JAYPEEPUBLIC SCHOOL WEEKWISESYLLABUS SESSION-(2021-22)CLASSX : : ENGLISHMONTH: MarchContent / Topic1stweek2ndweek3rd week4th weekCHAPTERSIntroduction of English, Grammar,First Flight,Footprints Without Feet Writing SkillsSession Commences from second week i.e 8th March 2021Interaction with the students,Introduction to the syllabus.A letter to the EditorGrammar Integrated ExercisesA letter to God (FF)A Triumph of surgery (FWF)Back exercises given for practice.Poem: Dust of Snow (FF)Poem: Fire and Ice (FF)Grammar integrated ExercisesLearning ObjectivesTo enable the learners to communicate effectively.To analyze, interpret and infer the poem.To prepare the students for poetic forms and adept them with the figures of speech, rhyme, and rhythmTo develop interest in and appreciation of poetic devices.To develop such a faith and confidence in them.To inspire them write their feelings in the form of short poems.Expected Learning OutcomesAppropriate use of Grammar.Appreciation of Poetry and proseLearners will be able to realize that faith can move mountains.To enable them to understand the thought and imagination contained in the poem. Will be able to frame their thoughts into words while writing formal letters.Teaching Aid/ResourceTextbook, Chalk, Green BoardMONTH: APRILContent / Topic1stweek2ndweek3rd week4th week5thweekCHAPTERSEnglish, Grammar, First Flight,Footprints Without Feet Writing SkillsNelson Mandela (FFFF)The Thief’s Story (FWF)Integrated GrammarTwo stories about flying (FF)Poem: A Tiger in the zoo (FF)Integrated grammarLetter of enquiryLearning ObjectivesTo enable the students to share their personal experiences related to discrimination.To appreciate the literary textTo write in a style appropriate for communicative purposesTo identify the main points of a textTo inculcate values of honestyTo enable the students to think quickly and act wisely, calmly in the situation of danger and surprise.Expected Learning OutcomesUnderstanding of human behavior in different situationsEnhancing written expressionMake them understand how a person can motivate other to change his nature.The learners would be able to enhance their critical skills.To enable them to understand the thought and imagination contained in the poem.Be able to explore issues of social justice. (racism/ discriminationTeaching Aid/Resourceonline resources, e-content, green boardMONTH: JUNEContent / Topic 1st week2ndweek3rd week4th week5th weekCHAPTERSEnglish, Grammar, First Flight,Footprints Without Feet Writing SkillsFrom the Diary of Anne Frank Integrated Grammar (back exercises to be included givenafter every chapter)The Ball (poem) (FF)Grammar exercisesFootprints without feet (FWF)Integrated Grammar ExercisePractice of unseen passage and MCQ questions from the prose sectionPractice of letter writing skills and integrated grammar topicsLearning ObjectivesIt will enable the students toSynthesize previous knowledge on morality issues.Appreciate prehend the lesson and answer questions based on the same.Sensitize the students to the feelings of an individual. To give an insight to their imaginative powers and ideas.Expected Learning OutcomesThe learners willAsk and answer questions logically and effectively.Use correct expression in their written and spoken English.Become more sensitive towards our surroundings.Appropriate use of GrammarLearners will learn not to be prejudge mental about things.Teaching Aid/ResourceTextbook, Green board, you tube video linksMATHEMATICSMONTH: MARCHContent / Topic1st week2nd week3rd week4th weekChapter 1 : Real NumbersChapter 2: PolynomialsSession Commences from second week i.e 8th March 2021Chapter 1 :Introduction of real numbersEuclid’s algorithm & its application.Fundamental theorem ofArithmeticChapter 1 :H.C.F and L.C.M of two or more numbers.Revisiting Irrational numbers.& their decimal expansionsChapter 2 :Introduction to polynomialsRelationship between zeroes & coefficients of a polynomial Divisionalgorithm forpolynomialsLearning ObjectivesTo understand and apply the H.C.F. & L.C.M. Algorithm/lemma in real life situation.To find the zeroes of a given polynomial graphically and algebraicallyTo understand the relationship between zeroes and coefficients of a polynomial.Expected Learning OutcomesThe students will be able toEstablish the relationship between the zeros of a polynomial and its co-efficient.Calculate HCF. & LCM. Using Euclid algorithm/lemma and primefactorization.Find decimal representation of rational and irrational numbers.Use contradiction method for proving a statement. to be able to solve problems on division algorithm.Teaching Aid/ResourceSmart class module, e-content, Diksha, NCERT maths book, R.D. Sharma reference book, NCERT ExemplarLab ActivityMaths activity on Euclids Arithmetic geometryMONTH: APRILTOPICWEEK-1WEEK-2WEEK-3WEEK-4WEEK-5CHAPTERSChapter 3Pair of Linear Equations In Two VariablesChapter 14 :StatisticsChapter 15 :ProbabilityChapter 3 :Graphical method of solution of a pair of linear equations.Algebraic method of solution of a pair of linear equationsSubstitution method and word problemsElimination Method andword problemsChapter 3:Cross Multiplication Method and word problemsEquations reducible to a pair of linear equations in two variables & word problemsChapter 3 :Equations in two variables & word problems (Contd...)Chapter 14 : StatisticsChapter 14 :Statistics – Mean and ModeChapter 15 :ProbabilityChapter 15 (contd):Problems based on probabilityLEARNING OBJECTIVESTo represent linear equations in two variables graphically and algebraically.To apply the knowledge of linear equations in problem solving in real life problemsInterpretation and analysis of given data by using Mean andMode.To enable the students to understand the concept of theoretical probability of different eventsLEARNING OUTCOMESThe student will be able tosolve the pair of linear equations by different methods.The student will be able to.apply the concept of solving linear equations to solve word problems.The student will be able toapply the