Grade 12 Biology (SBI 4U) - Mr. Shanks' Class




TEACHER(S): Mr. B. Rennie DATE: June 26, 2007

DURATION: 2.5 Hours

PAGE: 1 OF 6

ACCOMPANYING THIS EXAM: Answer Package, Foolscap (for scrap paper only)

STUDENTS MAY BRING: Calculator, Pens, Pencils, etc.


1. Write all your answers on the Answer Sheets provided.

2. Write all answers legibly.

4. Hand in all parts of the exam, both the question package and the answer package.




|A - BLAN A - MULTIPLE CHOICE | 45 | 60 minutes |

|B - SHORT ANSWERS | 75 | 90 minutes |

|TOTAL |120 |150 minutes |

Part A: Multiple Choice (45 marks)

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. Which of the following enzymes are likely associated with exergonic reactions?

i. dehydrogenase ii. decarboxylase iii. isomerase iv. phosphorylase

|a. |i, ii & iii |d. |ii & iv |

|b. |ii, iii & iv |e. |i & iv |

|c. |i & ii |

2. Of the following characteristics, which one is NOT true about enzymes?

|a. |They are essential to the metabolism of cells for the conversion of energy. |

|b. |They function best at specific temperatures but break down at high temperatures. |

|c. |Some enzymes need activators or cofactors. |

|d. |They function best at a particular pH. |

|e. |They undergo major chemical change after reacting with their specific substrate. |

3. Enzymes work as catalysts by doing which of the following?

|a. |increasing the free energy of the reactants |

|b. |decreasing the free energy of the reactants |

|c. |increasing the activation energy of a reaction |

|d. |decreasing the activation energy of a reaction |

|e. |bypassing the need for a transition state to occur |

4. What is the name of the process in which energy is released in a cell in the presence of sufficient oxygen?

|a. |anaerobic respiration |d. |glycolysis |

|b. |aerobic respiration |e. |anabolism |

|c. |fermentation |

5. Glycolysis can best be described as which of the following kinds of pathways?

|a. |catabolic and synthetic |d. |anaerobic and catabolic |

|b. |glycolytic and aerobic |e. |anaerobic and anabolic |

|c. |aerobic and catabolic |

6. Where in the electron transport chain does the energy come from for the synthesis of ATP?

|a. |the combination of hydrogen ions, electrons, and oxygen to form water |

|b. |the breakdown of water |

|c. |the cytochromes |

|d. |an electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane |

|e. |oxygen |

7. Proteins are to ribosomes as ATP is to which of the following cell organelles?

|a. |centrioles |d. |chromosomes |

|b. |mitochondria |e. |nucleus |

|c. |Golgi apparatus |

8. Which of the following produces the most energy for a cell?

|a. |36 carbons of glucose plus O2 |d. |36 carbons of glucose with no O2 |

|b. |36 carbons of fatty acid plus O2 |e. |36 carbons of fatty acid with no O2 |

|c. |36 carbons of protein plus O2 |

9. Which colour light has the most energy to power photosynthesis for plants on land?

a. red b. orange c. green d. blue e. purple

10. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of the light reactions?

|a. |electrons are displaced |

|b. |carbon fixation happens |

|c. |reduction happens |

|d. |they take place in the thylakoids of chloroplasts |

|e. |none of the above (they are all characteristics of the light reactions) |

11. When photosynthesis occurs, the oxygen that is released comes from

|a. |chlorophyll |

|b. |water |

|c. |an intermediate of the Calvin cycle |

|d. |carbon dioxide |

|e. |a carbohydrate |

12. If the percentage composition of thymine in a double-stranded DNA molecule is 22%, what is the percentage composition of cytosine?

|a. |28% |b. |22% |c. |38% |d. |26% |

13. 5'-GGCATA-(X)


If the above is a representation of a piece of double-stranded DNA, what symbols should occupy the positions (X),(Y) and (Z)?

a. 3',3',5'. b. 5',3',3' c. 5',3',5' d. 5',5',3' e. 3',5',3'

14. DNA acts as a template for transcription. Which of the following statements regarding the DNA of a gene being expressed is true?

