|b) Normal cell development and reproduction |

|c) Immune defenses, maintenance of body linings and skin |

|d) just anti-oxidant action |

|e) Vision, bone and body growth |

| |

|Indicate the influence of ergocalciferol upon metabolic processes: |

|a) stimulates nucleic acid synthesis |

|b) depresses nucleic acid synthesis |

|c) increases the permeability of the intestinal epithelium for calcium and phosphor. |

|d) stimulates alpha-keto acid decarboxylation |

|e) inhibits alpha-keto acid decarboxylation |

| |

|Which of the following vitamins is also known as an anti-sterility factor? |

|a) tocopherol |

|b) piridoxine |

|c) thiamine |

|d) fitomenadione |

|e) ascorbic acid |

| |

|Which of the following vitamins is also known as a haemostatic agents? |

|a) tocopherol |

|b) piridoxine |

|c) thiamine |

|d) fitomenadione |

|e) ascorbic acid |

| |

|Dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia are characteristics of: |

|a) Dry beri-beri |

|b) Pyridoxine deficiency |

|c) Scurvy |

|d) Pellagra |

|e) Cholesterol deficiency |

| |

|Scurvy is: |

|a) A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C and characterized by spongy bleeding gums, bleeding under the skin, and weakness |

|b) Extreme dryness of the conjunctiva resulting from a disease localized in the eye or from systemic deficiency of vitamin A |

|c) A disease caused by deficiency of niacin in the diet |

|d) All of the answers |

|e) A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin K |

| |

|Pellagra is: |

|a) A disease caused by a deficiency of niacin (vit. PP) in the diet and characterized by skin eruptions, digestive and nervous system |

|disturbances, and eventual mental deterioration |

|b) Inflammation of several nerves at one time caused by a deficiency of thiamin, marked by paralysis, pain, and muscle wasting. |

|c) A severe form of anemia most often affecting elderly adults caused by a failure of the stomach to absorb vitamin B12 |

|d) All of the answers |

|e) A severe form of anemia most often affecting children |

| |

| |

|Characterize vitamins: |

|a) are all synthesized in the body |

|b) provide energy |

|c) are necessary for proper growth and development |

|d) all are hormons |

|e) needed in large amounts |

| |

|Which of the following vitamins is given along with isoniazide in treatment of tuberculosis? |

|a) Nicotinic acid |

|b) Riboflavin |

|c) Pyridoxine |

|d) Ascorbic acid |

|e) Vitamin A |

| |

|Which of the following vitamins is used in megaloblast anemia? |

|a) Vitamin B12 |

|b) Vitamin BC |

|c) Vitamin PP |

|d) Vitamin D |

|e) Vitamin A |

| |

|Which of the following enzymes is used in cancer therapy? |

|a) Pepsin |

|b) Urokinase |

|c) L-asparaginase |

|d) Lydaze |

|e) Aprotinine |

| |

|Loosening of teeth, gingivitis and hemorrhage occur in the deficiency of: |

|a) Vitamin К |

|b) Vitamin В1 |

|c) Vitamin B6 |

|d) Vitamin C |

|e) Vitamin A |

| |

|A 30-year-old woman who was suffering from untreatable gastric carcinoma underwent a gastrectomy. A deficiency of which one of the following |

|vitamins will develop as a result of this procedure and must be treated with? |

|a) Vitamin B6 |

|b) Vitamin B12 |

|c) Vitamin C |

|d) Vitamin D |

|e) Vitamin E |

| |

|Name vitamin obtained from sunlight: |

|a) Vitamin A |

|b) Vitamin D |

|c) Vitamin K |

|d) Vitamin E |

|e) Vitamin C |

| |

|Name vitamin synthesized from bacteria in the intestines: |

|a) Vitamin A |

|b) Vitamin D |

|c) Vitamin K |

|d) Vitamin E |

|e) Vitamin C |

| |

|Name easily destroyed vitamin: |

|a) Vitamin A |

|b) Vitamin D |

|c) Vitamin K |

|d) Vitamin E |

|e) Vitamin C |

| |

|Clinical uses of vitamin D do not include: |

|a) Osteoporosis |

|b) Nutritional rickets |

|c) Intestinal osteodystrophy |

|d) Hyperparathyroidism |

|e) Chronic renal failure |

| |

|Vitamin A deficiency causes: |

|a) Beri-beri |

|b) night blindness |

|c) Scurvy |

|d) Megaloblastic anemia |

|e) Pellagra |

| |

|Name ion that helps muscles to contract and relax, thereby helping to regulate heartbeat: |

|a) Iron |

|b) Calcium |

|c) Cobalt |

|d) Iodide |

|e) Sulfur |

| |

|Along with potassium, plays a role in fluid balance: |

|a) Iron |

|b) Sodium |

|c) Cobalt |

|d) Iodide |

|e) Sulfur |

| |

|Charactericitc of fat-soluble vitamins: |

|a) Are more stable than water-soluble vitamins |

|b) Are found in all foods |

|c) Must be supplied daily |

|d)Cannot be stored in the body |

|e) Non of the above |

| |

|If a person has vitamin K deficiency, which of the following is likely to occur? |

|a) Acne |

|b) Formation of blood clots A |

|c) Excessive bleeding |

|d) Acidosis |

|e) Non of the above |

| |

|Which of the following antienzymes is a trypsin inhibitor? |

|a) Aprotinine |

|b) Sulbactam |

|c) Aminocaproic acid |

|d) Disulfiram |

|e) Cylastatine |

| |

|Which of the following antienzymes is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor: |

|a) Physostigmine |

|b) Selegiline |

|c) Aminocaproic acid |

|d) Acetazolamide |

|e) Disulfiram |

| |

|Which of the following antienzymes is a fibrinolysis inhibitor? |

|a) Clavulanic acid |

|b) Sulbactam |

|c) Aminocaproic acid |

|d) Disulfiram |

|e) Selegiline |

| |

|Which of the following antienzymes is a cholinesterase inhibitor? |

|a) Physostigmine |

|b) Selegiline |

|c) Aminocaproic acid |

|d) Disulfiram |

|e) Sulbactam |

| |

|Which of the following enzymes improves GIT functions (replacement therapy): |

|a) Pepsin |

|b) Urokinase |

|c) L-asparaginase |

|d) Lydaze |

|e) 5-LOX |

| |

|Which of the following antienzymes is a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor: |

|a) Physostigmine |

|b) Selegiline |

|c) Acetazolamide |

|d) Disulfiram |

|e) Sulbactam |

| |

|Which of the following antienzymes is an aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor? |

|a) Tazobactam |

|b) Sulbactam |

|c) Aminocaproic acid |

|d) Disulfiram |

|e) Physostigmine |

| |

|Which of the following antienzymes is a xantine oxidase inhibitor? |

|a) Physostigmine |

|b) Allopurinol |

|c) Aminocaproic acid |

|d) Acetazolamide |

|e) Disulfiram |

| |

|Which of the following enzymes has fibrinolytic activity? |

|a) Pepsin |

|b) Urokinase |

|c) L-asparaginase |

|d) Lydaze |

|e) COX-1 |

| |

|Which of the following antienzymes is an aromatase inhibitor used in cancer therapy? |

|a) Physostigmine |

|b) Allopurinol |

|c) Aminocaproic acid |

|d) Aminoglutethimide |

|e) Acetazolamide |

| |

|Name enzymes with antimicrobial properties: |

|a) hyaluronidase |

|b) asparaginase |

|c) bactisubtil |

|d) panzynorm |

|e) urokinase |

| |

|What's the definition of "antibiotics"? |

|a) non-organic or synthetic substances that selectively inhibit growth of other microorganisms |

|b) substance produced by some microorganisms or their synthetic analogs that selectively kills or inhibits the growth of other microorganisms |

|c) substances produced by certain microorganisms or their synthetic analogs inhibit the growth of body cells |

|d) synthetic analogues of natural substances that kill protozoa and helminthes |

|e) non of the above |

| |

|What is the minimum duration of antibacterial treatment?: |

|a) not less than one day |

|b) not less than 5 days |

|c) not less than 10-14 days |

|d) not less than three weeks |

|e) not less than 1 month |

| |

|The mechanism of bacterial resistance to penicilins can be described as: |

|a) Inactivation of drug by beta-lactamases |

|b) Overproduction of PBPs |

|c) Overproduction of peptidoglycans |

|d) Breakdown of penicillins by the immune system |

|e) Rapid biotransformation |

| |

|Antibiotics are chemicals produced by? |

|a) Cancer cells |

|b) Viruses |

|c) Bacteria |

|d) Protozoa |

|e) Microorganisms |

| |

|What antibiotic should be used for the treatment of fever with unknown origin? |

|a) Antibiotics should not be used |

|b) Cephalosporins |

|c) Macrolides |

|d) Aminoglycosides |

|e) Penicillins |

| |

|Bactericidal effect is: |

|a) Inhibition of bacterial cell division |

|b) Inhibition of young bacterial cell growth |

|c) Destroying of bacterial cells |

|d) Formation of bacterial L-form |

|e) Stimulation of bacterial cell division |

| |

|Bacteristatic effect is: |

|a) Inhibition of bacterial cell division |

|b) Bacteria killing |

|c) Destroying of bacterial cells |

|d) Formation of bacterial L-form |

|e) Stimulation of bacterial cell division |

| |

|Name bactericidal drug? |

|a) Cephalosporins |

|b) Trimethoprim |

|c) Macrolides |

|d) Lincosamides |

|e) Choramphenicol |

| |

|A(n) ____ drug will halt bacterial growth but not deplete it, while a(n) ____ drug will kill bacteria: |

|a) Bactericidal; Antibiotic |

|b) Antibiotic; Bacteriostatic |

|c) Bactericidal; Bacteriostatic |

|d) Bacteriostatic; Bactericidal |

|e) Antibiotic; Bactericidal |

| |

|When treating meningitis, one of the steps to achieve the MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) is by injecting antibiotic where? |

|a) Epidural space |

|b) Subdural space |

|c) Subarachnoid space |

|d) Subpial space |

|e) Corneal space |

| |

|Penicillin is a ____ drug and tetracycline is a ____ drug: |

|a) Bactericidal; Bacteriostatic |

|b) Bacteriostatic; Bactericidal |

|c) Bactericidal; Bactericidal |

|d) Bacteriostatic; Bacteriostatic |

|e) Fungicidal; Bactericidal |

| |

|Penicillin was first discovered when colonies of staphylococci lysed when contaminated with what? |

|a) Penicillium bacteria |

|b) Penicillium virus |

|c) Penicillium fungi |

|d) Penicillium parasite |

|e) Penicillium protozoa |

| |

|Penicillin G is ____ to penicillinase and methicillin is ____ to penicillinase. Both are considered ____ spectrum antibiotics: |

|a) Resistant; Sensitive; Narrow |

|b) Resistant; Sensitive; Broad |

|c) Sensitive; Resistant; Narrow |

|d) Sensitive; Resistant; Broad |

|e) Resistant; Resistant; Broad |

| |

|What enzyme is the main target for penicillin? |

|a) Transglucosylases |

|b) Transpeptidases |

|c) D-alanine carboxykinases |

|d) glucoronuyltransferase |

|e) Dihidropteroat synthetase |

| |

|Which antibiotic is considered extended-spectrum as it can fight pseudomonal aeroginosa, enterobacter species, proteus, bacteroids fragilis, |

|and many klebsiella? |

|a) Oxacillin |

|b) Ampicillin |

|c) Amoxicillin |

|d) Penicillin G |

|e) Carbencillin |

| |

|Which next antibiotic would be used to treat Neisseria gonorrhoeae if the patient was allergic to penicillins? |

|a) Ticarcillin |

|b) Carbencillin |

|c) Ceftriaxone |

|d) Penicillin G (Benzylpenicillin) |

|e) Penicillin V |

| |

|Clavulanate is added to amoxicillin (Augmentin) to protect the drug molecule. This results in a ____ bioavailability and a change from dosage |

|three times a day to ____ times a day. However, this produces a high incidence of diarrhea: |

|a) Increase; Four |

|b) Increase; Two |

|c) Decrease; Four |

|d) Decrease; Two |

| |

|Clavulanic acid and sulbactam ____ antibiotics, and are added to give better ____ properties and effects: |

|a) Are; Antibacterial |

|b) Are; Pharmacokinetic |

|c) Are not; Antibacterial |

|d) Are not; Pharmacokinetic |

| |

|Name antibiotic considered the least toxic? |

|a) Ticarcillin |

|b) Oxacillin |

|c) Ampicillin |

|d) Penicillin G (Benzylpenicillin) |

|e) Chloramphenicol |

| |

|Imipenem/Cilastatin is an example of a: |

|a) Antibiotic + inhibitor of penicillinase |

|b) Combination from 2 antibiotics to increase spectrum of action |

|c) Antibiotic + inhibitor of renal enzyme dehydropeptidase |

|d) Antibiotic + inhibitor of beta lactamase |

|e) 2 antibiotics to decrease side effects |

| |

|Several families of drugs such as penicillins and cephalosporins act to ____ the bacterial ____ and thereby promoting lysis. The mechanism is |

|through prevention of murein (peptidoglycan) synthesis: |

|a) Weaken; Cell membrane |

|b) Weaken; Cell wall |

|c) Strengthen; Cell membrane |

|d) Strengthen; Cell wall |

|a) Inhibit protein synthesis |

| |

|What is the most frequent side effect, which occurs after administrating of benzyl penicillin? |

|a) Agranulocytosis |

|b) Anemia |

|c) Renal insufficiency |

|d) Allergy |

|e) Dysbacteriosis |

| |

|Severe allergic reactions are more common with what family of drugs? |

|a) Tetracyclines |

|b) Macrolides |

|c) Cephalosporins |

|d) Penicillins |

|e) Sulfonamides |

| |

|Tick the drug belonging to antibiotics-monobactams: |

|a) Ampicillin |

|b) Bicillin-5 |

|c) Aztreonam |

|d) Imipinem |

|e) Tienam |

| |

|Antibiotic inhibiting bacterial RNA synthesis is: |

|a) Erythromycin |

|b) Rifampicine |

|c) Chloramphenicol |

|d) Imipinem |

|e) Cycloserine |

| |

|Which antimicrobial remedy is excreted in bile in active concentrations?: |

|a) ampicillin |

|b) kanamycin |

|c) griseofulvin |

|d) sulfizoxazolul |

|e) nalidixic acid |

| |

|Mechanism of penicillins' antibacterial effect is: |

|a) Inhibition of transpeptidation in the bacterial cell wall |

|b) Inhibition of beta-lactamase in the bacterial cell |

|c) Activation of endogenous proteases, that destroy bacterial cell wall |

|d) Activation of endogenous phospholipases, which leads to alteration of cell membrane permeability |

|e) Activation of beta-lactamase in the bacterial cell |

| |

|Name the main indication for benzylpenicillin: |

|a) salmonelosis |

|b) typhoid fever |

|c) subacute endocarditis |

|d) syphilis |

|e) tuberculosis |

| |

|Which from penicillins is an aminopenicillin? |

|a) Methicillin |

|b) Ampicillin |

|c) Penicillin G |

|d) Penicillin V |

|e) Carbencillin |

| |

|Which of the penicillins produces a higher incidence of diarrhea? |

|a) Cloxacillin |

|b) Ampicillin |

|c) Amoxicillin |

|d) Augmentin |

|e) Penicilin G |

|IV rd Generation Cephalosporins have a ____ spectrum of antimicrobial activity and are considered ____: |

|a) Broad; Bactericidal |

|b) Broad; Bacteristatic |

|c) Narrow; Bactericidal |

|d) Narrow; Bacteristatic |

|e) Narrow; Fungistatic |

| |

|Cephalosporin from I-st generation for parenteral administration is: |

|a) cefazolin |

|b) cefamandole |

|c) cephachlor |

|d) cefipime |

|e) cefadroxil |

| |

|Which of the bacteria would not be affected by a second-generation cephalosporin, but would be affected by ceftazidime? |

|a) Staphylococcus |

|b) Streptococcus |

|c) Listeria |

|d) Enterococcus |

|e) Pseudomonas |

| |

|Which of cephalosporin generation should be given for gram-negative bacterial meningitis? |

|a) First-generation cephalosporin |

|b) Second-generation cephalosporin |

|c) Third-generation cephalosporin |

|d) First-generation cephalosporin, just parenteral drug |

|e) Cephalosporin should not be given |

| |

|Describes ceftazidime and cefepime: |

|a) First-generation cephalosporins |

|b) Second-generation with Haemophilus influenzae activity |

|c) Second-generation with Bacteroids fragilis activity |

|d) Third-generation cephalosporins |

|e) Third-generaion with Pseudomonas aeruginosa activity |

| |

|Describes cefazolin and cephalexin: |

|a) First-generation cephalosporins |

|b) Second-generation with Haemophilus influenzae activity |

|c) Second-generation with Bacteroids fragilis activity |

|d) Third-generation cephalosporins |

|e) Third-generaion with Pseudomonas aeruginosa activity |

| |

|Describes cefmetazole, cefotetan, and cefoxitin: |

|a) First-generation cephalosporins |

|b) Second-generation with Haemophilus influenzae activity |

|c) Second-generation with Bacteroids fragilis activity |

|d) Third-generation cephalosporins |

|e) Third-generaion with Pseudomonas aeruginosa activity |

|Describes cefaclor and cefuroxime: |

|a) First-generation cephalosporins |

|b) Second-generation with Haemophilus influenzae activity |

|c) Second-generation with Bacteroids fragilis activity |

|d) Third-generation cephalosporins |

|e) Third-generaion with Pseudomonas aeruginosa activity |

| |

|Describes cefoperazone and ceftriaxon: |

|a) First-generation cephalosporins |

|b) Second-generation with Haemophilus influenzae activity |

|c) Second-generation with Bacteroids fragilis activity |

|d) Third-generation cephalosporins |

|e) Third-generaion with Pseudomonas aeruginosa activity |

| |

|Which of the microorganisms would be treated with a first-generation cephalosporin? |

|a) E. Coli |

|b) Klebsiella |

|c) Proteus |

|d) Staphylococcus |

|e) Enterobacter |

| |

|A 2-mo-old male neonate presents with a thick eye discharge. The mother admits to having sexual partners and complains of a vaginal discharge.|

|Exams of both eyes of infant reveals a thick purulent discharge and conjunctival congestion and edema. Corneal ulcerations was also noted. |

|Conjunctival swabs on gram staining revealed presence of gram-negative diplococci and many polymorphonuclear cells. What organism, which can |

|be treated with penicillin G or a third-generation cephalosporin, is the most likely cause? |

|a) C. trachomatis |

|b) T. pallidum |

|c) N. gonorrhea |

|d) H. ducreyi |

|e) H. influenza |

| |

|Macrolids are ____ ribosomal subunit inhibitors that are ____ at low concentrations and ____ at high concentrations: |

|a) 30s; Bactericidal; Bacteriostatic |

|b) 30s; Bacteriostatic; Bactericidal |

|c) 50s; Bactericidal; Bacteriostatic |

|d) 50s; Bacteriostatic; Bactericidal |

| |

|Although erythromycin is not normally effective with gram-negative bacteria, cell wall deficient forms of E. coli and Proteus mirabilis |

|(L-forms) are exceptions. These are seen in recurrent: |

|a) Pneumonia |

|b) Upper respiratory tract infections |

|c) Urinary tract infections |

|d) Gastroenteritis |

|e) Endocarditis |

| |

|Name bactericidal antibiotic - the drug of choice for pneumonia caused by H. influenzae? |

|a) Erythromycin |

|b) Clarithromycin |

|c) Azithromycin |

|d) Dirithromycin |

|e) Telithromycin |

| |

|A patient presents with mild symptoms of fever, chills, headache, and coughing. However, they show little sign of bacterial infection. Lab |

|blood results show infection is present and the physician chooses to use a macrolide antibiotic. What agent was most likely the cause of the |

|patient's symptoms? |

|a) Streptococcus pyogenes |

|b) Streptococcus agalactiae |

|c) Mycoplasma pneumoniae |

|d) Listeria monocytogenes |

|e) Streptococcus pneumoniae |

| |

|Which of the organs is the main organ for biotransformation of macrolides such as erythromycin (90%) and clarithromycin? |

|a) Spleen |

|b) Kidneys |

|c) Brain |

|d) GI tract |

|e) Liver |

| |

|An 8-yr-old child presents with pharyngitis and fever of 3 days duration. Microbiology lab confirms translucent beta-hemolytic colonies. Past |

|history includes a severe allergic reaction to amoxicillin when used for ear infection. Which one of the аntimicrobial agents as an oral drug |

|is most likely appropriate in terms of both effectiveness and safety? |

|a) Penicillin G (Benzylpenicillin) |

|b) Cefaclor |

|c) Doxycycline |

|d) Vancomycin |

|e) Azithromycin |

| |

|Aminoglycosides are effective only against which of the microbs and are a good choice for septicemia (a serious toxicity)? |

|a) Gram-positive aerobic bacteria |

|b) Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria |

|c) Gram-negative aerobic bacteria |

|d) Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria |

|e) Just Streptococcus pneumoniae |

| |

|Aminoglycosides inhibit bacterial protein synthesis through binding to ____ bacterial ribosome subunits. They cause leakage of intracellular |

|contents and thus are ____: |

|a) 30s; Bactericidal |

|b) 30s; Bacteriostatic |

|c) 50s; Bactericidal |

|d) 50s; Bacteriostatic |

| |

|Describes the mechanism of aminoglycosides at low dosages: |

|a) Partial inhibition of protein causing ribosome to translate incorrectly |

|b) Amino acid deletions during protein synthesis leading to nonfunctional proteins |

|c) Misreading of mRNA during elongation leading to synthesis of proteins containing incorrect amino acids. |

|d) Nonsense insertion in mRNA during elongation leading to a stop codon |

|e) No effect on protein synthesis |

| |

|Describes the mechanism of aminoglycosides at high dosages: |

|a) Misreading of mRNA during elongation leading to synthesis of proteins |

|containing incorrect amino acids. |

|b) Nonsense insertion in mRNA during elongation leading to a stop codon |

|c) Complete inhibition of protein causing ribosomes to become trapped at the |

|AUG strand condons of mRNA |

|d) Partial inhibition of protein causing ribosome to translate incorrectly |

|e) Amino acid deletions during protein synthesis leading to nonfunctional proteins |

| |

|Following administration of aminoglycosides, where would concentrations be the lowest? |

|a) Prostate |

|b) Brain |

|c) Vitreous fluid |

|d) CSF |

|e) Intracellular |

| |

|Accumulation of aminoglycosides is most common in what location? |

|a) Liver capsule |

|b) Renal medulla |

|c) Nephrons |

|d) Renal cortex |

|e) Spleen |

| |

|Which of the following drugs can be mixed with aminoglycosides, such as for use against Staphylococcus aureus? |

|a) Diuretics |

|b) NSAIDs |

|c) Cisplatin |

|d) Amphotericin B |

|e) Penicillin G (Benzylpenicillin) |

| |

|Which of the antimicrobial drugs is combined with isoniazid to treat tuberculosis? |

|a) Neomycin |

|b) Streptomycin |

|c) Amikacin |

|d) Kanamycin |

|e) Gentamicin |

| |

|AE is a 75-yr-old man with sepsis resulting from a urinary tract infection. He has allergies to beta-lactam antibiotics and erythromycim. The |

|result of blood cultures are positive for P. aeroginosa; the urine culture is positive for P. aeroginosa and E. coli. From aminoglycoside |

|class, which one would you choose? |

|a) Neomycin |

|b) Streptomycin |

|c) Netilmicin |

|d) Kanamycin |

|e) Gentamicin |

| |

|The most active aminoglycoside against Mycobacterium tuberculosis is: |

|a) Kanamycin |

|b) Tobramycin |

|c) Streptomycin |

|d) Amikacin |

|e) Neomycin |

| |

|Cephalosporines are drugs of choice for treatment of: |

|a) Gram-negative microorganism infections |

|b) Gram-positive microorganism infections |

|c) Gram-negative and gram-positive microorganism infections, if penicillins have no effect |

|d) Only bacteroide infections |

|e) Gram-negative and gram-positive microorganism infections, if vancomicin have no effect |

| |

|Carbapenems are effective against: |

|a) Only Gram-positive microorganisms |

|b) Only Gram-negative microorganisms |

|c) Only bacteroide infections |

|d) Broad-spectum |

|e) Very Narrow spectrum |

| |

|Benzylpenicillin acts on the level of: |

|a) cytoplasmatic membrane |

|b) Bacterial wall |

|c) Cytoplasm of a bacterial cell |

|d) proteine synthesis |

|e) Ribosome of a bacterial cel |

| |

|Which of the antimicrobial drugs would be used to treat methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)? |

|a) Nafcillin |

|b) Vancomycin |

|c) Gentamycin |

|d) Erythromycin |

|e) Clindamycin |

| |

|Penicillin is used in combination with what drug to enhance antibacterial action in the treatment of enterococcal endocarditis? |

|a) Sulfonamides |

|b) Cephalosporins |

|c) Macrolides |

|d) Aminoglycosides |

|e) Fluoroquinolones |

| |

|Prophylactic penicillin is indicated in patients with rheumatic carditis. If the patient is allergic to penicillin, which drug should be used?|

| |

|a) Sulfonamides |

|b) Cephalosporins |

|c) Macrolides |

|d) Aminoglycosides |

|e) Fluoroquinolones |

| |

|At what level penicillin work? |

|a) cytoplasmic membrane |

|b) cellular wall |

|c) cell bacterial ribosome |

|d) bacterial cell nucleus |

|e) bacterial cell cytoplasm |

| |

|Specify the antibacterial mechanism of action of benzyl penicillin: |

|a) disturbance of synthesis of the components of microbial walls |

|b) change of the permeability of cytoplasmatic membranes of microorganisms |

|c) Competitive antagonism with folic acid in bacterial cell |

|d) inhibits coenzyme A activity |

|e) membrane permeability distarbances |

| |

|Specify the action spectrum for biosynthetic penicillins: |

|a) Gram-positive and Gram-negative cocci, Corynebacterium diphtheria, spirokets, Clostridium |

|b) Corynebacterium diphtheria, mycobacteria |

|c) Gram positive cocci, viruses |

|d) gram-negative cocci, Rickettsia, fungal |

|e) mycobacteria, viruses, Corynebacterium diphtheria |

| |

|Antibacterial mechanism of penicillin is: |

|a) inhibiting the synthesis of the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell walls. |

|b) inhibition of bacterial beta-lactamases |

|c) activation of endogenous protease that destroys the cell wall |

|d) phospholypase endogenous activation, with subsequent alteration of membrane permeability |

|e) inhibition of nucleic acids |

| |

|Cephalosporins are the first choice in treatment: |

|a) Gram-positive |

|b) Gram-negative |

|c) Gram-negative and gram-positive, if penicillins are not effective |

|d) only infections with bacteroides |

|e) only for infections caused by protozoa |

| |

|Classified generally as a ˝third generation˝ cephalosporin: |

|a) Cefazolin |

|b) Cefachlor |

|c) Cephalexin |

|d) Cefotaxime sodium |

|e) Cefamandol |

| |

|Available as tables for oral administration: |

|a) thienam |

|b) cephalexin |

|c) benzatin-benzylpenicillin |

|d) procaine benzyl penicillin |

|e) cefazolin |

| |

|Action spectrum for carbapenems is: |

|a) just gram-positive |

|b) just gram-negative |

|c) only infections with bacteroides |

|d) broad-spectrum |

|e) only for infections caused by mycobacteria. |

| |

|Name aminoglycoside antibiotic: |

|a) erythromycin |

|b) gentamicin |

|c) vancomycin |

|d) polymyxin |

|e) lincomycin |

| |

|Drug from imipenems: |

|a) methicillin |

|b) isoniazid |

|c) tazocine |

|d) atropine |

|e) tienam |

| |

|Name side effect characteristic for aminoglycosides: |

|a) hepatotoxicity |

|b) SNC toxicity |

|c) ototoxicity |

|d) cardiotoxicity |

|e) mielotoxicity |

| |

|The main side efects of aminoglycosides are EXCEPT: |

|a) Ototoxicity |

|b) Nephrotoxicity |

|c) Extrapyramidal disorders |

|d) Neuromuscular blockade |

|e) nause and vomiting |

| |

|Aminoglycosides have the following spectrum of action: |

|a) gram positive microorganisms, anaerobic, spirochete |

|b) The broad spectrum, exception - Pseudomonas aeruginosa |

|c) gram-negative microorganisms, anaerobic |

|d) The broad spectrum, exception - anaerobes and viruses |

|e) gram-negative cocci, Rickettsia, fungal |

| |

|Which one of the following drugs is most likely to cause loss of equilibrium and ototoxicity? |

|a) Canamycin |

|b) Ethambutol |

|c) Isoniazid |

|d) Para-aminosalicylic acid |

|e) Rifabutin |

| |

|Has the capacity to cause ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and neuromuscular blockade: |

|a) vancomycine |

|b) augmenthine |

|c) cefachlor |

|d) erythromycin |

|e) gentamicin |

| |

|Named one of the major indications of aminoglycosides: |

|a) typhus |

|b) streptococcal angina |

|c) meningitis |

|d) typhoid |

|e) coli bacillary pyelonephritis |

| |

|Name the adverse effects of aminoglycosides: |

|a) pancytopenia |

|b) hepatotoxicity |

|c) ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity |

|d) mucosal gastroinitestinale irritation |

|e) agranulocytosis |

| |

|Macrolides include of from the following drugs EXCEPT: |

|a) clarithromycin |

|b) olethetrin |

|c) kanamycin |

|d) roxythromycin |

|e) oleandomycin |

| |

|What are the characteristics for lincosamides? |

|a) broad-spectrum; bactericidal effect. |

|b) influence predominantly anaerobes, gram negative cocci. |

|c) broad-spectru; bacteriostatic effect |

|d) influence predominantly anaerobes, gram positive cocci |

|e) gram-negative cocci, gram-positive cocci and gram-negative bacilli. |

| |

|What is the adverse reaction for lincosamides? |

|a) nephrotoxicity |

|b) carcinogenic effect |

|c) pseudomembranous colitis |

|d) respiratory irritation |

|e) ototoxicity and neurotoxicitae. |

| |

|Chloramphenicol mechanism of action is: |

|a) Changes the shape of 30 rRNA to cause mRNA to be read incorrectly |

|b) Binds to 50s rRNA and inhibits formation of peptide bond |

|c) Binds to 50s rRNA and prevents movement along mRNA |

|d) Interferes with the tRNA anticodon reading of mRNA codon |

|e) Inhibits folic acid metabolism |

| |

|Which antibiotic most easily penetrate into the CNS: |

|a) benzylpenicillin |

|b) streptomycin |

|c) chloramphenicol |

|d) tetracycline |

|e) erythromycin |

| |

|A bacteremic patient is being treated with an antibiotic. Following one week of therapy, this patients develops severe bone marrow depression |

|resulting in pancytopenia. Which antibiotic is the most likely cause of this patient's toxic reaction? |

|a) Doxycycline |

|b) Chloramphenicol |

|c) Azithromycin |

|d) Gentamycin |

|e) Ciprofloxacin |

| |

|A one-yr-old baby who has been diagnosed with brain abscess is undergoing an antibiotic treatment. The baby develops abdominal distention, |

|emesis, and irregular respiration. Name antibiotic that is the most likely cause of this baby's toxic reaction? |

|a) Oxytetracycline |

|b) Amikacin |

|c) Clarithromycin |

|d) Sparfloxacin |

|e) Chloramphenicol |

| |

|Tetracyclines, such as doxycycline, are effective against rare infections. Which of the epidemic infections that can be treated with |

|doxycycline is associated with voluminous rice-water diarrhea and may be seen as an epidemic in third world countries? |

|a) Chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi) |

|b) Rabid fever (Francisella tularensis) |

|c) Black plague (Yersinia pestis) |

|d) Brucellosis (Brucella species) |

|e) Cholera (Vibrio choler) |

| |

|Among the side effects of tetracycline that may be seen in children taking the drug for long or short periods is: |

|a) depression of bone growth |

|b) ototoxicity |

|c) nefrotoxicity |

|d) gastrointestinal irritation |

|e) allergy |

| |

|Which drug from tetracyclines should be used for spirochetes Borellia burgdorferi.? |

|a) Demeclocycline |

|b) Doxycycline |

|c) Tetracycline |

|d) Oxytetracycline |

|e) Minocycline |

| |

|What kind of side effect is more frequent in tetracycline administration? |

|a) Agranulocytoses |

|b) Anemia |

|c) Renal disturbances |

|d) Allergic reaction |

|e) Bones destruction and teeth coloration |

| |

|Which of the types of drugs binds to teeth and can cause discoloration? |

|a) Tetracyclines |

|b) Macrolides |

|c) Cephalosporins |

|d) Penicillins |

|e) Sulfonamides |

| |

|What is the most common adverse reaction for tetracyclines? |

|a) Prolonged bleeding |

|b) Aplastic anemia |

|c) Bloody diarrhea |

|d) Seizures |

|e) Tooth enamel dysplasia |

| |

|Patients on tetracycline should due which of the following to prevent toxicity? |

|a) Brush their teeth |

|b) Exercise regularly |

|c) Limit exposure to sunlight |

|d) Rest at least six hours each night |

|e) Eat a complete diet including meat and dairy |

| |

|A patient presents with pain in their right side. After physical exam and testing, a fatty liver is found. History is negative for excessive |

|alcohol use. Name classe of antibiotics that could have caused this: |

|a) Tetracyclines |

|b) Aminoglycosides |

|c) Cephalosporins |

|d) Fluoroquinolones |

|e) Sulfonamides |

| |

|Name drug associated with gray baby syndrome? |

|a) Demeclocycline |

|b) Doxycycline |

|c) Tetracycline |

|d) Oxytetracycline |

|e) Chloramphenicol |

| |

|Which drug would be given to a patient with rickettsia who is allergic to doxycycline? |

|a) Demeclocycline |

|b) Tetracycline |

|c) Chloramphenicol |

|d) Minocycline |

|e) Oxytetracycline |

| |

|What antibiotic has strong bactericidal effect? |

|a) tetracycline |

|b) macrolide |

|c) penicillins |

|d) chloramphenicol |

|e) aminoglycoside |

| |

|What remedy is from macrolides group? |

|a) neomycin |

|b) doxycycline |

|c) erythromycin |

|d) cefotaxime |

|e) imipenem |

| |

|What kind of side effect is more frequent in penicillin's administration? |

|a) agranulocytoses |

|b) anemia |

|c) renal disturbances |

|d) allergic reaction |

|e) disbacteriosis |

| |

|Erythromycin works by which of the mechanisms? |

|a) Disruption of protein synthesis via ribosomes |

|b) Inhibition of DNA gyrase |

|c) Inhibition of reverse transcriptase |

|d) Inhibition of fungal membrane |

|e) Inhibition of cell wall synthesis |

| |

|What are the specific adverse effects of erythromycin: |

|a) agranulocytosis |

|b) acoustic-vestibular disorders |

|c) nausea , vomiting and gastrointestinal irritation |

|d) apnea with neuromuscular |

|e) polyneuritis |

| |

|What remedy is from carbapenem group? |

|a) aztreonam |

|b) amoxicillin |

|c) imipinem |

|d) clarithromycin |

|e) doxycycline |

| |

|What remedy-is from tetracycline group? |

|a) doxycycline |

|b) streptomycin |

|c) clarithromycin |

|d) amoxicillin |

|e) penicillin |

| |

|Name antibiotic from lincosamides: |

|a) gentamicin |

|b) streptomycin |

|c) clindamycin |

|d) neomycin |

|e) kanamycin |

| |

|Name antibiotic that inhibits RNA synthesis: |

|a) erythromycin |

|b) rifampicin |

|c) chloramphenicol |

|d) imipinem |

|e) azithromycin |

| |

|Aminoglycosides are effective against: |

|a) Gram positive microorganisms, anaerobic microorganisms, spirochetes |

|b) Broad-spectum, except Pseudomonas aeruginosa |

|c) Gram negative microorganisms, anaerobic microorganisms |

|d) Broad-spectum, except anaerobic microorganisms and viruses |

|e) Only anaerobic microorganisms |

| |

|Which of the antimicrobial drug would affect gram-negative aerobes (versus gram-positive cocci/bacilli)? |

|a) Nafcillin |

|b) Vancomycin |

|c) Gentamycin |

|d) Erythromycin |

|e) Clindamycin |

| |

|Choose the characteristics of chloramphenicol: |

|a) Broad-spectum. not active against chlamydia. |

|b) Influences only the Gram-positive microorganisms. |

|c) Influences only the Gram-negative microorganisms. |

|d) Broad-spectum. Active also against chlamydia. |

|e) Narrow-spectrum. Demonstrates a bactericidal effect. |

| |

|May be fatal to neonates owing to an inability to conjugate the drug with glucuronic acid: |

|a) Chloramphenicol |

|b) Polymyxin B |

|c) Erythromycin |

|d) Kanamycin |

|e) Neomycin |

| |

|Which of the following antibiotics penetrate the easiest in cephalorachidian liquid? |

