| | | |(ml | | | |

|ACTH |Plasma |Plastic EDTA tube (lavender|5.0 |6.0-48.0 |pg/mL |Separate plasma and immediately freeze|

| | |top) | | | |in plastic tube. Test performed by |

| | | | | | |reference laboratory. |

|11-DEOXYCORTISOL |Serum |red/yellow top tube |2.0 |Baseline: 0.0-8.0 |ng/dL |Test performed by reference |

| | | | |Post-metapyrone: 80-250 | |laboratory. |

|17-HYDROXYCORTICOSTEROIDS |24-hr urine |24-hr urine container |24-hr urine collection |Adult male: |Mg/24 hrs |Refrigerate during collection period. |

| | | | |3.0-10.0 | |Test performed by reference |

| | | | |Adult female: | |laboratory. |

| | | | |2.0-8.0 | | |

|17-KETOGENIC STEROIDS |24-hr urine |24-hr urine container |24-hr urine collection |Male: 5.0-23.0 |Mg/24 hrs |Refrigerate during collection period. |

| | | | |Female: 3.0-15.0 | |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|17-KETOSTEROIDS, TOTAL |24-hr urine |24-hr urine container |24-hr urine collection |Male: |Mg/24 hrs |Refrigerate during collection period. |

| | | | |17-30 yrs: 9.0-22.0 | |Test performed by reference |

| | | | |>30 yrs: 8.0-20.0 | |laboratory. |

| | | | |Adult female: | | |

| | | | |6.0-15.0 | | |

|ACETAMINOPHEN |Serum |red/yellow top tube |0.5 |10-25 |ug/mL |Toxic levels: |

| | | | | | |>150 @ 4 hrs after ingestion |

| | | | | | |>50 @ 12 hrs after ingestion |

|ACETONE, QUALITATIVE |Serum |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |Negative | | |

| |Random urine |urine collection kit | | | | |

|ACID PHOSPHATASE |Serum |red/yellow top tube | |0-3.5 |ng/mL |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

| | | | | | |Max Order Freq – 365 days. |

|AFB SMEAR |Various |See Microbiology Section |Negative | |In-house direct smear performed within|

| | | | | |24 hours. |

|AFB CULTURE |Various |See Microbiology Section |Negative | |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | |laboratory. |

|AFP (ALPHA FETO-PROTEIN) |Serum |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |0-9 |ng/mL |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

| | | | | | |Max Order Freq – 30 days. |

|ALBUMIN |Serum/ Body Fluid |red/yellow top tube or |3.0 |3.4-5.0 |g/dL |Max Order Freq – 1 day. |

| | |white top tube (body fluid)| | | | |

|ALDOLASE |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |1.2-7.6 |U/L |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|ALDOSTERONE |Serum |red/black top tube |3.0 |Recumbent: 1.0 – 16.0 |ng/dL |Test performed by reference |

| | | | |Standing: 4.0 – 31.0 | |laboratory. |

| | | | |Adrenal vein: 200.0 – 800.0 | | |

|ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |38-126 |IU/L |Max Order Freq – 1 day. |

|ALPHA 2 MACROGLOBULIN |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |175-463 |mg/dL |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|ALPHA-1-ANTITRYPSIN |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |88-174 |mg/dL |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

| | | | | | |Max Order Freq – 365 days. |

|ALUMINUM |Whole blood |royal blue top tube |5.0 |Exposure: 0-9 |mcg/L |Test performed by reference |

| | | | |Dialysis: 24.9 | | |

|ANTI-PHOSPHOLIPID ANTIBODY (INCLUDES: |Serum and Plasma |red/yellow top tube |1.0 | | |See separate tests. |

|ANTI-CARDIOLIPIN AND LUPUS ANTICOAGULANT) | |blue top tube |4.5 |Negative | | |

|ANTI-THYROGLOBULIN |Serum |red/yellow top tube |5.0 |0-40 |IU/mL |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

| | | | | | |Max Order Freq – 90 days. |

|ANTI-THYROID PEROXIDASE ANTIBODIES (TPO ANTIBODY)|Serum |red/yellow top tube |5.0 |0-34 |IU/mL |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

