VCurriculum vitae


Dr.Jameel Ahmad (from India)

Associate Professor at GRC (English)

Jeddah Community College

King Abdul-Aziz University

Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics: English Language Teaching (ELT)

E-mail: drjameelahmad@

E-mail: ahmadj69@

Phone No: 00966 -553013719

Promotion: Promoted from an Asst. Professor to an Associate Professor by Academic Council, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah. KSA on Sept. 18, 2012 (2/ 11/ 1433).

Best Faculty Award in 2012 by Jeddah Community College for excellence in teaching, commitment and dedication.

Best Researcher Award in 2013 by Jeddah Community College for my intensive research.

Career Objective:

❖ To be a competent, an effective and a great teacher of English at ESL / EFL, TESOL, graduate and postgraduate levels.

❖ To publish high quality research papers in ISI indexed journals.

❖ To write reference books and textbooks in ESP ( English for Specific Purposes)

❖ To participate in international conferences held worldwide.

Published Books:

❖ Title: Teaching of Scientific English: An EST Approach. ( Reference Book) Published in India in 2010.

❖ Title: Media Technology and English Language Teaching.( Reference Book) Published in India in 2010

❖ Title: ‘English for Health Sciences’ (Textbook) Submitted to the Deanship of Scientific Research, KAU for publication in 2014.

❖ Title: English for Business and Management: (Textbook) Proposal accepted in 2014 by the Deanship of Scientific Research and will be ready for publication in 2015.

❖ Title: An Empirical Study of Traditional Barriers and Socio-Cultural Impact in Learning English in Saudi Arabia: Innovative and Compatible Redressal

(Research proposal) accepted by Deanship of Scientific Research, KAU.

❖ Summary of Qualification:

❖ Ph.D.: in English language Teaching, ELT (Applied linguistics) Aligarh Muslim

University, Aligarh. India, in 2002.

❖ Topic of Ph.D: Structure and Discourse of Scientific English: A Study of Scientific Research Articles by Non- Native Users of English.

Summary: The Theses analyses in depth the structure and discourse of Scientific English. It strikes difference between scientific use of English and literary use of English. It focuses innovative methods and approaches for how to teach scientific English to the students of Engineering and Medical Sciences. It discuses scientific terminologies and their coinages at length.

❖ M.Phil. in English language Teaching, ELT (Applied linguistics) Aligarh Muslim

University, Aligarh. India in 1995.

❖ Topic of M.Phil: Role of Educational Technology in English Language Teaching.

Summary of M.phil: It deals with innovative methods of English language teaching through media technology. It focuses the integration of media technology in several methods and approaches for the teaching of English as a second Language(ESL) the teaching of English as a foreign Language (EFL)

❖ M.A. in English Literature A.M.U. Aligarh. India English Literature 1992

❖ B. A. in English Literature A.M.U. Aligarh. India English Literature 1989

In B.A. and M.A. courses I studied English literature from 14th century to 20th century which includes Dramas, comedies, tragedies, novels, English poetry and criticism of Renaissance period, restoration, Romantic, Victorian and modern periods.

Diploma Courses in CLT: (Communicative Language Teaching)

❖ PGCTE (Post Graduate Certificate in English Language Teaching) Central Institute of English and Foreign Language, Hyderabad, established in collaboration with British council. India.

❖ PGDTE (Post Graduate Diploma in English Language Teaching, CIEFL, Hyderabad .India ,established in collaboration with British Council, India.

Note: My M.Phil, PhD degrees and diploma courses are related to important issues in the

teaching of English as a second language (ESL) and teaching of English as a foreign

language (EFL).

Publications in Applied Linguistics (ELT)

1. Jameel, A. (2012), “Theoretical Framework & Growing demand of ESP in Saudi Arabia” published in "Archives Des Sciences', SWITZERLAND, Geneva Vol. 65 .

2. Jameel, A. (2012), "Intentional vs. Incidental Vocabulary Learning". ELT

Research Journal, Vol.01, No. 01, p71-79, Turkey.

