Chapter Summary: Chapter 1

Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability

1.1 What are the three principles of sustainability?

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary study of how humans interact with the living and nonliving parts of their environment. CONCEPT 1-1 Nature has sustained itself for billions of years by relying on solar energy, biodiversity, and nutrient cycling—lessons from nature that we can apply to our lifestyles and economies. The concept of sustainability relies on recognizing the value of natural capital, recognizing that many human activities degrade natural capital, and using scientific information to inform solutions to environmental problems. An environmentally sustainable society is one that meets the needs of its people without compromising the resources available for future generations or the earth’s health.

1. What are the three principles of sustainability that are key to long-term sustainability of life on this planet?

2. Explain the key components of sustainability.

3. Distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable resources.

4. Distinguish between developed countries and developing countries.

1-2 How are our ecological footprints affecting the earth?

Economic growth and development policies must be implemented that will sustain the earth’s human population and provide for an environmentally sustainable society. Pollution is a fundamental environmental problem resulting from human activities. Commonly shared resources are often overexploited, and it is difficult to find ways to manage these resources. CONCEPT 1-2 As our ecological footprints grow, we are depleting and degrading more of the earth's natural capital.

5. What is environmental degradation? Give specific examples.

6. Explain and give examples of point source pollution and non-point source pollution.

7. What is the Tragedy of the Commons? Give examples of how shared resources are being degraded.

8. Explain the concept of ecological footprints. How does this model demonstrate we are living an unsustainable lifestyle? What does the role of culture play in ecological footprints?

1-3 Why do we have environmental problems?

CONCEPT 1-3 Major causes of environmental problems are population growth, wasteful and unsustainable resource use, poverty, and exclusion of environmental costs of resource use from the market prices of goods and services. The lifestyles of many people in developed nations and some emerging nations (China, India) are built upon affluence – wealth that results in high levels of consumption and wasted resources.

8. Explain the four major causes of environmental problems.

9. Define exponential population growth. Describe the connection between exponential growth and environmental problems.

10. How does affluence impact the environment?

11. Distinguish among different environmental worldviews. How do environmental ethics contribute to decision making?

1-4 What is an environmentally sustainable society?

Environmentally sustainable societies protect natural capital and live of the resources and services it provides. CONCEPT 1-4 Living sustainably means living off the earth's natural income without depleting or degrading the natural capital that supplies it. Individuals can make a difference in helping their communities become more sustainable.

12. Explain the concept of living sustainably.

13. Why is it critical that we shift to a more sustainable lifestyle?

individual actions and promoting change in our habits.


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