Country Place Community Association

Annual Membership Meeting Minutes – 10/25/08 4:00p.m.

Meeting held at the Westside Regional Command Center – 4801 Osborne Drive

Agenda: Approval of the 2007 Annual Membership Meeting / Reports from Officers & Committees / Nomination and Election of Board Members / Present and Adopt our 2008 Budget / Old Business / New Business (Bylaws)

Attendance: Officers & Board Members:

President - Barbara Walker (absent - family emergency)

Vice President - Curt Warren

Treasurer - Ellen Hughes

Secretary - George Ambacher

A.C.C. /Covenants Chair - David DeMunbrun

Association Members:

Lot Owners – Twenty Eight (28)

Proxies – Eleven (11)

Vice President Curt Warren called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.

• He welcomed all that were in attendance and introduced the C.P.C.A. Board.

• Member recognition was given to:

AnaLee Covey for creating and maintaining our web site

Bobby Lane and Tom White for board participation

Hank Greenberg for being our liaison with The Growing Concern, who maintains our median

• Secretary George Ambacher was called to read the minutes from last year’s annual meeting. Motion to accept the minutes as read was called by Ana Lee Covey, second by Margie Warren, membership voted, motion passed.

• Bobby Lane reported the crime stats that encompass not only Country Place, but also extending west to Westside drive and north to Artcraft. Crime is significantly low compared to last year’s stats and other parts of the city.

• Question from the floor: How can the teenage drinking and the ATV’s speeding through the neighborhood and on the levy controlled or stopped?

Bobby Lane answered: For all incidents you feel that may be breaking the law, call the police so it can be investigated and addressed.

• Question from the floor: What’s happening with the Country Club road expansion?

Ana Lee Covey answered: I’m assisting Mary Lou Witholder who is spearheading the neighborhoods that are directly affected by the closure and reconstruction of Country Club Road. The meetings regarding this have been postponed until late Nov. or early Dec. AnaLee went on to say that the city has a 60’ R.O.W. presently, and the city is proposing an 80 ft. R.O.W with a five lane street. This will eliminate the old large trees that line Country Club, however more importantly, eminent domain will be enforced on a majority of the properties that line Country Club road now.

• Hank Greenberg suggested the city put back only three lanes and dedicating two lanes going east for the morning rush and two lanes going west for the evening rush hour.

• AnaLee reiterated that the upcoming meetings will not only cover Country Club Road, but also the proposed round-about, speed limits and additional traffic signals or four-way stops.

• Jeanette Lockard would like to have our entrance egress modified into two lanes for cars turning onto Country Club Road. Pros and cons were discussed, most centering on the blockage of the sight-line for oncoming traffic in both directions.

• AnaLee announced the creation of a new page on the Country Place website called the “Happy Ad” page. Members are encouraged to post birthdays, anniversaries, garage sales, ride share, etc. This is an interactive page and when used will encourage a friendly, neighborly spirit in the community. The web page is updated on a weekly basis.

• Comment from the floor: Sam had heard a rumor regarding the raising of the levee by two feet. No other comment or information was presented.

• Ellen Hughes reported on our annual Halloween security issue. She has contacted a barricade company that will provide barricades and signage to funnel excess traffic off the main thoroughfare and onto side streets, keeping Hunters Glenn open in case emergency vehicles need to enter the neighborhood. She has also contracted two off-duty police officers that will ask the trick-or-treaters from other neighborhoods to park outside Country Place and walk into our neighborhood to alleviate the traffic snarls that plague us each year. Our cost for the off-duty officers and the barricades (with delivery, set up and pick up) will total $400.

• Ellen reported that she is looking into replacing our worn out street signs; ones that would keep in the country-feeling of our neighborhood. Estimates have come in between $800 and $1,000 to replace the street signs along the medians throughout Country Place.

• Hank Greenberg suggested city street signs noting the best part is they are free.

• Jeanette Lockard wants a Hunters Glenn sign at the entrance to aid visitors entering our community.

• A vote was taken to see what those in attendance would prefer - city supplied signs or one of our choosing. A show of hands: two (2) for the city and twenty-two (22) for continuing the country-style of sign. Terri Wenner suggested the hanging brass plate type signs that seemed to interest the majority of the members. She thought they might be available through Home Depot or Lowe’s. Ellen will gather more information and present those ideas to the board.