3. Jameel, A.(2012) “Stylistic Features of Scientific English: A Study of Scientific

Research Articles”. English Language and Literature Studies. Vol. 2, N0 1.

P. 47-55. Canada.

4. Jameel, A.(2012) “English Language Teaching (ELT) and Integration of Media

Technology' Published in "Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences" and indexed

in Science Direct, Scopus and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings

Citation Index (Web of Science)

5. Jameel, A. (2013) . “Effectiveness of Internet Capable Mobile-Phones in Learning

Vocabulary with Special Reference to Working Class Saudi EFLLearners”. Archives Des Sciences', SWITZERLAND, Geneva Vol. 66. N0.1.

6. Jameel, A ( 2013) “Technology Assisted Language Learning in Saudi Arabia with

Special Reference to Mobile Phones: Teachers Perspectives”. Published in Journal

of Information Systems Technology & Planning – JISTP Volume 6, Issue 16,

(Spring 2013). USA.

(7) Jameel, A. (2014) “Teaching of Poetry to Saudi ESL Learners: Linguistic Approach”.

It has been accepted for publication in Study in English Language Teaching’ published in

UK. Vol 2, No 1, 2014 in ‘

International Exposure & International Conference:

1. Presented a research paper on “Technology Assisted Language Learning in Saudi Arabia with Special Reference to Mobile Phones”: Teachers’ Perspectives on 11th April in Intellectbase International Consortium, Texas. USA

2. Presented a paper on “English Language Teaching and integration of Media

Technology” in an international conference held in Middle East technical

University, Northern Cyprus Campus in Feb 8-12, 2012

3. Participated in Fourth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca

held in Department of Education, Hong Kong in May 26-28, 2011.

4. Attended an International conference on “Inside the Saudi Preparatory Year English program: The Future and Beyond” held in Taiba University. Madina Saudi Arabia. in April 12-13, 2011.

5. Presented a paper on “Advantages and Management of Online Distance

Learning System for English in Indian Scenario”. An international conference

held at Aligarh Muslim University. Aligarh. India in March 22-24, 2011.

6. Participated an International Conference on “Indian Writing in English: Tradition and Modernity”. It was held at AMU, Aligarh. India in October 26-27, 2002.

7. Participated in 4 orientation programs held at AMU, Aligarh. India in October 2000.

Workshops and Orientation Programs

1. Workshop on "E-Learning Training" held in 2011 at JCC King Abdul Aziz

University. Saudi Arabia in 2011.

2. Workshop on 'Course Development of KAU Learning Management System'

Conducted by Deanship of Distance Learning, KAU. Saudi Arabia in May 10,


3. Two Week Workshop on Education and Academic accreditation" held at king

Fahad Research Center. KAU Saudi Arabia in Feb27- march 9, 2010.

5. Workshop on 'Excellence and Innovation development Programs' held at king Fahad Research Center, KAU, Jeddah , Saudi Arabia in April 1-3, 2009.

6. Self-Study Workshop (Training program conducted by COE , USA, at JCC,

King Abdul Aziz University. 2009

7. Worked as a Chairman of Standard Six assigned to prepare a draft on Physical Description of Jeddah Community College, Its Health and Safety Plan and Maintenance Plan. (2009)

8. Attended a Workshop on Strategic Planning at JCC, KSA. 2009

9. A workshop on the development of excellence and innovative Teaching. KAU. 2009.

10. 5 workshops on English Language Teaching (ELT) in India

Curriculum and Syllabus Designing:

1. Designed a syllabus on English for Computer Networking at JCC. KAU. Saudi Arabia 2011.

2. Designed a syllabus on English for Graphic Design at JCC. KAU. 20011

3. Designed a syllabus on English for Business English at graduate level. Aligarh Muslim University. Aligarh. India Aligarh, India in 2002.