| | | | | | |Max Order Freq – 90 days. |

|ANTISMOOTH MUSCLE ANTIBODY |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |Negative | |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

| | | | | | |Max Order Freq – 90 days. |

|ARBOVIRUS HUMAN PANEL |Serum/CSF |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |See Microbiology Section | |Test performed by reference |

| | |Sterile tube (CSF) | | | |laboratory. |

|ARSENIC, HAIR AND NAILS (QUAN) |Hair or | |1.0 gram |0-0.65 |PPM |Test performed by reference |

| |Nails | | |0.9-1.8 | |laboratory. |

|ARSENIC (QUAN) |Urine |24-hr urine |25.0 |0-50 |mcg/Ml |Refrigerate during collection period. |

| | | | | | |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|ARYSULFATE A DEFICIENCY |Whole Blood |yellow top tube |10 Ml |25 – 90 |nmol/hr/mg prt |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory; collect Monday – Thursday |

| | | | | | |only. |

|ASO SCREEN |Serum |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |Negative | |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|ASO TITER |Serum |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |0-200 |IU/Ml |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|B 12 |Serum |red/yellow top tube |5 Ml |180-914 pg/Ml |pg/Ml |Must be fasting. |

| | | | | | |Max Order Freq – 60 days. |

|BENCE JONES PROTEIN |24-hr urine |24-hr urine container |15.0 |None detected | |Refrigerate during collection period. |

| | | | | | |Max Order Freq – 90 days. |

|BENZODIAZEPINES |Urine |urine collection kit |10.0 |Negative | | |

|ANTI-BETA 2 GLYCOPROTEIN ANTIBODY – IgG |Serum |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |0-19.9 |G units |Test performed by Electrophoresis |

| | | | | | |Laboratory |

|ANTI-BETA 2 GLYCOPROEIN ANTIBODY – IgM |Serum |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |0-19.9 |M units |Test performed by Electrophoresis |

| | | | | | |Laboratory |

|BETA 2 MICROGLOBULIN |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |1.0-1.7 |mg/L |Mail-out test. |

|BETA-HCG, QUANTITATIVE |Plasma |green top tube |1.0 |0-10.0 |MIU/L |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|BILIRUBIN, DIRECT |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |0.0-0.2 |mg/Dl |Max Order Freq – 1 day. |

|BILIRUBIN, TOTAL |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |0.0-1.0 |mg/Dl | |

|BROMIDE |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |0-100 |mg/Dl |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|BUN (BLOOD UREA NITROGEN) |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |6-20 |mg/Dl | |

|BUPRENORPHINE |Urine |Urine cup |10 |Positive |mL |Maintain specimen at room temperature.|

| | | | | | |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|C DIFFICILE TOX B GENE PCR TEST |Feces |Sterile cup |1.0 |Negative | |Performed only once per 7 days per |

| | | | | | |patient. Formed stools are not |

| | | | | | |acceptable and will be rejected. |

|C1 ESTERASE INHIBITOR |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |21-39 |mg/Dl |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|C3 (COMPLEMENT) |Serum |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |88-201 |mg/Dl |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. Max Order Freq – 90 days.|

|C4 (COMPLEMENT) |Serum |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |16-47 |mg/Dl |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. Max Order Freq – 90 |

| | | | | | |days. |

|CALCITONIN |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |Male: 0-8.4 |pg/Ml |Test performed by reference |

| | | | |Female: 0-5.0 | |laboratory. |

|CALCIUM |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |8.8-10.5 |mg/Dl | |

|CALCIUM, IONIZED |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |4.5-5.6 |mg/Dl |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|CANNABINOIDS |Urine |urine collection kit |10.0 |Negative | | |

|CARBAMAZEPINE (TEGRETOL) |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |4-12 |ug/Ml | |

|CAROTENE |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |10-85 |mcg/Dl |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|CATECHOLAMINES |Plasma |green top tube |4.0 |Total: 0-643 |pg/Ml |Test performed by reference |