|a) benzathine benzyl penicillin |

|b) streptomycin |

|c) chloramphenicol |

|d) tetracycline |

|e) erythromycin |

| |

|The drug chloramphenicol is risky for which categories of patients? |

|a) Neonates |

|b) Congestive heart failure patients |

|c) Obese patients |

|d) Adult males |

|e) Geriatric patients |

| |

|Name drug that can cause irreversible bone marrow depression, leading to aplastic anemia: |

|a) Oxytetracyclinу |

|b) Minocycline |

|c) Chloramphenicol |

|d) Tetracycline |

|e) Demeclocycline |

| |

|Chloramphenicol has the following unwanted effects: |

|a) Nephrotoxicity |

|b) Pancytopenia |

|c) Hepatotoxicity |

|d) Ototoxicity |

|e) Hypertension |

| |

|Erythromycin may produce following side effects: |

|a) Agranulocytosis |

|b) Vestibular disorders |

|c) Hepatoxic effects |

|d) apnea caused by neuromuscular blocker |

|e) Polineuritis |

| |

|Name following antibiotic, which is used for abdominal typhus treatment: |

|a) benzathine benzylpenicillin |

|b) benzylpenicillin potassium |

|c) tetracycline |

|d) cloramphenicol |

|e) kanamycin |

| |

|Pick out substance that inhibits the human enzyme dehydropeptidase:  |

|a) Cilastatin |

|b) Sulbactam |

|c) Sultiam |

|d) Aztreonam |

|e) Tazobactam |

| |

|Cilastatin can therefore be combined intravenously with ______________ in order to protect it from renal dehydropeptidase: |

|a) imipenem |

|b) meropenem |

|c) carbepenem |

|d) aztreonam |

|e) Tazobactam |

| |

|Choose the characteristics of lincozamides: |

|a) Broad-spectum. Demonstrates a bactericidal effect. |

|b) Influence mainly the anaerobic organisms, Gram negative cocci. |

|c) Broad-spectum. Demonstrates a bacteristatic effect. |

|d) Influence mainly the anaerobic organisms, Gram positive cocci |

|e) Influence mainly the aerobic organisms, Gram positive cocci |

| |

|What kind of remedy will color tears in red-orange color? |

|a) cloramphenicol |

|b) rifampicine |

|c) metronidazol |

|d) carbenicilline |

|e) neomycine |

| |

|Lincozamides have the following unwanted effect: |

|a) Nephrotoxicity |

|b) Cancerogenity |

|c) Pseudomembranous collitis |

|d) Irritation of respiratory organs |

|e) Nonspecific ulcerative colitis |

| |

|Which of the following drugs is used for systemic and deep mycotic infections treatment: |

|a) Co-trimoxazol |

|b) Griseofulvin |

|c) Amphotericin B |

|d) Nitrofungin |

|e) Vancomicin |

| |

|Mechanism of Amphotericin B action is: |

|a) Inhibition of cell wall synthesis |

|b) Inhibition of fungal protein synthesis |

|c) Inhibition of DNA synthesis |

|d) Alteration of cell membrane permeability |

|e) Inhibition of RNA synthesis |

| |

|Witch drug is from quinolones? |

|a) nitroxoline |

|b) nalidixic acid |

|c) furazolidon |

|d) co-trimoxazole |

|e) furasolidone |

| |

|Mechanism of sulfonamides' antibacterial effect is: |

|a) Inhibition of dihydropteroate reductase |

|b) Inhibition of dihydropteroate synthase |

|c) Inhibition of cyclooxygenase |

|d) Activation of DNA gyrase |

|e) Inhibition of dihydropteroate oxydase |

| |

|Mechanism of action of sulphonamides is: |

|a) To inhibit alaninaminotransferase. |

|b) To inhibit dihydropteroatsynthetase |

|c) To inhibit H K ATPase |

|d) To inhibit the enzyme transpeptidase |

|e) To inhibit monoaminoxidase |

| |

|Name sulfonamides, which act only in the intestinal area: |

|a) Sulfocarbamides |

|b) Ftalilsulfatiazol |

|c) Sulfacetamide |

|d) Sulfa Ethiodol |

|e) Sulfadimidine |

| |

|Sulphonamides with gastrointestinal action: |

|a) streptocide, sulphacarbamide, sulphadimidine |

|b) lidaprim, sulphaton, co-trimoxazole |

|c) sulphacethamide, sulphadiazine |

|d) sulphaguanide, sulphasalazine, salazodine. |

| |

|What kind of side effects may Sulfonamides produce? |

|a) Colestasis |

|b) Chrystalluria |

|c) Pseudomembranous Colitis |

|d) Neuromuscular Block |

|e) Balance Disturbances |

| |

|Sulfonamides and nalidixic acid can cause hemolysis in patients that are deficient in what enzyme? |

|a) Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase |

|b) Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase |

|c) Glucose 6-phosphate |

|d) Glucokinase |

|e) Fructokinase |

| |

|The enzyme that sulfonamides inhibit (para-aminobenzoic acid, PABis needed for bacterial production of which of the substrat which is required|

|for synthesis of DNA, RNA, and protein? |

|a) Murein |

|b) Niacin |

|c) Folic acid |

|d) Arachidonic acid |

|e) Phosphodiesterase |

| |

|Bactrim is an effective and cheap medication containing a sulphonamide and trimethoprim. Which enzyme is targeted by trimethoprim? |

|a) Monohydropteroate synthase |

|b) Monohydrofolate reductase |

|c) Dihydropteroate synthase |

|d) Dihydrofolate reductase |

|e) Phosphodiesterase |

| |

|Combination of sulfonamides with trimethoprim: |

|a) Decreases the unwanted effects of sulfonamides |

|b) Increases the antimicrobial activity |

|c) Decreases the antimicrobial activity |

|d) Increases the elimination ofsulfonamides |

|e) Decreases the elimination ofsulfonamides |

| |

|Name sulphonamide drug: |

|a) streptomycin |

|b) penicillin |

|c) co-trimoxazole |

|d) chloramphenicol |

|e) clarithromycin |

|e |

|mechanism of action of sulfonamides? |

|a) Changes the shape of 30 rRNA to cause mRNA to be read incorrectly |

|b) Binds to 50s rRNA and inhibits formation of peptide bond |

|c) Binds to 50s rRNA and prevents movement along mRNA |

|d) Interferes with the tRNA anticodon reading of mRNA codon |

|e) Inhibits folic acid metabolism |

| |

|Show mechanism of action of sulphonamides: |

|a) Inhibition of RNA-polymerase |

|b) Have the competitive antagonism with paraaminobenzoic acid |

|c) Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase |

|d) Activation of dihydropholatreductase |

|e) Inhibition of cell wall |

| |

|Sulfonamides have been considered the agents of choice in the treatment of : |

|a) pneumonia |

|b) allergy |

|c) cellulites |

|d) inflammation |

|e) acute pain |

| |

|Which enzyme is targeted by sulfonamide? |

|a) Monohydropteroate synthase |

|b) Monohydrofolate reductase |

|c) Dihydropteroate synthase |

|d) Dihydrofolate reductase |

|e) Tetrahydrofolate reductase |

| |

|Name sulfonamide would be used to treat ulcerative colitis? |

|a) Sulfacetamide |

|b) Trimethoprim |

|c) Co-trimazole |

|d) Sulfamethoxazole |

|e) Sulfasalazine |

| |

|Co-trimazole is used in patient who develop P. carinii pneumonia. This type of pneumonia is seen in what type of patient? |

|a) Neonates |

|b) Elderly |

|c) Immune compromised |

|d) Patients taking warfarin |

|e) Patients with glucose-6-phosphate deficiency |

| |

|Name sulfonamide used topically for ocular infections? |

|a) Sulfacetamide |

|b) Trimethoprim |

|c) Co-trimazole |

|d) Sulfamethoxazole |

|e) Sulfasalazine |

| |

|Which drug is used in bacterial infections of the eyes? |

|a) sulphaguanide |

|b) sulphadimethoxine |

|c) sulfacetamide |

|d) sulphadiazine |

|e) sulphaton |

| |

|Mechanism of Trimethoprim' action is: |

|a) Inhibition of cyclooxygenase |

|b) Inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase |

|c) Inhibition of dihydropteroate synthase |

|d) Inhibition of DNA gyrase |

|e) Inhibition of aldoreductase |

| |

|Which of the effetcs was accomplished with second-generation fluoroquinolones? |

|a) Decreased potency (toxicity) |

|b) Increased potency (effectiveness) |

|c) Decreased protein binding (less drug-drug interaction) |

|d) Added activity against anaerobes |

|e) Improved gram-positive antibiotic activity |

| |

|Fluoroquinolones inhibit which topoisomerase in gram-positive bacteria? |

|a) I |

|b) II |

|c) III |

|d) IV |

|e) non of the above |

| |

|Which group of drugs can cause CNS symptoms and have a tendancy to damage cartiledge, thus should never be given to children under the age of |

|18? |

|a) Penicillins |

|b) Cephalosporins |

|c) Macrolides |

|d) Aminoglycosides |

|e) Fluoroquinolones |

| |

|Name the antibacterial drug - a nitrofurane derivative: |

|a) Nitrofurantoin |

|b) Trimethoprim |

|c) Ciprofloxacin |

|d) Nystatin |

|e) Metronidazole |

| |

|Name the antibacterial drug - a nitroimidazole derivative: |

|a) Clavulanic acid |

|b) Metronidazole |

|c) Nitrofurantoin |

|d) Doxycycline |

|e) Nystatin |

| |

|Witch drug is from 8-oxyquinolinics? |

|a) nitroxoline |

|b) nalidixic acid |

|c) furazolidon |

|d) co-trimoxazole |

|e) tetracycline |

| |

|Name the antibacterial drug - a quinolone derivative: |

|a) Nitrofurantoin |

|b) Nalidixic acid |

|c) Streptomycin |

|d) Metronidazole |

|e) Nystatin |

| |

|Name the antibacterial drug - a fluoroquinolone derivative: |

|a) Chloramphenicol |

|b) Nitrofurantoin |

|c) Nalidixic acid |

|d) Ciprofloxacin |

|e) Metronidazole |

| |

|Name the main indications for nitrofuranes: |

|a) Infections of respiratory tract |

|b) Infections of urinary and gastro-intestinal tracts |

|c) Syphilis |

|d) Tuberculosis |

|e) As a disinfectant |

| |

|Name the indications for metronidazole: |

|a) Intra-abdominal infections, vaginitis, enterocolitis |

|b) Pneumonia |

|c) As a disinfectant |

|d) Influenza |

|e) Tuberculosis |

| |

|Mechanism of action of metronidazol: |

|a) Inhibits protein synthesis by blocking ribosomal movement along messenger RNA |

|b) The drug undergoes a reductive bioactivation of its nitro group by ferredoxin (prezent in anacrobie parasites) to form reactive cytotoxic |

|products |

|c) The drug blocks glucose uptakc, which leads to decreased formation of ATP |

|d) It may act by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation or by activating ATP-ases |

|e) Inhibits synthesis of cell wall of microbes |

| |

|The mechanism of fluoroquinolones' action is: |

|a) Inhibition of phospholipase C |

|b) Inhibition of DNA gyrase |

|c) Inhibition of bacterial cell synthesis |

|d) Alteration of cell membrane permeability |

|e) Inhibition of pyridoxalphosphate synthesis |

| |

|Fluoroquinolones are active against: |

|a) Gram negative microorganisms only |

|b) Mycoplasmas and Chlamidiae only |

|c) Gram positive microorganisms only |

|d) Variety of Gram-negative and positive microorganisms, including Mycoplasma and Chlamidiae |

|e) Only protozoa and anaerobes |

| |

|Fluoroquinolones works by which mechanisms? |

|a) Disruption of protein synthesis via ribosomes |

|b) Inhibition of DNA gyrase |

|c) Inhibition of reverse transcriptase |

|d) Inhibition of fungal membrane |

|e) Inhibition of cell wall synthesis |

| |

|The drug of choice for syphilis treatment is: |

|a) Gentamycin |

|b) Penicillin |

|c) Chloramphenicol |

|d) Doxycycline |

|e) Tetracycline |

| |

|The main drugs used in lues? |

|a) tetracycline |

|b) benzylpenicillins |

|c) erythromycin |

|d) co-trimoxazole |

|e) Chloramphenicol |

| |

|Mechanism of Cycloserine's action is: |

|a) Inhibition of mycolic acids synthesis |

|b) Inhibition of RNA synthesis |

|c) Inhibition of cell wall synthesis |

|d) Inhibition of pyridoxalphosphate synthesis |

|e) Inhibition of DNA synthesis |

| |

| |

|Mechanism of Streptomycin action is: |

|a) Inhibition of cell wall synthesis |

|b) Inhibition of protein synthesis |

|c) Inhibition of DNA synthesis |

|d) Inhibition of cell membranes permeability |

|e) Inhibition of RNA synthesis |

| |

|Which chemotherapies may produce reactions from the disulfiram type? |

|a) cloramfenicol |

|b) gentamicin |

|c) metronidazol |

|d) clotrimazol |

|e) ofloxacin |

| |

|Antifungal polyene macrolide that preferentially binds to fungal ergosterol which alters cellular permeability: |

|a) ketoconazole |

|b) amphotericin B |

|c) flucytosine |

|d) grisefulvin |

|e) clotrimazole |

| |

|Amphotericin and nystatin are what type of antifungal drugs? |

|a) Polyenes |

|b) Azoles |

|c) Pyrimidines |

|d) imidasole’s |

|e) bis- quaternary ammoniac salts |

| |

|An azole most commonly used for topical treatment of candidiasis: |

|a) amphotericin B |

|b) clotrimazole |

|c) griseofulvin |

|d) flucytosine |

|e) none of the answers |

| |

|Antifungal agent useful in treatment of candidiasis: |

|a) Amphotericin B |

|b) Nystatin |

|c) Both |

|d) Neither |

| |

|Polyene used topically; active against most Candida species--most commonly used for suppression of local candidal infection: |

|a) miconazole |

|b) terbinafine |

|c) nystatin |

|d) fluconazole |

|e) flucytosine |

| |

|Inhibition of fungal squalene epoxidase is this antifungal drug's mechanism of action: |

|a) ketoconazole |

|b) fluconazole |

|c) terbinafine |

|d) nystatin |

|e) flucytosine |

| |

|Given by i.v. administration, the drug of choice for nearly all life-threatening mycotic infections--usually used as the initial induction |

|regiment: |

|a) ketoconazole |

|b) itraconazole |

|c) flucytosine |

|d) amphotericin B |

|e) nystatin |

| |

|First available reverse transcriptase drug for treatment of HIV-1; a deoxythymidine analogue: |

|a) foscarnet |

|b) zidovudine |

|c) amantidine |

|d) indinavir |

|e) remantadine |

|Saquinavir and ritonavir are what type of drugs? |

|a) Fusion inhibitors |

|b) Ion channel blockers |

|c) Polymerase inhibitors |

|d) Protease inhibitors |

|e) Neuraminidase inhibitors |

| |

|Amantadine and rimantadine are what type of drugs? |

|a) Fusion inhibitors |

|b) Ion channel blockers |

|c) Polymerase inhibitors |

|d) Protease inhibitors |

|e) Neuraminidase inhibitors |

| |

|Zanamivir and oseltamivir are what type of drugs? |

|a) Fusion inhibitors |

|b) Ion channel blockers |

|c) Polymerase inhibitors |

|d) Protease inhibitors |

|e) Neuraminidase inhibitors |

| |

|HIV protease inhibitor: |

|a) rimantadine |

|b) ribavirin |

|c) saquinavir |

|d) stavudine |

|e) remantadine |

| |

|These drug is prophylactic against influenza A virus infection with 80% efficacy: |

|a) zidovudine |

|b) saquinavir |

|c) ribavarine |

|d) acyclovir |

|e) amantadine |

| |

|Effective antiviral agent, which is also approved for use in the treatment of Parkinson disease: |

|a) Idoxuridine |

|b) Amantadine |

|c) Vidarabine |

|d) Cytarabine |

|e) Trifluridine |

| |

| |

|Name standard therapy for CMV infections? |

|a) Idoxuridine |

|b) Cytarabine |

|c) Ganciclovir |

|d) Vidarabine |

|e) Zidovudine |

| |

|Therapy for viral infections is aimed at which of the following? |

|a) Enhancing CD4 counts |

|b) Enveloping viral infected cells |

|c) Lysing viral infected cells |

|d) Destroying viruses directly |

|e) Preventing or delaying viral replication |

| |

|Protease inhibitors (PIs) block which of the following steps in the viral life cycle? |

|a) Binding |

|b) Reverse transcription |

|c) Integration |

|d) Transcription |

|e) Assembly |

| |

|AZT (Retrovir), also called zidovudine, is used in the treatment of HIV by inhibiting which step in the viral life cycle? |

|a) Binding |

|b) Reverse transcription |

|c) Integration |

|d) Transcription |

|e) Translation |

| |

|Acyclovir is phosphorylated by viral kinsases at which step? |

|a) First (mono-phosphate) |

|b) Second (di-phosphate) |

|c) Third (tri-phosphate) |

|d) Transcription |

|e) Translation |

| |

|AZT (Zidovudinhas) what mechanism of action? |

|a) Blocks viral absorption |

|b) Blocks uncoating stage |

|c) Blocks early protein synthesis |

|d) Blocks reverse transcriptase |

|e) Blocks packaging and assembly |

| |

|Mechanism of action of zidovudine: |

|a) It induce the formation of enzymes, that phosphorylates a factor witch blocks peptide chain initiation, a phosphodiesterase that degrades |

|terminal nucleotides of t RNA and enzymes that activate kinase |

|b) They inhibit the first steps in replication of the influenza A and rubella viruses |

|c) inhibits reverse transcriptase of HIV-1 and HIV-2 and causes chain termination in viral DNA |

|d) it is active against herpes simplex virus and varicella- zoster virus, by inhibition of DNA- polymerase |

|e) inhibit protein formation in viruses |

| |

| |

|Name the drug used for HIV infection treatment, a derivative of nucleosides: |

|a) Acyclovir |

|b) Zidovudine |

|c) Gancyclovir |

|d) Trifluridine |

|e) Amantadine |

| |

|Name the drug from antivirale group with wide spectrum of action: |

|a) Saquinavir |

|b) Interferon alfa |

|c) Didanozine |

|d) Acyclovir |

|e) 3 Zidovudine |

| |

|Most likely to cause additive myelosuppresion in an HIV patient also receiving ganciclovir for CMV retinitis: |

|a) didanosine |

|b) zidovudine |

|c) zalcitabine |

|d) saquinavir |

|e) amantadine |

| |

|Used to treat HSV (herpes): |

|a) zidovudine |

|b) acyclovir |

|c) interferon |

|d) ribavirin |

|e) amantadine |

| |

|Monophosphorylation of this antiviral drug is catalyzed by virus-specified protein kinase phosphotransferase in CMV-infected cells and by |

|viral thymidine kinase in HSV-infected (herpes) cells: |

|a) ganciclovir |

|b) foscarnet |

|c) cidofovir |

|d) valacyclovir |

|e) amantadine |

| |

| |

| |

|Mechanism of paraaminosalicylic acid action is: |

|a) Inhibition of mycolic acids synthesis |

|b) Inhibition of folate synthesis |

|c) Inhibition of DNA dependent RNA polymerase |

|d) Inhibition of DNA gyrase |

|e) Inhibition of cell wall synthesis |

| |

|Indication for isoniazid: |

|a) Meningococcal meningitis |

|b) Typhoid fever |

|c) Subacute endocarditis |

|d) Lues |

|e) Tuberculosis |

| |

|Which of the following pairs of substances is matched? |

|a) Ceruloplasmin - copper |

|b) Deferoxamine - iron |

|c) Isoniazid - pyridoxine |

|d) Vitamin B12 - zinc. |

| |

|The most important drug for treatment of all types of tuberculosis is: |

|a) Augmentine |

|b) Isoniazid |

|c) Aminosalicylic acid |

|d) Ampicylline |

|e) Clarithromycin |

| |

|Which one of the following side effects is more characteristic for ethambutol: |

|a) proteinuria |

|b) decreased visual acuity |

|c) nongouty polyarthralgia |

|d) hemolysis |

|e) methemoglobinemia |

| |

|The important drugs for treatment of tuberculosis are: |

|a) penicillin, cloramphenicol, gentamicin |

|b) isoniazid, riphampicin, ethambutol |

|c) aminosalicylic acid, nitroxoline, furazidine |

|d) norepinephrine, ephedrine, epineprine |

|e) atropine, neostigmine, aceclidine |

| |

|The most common reaction to isoniazid therapy, if pyridoxine is not given concurrently, is: |

|a) peripheral neuritis |

|b) hypersensitivity |

|c) optic neuritis |

|d) dryness of mouth |

|e) convulsions |

| |

|Name drug used specifically only in M. leprae: |

|a) Dapsone |

|b) Isoniazid |

|c) Rifampin |

|d) Pyrazinamide |

|e) Streptomycin |

| |

|Name drug that can cause reversible optic neuritis: |

|a) Ethambutol |

|b) Isoniazid |

|c) Rifampin |

|d) Pyrazinamide |

|e) Streptomycin |

| |

|A 34-year-old man under treatment for pulmonary TB has acute-onset right big toe pains, swelling, and low-grade fever. His physical exam is |

|consistent with gouty arthritis, and he is found to have high serum uric acid levels. Name anti-TB drug that is the most likely cause of this |

|patient's UA levels? |

|a) Isoniazid |

|b) Pyrazinamide |

|c) Cycloserine |

|d) Rifampin |

|e) Ethionamide |

| |

|Isoniazid inhibits mycolid acid synthesis, disrupting bacterial walls and is associated with hepatotoxicity, peripheral and central |

|neuropathy, and optic neuritis. What vitamin should be given as a supplement with isoniazid to help prevents these effects? |

|a) Vitamin A |

|b) Vitamin K |

|c) Vitamin B6 |

|d) Vitamin B12 |

|e) Vitamin E |

| |

|Name aminoglycoside only used for tuberculosis: |

|a) Ethambutol |

|b) Isoniazid |

|c) Rifampin |

|d) Pyrazinamide |

|e) Streptomycin |

| |

|A patient returns complaining of a reddish-orange color in their urine, saliva, sweat, and tears. Which drug from anti TBC drugs was the |

|patient likely taking? |

|a) Dapsone |

|b) Isoniazid |

|c) Rifampicin |

|d) Pyrazinamide |

|e) Streptomycin |

| |

|Name a pro-drug that is activated by tuberculosis and can cause hyperuricemia? |

|a) Ethambutol |

|b) Isoniazid |

|c) Rifampin |

|d) Pyrazinamide |

|e) Streptomycin |

| |

|Which of the following is considered a second-line antitubercular agent? |

|a) Para-aminosalicyclic acid |

|b) Isoniazid |

|c) Rifampin |

|d) Pyrazinamide |

|e) Streptomycin |

| |

|Name the antimycobacterial drug belonging to first-line (I group) agents: |

|a) para-aminosalicylic acid |

|b) Isoniazid |

|c) Kanamycin |

|d) Pyrazinamide |

|e) Prothyonamide |

| |

|Name the antimycobacterial drug, belonging to antibiotics: |

|a) Isoniazid |

|b) PAS |

|c) Ethambutol |

|d) Rifampin |

|e) Pyrazinamide |

| |

|Mechanism of Izoniazid action is: |

|a) Inhibition of protein synthesis |

|b) Inhibition of mycolic acids synthesis |

|c) Inhibition of RNA synthesis |

|d) Inhibition of ADP synthesis |

|e) Inhibition of DNA dependent RNA polymerase |

| |

|Mechanism of Rifampin action is: |

|a) Inhibition of mycolic acids synthesis |

|b) Inhibition of DNA dependent RNA polymerase |

|c) Inhibition of topoisomerase II |

|d) Inhibition of cAMP synthesis |

|e) Inhibition of protein synthesis |

| |

|Mechanism of Streptomycin action is: |

|a) Inhibition of cell wall synthesis |

|b) Inhibition of protein synthesis |

|c) Inhibition of RNA and DNA synthesis |

|d) Inhibition of cell membranes permeability |

|e) Inhibition of pyridoxalphosphate synthesis |

| |

|Name unwanted effect of ethambutol: |

|a) Cardiotoxicity |

|b) Immunotoxicity |

|c) Retrobulbar neuritis with red-green color blindness |

|d) Hepatotoxicity |

|e) Ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity |

| |

|Name unwanted effect of streptomycin: |

|a) Cardiotoxicity |

|b) Hepatotoxicity |

|c) Retrobulbar neuritis with red-green color blindness |

|d) Ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, neuromuscular blockage |

|e) Immunotoxicity |

| |

|Name the antimalarial drug having a gametocidal effect: |

|a) Mefloquine |

|b) Primaquine |

|c) Doxycycline |

|d) Sulfonamides |

|e) Quinidine |

| |

|Name the drug used for malaria chemoprophylaxis and treatment: |

|a) Chloroquine |

|b) Quinidine |

|c) Quinine |

|d) Sulfonamides |

|e) Metronidazole |

| |

|Name the group of antibiotics having an antimalarial effect: |

|a) Aminoglycosides |

|b) Tetracyclins |

|c) Sulfonamides |

|d) Penicillins |

|e) Carbapenems |

| |

|What antimalarial preparation has an anti inflammmatory action? |

|a) Chloroquine |

|b) Quinine |

|c) Primetamin |

|d) Primaquine |

|e) Emetine |

| |

|Name the drug used for trichomoniasis treatment: |

|a) Metronidazole |

|b) Suramin |

|c) Pyrimethamine |

|d) Tetracycline |

|e) Quinidine |

| |

|Name the drug used for balantidiasis treatment: |

|a) Azitromycin |

|b) Tetracycline |

|c) Quinine |

|d) Trimethoprim |

|e) Quinidine |

| |

|Name the drug, blocking acetylcholine transmission at the myoneural junction of helminthes: |

|a) Levamisole |

|b) Mebendazole |

|c) Piperazine |

|d) Niclosamide |

|e) Suramin |

| |

|Describe niclosamide mechanism of action: |

|a) Increasing cell membrane permeability for calcium, resulting in paralysis, and death of helminthes |

|b) Blocking acetylcholine transmission at the myoneural junction and paralysis of helminthes |

|c) Inhibiting microtubule synthesis in helminthes and irreversible impairment of glucose uptake |

|d) Inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation in some species of helminthes |

|e) Inhibiting microtubule synthesis in helminthes |

| |

|Describe praziquantel mechanism of action: |

|a) Blocking acetylcholine transmission at the myoneural junction and paralysis of helminthes |

|b) Inhibiting microtubule synthesis in helminthes and irreversible impairment of glucose uptake |

|c) Increasing cell membrane permeability for calcium, resulting in paralysis, dislodgement and death of helminthes |

|d) Inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation in some species of helminthes |

|e) Increasing cell membrane permeability for calcium |

| |

|Describe piperazine mechanism of action: |

|a) Inhibiting microtubule synthesis in helminthes and irreversible impairment of glucose uptake |

|b) Blocking acetylcholine transmission at the myoneural junction and paralysis of helminthes |

|c) Inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation in some species of helminthes |

|d) Increasing cell membrane permeability for calcium, resulting in paralysis, dislodgement and death of helminthes |

|e) Inhibiting microtubule synthesis in helminthes |

| |

|Describe mebendazole mechanism of action: |

|a) Inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation in some species of helminthes |

|b) Increasing cell membrane permeability for calcium, resulting in paralysis, dislodgement and death of helminthes |

|c) Inhibiting microtubule synthesis in helminthes and irreversible impairment of glucose uptake |

|d) Blocking acetylcholine transmission at the myoneural junction and paralysis of helminthes |

|e) Increasing cell membrane permeability for sodium |

| |

|Name the drug, inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation in some species of helminthes: |

|a) Niclosamide |

|b) Piperazine |

|c) Praziquantel |

|d) Metronidazole |

|e) Mebendazole |

| |

|Name the drug for nematodosis (roundworm invasion) treatment: |

|a) Niclosamide |

|b) Praziquantel |

|c) Pyrantel |

|d) Metronidazole |

|e) Bithionol |

| |

|Name the drug for cestodosis (tapeworm invasion) treatment: |

|a) Piperazine |

|b) Praziquantel |

|c) Pyrantel |

|d) Ivermectin |

|e) Metronidazole |

| |

|Name the drug for echinococcosis treatment: |

|a) Suramin |

|b) Mebendazole or Albendazole |

|c) Piperazine |

|d) Iodoquinol |

|e) Metronidazole |

| |

|Adverse drug interactions may occur due to alteration of: |

|a) pharmacodynamics |

|b) distribution |

|c) excretion |

|d) absorption |

|e) all of them |

| |

|Universal antagonist is: |

|a) unitiol |

|b) protamine sulfate |

|c) naloxone |

|d) atropine |

|e) flumazenil |

| |

|antagonist of heparin: |

|a) unitiol |

|b) protamine sulfate |

|c) naloxone |

|d) atropine |

|e) flumazenil |

| |

|antagonis of pilocarpine: |

|a) unitiol |

|b) protamine sulfate |

|c) naloxone |

|d) atropine |

|e) flumazenil |

| |

|antagonis of diazepam: |

|a) unitiol |

|b) protamine sulfate |

|c) naloxone |

|d) atropine |

|e) flumazenil |

| |

|antagonis of opioids: |

|a) unitiol |

|b) protamine sulfate |

|c) naloxone |

|d) atropine |

|e) flumazenil |

| |

|Mutliple choice |

|Specify the areas of study of pharmacokinetics? |

|a) absorption of medicinal substances |

|b) types of action of drugs |

|c) distribution of drug substances in the body |

|d) drug biotransformation |

|e) pharmacological effects of drug substances |

| |

|What is an action of the body on a drug? |

|a) Absorption |

|b) Distribution |

|c) Mechanism of action |

|d) Excretion |

|e) Side effects |

| |

|Specify the correct statements about the definition of pharmacology: |

|a) studying methods of preparing, standardization and quality assessment of medicines |

|b) studying methods of storage and distribution of drugs in the pharmaceutical market |

|c) study drug substances interaction with cells of living organisms |

|d) study the effectiveness and safety aspects of drug substances |

|e) studying methods of medical treatment of pathologies of living organisms |

| |

|Specify the correct statements about the definition of the drugs: |

|a) any substance or mixture of substances used for prophylaxis |

|b) any substance or mixture of substances intended for diagnosis |

|c) any substance or mixture of substances used with curative purpose |

|d) any substance or mixture of substances intended for deratization |

|e) any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as an insecticide |

| |

|Describe etymology of the word pharmacology? |

|a) tissue |

|b) drug |

|c) herb |

|d) poison |

|e) science |

| |

|List solid drugs pharmaceutical formulation: |

|a) dragées |

|b) pomade |

|c) plaster |

|d) species |

|e) film |

| |

|List semisolid (soft) pharmaceutical formulation: |

|a) suppositories |

|b) pomade |

|c) plaster |

|d) species |

|e) film |

| |

|List the liquid pharmaceutical formulation: |

|a) decoction |

|b) pomade |

|c) balsam |

|d) species |

|e) emulsion |

|What kinds of reactions occurring in stage II of drugs biotransformation: |

|a) hydrolysis |

|b) sulfo conjugation |

|c) oxidation |

|d) glucuroconjugation |

|e) acetylation |

| |

|What kinds of reactions occurring in stage I of drugs biotransformation: |

|a) oxidation |

|b) glucuroconjugation |

|c) reduction |

|d) hydrolysis |

|e) sulfation |

| |

|Name parts of a phase II substrate? |

|a) Glucuronic acid |

|b) Sulfuric acid |

|c) Acetic acid |

|d) Amino acids |

|e) Cytochrome P450 |

| |

|Name parts of a phase I: |

|a) Oxidations |

|b) Reductions |

|c) Conjugations |

|d) Excretion |

|e) Hydrolyses |

| |

|Drug biotransformation: |

|a) biotransformation products can be toxic |

|b) takes place just for orally administered drugs |

|c) mainly, but not exclusively in the liver |

|d) biotransformation is not influenced by the drugs |

|e) biotransformation products are never toxic |

| |

|Major receptor role(s): |

|a) mediates agonist effects of drugs |

|b) mediates antagonist effects of drugs |

|c) mediates volume of distribution |

|d) mediates clearance |

|e) important for drug action selectivity |

| |

|List properties that can favor absorption by passive diffusion: |

|a) the macromolecular structure |

|b) high proportion of unionized form in case of electrolytes |

|c) peptidic structure in oral administration |

|d) high lipophilicity |

|e) low lipophilicity |

|Which statements are correct for the filtration as one of the ways of penetration of membranes? |

|a) occurs only for small water-soluble molecules |

|b) energy needs |

|c) requires the presence of specialized carrier system |

|d) occurs only for electrolytes |

|e) involves a flow of water |

| |

|Passive diffusion is dependent on: |

|a) small degree of ionization |

|b) pKa of the substance |

|c) pH of the medium |

|d) the presence of a specialized carrier system |

|e) the use of energy |

| |

|Specialized transport systems: |

|a) passive diffusion |

|b) filtration |

|c) pinocytosis |

|d) active transport |

|e) facilitated diffusion |

| |

|Choose right statements for active transport as one of the ways of penetration of membranes: |

|a) energy needs |

|b) is done against the concentration gradient |

|c) requires a specialized carrier system |

|d) occurs only for small molecules and water soluble |

|e) occurs only soluble molecules |

| |

|List routes of administration avoiding the liver: |

|a) peroral |

|b) duodenal |

|c) sublingual |

|d) rectal |

|e) by intragastric sonde |

| |

|Concerning oral administration -- disadvantages: |

|a) least economical |

|b) drug taken orally may cause emesis |

|c) drug taken orally may be destroyed by gastric acidity |

|d) drug taken orally may be metabolized by gastrointestinal flora |

|e) drug taken orally may be in consistently absorbed due to the presence of food |

| |

| |

|What drugs can cause rebound phenomenon at the suddenly stopping of a long treatment? |

|a) clonidine |

|b) captopril |

|c) furosemide |

|d) prazosin |

|e) xpropranolol |

| |

|Characteristic of Cytochrome P450: |

|a) is found in the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes |

|b) is involved in phase II metabolism |

|c) is induced by phenytoin |

|d) is inhibited by cimetidine |

|e) induction of P450 reduces the effect of warfarin |

| |

|Name parameters of pharmacokinetics: |

|a) bioavailability |

|b) half life |

|c) volume of distribution |

|d) the therapeutic window |

|e) clearance |

| |

| |

|Concerning oral administration advantages: |

|a) convenient - portable, no pain, easy to take. |

|b) drug taken orally may cause emesis |

|c) drug taken orally may be destroyed by gastric acidity |

|d) no need to sterilize drug |

|e) drug taken orally may be inconsistently absorbed due to the presence of food |

| |

|Roots of administration that avoid "first-pass" hepatic effects: |

|a) sublingual |

|b) oral |

|c) transdermal |

|d) lower rectal suppositories |

|e) inhalation |

| |

|Concerning renal drug excretion: |

|a) almost all drugs are filtered by the glomerulus |

|b) a lipid-soluble, filtered drug will likely be reabsorbed by passive diffusion |

|c) water soluble drugs are less excreted than lipid soluble drugs |

|d) weak acids are excreted faster in alkaline urinary pH |

|e) weak acids are excreted slowly in alkaline urinary pH |

| |

|What is required for drug bioequivalence? |

|a) Same active ingredients |

|b) Same strength or concentration |

|c) Same dosage form |

|d) Same route of administration |

|e) Same side effects |

| |

|Which is an advantage of prolonged release medications? |

|a) Less frequent administration |

|b) Therapeutic effect overnight |

|c) sustained blood levels |

|d) Patient compliance |

|e) More fluctuation in plasma concentration |

| |

|Concerning influence of age on drug responses: variation in response usually due to: |

|a) reduced cardiac output |

|b) reduced hepatic perfusion |

|c) decreased body fat |

|d) increased protein binding |

|e) decreased renal function |

| |

|These agents must be given parenterally because they are not absorbed when given orally: |