Editing Experience: Editor of the Following Journals

|Title of the Journals |Published from |ISSN N0: |Date: |

|1.Study in English Language |UK |ISSN 2329-311X |December 7, 2012 |

|Teaching | | | |

|2.International Education Research |USA | |Nov 10, 2012 |

| | |ISSN: 2291-5273 Print | |

| | |ISSN: 2291-5281 Online | |

|3.English Language Teaching |Canada |1916-4742 (Print) 1916-4750 |Jan 8,2013 |

| | |(Online) | |

|4.Journal of Education and Learning |Canada |1927-5250 (Print) ISSN 1927-5269 |13Jan2013 |

|5.International Journal of English |Canada |1923-869X (Print) ISSN 1923-8703 |17Jan 2013 |

|Linguistics | |(Online) | |

|6.Studies in Literature and |Canada |ISSN 1923-1555 [Print] |December 28, 2012 |

|Language | |ISSN 1923-1563 [Online] | |

|7.ASDA’A (Newsletter) |JCC,KAU | |From 2009 onwards |

|8.Sub-Editor Journal of Islamic Science |MAAS, Aligarh. India | |1994-1995 |

|9. Editor of MAAS Newsletter |MAAS, Aligarh. India | |1995-1996 |

Employment History

1. Currently working as an Associate professor of English at JCC King Abdul Aziz University, Promoted from an Asst. Professor to an Associate Professor on Sept 18, 2012 (2/ 11/ 1433), by academic Council. King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah. KSA.

2. As an Assistant professor of English at JCC. King Abdul Aziz University. Jeddah. KSA, from 22/5/2006 – 18/09/2012. Teaching of Integrated Language Skills.

3. Assistant Professor, teaching English for Competitive Examinations. Coaching Guidance Centre Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India 2003-2006

4. Assistant Professor at department of English. A.M.U Aligarh. India from 2002-2003.

5. PGT of English at Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, India from 1996-2002.

6. Sub-Editor: Journal of Islamic Science. MAAS, Aligarh. India. 1994-95.

7. Editor: MAAS News Letter. MAAS Aligarh, India. 1995-96.

Teaching Experience:

20 years teaching experience at different levels: post graduate, graduate and undergraduate levels.

Teaching Assignment at Different Levels

1. Teaching of four language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing

skills through technological devices at JCC. KAU. Saudi Arabia.

2. Teaching of literature, business English, grammar and phonetics at A.M.U

Aligarh. India.

3. Teaching of English for specific purposes such as MBA, MFC and Banking

Exams at Aligarh Muslim University .Aligarh. India

4. Preparing students for group discussions for Civil Services, MBA, MFC, etc.

India, from 2002-2006

5. Teaching of essay writing to the aspirants of Civil Services in India, from 2002-2006

Research Experience (10 years)

1. Research on “Role of Media Technology in English Language Teaching” from 1993- 1995. This research was done while writing dissertation to obtain M.Phil. Degree.

2. Research on “Structure and Discourse of Scientific English: A Study of Scientific Research Articles by Non Native Users of English” from 1997-2003. This research was done while writing my Ph.D. theses to obtain Ph.D. degree.

3. Research on various aspects of English language teaching such as English for science, English for business, English language teaching through electronic devices. Contrastive analysis of literary and scientific, so on and so forth from 2003 onwards.

Relevant Co-curricular Activities in India

1. Secretary of Raleigh Literary Society 1990 Deptt. Of English, AMU.India

2. Secretary of Cultural Society 1992 Sulaiman Hall, AMU, India

3. Warden in-charge of Lit. & Cult. Society 1997 RM Hall, AMU, India

4. Supervisor of Literary Magazine 1997 R.M Hall, A.M.U Aligarh, India

5. I won numerous awards and honors in debate and essay writing competitions.

Administrative Post at A.M.U. Aligarh, India

(I) Warden in charge; A-Block RM Hall, AMU, India One year

(II) School Proctor 10+2, Boys section, AMU, India, Three years

Computer Knowledge


Interviews: I conducted face to face academic interviews with different personalities:

1. An Inspiring Face-to Face Interview with Dr. Tariq Enaya , Cisco Managing director at KAU president’s office on January 21, 20014.