• Curt Warren stated that The Growing Concern will be raising their rates by 5% for the upcoming year. Hank Greenberg stated that this is the first increase in over 5 years. Joel Jones (owner) is very attentive to our needs and concerns and has been doing an excellent job.

• Question from the floor: Who takes care of the grass and weeds that grow outside of the median? The Growing Concern maintains in and around the median. It is the lot owner’s responsibility to maintain around their property and along their curb.

• Curt Warren called on Dave DeMunbrun to report on our covenants. Dave stated that with the legal assistance of real estate attorney, John Birklebach, a set of Bylaws had just been completed for the Association. The Bylaws should have been documented and established at the inception of Country Place but were not. The Association now has a set of Bylaws and will be adopted at a later date by the Board in accordance with Texas Code for Corporations. These Bylaws are generally for the purposes of administration, internal control and consistency in procedures.

• Question from the floor: How can the Board elect additional Board members?

• Dave responded saying that the Association elects 3 members to the Board. The Board is then allowed to place additional members of the Country Place community on the board to assist with different committees and responsibilities. Dave stated that currently the Board is acting as the A.C.C. (Architectural Control Committee)

• Jeanette Lockard stated that the Estates had their own A.C.C. which is separate from Units I & II. George asked who they were and received no response. Dave went on to say that the Estates were invited to nominate and place on the committee a member of their choosing at last year’s meeting. This would give them a voice whenever issues regarding their lots would arise. To this date, nobody has stepped forward.

• Dave concluded stating the Bylaws will be posted on the website after a few areas in question were review with our attorney. Curt Warren asked if there was anymore discussion, no show of hands.

• Treasurer Ellen Hughes gave the budget report. During the report Hank Greenberg made a motioned to limit the legal expenses to $3,000 rather than the budgeted $6000. The motion was seconded by Ron Tiller, the membership voted, the motion did not pass.

• More discussion ensued regarding the money being spent on lawyers. Terri Wenner reiterated that the Association must have Bylaws and other legal documents in place to obtain insurance and these require legal preparation.

• Jeanette wanted to know what for and why do we need to budget more money for legal fees. Ellen explained that we are not budgeting more than last year, but the same amount to allow for finalizing the updated covenants and bylaws, as well as for the legal assistance that may be necessary when working with covenants compliance issues. She stated that the Board would be diligent and aim to stay below the proposed budgeted figures. She also pointed out that the Board had done well in staying below the budgeted amounts from last year.

• Dave also responded by telling Jeanette that the old covenants which are due to expire need to be prepared for the membership vote and that requires an attorney.

• Hank would like to see the legal expenses budgeted at $3000; any expenditure over that amount would need to be voted on.

• Ron Tiller suggested that if we cap the budget at $3000 the board could use the money from the reserves for any legal fees beyond the $3000.

• The question was called; it was put a vote and passed 14-10 to maintain the budgeted $6000 legal expense in the proposed budget.

• Based on the budgeted amounts for this year, Ellen recommended that the annual assessment should remain at $230.

• Hank proposed the dues be lowered back down to $200.00. There was no second.

• Ellen went on to explain that monthly payment terms can be extended to members who are facing hard economic times, please notify her if you should like to make monthly payments. Final payment will be due August 31, 2009. She also stated that unfortunately, 4 liens had been filed for non-payment of the 2007-08 assessment and/or late fees.

• A motion was put to the floor to keep the dues at $230.00 /year, second Jean Ayarbe, and with a show of hands, there were twenty-five (25) for, and three (3) against.

• Ron Tiller stated that for future annual meeting announcement/proxy packets, the agenda and proposed budget should be included so that residents will have time to review before the meeting. This was agreed upon by all.

• Jeanette Lockard volunteered to be the block captain for the Estates. There were no other volunteers for the streets in Units I & II.

• Curt Warren announced the nominations and election of board members. The current Board members were voted back on to serve another term.

• Dennis McElveen nominated AnaLee Covey to be a CPCA board member, which was seconded by Curt, the attending members voted and AnaLee was welcomed to the Board.

• Question from the floor: Why isn’t the city paving our streets, there are potholes that are only periodically patched? This is something that the board will look into; however, responses from the floor said they acted as a speeding deterrent.

• Curt asked if there was any further business or comments that needed to be discussed. No show of hands.

• Curt called for a motion to conclude and dismiss. Hank made the motion, Lucinda Vargas was the second.

• Meeting adjourned at 6:02p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

George Ambacher

CPCA Secretary


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