|a) Osmotic diuretics |

|b) Loop diuretics |

|c) Penicillins |

|d) Macrolides |

|e) Aminoglycosydes antibiotics |

| |

|Name contraindications to morphine: |

|a) bronchial asthma |

|b) acute abdomen |

|c) intense postoperative pain |

|d) respiratory depression |

|e) children under 2 years |

| |

|Specify the adverse effects of metamizol: |

|a) leukopenia and agranulocytosis |

|b) gastric cancer |

|c) allergic reactions |

|d) methemoglobinemia |

|e) cardiotoxicity |

| |

|Indicate how morphine affects the CNS: |

|a) inhibits the cough center |

|b) excites the vagus nerve center |

|c) stimulating the respiratory center |

|d) stimulates the thermoregulatory center |

|e) causes light sleep |

| |

|What is the mechanism of constipation caused by morphine? |

|a) excitation of opioid receptors in the gut |

|b) direct excitation of neurons from vomiting center |

|c) chemoreceptors excitement of the "trigger zone" of vomiting center |

|d) increase sphincter tone |

|e) increasing the secretion |

| |

|What is the mechanism of action of morphine: |

|a) opioid receptor blockade |

|b) inhibits nociceptors |

|c) stimulate opioid receptors |

|d) stimulates the release of mediators |

|e) blocking the release of mediators |

| |

|Effects of morphine on the digestive system: |

|a) increasing of the bile elimination |

|b) diarrhea |

|c) intestine segmentation |

|d) relaxation of the sphincters |

|e) contraction of the sphincters |

| |

|The blood brain barrier is highly permeable to: |

|a) diclofenac |

|b) paracetamol |

|c) indometacine |

|d) morphine |

|e) acetylsalicylic acid |

| |

| |

|List CNS centers that are stimulated by morphine: |

|a) cough |

|b) respiratory |

|c) vagus nerve |

|d) thermoregulation |

|e) optic nerve |

| |

|Choose neuroendocrine effects of morphine: |

|a) increase in cortisol levels |

|b) decrease in cortisol levels |

|c) decrease in gonadotropin-releasing factor |

|d) decrease in corticotropin releasing factor |

|e) increase in gonadotropin-releasing factor |

| |

|Name characteristics of the opioid analgesics: |

|a) depression of the respiratory center |

|b) adequate absorption when given orally |

|c) miosis |

|d) depression of the cough center |

|e) bronchospasm |

| |

|Choose physiological effects of morphine: |

|a) constipation |

|b) miosis |

|c) respiratory depression |

|d) mydriasis |

|e) chronic diahrrea |

| |

|Choose physiological effect typically associated with opioids: |

|a) mydriasis |

|b) miosis |

|c) bradycardia |

|d) tachycardia |

|e) constipation |

| |

|Name mechanism of action of opioid analgesics: |

|a) Bind to opioid receptors on inhibitory fibers, stimulating them |

|b) Inhibit neurotransmitter release |

|c) Inhibit opioid receptors |

|d) Prevent pain impulse transmission to the brain |

|e) Do not work centrally |

| |

|Contraindications/caution for opioid use are: |

|a) patients with lungs oedema |

|b) patients with bones fractures |

|c) patients with cerebral edema |

|d) abdominally unclear pain |

|e) children under 3 years |

| |

|Name effects of morphine: |

|a) myosis |

|b) constipation |

|c) bradycardia |

|d) hypothermia |

|e) hyperthermia |

| |

|Name antagonist of opioids? |

|a) naltrexone |

|b) naloxone |

|c) flumazenil |

|d) pentazocine |

|e) tramadol |

| |

|Name mechanism concerning the nausea resulting from morphine administration: |

|a) results from stimulation of the chemoreceptor trigger zone for emesis |

|b) results from stimulation of H1 histaminoreceptors from vestibular apparatus |

|c) is overcome by morphine antagonist |

|d) is due because of tachycardia and hypertention |

|e) results from stimulation of cough center |

| |

|Name characteristic of opioid poisoning: |

|a) Coma |

|b) Myosis |

|c) Depressed respiration |

|d) Mydriases |

|e) Elevated body temperature |

| |

|Name the main effects of non-opioid analgesics: |

|a) antimicrobial |

|b) antiagregant |

|c) antipyretic |

|d) somnolence |

|e) analgesic |

| |

|Choose the effects of paracetamol: |

|a) Anti-diuretic |

|b) Analgesic |

|c) Antipyretic |

|d) Antiaggregant |

|e) Anticoagulant |

| |

| |

|With regard to salicylate: |

|a) it is rapidly exreted by the kidney if the urine is rendered acidic |

|b) the same group as aspirin |

|c) it causes hypeglycemia |

|d) it potentiates the activity of warfarin |

|e) it has powerful antipyretic properties |

| |

|Choose correct affirmations concerning antiaggregant effect of acetylsalicylic acid: |

|a) Low doses (81-325 mg/day) are sufficient for antiagregant effect |

|b) Acetylsalicylic acid inhibits platelet cyclooxygenase |

|c) Acetylsalicylic acid inhibits Phospholipase A2 |

|d) Acetylsalicylic acid has also analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects |

|e) Acetylsalicylic acid stimulates lipocortin 1 |

| |

|Specify the correct pharmacological characteristics on phenobarbital: |

|a) cause somnolence upon awakening and marked residual sedation |

|b) cause seizures at higher doses |

|c) does not generate interactions with other drugs |

|d) is indicated in epilepsy |

|e) powerful enzyme inducer |

| |

|Anticonvulsant drugs are: |

|a) selegiline |

|b) pimozide |

|c) carbamazepine |

|d) valproic acid |

|e) phenytoin |

| |

|What drugs are anticholinergic antiparkinsonian drugs: |

|a) trihexyphenidyl |

|b) amantadine |

|c) levodopa |

|d) selegiline |

|e) benactyzine |

| |

|Benzodiazepines indications: |

|a) epilepsy |

|b) parkinsonism |

|c) neurosis |

|d) depression |

|e) seizure by unknown genesis |

| |

|What is characteristic of zolpidem? |

|a) It is a benzodiazepine derivative. |

|b) Stimulates benzodiazepine receptors. |

|c) Enhances GABAergic processes in the CNS. |

|d) Less influence on sleep structure compared to barbiturates. |

|e) Much less addictive than benzodiazepines and barbiturates |

| |

|Choose drugs with anxiolytic effects: |

|a) flumazenil |

|b) propranolol |

|c) amphepramon |

|d) alprazolam |

|e) diazepam |

| |

|Choose zolpidem characteristics: |

|a) short duration of action |

|b) long duration of action |

|c) from barbiturates group |

|d) used for the treatment of obesity |

|e) used for the treatment of insomnia |

| |

|Side effects of benzodiazepines are: |

|a) reducing symptoms of anxiety |

|b) psychologic dependencies |

|c) insomnia |

|d) Rebound effect |

|e) decrease mental concentration |

| |

|What substances belonging to the group of benzodiazepines? |

|a) nitrazepam |

|b) barbital |

|c) diazepam |

|d) chlorpromazine |

|e) meprobamate |

| |

|Name sedative preparations: |

|a) natrium bromide |

|b) valerian drugs |

|c) amphetamine |

|d) caffeine |

|e) barbital |

| |

|What effects are caused by phenytoin? |

|a) antianginal |

|b) antihypertensive |

|c) antiarrhythmic |

|d) antiepileptic |

|e) antipsychotic |

| |

|Which drugs can be used as antiepileptic? |

|a) paracetamol |

|b) chlorpromazine |

|c) morphine |

|d) carbamazepine |

|e) phenytoin |

| |

|Name the possible side effects in therapy with tranquilizers: |

|a) increased skeletal muscle tone |

|b) disturbance of coordination of movements |

|c) somnolence |

|d) drug addiction |

|e) extrapyramidal disorders |

| |

|Tranquilizers indications: |

|a) psychotic disorders accompanied by hallucinations |

|b) neurotic states |

|c) psychotic disorders accompanied by delirium |

|d) insomnia |

|e) depression, somnolence |

| |

|Mention effects characteristic for benzodiazepines tranquilizers group: |

|a) anxiolytic |

|b) hypnotic |

|c) anticonvulsant |

|d) antipsychotic |

|e) antagonizes the action of anesthetics, hypnotics and narcotic analgesics |

| |

|Name benzodiazepines: |

|a) fenazepam |

|b) haloperidol |

|c) diazepam |

|d) chlorpromazine |

|e) droperidol |

| |

|Name drugs without major influence on paradoxical sleep: |

|a) Zolpidem |

|b) Pentobarbital |

|c) Barbital |

|d) Pentobarbital |

|e) Zopiclon |

| |

|Name the pharmacological properties of nitrazepam? |

|a) Inhibits GABA ergic processes in the CNS |

|b) Enhances GABA ergic processes in the CNS. |

|c) It possesses anxiolytic properties. |

|d) Causes sedative effect. |

|e) Enhances the central effects of alcohol. |

| |

|Mechanism of action for benzodiazepines: |

|a) benzodiazepines interact with benzodiazepinic receptors on the GABA receptor |

|b) block sodium channels in neuronal membranes |

|c) the frequency of chloride ion channel opening is increased |

|d) inhibits Ca 2+ currents, especially in thalamic neurons |

|e) enhancing K+ channel permeability |

| |

|Choose correct statement about buspirone: |

|a) causes sedative effect |

|b) causes strong excitement effect |

|c) causes muscle-relaxing action |

|d) causes muscle contracted action |

|e) has a low tendency to induce drug dependence |

| |

|Anxiolytics are mainly used in the treatment of: |

|a) Neuroses |

|b) Psychosis |

|c) Insomnia |

|d) Status epilepticus |

|e) Acute hypotension |

| |

|Bromism is manifested by: |

|a) Apathy |

|b) Memory disorder |

|c) Acne bromica |

|d) Rhinitis |

|e) Extrapyramidal disorders |

| |

|What are the advantages of benzodiazepine hypnotics compared with barbiturates? |

|a) Possesse greater therapeutic range. |

|b) Don’t cause tolerance and Rebound |

|c) Less influence on sleep structure. |

|d) Don’t have essential influence on hepatic microsomal enzymes |

|e) Don’’t potentiate other substances influencing the CNS. |

| |

|Flumazenil is used as an antidote in: |

|a) Zopiclone overdose |

|b) Zolpidem overdose |

|c) Pentobarbital overdose |

|d) Chloral hydrate overdose |

|e) Nitrazepam overdose |

| |

|Name the pharmacological properties of flumazenil: |

|a) Benzodiazepine receptor agonist. |

|b) Benzodiazepine receptor antagonist. |

|c) Used as an antagonist of benzodiazepine receptor stimulated by hypnotics. |

|d) Opioid receptor agonist. |

|e) Antagonist of the opioid receptor. |

| |

|List symptoms of barbiturates poisoning: |

|a) Inhibition of the CNS |

|b) Inhibition of reflex activity |

|c) Hypertensive crisis |

|d) Tahypnoe |

|e) Extreme sleepiness or even coma |

| |

|Determine the main signs of acute intoxication with barbiturates: |

|a) excitation. |

|b) comatose state. |

|c) inhibition of respiration. |

|d) decrease of reflex excitability. |

|e) decrease in blood pressure. |

| |

|Name the phenomena that may occur in prolonged use of barbiturates: |

|a) Tolerance |

|b) Dependence |

|c) Extrapyramidal disorders |

|d) The induction of liver enzymes |

|e) Inhibition of hepatic enzymes |

| |

|The main task of the treatment of acute barbiturate poisoning: |

|a) To establish adequate breathing |

|b) Analeptics in mild forms of poisoning |

|c) Benzodiazepins as antagonist |

|d) Flumazenil injection |

|e) Hemodialysis in renal failure |

| |

|Name psychostimulants: |

|a) Phenylethylamine |

|b) Paraaminophenol's derivates |

|c) Piperidines |

|d) Sydnonimines |

|e) Methylxanthines |

| |

|Neuroleptics indications: |

|a) psychosis |

|b) parkinsonism |

|c) neuroleptanalgesia |

|d) central origin vomiting |

|e) epilepsy |

| |

|Name characteristic effects of antipsychotics: |

|a) antipsychotic |

|b) xanti-vomiting |

|c) sedative |

|d) motor hyperactivity |

|e) antagonizes the action of anesthetics, hypnotics and narcotic analgesics |

| |

|Indicate the adverse effects of neuroleptics: |

|a) extrapyramidal disorder |

|b) euphoria |

|c) potentiating the action of alcoholic drinks |

|d) sexual disorders |

|e) dependence |

| |

|Name neuroleptic preparations: |

|a) chlorpromazine |

|b) phenelzine |

|c) haloperidol |

|d) trifluoperazine |

|e) imipramine |

| |

|Choose phenothiazine derivatives: |

|a) Chlorprothixene |

|b) Chlorpromazine |

|c) Haloperidol |

|d) Trifluoperazine |

|e) Sulpiride |

| |

|Choose "atypical" antipsychotic drugs: |

|a) Sulpiride |

|b) Clozapine |

|c) Chlorprothixene |

|d) Chlorpromazine |

|e) Haloperidol |

| |

|List side effects of chlorpromazine: |

|a) Extrapiramidal disorders |

|b) Decreased blood pressure with dizziness |

|c) The patient salivates excessively |

|d) May deposit in ocular tissues with visual disturbances |

|e) Hypertension |

| |

|How to manage extrapyramidal toxicity of neuroleptics? |

|a) By decreasing the dose |

|b) By increasing the dose |

|c) By concomitant use of cholinoblockers |

|d) By concomitant use of cholinomimetics |

|e) By concomitant use of adrenomimetics |

| |

|List adverse neurologic effects of lithium: |

|a) Tremor |

|b) Sedation |

|c) Weight gain |

|d) Excitability |

|e) Psychosis |

| |

|Choose antimanic drugs: |

|a) Lithium carbonate |

|b) Carbamazepine |

|c) Sodium valproate |

|d) Phenazepam |

|e) Diazepam |

| |

| |

|Which one of the following statements concerning the treatment of bipolar affective disorders is accurate? |

|a) Excessive intake of sodium chloride enhances the toxicity of lithium |

|b) Lithium does not cross the placental barrier |

|c) Lithium will alleviate the manic symptoms within 24 hours |

|d) above 1,5 mmol/l lithium produces a variety of toxic effects |

|e) Drug therapy with neuroleptics may be required at the initiation of lithium therapy |

| |

|Sedation is more likely with: |

|a) Sulpiride |

|b) Risperidone |

|c) Chlorprothixene |

|d) Chlorpromazine |

|e) Clozapine |

| |

|Choose advantages of clozapine compared with haloperidol: |

|a) It causes less extrapyramidal disorders |

|b) It does not affect prolactin production |

|c) It affects prolactin production |

|d) It does not cause agranulocytosis |

|e) It does not cause seizures |

| |

|List indication of phenothiazine derivatives: |

|a) schizoaffective disorder |

|b) Vomiting |

|c) Psychosis |

|d) Extrapyramidal disorders |

|e) The amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome |

| |

|Haloperidol is used in: |

|a) schizoaffective disorder |

|b) Vomiting |

|c) Psychosis |

|d) Extrapyramidal disorders |

|e) The amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome |

| |

|Indicate the adverse effects of chlorpromazine: |

|a) sexual disorders |

|b) hyperthermia |

|c) extrapyramidal disorder |

|d) hypotension |

|e) psychostimulant |

| |

|Site(s) of chlorpromazine receptor blockade: |

|a) serotonin - 5-HT2 receptor |

|b) beta adrenergic receptor |

|c) H1 histaminic receptor |

|d) muscarinic cholinergic receptor |

|e) alpha adrenergic receptor |

| |

|Antipsychotic endocrine effect(s) are: |

|a) amenorrhea-galactorrhea |

|b) decreased libido in men |

|c) hypoprolactinemia |

|d) increased testosteron |

|e) hyperprolactinemia |

| |

|Indicate pharmacodynamic effects of tranquilizing drugs: |

|a) anxiolytic |

|b) myorelaxant |

|c) anticonvulsant |

|d) psychostimulants |

|e) antipsychotic |

| |

|Name benzodiazepines indications: |

|a) neurotic syndrome |

|b) psychotic episode |

|c) striated muscle contracture states |

|d) status epilepticus |

|e) induction of general anesthesia |

| |

|Name levomepromazine indications: |

|a) acute psychosis with psychomotor agitation |

|b) schizophrenia |

|c) manic phases of bipolar disorder |

|d) acute depression |

|e) hypotension |

| |

|Name cortical psychostimulant drugs : |

|a) caffeine |

|b) amphetamine |

|c) amfepramone |

|d) trifluoperazine |

|e) lobeline |

| |

|Name the bulb stimulants: |

|a) camphor |

|b) bemegrid |

|c) niketamide |

|d) droperidol |

|e) mezocarb |

| |

|Named antidepressants: |

|a) imipramine |

|b) amitriptyline |

|c) phenelzine |

|d) haloperidol |

|e) chlorprothixene |

| |

|Choose antidepresants -nerve terminal reuptake inhibitor: |

|a) fluoxetine |

|b) desipramine |

|c) timolol |

|d) reserpine |

|e) methoxamine |

| |

|How to start antidepressants? |

|a) Start with low doses |

|b) Start with the big doses to achieve the best effect |

|c) Increase dosage rapidly as tolerated |

|d) Maintain typical dose for at least 7 months |

|e) Maintain typical dose for at least 4 to 8 weeks |

| |

|Choose antidepressant with psychostimulant effect: |

|a) Amitriptyline |

|b) Pipofezine |

|c) Nialamide |

|d) Fluoxetine |

|e) Moclobemide |

| |

|Choose correct statement about imipramine: |

|a) The therapeutic effect sets in after 2-3 weeks |

|b) The therapeutic effect sets in after 2-3 years |

|c) Is contraindicated in glaucoma |

|d) It is not indicated to be combined with non-selective MAO inhibitors |

|e) is used in the treatment of schizoaffective disorder |

| |

|Choose correct statement about fluoxetine: |

|a) is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class |

|b) blocks intensively M-cholinoreceptors |

|c) is frequently used to treat major depressive disorder |

|d) is a phenothiazine with actions similar to chlorpromazine |

|e) The therapeutic antidepressant effect develops rapidly in 2-3 days |

| |

| |

|Indicate the pharmacological effects of nootropics: |

|a) antipsychotic |

|b) antidepressant |

|c) enhance metabolic processes |

|d) acts on the specific receptors |

|e) improves associative CNS functions |

| |

|The following are true about the drugs used in general anaesthetic: |

|a) ether is a volatile liquid |

|b) ciclopropan is a gas |

|c) ketamine is used intravenously |

|d) propofol is from opioid derivatives |

|e) enflurane is used intravenously |

| |

|Name intravenous anesthetics: |

|a) Propanidid |

|b) Nitrous oxide |

|c) Thiopental |

|d) Ketamine |

|e) Halothane |

| |

|List requirements for general anesthetics: |

|a) Must start quickly |

|b) Must be without excitatory stage |

|c) To have good control over the depth of anesthesia |

|d) Recovery should be long |

|e) Must start slowly |

| |

|What is characteristic for neuroleptanalgezia? |

|a) development of a general analgesic effect |

|b) combination of fentanyl and droperidol as talamonal |

|c) psychic indifference |

|d) loss of consciousness in therapeutic dose |

|e) without total loss of consciousness. |

| |

|What is Neuroleptanalgesia? |

|a) It is characterized by general quiescence, psychic indifference and intense analgesia without total loss of consciousness |

|b) a state of unconsciousness, analgesia and amnesia, with skeletal muscle relaxation and loss of reflexes |

|c) Combination of Fentanyl and Droperidol as Talamonal |

|d) Is the condition that results when sensory transmission from local area of the body to the CNS is blocked |

|e) Used for endoscopies, angiography and minor operations |

| |

|For neuroleptanalgesia are used: |

|a) fentanyl |

|b) morphine |

|c) ketamine |

|d) droperidol |

|e) propofol |

| |

|Choose rationale for adding epinephrine to local anesthetic solutions: |

|a) cardiovascular stimulation |

|b) increased systemic absorption |

|c) higher anesthetic concentration near nerve fibers |

|d) prolongation of conduction blockade |

|e) reduced systemic absorption |

| |

|Ethanol properties: |

|a) causes protein coagulation in high concentration |

|b) of 70% concentration can be used as an antiseptic |

|c) can be used to disinfect the skin before injections are given, |

|d) used as anti-foaming in pulmonary edema |

|e) used to treat gastrointestinal erosions |

| |

|Name disulfiram mechanism of action: |

|a) Inhibits ethyl alcohol absorption in stomach |

|b) Inhibits ethyl alcohol absorption in small intestine |

|c) Inhibits ethyl alcohol elimination through kidney |

|d) Delay alcohol oxidation |

|e) Leads to acetaldehyde accumulation |

| |

|Describe characteristics of ethanol: |

|a) after ingestion, ethanol is rapidly and completely absorbed |

|b) it is distributed to the most body tissues |

|c) it is not distributed into the body |

|d) mechanism of action: is not fully understood |

|e) bind with ethanol receptors |

| |

|Name drugs used in treatment for alchololism: |

|a) disulfiram |

|b) protamine sulphate |

|c) naltrexone |

|d) fluoxetine |

|e) flumazenil |

| |

|Which drugs are used to build up negative reaction to ethyl alcohol: |

|a) Disulfiram |

|b) Apomorphine |

|c) Morphine |

|d) Diazepam |

|e) Clonidine |

| |

|Antiepileptic drugs decrease pathologically enhanced excitability of brain neurons by: |

|a) Inhibition of GABAergic processes |

|b) Intensifying GABAergic processes. |

|c) Inhibition of neuronal sodium channels. |

|d) Inhibition of neuronal calcium channels. |

|e) The antagonism with M cholinoreceptors effects . |

| |

|What is characteristic of sodium valproate? |

|a) Inhibits the GABA-ergic processes in the brain |

|b) Enhances GABA-ergic processes in the brain. |

|c) It is used to prevent various manifestations of epilepsy (grand mal, petit mal, focal epilepsy (partial seizures)). |

|d) It is used only to prevent petit mal. |

|e) It is used only to prevent grand mal. |

| |

|What is characteristic of carbamazepine: |

|a) Inhibits membrane sodium channels in neurons. |

|b) It is effective only for petit mal prevention. |

|c) It is effective in all types of epilepsy. |

|d) It inhibits the GABA-ergic processes in the brain. |

|e) Enhances GABA-ergic processes in the brain. |

| |

|What is characteristics of phenobarbital? |

|a) Inhibits the GABA-ergic processes in the brain. |

|b) Enhances GABA-ergic processes in the brain |

|c) Sedative effect. |

|d) It is used to prevent grand mal. |

|e) It is used to prevent petit mal. |

| |

|What is characteristic of diazepam? |

|a) Is a benzodiazepine derivative. |

|b) Is a benzodiazepine receptor agonist. |

|c) EnhanceGABAergic processes in the CNS. |

|d) It inhibits the GABA-ergic processes in the brain. |

|e) In the status epilepticus is administered intravenously. |

| |

|Name the remedies used to prevent major crises: |

|a) Phenytoin. |

|b) Ethosuximide. |

|c) Carbamazepine |

|d) Phenobarbital. |

|e) Sodium valproate. |

| |

|Name the remedies used for minor crisis prevention: |

|a) Phenytoin. |

|b) Ethosuximide. |

|c) Carbamazepine. |

|d) Phenobarbital. |

|e) Sodium valproate. |

| |

|Name the remedies used to prevent partial seizures: |

|a) Ethosuximide. |

|b) Carbamazepine. |

|c) Lamotrigine. |

|d) Phenytoin. |

|e) Sodium valproate. |

| |

|Name the remedies used to prevent myoclonic seizures: |

|a) Phenytoin. |

|b) Ethosuximide. |

|c) Phenobarbital. |

|d) Sodium valproate. |

|e) Clonazepam. |

| |

|Name the remedies used for status epilepticus: |

|a) Ethosuximide. |

|b) Carbamazepine. |

|c) Diazepam. |

|d) Thiopental Sodiu. |

|e) Nitrous Oxide. |

| |

|As antiparkinson remedies are used: |

|a) The dopamine receptor blockers |

|b) Dopaminomimetics |

|c) Non-selective MAO inhibitors. |

|d) MAO-B inhibitors. |

|e) Cholinoblockers |

| |

|Name the adverse effects of levodopa: |

|a) Nausea. |

|b) Vomiting. |

|c) Excitation. |

|d) Drowsiness. |

|e) Hallucinations. |

| |

|Name the adverse effects of levodopa: |

|a) Arrhythmias. |

|b) Orthostatic hypotension. |

|c) Dyskinesia. |

|d) Dependence. |

|e) Skeletal muscles hypertonus |

| |

|Name the measures that can be used to decrease cardiovascular and digestive side effects of levodopa: |

|a) The inhibition of acetylcholinesterase |

|b) Inhibition of peripheral dopa-decarboxylase. |

|c) DOPA decarboxylase inhibition in the CNS. |

|d) To block peripheral dopamine receptors. |

|e) The administration of haloperidol. |

| |

|Name the preparations that stimulate dopamine receptors in the CNS: |

|a) Selegiline. |

|b) Amantadine. |

|c) Trihexyphenidyl. |

|d) Bromocriptine. |

|e) Apomorphine. |

| |

|What is characteristic of selegiline? |

|a) Inhibits MAO-A and MAO-B. |

|b) It selectively inhibits MAO-B. |

|c) More effective than levodopa. |

|d) It is used usually in combination with levodopa. |

|e) Typically administered in monotherapy. |

| |

|What adverse effects of trihexyphenidyl are determined by the influence of peripheral cholinoreceptors? |

|a) Dry mouth. |

|b) Increased intraocular pressure. |

|c) Tachycardia. |

|d) Motor excitation |

|e) Bradycardia. |

| |

|Choose correct statement about trihexyphenidyl: |

|a) Should be administered with caution in glaucoma |

|b) Most effectively decreases tremor |

|c) Most effectively decreases rigidity |

|d) Most effectively decreases hypokinesia |

|e) Causes bradycardia |

| |

|Indicate the pharmacological effects of M-cholinomimetics: |

|a) NO-mediated vasodilatation |

|b) constipation |

|c) increased intraocular pressure |

|d) spasm of accommodation |

|e) tachycardia |

| |

|Indicate the pharmacological effects of M-cholinomimetics: |

|a) urinary retention |

|b) lowering intraocular pressure |

|c) miosis |

|d) increasing myocardial oxygen consumption |

|e) increase in blood pressure |

| |

|Indicate the pharmacological effects of M-cholinomimetics: |

|a) diarrhea |

|b) hypersalivation |

|c) mydriasis |

|d) diaphoresis |

|e) bradycardia |

| |

|The effects of direct-acting cholinergic agonists include: |

|a) mydriasis |

|b) myosis |

|c) spasm of accomodation |

|d) decrease intraoculary pressure |

|e) increased lacrimation |

| |

|Name indications of M-cholinomimetics: |

|a) glaucoma |

|b) bronchial asthma |

|c) atony of the urinary bladder |

|d) cardiac arrest |

|e) intestinal atony |

| |

|Name indications of M-cholinomimetics: |

|a) xerostomia |

|b) bronchoobstructive syndrome |

|c) intestinal colics |

|d) gastric ulcer |

|e) atony of the urinary bladder |

| |

|Name M-cholinomimetics: |

|a) aceclidine |

|b) galanthamine |

|c) pilocarpine |

|d) atropine |

|e) suxamethonium |

| |

|Name anticholinesterases remedies: |

|a) carbacholine |

|b) neostigmine |

|c) pilocarpine |

|d) physostigmine |

|e) acetylcholine |

| |

|The following are true about physostigmine: |

|a) it is a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor |

|b) it is a nonreversible cholinesterase inhibitor |

|c) it acts only on the muscarinic receptors |

|d) it acts only on the nicotinic receptors |

|e) it causes miosis |

| |

|Pharmacologic characteristic of physostigmine: |

|a) causes accommodative spasm |

|b) causes conjunctival vasoconstriction |

|c) increases the intraocular pressure |

|d) causes smooth muscle contraction |

|e) can be used in hypotonia of gastrointestinal system |

| |

|Describe effects of pilocarpine: |

|a) is an alkaloid derived from plant |

|b) is a direct acting muscarinic agonist |

|c) causes contraction of the longitudinal muscles of the ciliary body |

|d) causes myriasis |

|e) causes miosis |

| |

|Mydriasis occurs with: |

|a) atropine |

|b) scopolamine |

|c) carbachol |

|d) neostigmine |

|e) acetylcholine |

| |

|Muscarinic agonists are: |

|a) pilocarpine |

|b) atropine |

|c) aceclidine |

|d) scopolamine |

|e) platyphylline |

| |

|The effects of muscarinic agonists include: |

|a) reduced intraocular pressure |

|b) increased intraocular pressure |

|c) spasm of accomodation |

|d) increased lacrimation |

|e) contraction of the pupillary sphincter muscle |

| |

|Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors include: |

|a) physostigmine |

|b) atropine |

|c) edrophonium |

|d) pyridostigmine |

|e) scopolamine |

| |

|The systemic side effects of pilocarpine include: |

|a) constipation |

|b) excessive sweating |

|c) spasm of accommodation |

|d) bronchial spasm |

|e) dry mouth |

| |

|The side effects of pilocarpine include: |

|a) dry eye |

|b) increased sweating |

|c) bronchiolar spasm |

|d) increased salivation |

|e) constipation |

| |

|The following are true about pilocarpine: |

|a) used in bronchal asthma |

|b) used for glaucoma |

|c) causes mydriasis |

|d) causes miosis |

|e) stimulates the secretion of large amounts of saliva and sweat |

| |

|Choose anticolynestarase drugs: |

|a) Clonidine |

|b) Guanethidine |

|c) Neostigmine |

|d) Atropine |

|e) Physostigmine |

| |

|The following are cholinomimetics with irreversible action: |

|a) Pilocarpine |

|b) Tabex |

|c) Armine |

|d) Soman |

|e) Pirophos |

| |

|Choose drugs that can produce miosis: |

|a) ipratropium bromide |

|b) tropicamide |

|c) armine |

|d) atropine |

|e) pilocarpine |

| |

|What are the pharmacological characteristics related to neostigmine? |

|a) is an anticholinesterase drug |

|b) works by directly stimulating the cholinergic receptors |

|c) is indicated in postoperative hypotonia or atony of gastrointestinal and bladder |

|d) is contraindicated in bronchial asthma, Parkinson's disease, heart failure |

|e) has a good bioavailability after oral administration |

| |

|Indicate anticholinesterases properties: |

|a) stimulates the synthesis of acetylcholine |

|b) directly stimulates cholinergic receptors |

|c) increases the tone of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract |

|d) inhibits the hydrolysis of acetylcholine |

|e) inhibits the synthesis of acetylcholine |

| |

|Name effects of anti-cholinesterase preparations: |

|a) miosis and lowering intraocular pressure |

|b) increased smooth muscle tone of internal organs |

|c) intensified secretion of bronchial and digestive glands |

|d) tachycardia, and increased blood pressure |

|e) mydriasis |

| |

|Characteristics of neostigmine: |

|a) inhibits the action of cholinesterase |

|b) inhibits M cholinoreceptors |

|c) causes miosis |

|d) is used in the x-ray diagnosis of intestine disease |

|e) causes bradycardia |

| |

|Cholinomimetics used in glaucoma: |

|a) pilocarpine |

|b) atropine |

|c) scopolamine |

|d) aceclidine |

|e) scopolamine |

| |

|The following eye drops causes cycloplegia: |

|a) tropicamide |

|b) phenylephrine |

|c) atropine |

|d) pilocarpine |

|e) aceclidine |

| |

|Side effects of depolarizing muscle relaxants: |

|a) muscle pain |

|b) miosis |

|c) potassium release |

|d) diarrhea |

|e) muscle fasciculations |

| |

|Indicate muscle relaxants |

|a) suxamethonium |

|b) isoprenaline |

|c) ephedrine |

|d) norepinephrine |

|e) tubocurarine |

| |

|What are the effects M cholinoblockers on the digestive tract? |

|a) smooth muscle relaxation |

|b) smooth muscle spasm |

|c) the relaxation of the sphincter |

|d) sphincter spasm |

|e) gland hypersecretion |

| |

|Named drugs used in organophosphate derivatives poisoning: |

|a) neostigmine |

|b) atropine |

|c) physostigmine |

|d) obidoxim |

|e) pilocarpine |

| |

|Treatment of intoxication with organophosphates: |

|a) II phase 2-4ml Atropine i/m, or i/v after 1-2 ml every 10 min. |

|b) I phase -attack doze 1-2 ml Atropine s/c or i/m after, 0,5 ml s/c or i/m every 30 min. |

|c) II phase 4-8 ml Atropine i/v or i/m after 2-3ml every 3-8 min. |

|d) I phase 2-4ml Atropine i/m, or i/v after 1-2 ml every 10 min. |

|e) III phase 4-8 ml Atropine i/v or i/m after 2-3ml every 3-8 min. |

| |

|In organophosphate poisoning, this agent(s) may be capable of re-activating inhibited acetylcholinesterase: |

|a) isonitrosyne |

|b) mecamylamine |

|c) pilocarpine |

|d) trimedoxim |

|e) atropine |

| |

|Name M cholinoblockers indications: |

|a) bronchial asthma |

|b) gastrointestinal spasms and colics |

|c) tachycardia |

|d) hypertention |

|e) sinus bradycardia |

| |

|Name M cholinoblockers effects in the eye: |

|a) mydriasis |

|b) increase intraocular pressure |

|c) cycloplegia |

|d) miosis |

|e) decrease intraocular pressure |

| |

|Indicate adverse effects of atropine: |

|a) dry mouth and dysphagia |

|b) bronchospasm with dyspnea |

|c) atonic constipation |

|d) urinary retention |

|e) miosis |

| |

|The pairing of the following drugs and their side-effects are correct: |

|a) atropine - dry mouth |

|b) scopolamine - pernicious anaemia |

|c) neostygmine - bone marrow suppression |

|d) cititon -hepatic fibrosis |

|e) aceclidine – miosis |

| |

|Characteristis of atropine: |

|a) inhibits the sweat glands |

|b) mydriasis |

|c) causes hyperpyrexia in overdose |

|d) bronchospasm |

|e) is more sedative than scopolamine |

| |

|Characteristic of atropine: |

|a) blocks nicotinic acethylcholine receptors |

|b) dries bronchial and salivary secretion |

|c) diminishes the risk of vagal cardiac arrest |

|d) is used to avoid unwanted side effects of neostigmine |

|e) causes loss of accommodation |

| |

|With regard to the effect of atropine: |

|a) mydriasis is the result of paralysis of the constrictor muscle of the pupil |

|b) causes cycloplegia |

|c) miosis |

|d) bronchospasm |

|e) diarrhea |

| |

|Indicate adverse effects of M cholinomimetics: |

|a) dyspnoea and bronchial asthma attacks in asthmatics |

|b) constipation |

|c) urinary retention |

|d) bradycardia |

|e) colics |

| |

|Name effects of cholinomimetics: |

|a) bradycardia |

|b) bronchospasm |

|c) xerosthomia |

|d) lacrimation |

|e) miosis |

| |

|The effects of muscarinic agonists include: |

|a) spasm of accommodation |

|b) bradycardia |

|c) mydriasis |

|d) tachycardia |

|e) miosis |

| |

|Name primary effects of stimulating muscarinic M receptors? |

|a) Release of nitric oxide (vasodilation) |

|b) Iris contraction (miosis) |

|c) Ciliary muscle contraction and accommodation of the lens (near vision) |

|d) Bronchi dilation and decreased bronchiole secretions |

|e) Hyposalivation |

| |

|Name effects of stimulating muscarinic M receptors? |

|a) Tachycardia, increased conduction velocity |

|b) Increased GI tract tone and secretions |

|c) Vasoconstrcition |

|d) Penile erection |

|e) Contraction of urinary detrusor muscle and relaxation of urinary sphincter |

| |

|Indicate anticholinesterases: |

|a) neostigmine |

|b) edrophonium |

|c) physostigmine |

|d) pilocarpine |

|e) carbachol |

| |

|Indicate the pharmacological effects of atropine in the digestive system: |

|a) increase tone and peristalsis |

|b) salivary hyposecretion |

|c) antispasmodic effect |

|d) reduction of gastric secretion |

|e) diarrhea |

| |

|Note nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs: |

|a) tubocurarine |

|b) atropine |

|c) pilocarpine |

|d) pancuronium |

|e) suxamethonium |

| |

|Name drugs that cause non-depolarising blockade of the neuromuscular junction during anaesthesia: |

|a) scopolamine |

|b) physostigmine |

|c) pancuronium |

|d) tubocurarine |

|e) suxamethonium |

| |

|Cholinomimetics have following effects: |

|a) bronchospasm |

|b) tachycardia |

|c) bradycardia |

|d) midriasis |

|e) bronchodilation |

| |

|Characteristics of pilocarpine are: |

|a) It is a tertiary amine alkaloid |

|b) It causes miosis |

|c) Causes a decrease in secretory and motor activity of gut |

|d) It is useful in the treatment of glaucoma |

|e) Causes increased intraocular pressure |

| |

|Which of the following cholinomimetics are indirect-acting? |

|a) Lobeline |

|b) Neostigmine |

|c) Pilocarpine |

|d) Galantamine |

|e) Atropine |

| |

|Indicate the location of N-cholinoreceptors: |

|a) Parasimpathetic autonomic ganglia |

|b) Simpathetic autonomic ganglia |

|c) Skeletal muscle neuromuscular junctions |

|d) Autonomic effector cells |

|e) Sensory carotid sinus baroreceptor zone |

| |

|Indicate the location of M3 cholinoreceptor type: |

|a) Heart |

|b) Glands |

|c) Smooth muscle |

|d) Skeletal muscle neuromuscular junctions |

|e) Eye smooth muscle |

| |

|Cholinoblocking drugs cause: |

|a) Bronchodilation |

|b) Mydriasis |

|c) Bradycardia |

|d) Tachycardia |

|e) Xerostomia |

| |

|The following are true about physostigmine: |

|a) it is a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor |

|b) it causes bronchodilation |

|c) it causes intestinal spasm |

|d) it exites N cholinoreceeptors |

|e) it causes miosis |

| |

|Characteristics of physostigmine: |

|a) causes accommodative spasm |

|b) causes conjunctival vasoconstriction |

|c) increases the intraocular pressure |

|d) causes smooth muscle contraction |

|e) can be used in hypotonia of gastrointestinal system |

| |

|Characteristics of pilocarpine: |

|a) is an alkaloid derived from plant |

|b) is a direct acting muscarinic agonist |

|c) causes contraction of the cilliary muscles |

|d) causes mydriasis |

|e) has a greater effect on patients with blue iris than brown iris. |

| |

|Name the results of excessive cholinergic stimulation, as would be seen with a nerve agent or organophosphate poisoning: |

