Teacher – Mrs. Volynskaya PRECALCULUS PROJECT



Teacher – Mrs. Volynskaya PRECALCULUS PROJECT


This project consists of creating a picture or design by graphing 5 – 9 trigonometric functions on top of each other. Use at least three different types of trig functions. In other words, don’t just use all sine graphs.

Other types of functions may also be used, in addition to the trigonometric functions, to add detail. (For instance, you can add a quadratic function by graphing parabola)

Use colored markers to color the appropriate regions of the graph that correspond to the domain that you specify. Additional decoration of the project is encouraged. Mount the colored graph on ½ piece of poster board with the detailed instructions to complete the graph next to it. Please show ALL work, or no credit will be awarded. Attach any scratch work to the back of the poster board. For each trig function, determine the amplitude, period, phase (horizontal) shift, and vertical shift, and list these on the back of the poster. Indicate if the phase shift is left or right, and if the vertical shift is up or down. Label appropriate x-axis and y-axis values. Plot enough values to give you nice, smooth curves for the trig functions used.

Grading Rubric:

80 points will be determined by the accuracy of each graph.

10 points will be determined by the level of difficulty of the graphs used.

10 points will be determined by the neatness and creativity of the project.

Grading Rubric

Accuracy of each graph

Each graph will be graded on the following 5 point scale:

1 point – graph does not match general shape of that trigonometric (or other) function

2 points – graph matches on general shape of the specified function, but has errors in more than one area (i.e. amplitude, period, etc.)

3 points – graph matches on general shape of the specified function, but may have one error on amplitude, period, etc., or may not show smooth curve.

4 points – graph matches the specified function exactly, showing a nice smooth curve, but does not match domain (if limited domain is listed)

5 points – graph matches the specified function exactly, and is colored in the appropriate domain.

Neatness and Creativity

The overall neatness and creativity of the graph will be determined on the following 5 point scale:

1 point – Student did not follow instructions for completing the project.

2 points – Majority of the instructions were followed, but project shows correction of mistakes, erasures or scratched out areas.

3 points – Project is free of errors or stray marks, but lacks creativity

(is too similar to the example).

4 points – Project shows creativity and originality, but has minor errors or stray marks.

5 points – Project shows exceptional creativity and originality and shows no errors or stray marks.

Level of Difficulty

The level of difficulty will be determined on the following 5 point scale:

1 point – project does not use 6 trigonometric graphs.

2 points – project uses 6 trigonometric graphs, but does not include 3 different trig functions.

3 points – project uses correct variation of graphs, but does not use graphs with multiple changes (in amplitude, period, phase & vertical shift)

4 points – project uses correct variation of graphs and uses multiple changes within the graphs, but does not use limited domains.

5 points – project uses correct variation of graphs with multiple changes within the graphs and with limited domains.


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