Sinusoidal Functions: Unit Summary - Lourdes Mathematics

Sinusoidal Functions: Unit Summary

Things to know....

1. What is a periodic function? Give a real life example of periodic behaviour.

2. Know/Memorize the relationship between period and frequency:

[pic] and [pic]

3. Know what the basic curves look like for each of the following functions:


4. Be able to graph a sinusoidal using the values k,d,a, and c for:

[pic] and [pic]

5. Know/memorize the relationship between period and the value of 'k'

[pic] and [pic]

6. Be able to determine the equation of a sinusoidal from a graph.

7. Be able to state the amplitude, phase shift, period, vertical displacement, domain and

range for a sinusoidal given its graph or equation.

8. Create a sinusoidal equation to represent an application then use this equation to

answer some question regarding the scenario.


1. Graph the function y = 1.5cos(2θ-180o) - 2 and state the domain and range.

k =

d =

a =

c =

Domain: ______________

Range: ______________

2. Determine another sinusodal equation that could be used to represent the graph above.

2. A weight hangs from a spring. The weight is pulled down and released to then oscillate freely up and down at a frequency of 5 Hz. At its lowest point, the mass is 15 cm from the ground. At its maximum height the mass is 55 cm from the ground. How high off the ground is the mass 2.7 seconds after being released?

More Practice: pg 404-405 #2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13




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