|a) Diarrhea |

|b) Miosis |

|c) Mydriasis |

|d) Bronchodilation |

|e) Hypersalivation |

| |

|The effects of direct-acting cholinergic agonists include: |

|a) mydriasis |

|b) miosis |

|c) spasm of accomodation |

|d) decrease intraocular pressure |

|e) xerostomia |

| |

|Contraindications to the use of muscarinic agonists: |

|a) diarrhea |

|b) bronchial asthma |

|c) treatment of diminished salvation, secondary to radiation |

|d) peptic ulcer |

|e) myasthenia gravis |

| |

|Cardiovascular effects of cholinomimetics: |

|a) negative chronotropic |

|b) vasoconstriction |

|c) decreased AV nodal conduction velocity |

|d) negative inotropism |

|e) positive inotropism |

| |

|Anticholinesterases used moslty to treat myasthenia gravis: |

|a) neostigmine |

|b) pyridostigmine |

|c) acetylcholine |

|d) pylocarine |

|e) armine |

| |

|The effects of muscarinic agonists include: |

|a) reduced intraocular pressure |

|b) reduced aqueous production |

|c) accommodative myopia |

|d) increased lacrimation |

|e) contraction of the pupillary sphincter muscle |

| |

|Associated with parasympathetic activation (direct effects): |

|a) increased GI motility |

|b) urinary retention |

|c) decrease cardiac contractility |

|d) decreased GI motility |

|e) increase heart rate |

| |

|Localization of muscarinic cholinergic receptors: |

|a) sweating glands |

|b) heart |

|c) postsynaptic membrane of the vegetative ganglia |

|d) neuro-musular junction |

|e) eyes |

| |

|Indirect-acting cholinomimetic: |

|a) neostigmine |

|b) acetylcholine |

|c) carbachol |

|d) edrophonium |

|e) atropine |

| |

|Mechanism(s) of vasodilation mediated by the cholinergic system: |

|a) acetylcholine stimulates M3 cholinoreceptors on endothelial cells |

|b) acetylcholine stimulates beta-2-adrenoreceptors |

|c) acetylcholine inhibits alpha-1-adrenoreceptors |

|d) acetylcholine inhibit alpha-2- adrenoreceptors |

|e) cholinergic activation promotes nitric oxide release from endothelial cells |

| |

|Associated with excessive vagal tone: |

|a) total heart block |

|b) mydriasis |

|c) bradyarrhythmias |

|d) tachyarrhythmias |

|e) smouth muscle contraction |

| |

|Effect(s) of muscarinic agonists on the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts: |

|a) increased glands secretion |

|b) decrease ureteral peristalsis |

|c) increased contraction amplitude |

|d) relax sphincters |

|e) decreased intestinal peristalsis |

| |

|Clinical uses of neostigmine: |

|a) treatment of reduced salivation secondary to radiation therapy |

|b) stimulation of postoperative urinary bladder |

|c) in people with myasthenia gravis |

|d) treatment of gastric ulcer |

|e) intoxication with atropine |

| |

|Opthalmological uses of cholinomimetics: |

|a) for the visualization of the retina |

|b) treatment of glaucoma |

|c) used along with mydriatic agent in breaking iris-lens adhesions |

|d) acetylcholine may be used as a miotic |

|e) acetylcholine may be used as a midriatic |

| |

|Choose major contraindications for muscarinic agonists: |

|a) atony af the intestine |

|b) peptic ulcer |

|c) intestinal spasm |

|d) glaucoma |

|e) bronchial asthma |

| |

|Anticholinesterases: used in treating glaucoma: |

|a) tropicamid |

|b) phyzostigmine |

|c) aceclidine |

|d) atropine |

|e) armine |

| |

|General clinical uses of anticholinesterases: |

|a) treatment of paralytic ileus and urinary bladder atony |

|b) glaucoma treatment |

|c) myasthenia gravis management |

|d) antagonist-assisted reversal of neuromuscular blockade produced by depolarizing neuromuscular-blocking drugs |

|e) antagonist-assisted reversal of neuromuscular blockade produced by nondepolarizing neuromuscular-blocking drugs |

| |

|Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors include: |

|a) physostigmine |

|b) atropine |

|c) edrophonium |

|d) pyridostigmine |

|e) scopolamine |

| |

|Cholinomimetics used in glaucoma: |

|a) pilocarpine |

|b) atropine |

|c) scopolamine |

|d) aceclidine |

|e) tropicamide |

| |

|The following muscarinic agonists work directly on both M, and N cholinoreceptors : |

|a) pilocarpine |

|b) carbachol |

|c) acetylcholine |

|d) atropine |

|e) aceclidine |

| |

|The side effects of pilocarpine include: |

|a) dry eye |

|b) increased sweating |

|c) bronchospasm |

|d) increased salivation |

|e) constipation |

| |

|The following are true about pilocarpine: |

|a) it increases the concentration of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft |

|b) it decreases intraocular presure |

|c) it causes diarrhea |

|d) it increases intraocular presure |

|e) it causes constipation |

| |

|Atropine causes: |

|a) Miosis, a reduction in intraocular pressure and cyclospasm |

|b) Mydriasis, a rise in intraocular pressure and cycloplegia |

|c) Miosis, a rise in intraocular pressure and cycloplegia |

|d) Xerostomia, constipation |

|e) Tachycardia |

| |

|Contraindications to the use of antimuscarinic drugs are all of the following: |

|a) Glaucoma |

|b) gastric ulcer |

|c) Bronchial asthma |

|d) Paralytic ileus |

|e) Atony of the urinary bladder |

| |

|Antimuscarinics are used in the treatment of: |

|a) Motion sickness |

|b) Glaucoma |

|c) Urinary retention |

|d) Bronchial asthma |

|e) Gastric hypersecretion |

| |

|The atropine poisoning includes all of the following symptoms: |

|a) Mydriasis, cycloplegia |

|b) Hyperthermia, dry mouth, hot and flushed skin |

|c) Agitation and delirium |

|d) Bradicardia, orthostatic hypotension |

|e) Miosis |

| |

|Choose the antimuscarinic drug, which is used as a mydriatic: |

|a) Pilocarpine |

|b) Neostigmine |

|c) Homatropine |

|d) Ipratropium |

|e) Tropicamide |

| |

|Which of the following agents is used by inhalation in asthma? |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Ipratropium |

|c) Lobeline |

|d) Homatropine |

|e) Oxitropium |

| |

|Choose a M-cholinoreceptor-blocking drugs: |

|a) Scopolamine |

|b) Pipecuronium |

|c) Trimethaphan |

|d) Pilocarpine |

|e) Atropine |

| |

|Mydriasis occurs with: |

|a) atropine |

|b) tropicamide |

|c) carbachol |

|d) neostigmine |

|e) pilocarpine |

| |

|Characteristic of atropine: |

|a) blocks nicotinic acethylcholine receptors |

|b) inhibits bronchial and salivary secretion |

|c) causes bronchospasm |

|d) is used to avoid unwanted side effects of neostigmine |

|e) causes loss of accommodation |

| |

|With regard to the effects of atropine: |

|a) mydriasis is the result of paralysis of the constrictor muscle of the pupil |

|b) miosis is the result of constriction of the constrictor muscle of the pupil |

|c) increases lacrimation |

|d) it causes cycloplegia |

|e) it causes spasm of accommodation |

| |

|Name adverse effects (side-effects) commonly seen with cholinergic antagonists? |

|a) Blurred vision |

|b) Confusion |

|c) Miosis |

|d) Diarrhea |

|e) Urinary retention |

| |

|The following eye drops causes cycloplegia: |

|a) tropicamide |

|b) atropine |

|c) epinephrine |

|d) pilocarpine |

|e) aceclidine |

| |

|Atropine causes: |

|a) Bradycardia, hypotension and bronchoconstriction |

|b) Tachycardia, no effect on blood pressure and bronchodilation |

|c) Decrease in contractile strength, conduction velocity through the AV node |

|d) Tachycardia, hypertensive crisis and bronchodilation |

|e) Tachycardia and increasing of conduction velocity through the AV node |

| |

|Atropine effects: |

|a) dry mouth |

|b) pupillary dilation |

|c) miosis |

|d) increased heart rate |

|e) decresed heart rate |

| |

|Atropine block: |

|a) M1 receptor subtype |

|b) M2 receptor subtype |

|c) M3 receptor subtype |

|d) N receptor subtype |

|e) All of the above |

| |

|Atropine is used for premedication to reduce or prevent: |

|a) Bradycardia |

|b) Hypersecretions |

|c) AV block |

|d) Hiposecretion |

|e) Tachycardia |

| |

|Which of the following antimuscarinic drugs is a selective M1 blocker? |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Scopolamine |

|c) Pirenzepine |

|d) Homatropine |

|e) Telenzepine |

| |

|Atropine causes: |

|a) Spasmolitic activity |

|b) Intestinal hypermotility |

|c) Stimulation of contraction in the gut |

|d) Stimulation of secretory activity |

|e) Tachycardia |

| |

|Name effects of atropine: |

|a) dry moth |

|b) mydriasis |

|c) hypersalivation |

|d) tachycardia |

|e) bradycardia |

| |

|Name characteristics about scopolamine? |

|a) It causes psychostimulant effect |

|b) The same group as atropine is |

|c) Doesn’t across blood-brain barrier |

|d) It may prevent motion sickness and vertigo |

|e) Used in brochal asthma by inhalation |

| |

|Which of the following agents is a ganglion-blocking drug? |

|a) Suxamethonium |

|b) Hexamethonium |

|c) Pancuronium |

|d) Trepirium iodide |

|e) Azamethonium |

| |

|Which of the following agents is a neuro-muscular blocking drug? |

|a) Suxamethonium |

|b) Hexamethonium |

|c) Pancuronium |

|d) Trepirium iodide |

|e) Azamethonium |

| |

|Adverse effect(s) associated with autonomic ganglionic blockade: |

|a) Bladder dysfunction |

|b) Xerostromia |

|c) Blurred vision |

|d) Paralytic ileus |

|e) Diarrhea |

| |

|Name the main effects of ganglion-blocking drugs: |

|a) vasodilatation and hypotension |

|b) hyposecretion |

|c) increase of intraoculary pression |

|d) bronchospasm |

|e) bradycardia |

| |

|Name effects of autonomic ganglion blocking: |

|a) Anhidrosis and xerostomia |

|b) Mydriasis |

|c) Tachycardia |

|d) Hypertension |

|e) Cycloplegia |

| |

|Name the nicotinic receptor-blockers: |

|a) Azamethonium |

|b) Atropine |

|c) Tubocurarine |

|d) Neostigmine |

|e) Scopolamine |

| |

|Ganglion-blocking drug is used for: |

|a) Pulmonary edema |

|b) Hypertensive crisis |

|c) Controlled hypotension during surgery |

|d) Acute hypotension |

|e) Xerostomia |

| |

|Choose ganglionic blockers: |

|a) trimetaphan |

|b) nicardipine |

|c) azamethonium |

|d) hydralazine |

|e) prazosin |

| |

|Adverse effect(s) associated with autonomic ganglionic blockade: |

|a) paralytic ileus |

|b) blurred vision |

|c) xerostomia |

|d) bradycardia |

|e) bladder dysfunction |

| |

|Ganglionic blockers: |

|a) Prazosin |

|b) Hydralazine |

|c) Hexamethonium |

|d) Nicardipine |

|e) Azamethonium |

| |

|List therapeutic use of cytisine: |

|a) To stimulate respiration |

|b) To decrease blood pressure |

|c) To aid „quitting" smoking |

|d) In pulmonary edema |

|e) For xerostomia |

| |

|The following cause non-depolarising blockade of the neuromuscular junction during anaesthesia: |

|a) succinylcholine |

|b) physostigmine |

|c) pancuronium |

|d) tubocurarine |

|e) atropine |

| |

|Side effects of depolarizing muscle relaxants: |

|a) miosis |

|b) potassium release |

|c) muscle pain |

|d) muscle fibrilation |

|e) diarrhea |

| |

|The systemic effects of hexamethonium include all of the following: |

|a) Reduction of both peripheral vascular resistance and venous return |

|b) Partial mydriasis and loss of accommodation |

|c) Constipation |

|d) Stimulation of sweating |

|e) urinary retention |

| |

|Skeletal muscle relaxation and paralysis can occur from interruption of functions at several sites, including all of the following: |

|a) Nicotinic receptors |

|b) Muscarinic receptors |

|c) The motor end plate |

|d) Nicotinic receptors in autonomic ganglia |

|e) Muscarinic receptors in smooth muscle |

| |

|Indicate the long-acting neuromuscular blocking agent: |

|a) Pipecuronium |

|b) Atracurium |

|c) Tubocurarine |

|d) Pancuronium |

|e) Suxamethonium |

| |

|Which of the following neuromuscular blocking drugs is an intermediate-duration muscle relaxant? |

|a) Vecuronium |

|b) Tubocurarine |

|c) Pancuronium |

|d) Suxamethonium |

|e) Atracurium |

| |

|Effects seen only with depolarizing blockade include all of the following: |

|a) Hyperpotassemia |

|b) Decrease in intraocular pressure |

|c) Bronchospasm |

|d) Muscle pain |

|e) Cardiac arithmias |

| |

|Describe endogenous adrenoreceptor agonists: |

|a) are catecholamines and are rapidly metabolized by COMT and MAO. |

|b) are ofen used enteral |

|c) are inactive when given by the oral route |

|d) work ultra long into the body |

|e) have a short duration of action |

| |

|Which of the adrenergic receptors is most commonly found pre-synaptic? |

|a) α1 |

|b) α2 |

|c) β1 |

|d) β2 |

|e) β3 |

| |

|Location for beta1-postsynaptic receptors: |

|a) Heart |

|b) Juxtaglomerular apparatus |

|c) Pancreas |

|d) CNS |

|e) Vessels |

| |

|Name location of beta2 adrenoreceptors: |

|a) vessels |

|b) ciliary muscle |

|c) liver |

|d) bronchi |

|e) juxtaglomerular cells |

| |

|Location for beta3 receptors: |

|a) adipose tissue |

|b) CNS |

|c) vessels |

|d) skeletal muscle |

|e) salivary glands |

| |

|Clinical use(s) of alpha-1-receptor agonists: |

|a) nasal decongestant |

|b) management hypotensive states |

|c) hypertensive states |

|d) angina pectoris |

|e) bronchial asthma |

| |

|Activates alpha receptors: |

|a) metharaminol |

|b) terbutaline |

|c) phenylephrine |

|d) propranolol |

|e) isoproterenol |

| |

|Phenylephrine causes: |

|a) Constriction of vessels in the nasal mucosa |

|b) Increased gastric secretion and motility |

|c) Increased skin temperature |

|d) Mydriasis |

|e) Increased blood pressure |

| |

|Which substance can be used in acute rhinitis? |

|a) clonidine |

|b) naphasoline |

|c) salbutamol |

|d) izoprenaline |

|e) xylometazoline |

| |

|Catecholamine includes following: |

|a) Ephedrine |

|b) xEpinephrine |

|c) Norepinephrine |

|d) Dopamine |

|e) Fenilephrine |

| |

|Epinephrine increases level of: |

|a) blood lactic acid |

|b) blood insulin |

|c) skeletal muscle glycogen |

|d) blood glucose |

|e) blood free fatty acids |

| |

|Direct cardiac responses to epinephrine: |

|a) increase contractility |

|b) increased rate of isometric muscle tension development |

|c) increased heart rate |

|d) decreased automaticity |

|e) decreased heart rate |

| |

|Epinephrine: therapeutic uses: |

|a) rapid relief of respiratory distress due to bronchospasm |

|b) topical hemostasis |

|c) supraventricular tachycardia |

|d) reversal of hypersensitivity reactions |

|e) to decrease blod pressure |

| |

|Principal receptors activated by norepinephrine: |

|a) alpha-adrenergic |

|b) beta1 adrenergic |

|c) beta2 adrenergic |

|d) H1 histamine reseptors |

|e) M cholynoreceptors |

| |

| |

|Distribution of alfa adrenoreceptor subtypes is associated with all of the following tissues: |

|a) Mast cell |

|b) Blood vessels |

|c) Prostate |

|d) Pupillary dilator muscle |

|e) Juxtaglomerular apparatus |

| |

|Epinephrine characteristics: |

|a) stimulates both α and β receptors |

|b) causes miosis |

|c) used in anaphylactic shock |

|d) can be used to prolong the action of local anaesthetic |

|e) used in hypertension |

| |

| |

|A nonselective beta receptor agonist causes all of the following effects: |

|a) Increase cardiac output |

|b) uterus contraction |

|c) uterus relaxation |

|d) Causes bronchoconstriction |

|e) Causes bronchodilation |

| |

|Name indirect mechanism of action of adrenomimetics: |

|a) these drugs inhibit reuptake of catecholamines by nerve terminals |

|b) directly activate their adrenoreceptors |

|c) blockade of metabolism (block of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and monoamine oxidase (MAO) and increase the quantity of |

|catecholamines |

|d) activate the effects of endogenous catecholamines |

|e) activate directly the main centers from CNS |

| |

|Definition for indirect sympathomimetics: |

|a) are agents that elevate the concentration of NE at neuroeffector junctions, |

|b) they either inhibit re-uptake, facilitate release, or slow breakdown by MAO, |

|c) side chain "-hydroxyl group confers affinity for α - and β -receptors |

|d) the ability of a substance to release norepinephrine from its neuronal stores without exerting an agonist action at the adrenoceptor |

|e) can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and evoke such CNS effects as a feeling of well-being, enhanced physical activity and mood |

|(euphoria), and decreased sense of hunger or fatigue. |

| |

|Adverse effects associated with guanethidine: |

|a) Hypotension (symptomatic) |

|b) Male sexual dysfunction |

|c) Diarrhea |

|d) Constipations |

|e) Hypertension |

| |

|The effects of clonidine include: |

|a) sedation |

|b) bradycardia |

|c) dry mouth |

|d) tachycardia |

|e) hypotention |

| |

|Which of the following effects is related to direct beta1-adrenoreceptor stimulation? |

|a) Bronchodilation |

|b) Vasodilatation |

|c) Tachycardia |

|d) Renine release |

|e) Bradycardia |

| |

|Beta2 receptor stimulation includes all of the following effects: |

|a) Stimulation of renin secretion |

|b) Hyperglicemia |

|c) Relaxation of bladder, uterus |

|d) Tachycardia |

|e) Bronchodilation |

| |

|Beta-2 selective agonist: |

|a) fenoterol |

|b) epinephrine |

|c) salbutamol |

|d) phenylephrine |

|e) labetalol |

| |

|Hyperglycemia induced by epinephrine is due to: |

|a) Gluconeogenesis |

|b) Inhibition of insulin secretion (alfa) |

|c) Stimulation of glycogenolysis (beta2) |

|d) Inhibition of insulin synthesis |

|e) Increasing in glucose absorbtion from the gut |

| |

|Action of drugs acting adrenergic system on the eyes: |

|a) Αlfa agonists cause miosis |

|b) Αlfa agonists cause mydriasis |

|c) Beta antagonists decrease the production of aqueous humor |

|d) Αlfa agonists increase the outflow of aqueous humor from the eye |

|e) Αlfa agonists increase intraocular pressure in narrow-angle glaucoma |

| |

|Αlfa-receptor stimulation includes all of the following effects: |

|a) Relaxation of gastrointestinal smooth muscle |

|b) Contraction of gastrointestinal smooth muscle |

|c) Stimulation of insulin secretion |

|d) Vasodilation |

|e) Stimulation of platelet aggregation |

| |

|Choose cardiovascular effects of dobutamine: |

|a) decreases peripheral resistance |

|b) negative inotropism |

|c) positive inotropism |

|d) negative dromotropism |

|e) positive dromotropism |

| |

|Toxicities/adverse reactions associated with sympathomimetics: |

|a) anxiety reactions |

|b) cardiac tachyarrhythmias |

|c) hypertension; cerebral hemorrhage |

|d) syncope |

|e) angina pectori |

| |

|Adverse effects associated with dopamine administration: |

|a) bradycardia |

|b) arrhythmias |

|c) hypertension |

|d) tachycardia |

|e) palpitations |

| |

|Epinephrine effects on the heart: |

|a) reduces oxygen consumption |

|b) reduces conduction |

|c) increased contraction |

|d) decreased contractility |

|e) increased rate |

| |

|Cardiac effects associated with epinephrine: |

|a) increased oxygen consumption |

|b) increased cardiac output |

|c) positive inotropic effect |

|d) decreased cardiac output |

|e) positive chronotropic effect |

| |

|Ventricular effects associated with epinephrine administration: |

|a) decreased contractility |

|b) increased contractility |

|c) decreased conduction |

|d) increased conduction |

|e) decreased automaticity |

| |

|Alpha agonist: vasoconstriction and elevated blood pressure: |

|a) ethylephrine |

|b) clonidine |

|c) terbutaline |

|d) methoxamine |

|e) prazosine |

| |

|Alpha adrenergic receptor blockers are: |

|a) atenolol |

|b) terazosine |

|c) terbutaline |

|d) phenoxybenzamine |

|e) phentolamine |

| |

|Alpha-adrenergic receptor blocker(s) - blockade of alpha1 adrenergic receptors: |

|a) proroxan |

|b) doxazosin |

|c) phentolamine |

|d) terazosin |

|e) prazosin |

| |

|Adverse effects associated with prazosin: |

|a) tachycardia |

|b) hypertension |

|c) dizziness |

|d) bradycardia |

|e) initial-dose marked orthostatic hypotension |

| |

|Characteristic of labetalol: |

|a) is a mixed alpha/beta adrenergic antagonist  |

|b) xused in hypertension management |

|c) is selective alpha adrenergic antagonist  |

|d) is selective beta adrenergic antagonist  |

|e) can causes orthostatic hypotension |

| |

|Blocks both alpha and beta receptors: |

|a) carvedilol |

|b) diazoxide |

|c) propranolol |

|d) labetalol |

|e) timolol |

| |

|Block both alpha and beta receptors: |

|a) Atenolol |

|b) Labetalol |

|c) Metoprolol |

|d) Salbutamol |

|e) Carvedilol |

| |

|Name contraindication for Beta-non selective adrenoblockers: |

|a) Bronchial asthma |

|b) Atrial- ventricular block |

|c) Tachyarrhythmias |

|d) Angina Pectoris |

|e) Raynoud disease |

| |

|Beta- receptor activation is produced by: |

|a) pentetrasol |

|b) terphenadine |

|c) isoprenaline |

|d) phenoterenol |

|e) terbutaline |

| |

|Which drugs are beta-agonists: |

|a) Digoxin |

|b) Dobutamine |

|c) Amrinone |

|d) Salbutamol |

|e) Isoprenaline |

| |

|Adverse effects associated with beta adrenergic receptor agonists: |

|a) over usage of these drugs may predisposed to mortality in asthmatics |

|b) skeletal muscle tremor |

|c) excessive cardiovascular stimulation |

|d) bronchospasm |

|e) anxiety |

| |

|Name adverse affect of the β1 blockade: |

|a) Bradycardia |

|b) Decreased cardiac output |

|c) Tachycardia |

|d) Hypertention |

|e) Low contractility |

| |

|Clinical uses of for propranolol: |

|a) treatment of essential hypertension |

|b) management of angina |

|c) management of certain arrhythmias |

|d) prophylactic against asthma attacks |

|e) AV block |

| |

|Alpha2 selective adrenergic agonists: |

|a) phentolamine |

|b) clonidine |

|c) epinephrine |

|d) phenoxybenzamine |

|e) methyldopa |

| |

|Beta1 selective adrenergic receptor antagonist: |

|a) propranolol |

|b) timolol |

|c) nadolol |

|d) metoprolol |

|e) atenolol |

| |

|Selective beta1 blockers: |

|a) Atenolol |

|b) Propranolol |

|c) Acebutolol |

|d) Labetolol |

|e) Timolol |

| |

|Beta1 receptor stimulation includes all of the following effects: |

|a) Increase in heart contractility |

|b) Bronchodilation |

|c) Miometrium relaxation |

|d) Tachycardia |

|e) Increase in conduction velocity in the atrioventricular node |

| |

|Bronchodilation is caused by: |

|a) atenolol |

|b) fenoterol |

|c) salbutamol |

|d) timolol |

|e) metoprolol |

| |

|List beta blockers: |

|a) atenolol |

|b) fenoterol |

|c) salbutamol |

|d) timolol |

|e) metoprolol |

| |

|Which of the following drugs causes bronchodilation without significant cardiac stimulation? |

|a) Isoprenaline |

|b) Fenoterol |

|c) Xylometazoline |

|d) Methoxamine |

|e) Salbutamol |

| |

|Propanolol causes: |

|a) can cause bronchospasm |

|b) can cause bronchodilation |

|c) increases blodd pressure |

|d) decreases blodd pressure |

|e) can mask hypoglycaemia induced by insulin |

| |

|The main adverse effects of phentolamine include all of the following: |

|a) Hypertenssion |

|b) Bradycardia |

|c) Tachycardia |

|d) Colaps |

|e) Hypotention |

| |

|Characteristics of phentolamine include all of the following: |

|a) Reduction in peripheral resistance |

|b) Bradicardia |

|c) Tachycardia |

|d) Stimulation of muscarinic and histamine receptors |

|e) Block alfa-adrenoreceptors |

| |

|Beta-blocking drugs-induced hypotension may be associated with their effects on: |

|a) The heart |

|b) The blood vessels |

|c) The renin-angiotensin system |

|d) Inhibition of norepinephrine release |

|e) Inhibition of norepinephrine reuptake |

| |

|Clinical applications of beta-adrenergic antagonists: |

|a) treatment of hypertension |

|b) treatment of arrhythmias |

|c) Raynaud disease |

|d) bronchial asthma |

|e) management of angina pectori |

| |

|Non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor blocker(s): |

|a) nadolol |

|b) esmolol |

|c) timolol |

|d) atenolol |

|e) metoprolol |

| |

|Beta-adrenergic receptor blockers: effects on the heart: |

|a) increased automatism |

|b) decreased contractility |

|c) increased contractility |

|d) decrease automatism |

|e) increase heart rate |

| |

|Most likely to cause dangerous bronchiolar constriction in asthmatic patients: |

|a) timolol |

|b) atenolol |

|c) nebivolol |

|d) propranolol |

|e) metoprolol |

| |

|Characteristics of beta-blocking agents include all of the following: |

|a) They occupy beta receptors and competitively reduce receptor occupancy by catecholamines or other beta agonists |

|b) They causes hypotention |

|c) They induce hypertention |

|d) They cause tachycardia |

|e) They can cause blockade in the atrioventricular node |

| |

|Principal mechanisms by which beta adrenergic receptor blockade decreases blood pressure: |

|a) blockade of angiotensin II receptors |

|b) reduced myocardial contractility |

|c) reduced heart rate |

|d) renin release suppression |

|e) they induce hypertention |

| |

|Adverse effect(s) associated with beta-adrenergic blockers: |

|a) bradycardia |

|b) bronchospasm |

|c) tachycardia |

|d) impotence |

|e) hypertention |

| |

|Beta-blocker with some intrinsic sympathomimetic properties: |

|a) practolol |

|b) sotalol |

|c) pindolol |

|d) metoprolol |

|e) propranolol |

| |

|Selective beta1 blocker(s): |

|a) alprenolol |

|b) propranolol |

|c) acebutolol |

|d) pindolol |

|e) atenolol |

| |

|Beta-receptor antagonists have all of the following cardiovascular effects: |

|a) The negative inotropic and chronotropic effects |

|b) Acute hypertention |

|c) Vasoconstriction |

|d) Vasodilation |

|e) Reduction of the release of renin |

| |

|Compared with phentolamine, prazosine has all of the following features: |

|a) Irreversible blockade of alfa 2 receptors |

|b) More often causes bradicardia |

|c) Highly selective for alfa1 receptors |

|d) Highly selective for alfa2 receptors |

|e) Persistent block of alfa1 receptors |

| |

|Characteristics of alfa-receptor antagonists include all of the following: |

|a) They cause a fall in peripheral resistance and blood pressure |

|b) They cause epinephrine reversal (convert a pressor response to a depressor response) |

|c) Bronchospasm |

|d) Hypertension |

|e) They may cause postural hypotension and reflex tachycardia |

| |

|Which of the following drugs is a competitive antagonist at both alfa1 and alfa2 receptors? |

|a) Prazosin |

|b) Doxazosin |

|c) Labetalol |

|d) Phenoxybenzamine |

|e) Phentolamine |

| |

|List sympatholytic drugs: |

|a) clonidine |

|b) methyldopa |

|c) diazoxide |

|d) propranolol |

|e) reserpine |

| |

|Characteristics of reserpine include all of the following: |

|a) It inhibits the uptake of norepinephrine into vesicles |

|b) It decreases cardiac output, peripheral resistance and inhibits pressor reflexes |

|c) It may cause a transient sympathomimetic effect |

|d) Can be used as neuroleptic |

|e) It depletes stores of catecholamines in the brain |

| |

|Determine Beta1-adrenoceptor location: |

|a) myocardium |

|b) bronchi |

|c) juxtaglomerular apparatus |

|d) the syno-carotid zone |

|e) CNS |

| |

|Determine the preponderant location of the beta2-adrenoceptors: |

|a) bronchial muscles |

|b) skeletal muscle |

|c) uterus |

|d) myocardium |

|e) juxtaglomerular apparatus |

| |

|Indicate the effects caused by the excitation of postsynaptic alpha 1-adrenergic receptor: |

|a) mydriasis |

|b) miosis |

|c) contraction of the spleen capsule |

|d) vassoconstriction |

|e) bronchodilation |

| |

|Specify the effects caused by the excitation of beta1-adrenergic receptors: |

|a) intensification of contractility and cardiac automaticity |

|b) negative inotropic action |

|c) negative chronotropic action |

|d) miosis |

|e) to increase renin secretion |

| |

|Specify the effects caused by the excitation of beta2-adrenoceptors: |

|a) relaxation of the myometrium |

|b) bronchodilation |

|c) bronchoconstriction |

|d) vasoconstriction |

|e) contraction of the spleen capsule |

| |

|Specify peripheral alpha2-adrenomimetics: |

|a) methyldopa |

|b) clonidine |

|c) xylometazoline |

|d) naphazoline |

|e) orciprenaline |

| |

|Specify central alpha2-adrenomimetics: |

|a) xmethyldopa |

|b) clonidine |

|c) xylometazoline |

|d) naphasoline |

|e) orciprenaline |

| |

|Indicate nonselective Beta1,2-adrenomimetics: |

|a) isoprenaline |

|b) salbutamol |

|c) fenoterol |

|d) orciprenaline |

|e) epinephrine |

| |

|Characteristic of epinephrine: |

|a) stimulates α and β receptors |

|b) block α β receptors |

|c) used in anaphylactic shock |

|d) can be used to prolong the action of local anaesthetic |

|e) used in hyperglycemia |

| |

|Indicate selective Beta2-adrenomimetics: |

|a) terfenadine |

|b) salbutamol |

|c) isoprenaline |

|d) hexoprenaline |

|e) terbutaline |

| |

|Indicate adrenergic drugs with bronchodilator effect: |

|a) salmeterol |

|b) dopamine |

|c) norepinephrine |

|d) epinephrine |

|e) isoprenaline |

| |

|Name indications of epinephrine: |

|a) anaphylactic shock |

|b) cardiogenic shock |

|c) hypoglycemic coma |

|d) hyperosmolar diabetic coma |

|e) conjunctivitis |

| |

|Indicate drugs used to treat anaphylactic shock: |

|a) epinephrine |

|b) diphenhydramine |

|c) propranolol |

|d) salbutamol |

|e) phentolamine |

| |

|Indicate drugs used to treat hypoglycemic coma: |

|a) epinephrine |

|b) norepinephrine |

|c) glucagon |

|d) glucose |

|e) insulin |

| |

|Indicate the adverse effects of epinephrine: |

|a) bradycardia |

|b) tachycardia |

|c) hypoxia and tissue necrosis |

|d) anxiety, tremor |

|e) bronchospasm |

| |

|Name the beta-2-adrenomimetics indications: |

|a) imminence of spontaneous abortion |

|b) paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia |

|c) ventricular extrasystole |

|d) pectoral angina |

|e) bronchial asthma |

| |

|Name the effects of beta1- adrenomimetics: |

|a) intensification of heart contractions |

|b) tachycardia |

|c) increased heart automaticity |

|d) bronchial muscle relaxation |

|e) bronchial spasm |

| |

|Name Beta2 adrenomimetics: |

|a) salbutamol |

|b) epinephrine |

|c) ephedrine |

|d) isoprenaline |

|e) fenoterol |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristic of clonidine: |

|a) stimulates beta2-adrenergic receptors |

|b) stimulates alpha2 receptors |

|c) causes bradycardia |

|d) can cause sedation and somnolence |

|e) causes tachycardia |

| |

|The effects of clonidine include: |

|a) sedation |

|b) bradicardia |

|c) dry mouth |

|d) tachycardia |

|e) hypotention |

| |

|Indicate the specific pharmacological effects of drugs that stimulate alfa1-adrenergic receptors: |

|a) vasoconstriction |

|b) improvement of microcirculation |

|c) vasodilatation |

|d) decrease in microcirculation |

|e) decrease of blood pressure |

| |

|Indicate the effects of beta-blockers: |

|a) antihypertensive |

|b) antiarrhythmic |

|c) antiangina |

|d) antipsychotic |

|e) anxiolytic |

| |

|The following side-effects are seen in beta-antagonists: |

|a) bradycardia |

|b) hypotention |

|c) hypertention |

|d) impotence |

|e) tachycardia |

| |

|Name beta-adrenoblockers: |

|a) Propranolol |

|b) Validol |

|c) Metoprolol |

|d) Alopurinol |

|e) Oxprenolol |

| |

|The following are selective beta blockers: |

|a) pindolol |

|b) propanolol |

|c) nadolol |

|d) atenolol |

|e) acebutol |

| |

|The following are non-selective beta-blocker: |

|a) metoprolol |

|b) propranolol |

|c) oxprenolol |

|d) nadolol |

|e) sotalol |

| |

|Characteristic of propanolol: |

|a) block alfa adrenoreceptors |

|b) block beta adrenoreceptors |

|c) decreases cardiac contractility |

|d) block alfa beta adrenoreceptors |

|e) can mask hypoglycaemia induced by insulin |

| |

|Indicate beta-blocker drugs indications: |

|a) angina pectoris |

|b) acute heart failure |

|c) schizophrenia |

|d) tachyarrhythmia |

|e) sinus bradycardia |

| |

|Name indications of beta-blockers: |

|a) bronchial asthma |

|b) myocardial infarction |

|c) migraine |

|d) atrioventricular block |

|e) hypertension |

| |

|List the adverse effects of selective beta-blockers: |

|a) atrioventricular block |

|b) worsening angina pectoris |

|c) worsening of heart failure |

|d) exacerbation of bronchial asthma |

|e) spasm of peripheral vessels |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological peculiarities characteristic for alpha-blockers? |

|a) produce vasodilatation |

|b) bradycardia |

|c) reduce microcirculation |

|d) tachycardia |

|e) improves microcirculation |

| |

|Name contraindications of propranolol: |

|a) supraventricular tachycardia |

|b) atrioventricular block |

|c) bronchial asthma |

|d) angina pectores |

|e) Raynaud's disease |

| |

|Simpatholitics are used in: |

|a) treatment of the hypertension |

|b) myocardial infarction |

|c) severe forms oh hypertension |

|d) raynaud disease |

|e) ventricular arrhythmias |

| |

|Witch statements about sympatholytics is adequate? |

|a) affect noradrenaline synthesis |

|b) affect noradrenaline release |

|c) affect noradrenalne uptake |

|d) bind covalently to the alpha receptor an produce an irreversible effect |

|e) inhibit the flux of Ca 2+ through presynaptic membrane and inhibit in this way mediators release |

| |

|Name adverse effects of reserpine: |

|a) tachycardia |

|b) bradycardia |

|c) the excitation of the CNS |

|d) depression |

|e) the decrease intestinal motility |

| |

|Name alpha-adrenoblockers indications: |

|a) pheochromocytoma |

|b) hypertension |

|c) hypotension |

|d) ventricular arrhythmias |

|e) Raynoud disease |

| |

|Name beta-blockers indications: |

|a) hypertension |

|b) angina pectoris |

|c) migraine |

|d) bradyarrythmie |

|e) imminence of premature birth |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological peculiarities characteristic for propranolol: |