2. Interview with JCC graduate Faisal Aloufi Who is admitted in San Francisco University, USA to pursue his higher studies. The interview was conducted at JCC, King Abdulaziz University, on April 2013

3. An Inspiring Face-to Face Interview with an Elderly Student, Abdullah Salim Al-Jenidi and his son who were enrolled in the same class at JCC, KAU on November 2013

4. An inspiring interview with Dr. Ahmed Alabdulwahab, JCC dean, at King Abdul Aziz University. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2012

5. An inspiring interview with Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Kutbi, JCC former dean, at King Abdul Aziz University. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2012

6. An inspiring interview with Abdulrahim Mosaed Al-Maghrabi, Assistant Director General Educational Affairs, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

7. An inspiring interview with the manager of SABIC, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

8. Interview with Dr. Mohd Habeebul Haque Ansari, educated from the United Kingdom , Prof. Dept of Physics. A.M.U.. Aligarh. India in 1995.

9. Interview with Dr. Shamsul Haq Ph.D from IIT Bombay, India. Professor at the University of Garyounis Benghazi, Libya. In 1995.

10. Interview with Dr. Yusuf Amin, M.B.B.S & M.D, Professor of Pharmacology. Tibbya College. Aligarh Muslim University in 1996.

11. Interview with Dr. Masood Ahmad. Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry. A.M.U Aligarh. 1996.

12. Interview with Professor Abdul Aziz Khan, Chairman. Department of Chemistry. .A.M.U Aligarh. India. In 1997

13. Interview with a renowned scientist Dr. Professor.Mirza Said –Uz Zafar Chaghtai. Chairman. Dept. of Physics. A.M.U. Aligarh. India. 1997.

Hobbies: Writing Articles, writing books and Social interaction.

Translator: Translated ten scientific articles from English into Urdu and vice versa.

Publication of essay type social articles

| |Title |Name of Journals & Magazines |Year of Publication |

| |Honesty is the Best Policy |Radiance |Feb, 1992 |

| |The Act of Suicide is unjustified |Hall Magazine |1994 |

| |Politics and Religion |Hall Magazine |1994 |

| |Prejudice Against Asian Students |MAAS Newsletter |Jan, 1995 |

| |Can a crane eat a crane (Editorial) |MAAS Newsletter |Jan, 1995 |

| |Editorial |MAAS Journal of Islamic Science |1994 |

| |Environmental and Cultural Pollution |MAAS Newsletter |1995 |

| |Oestrogenic Pollutant |MAAS Newsletter |Aug, 1995 |

| |An Appraisal of Indian Institution |MAAS Newsletter |Dec, 1995 |

| |A view of Scientific English |MAAS Newsletter |April, 1996 |

| |Views of contemporary Physicists on Religion and Science |MAAS Newsletter |April, 1996 |

| |Decline of Science in Muslim World |MAAS Newsletter |Aug, 1996 |

| |A Report on Fourth Proclamation |MAAS Newsletter |Dec, 1996 |

| |ceremony | | |

| |A Report on the Third Workshop |MAAS Newsletter |Dec, 1996 |

| |Annotated bibliographies |MAAS Journal of Islamic Science |1995 – 1997 |

| |Several Interviews |MAAS Newsletter | |

| |Translation of several articles published in Ayah (a reputed Urdu Journal) |

| |I have been outstanding speaker and creative writer, won several prizes in debate and essay writing competitions held in India |

| | |

| | |

Personal Details

Date of Birth: 01.10.1968

Father’s Name : Mr. Mohammad. Saleem

Nationality: Indian

Address for Correspondence: Jeddah Community College. King Abdul Aziz.

University. Jeddah P.O. Box 80283 Jeddah 215589

Fax: 02 2870024. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Permanent Address: New Sir Syed Nagar. Aligarh, India

Passport N0: Z 1921237

Marital Status: Married (six Kids)

Languages Known: English, Urdu, Arabic, Hindi

Dr. Jameel Ahmad Updated on 06 / 02/2014

Associate Professor of English (GRC)

Jeddah Community College, Jeddah

King Abdul Aziz University

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

P.O.Box 80283 Jeddah 21589


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