|a. |After unwinding, both of the DNA strands act as templates. |

|b. |After unwinding, only one of the DNA strands acts as a template. |

|c. |The two strands only act as a template when paired. |

|d. |The strand with the higher cytosine-guanine content acts as the template. |

|e. |none of the above |

15. Which of the following correctly describes the order in which cell components become involved in protein synthesis?

|a. |DNA polymerase, mRNA, ribosome, tRNA |

|b. |mRNA, RNA polymerase, ribosome, tRNA |

|c. |RNA polymerase, mRNA, tRNA, ribosome |

|d. |RNA polymerase, mRNA, ribosome, tRNA |

|e. |DNA, rRNA, tRNA, mRNA |

16. The term gene is defined as of which of the following?

|a. |the portion of the DNA molecule that codes for a particular polypeptide sequence |

|b. |the location along a chromosome of a particular DNA sequence |

|c. |the condition that exists when a pair of chromosomes have different DNA sequences at the same location on each |

| |chromosome |

|d. |the condition that exists when a pair of chromosomes has the same DNA sequence at the same location on each chromosome |

17. A piece of single-stranded DNA consisting of a total of 18 nucleotides would likely create a first-formed mRNA transcript having

a. 36 codons b. 18 codons c. 9 codons d. 6 codons e. 3 codons

18. Why are there fewer than 64 (43) different tRNA molecules?

|a. |no tRNA corresponds to the start codon |c. |there are only 20 amino acids |

|b. |no tRNA corresponds to the stop codons |d. |both (a) and (b) |

19. What is true about exons and introns in the original mRNA of eukaryotes?

|a. |introns contain useful information that will be translated |

|b. |exons contain useful information that will be translated |

|c. |introns contain useful information that will be transcribed |

|d. |exons contain useful information that will be transcribed |

|e. |exons and introns contain useful information that will be translated |

20. Which pieces of DNA move further through the gel during gel electophoresis?

|a. |the more positively charged pieces |d. |the smaller pieces |

|b. |the more negatively charged pieces |e. |the larger pieces |

|c. |the least charged pieces |

21. The term used to describe the ability of a living organism to adjust to changing environmental conditions by regulating their internal processes is