|a) is indicated to treat hypertension |

|b) is indicated in the treatment of migraine |

|c) possessing psycho-sedative action |

|d) possessing psychostimulant action |

|e) is administered to treat angina pectores |

| |

|Indicate the adverse effects of beta-adrenoblockers: |

|a) Rebound phenomena |

|b) increased intraocular pressure |

|c) anxiety |

|d) atherogenic action |

|e) increase the need in oxygen of myocardium |

| |

|Name astringent indications: |

|a) Poisoning with heavy metals salts |

|b) Inflammatory processes of the digestive tract |

|c) Inflammation of the skin |

|d) To antagonize with morphine |

|e) For local anesthesia |

| |

|Choose coating drugs: |

|a) Zinc oxide |

|b) Silver nitrate |

|c) Starch mucilage |

|d) Mucilage from flax seeds |

|e) Activated charcoal |

| |

|Choose adsorbants indications: |

|a) Meteorism |

|b) Diarrhea |

|c) To decrease chloralhydrate irritant properties |

|d) Inflammatory processes of the urinary tract |

|e) Acute poisoning |

| |

|Choose irritants: |

|a) Zinc oxide |

|b) Silver nitrate |

|c) Menthol |

|d) Ammonia solution |

|e) Starch mucilage |

| |

|Are effective antitussives: |

|a) ambroxol |

|b) dimemorfan |

|c) acetylcysteine |

|d) ethylmorphine |

|e) codeine |

| |

|Name drugs used in bronchial asthma treatment: |

|salbutamol |

|propranolol |

|fenoterol |

|sotalol |

|pindolol |

| |

|Name drugs avoided in bronchial asthma: |

|salbutamol |

|propranolol |

|fenoterol |

|sotalol |

|pindolol |

| |

|Name respiratory analeptics: |

|aminophilline |

|bemegrid |

|nikethamide.  |

|camphor |

|prenoxdiazine |

| |

|Name the reasons of morphine used for pulmonary edema: |

|cause bronchodilation |

|relief of anxiety |

|diuretic effect |

|- increases peripheral vasodilatation |

|causes vasoconstriction |

| |

|Name antitussive drugs: |

|aminophilline |

|glaucine |

|xcodeine |

|mucaltin |

|bromhexine |

| |

|Name expectorant drugs: |

|ambroxol |

|glaucine |

|codeine |

|mucaltin |

|bromhexine |

| |

|Name opioids antitussives: |

|a) codeine phosphate |

|b) glaucina |

|c) prenoxdiazine |

|d) pronilid |

|e) ethylmorphine |

| |

|Indicate drugs used to treat bronchial asthma: |

|a) isoprenaline |

|b) orciprenaline |

|c) pentoxiverine |

|d) pronilid |

|e) prenoxdiazine |

| |

|Name side effects of aminophylline: |

|a) Arrythmia |

|b) Sudden death |

|c) Depression |

|d) Insomnia |

|e) Gastric irritation |

| |

|Indicate antiallergic drugs used to treat asthma: |

|a) terfenadine |

|b) loratadine |

|c) astemizole |

|d) platifilină |

|e) fenoterol |

| |

|Indicate effective drugs in bronchial asthma: |

|a) ipratropium |

|b) aminophylline |

|c) salbutamol |

|d) propranolol |

|e) strophantin |

| |

|Following drugs directly activate the respiratory center: |

|a) Bemegride |

|b) Caffeine |

|c) Aethymizole |

|d) Cytiton |

|e) Salbutamol |

| |

|Which of these groups of drugs is used for asthma treatment? |

|a) Methylxanthines |

|b) M-cholinoblocking agents |

|c) Beta2 -stimulants |

|d) Alfa1-stimulants |

|e) M-cholinomimetic agents |

| |

|Choose anti-asthma agents that act in part by activating pulmonary beta-receptors thus increasing cAMP: |

|a) salbutamol |

|b) methoxamine |

|c) cromolyn |

|d) terbutaline |

|e) ipratropium |

| |

|Choose methylxantines used in bronchial asthma therapy: |

|a) theophylline |

|b) cyclosporine |

|c) metaproterenol |

|d) aminophylline |

|e) ipratropium bromide |

| |

|Pick out the bronchodilator drug related to xanthine: |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Orciprenaline |

|c) Adrenaline |

|d) Theophylline |

|e) Aminophylline |

| |

|Name drugs that decrease the release of mediators ( histamine, other ABS) from mast cell. (Stabilization of mast cells): |

|a) glucocorticoids |

|b) salbutamol |

|c) sodium cromoglicate |

|d) epinephrine |

|e) cyclosporine |

| |

|The mechanisms of methylxanthines action are: |

|a) Inhibition of the enzyme phosphodiesterase (high doses) |

|b) Beta2 -adrenoreceptor stimulation |

|c) Inhibition of the production of inflammatory cytokines |

|d) Inhibition of M-cholinoreceptors |

|e) Inhibition of adenosine receptors |

| |

| |

|All of the following drugs are inhaled glucocorticoids: |

|a) Triamcinolone |

|b) Beclometazone |

|c) Sodium cromoglycate |

|d) Budesonide |

|e) Ketotifen |

| |

|Choose the drug belonging to membranestabilizing agents: |

|a) Zileuton |

|b) Sodium cromoglycate |

|c) Zafirlucast |

|d) Montelucast |

|e) Ketotifen |

| |

|Indicate the drug which is a leucotriene receptor antagonist: |

|a) Sodium cromoglycate |

|b) Zafirlucast |

|c) Zileuton |

|d) Triamcinolone |

|e) Montelucast |

| |

|Which of the following drugs are inhibitors of leukotrienes' receptors? |

|a) Montelukast |

|b) Zileuton |

|c) Ibuprofen |

|d) Diclofenac |

|e) Zafirlukast |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristic for isoprenaline: |

|a) stimulates beta1 and beta2 adrenergic receptors |

|b) stimulates just beta1 adrenoreceptors |

|c) produces tachycardia, palpitations, and tremor |

|d) is contraindicated in bronchial asthma |

|e) can be used in aerosols in bronchial asthma crisis |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristic for theophylline: |

|a) is from methylxanthines |

|b) is an ergot alkaloid derivative |

|c) has bronchodilator action, stimulates the heart and CNS |

|d) is contraindicated in bronchial asthma |

|e) is a synthetic catecholamine stimulates beta1 and beta2 adrenergic receptors |

| |

|Explain the pharmacological effects of glucocorticoids used in bronchial asthma treatment: |

|a) have marked anti-inflammatory effect |

|b) decrease bronchi edema and bronchial secretion |

|c) inhibits the respiratory system |

|d) promotes the synthesis of lipocortin |

|e) increase bronchial edema and bronchial secretion |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological peculiarities for codeine: |

|a) is an opiate drug |

|b) inhibits the cough center of the bulb |

|c) inhibit the vagus nerve center |

|d) possesses analgesic effect |

|e) possesses antipyretic action |

| |

|Indication for antitussive drugs: |

|a) cough in rib fractures |

|b) bronchitis with wet cough |

|c) cough in open pneumothorax |

|d) cough in pulmonary tumor |

|e) pneumonia with wet cough |

| |

|What drugs excites sino carotid reflexogenic zone? |

|a) caffeine |

|b) niketamidă |

|c) cititon |

|d) lobeline |

|e) bemegride |

| |

|Indicate expectorant drugs: |

|a) mucaltin |

|b) sodium hydrocarbonate |

|c) potassium iodide |

|d) codeine |

|e) morphine |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristics for prenoxidiazine: |

|a) inhibits the cough center |

|b) depresses the reflex of cough by acting peripherally |

|c) antitussive effect is equivalent to codeine’s |

|d) antitussive effect is less than codeine’s |

|e) causes tolerance and drug addiction |

| |

|Name preparations effective in status asthmaticus: |

|a) disodium cromoglycate |

|b) aminophylline |

|c) diazepam |

|d) dexamethasonum |

|e) ketotifenum |

| |

|Which of the following drugs are not 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOG) inhibitors? |

|a) Diclofenac |

|b) Metamizole |

|c) Zileuton |

|d) Ibuprofen |

|e) Zafirlukast |

| |

|Which of the following drugs are leucotreine D4 receptor (LTD) blockers? |

|a) Diclofenac |

|b) Zafirleukast |

|c) Zileuton |

|d) Ibuprofen |

|e) Montelukast |

| |

| |

|Which of these groups of drugs are used for asthma treatment? |

|a) Methylxanthines |

|b) M-cholinoblocking agents |

|c) Beta2 -stimulants |

|d) beta blockers |

|e) M cholinomimetics |

| |

|Which of the following drugs are used in treatment of bronchial asthma? |

|a) Zafirlukast |

|b) Diclofenac |

|c) Zileuton |

|d) Salbutamol |

|e) Propranolol |

| |

|Indicate disodium chromoglycate pharmacodynamic properties: |

|a) inhibits mast cell degranulation |

|b) blocks M- cholinoreceptors |

|c) inhibits the influx of calcium into the cell |

|d) decreases release histamine and other mediators of allergic reactions |

|e) stimulates beta-2-adrenoceptors |

| |

|Choose indications for disodium chromoglycate |

|a) prevention of acute bronchospasm  |

|b) status astmaticus |

|c) prevention and relief of nasal allergies |

|d) hyperaldosteronism type 1 |

|e) to prevent the acute transplant rejection  |

| |

|What are the mechanisms of bronchodilator action of aminophylline? |

|a) the stimulation of beta-2-adrenergic receptors |

|b) blocking adenosine receptors |

|c) antagonizing the factor of platelet aggregation |

|d) toxic doses inhibit phosphodiesterase |

|e) stimulation adenilaciclazei |

| |

|What is the mechanism of action of disodium cromoglycate to treat asthma? |

|a) prevents calcium influx into cells |

|b) causes adrenergic stimulation |

|c) is a musculotropic bronchodilator |

|d) antagonizes the action of histamine on bronchi |

|e) prevent mast cell degranulation |

| |

|What preparations are preferred for mild bronchial asthma accesses? |

|a) disodium cromoglycate |

|b) indomethacine |

|c) ketotifen |

|d) salbutamol |

|e) terbutaline |

| |

|Indicate the pharmacological effects of aminophylline: |

|a) antiarrhythmic |

|b) cardiostimulator |

|c) hypertensive |

|d) diuretic |

|e) bronchodilator |

| |

|Name inhaled glucocorticoids: |

|a) Triamcinolone |

|b) Beclometazone |

|c) Sodium cromoglycate |

|d) Budesonide |

|e) Prednesolone |

| |

|Inhibitors of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (enzymes that degrade cyclic AMP): |

|a) theophylline |

|b) caffeine |

|c) carbachol |

|d) aspartate |

|e) aminophylline |

| |

|Name mecanisms of antihypertenisve effects: |

|a) Sympatic vegetative ganglia paralises |

|b) beta 1 adrenoblocking action |

|c) alfa 1 adrenostimulating action |

|d) beta 2 adrenoblocking action |

|e) alfa adrenoblocking action |

| |

|In hypertensive emergencies are used: |

|a) Diltiazem |

|b) Prazozine |

|c) Reserpine |

|d) Phenylephrine |

|e) Captopril |

| |

|Total peripheral resistance (TPR) is a determining factor for mean arterial pressure. What are correct relationships between norepinephrine, |

|minoxidil, and lisinopril and TPR? |

|a) Minoxidil : TPR increases |

|b) Fosinopril : TPR increases |

|c) Norepinephrine : TPR increases |

|d) Phenoxybenzamine : TPR increases |

|e) Minoxidil : TPR decreases |

| |

|Name antihypertensive mechanisms: |

|a) paralyzation of the vegetative sympathetic ganglions |

|b) elective stimulation of alpha 1-adrenergic receptors |

|c) paralyzation of the sympathetic-peripheric terminals |

|d) elective blocking of alpha-adrenergic receptors |

|e) blocking of beta-adrenergic receptors |

| |

|Name antihypertensive drugs: |

|a) alpha- adrenoblockers |

|b) alpha- adrenomimetics |

|c) beta- adrenoblockers |

|d) alpha-2-central adrenomimetics |

|e) sympathomimetics |

| |

|Name sympapholitics: |

|rezerpine |

|capropril |

|phentolamine |

|guanethidine |

|prazosine |

| |

|Name Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: |

|lisionopril |

|capropril |

|phentolamine |

|enalapril |

|enalkiren |

| |

|Concerning the use of ACE (angiotensin-converting-enzyme ) inhibitors in heart disease: |

|a) reduces efficacy of diuretic treatment requiring higher diuretic dosages |

|b) contraindicated in hypertensive patients with hypertrophic left ventricles |

|c) reduces aldosteron level |

|d) contraindicated in diabetic patients |

|e) benefits due to reduction in circulating angiotensin II levels |

| |

|Name rennin inhibitors: |

|lisionopril |

|remikiren |

|phentolamine |

|enalapril |

|enalkiren |

| |

|Name angiotensin II receptor blockers: |

|losartan |

|remikiren |

|phentolamine |

|valsartan |

|enalkiren |

| |

|Angiotensin II receptor antagonist: |

|a) saralasyne |

|b) phenoxybenzamine |

|c) methyldopa |

|d) losartan |

|e) captopril |

| |

|Orthostatic (postural) hypotension is produced by: |

|a) ganglionic blocker |

|b) dopamine receptor activation |

|c) alpha receptor blocker |

|d) alpha receptor activation |

|e) beta receptor activation |

| |

|Most likely to increase blood pressure: |

|a) norepinephrine |

|b) timolol |

|c) phenylephrine |

|d) propranolol |

|e) captopril |

| |

|Decreases blood pressure |

|a) prazosine |

|b) phentolamine |

|c) phenylephrine |

|d) trimetaphan |

|e) propranolol |

| |

|Calcium channel blockers with predominantly vascular effects: |

|a) diltiazem |

|b) nicardipine |

|c) verapamil |

|d) nifedipine |

|e) amlodipine |

| |

|Centrally-acting antihypertensive drug: |

|a) moxonidine |

|b) captopril |

|c) methoxamine |

|d) clonidine |

|e) sodium nitroprusside |

| |

|Name izothyoureic derivates: |

|izoturon |

|dopamine |

|izoprenaline |

|profetur |

|difetur |

| |

|Name vasoconstrictors with central action: |

|niketamide |

|camphor |

|sulfocamphocaine |

|epinephrine |

|izoturon |

| |

|Name alkaloids from Ergot: |

|ergotal |

|angiotensinamide |

|ergotamine tartrate |

|epinephrine |

|dihydroergotamine |

| |

|Name effects of clonidine: |

|antihypertention |

|antihypotention |

|analgesic |

|psychostimulant |

| sedation |

| |

|Antihypertensive: action based on inhibition of norepinephrine release from adrenergic nerve endings: |

|a) brethilium |

|b) phentolamine |

|c) hexamethonium |

|d) reserpine |

|e) propranolol |

| |

|Choose antihypertensive agents: |

|a) methyldopa |

|b) guanethidine |

|c) carbidopa |

|d) epinephrine |

|e) reserpine |

| |

|Usual adverse effects of vasodilating, antihypertensive drugs: |

|a) headache |

|b) bradycardia |

|c) angina pectori |

|d) reflex tachycardia |

|e) syncope |

| |

|Adverse effects associated with ACE (angiotensin-converting-enzyme) inhibitor use: |

|a) hypokaliemia |

|b) dry cough |

|c) angioedema |

|d) proteinuria |

|e) hyperkalaemia |

| |

| |

|Indications for Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: |

|treatment of hypertention |

|treatment of hypotention |

|treatment of bronchial asthma |

|treatment of familiar hyperkalemia |

|treatment of cardiac failure |

| |

|ACE (angiotensin-converting-enzyme) inhibitors: |

|a) trandolapril |

|b) methyldopa |

|c) timolol |

|d) captopril |

|e) nifedipine |

| |

|Vasoconstriction, aldosterone secretion, and renin release suppression occur upon activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. How |

|would captopril affect these responses? |

|a) block ACE (angiotensin-converting-enzyme) |

|b) blocks all except vasoconstriction |

|c) blocks only vasoconstriction |

|d) decrease angiotensine II synthesis |

|e) blocks only aldosterone secretion |

| |

|Calcium channel blocker: vasodilation, less likely to have direct cardiac effects: |

|a) nimodipine |

|b) amlodipine |

|c) verapamil |

|d) diltiazem |

|e) nifedipine |

| |

|Choose antihypertensive drugs belonging to the same class: |

|a) lisinopril |

|b) clonidine |

|c) verapamil |

|d) nifedipine |

|e) doxazosin |

| |

|Name advers effects of nifedipine: |

|hypertention |

|reflex tachycardia |

|hypotension |

|bradycardia |

|constipation |

| |

|Name adverse effects of verapamil: |

|AV-block |

|reflex tachycardia |

|low blood pressure |

|bradycardia |

|dry cough |

| |

|Why should be avoided association between beta-blockers and verapamil? |

|a) promote bronchoconstriction |

|b) both acting negative inotropically |

|c) produce angina pectoris |

|d) depress A-V node conductivity |

|e) promote peripheral vascular spasms |

| |

|Name drugs causing bradycardia having both antianginal and antiarrhythmic effects: |

|a) propranolol |

|b) isosorbide dinitrate |

|c) nitroglycerine |

|d) nifedipine |

|e) verapamil |

| |

| |

|Indicate antiarrhythmics acting on the innervation of the heart: |

|a) procainamide |

|b) propranolol |

|c) quinidine |

|d) phenytoin |

|e) atenolol |

| |

|Name class I A antiarrhythmic drugs: |

|a) verapamil |

|b) procainamide |

|c) lidocaine |

|d) metoprolol |

|e) quinidine |

| |

|Name class I B antiarrhythmic drugs: |

|a) verapamil |

|b) procainamide |

|c) lidocaine |

|d) metoprolol |

|e) phenytoine |

| |

|Name groups af drugs with antiarrhythmic propierties: |

|a) alpha-blockers |

|b) beta-blockers |

|c) potassium channel blockers |

|d) calcium channel blockers |

|e) sodium channel blockers |

| |

|Antiarrhythmic drugs classified as sodium channel blockers: |

|a) amiodarone |

|b) verapamil |

|c) lidocaine |

|d) procainamide |

|e) quinidine gluconate |

| |

|Quinidine: mechanism(s)/properties of antiarrhythmic activity: |

|a) slow rate of rise of phase 0 |

|b) prolong repolarization |

|c) activates beta-receptors |

|d) activates K channels |

|e) block sodium channel |

| |

|Prominent quinidine-mediated actions at receptors: |

|a) nicotinic agonist |

|b) H1 antagonist |

|c) alpha adrenergic antagonist |

|d) muscarinic, cholinergic antagonist |

|e) beta adrenergic agonist |

| |

|Correct match(es) between antiarrhythmic drugs and side effects: |

|a) verapamil: tachycardia |

|b) propranolol: bronchospasm |

|c) lidocaine: CNS-related side effects including paresthesias |

|d) quinidine: diarrhea, cinchonism |

|e) metoprolol: tachycardia |

| |

|Agent(s) may be effective in terminating paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT)? |

|a) propranolol |

|b) dobutamine |

|c) verapamil |

|d) atropine |

|e) epinephrine |

| |

|Useful in treating third-degree (complete) heart block: |

|a) digoxine |

|b) isoprenaline |

|c) lidocaine |

|d) edrophonium |

|e) atropine |

| |

|Common drugs that induce AV block include: |

|a) digoxin |

|b) beta-blockers |

|c) atropine |

|d) isoprenaline |

|e) calcium channel blockers (verapamil) |

| |

|Procainamide side effects: |

|a) tachycardia |

|b) hypertension |

|c) drug-induced lupus |

|d) hypotension |

|e) bradycardia |

| |

|Choose class I antiarrhythmic drugs: |

|a) Quinidine gluconate |

|b) Lidocaine |

|c) Flecainide |

|d) Verapamil |

|e) Adenosine |

| |

|Procainamide side effects: |

|a) Nausea |

|b) Hypotension |

|c) Drug-induced lupus |

|d) Tachycardia |

|e) Hypertension |

| |

|Antiarrhythmic drugs classified as sodium channel blockers: |

|a) Quinidine gluconate |

|b) Procainamide |

|c) Phenytoin |

|d) Verapamil |

|e) Adenosine |

| |

|Quinidine gluconate : mechanism(s)/properties of antiarrhythmic activity: |

|a) Inhibition of sodium channel |

|b) Depression of conduction velocity |

|c) Reduced excitability |

|d) Activation of sodium channel |

|e) Activated calcim channel blockade |

| |

|Quinidine gluconate : major clinical use: |

|a) Atrial fibrillation |

|b) Atrial flutter |

|c) Ventricular tachycardia |

|d) AV block |

|e) Cardiac arrest |

| |

|Name arrhythmics: |

|a) verapamil |

|b) enalapril |

|c) metoprolol |

|d) mexiletine |

|e) amiodarone |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological peculiarities characteristic for lidocaine: |

|a) has tropism to certain tissues |

|b) calcium channel blocker |

|c) sodium channel blocker |

|d) can cause neuropsychiatric adverse reactions (in high doses) |

|e) peros bioavailability is reduced, and as a result is administered parenteraly |

| |

|The following are true with regard to lidocaine: |

|a) is local anesthetic |

|b) x is antiarrhythmic drug |

|c) is diuretic drug |

|d) it slows the heart by producing beta-adrenoceptor blockade |

|e) it is effective in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias |

| |

|The following are true about lidocaine: |

|a) it has a local anaesthetic action lasting for about 2 days |

|b) is more active if injected into an inflameted area |

|c) inhibits the rapid influx of sodium ions into excitable cells |

|d) its action is prolonged by the concurrent use of epinephrine |

|e) has antiarhythmic effetc |

| |

|Characteristics of lidocaine: |

|a) used to treat ventricular arythmia |

|b) is opiod analgesic |

|c) common side effects include sleepiness, muscle twitching, confusion |

|d) is an antiarrhythmic medication  |

|e) used in infectous diseases |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological peculiarities characteristic for lidocaine: |

|a) is the choice in ventricular arrhythmias |

|b) sodium channel blocker |

|c) potassium chanel blocker |

|d) calcium channel blocker |

|e) shorten the repolarization |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristics for verapamil: |

|a) is calcium channel blocker |

|b) has a depressing action on the myocardium |

|c) increased therapeutic efficacy in heart failure |

|d) works by blocking the potassium channels |

|e) causes bradycardia |

| |

|The action of calcium blockers (verapamil) on the heart: |

|a) bradycardia; |

|b) automatism diminishing |

|c) contractility diminishing; |

|d) contractility increasing; |

|e) automatism increasing; |

| |

|Calcium channel blocker(s) most likely to affect myocardial contractility and AV conduction: |

|a) nimodipine |

|b) nicardipine |

|c) verapamil |

|d) nifedipine |

|e) diltiazem |

| |

|Agents which decreased ventricular performance: |

|a) theophylline |

|b) metoprolol |

|c) cardiac glycosides |

|d) caffeine |

|e) diltiazem |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristics of amiodarone: |

|a) block membrane sodium channels |

|b) membrane potassium channel blocker |

|c) antiarrhythmic and antianginal effects |

|d) disrupts thyroid function |

|e) is commonly associated with beta-blockers and verapamil |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological peculiarities characteristic for phenytoin: |

|a) Class 1 antiarrhythmic |

|b) is used in digitalis overdose-induced arrhythmias |

|c) is useful in the combination with acetylsalicylic acid |

|d) is used in the treatment of epilepsy |

|e) is calcium channel blocker |

| |

|Name reserpine indications: |

|a) mild to moderate hypertension |

|b) depression |

|c) peptic ulcer |

|d) diarrheic syndrome |

|e) alcoholic psychosis |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristic for raviten: |

|a) is an isothiourea derivative |

|b) hypertensive effect through direct action on the vascular wall |

|c) decreases and body temperature, and oxygen consumption by the organism |

|d) excites alpha1-adrenoceptors |

|e) non-peptide selective inhibitor interacting with the active center of the rennin |

| |

|Name centrally acting antihypertensive drugs: |

|a) clonidine |

|b) sodium nitroprusside |

|c) capropril |

|d) prazosine |

|e) methyldopa |

| |

| |

|Common adverse effects of clonidine are: |

|a) Orthostatic hypotension |

|b) Somnolence |

|c) diarrhea |

|d) Reflex tachycardia |

|e) Xerostomia |

| |

|Adverse effects associated with clonidine: |

|a) euphoria |

|b) tachycardia |

|c) sedation |

|d) dry mouth |

|e) anxiety |

| |

|Clonidine mechanism of action: |

|a) stimulating presynaptic α2 receptors in the brain |

|b) inhibiting presynaptic α2 receptors in the brain |

|c) inhibiting the release of norepinephrine (NE) |

|d) stimulating the release of norepinephrine (NE) |

|e) inhibiting presynaptic beta 2 receptors |

| |

| |

|Name systemic vasoconstrictor drugs groups: |

|a) alpha-adrenomimetics |

|b) beta-adrenomimetics |

|c) alpha, beta-adrenoblockers |

|d) isothiourea derivatives |

|e) alpha, beta-adrenomimetics |

| |

|Name antihypertensive preparations which acts presynaptically: |

|a) clonidine |

|b) reserpine |

|c) propranolol |

|d) guanethidine |

|e) hydralazine |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristic for captopril: |

|a) increases blood pressure |

|b) acting on the angiotensin receptors |

|c) lower blood pressure |

|d) decreases the angiotensin II level |

|e) inhibit converting enzyme |

| |

|Indicate hypotensives from alpha1-adrenoblockers: |

|a) clonidine |

|b) terazosin |

|c) prazosin |

|d) propranolol |

|e) hydralazine |

| |

|Name drugs with nitrovasodilatator mechanism: |

|a) nitroglycerine |

|b) molsidomine |

|c) sodium nitroprusside |

|d) nitrazepam |

|e) nitrofurantoin |

| |

|Name antianginal drugs which may cause tachycardia: |

|a) propranolol |

|b) nifedipine |

|c) isosorbide dinitrate |

|d) nitroglycerine |

|e) verapamil |

| |

|Indicate the mechanisms of action of antianginal drugs: |

|a) reducing the work of the heart |

|b) reduction of cardiac pre and afterload |

|c) decrease in cytoplasmic calcium |

|d) increased sympathetic tone |

|e) coronary dilatation |

| |

|Name mechanisms of action of antianginal drugs: |

|a) coronary dilatation |

|b) decrease sympathetic tone |

|c) reducing the work of the heart |

|d) increased cardiac afterload and preload |

|e) increase in cytoplasmic calcium |

| |

|Drugs clinically used for management of angina: |

|a) metoprolol |

|b) nadolol |

|c) glycerol |

|d) propranolol |

|e) salbutamol |

| |

|Drug effects that may prevent/terminate angina: |

|a) negative chronotropic drugs |

|b) peripheral vasodilators |

|c) negative inotropic drugs |

|d) positive chronotropic drugs |

|e) coronary vasodilators |

| |

|Toxicities associated with nitrates: |

|a) hypotensive reactions |

|b) drug rash |

|c) dizziness |

|d) hypertension |

|e) headaches caused by meningeal vascular dilatation |

| |

|Antianginal action of calcium channel blockers: |

|a) decreased myocardial wall tension |

|b) coronary artery dilatation |

|c) reduced afterload |

|d) increased preload |

|e) negative inotropism |

| |

|Mechanism basis/bases for antianginal effects of beta-blockers: |

|a) increased preload |

|b) decreased contractility |

|c) increased automatism |

|d) increased blood pressure |

|e) decreased heart rate |

| |

|Calcium channel blocker(s) that cause tachycardia and are most likely to worsen myocardial ischemia: |

|a) nimodipine |

|b) diltiazem |

|c) nicardipine |

|d) verapamil |

|e) amlodipine |

| |

|Main clinical uses of calcium channel blockers are: |

|a) Angina pectoris |

|b) Hypertension |

|c) Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias |

|d) A-V block |

|e) Hypotension |

| |

| |

|Ca channels blocker are: |

|a) Diltiazem |

|b) Verapamil |

|c) Propranolol |

|d) Ivabradine |

|e) Labetolol |

| |

|Characteristis of nitric oxide: |

|a) increases cardiac contractility |

|b) decreases blood pressure |

|c) causes coronarodilation |

|d) causes pulmonary vasoconstriction |

|e) is also known as endothelium relaxing factor |

| |

|Symptoms associated with nitrates: |

|a) hypertension |

|b) tachycardia |

|c) headache |

|d) hypotension |

|e) bradycardia |

| |

|Indicate the mechanisms of antianginal action of organic nitrites and nitrates: |

|a) arterioconstriction and venous constriction |

|b) decrease heart preload and afterload |

|c) decrease in cardiac oxygen consumption |

|d) coronary dilatation |

|e) increase the supply of oxygenated blood |

| |

|Side effects associated with nitrates: |

|a) Bradycardia |

|b) Hypotension |

|c) Headache |

|d) Hypertension |

|e) Diarrhea |

| |

|Pharmacologic features of nitroprusside sodium: |

|a) lead to vasoconstriction |

|b) nitric oxide activates guanylyl cyclase |

|c) forms nitric oxide |

|d) forms methemoglobin |

|e) lead to vasodilation |

| |

|Cardiovascular effects of nitroglycerin: |

|a) increased systemic vascular resistance |

|b) reduced systemic vascular resistance |

|c) ameliorates circulation in the ischemic areas |

|d) negative inotropic and chronotropic effects |

|e) significant reflex tachycardia |

| |

|Indicate side effects of organic nitrites: |

|a) hypertension |

|b) headache |

|c) hypotension |

|d) reflex tachycardia |

|e) tolerance |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological peculiarities characteristic for nitroglycerin: |

|a) is an organic nitrate |

|b) is a volatile explosive liquid |

|c) used in angina pectoris accesses |

|d) is used just sublingually |

|e) to avoid the sublingual use |

| |

|Indicate the effects of organic nitrates: |

|a) coronary dilatation |

|b) arterio dilation |

|c) afterload reduction |

|d) venous constriction |

|e) preload reduction |

| |

|Name antianginal molecular mechanisms of action of nitrites and nitrates: |

|a) stimulates guanylate cyclase |

|b) reduce the level of cGMP |

|c) increase the concentration of cGMP |

|d) blocks the receptors for nitrous oxide |

|e) inhibit adenosine deaminase |

| |

|Name antianginal preparations which may cause tachycardia: |

|a) propranolol |

|b) nifedipine |

|c) isosorbide dinitrate |

|d) nitroglycerine |

|e) verapamil |

| |

|Drugs clinically used for management of angina: |

|a) Atenolol |

|b) Propranolol |

|c) Salbutalol |

|d) Metoprolol |

|e) Cholecalcipherol |

| |

|All these drug groups useful in angina both decrease myocardial oxygen requirement and increase myocardial oxygen delivery: |

|a) Nitroglycerin |

|b) Isosorbide dinitrate |

|c) Atenolol |

|d) Metoprolol |

|e) Alinidine |

| |

|Which of the following statements concerning nitrate mechanism of action is true? |

|a) Therapeutically active agents in this group are capable of releasing nitric oxide (NO) in to vascular smooth muscle target tissues |

|b) Nitric oxide (NO) is an effective activator of soluble guanylyl cyclase and probably acts mainly through this mechanism |

|c) Nitrates useful in angina decrease myocardial oxygen requirementand increase myocardial oxygen delivery |

|d) Nitrates useful in angina only decrease myocardial oxygen requirement |

|e) Nitrates useful in angina only increase myocardial oxygen delivery |

| |

|The following statements concerning mechanism of nitrate beneficial clinical effect are true: |

|a) Decreased myocardial oxygen requirement |

|b) Relief of coronary artery spasm |

|c) Improved perfusion to ischemic myocardium |

|d) Increased myocardial oxygen consumption |

|e) Decreased myocardial oxygen delivery |

| |

|Side effect of nitrates and nitrite drugs are: |

|a) Orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia |

|b) Bradycardia |

|c) Throbbing headache |

|d) Tolerance |

|e) Orthostatic hypertension |

| |

|The following statements concerning antianginal mechanism of calcium channel blockers' action are true: |

|a) are capable of releasing nitric oxide (NO) in vascular smooth muscle target tissues |

|b) bind to L-type calcium channel sites |

|c) decrease myocardial oxygen requirement and increase myocardial oxygen delivery |

|d) decrease transmembrane calcium current associated in smooth muscle with long-lasting relaxation and in a cardiac muscle with a reduction in|

|contractility |

|e) bind to T-type calcium channel sites |

| |

|Which of the following antianginal agents are calcium channel blockers? |

|a) Nitroglycerin |

|b) Dipyridamole |

|c) Minoxidil |

|d) Amlodipine |

|e) Verapamil |

| |

|Which of the following antianginal agents is a beta-adrenoreceptor-blocking drug: |

|a) Dipyridamole |

|b) Validol |

|c) Atenolol |

|d) Alinidine |

|e) Propranolol |

| |

|The following agents are cardioselective beta1-adrenoreceptor-blocking drugs labeled for use in angina: |

|a) Metoprolol |

|b) Talinolol |

|c) Atenolol |

|d) Propranolol |

|e) Nadolol |

| |

|Which of the following antianginal agents is the specific bradycardic drug: |

|a) Dipyridamole |

|b) Validol |

|c) Pentoxiphylline |

|d) Alinidine |

|e) Falipamil |

| |

|Name organic nitrates: |

|nifedipine |

|nitroglycerin |

|sustac mite |

|trinitrolong |

|minoxidil |

| |

|Name classes of drugs used to treat angina pectoris: |

|alfa-adrenomimetics |

|beta-adrenomimetics |

|beta adrenoblockers |

|organic nitrates |

|Ca channel blocking drugs |

| |

|Effects of Ca channel-blocking drugs (nifedipine): |

|decrease calcium influx into smooth muscle |

|increase calcium influx into smooth muscle |

|cause vascular relaxation |

|cause vascular contraction |

|cause reflex tachycardia |

| |

|What are the adverse effects of nitrates? |

|flushing (do to vasodilation) |

|tachycardia |

|hypotention |

|hypertention |

|headache |

| |

|What are the adverse effects of nitrates? |

|met-hemoglobinaemia |

|tolerance |

|reflex tachycardia |

|bradycardia |

|hypertention |

| |

|What are the therapeutic uses for beta blockers? |

|angina pectoris |

|hypertension |

|tachyarrhythmias |

|bradyarrhythmia |

|atrioventricular block |

| |

|What type of cardiovascular side effects do beta blockers have? |

|hypotension |

|hypertension |

|tachycardia |

|bradycardia |

|atrioventricular block |

| |

|List drugs that are beta blockers: |

|metoprolol |

|validol |

|propranolol |

|trinitrolong |

|salbutamol |

| |

|List contraindication for beta blockers: |

|angina pectori |

|hypertension |

|tachyarrhythmias |

|atrioventricular block |

|decompensated cardiac failure |

| |

|List effects of nitrates: |

|increase heart rate |

|increase the supply off blood flow |

|decrease preload and afterload |

|increase blood pressure |

|decrease heart rate |

| |

|List effects of beta blockers: |

|increase heart rate |

|increase diastole duration |

|decrease cardiac contractility |

|increase blood pressure |

|decrease heart rate |

| |

|List Beta blockers contraindications: |

|hypertention |

|systolic heart failure |

|peripheral vascular disease |

|angina pectoris |

|diabetes mellitus |

| |

|Name chemical classes of calcium channel blockers: |

|benzodiazepines |

|phenylalkylamines |

|benzothiazepines |

|dihydropyridines |

|methylxanthines |

| |

|List adverse effects of calcium channel blockers: |

|hypertention |

|peripheral edema |

|hypotension |

|tachycardia or bradycardia |

|bronchospasm |

| |

|Drugs used to treat migraine: |

|nitrates |

|triptans |

|ergot alkaloids |

|nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs |

|beta blockers |

| |

|Name cerebral vasodilators: |

|a) nicergoline |

|b) nitroglycerine |

|c) cinnarizine |

|d) vinpocetine |

|e) niketamide |

| |

|Indicate the group of drugs from cerebral vasodilators: |

|a) Ca-channel blockers |

|b) Antispastic drugs |

|c) Loop diuretics |

|d) Organic nitrates |

|e) Derivatives of Vinca minor plant |

| |

|The following Ergot derivative is used for treatment of acute migraine attack: |

|a) Paracetamol |

|b) Sumatriptan |

|c) Ergotamine |

|d) Metoclopramide |

|e) Methylergometrine |

| |

|The following indol derivatives are used for treatment of acute migraine attack: |

|a) Paracetamol |

|b) Sumatriptan |

|c) Ergotamine |

|d) Metoclopramide |

|e) Zolmitriptan |

| |

|Indicate groups of drugs classified as influencing the cerebral flow: |

|a) Ca2+-channel blockers |

|b) Derivatives of GABA |

|c) Derivatives of Vinca minor plant |

|d) K+-channel blockers |

|e) Benzidiazepines |

| |

|Indicate the drugs which are Ca2+-channel blockers influencing the cerebral blood flow: |

|a) Aminalon (Gama aminobutiric acid) |

|b) Nimodipine |

|c) Cinnarizine |

|d) Heparin |

|e) Vinpocetine |

| |

|Indicate the drugs influencing the blood flow in the brain - derivatives of GABA: |

