Geography 303: Environmental Geography

Geography 444: Conservation Biology

Final Project

Due Date:

Your project is due on 12/10. No late assignments accepted.

Project Description (Please read this carefully!):

Most of you enrolled in this class because you have an interest in the environment. We have covered many topics in the class. However, it may be we don’t get to the one topic you are particularly interested in. This project is designed to give you an opportunity to learn more about an environmental problem that is of interest to you and to educate your peers on this issue. You may choose any environmental problem, but you must clear it with me first. For the project, you will create a website (more on this below) about the environmental problem for the class to review. I have included a general outline for the website below.

You will be required to find at least 5 references on the topic. These references may consist of both books and\or peer-reviewed journal articles. You may use the internet as a reference, but it cannot be a primary reference and it will not count towards the 5 required references. If you need help finding articles, please let me know and I will help you!

You will also be required to contact at least one organization that is acting to solve this environmental problem. Usually these will be non-profit organizations or government agencies. You can simply call them or send an email asking them for more information about the problem or any further questions that you might have about the issue. This is a great way to get additional references; you can ask them if they have any they can recommend. You will need to include information about the organization on your website.

Webpage Outline:

You will be graded on basic grammar, clarity, and your ability to following the instructions for the assignment. Here is a general outline for the website. You may want to modify this slightly depending upon your environmental problem, if so, come and talk to me first!

I. Introduction

II. Location Description

a. Describe the geography associated with the problem

III. Specifics of the problem

a. What is the science behind the problem?

b. Why does anyone care?

c. How did the problem come about?

IV. Larger consequences of the problem

a. Are there other cases of the same problem elsewhere?

b. Are there global consequences to this problem?

V. Solutions

a. What are the potential solutions to this problem?

b. Has this solution been applied elsewhere with success, why or why not?

VI. Conclusion

a. Do you think this problem will ever be resolved?

b. What is your personal stand on the problem?

c. Are there any over-arching lessons to be learned from this problem?

VII. Important Links

a. Include a link to the website for the non-profit you contacted.

b. Any other important links.

Website Creation:

If you do not know how to create a website, don’t freak out! I will teach, this is a great skill set to have. On Tuesday, Dec 1st, we will meet in the computer lab and I will walk you through a couple of different approaches to creating a website.


I will go into more detail on this as the time approaches.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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