| | |(lithium heparin) | |Epinephrine: 0-100 | |laboratory. |

| | | | |Norepinephrine: 0-400 | | |

| | | | |Dopamine: 0-143 | | |

|CBC PROFILE |Plasma |lavender top tube |3.0 |WBC: 4.8-10.8 |K/cmm |Reference ranges are for adult males. |

| | | | |RBC: 4.7-6.1 |M/cmm |Females are listed on lab reports. |

| | | | |HGB: 14-18 |g/Dl | |

| | | | |HCT: 42-52 |% | |

| | | | |MCV: 80-94 |Fl | |

| | | | |MCH: 28-33.2 |pg | |

| | | | |MCHC: 33-37 |g/Dl | |

| | | | |RDW: 11.5-14.5 |% | |

| | | | |PLT: 130-400 |K/cmm | |

| | | | |NEUT: 40-80 |% | |

| | | | |LYMPH: 20-40 |% | |

| | | | |MONO: 4-15 |% | |

| | | | |EOS: 0-7.0 |% | |

| | | | |BASO: 0-3.0 |% | |

| | | | |RBC morphology: | | |

| | | | |normoctyic, | | |

| | | | |normochromic | | |

|CD 8 | | | | | |See T-Cells. |

|CD 4 | | | | | |See T-Cells. |

|CD 4/CD 8 ratio | | | | | |See T-Cells. |

|CEA |Serum |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |0-3.0 |ng/Ml |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

| | | | | | |Max Order Freq – 90 days. |

|CERULOPLASMIN |Serum |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |25-63 |mg/Dl |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. Mailed on Tuesdays. |

| | | | | | |Max Order Freq – 365 days. |

|CHLAMYDIA, GONOCOCCUS, C/G PCR |Endocervical swab, |GEN-Probe Specimen |N/A |Negative | |Test performed by Reference Lab. |

| |vaginal, or urethral|Collection Kit | | | |GEN-Probe Collection Kits available in|

| |swab | | | | |lab. |

|CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |5-10 |mcg/Ml |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|CHLORIDE |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |98-107 |mmol/L | |

|CHLORPROMAZINE |Plasma |lavender top tube |2.0 |30-300 |ng/Ml |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|CHOLESTEROL |Serum/ Body Fluid |red/yellow top tube or |3.0 |0-200 |mg/Dl |Patient should be fasting. |

| | |white top tube (body fluid)| | | | |

|CHOLINESTERASE, RBC |Whole blood |lavender top tube |3.0 |5,300-10,000 |IU/L |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|CHOLINESTERASE, SERUM |Serum |red/yellow top tube |3.0 |1,900-3,800 |IU/L |Test performed by reference |

| | |yellow top tube | | | |laboratory. |

|CHROMIUM |24-hr urine |24-hr urine container |24-hr urine |0-8 |mcg/24 hrs |Refrigerate during collection period. |

| |Random urine | | | | |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|CITRATE |24-hr urine |24-hr urine container |24-hr urine | |mg/24 hrs |Refrigerate during collection period. |

| | | | | | |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|CMV (CYTOMEGALOVIRUS) |Serum |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |IgG – EIA Neg | |Test performed by reference |

| | | | |IgM – EIA Neg | |laboratory. |

|CMV CULTURE |Varies |Viral collection kit |N/A | | |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|CMV PCR |CSF |sterile tube |1.0 |Negative | |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|COCAINE |Urine |urine collection kit |10.0 |Negative | | |

|CO2 |Serum |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |21-31 |mmol/L | |

|COPPER |Serum |red/yellow top tube |1.0 |Male: 89-137 |mcg/Dl |Test performed by reference |

| | | | |Female: 87-153 | |laboratory. |

|COPPER |Random urine |Random or |25.0 |Random: 2-80 |mcg/L |Refrigerate during collection period. |

| |24-hr urine |24-hr urine | |24 hr: 3-35 |mcg/24 hrs |Test performed by reference |

| | | | | | |laboratory. |

|COPROPORPHYRIN | | | | | |See Porphyrins. |

|CORTISOL |Plasma |green/yellow top tube |5.0 |Morning: 8.7-22.4 |ug/Dl |Test performed by reference |

| | | | |Evening: ................

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