|a) Aminalon (Gama aminobutiric acid) |

|b) Picamilon |

|c) Nimodipine |

|d) Heparin |

|e) Vinpocetine |

| |

|Indicate the drugs - Vinca minor alcaloids: |

|a) Nicergoline |

|b) Warfarin |

|c) Cinnarizine |

|d) Vinpocetine |

|e) Vincamine |

| |

|The following indol derivatives are used for treatment of acute migraine attack: |

|a) Paracetamol |

|b) Sumatriptan |

|c) Ergotamine |

|d) Metoclopramide |

|e) Zolmitriptan |

| |

|What are the therapeutic benefits of tonicardiacs in heart failure? |

|a) reduce tachycardia |

|b) positive inotropic action |

|c) increase in cardiac output |

|d) vasoconstrictor action |

|e) batmotropic positive action |

| |

|Indicate drugs that can be used in heart failure: |

|a) drugs which lower the contractile force of the myocardium |

|b) vasodilating drugs |

|c) diuretics |

|d) beta-2 adrenomimetics |

|e) converting enzyme inhibitors |

| |

|Indicate adverse effects characteristic for digitalis: |

|a) bradycardia |

|b) anorexia, nausea, vomiting |

|c) headache, confusion |

|d) mydriasis and hyposalivation |

|e) visual disturbances |

| |

|ECG finding(s) consistent with digitalis intoxication include: |

|a) PQ decrese |

|b) third degree heart block |

|c) sinus bradycardia |

|d) ectopic A-V junctional beats |

|e) PQ increase |

| |

|symptoms of digitalis toxicity include the following: |

|a) tachycardia |

|b) yellow halos around lights (xanthopsia) |

|c) bradycardia |

|d) no vision affection |

|e) hallucinations |

| |

|Positive inotropic agent - phosphodiesterase inhibitor: |

|a) milrinone |

|b) dopamine |

|c) amrinone |

|d) digoxin |

|e) dobutamine |

| |

|The non-glycoside positive inotropic drugs are: |

|a) Digoxin |

|b) Strophantin K |

|c) Dobutamine |

|d) Digitoxin |

|e) Amrinone |

| |

|Primary chemical components of digoxine: |

|a) fat residues |

|b) sugar residues |

|c) steroid nucleus |

|d) lactic acid residues |

|e) lactone ring |

| |

|Cardiac glycosides: principal mechanism of action: |

|a) increases vagal nerve activity |

|b) inhibits calcium transport |

|c) inhibits Na/K ATPase |

|d) activates myocardial leukotrienes |

|e) blocks beta-adrenergic receptors |

| |

|Which of the following agents belong to cardiac glycosides? |

|a) Digoxin |

|b) Strophantin K |

|c) Amrinone |

|d) Digitoxin |

|e) Adoniside |

| |

|Choose derivatives of the plant Foxglove (Digitalis): |

|a) Digoxin |

|b) Strophantin K |

|c) Dobutamine |

|d) Amrinone |

|e) Digitoxin |

| |

|All of the following statements regarding cardiac glycosides are true: |

|a) They inhibit the Na+/K+-ATPase and thereby increase intracellular Ca2+ in myocardial cells |

|b) They inhibit the H+/K+-ATPase from parietal cell |

|c) They inhibit the Na+ K+ Cl- from loop Henle |

|d) The most frequent cause of digitalis intoxication in concomitant administration with diuretics that deplete K+ |

|e) They activate the Na+/K+-ATPase |

| |

|All of the following statements regarding cardiac glycosides are true: |

|a) They inhibit the activity of the Na+/K+-ATPase |

|b) They decrease intracellular concentrations of calcium in myocytes |

|c) They increase vagal tone |

|d) They have a very low therapeutic index |

|e) They increase the tone of sympathetic system |

| |

|All of the following statements regarding cardiac glycosides are true: |

|a) Digoxin is a cardiac glycoside of medium duration of action |

|b) Digoxin increases vagal tone |

|c) Digoxin has a longer half-life than digitoxin |

|d) Digoxin acts by inhibiting the Na+/K+ ATPase |

|e) Amrinone acts by inhibiting the Na+/K+ ATPase |

| |

|The manifestations of glycosides intoxication are: |

|a) Visual changes |

|b) AV block |

|c) Gastrointestinal disturbances |

|d) Pseudomembranous colitis |

|e) Atrial tachyarrhythmias |

| |

|For treatment of digitalis-induced arrhythmias are used the following drugs: |

|a) Quinidine |

|b) Phenytoin |

|c) Lidocaine |

|d) Propanolol |

|e) Procainamide |

| |

|Symptoms of digitalis toxicity: |

|a) disturbed color vision |

|b) nausea |

|c) poliuria |

|d) hypertension |

|e) first-degree A-V block |

| |

|Useful in managing serious ventricular arrhythmias due to digitalis overdosage: |

|a) metoprolol |

|b) phenytoin |

|c) phenylephrine |

|d) adenosine |

|e) potassium administration |

| |

|Indicate effects characteristic for cardiac glycosides: |

|a) negative inotropic |

|b) negative dromotropic |

|c) negative chronotropic |

|d) positive dromotropic |

|e) positive inotropic |

| |

|Indicate effects at the therapeutic doses of digoxin in the heart: |

|a) intensification of the force of contractions of the heart |

|b) bradycardia |

|c) slowing of impulse transmission through the conducting system of the heart |

|d) tachycardia |

|e) decrease heart automaticity |

| |

|Specify mechanism of action of the cardotonic glycosides: |

|a) inhibits phosphodiesterase |

|b) inhibits adenylate cyclase |

|c) inhibits Na + K-ATPase |

|d) increases calcium concentration in cells |

|e) decreases calcium concentration in cells |

| |

|How is modified the concentration of free ions in cardiomyocytes under the influence of cardiac glycosides? |

|a) increases the content of potassium ions |

|b) is reduced potassium ion content |

|c) increases the content of magnesium ions |

|d) increases the content of calcium ions |

|e) is reduced content of calcium ions |

| |

|Name cardiac glycosides indications: |

|a) acute heart failure |

|b) supraventricular tachyarrhythmias |

|c) bradycardia |

|d) angina |

|e) chronic heart failure |

| |

|Name cardiac glycosides indications: |

|a) ventricular tachycardia |

|b) supraventricular tachyarrhythmias |

|c) acute and chronic heart failure |

|d) acute myocarditis |

|e) Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome |

| |

| |

|The remedies used in intoxication with cardiac glycosides: |

|potassium chloride |

|unitiol |

|phenytoin |

|digoxine |

|strophantine |

| |

|The symptoms of cardiac glycosides intoxication: |

|bradycardia |

|tachycardia |

|altered color vision (xanthopsia) |

|broncospasm |

|hyperpotasiemia |

| |

|Drug classes used in management of heart failure: |

|a) diuretics |

|b) NSAIDs |

|c) glycozides |

|d) alpha1 adrenergic agonists |

|e) bipyridines |

| |

|Effect(s) of circulating catecholamines on cardiac function: |

|a) negative dromotropism |

|b) reduced contractility |

|c) negative chronotropism |

|d) increased cardiac output  |

|e) positive chronotropism |

| |

|Example(s) of drugs that improve ventricular performance: |

|a) procainamide |

|b) amrinone |

|c) xmilrinone |

|d) propranolol |

|e) levosimendan |

| |

|Cardiac glycosides are still in use today to treat: |

|bronchial asthma |

|cardiac failure |

|atrial fibrillation or flutter |

|angyna pectori |

|acute hypertention |

| |

|Name the modifications on ECG produced by cardiac glycosides in therapeutical doses: |

|no essential modifications |

|decrease of R-R |

|low amplitude of R |

|high amplitude of R |

|increasing of R-R |

| |

|Name non glycosides cardiotonics: |

|amrinone |

|corglycon |

|milrinone |

|digoxine |

|strophantine |

| |

|Choose the positive inotropic drug of glycoside structure: |

|a) Dopamine |

|b) Digoxin |

|c) Dobutamine |

|d) Adrenalin |

|e) Strophantine |

| |

|Choose the positive inotropic drug of non-glycoside structure: |

|a) Digitoxin |

|b) Digoxin |

|c) Dobutamine |

|d) Strophanthin |

|e) Milrinone |

| |

|Name steroid glycosides: |

|amrinone |

|corglycon |

|milrinone |

|digoxine |

|strophantine |

| |

| |

|List nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|dihydroergotamine mesylate |

|sumatriptan |

|ibuprofen |

|diclofenac |

|caffeine |

| |

|List triptans mechanism of action: |

|5HT1b/1d agonist in vasculature |

|antagonist of D2 receptors |

|vasoconstriction of intracranial blood vessels.  |

|vasodilatation of intracranial blood vessels.  |

|block calcium channels |

| |

|Name cardiac glycosides indications: |

|a) ventricular tachycardia |

|b) supraventricular tachyarrhythmias |

|c) acute and chronic heart failure |

|d) acute myocarditis |

|e) Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome |

| |

|Name selective inhibitors of myocardial phosphodiesterase III: |

|a) theophylline |

|b) dobutamine |

|c) aminophylline |

|d) amrinone |

|e) milrinone |

| |

|Note the mechanisms of action of cardiotonic digitalis: |

|a) the inhibition of Na + / K + ATPase |

|b) the stimulation of Na + / K + ATPase |

|c) increase in cytoplasmic Ca2 + in cardiac fiber |

|d) inhibiting the release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2 + |

|e) pacemaker stimulation |

| |

|Name orexygenic drugs: |

|a) Vitamins |

|b) Bitters |

|c) Amfepramone |

|d) Insulin |

|e) Carnitine |

| |

|Name drugs that stimulate appetite: |

|a) Insulin |

|b) Bitters |

|c) Sibutramine |

|d) Vitamins |

|e) Amphetamine |

| |

|List remedies with orexigenic effect: |

|cyproheptadine |

|amphetamine |

|phenfluramine |

|insulin |

|amitryptiline |

| |

|Indicate pharmacodynamic properties of cyproheptadine: |

|a) possesses anticholinergic action |

|b) possesses H1-antihistamine action |

|c) possesses antiserotonin action |

|d) excite the receptors of mouth |

|e) decreases blood glucose |

| |

|Indicate the mechanisms of action of bitter staff: |

|a) reflex stimulate hunger center |

|b) increase appetite as a result of direct action on hunger center |

|c) stimulates the pancreas function |

|d) decreases the elimination of bile |

|e) affect reflectory the central nervous system, which signals the gut to release digestive hormones that stimulate appetite |

| |

|Name the preparations that increase the appetite: |

|a) amfepranone |

|b) insulin |

|c) sibutramine |

|d) bitter stuffs |

|e) mazindol |

| |

|Name cyproheptadine indications: |

|a) gastric ulcer |

|b) allergic rhinitis |

|c) gastritis |

|d) obesity |

|e) anorexia |

| |

|Name the antacid preparations: |

|a) Magnesium trisilicate |

|b) Atropine |

|c) Magnesium oxide |

|d) Sodium bicarbonate |

|e) sucralfate |

| |

|What drugs are contraindicated in active peptic ulcer? |

|a) phenylbutazone |

|b) pentazocine |

|c) omeprazol |

|d) diazepam |

|e) acetylsalicylic acid |

| |

|Name drugs that intensify gastrointestinal motility: |

|a) Papaverine |

|b) Metoclopramide |

|c) Domperidone |

|d) Cisapride |

|e) Neostygmine |

| |

|Name the mechanism of antiemetic action of metoclopramide: |

|a) H1 and H2-receptor blocking effect |

|b) M-cholinoreceptor stimulating effect |

|c) D2-dopamine receptor blocking effect |

|d) 5-HT3-serotonin receptor blocking effect |

|e) M-cholinoblocking effect |

| |

|Name emetic drugs with reflex action: |

|a) Ipecacuanha derivatives |

|b) Apomorphine hydroclorid |

|c) Chlorpromazine |

|d) Metoclopramide |

|e) Cuprum sulphate |

| |

|Indicate emetics: |

|a) Copper sulfate |

|b) Chlorpromazine |

|c) Pepsin |

|d) Diphenhydramine |

|e) Apomorphine |

| |

|Name antiemetics: |

|a) Metoclopramide |

|b) Ondansetron |

|c) Chlorpromazine |

|d) Apomorphine hydrochloride |

|e) Cuprum sulphate |

| |

|Name drugs with antiemetic effect: |

|a) Scopolamine |

|b) Diphenhidramine |

|c) Chlorpromazine |

|d) Cyproheptadine |

|e) Amphetamine |

| |

| |

|Choose centrally-acting anti-emetics: |

|a) thiethylperazine |

|b) cholestyramine |

|c) bismuth subsalicylate |

|d) chlorpromazine |

|e) lidocaine |

| |

|Indicate antivomiting preparations: |

|a) apomorphine |

|b) metoclopramide |

|c) thiethylperazine |

|d) Paraffin oil |

|e) diphenhydramine |

| |

|Name antacids: |

|a) Misoprostol |

|b) Magnesii oxydum |

|c) Famotidine |

|d) Almagel |

|e) Omeprasole |

| |

|Antacids are: |

|a) sodium bicarbonate |

|b) omeprazole |

|c) almagel A |

|d) cimetidine |

|e) atropine |

| |

|Drug(s) used iin eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection: |

|metronidazole |

|clarithromycin |

|amoxicillin |

|remantadine |

|tetracycline |

| |

|Choose antacids that may cause constipation: |

|aluminium hydroxidum |

|aluminium carbonas |

|almagel |

|magnesii subcarbonas |

|magnesii oxydum |

| |

|Choose antacids that may cause diarrhea : |

|aluminium hydroxidum |

|aluminium carbonas |

|almagel |

|magnesii subcarbonas |

|magnesii oxydum |

| |

|Side Effects of antiacids are: |

|a) Constipation (for Aluminum compounds) |

|b) Diarrhea (for Magnesium compounds) |

|c) Decreases absorption of other drugs |

|d) Constipation (for Magnesium compounds) |

|e) Diarrhea (for Aluminum compounds) |

| |

|Indicate gastric preparations with antisecretory effect: |

|a) omeprazole |

|b) sucralfate |

|c) cimetidine |

|d) pirenzepine |

|e) carbenoxolone |

| |

|List H2 histaminoblockers: |

|famotidine |

|omeprazol |

|lansoprazol |

|ranitidine |

|cimetidine |

| |

|List proton pump inhibitors: |

|famotidine |

|omeprazol |

|lansoprazol |

|ranitidine |

|cimetidine |

| |

|Indicate the main effects of atropine in duodenal ulcer: |

|a) stimulates the secretion of gastric glands |

|b) increases the activity of pepsin |

|c) contracts pyloric sphincter  |

|d) relaxeses pylorus |

|e) decreases gastric secretion |

| |

|Gastric acid secretion is under the control of the following agents: |

|a) Histamine |

|b) Acetylcholine |

|c) Serotonin |

|d) Gastrin |

|e) Somatostatine |

| |

|Remedies used in hyposecretion of digestive glands are: |

|a) neostigmine |

|b) atropine |

|c) galantamine |

|d) scopolamine |

|e) cimetidine |

| |

|Indicate the drug belonging to proton pump inhibitors: |

|a) Pirenzepine |

|b) Ranitidine |

|c) Omeprazole |

|d) Trimethaphan |

|e) Pantoprazole |

| |

|Pharmaological pecularities of omeprazole are: |

|a) is a prodrug that needs a low pH to be active |

|b) irreversible inhibits proton pump |

|c) is a competitive H2 receptor Antagonist; |

|d) blocks all types of muscarinic receptors |

|e) Chemically neutralizes stomach acid |

| |

|Which of the following drugs is an agent of substitution (replacement) therapy? |

|a) Gastrin |

|b) Diluted hydrochloric acid |

|c) Pepsin |

|d) Carbonate mineral waters |

|e) Omeprazole |

| |

|For substitution of gastric glands secretion are used: |

|a) artificial gastric juice |

|b) natural gastric juice |

|c) pepsin |

|d) omeprazole |

|e) caffeine |

| |

|Choose the drug which is a H2-receptor antagonist: |

|a) Omeprazole |

|b) Pirenzepine |

|c) Carbenoxolone |

|d) Ranitidine |

|e) Famotidine |

| |

|Indicate pharmacodynamic properties of cimetidine: |

|a) block H2 receptors |

|b) blocks M- receptors |

|c) increases the secretion of gastric juice |

|d) H1-receptor blocking |

|e) decreases the secretion of pepsin and HC |

| |

|All of the following drugs are proton pump inhibitors: |

|a) Pantoprozole |

|b) Omeprazole |

|c) Ketoconazole |

|d) Rabeprazole |

|e) Fluconazol |

| |

|Indicate the drug belonging to M1-cholinoblockers: |

|a) Cimetidine |

|b) Ranitidine |

|c) Pirenzepine |

|d) Omeprazole |

|e) Telenzepine |

| |

|Selective M1 receptor antagonists are: |

|a) pirenzepine |

|b) atropine |

|c) telenzepine |

|d) scopolamine |

|e) neostigmine |

| |

|Choose the drug that causes constipation: |

|a) Sodium bicarbonate |

|b) Aluminium hydroxide |

|c) Calcium carbonate |

|d) Magnesium oxide |

|e) Atropine |

| |

| |

|Are H2 receptor antagonist: |

|a) mizoprostol |

|b) nizatidine |

|c) omeprazole |

|d) ranitidine |

|e) famotidine |

| |

|Indicate adverse effects of cimetidine: |

|a) inhibition of liver enzymes |

|b) hypertention |

|c) hyperacidity |

|d) tachycardia |

|e) gynecomastia |

| |

|Choose anti-ulcer agents that block proton generations by parietal cells: |

|a) lansoprazole |

|b) bismuth compounds |

|c) ranitidine |

|d) omeprazole |

|e) sucralfate |

| |

|Acting at prostaglandin EP3 receptors on parietal cells & on epithelial cells prostaglandin agonists inhibits: |

|a) acid secretion |

|b) gastrin release |

|c) pepsin secretion |

|d) mucus secretion |

|e) mucosal blood flow |

| |

|Acting at prostaglandin EP3 receptors on parietal cells & on epithelial cells prostaglandin agonists stimulates: |

|a) acid secretion |

|b) gastrin release |

|c) pepsin secretion |

|d) mucus secretion |

|e) mucosal blood flow |

| |

|Mechanism of Action of Proton Pump Inhibitors: |

|bloc H2 histaminoreceptors |

|Irreversibly bind to proton pump (H+/K+ ATPase enzyme)  |

|Preventing the movement of hydrogen ions from the parietal cell into the stomach |

|bloc M3 cholinoreceptors |

|contain alkaline ions that chemically neutralize stomach gastric acid |

| |

|List indications of Proton Pump Inhibitors: |

|aErosive esophagitis |

|bZollinger-Ellison syndrome |

|cTreatment of H. pylori-induced ulcers; given with an antibiotic |

|dGastric carcinoma |

|eViral hepatitis |

| |

|Name the groups of substances that reduce the secretion of gastric juice: |

|a) M-cholinoblockers |

|b) antacid remedies |

|c) antigastrinices |

|d) H2- histaminoreceptors blockers |

|e) H1- histaminoreceptors blockers |

| |

| |

| |

|Name gastroprotective drugs: |

|a) famotidine |

|b) omeprazole |

|c) sucralfate |

|d) pirenzepine |

|e) bismuth chelate |

| |

|Name gastroprotectors: |

|a) cimetidine |

|b) bismuth salts |

|c) atropine |

|d) propantheline |

|e) sucralfate |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristic of sucralfate: |

|a) weakly interacts with intact mucosa |

|b) extensively covers the ulcer |

|c) is not absorbed and does not exert systemic effects |

|d) inhibits gastric acid secretion |

|e) possesses purgative effect |

| |

|Name mechanism of action and effects of sucralfate |

|a) protects the gastric and duodenal mucosa from acid/pepsin attack |

|b) does not decrease the concentration or total amount of acid in the stomach |

|c) It works by forming a protective layer on the ulcer to serve as a barrier against acid |

|d) is weak base that neutralize HCl in the stomach |

|e) is synthetic Analog of Prostaglandin E1 |

| |

|Name gatroprotectors drugs that forms a paste-like membrane on the surface of ulcer: |

|a) carbenoxolone |

|b) mizoprosol |

|c) omeprazole |

|d) bismuth subcitrate |

|e) sucralfate |

| |

|Severe obesity may be treated by: |

|cyproheptadine |

|amphetamine |

|phenfluramine |

|insulin |

|amitryptiline |

| |

|List remedies used in pancreatic hypersecretion: |

|x aprotinine |

|atropine |

|pancreatin |

|abomine |

|festal |

| |

|Drugs indicated in acute pancreatitis: |

|a) aprotinine |

|b) atropine |

|c) neostigmine |

|d) tramadol |

|e) natural gastric juice |

| |

|List remedies used in inadequate pancreatic secretion: |

|aprotinine |

|atropine |

|pancreatin |

|abomine |

|festal |

| |

|Name preparations used in pancreas hyposecretion as substitution: |

|a) aprotinin |

|b) digestal |

|c) misoprostol |

|d) pancreatin |

|e) triferment |

| |

|What are the mechanisms of action of aprotinin in acute pancreatitis? |

|a) suppress the secretion of pancreatic juice |

|b) facilitates the excretion of pancreatic juice in the duodenum |

|c) stimulates the activity of proteolytic enzymes in the blood |

|d) inhibits the proteolytic enzymes in the blood |

|e) inhibits the proteolytic enzymes of pancreas |

| |

|Name the drugs used in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis: |

|a) panzinorm |

|b) triferment |

|c) bisacodyl |

|d) pancreatin |

|e) cimetidine |

| |

|Indicate preparations for replacement therapy in hypoacidity of gastric juice: |

|a) pepsin |

|b) natural gastric juice |

|c) artificial gastric juice |

|d) atropine |

|e) drotaverine |

| |

|Indicate characteristic of pharmacological effects of magnesium oxide: |

|a) in large doses have purgative action |

|b) causes constipation |

|c) works longer then sodium bicarbonate |

|d) neutralizes the gastric juice |

|e) acts momentanly |

| |

|Are used in treatment of diarrhea: |

|a) apomorphine |

|b) loperamide |

|c) diphenoxylate |

|d) senadexin |

|e) bisacodil |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristic of castor oil: |

|a) irritate the stomach |

|b) irritate the bowel |

|c) act in the small intestine |

|d) is activated by intestinal juice |

|e) soften the feces by increasing its volume |

| |

|Laxatives and purgatives can act through follow mechanisms: |

|a) stimulates motility through an irritative mechanism |

|b) stimulates direct cholinergic receptors |

|c) difussion growth plus active water and electrolytes secretion |

|d) water retention in the intestines through hydrophilic and osmotic force |

|e) direct softening of defecation |

| |

|Name the drugs with antidiarrheal properties: |

|a) lopiramide |

|b) abomine |

|c) atropine |

|d) morphine |

|e) castor oil |

| |

|Name 3 types of drugs with antidiarrheal properties: |

|adsorbents, mucilaginous, opioids |

|opiates, absorbents, anticholinergics  |

|osmotic laxative, anticholinergics, stool softners |

|osmotic laxative, stimulants and contact laxatives, stool softners |

|cholinomimetics, stool softners, opiates  |

| |

|Indicate neurotropic spasmolytics: |

|a) papaverine |

|b) atropine |

|c) butylscopolamine |

|d) neostigmine |

|e) drotaverine |

| |

|Indicate the pharmacodynamics of myotropic spasmolitics: |

|a) H2-receptors stimulates |

|b) inhibits phosphodiesterase |

|c) inhibits H2 receptors |

|d) increases the concentration of cAMP |

|e) stimulates adenylate cyclase |

| |

|Name hepatoprotective preparations: |

|a) carbenoxolone |

|b) silymarin |

|c) sucralfate |

|d) ademethionine |

|e) liv-52 |

| |

|Name hepatoprotective preparations: |

|a) silymarin |

|b) abomine |

|c) LIV-52 |

|d) Essential |

|e) Almagel |

| |

|Name the preparations from cholelitholytics group: |

|a) cholosas |

|b) ursodeoxycholic acid |

|c) alochol |

|d) chenodeoxycholic acid |

|e) colenzim |

| |

|List tensio-active drugs used for fighting flatulence: |

|a) Dimethicone |

|b) Pancreatin |

|c) Almagel |

|d) Simethicone |

|e) atropine |

| |

|Indicate the mechanisms of action of loop diuretics: |

|a) block thiol (SH) groups of the epithelial cells enzymes of ascending part of the loop of Henle |

|b) inhibit energetic processes, diminishing the active absorption of Na, Cl and partially K ions. |

|c) inhibits carbonic anhydrase as a secondary mechanism |

|d) increases osmotic pressure in the blood vessel by attracting fluid bed |

|e) inhibit aldosterone receptors and prevent mineralocorticoid effects. |

| |

|What are the main side effects of furosemide: |

|a) retain uric acid in the body |

|b) retain potassium in the body |

|c) increases excretion of calcium ions |

|d) can cause hyperglycemia |

|e) retain magnesium in the body |

| |

|Indicate adverse effects of furosemide: |

|a) ototoxicity |

|b) hypercalcaemia |

|c) dehydration |

|d) hipernatriemie |

|e) hypokalaemia |

| |

|Adverse effect(s) associated with loop diuretics: |

|a) hyperglycemia |

|b) hyperuricemia |

|c) hypercalcemia |

|d) ototoxicity |

|e) potassium depletion |

| |

|Adverse effect(s) associated with thiazide diuretic use: |

|a) hypercalcemia |

|b) hyperglycemia |

|c) ototoxicity |

|d) potassium depletion |

|e) hyperuricemia |

| |

|Characteristic of mannitol: |

|a) is antagonist of aldosterone |

|b) is indicated just in patient with cardiac failure |

|c) is used just orally |

|d) decreases the vitreous volume |

|e) can be given in acute glaucoma |

| |

|List diuretics used to treat acute intoxication: |

|a) spironolactone |

|b) mannitol |

|c) triamterene |

|d) urea |

|e) amiloride |

| |

|Which of the following diuretics agents would be the LEAST apt to cause hypokalemic alkalosis? |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Triamterene |

|d) Manitol |

|e) Spironolactone |

| |

|Which of the following diuretics agents would be apt to cause hypervolemia and hypertention at the beginning of the treatment? |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Urea |

|c) Triamterene |

|d) Manitol |

|e) Spironolactone |

| |

|Indications for thiazides: |

|a) Diabetes mellitus |

|b) Diabetus insipitus |

|c) Hypertension |

|d) Acute glaucoma |

|e) Conn's syndrome |

| |

|Diuretics used to treat hypopotasemia: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Triamterene |

|d) Manitol |

|e) Spironolactone |

| |

|The following are true with regard to acetazolamide: |

|a) is a medication used to treat glaucoma |

|b) is a medication used to treat epilepsy |

|c) is a medication used to treat altitude sickness |

|d) is a medication used to treat pulmonary edema |

|e) is a medication used to treat acute intoxications |

| |

|Choose properties of acetazolamide: |

|a) decreases potassium secretion |

|b) increases HCO-3 elimination |

|c) may produce metabolic acidosis |

|d) may produce metabolic alkalosis |

|e) inhibits carbonic anhydrase |

| |

|Choose diuretics least likely to produce hypokalemia: |

|a) chlortalidon |

|b) amilorid |

|c) furosemide |

|d) triamterene |

|e) ethacrynic acid |

| |

| |

|Characteristics of mannitol: |

|a) is a loop Henle diuretic |

|b) is poorly absorbed from the gut |

|c) is used in the treatment of cerebral oedema |

|d) is completely filtered at the renal glomeruli and not reabsorbed from the renal tubule |

|e) is carbonic anhydrase inhibitor |

| |

|Which of the following statements about spironolactone is TRUE? |

|a) Spironolactone reverses many of the manifestations of aldosteronism |

|b) Spironolactone is also an androgen antagonist |

|c) Spironolactone is useful as a diuretic |

|d) Spironolactone is useful as an anti diabetic agent |

|e) Spironolactone is useful as an anti gout drug |

| |

|Potassium sparing diuretic: |

|a) acetazolamide |

|b) triamteren |

|c) chlorothiazide |

|d) bumetanide |

|e) amiloride |

| |

|All of the following statements regarding diuretics are true: |

|a) Carbonic anhydrase inhibition leads to increased reabsorption of NaHCO3 |

|b) Loop diuretics increase Na+ reabsorption at the loop of Henle by competing for the Cl- site on the Na+/K+/2Cl- co-transporter |

|c) Loop diuretics decrease Na+ reabsorption at the loop of Henle by competing for the Cl- site on the Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter |

|d) In general, the potency of a diuretic is determined by where it acts in the renal tubule |

|e) Hydrochlorothiazide decreases urinary calcium excretion |

| |

|These drugs should never be administered to patients taking potassium supplements: |

|a) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|b) Amilorid |

|c) Furosemide (Lasix) |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Triamterene |

| |

|The drug acts by competitively blocking the Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Indapamid |

|c) Spironolactone |

|d) Sulthiam |

|e) Torasemide |

| |

|The drug acts in the distal convoluted tubule: |

|a) Loop diuretics |

|b) Thiazide diuretics |

|c) Potassium-sparing diuretics |

|d) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors |

|e) Thiazide like diuretics |

| |

|List Loop diuretics: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Amiloride |

|e) Torasemide |

| |

|These drugs act by affecting the tubular fluid composition by increasing of osmotic pressure: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Acetazolamide |

|c) Triamterene |

|d) Mannitol |

|e) Urea |

| |

|List drugs used in gout treatment: |

|a) xallopurinol |

|b) furosemide |

|c) sulphinpyrazone |

|d) aspirin |

|e) acetazolamide |

| |

|List drugs used in gout crises: |

|a) prednisolone |

|b) aspirin |

|c) dexamethasone |

|d) penicillin |

|e) acetazolamide |

| |

|Potassium sparing diuretics: |

|a) Bumetanide |

|b) Chlorothiazide |

|c) Amiloride |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Mannitol |

| |

|The drug inhibits the enzyme carbonic anhydrase: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Spironolactone |

|c) Sultiam |

|d) Acetazolamide |

|e) Torasemide |

| |

|The drug acts by competitively blocking NaCl cotransporters in the distal tubule: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Indapamide |

| |

|The drug acts by competing with aldosterone for its cytosolic receptors, except: |

|a) Acetazolamide |

|b) Furosemide |

|c) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|d) Spironolactone |

|e) Triamteren |

| |

|The drug is a potassium-sparing diuretic that blocks Na+ channels in the collecting tubules: |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Amiloride |

|c) Spironolactone |

|d) Triamteren |

|e) Hydrochlorothiazide |

| |

|The drug has a steroid-like structure which is responsible for its anti-androgenic effect, except: |

|a) Spironolactone |

|b) Hydrochlorothiazide |

|c) Furosemide |

|d) Amiloride |

|e) Triamteren |

| |

|The drug acts by competitively blocking the Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter: |

|a) Ehacrinic acid |

|b) Indapamid |

|c) Spironolactone |

|d) Furosemide |

|e) Acetazolamide |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Name of heparin therapeutic indications: |

|a) thrombophlebitis |

|b) thromboses and thrombembolisms |

|c) to prevent osteoporosis |

|d) cardiac and vascular surgery |

|e) anemias |

| |

|Name heparin therapeutic indications: |

|a) Thrombophlebitis |

|b) Deep-vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism |

|c) Thrombocytopenia |

|d) Brain aneurysm |

|e) Myocardial Infarction |

| |

|Characteristics of warfarin: |

|a) inhibits the vitamin K-dependent synthesis of clotting factors |

|b) inhibit tromboxane activity |

|c) is indirect anticuagulant |

|d) is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal system |

|e) the common side effect is bleeding. |

| |

|Characteristic of warfarin: |

|a) has a higher molecular weight than heparin |

|b) is metabolized chiefly by liver |

|c) works directly binding with AT III |

|d) interferes with the production of factor II, VII, IX and X |

|e) its control is based on the prothrombin time |

| |

|Characteristic of Heparin: |

|a) is found in the human mast cells |

|b) is not active if given orally |

|c) lowers the plasma triglyceride level |

|d) binds to anti-thrombin III and increases its inactivation of thrombin |

|e) is reversed by administration of vitamin K |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristics for nadroparin: |

|a) prophylaxis of thromboembolic disease |

|b) equal anticoagulant and antifybrinolitic actions |

|c) low molecular weight heparin |

|d) high molecular weight heparin |

|e) oral and injectable administration |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological effects of heparin: |

|a) binds to the enzyme antithrombin III |

|b) inactivates thrombin, factor Xa and other proteases |

|c) has additional anti-inflammatory action |

|d) favors platelets agglutination |

|e) atherosclerotic action |

| |

|Nume indications of heparin: |

|a) thrombophlebitis |

|b) arterial thrombosis and embolia |

|c) myocardial infarction |

|d) cardiac and vascular surgery |

|e) anemia |

| |

|Name pharmacodinamic effects of cumarinic anticoagulants: |

|a) decrease hepatic synthesis of factors: II, VII, IX, X |

|b) antifibrinolytic action |

|c) are antimetabolites of vitamin K |

|d) decrease platelet aggregation |

|e) are used parenterally |

| |

|Note the mechanism of antiplatelet action of dipyridamole: |

|a) inhibits TXA2 synthesis through acetilation of cyclooxygenase |

|b) blocks uptake and metabolism of adenosine  |

|c) serotonin antagonist effect |

|d) inhibits phosphodiesterase and increases the AMPc |

|e) inhibits synthesis of TXA2 by blocking thromboxane synthase |

| |

|All of the following groups of drugs are for thrombosis treatment: |

|a) Anticoagulant drugs |

|b) Antifibrinolitic drugs |

|c) Fibrinolitic drugs |

|d) Antiplatelet drugs |

|e) Coagulant drugs |

| |

|Choose the drug belonging to anticoagulants of direct action: |

|a) acetylsalicylic acid |

|b) Heparin |

|c) Acenocumarol |

|d) Phenandione |

|e) Nandroparin |

| |

|Choose drugs used as oral anticoagulants: |

|a) Enoxaparin |

|b) Acenocumarol |

|c) Daltreparin |

|d) Heparin |

|e) Warfarin |

| |

|Choose antiplatelet agents: |

|a) Dipyridamole |

|b) Ticlopidine |

|c) Heparin |

|d) Dazoxiben |

|e) Lamifiban |

| |

|Which of the following drugs is an inhibitor of platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptors? |

|a) Acetylsalicylic acid |

|b) Clopidogrel |

|c) Ticlopidine |

|d) Abciximab |

|e) Eptifibatide |

| |

|Which of the following drugs are fibrinolytics? |

|a) Ticlopidine |

|b) Streptokinase |

|c) Acetylsalicylic acid |

|d) Warfarin |

|e) Alteplase |

| |

|Fibrinolytic drugs are used for following: |

|a) Acute myocardial infarction |

|b) Heart failure |

|c) Multiple pulmonary emboli |

|d) Central deep venous thrombosis |

|e) GI bleedings |

| |

|Indicate the drug belonging to fibrinoliytic inhibitors: |

|a) Aminocapronic acid |

|b) Ticlopidine |

|c) Streptokinase |

|d) Vitamin K |

|e) Tranexanic acid |

| |

| |

|Indicate the drugs used in deep venouse thrombosis: |

|a) phytomenadione |

|b) alteplase |

|c) aminocapronic acid |

|d) heparin |

|e) aprotinine |

| |

|Name phytomenadione contraindications: |

|a) tromboembolia |

|b) thrombophlebitis |

|c) blood hypercoagulability |

|d) overdose of coumarins |

|e) hipovitaminosis K |

| |

|Pharmacological characteristics of phytomenadione are: |

|a) promotes hepatic synthesis of clotting factors |

|b) the effect increases in case of liver cells damege |

|c) used to treat haemorrhages related to vitamin K deficiency |

|d) antidote is protamine sulfate |

|e) binds to the enzyme inhibitor antithrombin III (AT) |

| |

|Indicate antifibrinolytic drugs: |

|a) carbazocrom |

|b) aminocaproic acid |

|c) batroxobin |

|d) aprotinine |

|e) etamsilat |

| |

|Pinpoint causes of acetylsalicylic acid should be avoided in patients under treatment with heparin: |

|a) inhibits the synthesis of vitamin K |

|b) interfers with metabolism of heparin |

|c) is fibrinolytic |

|d) inhibit the aggregation of platelets |

|e) causes hemorrage because of tromboxane inhibition |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristics of warfarin: |

|a) inhibits the synthesis of factors II, VII, IX, X |

|b) is avoided in pregnancy |

|c) used just intravenously |

|d) indicated in the treatment of thrombosis |

|e) is oral anticoagulant |

| |

|Name indications of heparine: |

|a) thrombophlebitis |

|b) arterial thromboses and embolia |

|c) hemophilia |

|d) brain aneurysm |

|e) myocardial infarction |

| |

|Indicate the heparin drugs with low molecular weight: |

|a) clopidogrel |

|b) enoxaparin |

|c) dalteprarin |

|d) hirudin |

|e) nadroparin |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristics of clopidogrel: |

|a) is drug of heparin |

|b) stimulates antithrombin II, and blocks thrombin and X factor |

|c) selectively and irreversibly inhibits platelets receptors of ADP and decrease aggregation |

|d) used for the prevention of thrombosis  |

|e) may cause thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and hemorrhage |

