Standard 7: Ethics

Professional Development Plan (PDP)Rebekkah McConnellFerris State UniversityNURS 324AbstractWhile practicing as a nurse, it is crucial to ensure the nursing standards written by the ANA (The American Nursing Association) are followed. Within this paper, as a reader you will find how my nursing practice differs from the ANA standards in many ways. I have also included my personal five and ten year goals, in addition to an overall plan regarding my future nursing career. I will also continue to enroll myself in cardiovascular seminars through my employer.Professional Development PlanThe ANA, states the Standards of Professional Performance describes a competent level of behavior in the professional role. This is important in practicing ethically and professionally while caring for patients both inpatient and outpatient. The Standards of Practice are a great tool for assessing, diagnosing, identifying outcomes, planning, and implementing.ANA Standards vs. Current Professional BehaviorsAccording to the ANA, “all registered nurses are expected to engage in professional role activities including leadership, appropriate to their education and position” (APA, 2010, p. 10). My goal in the paper is to compare and contrast my current nursing skills and the expectations of what the ANA encourages.Standard 7: EthicsTo become and remain a professional nurse, one must follow the ANA Code of Ethics. I find it also important to treat each patient individually with dignity, respect, and empathy regardless of his or her diagnosis or treatment plan. It is my responsibility and is essential to not discriminate based on race, gender, age, or demographic. As the ANA states, the nurse “takes appropriate action regarding instances of illegal, unethical, and inappropriate behavior that can endanger or jeopardize the best interests of the healthcare consumer or situation” (2010, p. 47). Some examples of practicing unethically would be recurring errors made by nurses; verbally, physically, mentally, and sexually abusing patients, lacking knowledge and resources in order to provide patient care safely, and misrepresenting information.Standard 8: EducationThe ANA suggests that the registered nurse “participates in ongoing educational activities related to appropriate knowledge bases and professional issues, in addition to seeking for and independent learning experiences to develop and maintain clinical and professional skills and knowledge” (2010, p. 49). As a nurse, I ensure I am continuing my education by participating in educational activities both inside and outside of work. Working on a cardiology unit, I am always learning new things about the heart, telemetry, medications, and diseases. Each year, not only does my employer require that all critical care nurses participate in a critical care skills day to maintain competencies in a variety of cardiac centered areas, but also, all employees (not just nurses) are required to attend universal skills day, which tests your knowledge on basic patient care (ADL’s), in addition to other multiple areas. Nurses are also required to obtain continuing education credits (CEU’s) which are required by the state of Michigan in order to be a registered professional. Standard 9: Evidence-Based Practice & ResearchResearch is being conducted on a monthly basis from the research clinician on my unit. Nurses are to be signed off on reading a research binder displayed on each unit. For example earlier this year I read an article about Atrial Fibrillation. This article included what to look for on telemetry, what causes the fibrillations, signs and symptoms to be aware of when caring for the patient, and treatment plans for the arrhythmia. From research, we, as a hospital have learned to improve on educating in areas such as diet, exercise, medication regimens, and when to seek medical attention for those that are frequently readmitted with the same diagnosis each admission. To prevent readmissions specific to CHF patients’ we are now offering scales for the patient to take home to monitor daily weights. Other examples of evidence-based practice and research include decreasing the transfer of bacteria by “scrubbing the hub” on IV tubing for 15 seconds with an alcohol swab, change IV tubing every three days, and washing hands while going in and out of rooms regardless of coming in contact with the patient.Standard 10: Quality of practiceAs a nurse, everyday, I make certain I am delivering the best quality care. The ANA states that the registered nurse “demonstrates quality care by documenting the application of the nursing process in a responsible, accountable, and ethical manner” (2010, p. 52-3). I find it very important to focus on the patient; delivering safe and effective care. By doing this, I follow The Code of Ethics, critically think, administer medication safely (right dose, route, patient, time, and frequency). Using my knowledge and teaching skills promotes better outcomes for the patient, whether it is in regards to a medication, ADL, or disease. Following the HIPAA regulation ensures I am protecting the health, safety, and rights of the patient and myself.Standard 11: CommunicationIt is imperative that all interdisciplinary team members communicate verbally the plan of care and needs specific for that patient that particular