Laboratory Reflex

Laboratory Reflex TestingTests can be reflexive to confirmation tests at the request of provider. A reflex testing agreement must be signed mon Reflex Testing Requests? Blood Bank— Fetal Screen: If fetal screen is positive, Kleihauer- Betke is performed.— Antibody identification is performed on all antibody screens that are positive.? Chemistry— Diabetic Urine Screen: If urine protein is negative, random microalbumin is performed.? Cytology— Human Papillomavirus (HPV) testing: If, on liquid specimen (ThinPrep?), atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) is reported, HPV typing is performed.? Immunology— Ref lex Antinuclear Antibodies (ANARX): ANA screen and dsDNA performed. Positive samples referred for six Extractable Nuclear Antigens and Centromere Antibody Panel.— All l Hepatitis testing: If positive, referred for confirmation as indicated per instrument guidelines.— HIV Screen: If positive, refer for confirmation per Instrument guidelines.? Microbiology— Cryptococcus Antigen: If positive, titer is performed.— For pediatric patients seen during the “flu” season, if (nasopharyngeal) rapid influenza and/or rapid respiratory syncical virus (RSV) tests are positive, viral culture is not performed.? Urinalysis— Culture is performed for the following results:? Positive leukocyte esterase? Positive nitrites? 10 WBC/hpf ................

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