| |

|Indicate the antiaggregant drugs: |

|a) abciximab |

|b) tirofibad |

|c) heparin |

|d) eptifibatide |

|e) acenocumarol |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristics of streptokinase: |

|a) fibrinolytic action |

|b) is indicated in thrombophlebitis |

|c) antiaggregant effect |

|d) inhibits the synthesis of prothrombin in the liver |

|e) is contraindicated in the postoperative period |

| |

|What are the differences between heparins with low molecular weight(LMWH) versus standard heparin: |

|a) oral administration for LMWH |

|b) marked inhibition of Factor Xa for LMWH |

|c) marked human thrombin inhibition for LMWH |

|d) x longer duration of action of for LMWH |

|e) for LMWH does not cause osteoporosis |

| |

|Indicate the pharmacological characteristic for coumarin anticoagulants (oral): |

|a) fast action and short-duration |

|b) inactivates the enzymes and complex factors Xa, IXa, XIIa, XIa |

|c) are active both in vitro and in vivo |

|d) in case of hemorrhagic accidents specific antidote is phytomenadione |

|e) pass through the placental barrier, and in breast milk |

| |

|Indicate pharmacological characteristics of streptokinase: |

|a) is extracted from Streptomices venezuelae cultures filtrate |

|b) activates convertion of plasminogen in plasmin (fibrinolyitic enzyme) |

|c) long half-life allows oral administration |

|d) can be useful in acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, peripheral artery occlusion |

|e) has not been described serious adverse reactions |

| |

|Indicate the pharmacological peculiarities of acetylsalicylic acid as platelet antiaggregatory agent: |

|a) used 1 time per week |

|b) is useful (among other information) in patients with unstable angina, suspects of myocardial infarction |

|c) its given in high doses |

|d) is given by inhibiting cyclooxygenase |

|e) main contraindications are allergy, gastrointestinal bleeding, peptic ulcer |

| |

|Indicate anti-haemorrhagics with systemic action: |

|a) heparin |

|b) nandroparine |

|c) phytomenadione |

|d) fibrinogen |

|e) blood clotting factors |

| |

|Name preparations used for local hemostasis: |

|a) epinephrine |

|b) thromboplastin |

|c) thrombin |

|d) fibrin |

|e) phytomenadion |

| |

|Indicate hemostatics with antifibrinolytic mechanism of acting: |

|a) tromboplastin |

|b) aprotinin |

|c) aminocaproic acid |

|d) etamsilate |

|e) carbazochrome  |

| |

|Indicate drugs used in leucopenia: |

|a) heparin |

|b) methyluracil |

|c) cyanocobalamine |

|d) pentoxil |

|e) phenindione |

| |

|Indicate the coagulant drugs: |

|a) menadione |

|b) cyanocobalamine |

|c) thrombin |

|d) acenocumarol |

|e) heparin |

| |

|Indicate hemostatics: |

|a) acenocumarol |

|b) aminocaproic acid |

|c) warfarine |

|d) fibrinogen |

|e) heparin |

| |

|Indicate hemostatics with topic action: |

|a) heparin |

|b) trombin |

|c) menadion |

|d) human fibrine |

|e) gelatine |

| |

|Indicate direct anticoagulants: |

|a) heparin |

|b) acenocumarol |

|c) fibrinolysin |

|d) nadroparin |

|e) sodium hydrocytrate |

| |

|Indicate the indirect anticoagulants: |

|a) acenocumarol |

|b) heparin |

|c) phenindione |

|d) warfarin |

|e) sodium cytrate |

| |

|Name antifibrinolytics indications: |

|a)  hyperfibrinolysis  |

|b) thrombophlebitis |

|c) acute pancreatitis |

|d) traumatic, hemorrhagic and septic shock |

|e) myocardial infarction |

| |

|Name fibrinolytics indications: |

|a) pulmonary thrombembolia |

|b) acute myocardic infarction |

|c) arterial and venoase thrombosis |

|d) thrombocytopenia |

|e) hyperfibrinolysis  |

| |

|Name indications of indirect coagulants: |

|a) gastric hemorrhage |

|b) thrombophlebitis |

|c) parenchymal and capillary hemorrhages |

|d) indirect anticoagulants overdose |

|e) arterial and venous thrombosis |

| |

|Indicate the mechanism of anticoagulant action of heparin: |

|a) activates antihtrombin III |

|b) decrease activity of factors IX,X,XI,XII and calicrein |

|c) inhibits tromboplastin activitaty and blocks convertion of protrombin in trombin |

|d) inhibits protrombine synthesis in the liver |

|e) activates natural fibrinolysis  |

| |

|Name antiaggregants indications: |

|a) arterial thrombosis prophylaxis |

|b) myocardial infarction |

|c) ischemic cardiopathy |

|d) cerebral circulatory disorders |

|e) parenchymal and capillary hemorrhage |

| |

|Name antifibrinolytics indications: |

|a) haemorrhages caused by hyperfibrinolysis |

|b) predisposition to thrombosis |

|c) hepatic cirrhosis |

|d) streptokinase overdose |

|e) arterial thrombosis |

| |

|Indicate the mechanism of antifibrinolytic effect of aminocapronic acid: |

|a) decrease plasmin activity |

|b) inhibits synthesis of clothing factors |

|c) increase plasmin activity |

|d)  use in the treatment of thrombosis |

|e) use in the treatment of acute bleeding due to elevated fibrinolytic activity |

| |

|Indicate pharmacologic characteristics of indirect anticoagulants: |

|a) absorbed orally |

|b) inhibit epoxi-reductase that convert vit. K to active form of vit. K |

|c) they cross the placental barrier |

|d) used in hemorrhagic syndrome |

|e) are safe drugs and can be used in pregnancy |

| |

|Name the drugs which stimulates leucopoesis: |

|a) cyanocobalamine |

|b) pentoxil |

|c) iron sulphate |

|d) sodium nucleinat |

|e) coamide |

| |

|Name main characteristics of heparin: |

|a) active both in vivo and in vitro |

|b) the effect appears after 18-24 hours and last for some hours |

|c) activates antithrombin III |

|d) the effect appears almost immediately, and lasts for 3-6 hours |

|e) inbibits blood clotting only in vitro |

| |

|Which drugs decrease platelets aggregation? |

|a) dazoxiben |

|b) acetylsalycylic acid |

|c) ridogrel |

|d) streptokinase |

|e) heparin |

| |

|Inhibition of which enzymes are the base of antiaggregants actions: |

|a) monoaminoxidase |

|b) phosphodiesterase |

|c) lipooxygenase |

|d) cholinesterase  |

|e) cyclooxygenase |

| |

|Name direct anticoagulants: |

|a) acenocumarol |

|b) heparin |

|c) sodium cytrate |

|d) nadroparine |

|e) streptokinase |

| |

| |

|With regard to iron drug in the human body: |

|a) it is stored chiefly in the bone marrow |

|b) 70% of iron in the body is found in the haemoglobin |

|c) it is transported in the body as transferrin |

|d) it is absorbed mainly in the ferric form |

|e) the liver excretes excess iron |

| |

|Pernicious anemia is: |

|a) A severe form of anemia most often affecting elderly adults, caused by a failure of the stomach to absorb vitamin B12 |

|b) A form of anemia in which the capacity of the bone marrow to generate red blood cells is defective, caused by a bone marrow disease or |

|exposure to toxic agents, such as radiation, chemicals, or drugs |

|c) Anemia characterized by a decrease in the concentration of corpuscular hemoglobin |

|d) Is characterized by abnormally large red blood cells, gastrointestinal disturbances, and lesions of the spinal cord |

|e) Anemia characterized by an increase in the concentration of corpuscular hemoglobin |

| |

|The administration of histamine in man can produce: |

|a) bronchodilatation |

|b) increased gastric acid secretion |

|c) vasodilation and edemas |

|d) negative chronotropic action |

|e) reduced secretion of intrinsic factors |

| |

|Indicate effects characteristic for the NSAIDs remedies: |

|a) xanti-inflammatory |

|b) antihistamine |

|c) adrenergic |

|d) ganglioblocant |

|e) analgesic |

| |

|Common Uses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS): |

|a) used to increase intraocular pressure |

|b) used to relieve pain |

|c) used in bronchal asthma |

|d) used to treat arthritis |

|e) used to reduce signs of inflammation |

| |

|Name correctly the mechanism of action for acetylsalicylic acid: |

|a) inhibits phospholipase A2 |

|b) inhibit cyclooxygenase |

|c) decreased prostaglandin production |

|d) increases thromboxane A2 production |

|e) decreases leukotrienes |

| |

|Name effects of piroxicam: |

|a) analgesic |

|b) antispasmodic |

|c) anti-inflammatory |

|d) anxiolitic |

|e) anticoagulant |

| |

|What effects are caused by inhibition of COX synthesis? |

|a) antiplatelet |

|b) immunosuppressive |

|c) antiallergic |

|d) antipyretic |

|e) analgesic |

| |

|What are the mechanisms of action of antiplatelet action of acetylsalicylic acid? |

|a) inhibits platelet aggregation by stimulating adenylate cyclase |

|b) intensifies the synthesis of thromboxane A2 |

|c) inhibits the synthesis of thromboxane A2 |

|d) irreversibly inhibits cyclooxygenase |

|e) inhibits phosphodiesterase |

| |

|Name typical effects of steroidal anti-inflammatory remedies: |

|a) xanti-inflammatory |

|b) immunostimulatory |

|c) desensitizing |

|d) immunosuppressive |

|e) cholinomimetic |

| |

|Choose non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Phenylbutazone |

|b) Ketoprofen |

|c) Ketorolac |

|d) Triamcinolone |

|e) Hydroxychloroquine |

| |

|Choose nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from propionic (arilpropionic) acid derivatives: |

|a) phenylbutazone |

|b) ketorolac |

|c) ibuprofen |

|d) diclofenac |

|e) naproxen |

| |

|Choose nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from indole derivatives: |

|a) Indomethacin |

|b) Sulindac |

|c) diclofenac |

|d) Ketoprofen |

|e) Naproxen |

| |

|Choose non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from oxicams: |

|a) Indomethacin |

|b) Sulindac |

|c) Piroxicam |

|d) Tenoxicam |

|e) Lornoxicam |

| |

|Choose non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Meloxicam |

|b) Celecoxib |

|c) Piroxicam |

|d) Tenoxicam |

|e) Lornoxicam |

| |

|Choose selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Meloxicam |

|b) Celecoxib |

|c) Piroxicam |

|d) Tenoxicam |

|e) Lornoxicam |

| |

|Choose steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Meloxicam |

|b) Celecoxib |

|c) Prednisone |

|d) Prednisolone |

|e) Methylprednisolone |

| |

|Choose steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with moderate anti-inflammatory and mineralocorticoid effects: |

|a) Cortisone |

|b) Hydrocortisone |

|c) Prednisone |

|d) Prednisolone |

|e) Methylprednisolone |

| |

|Choose steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with marked anti-inflammatory effect and practically free from effects of salt and water retention: |

|a) Cortisone |

|b) Betamethasone |

|c) Dexamethasone |

|d) Prednisolone |

|e) Methylprednisolone |

| |

|Choose slow-acting anti-inflammatory drugs from gold compounds: |

|a) Sodium aurothiomalate |

|b) Aurothioprol |

|c) Auranofin |

|d) Phenylbutazone |

|e) Hydroxychloroquine |

| |

|Choose slow-acting anti-inflammatory drugs from 4-aminoquinoline derivatives: |

|a) Sodium aurothiomalate |

|b) Aurothioprol |

|c) Chloroquine |

|d) Phenylbutazone |

|e) Hydroxychloroquine |

| |

|Choose slow-acting anti-inflammatory drugs from cytotoxics: |

|a) Cyclophosphamide |

|b) Azathioprine |

|c) Methotrexate |

|d) Chloroquine |

|e) Hydroxychloroquine |

| |

|Choose characteristics of COX-2: |

|a) It is a constitutive enzyme expressed in most tissues |

|b) It has a "housekeeping" role in the body |

|c) It is induced in inflammatory cells when they are injured |

|d) It is induced in inflammatory cells when they are activated by the inflammatory cytokine - IL-1 |

|e) It is induced in inflammatory cells when they are activated by the inflammatory cytokine - TNF-alpha |

| |

|Mechanisms of action of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Block COX |

|b) Block phospholipase A2 |

|c) Block 5 lipooxigenase |

|d) block synthesis of leucotriens |

|e) Decrease synthesis of prostaglandins |

| |

|Mechanisms of action of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Block Cholinestarase |

|b) Block phospholipase A2 |

|c) Activate directly COX2 |

|d) Activate 5 lipooxigenase |

|e) Decrease synthesis of prostaglandins |

| |

|Mechanisms of action of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Decrease expression of COX-2 |

|b) Increase synthesis of lipocortine |

|c) Decrease synthesis of lipocortine |

|d) Increase synthesis of prostaglandins |

|e) Decrease synthesis of leukotriens |

| |

|Choose the effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Anti-inflammatory |

|b) Analgesic |

|c) Antipyretic |

|d) Bronchodilator |

|e) Decrease blood pressure |

| |

|Choose the effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Antiagregant |

|b) Moderate desensitizing |

|c) Tocolytic |

|d) Orexigenic |

|e) Anorexigenic |

| |

|Choose peculiarities of analgesic effect of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) They are effective against mild or moderate pain |

|b) They are effective against pain arising from inflammation |

|c) Their ability to relieve headache may be related to the reduction in vasodilator prostaglandins acting on the cerebral vasculature |

|d) Their analgesic effect develops only when used in combination with opiod analgesics |

|e) Higher analgesic effect than opioids |

| |

|Choose indications for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Ankylosing spondylitis |

|b) Dysmenorrhoea |

|c) Acute gout |

|d) Arterial hypertension |

|e) Bleedings from varicose veins of the esophagus |

| |

|Choose indications for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Headache and migraine |

|b) Musculoskeletal injuries and pain |

|c) Osteoarthritis |

|d) Gastric ulcer |

|e) Duodenal ulcer |

| |

|Choose indications for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Postoperative pain |

|b) Rheumatoid arthritis |

|c) Secondary prevention of vascular events among patients with a history of vascular events |

|d) Bronchial asthma |

|e) Hemorrhagic cerebro-vascular accidents |

| |

|Choose indications for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Hyperpyrexia (fever) |

|b) Migaine |

|c) Osteoarthritis |

|d) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome |

|e) Hyperprolactinemia |

| |

|Choose specific side effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) hemathopoetic deregulations |

|b) Gastrointestinal bleeding |

|c) Interstitial nephritis |

|d) Arterial hypotension |

|e) Bradycardia |

| |

|Choose side effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Bronchospasm |

|b) Renal papillary necrosis |

|c) Gastric ulcers |

|d) Bronchodilation |

|e) Osteoporosis |

| |

|Choose side effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Gastrointestinal bleedings |

|b) Thrombocytopenia |

|c) Aspirin - Reye's syndrome |

|d) Tachycardia |

|e) Hyperglycemia |

| |

|Choose side effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Suppression of gastroprotective prostaglandins in the gastric mucosa |

|b) Neutropenia |

|c) Abnormal liver function tests and rare liver failure |

|d) Moon face |

|e) Buffalo hump |

| |

|Choose side effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Aplastic anemia |

|b) Cutanous rashes |

|c) Reversible renal insufficiency |

|d) Obesity |

|e) Rebound syndrome |

| |

|Which of the following property combinations is peculiar to the majority of NSAIDs? |

|a) Anti-inflammatory, immunodepressive, antihistaminic |

|b) Antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory |

|c) Immunodepressive, anti-inflammatory, analgesic |

|d) Antipyretic, analgesic, anti-aggregant effect |

|e) Immunodepressive, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic |

| |

|Which of the following are NSAIDs? |

|a) Indomethacin |

|b) Clarithromycin |

|c) Metamizole |

|d) Diclofenac |

|e) Ketorolac |

| |

|Which of the following NSAIDs are not indol derivatives? |

|a) Diclofenac |

|b) Meclofenamic acid |

|c) Indomethacin |

|d) Ibuprofen |

|e) Ketorolac |

| |

|Which of the following NSAIDs are selective COX-2 inhibitors? |

|a) Diclofenac |

|b) Celecoxib |

|c) Indomethacin |

|d) Piroxicam |

|e) Nimesulid |

| |

|The following statements concerning acetylsalicylic acid are true: |

|a) Acetylsalicylic acid inhibits tromboxane A2 formation |

|b) Acetylsalicylic acid inhibits phospholipase A2 |

|c) Acetylsalicylic acid causes Reye syndrome |

|d) Acetylsalicylic acid irreversibly inhibits COX |

|e) Acetylsalicylic acid stimulates tromboxane A2 formation |

| |

|Indication for acetylsalicylic acid administration are the following: |

|a) Reducing elevated body temperature |

|b) Relieving severe visceral pain in acute abdomenum |

|c) Decreasing the incidence of transient ischemic attack |

|d) Treatment of gastric ulcer |

|e) Inflammatory conditions |

| |

|Anti-inflammatory effect of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs develops due to: |

|a) Decreased recruitment of WBC (White blood cells) and monocyte-macrophage into affected areas |

|b) Decreased elaboration of chemotactic substances |

|c) Increased lipocortin synthesis |

|d) Decreased lipocortin synthesis |

|e) Increased recruitment of WBC and monocyte-macrophage into affected areas |

| |

|Anti-inflammatory effect of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs develops due to: |

|a) Decreased synthesis of IL1 by monocyte-macrophage |

|b) Decreased formation of plasminogen activator |

|c) Decreased synthesis of arachidonic acid |

|d) Increased synthesis of IL1 by monocyte-macrophage |

|e) Increased formation of plasminogen activator |

| |

|Anti-inflammatory effect of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs develops due to: |

|a) Decreased fibroblastic activity |

|b) Decreased expression of COX-2 |

|c) Increased synthesis of arachidonic acid |

|d) Increased expression of COX-2 |

|e) Decreased expression of lipocortin |

| |

|Choose contraindications for steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Vaginal yeast infections |

|b) Patients who are in high risk for infection |

|c) Peptic ulcer |

|d) Systemic lupus erythematosus |

|e) Wegener's granulomatosis |

| |

|Choose contraindications for steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Fungal infections |

|b) Diabetes mellitus |

|c) Hypertension |

|d) Rheumatoid arthritis |

|e) Psoriatic arthritis |

| |

|Choose synonyms of slow-acting anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) Anti-rheumatoid drugs |

|b) Disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) |

|c) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) |

|d) Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (SAIDs) |

|e) Selective COX-2 inhibitors |

| |

|Name slow-acting , anti-inflammatory drugs: |

|a) chloroquine |

|b) prednisone |

|c) diclofenac |

|d) D-penicillamine |

|e) cortisol |

| |

|What side effects can be caused by glucocorticoids? |

|a) increased blood pressure |

|b) increased intraocular pressure |

|c) central nervous system stimulation |

|d) hyperkalemia |

|e) gynecomastia |

| |

|Chronic administration of glucocorticoids results in: |

|a) hypertension |

|b) hyperkalaemia |

|c) hypercalcemia |

|d) hyperglicemia |

|e) ocular hypertension |

| |

|Corticosteroid inhibits: |

|a) inflammatory proceses |

|b) allergic reactions |

|c) immunity |

|d) gluconeogenesis |

|e) lipocortin production |

| |

|The following are true about corticosteroids: |

|a) they are synthesized in the adrenal medulla |

|b) are produced in the adrenal cortex |

|c) chronic use may predispose to cataract and retinopathy. |

|d) they suppress immune reactions |

|e) cause a movement of body fat to the face and torso |

| |

|Choose pharmacological properties of gold compounds: |

|a) Alter morphology and function of macrophages |

|b) Are used in early stages of adult and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis |

|c) Side effects are cutaneous reactions such as erythema and exfoliative dermatitis |

|d) Side effects are blood dyscrasias and renal toxicity |

|e) Block COX (cyclooxigenase) and LOX-5 (lipoxygenase -5) |

| |

|Choose correct affirmations concerning mechanisms of action of 4-aminoquinoline derivatives: |

|a) Suppress T-lymphocyte responses to mitogens |

|b) Decrease leukocyte chemotaxis |

|c) Stabilize lysosomal enzymes |

|d) Block COX-1 (cyclooxigenase 1) |

|e) Block COX-2 (cyclooxigenase 2) |

| |

|Choose correct affirmations concerning mechanisms of action of 4-aminoquinoline derivatives: |

|a) Inhibit DNA and RNA synthesis |

|b) Trapping of free radicals |

|c) Block PL-A2 (phospholipase A2) |

|d) Increase expression of lipocortin |

|e) Decrease expression of lipocortin |

| |

|Name anti-inflammatory effects of 4-aminochinolinic derivatives? |

|a) do not change radiological manifestations of the disease |

|b) develop slowly, not earlier than 4-8 weeks, up to 6-12 months, with reduction of inflammation, and rheumatoid factor titre |

|c) are associated with the analgesics |

|d) appear rapidly, and are used in the acute period |

|e) are used to reduce platelet aggregation |

| |

|Choose pharmacological properties of hydroxychloroquine: |

|a) Is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis |

|b) Is used in the treatment of juvenile chronic arthritis |

|c) Can cause retinal degeneration |

|d) Block PL-A2 (phospholipase A2) |

|e) Increase expression of lipocortin |

| |

|Choose pharmacological properties of hydroxychloroquine: |

|a) Is used for short-term treatment of acute malaria |

|b) Is used in the treatment of Systemic lupus erythematosus |

|c) Can affect the eyes |

|d) Can cause rheumatoid arthritis |

|e) Can cause Systemic lupus erythematosus |

| |

|Choose pharmacological properties of penicillamine: |

|a) works by binding heavy metals |

|b) should not be used in combination with gold compounds |

|c) it is used in the treatment of Sclerodermia |

|d) side effect is aplastic anemia |

|e) It is used in the treatment of postoperative pain |

| |

|Choose pharmacological properties of penicillamine: |

|a) Penicillamine works by binding heavy metals |

|b) It is used in the treatment of resistant cases of rheumatoid arthritis |

|c) Side effect is membranous glomerulonephritis |

|d) It is used in the treatment of aplastic anemia |

|e) It has antipyretic action |

| |

|Name drugs used in immediate-allergy : |

|a) dexamethasone |

|b) clemastine |

|c) epinephrine |

|d) metotrexat |

|e) chloroquine |

| |

|Indicate the pharmacological effects of H1-antihistamines: |

|a) antivomiting effect |

|b) hypnotic effect |

|c) antiallergic effects |

|d) gastric antisecretory effect |

|e) immunostimulatory |

| |

|Name additional nonhistamine-related effects of antihitamines: |

|a) Antimuscarinic reduction in bladder tone |

|b) Local anesthetic effects if the drug is injected |

|c) Anti-motion sickness effects |

|d) Increase in total peripheral resistance |

|e) Sedation |

| |

|Name effects of antihistamines : |

|a) Euphoria and /or disphorya |

|b) Anticholinergic peripheral effect |

|c) Vomiting |

|d) Antiemetic |

|e) Sedation |

| |

|Which of the H1 antihistamines are used to prevent vomiting? |

|a) astemisol |

|b) promethazine |

|c) terfenadine |

|d) diphenhydramine |

|e) loratadine |

| |

|These categories of histamine H1 antagonists are noted for sedative effects: |

|a) Phenothiazines; |

|b) Ethylenediamines; |

|c) Ethanolamines |

|d) Piperidines; |

|e) Piperazines |

| |

|These histamine H1 antagonists are recognized for as second-generation antihistamines: |

|a) Phenothiazines; |

|b) Ethylenediamines; |

|c) Ethanolamines |

|d) Piperidines; |

|e) Piperazines |

| |

|Indications for administration of 1st generation histamine H1 antagonists are the following: |

|a) Treatment of sleep disorders |

|b) Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy ("morning sickness") |

|c) Management of seizure states |

|d) Alcoholism |

|e) Prevention or treatment of the symptoms of allergic reactions (rhinitis, urticaria) |

| |

|Side effects of first-generation histamine H1 antagonists are: |

|a) Gastric ulcers and upper gastrointestinal bleeding |

|b) Sedation |

|c) Dry mouth |

|d) Vomiting, tinnitus, decreased hearing |

|e) Aplastic anemia |

| |

| |

|The following are true about anti-histamines 1st generation: |

|a) they inhibit the release of histamines from mast cells |

|b) they have anticholinergic effects |

|c) they can be used as anti-emetic agents |

|d) they increase blood pressure |

|e) they reduce gastric secretion |

| |

|Name drugs from the I-generation antihistamines: |

|a) - chloropyramine |

|b) - clemastine |

|c) - loratadine |

|d) - cetirizine |

|e) - diphenhydramine |

| |

|Name contraindications for H1 antihistamines: |

|a) drivers |

|b) hepatic and renal insufficiency |

|c) depressive states |

|d) rhinitis |

|e) hight fever |

| |

|Pharmacodynamic actions of H1 antihistamines, to antagonize the effects of histamine are: |

|a) prevent bronchial spasm |

|b) prevents uterine spasm |

|c) total antagonize the effects of anaphylactic shock |

|d) prevents intestinal spasm |

|e) decrease gastric secretion |

| |

|Ketotifen has the following properties: |

|a) antiserotoninic |

|b) blocks H1 receptors |

|c) inhibit degranulation of mast cell |

|d) anticholinergic |

|e) inhibits histamine release |

| |

|Name antiallergic without sedative effects: |

|a) astemizole |

|b) diphenhydramine |

|c) loratadine |

|d) promethazine |

|e) clemastine |

| |

|Name effects of H1-antihistamines (I generation) : |

|a) antiallergic |

|b) emetic |

|c) sedative |

|d) hypothermic |

|e) orexigen |

| |

|Contraindications and precautions for H1-antihistamines 1st generation : |

|a) prostate hypertrophy |

|b) Menier disease |

|c) hypotension |

|d) liver and kidney disease |

|e) polynosis |

| |

|Name mechanism of action of H1 antihistamins: |

|a) contain a groupe ethanolamino as histamine has, works competitively |

|b) works by preventing the release of natural chemicals from cells in the body (mast cells) involved in an allergic reaction |

|c) inhibit competitively H1 receptors and the corresponding effects i. e. vasodilation and capillary permeability increase |

|d) are envisaged to enhance body's resistance against infections |

|e) do not inhibit antigen/antibodies reactions, nor histamine release, they inhibit H1 effects |

| |

|Name I generation antihistamines: |

|a) cloropiramine |

|b) clemastine |

|c) loratadine |

|d) cetirizine |

|e) x, diphenhydramine |

| |

|The following are mast cell stabilizers: |

|a) disodium cromoglycate |

|b) loratadine |

|c) ketotifen |

|d) clemastine |

|e) nedocromil |

| |

|The effects of anti-histamines of I generation: |

|a) sedation |

|b) arrhythmogenic effect |

|c) atropine like effects |

|d) anti-vomiting effect |

|e) local anesthetic effect |

| |

|Name pharmacological effects of H1-antihistamines (I generation): |

|a) antiallergic |

|b) emetic |

|c) antiparkinsonian |

|d) hypothermic |

|e) anorectic |

| |

|Indication for administration of histamine H1 antagonists is: |

|a) Prevention or treatment of the symptoms of allergic reactions (rhinitis, urticaria) |

|b) Motion sickness and vestibular disturbances |

|c) Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy ("morning sickness") |

|d) Gastric and duodenal ulcer |

|e) Acute pancreatitis |

| |

|These histamine H1 antagonists are recognized for as second-generation antihistamines: |

|a) Astemizole |

|b) Loratadine |

|c) Cetirizine |

|d) Clemastine |

|e) Chlorophiramine |

| |

|Indications for administration of histamine H1 antagonists are the following: |

|a) Prevention or treatment of the symptoms of allergic reactions (rhinitis, urticaria) |

|b) Management of seizure states |

|c) Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy ("morning sickness") |

|d) Treatment of sleep disorders |

|e) Acute psychosis |

| |

|Choose examples of second-generation antihistamine: |

|a) loratadine |

|b) cyproheptadine |

|c) astemizole |

|d) diphenhydramine |

|e) cetirizine |

| |

|Choose antihistaminics most likely to exhibit anticholinergic activity: |

|a) clemastine |

|b) terfenadine |

|c) cetirizine |

|d) astemizole |

|e) diphenhydramine |

| |

|Name therapeutic indications of cyproheptadine: |

|a) vomiting |

|b) allergic rhinitis |

|c) gastric ulcer |

|d) viral hepatitis |

|e) anorexia nervosa |

| |

|Indicate glucocorticoids effects: |

|a) antiallergic |

|b) immunostimulant |

|c) anti-shock |

|d) xanti-inflammatory |

|e) anabolic |

| |

|What is entomology immunomodulatory preparations? |

|a) extracted from insect tissues |

|b) alkaloids |

|c) containing essential and nonessential amino acids |

|d) preparations of the thymus |

|e) are polypeptides acquired by genetic engineering involving E. coli. |

| |

|What are the indications for immunomodulatory entomological preparations? |

|a) conditions with decreasing resistance body |

|b) bronchial asthma |

|c) gastrointestinal bleeding |

|d) infectious and inflammatory diseases with immunodeficiency |

|e) duodenal ulcers |

| |

|Select an endocrine drug which is an amino acid derivative: |

|a) Insulin |

|b) Hydrocortisone |

|c) Calcitonin |

|d) Levothyroxine |

|e) Liothyronine |

| |

|Select endocrine drugs which are peptide derivatives |

|a) Progesterone |

|b) Nandrolone |

|c) Prednisolone |

|d) Oxitocin |

|e) Calcitonin |

| |

|Select endocrine drugs which are steroidal derivatives: |

|a) Gonadorelin |

|b) Insulin |

|c) Levothyroxine |

|d) Hydrocortisone |

|e) Levonorgestrel |

| |

|Which of the following hormones are produced by the hypothalamus? |

|a) Estradiol |

|b) Aldosterone |

|c) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) |

|d) Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) |

|e) Somatostatin |

| |

|Which of the following hormones are produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary? |

|a) Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) |

|b) Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) |

|c) Growth hormone (somatotropin, GH) |

|d) Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) |

|e) Follicule-stimulating hormone (FSH) |

| |

|All of the following statements about growth hormone are true: |

|a) Stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration |

|b) Hypersecretion can result in acromegaly |

|c) Hyposecretion can result in acromegaly |

|d) It is contraindicated in subjects with closed epiphyses |

|e) It is secreted by suprarenal glands |

| |

|Correct statements about adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) include all of the following: |

|a) The oral route is the preferred rout of administration |

|b) ACTH is most useful clinically as a diagnostic tool in adrenal insufficiency |

|c) ACTH stimulates the synthesis of corticosteroids |

|d) Endogenous ACTH is also called corticotropin |

|e) ACTH inhibits the synthesis of corticosteroids |

| |

|Indications of bromocriptine are following: |

|a) Prolactin deficiency |

|b) Acromegaly caused by hyperprolactinaemia |

|c) Amenorrhea-Galactorrhea |

|d) Prolactin-secreting adenomas |

|e) Parkinson's disease |

| |

|Indications of oxitocin are following: |

|a) For control of pospartum uterine hemorrhage |

|b) Incompleted abortion |

|c) Labor and augment dysfunctional labor for conditions requiring early vaginal delivery |

|d) Heart failure |

|e) Diabetes insipidus |

| |

|Indications of vasopressin is following, except: |

|a) Incompleted abortion |

|b) Pituitary diabetes insipidus |

|c) Hypertension |

|d) Diabetes mellitus |

|e) Сontrol of postpartum uterine hemorrhage |

| |

|Vasopressin causes a pressor effect by: |

|a) All of the mechanisms |

|b) A direct action on smooth muscles of the blood vessels |

|c) Releasing and activating renin-angiotensin system |

|d) Releasing noradrenaline from the nerve terminals |

|e) Activating specific receptors on smooth muscles of the blood vessels |

| |

|Which of the following hormones is produced by the thyroid gland? |

|a) Thyroxine |

|b) Thyroid-stimulating hormone |

|c) Thyrotropin-releasing hormone |

|d) Thyroglobulin |

|e) Сalcitonine |

| |

|Thyrotrophin stimulates the following processes: |

|a) De-iodination of thyroid hormones |

|b) Release of triidothyronine |

|c) Iodination of thyroglobulin |

|d) Concentration of iodine by thyroid follicles |

|e) Release of thyroxine |

| |

|Indications of thyroid hormones are following: |

|a) For treatment of simple obesity |

|b) Hashimoto's disease |

|c) Myxedema |

|d) Cretinism |

|e) Basedov-Graves disease |

| |

|Name hormone drugs: |

|a) Thyroxine |

|b) Somatotropin |

|c) Vasopressin |

|d) Bromocriptine |

|e) Oxytocin |

| |

|The posterior pitutary secrets: |

|a) Vasopressin |

|b) Oxytocin |

|c) Growth hormone |

|d) Methylergometrine |

|e) Insulin |

| |

|Oxytocin produces the following effects: |

|a) It causes contraction of the uterus |

|b) It assists the progress of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity |

|c) It brings about milk ejection from the lactating mammary gland |

|d) It causes relaxation of the uterus |

|e) It has no effect on the milk ejection |

| |

|The adrenal cortex produces: |

|a) aldosterone |

|b) angiotensin II |

|c) deoxycorticosterone |

|d) noradrenaline |

|e) adrenaline |

| |

|Mineralocorticoid effects cause: |

|a) Deposition of fat on shoulders, face and abdomen |

|b) Increased gluconeogenesis |

|c) Increased Na retention |

|d) Increased К excretion |

|e) Increased catabolism |

| |

|The major mineralocorticoids are the following: |

|a) Cortisone |

|b) Budesonid |

|c) Hydrocortisone |

|d) Deoxycorticosterone |

|e) Fludrocortisone |

| |

|Name naturale corticosteroids: |

|a) betamethasone |

|b) cortisone |

|c) prednisolone |

|d) triamcinolone |

|e) hydrocortisone |

| |

|Side effects for prednisone: |

|a) Arterial hypertension |

|b) Gastroduodenal ulcer |

|c) Retention of sodium and water |

|d) Hyperpotassemia |

|e) Central nervous excitation |

| |

|Name effects of chronic treatment with big doses of prednisolon: |

|a) decrease of endogenous corticotropin secretion |

|b) rise of susceptibility to infections disorders |

|c) Hypoglycemia |

|d) Hydroelectrolitic disturbances |

|e) Osteoporosis |

| |

|Glucocorticoid hormones alter bone mineral homeostasis because of : |

|a) are potent osteopenic agents |

|b) direct inhibition of matrix synthesis by the osteoblast |

|c) directly stimulate the secretion of parathormone |

|d) inhibiting renal calcium excretion |

|e) decreasing parathyroid hormone stimulated bone resorption |

| |

|Name toxic effects of the corticosteroids: |

|a) Growth inhibition |

|b) Hypertention |

|c) Hypoglicemia |

|d) Psychosis |

|e) Salt retention |

| |

|Indications of glucocorticoids are following: |

|a) Skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, dermatoses, localized neurodermatitis) |

|b) Inflammatory conditions of bones and joints (arthritis, bursitis, tenosynovitis) |

|c) Postmenopausal hormonal therapy |

|d) Gastrointestinal diseases (inflammatory bowel disease) |

|e) Addison disease |

| |

|Serious side effects of glucocorticoids include the following: |

|a) Hypomania or acute psychosis |

|b) Salicylism (vomiting, tinnitus, decreased hearing, and vertigo) |

|c) Iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome (rounding, puffiness, fat deposition and plethora alter the appearance of the face - moon faces) |

|d) Acute peptic ulcers |

|e) Diabetes insipidus |

| |

|The major mineralocorticoids are the following: |

|a) Aldosterone |

|b) Deoxycorticosterone |

|c) Fludrocortisone |

|d) Hydrocortisone |

|e) Cortisone |

| |

|Name side effects caused by steroids: |

|a) high blood pressure |

|b) increased intraocular pressure |

|c) CNS stimulation |

|d) hyperkalaemia |

|e) gynecomastia |

| |

|With regard to thyroxine: |

|a) synthesized by adrenal cortex |

|b) used in bronchial asthma |

|c) it is important for skeletal growth |

|d) it increases the sensitivity of receptors to catecholamines |

|e) it increases oxygen consumption |

| |

|Excessive doses of thyroid hormone may cause: |

|a) angina pectoris |

|b) cardiac decompensation |

|c) adrenal insufficiency |

|d) psychotic behavior |

|e) constipation |

| |

|Indicate the effects of thyroid hormone drugs: |

|a) increased basal metabolism |

|b) decreased basal metabolism |

|c) tachycardia |

|d) bradycardia |

|e) xtremor |

| |

| |

|Synthesis and release of thyroid hormones are controlled by: |

|a) Anterior pituitary |

|b) Hypothalamus |

|c) Blood levels of thyroid hormones |

|d) Posterior pituitary |

|e) Blood levels of cortisole level |

| |

|Currently used antithyroid drugs include the following: |

|a) Propylthiouracil |

|b) Iodine in high dosage |

|c) Thiamazole |

|d) Thyrotropin-releasing hormone |

|e) Thyroglobulin |

| |

|Indications of thyroid hormones are following: |

|a) Cretinism |

|b) Myxoedema |

|c) Hashimoto's disease |

|d) For treatment of simple obesity |

|e) Diabetus insipidus |

| |

|Characteristics of thiamazole: |

|a) Decreases thyroid hormone synthesis |

|b) Inhibits peripheral conversion of T4 in T3 |

|c) Causes neutropenia |

|d) Should be stopped if causes rashes |

|e) Decreases TSH production |

| |

|The following statements about the parathyroid hormone are true: |

|a) The parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a hormone secreted by the parathyroid glands |