|a. |regulation |d. |feedback |

|b. |homeostasis |e. |metabolism |

|c. |inhibition |

22. What is the advantage of dilating blood vessels in response to temperature change?

|a. |it allows more blood to reach muscle cells for shivering |

|b. |it allows the body to cool off faster |

|c. |it allows the body to release more fluid as sweat |

|d. |it allows the body to conserve heat |

23. How do steroid hormones exert their effect?

|a. |By interacting with receptors on cell membranes |

|b. |By a direct effect in the nucleus of a cell |

|c. |By initiating formation of cyclic AMP |

|d. |By initiating formation of cyclic GMP |

24. Which of the following is NOT a problem for a type I diabetic.

|a. |Blood glucose does not fall |c. |Glucose is not made from glycogen |

|b. |Liver does not make glycogen |d. |Cells do not uptake glucose |

25. Which of the following analogies would best fit the action of the kidney?

|a. |selecting those items not useful and excreting them |

|b. |removing all the items and returning 10% of them |

|c. |removing all the items and returning none of them |

|d. |removing all the items and returning what is still useful |

26. Which of the following is NOT pumped out of the nephron in the kidney?

|a. |sodium |c. |water |

|b. |glucose |d. |amino acids |

27. Which part of the neuron receives sensory information?

|a. |dendrite |c. |node of Ranvier |

|b. |axon |d. |Schwann cell |

28. Which of the following is true of neuron stimulation?

|a. |a stronger stimulus creates a larger action potential |

|b. |a stronger stimulus creates a longer lasting action potential |

|c. |a stronger stimulus creates more action potentials |

|d. |both a and b are true |

|e. |both a and c are true |

29. What cells produce antibodies?

|a. |helper T cells |d. |suppressor T cells |

|b. |plasma cells |e. |memory B cells |

|c. |killer T cells |

30. What cells are mostly responsible for the fact that you only get measles once?

|a. |helper T cells |c. |killer T cells |

|b. |memory B cells |d. |suppressor T cells |

31. Why is Charles Darwin important to the study of evolution?

|a. |He conducted genetic experiments with garden peas |

|b. |He proposed that the environment could cause individuals to change |

|c. |He proposed a theory of evolution called natural selection |

|d. |He proposed a theory of evolution called adaptations |

|e. |He constructed a modern system used to classify organisms |

32. The term evolution is defined as of which of the following?

|a. |any change in allele frequencies in a population |

|b. |a rapid population decrease |

|c. |the establishment of a population in a new region |

|d. |the movement of alleles from one population to another |

33. Which of the following are NOT homologous structures?

|a. |an eagle’s beak and a lobster’s claw |

|b. |a human tail bone and a dog’s tail |

|c. |a bat’s wing and a bird’s wing |

|d. |a porcupine’s quills and a sheep’s wool |

|e. |human pelvis bones and whale pelvis bones |

34. Which of the following is NOT a vestigial structure?

|a. |pelvic bone in a whale |

|b. |human muscles for ear movement |

|c. |wing of a hummingbird |

|d. |rudimentary wings in flightless earwigs |

|e. |webbed feet on the Upland goose (a terrestrial bird) |

35. What is the best definition of the ‘founder effect’?

|a. |any change in allele frequencies within a population |

|b. |the loss of genetic diversity due to a restriction of numbers in the population |

|c. |the establishment of a population in a new region |

|d. |the movement of alleles from one population to another |

36. Which of the following is a difference between punctuated equilibrium and Darwin’s views on evolution?

|a. |The number of steps involved |d. |Both a & b |

|b. |The frequency of transition species |e. |Both b & c |

|c. |The effect of environment |

37. What type of reproductive isolation is involved with two populations of insects? They both burrow in the mud to over winter, one prefers warm mud and one prefers cool mud; they both attract mates by rubbing their wings together either in the morning or the evening in the early summer; one population is greenish and one is more bluish; both populations have round holes in their exoskeletons and round sperm transfer organs; one population is preyed on most often by birds and one most often by lizards.

|a. |Ecological isolation |d. |Mechanical isolation |

|b. |Temporal isolation |e. |Gametic isolation |

|c. |Behavioural isolation |

38. Which of the following is an example of macroevolution?

|a. |Peppered moths |d. |Both a & b |

|b. |Galapagos finches |e. |Both a & c |

|c. |Antibiotic resistant bacteria |

39. The maximum number of organisms that can be sustained by available resources over a

given period of time is known as which of the following?

|a. |ecological load |d. |environmental overload |

|b. |carrying capacity |e. |none of the above |

|c. |population[pic] |

40. In natural populations, exponential growth does not continue indefinitely because of limited

amount(s) of which of the following?

|a. |energy |d. |space |

|b. |water |e. |all of the above |

|c. |shelter |

41. Overpopulating rabbits in Australia were finally controlled by a disease spread through the population. A higher mortality rate was recorded in regions with large populations than small populations. What can the disease be considered?

|a. |a density-dependent effect |d. |interspecific competition |

|b. |a density-independent effect |e. |none of the above |

|c. |the Allee effect |

42. Humans exhibit which of the following types of dispersion?

|a. |random dispersion |c. |uniform dispersion |

|b. |ecological dispersion |d. |clumped dispersion |

43. One dandelion plant produces many seeds, most of which do not mature to produce adult dandelion plants. A dandelion population exhibits which of the following?

|a. |a type I survivorship pattern |d. |(a) and (c) |

|b. |a type III survivorship pattern |e. |(b) and (c) |

|c. |a ‘K’ strategy of reproduction |

44. Which of the following does NOT fit the ‘K’ strategy of reproduction?

|a. |large size |d. |low investment of parental care |

|b. |a type I survivorship pattern |e. |long life expectancy |

|c. |high energy per offspring |

45. Cowbirds do not raise their own young but rather, they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds who feed them to adulthood. What type of symbiosis is this?

|a. |commensalism |d. |parasitism |

|b. |mimicry |e. |predation |

|c. |mutualism |


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