day and even up to as far as the patients discharge. It is ideal that each team member understands, maintains, and communicates with each other. I believe the communication standard coincides with the collaboration standard created by the ANA.Standard 12: LeadershipBeing a team player never ends in the profession of nursing. I assist others by teaching and/or educating, lending a hand when needed, observing others work, and giving feedback, while maintaining a leadership role. By being a leader and team player, my self-esteem and confidence is increased when I know I just helped someone out. Not only is everyone content, but it also reduces the stress of the workday. Duties get done faster, safer, and efficiently if you have a team member or leader on board. On my unit, we all help each other out one way or another. Nurses help the assistants; assistants help the nurses in return, in addition to other facility members. Also, when delegating a task to a nurse assistant or unit clerk, it provides quality patient care.Standard 13: CollaborationWorking closely with interdisciplinary team member(s) is vital in the patient’s outcome. Currently, on my unit, a social worker and utilization management nurses make rounds, collaborating new ideas and/or plans for each patient. All interdisciplinary team member(s) write focus notes in our computer system. This makes it easier to view the plan of care for each patient, in addition to the physicians writing progress notes several times a day. I am responsible in communicating with other providers to minimize risks associated with transfers and transition in care delivery as stated by the ANA (2010, p. 57).Standard 14: Professional Practice EvaluationThe most effective way for me to evaluate what I am doing in my practice is by receiving feedback from my coworkers, coordinators, and manager. As standard 14 states in the ANA Code of Ethics, the registered nurse “obtains informal feedback regarding her or his own practice from healthcare consumers, peers, professional colleagues, and others” (2010, p. 59). I am constantly learning from others, as they are learning from me, weekly and annual discussions and observations are a few examples. I also self evaluate myself by recognizing strengths and weaknesses on a daily basis, looking at my overall practice as a nurse.Standard 15: Resource UtilizationI always refer my patients to some other resource up in and/or during their admission. On my unit, we have multiple books and videos on CHF, Coumadin, post pacemaker, post cardiac catheterization, Micromedix pharmacy, smoking cessation, pain management, home care nursing (PICC line teaching, home infusion/antibiotics), diabetes, and cardiac rehabilitation.I am cost effective in my care. For example, if a patient requires a dressing change, I do not grab extra material (tape, gauze, saline, etc.) if it is not needed. Another example is Integralin, which is over one thousand dollars a bottle. When the bottle is completely infused, it is important to make sure the bottle is emptied complete; to save money. Last but not least, instead of throwing aware respiratory inhalers upon discharge, the patient is allowed to take the remaining medication (inhaler) home with them. As the ANA states “the registered nurse utilizes resources to plan and provide nursing services that are safe, effective, and financially responsible” (2010, p. 60).Standard 16: Environmental HealthI believe as a nurse it is very important to practice environmentally safe while working inside the hospital. As a nurse, or any co-work, “you may attain knowledge of environmental health concepts, such as implementation of environmental health strategies” according to the ANA (2010, p. 61). For example, it is very important to dispose all chemo therapeutic waste and radioactive material in the correct disposal area(s), handling chemicals properly (following MSDS standards), disposing of blood products in biohazard bags, and disposing of needles in sharps containers just to name a few.Goals5 year goalsMy five year goal includes the following: a) I would like to complete the BSN program at FSU, b) further my education in the cardiac field such as obtaining my certification in cardiovascular nursing, which I am eligible to do so in August 2012, and c) consider advancement in the cardiovascular field.10 year goalsIn ten years, I have high expectations of obtaining my MSN. I would also like to eventually start teaching at a local community college or university, and lastly possibly entering a nurse practitioners program.The PlanI am currently enrolled at Ferris State University’s Bachelor Program for registered nurses. Within a five to ten year time frame, I plan on furthering my education and obtaining a Masters Degree in Nursing to assist in furthering my education and knowledge bases. I will enroll myself in cardiovascular seminars through my employers.ConclusionIn conclusion, I feel confident that I am my way to a achieving these goals and am more confident that I will achieve them. Within my targeted time as long as I stay focused and driven as I am now.ReferencesPublication manual of the American psychological association (6th ed.). (2010). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association ................

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