|b) The parathyroid hormone increases calcium and phosphate absorption in intestine |

|c) The parathyroid hormone increases serum calcium and decreases serum phosphate |

|d) The parathyroid hormone increases calcium excretion and decreases phosphate excretion in kidneys |

|e) The parathyroid hormone decreases calcium and phosphate absorption in intestine |

| |

|Indications for calcitonin administration are the following: |

|a) Hypercalcemia |

|b) Paget's disease |

|c) Osteoporosis |

|d) Hypophosphatemia |

|e) Wegener's granulomathosis |

| |

|Which of the following statements about calcitonin is true: |

|a) Calcitonin is secreted by parafollicular cells of the thyroid |

|b) lower blood calcium and phosphate by acting on bones and kidneys |

|c) Calcitonin inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption |

|d) Effects of calcitonin are to increase blood calcium and phosphate by acting on bones and kidneys |

|e) Calcitonin stimulates osteoclastic bone resorption |

| |

| |

|Indicate drugs used to treat diabetes mellitus: |

|a) insulin |

|b) insulin-zinc-protamine |

|c) glibenclamide |

|d) vasopressin |

|e) adiurecrine |

| |

|Indicate preparations used in type II diabetes mellitus? |

|a) glibutid |

|b) metfornin |

|c) glucagon |

|d) prednisolone |

|e) glibenclamide |

| |

|Insulin causes reduction in blood sugar level by the following mechanisms: |

|a) Increased glucose uptake in the peripheral tissue |

|b) Decreased glucose absorption from the gut |

|c) Diminished gluconeogenesis |

|d) Reduction of breakdown of glycogen |

|e) Increased glucose absorption from the gut |

| |

|Insulin can be administered by: |

|) Intramuscular route |

|b) Subcutaneous route |

|c) Intravenous route |

|d) Oral route |

|e) Intrarectal route |

| |

|Antidiabetic sulphonylureas act by: |

|a) Reducing the absorption of carbohydrate from the gut |

|b) Increasing the uptake of glucose in peripheral tissues |

|c) Reducing the hepatic gluconeogenesis |

|d) Stimulating the beta islet cells of pancreas |

|e) Stimulating production of insulin by the beta islet cells of pancreas |

| |

|Thiazolidinediones act by: |

|a) Diminishing insulin resistance |

|b) Reducing the absorption of carbohydrate from the gut |

|c) Stimulating the beta islet cells of pancreas to produce insulin |

|d) Increase glucose uptake and its metabolism in muscle and adipose tissues |

|e) All of the answers |

| |

|Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors act by: |

|a) Stimulating the beta islet cells of pancreas to produce insulin |

|b) Reducing the absorption of carbohydrate from the gut |

|c) Competitive inhibiting of intestinal alpha-ghucosidases |

|d) Modulating the postprandial digestion and absorption of starch and disaccharides |

|e) Diminishing insulin resistance by increasing glucose uptake and metabolism in muscle and adipose tissues |

| |

|Biguanides are used in the following conditions: |

|a) In case of hyperglycemic shock |

|b) In case of hypoglycemic shock |

|c) To reduce insulin requirements |

|d) In over weight diabetics |

|e) As a supplement to sulphonylurea, where it is insufficient to give good results |

| |

|Biguanides are used in the following conditions: |

|a) As a supplement to sulphonylurea, where it is insufficient to give good results |

|b) In diabetes mellitus type I |

|c) To reduce insulin requirements |

|d) In case of hyperglycemic shock |

|e) In over weight diabetics |

| |

|Metformin characteristics are: |

|a) It's a biguanide drug |

|b) Used in diabetes mellitus type II |

|c) Causes anorexia and weight loss |

|d) It's a sulphonylurea drug |

|e) Used in diabetes mellitus type I |

| |

| |

|Characteristics of metformin: |

|a) is a biguanide |

|b) used in Diabetus Mellitus type II |

|c) causes anorexia and weight loss |

|d) causes hyperglycemia |

|e) is contraindicated in Diabetus Mellitus Type I |

| |

|Characteristics of Thiamazol: |

|a) decreases thyroid hormone synthesis |

|b) inhibits peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 |

|c) causes neutropenia |

|d) used in cretinism |

|e) decreases directly TSH production |

| |

|Name androgens drugs: |

|a) testosterone |

|b) estradiol |

|c) methyltestosterone |

|d) cortisone |

|e) ethinylestradiol |

| |

|The major natural estrogens produced by women are following: |

|a) Estriol |

|b) Ethinyl estradiol |

|c) Diethylstilbestrol |

|d) Estron |

|e) Estradiol |

| |

|The major synthetic estrogens are following: |

|a) Estradiol |

|b) Estron |

|c) Benzestrol |

|d) Diethylstilbestrol |

|e) Dienestrol |

| |

|Indications of synthetic estrogens are following: |

|a) For treatment of simple obesity |

|b) Diabetes mellitus |

|c) Hormonal contraception |

|d) Postmenopausal hormonal therapy |

|e) Primary hypogonadism |

| |

|Tamoxifen is, except: |

|a) Androgen |

|b) Antiestrogen |

|c) Antiandrogen |

|d) Antiprogestin |

|e) Estrogen |

| |

|Mifepristone is: |

|a) Androgen |

|b) Antiestrogen |

|c) Antiandrogen |

|d) Antiprogestin |

|e) Antiglucocorticoid |

| |

|Name Testosterone effects: |

|a) growth of genitals in a boy |

|b) muscular development |

|c) erythropoietin secretion decreased |

|d) behavioral changes in men |

|e) growth of facial, pubic & axillary hairs |

| |

|Name indication for hormone androgen preparations: |

|a) Insufficient renal anemia treatment |

|b) inoperable breast cancer in woman during postmenopause |

|c) hypogonadism |

|d) amenorhea |

|e) breast cancer in men |

| |

|Name characteristic of testosterone: |

|a) it is a major male hormone |

|b) it is highly effective by the oral route |

|c) it is reduced to dihydrotestosterone in the body |

|d) it is produced by the testes, ovaries, and adrenal cortices |

|e) it is a major female hormone |

| |

|Name Testosterone effects: |

|a) Growth of genitals in men |

|b) Muscular development |

|c) Decrease of erythropoietin secretion |

|d) Behavioral changes in men |

|e) Growth of facial, pubic & axillary hairs |

| |

| |

|Mechanism of action of oral contraceptives: |

|a) Inhibition of follicular development & ovulation |

|b) Thicken of cervical mucus |

|c) Inhibition of implantation of blastocyst in endometrium |

|d) Indirect inhibition of spermatogenesis |

|e) Activation of follicular development & ovulation |

| |

|All of the following statements about oral contraceptives are true: |

|a) The "combination pill" contains both estrogen and progestin |

|b) Ethinyl estradiol and mestranol are commonly used in oral contraceptives |

|c) The "minipill" contains progestin alone |

|d) The "triphasic pill" contains estrogen, progestin, and luteinizing hormine (LH) |

|e) The "triphasic pill" contains progestin, and luteinizing hormine (LH |

| |

|General principles of anti-infective therapy are: |

|a) Clinical judgment of microbiological factors |

|b) Definitive identification of a bacterial infection and the microorganism's susceptibility |

|c) Optimal route of administration, dose, dosing frequency and duration of treatment |

|d) Identification of a bacterial infection and the microorganism's susceptibility is not important |

|e) Optimal route of administration is always internally |

| |

|Which of the following antienzymes are beta-lactamase inhibitors? |

|a) Clavulanic acid |

|b) Neostigmine |

|c) Tazobactam |

|d) Aminocaproic acid |

|e) Disulfiram |

| |

|Name inhibitors of betalactamase? |

|a) clavulanic acid |

|b) tazobactam |

|c) sulbactam |

|d) ticarcillin |

|e) piperacillin |

| |

|Name antibiotics from beta lactamines: |

|a) ampicillin |

|b) rifampicin |

|c) tetracycline |

|d) benzylpenicillin |

|e) gentamicin |

| |

|Describe pharmacokinetic properties of benzylpenicillin? |

|a) resistance on gastric juice action |

|b) used just orally |

|c) in case of a healthy meninx weak penetration in cephalo rachidine liquid |

|d) most of the dose - predominantly renal elimination |

|e) sensitivity at beta-lactamase |

| |

| |

|The following medication can cause ototoxicity: |

|a) cephalexin |

|b) kanamycin |

|c) penicillin |

|d) gentamicin |

|e) vancomycin |

| |

|Name characteristics for aminoglycosides: |

|a) are absorbed well after oral administration |

|b) prevent the synthesis of protein bacterias |

|c) all generations are used in tuberculosis |

|d) excretes through glomerular filtration without significant tubular resorbtion |

|e) are used in anaerobic infections |

| |

|Aminoglycosides can be associated (acting synergistically) with antibiotics group: |

|a) tetracycline |

|b) glycopeptide |

|c) macrolide |

|d) beta-lactamins |

|e) polimixines |

| |

|The following medications can cause neuromuscular block: |

|a) gentamycin |

|b) cefuroxim |

|c) streptomycin |

|d) pilocarpine |

|e) kanamycin |

| |

|With regard to gentamicin: |

|a) it is used just orally |

|b) it is well absorbed by the small intestine |

|c) it can produce permanent vestibular nerve damage |

|d) it can cause neuromuscular block |

|e) it can produce nephrotoxicity |

| |

|The main side efects of aminoglycosides are : |

|a) Ototoxicity |

|b) Nephrotoxicity |

|c) Extrapyramidal disorders |

|d) Neuromuscular blockade |

|e) Hepatotoxicity |

| |

|Characteristics of cefuroxime: |

|a) inhibits cell wall synthesis |

|b) has cross-sensitivity with penicillin |

|c) is an enteral second-generation cephalosporin antibiotic. |

|d) is a third generation cephalosporin |

|e) is less toxic to the renal function than gentamicin |

| |

|Macrolides are naturally resistant to: |

|a) Bacillus fragilis |

|b) Pseudomonas |

|c) Chlamydia |

|d) Acinetobacter |

|e) Mycoplasma pneumoniae |

| |

|The following antibiotics are bacteriostatic: |

|a) penicillins |

|b) erythromycin |

|c) isoniazid |

|d) chloramphenicol |

|e) cephalosporins |

| |

|The following are true about tetracycline: |

|a) treat Chlamydia |

|b) should be avoided in children |

|c) are used in viral infections |

|d) broad-spectrum antibiotics |

|e) inhibit the cell wall synthesis |

| |

|Characteristics of gentamycin: |

|a) is poorly soluble in lipid and therefore needs to be given parenterally |

|b) is excreted exclusively by the kidneys |

|c) inhibits presynaptic acetylcholine release with neuro-muscular block |

|d) causes ototoxicity |

|e) inhibits cell wall synthesis of bacteria |

| |

|Characteristics of vancomycin: |

|a) inhibits bacteria DNA synthesis |

|b) is effective against Gram negative aerobic organisms |

|c) is well absorbed from the gut |

|d) is a type of glycopeptide antibiotic |

|e) stimulates the release of histamine |

| |

|Drugs that are bacteriostatic include: |

|a) cephalexin |

|b) gentamicin |

|c) chloramphenicol |

|d) tetracyclines |

|e) penicillin |

| |

|Charactristics of aminoglycosides: |

|a) are effective against anaerobic infection |

|b) cause nephrotoxicity |

|c) Very active against Gr- aerobic bacillus |

|d) are not effectively against systemic infection if given orally |

|e) cause ototoxicity |

| |

|With regard to vancomycin: |

|a) is a glycopeptide |

|b) can cause ototoxicity |

|c) is bacteriostatic in action |

|d) is bactericidal in action |

|e) causes “Red man” syndrome |

| |

|Describe vancomycin: |

|a) is an aminoglycoside. |

|b) ototoxicity and nephrotocicity common sides effects |

|c) targets the RNA of bacteria. |

|d) is used in parenterally way |

|e) is used against Gram positive bacteria. |

| |

|Describe vancomycin: |

|a) active on gram-positive cocci |

|b) is a type of glycopeptide antibiotic |

|c) causing ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity |

|d) active on gram-negative flora |

|e) bacteriostatic |

| |

|Name unwanted effects of vancomycin: |

|a) Gray baby syndrom |

|b) Ototoxicity |

|c) "Red neck" syndrome, phlebitis |

|d) Cristaluria |

|e) Pneumonitis |

| |

|Vancomicin has the following unwanted effects: |

|a) Pseudomembranous colitis |

|b) Hepatotoxicity |

|c) "Red men" syndrome |

|d) All of the above |

|e) Phlebitis |

| |

|All of the following drugs are antibiotics: |

|a) Streptomycin |

|b) Penicillin |

|c) Co-trimoxazole |

|d) Chloramphenicol |

|e) Ciprofloxacine |

| |

|Which of the following groups of antibiotics demonstrates a bactericidal effect? |

|a) Tetracyclines |

|b) Macrolides |

|c) Penicillins |

|d) Aminiglycosides |

|e) Cephalosporins |

| |

|Which of the following groups of antibiotics demonstrates a bacteristatic effect: |

|a) Carbapenems |

|b) Macrolides |

|c) Aminoglycosides |

|d) Cephalosporins |

|e) Tetracyclines |

| |

|Which of the following antibiotics contains a beta-lactam ring in their chemical structure: |

|a) Penicillins |

|b) Cephalosporins |

|c) Carbapenems |

|d) Monobactams |

|e) Tetracyclines |

| |

|Tick the drug belonging to antibiotics-macrolides and azalides: |

|a) Neomycin |

|b) Doxycycline |

|c) Erythromycin |

|d) Cefotaxime |

|e) Azithromycin |

| |

|Tick the drug belonging to antibiotics-carbapenems: |

|a) Aztreonam |

|b) Amoxacillin |

|c) Imipinem |

|d) Clarithromycin |

|e) Meropenem |

| |

|Tick the drug belongs to antibiotics-cephalosporins: |

|a) Streptomycin |

|b) Cefaclor |

|c) Phenoxymethylpenicillin |

|d) Erythromycin |

|e) Cefalexin |

| |

|Tick the drug belonging to lincosamides: |

|a) Erythromycin |

|b) Lincomycin |

|c) Clindamycin |

|d) Azithromycin |

|e) Aztreonam |

| |

|Tick the drug belonging to antibiotics-tetracyclines: |

|a) Doxycycline |

|b) Minocycline |

|c) Streptomycin |

|d) Clarithromycin |

|e) Amoxacillin |

| |

|Tick the drug belonging to antibiotics-aminoglycosides: |

|a) Gentamycin |

|b) Streptomycin |

|c) Clindamycin |

|d) Neomycin |

|e) Amoxacillin |

| |

|Tick the drug belonging to glycopeptides: |

|a) Vancomycin |

|b) Lincomycin |

|c) Neomycin |

|d) Carbenicillin |

|e) Teicoplanin |

| |

|Antibiotics inhibiting the bacterial cell wall synthesis are: |

|a) Beta-lactam antibiotics |

|b) Tetracyclines |

|c) Aminoglycosides |

|d) Macrolides |

|e) Glycopeptides |

| |

|All of the following antibiotics inhibit the protein synthesis in bacterial cells: |

|a) Macrolides |

|b) Aminoglycosides |

|c) Glycopeptides |

|d) Tetracyclines |

|e) Cycloserine |

| |

|Choose antibiotics from carbapenems: |

|a) Thienam |

|b) Amoxacillin |

|c) Bicillin-5 |

|d) Penicillin |

|e) Imipenem |

| |

|Pick out the beta-lactamase inhibitor for co-administration with penicillins: |

|a) Cilastatin |

|b) Sulbactam |

|c) Sultiam |

|d) Aztreonam |

|e) Tazobactam |

| |

|All of the following antibiotics are macrolides: |

|a) Erythromycin |

|b) Clarithromycin |

|c) Lincomycin |

|d) Roxythromycin |

|e) Aztreonam |

| |

|Tetracyclins have following unwanted effects: |

|a) Irritation of gastrointestinal mucosa, phototoxicity |

|b) Hepatotoxicity, anti-anabolic effect |

|c) Dental hypoplasia, bone deformities |

|d) Myocardial infarction |

|e) Addison syndrome |

| |

|Tick the drug belonging to antibiotics-aminoglycosides: |

|a) Erythromycin |

|b) Gentamycin |

|c) Vancomycin |

|d) Polymyxin |

|e) Kanamycin |

| |

|Aminoglycosides have the following unwanted effects |

|a) Pancytopenia |

|b) Hepatotoxicity |

|c) Ototoxicity |

|d) Irritation of gastrointestinal mucosa |

|e) Nephrotoxicity |

| |

| |

|Name antibiotics used parenterally: |

|a) streptomycin |

|b) erythromycin |

|c) gentamicin |

|d) ampicillin |

|e) imipinem |

| |

|Choose antibiotics most likely to produce increased neuromuscular-blockade in the presence of nondepolarizing blockers: |

|a) vancomycin |

|b) kanamycin |

|c) amikacin |

|d) gentamicin |

|e) ampicillin |

| |

|Name characteristic for Aztreonam? |

|a) is a monobactam antibiotic  |

|b) is active against gram-negative bacteria |

|c) is active against Pseudomonas aeroginosa |

|d) is active against protozoa |

|e) is active against helmints |

| |

|With regard to tetracycline: |

|a) directly inhibits DNA synthesis in bacteria |

|b) crosses the placenta and accumulates in foetal skeleton |

|c) side effects include poor tooth development |

|d) have a narrow spectrum of antibiotic action |

|e) used just intravenously |

| |

|Name semisynthetic tetracyclines: |

|a) tetracicline |

|b) doxycycline |

|c) metacycline |

|d) demeclocycline |

|e) minocycline |

| |

|Name spectrum of action for tetracyclines: |

|a) chlamydia |

|b) mycoplasma |

|c) brucella |

|d) helmints |

|e) rickettsiae |

| |

|What antimicrobial inhibits bacterial protein synthesis following attachment of 30 S subunits of ribosomes? |

|a) clindamycin |

|b) tetracycline |

|c) chloramphenicol |

|d) imipenem |

|e) doxycycline |

| |

|Charactristics of chloramphenicol: |

|a) inhibits cell wall synthesis |

|b) is active against Haemophilus and Neisseria |

|c) causes ototoxicity |

|d) causes aplastic anaemia |

|e) should not be given to newborns |

| |

|What remedies inhibit bacterial protein synthesis, following attachment of 50S ribosomes subunits: |

|a) chloramphenicol |

|b) clarithromycin |

|c) clindamycin |

|d) tetracycline |

|e) doxycycline |

| |

|Name pharmacological properties of chloramphenicol: |

|a) choice for systemic salmonellosis |

|b) not acting in anaerobic infections |

|c) induces gray syndrome |

|d) induced aplastic anemia |

|e) does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier |

| |

|Name the chloramphenicol causes of gray syndrome in neonates and premature: |

|a) excessive doses |

|b) baby diseases |

|c) liver enzyme deficiency of glucuronyltransferase |

|d) genetic predisposition |

|e) association with penicillins |

| |

|Concerning sulfonamides: |

|a) act as competitive inhibitors of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthase |

|b) are big group from antibiotics |

|c) certain sulfonamides are sometimes mixed with the drug trimethoprim |

|d) contraindicated in pregnancy and newborn |

|e) minimal side effects |

| |

|Charactristics of sulphonamides: |

|a) inhibit the conversion of para-aminobenzoic acid to folate |

|b) are bactericidal |

|c) can be combined with trimethroprim |

|d) are used just intravenously |

|e) are a known cause of Steven-Johnson's syndrome |

| |

|Sulfonamides are effective against: |

|a) Bacteria and Chlamidia |

|b) Grame negative aerobes |

|c) Gonococcus |

|d) Echinococcus |

|e) Cytomegalovirus |

| |

|Sulfonamides have the following unwanted effects: |

|a) tendinitis and tendons ruptures |

|b) crystalluria |

|c) peripheral neuropathy |

|d) neuro-muscular block |

|e) gray baby syndrome |

| |

|Tick the antibacterial drug - a quinolone derivative: |

|a) Nitrofurantoin |

|b) Nalidixic acid |

|c) Streptomycin |

|d) Pipemidic acis |

|e) Nystatine |

| |

|The following are true about fluoroquinolone: |

|a) it acts by inhibiting DNA gyrase |

|b) ciprofloxacin is poorly absorbed by the gastrointestinal system |

|c) corneal deposition is a complication of topical ofloxacin |

|d) it is active against gram negative bacilli |

|e) have been shown to contribute to tendinopathies |

| |

|Name indications for fluoroquinolones: |

|a) Urinary tract infections |

|b) Gonorrhea |

|c) Urethritis |

|d) Treatment of pneumonia |

|e) Listeriosis |

| |

|Antimicrobials that inhibit folic acid synthesis include: |

|a) ciprofloxacine |

|b) sulfonamides |

|c) pyrimethamine |

|d) clindamycin |

|e) tetracycline |

| |

|Mechanisms of bacterial resistance to anti-microbial agents are the following: |

|a) Active transport out of a microorganism |

|b) Enlarged uptake of the drug by a microorganism |

|c) Modification of a drug's target |

|d) Reduced uptake by a microorganism |

|e) Hydrolysis of an agent via enzymes produced by a microorganism |

| |

|Antimalarial drug classification: |

|a) penicillin |

|b) metronidazol |

|c) quinine |

|d) tetracyclines |

|e) chloroquine |

| |

|Characteristics of quinine: |

|a) is a medication to treat malaria  |

|b) highly effective schizonticide against P vivax, P ovale, P falciparum, P. malariae |

|c) is a medication to treat viruses infection |

|d) is antibiotic used just in anaerobes infections |

|e) is used just intravenously |

| |

|Name metronidazole indications: |

|a) amebiasis |

|b) malaria |

|c) syphilis |

|d) duodenal ulcer |

|e) anaerobic infections |

| |

|True statements about metronidazole include: |

|a) it is bacteristatic |

|b) it inhibits bacterial protein synthesis |

|c) it is most effective against Gram positive bacteria |

|d) it is most effective against Gram negative bacteria |

|e) alcohol should be avoided while taking metronidazole |

| |

|Name effective preparations in echinococcosis: |

|a) mebendazole |

|b) albendazole |

|c) piperazine |

|d) befeniu |

|e) pirviniu |

| |

|Name metronidazole indications: |

|a) tuberculosis |

|b) lambliozis |

|c) amebiasis |

|d) malaria |

|e) trichomoniasis  |

| |

|Show drugs used to treat giardiasis: |

|a) levamisole |

|b) metronidazole |

|c) furazolidone |

|d) pyrantel |

|e) mebendazole |

| |

|Specify pharmacological peculiarities typical for interferons: |

|a) antiviral |

|b) immunomodulatory |

|c) antiproliferative |

|d) induce biochemical changes that create an antiviral state in infected cells |

|e) antioxidant |

| |

|Name antivirals effective against flaviviruses (hepatitis C virus): |

|a) Interferon alfa-2b |

|b) PEG-interferon alpha-2b |

|c) PEG interferon alpha-2a |

|d) foscarnet |

|e) Interferon alfa-2a |

| |

|Ganclovir characteristics: |

|a) is effective against cytomegalovirus infection |

|b) causes bone marrow failure |

|c) is effective against HIV infection |

|d) is effective against influenza |

|e) inhibits DNA polymerase |

| |

|Drugs effective against cytomegalovirus include: |

|a) acyclovir |

|b) gancyclovir |

|c) foscarnet sodium |

|d) zidovudine |

|e) amantadine |

| |

|Name drugs that inhibit viral enzymes? |

|a) acyclovir |

|b) zidovudine |

|c) ethambutol |

|d) saquinavir |

|e) indinavir |

| |

|Group of endogenous proteins that exhibit antiviral activities: |

|a) ribavirin |

|b) interferon beta |

|c) ganciclovir |

|d) vidarabine |

|e) interferon alpha |

| |

|The indication for interferon alpha administration is: |

|a) Hepatitis C virus infection |

|b) Treatment of sleep disorders |

|c) Kaposi's sarcoma |

|d) can be used to treat multiple sclerosis |

|e) All of the answers |

| |

|Name poliene antibiotics: |

|a) grizeofulvine |

|b) ristomicine |

|c) kanamycin |

|d) amphotericin B |

|e) natamycin |

| |

|Which of the following drugs is used for candidiasis treatment: |

|a) Nystatine |

|b) Ampicillin |

|c) Myconazol |

|d) Streptomycin |

|e) Gentamicin |

| |

|Name drugs that demonstrate a fungicidal effect: |

|a) Cloramphenicol |

|b) Amfotericin B |

|c) Ketoconazole |

|d) Myconazole |

|e) Imipinem |

| |

|Choose antifungal remedies: |

|a) nystatine |

|b) tropicamide |

|c) rifampicin |

|d) fluconazole |

|e) cocaine |

| |

|Name antifungal drugs from imidazole derivatives group: |

|a) econazole |

|b) flucytosine |

|c) amphotericin B |

|d) ketoconazole |

|e) miconazole |

| |

|Specify the first choice drugs in superficial candidiasis: |

|a) clotrimazole |

|b) flucytosine |

|c) nystatin |

|d) amphotericin B |

|e) ketoconazole |

| |

|Characteristic of fluconazole: |

|a) used systemically |

|b) is an antifungal medication  |

|c) is an antibiotic |

|d) prevents the conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol from fungal membrane |

|e) inhibits cell wall |

| |

|Name therapeutic indications of miconazole: |

|a) iv infusion in severe fungal infections with coccidioides |

|b) per os in oral and intestinal candidiasis |

|c) topic in pityriasis |

|d) intravaginal in candidiasis |

|e) per os in trichomoniasis |

| |

|Specify polyene antifungal antibiotic: |

|a) nystatin |

|b) griseofulvin |

|c) amphotericin B |

|d) flucytosine |

|e) capreomycin |

| |

|Specify anti leprous drugs: |

|a) nalidixic acid |

|b) co-trimoxazole |

|c) solasulfon |

|d) dapsone |

|e) nitroxoline |

| |

|Tick the antibiotics that have antituberculous action: |

|a) Ampicillin |

|b) Penicillin |

|c) Kanamycin |

|d) Gentamicin |

|e) Rifampicine |

| |

|Mechanism of Izoniazid action is: |

|a) Inhibition of protein synthesis |

|b) Inhibition of mycolic acids synthesis |

|c) Inhibition of ADP synthesis |

|d) Inhibition of cAMP synthesis |

|e) Inhibition of cell-wall synthesis |

| |

|Mechanism of Rifampicin's action is: |

|a) Inhibition of mycolic acids synthesis |

|b) Inhibition of DNA dependent RNA polymerase |

|c) Inhibition of topoisomerase II |

|d) Inhibition of cAMP synthesis |

|e) Inhibition of RNA synthesis |

| |

|Isoniazid has following unwanted effect: |

|a) Cardiotoxicity |

|b) Hepatotoxicity |

|c) Loss of hair |

|d) Immunotoxicity |

|e) Peripheral neuropathy |

| |

|Specify pharmacological typical peculiarities of Ethambutol: |

|a) is an antilepros drug |

|b) is an antituberculosis drug |

|c) mechanism of antituberculous action is bacteriostatic |

|d) mechanism of antileprous action is bactericidal |

|e) can cause optic neuritis |

| |

|Specify pharmacological peculiarities characteristic for the hormonal drugs from antitumor grups: |

|a) estrogen is used in prostate cancer |

|b) androgens are used in breast cancer |

|c) antiandrogens are used in prostate cancer |

|d) antiestrogens are used in breast cancer |

|e) aminoglutethimide inhibit aromatase |

| |

|Specify group of monoclonal antibodies from antitumor preparations: |

|a) transtuzumab |

|b) rituximab |

|c) bevacizumab |

|d) vincristine |

|e) colchicine |

| |

|Specify antitumor preparations made by vegetal origin: |

|a) vinblastine |

|b) vincristine |

|c) vinorelbine |

|d) bevacizumab |

|e) bruneomicine |

| |

|Cyclosporin A: |

|a) can only be given orally as it is too toxic to be given intravenously |

|b) it may be given prophylactically to reduce organ rejection before transplantation |

|c) causes little bone marrow suppression |

|d) causes renal impairment |

|e) acts specifially on cytotoxic T lymphocytes |

| |

|The following cytotoxic drugs are immunosuppressive drugs: |

|a) chlorambucil |

|b) cyclophosphamide |

|c) vinblastine |

|d) mielopid |

|e) timogen |

| |

|Name immunosuppressive drugs: |

|a) imupurine |

|b) thiamazole |

|c) interferon |

|d) cyclophosphamide |

|e) chlorambucil |

| |

|The Immunosuppressive agents are: |

|a) Corticosteroids |

|b) Imunofan |

|c) Cyclosporine |

|d) Tacrolimus |

|e) Interferon |

| |

|Cytotoxic agents are the following: |

|a) Azathioprine |

|b) Imupurin |

|c) Ampicillin |

|d) Cyclophosphamide |

|e) Clemastine |

| |

|Name cytostatics: |

|a) azathioprine |

|b) diphenhydramine |

|c) cyclosporine |

|d) ipratropium |

|e) mercaptopurine |

| |

|Name the indications for immunosuppressive preparations: |

|a) rheumatoid arthritis |

|b) allergic rhinitis |

|c) lack of glucose-6-fosfatdehidrogenase |

|d) organ transplantation |

|e) collagen diseases |

| |

|Immunosupressive effect of glucocorticoids is caused by: |

|a) Reducing concentration of lymphocytes (T and B cells) |

|b) Inhibiting function of tissue macrophages and other antigen-presenting cells |

|c) Activation of Cyclooxygenase I&II expression that results in reducing amount of an enzyme available to produce prostaglandins |

|d) Activation of phospholipase A2 and reducing prostaglandin and leukotriene synthesis |

|e) Activation of cyclooxygenase II expression that results in reducing amount of an enzyme available to produce prostoglandins |

| |

|Cyclosporine A is from the group, except: |

|a) Immunoglobulins |

|b) Monoclonal antibodies |

|c) Immunosuppressive agents |

|d) Interferons |

|e) Immunostimulating agents |

| |

|Indication for interferon alpha administration is, except: |

|a) Hepatitis C virus infection |

|b) Organ transplantation |

|c) Rheumatoid arthritis |

|d) Autoimmune diseases |

|e) Hepatitis A virus infection |

| |

|Indications for interferon alpha administration are: |

|a) Chronic granulomatous disease |

|b) Hepatitis C virus infection |

|c) Kaposi's sarcoma |

|d) Rheumatoid arthritis |

|e) Prophylaxis of sensitization by Rh antigen |

| |

|Optic neuropathy occurs in deficiency of the following vitamins: |

|a) vitamin A |

|b) phytomenadione |

|c) riboflavine |

|d) retinyl acetate |

|e) cyanocobolamine |

| |

|The following are true about vitamin A: |

|a) it is fat soluble |

|b) it is water soluble |

|c) deficiency can lead to scurvy |

|d) deficency causes pellagra. |

|e) deficiency can lead to night blindness  |

| |

|Fat-Soluble Vitamins are: |

|a) Vitamin A |

|b) Vitamin D |

|c) Vitamin K |

|d) Vitamin E |

|e) Vitamin C |

| |

|The following are true about vitamin A deficiency: |

|a) causes night blindness |

|b) causes scurvy |

|c) causes pellagra |

|d) causes Beri-beri. |

|e) the immune system is impaired by vitamin A deficiency |

| |

|Name clinical uses of vitamin D: |

|a) Osteoporosis |

|b) Nutritional rickets |

|c) Scurvy |

|d) Pellagra |

|e) Beriberi |

| |

|Optic neuropathy occurs in deficiency of the following vitamin B: |

|a) Vitamin B1 |

|b) Vitamin B2 |

|c) Vitamin B3 |

|d) Vitamin B6 |

|e) Vitamin B12 |

| |

|Symptom of vitamin A deficiency are: |

|a) Night blindness - lessened ability to see in dim light |

|b) Xerophthalmia and keratomalacia |

|c) Various epithelial tissue defects |

|d) Osteoporosis |

|e) induced Parkinson disease |

| |

|Choose the correct statements relating to adverse allergic reactions: |

|a) appear due to pharmacokinetic features |

|b) does not depend on the dose |

|c) are characteristic of drugs with a high intrinsic toxicity and narrow therapeutic window |

|d) are crossed for structurally related compounds |

|e) high incidence when drugs are given orally |

| |

|Choose drug complications caused by the suspension of medication: |

|a) idiosyncrasy |

|b) the liver enzyme induction |

|c) suppression of hepatic enzymes |

|d) Rebound syndrome |

|e) absence syndrome |

| |

|Name drug complications caused by the patients hypersensitivity: |

|a) immediate immunoallergic type reactions |

|b) delayed immunoallergic type reactions |

|c) tachyphylaxis |

|d) tolerance |

|e) dysbacteriosis |

| |

|Indicate antidotes definitions: |

|a) drug possessing action to neutralize and / or elimination of toxic substances |

|b) drug preventing action to develop symptoms of intoxication with a certain toxic |

|c) drug which possess antagonistic action against a specific toxic |

|d) drug possessing agonistic action to a particular toxic |

|e) drug potentiating action of a particular toxic |

| |

|Specify how to divide antidotes according to the mechanism of action: |

|a) Physical |

|b) Chemical |

|c) Physiological |

|d) Inhibitory |

|e) Stimulatory |

| |

|Name antidotes used in morphine and other opioid analgesics intoxication: |

|a) naloxone |

|b) nalorphine hydrochloride |

|c) izonitrozin |

|d) dipiroxim |

|e) aloxim |

| |

|Name antidotes used in organophosphorus compounds poisoning: |

|a) naloxone |

|b) nalorphine hydrochloride |

|c) izonitrozin |

|d) dipiroxim |

|e) aloxim |

| |

|Indicate groups of drugs causing depression more frequently as adverse effects: |

|a) centrally acting hypotensive drugs |

|b) tranquilizers |

|c) beta-adrenoblockers |

|d) adrenomimetics |

|e) MAO inhibitors |

| |

|Specify groups or drugs frequently cause side effects such as mixed liver injury: |

|a) NSAIDs |

|b) anti-tuberculous drugs |

|c) contraceptives |

|d) beta-adrenoblockers |

|e) converting enzyme inhibitors |

| |

|Specify drugs that cause more frequently as adverse effect bronchospasm: |

|a) acetylsalicylic acid |

|b) propranolol |

|c) neostigmine |

|d) ipratropium bromide |

|e) salbutamol |

| |

|Specify preparations that cause more frequently as adverse effect orthostatic hypotension and collapse: |

|a) trimetaphan |

|b) nifedipine |

|c) clonidine |

|d) izoturon |

|e) dopamine |

| |

|Specify drugs would frequently cause anaphylaxis as a side effect: |

|a) penicillins |

|b) procaine |

|c) famotidine |

|d) omeprazole |

|e) diphenhydramine |

| |

|Specify drugs would cause more frequently as adverse effect duodenal and gastric ulcer: |

|a) prednisolone |

|b) acetylsalicylic acid |

|c) diclofenac |

|d) sucralfate |

|e) misoprostol |

| |

|Specify groups of drugs that would cause more frequently as adverse effect dysbacteriosis: |

|a) antibiotics |

|b) nitrofurans |

|c) glucocorticoids |

|d) NSAIDs |

|e) converting enzyme inhibitors |

| |

|Specify drugs possessing a major potential to develop drug addiction: |

|a) trimeperidine |

|b) diazepam |

|c) amfepramone |

|d) diclofenac |

|e) piracetam |

| |

|Which drugs can cause ototoxicity? |

|a) Furosemide |

|b) Gentamycine |

|c) Kanamycin |

|d) Acetazolamide |

|e) Scopolamine |

| |

|Which drugs can cause neuro-muscular blocking effect? |

|a) Streptomycine |

|b) Gentamycine |

|c) Kanamycin |

|d) Acetazolamide |

|e) Scopolamine |

| |

|Which drugs can cause xerosthomia? |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Diphenhydramine |

|c) Scopolamine |

|d) Neostigmine |

|e) Pilocarpine |

| |

|Which drugs can cause ventricular arhythmias? |

|a) Loratadine |

|b) Diphenhydramine |

|c) Cetirizine |

|d) Clemastine |

|e) Cyproheptadine |

| |

|Which drugs can cause somnolence? |

|a) Loratadine |

|b) Diphenhydramine |

|c) Cetirizine |

|d) Clemastine |

|e) Cyproheptadine |

| |

|Which drugs can cause constipation? |

|a) Atropine |

|b) Neostigmine |

|c) Pilocarpine |

|d) Scopolamine |

|e) Platyphylline |

| |

|Which drugs can cause specific side effect- dry cough? |

|a) Captopril |

|b) Clonidine |

|c) Salbutamol |

|d) Enalapril |

|e) Lisinopril |

| |


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