concept of solving linear equations to solve word problems..The student will be able toto organize, represent & interpret the data by using mean and mode.The student will be able toUnderstand the concept of theoretical probability of different organize, represent& interpret the data by using mean and mode.MONTH: JUNETOPICWEEK-1WEEK-2WEEK-3WWEK-4WEEK-5CHAPTERSChapter 14 : StatisticsChapter 8 : Introduction To TrigonometryChapter 6 :TrianglesChapter 14 :MedianGraphical representation of Cumulative frequency distributionChapter 8 :Trigonometric ratios.Trigonometric ratios of specific angles.Trigonometric ratios of complementaryangles.Chapter 8Trigonometry identities.Chapter 6 :Thales TheoreySimilarity of plane figuresCriteria of similarity of triangles. Areas of similar trianglesLEARNING OBJECTIVESInterpretation, representation and analysis of given data, through different types of graphsTo acquaint the students with the concept of Trigonometri c ratios & its Identities.Use the concept of trigonometri c ratios & its identities to solve given problemsTo develop the ability of comparison of similar, congruent triangles & its areaLEARNING OUTCOMESThe student will be able to:Make graphical representation of data such as Ogive and to interpret median from it..Apply the concept of Trigonometri c ratios and its identitiesRecall similar figures and identify themrecognize various rules to show two triangles similarSUBJECT-PHYSICS MONTH: MARCHContent / Topic1st Week2nd Week3rd Week4th WeekChapter 10Light – Reflection And RefractionChapter-10Reflection of LightLaws of Reflection of Light Image formation by plane mirrorsChapter-10Spherical MirrorsImage Formation bySpherical MirrorsChapter-10Representation of Images Formed by Spherical Mirrors Using Ray DiagramsChapter-10Uses of concave and Convex mirrorsSign Convention for Reflection by Spherical MirrorsPracticalTracing the path of a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass slab for different angles of incidence. Measure the angle of incidence, angle of refraction, angle of emergence and interpret the result. ObjectivesThe students will be able to learnImage formation by Concave and Convex MirrorUses of concave and convex mirrorsRatio of Size of Image to the Size of ObjectExpected Learning OutcomeThe students would be able to-Learn How to draw ray diagram of formation the Images for different positions of objectsUnderstand Different uses of convex and concave mirror in daily lifeUnderstand About the types of ImagesTeaching AidWhite Board ,E-Notes, Online Class, You Tube test -Revision -Work sheetMONTH: APRILContent/Topic 1st Week2nd Week3rd Week 4th WeekChapter 10Light – Reflection And RefractionChapter 10Refraction of LightRefractive IndexSpeed and Wave length of light in different MediumChapter 10Laws of Refraction of LightRefraction Through Glass slabChapter 10Refraction by Spherical LensesImage Formation by LensesImage Formation in Lenses Using Ray DiagramsChapter 10MagnificationLens FormulaPower of a LensDiscussion of NCERTexercisePracticalTracing the path of the rays of light through a glass prism. ObjectiveThe students will be able toReflection of LightCalculation of Focal length of lensesSign Convention for Refraction of light by lensesUnderstand the terminology of spherical mirrorsExpected Learning OutcomeThe students would be able toUnderstand Phenomenon based on Refraction Of Light in Daily LifeUnderstand Uses of Different type of Lenses In Basic needsLearn How to draw ray diagram of formation the Images for different positions of objectsUnderstand Relation between the Power and Focal length of lensesTeaching AidsWhite Board, E- Notes , You Tube worksheet, Class TestsMONTH: JUNEContent/Topic1st Week 2nd Week3rd Week4th Week 5th WeekChapter -11The Human Eye And The Colourful WorldChapter -11The Various Parts of Eye and their FunctionsPower of AccommodationChapter-11Chapter 11Dispersion of LightAngle of DeviationFormation OfRainbowChapter 11RevisionDefects of Vision and theirCorrection Myopia :(Near Sightedness) Hypermetropia (Far -Sightedness)Refraction through glass PrismAtmospheric RefractionApparent Star PositionTwinkling of StarPracticalFinding the image distance for varying object distance in case of a convex lens and drawing corresponding ray diagrams to show the nature of image formed. ObjectiveThe students will be able toUnderstand the structure of human eye understand the various defects of visionAppreciate the corrections required for various defects.Understand dispersion and its causeUnderstand the formation of rainbow phenomenaExpected LearningOutcomeIdentify human eye as a natural optical device which works as a cameraSketch various part of the eye and understandTheir function and correlate its to every day situationsJustify how stars appear to twinkle but planet do notDevelop concept of scattering of light and Tyndall effectInfer that the colour of light depends on the size of particlesReason out the blue colour of the sky and red colour of sun at sunriseTeaching AidsWhite Board, E-Notes , You Tube +Homework AssignmentsClass TestsCHEMISTRYMONTH: MARCHContent / Topic2nd Week3rd Week4thWeek5th weekChapter 1:Chemical Reactions and EquationsChapter-1Writing equationsBalancing chemical equationsMaking equations more InformativeChapter-1Types of chemical reactions- Combination, Decomposition-Types of Decomposition reactionDisplacement reaction, Double displacement reaction, precipitation reactionExothermic andendothermic reactionsRedox reaction Oxidation, Reduction, Oxidizing agent, Reducing agent.Corrosion and RancidityDiscussion of NCERTexercisePracticalApparatus will be shown to the students. of recation amrita o labLearning ObjectivesThe students will be able towrite balanced chemical equationsdefine the various kinds of reactionsexplain oxidation and reduction, corrosion and rancidityExpected Learning OutcomeThe students would be able tolearn how to write correct formulae and balance chemical equationsclassify the common reactions into different kinds of reactionsunderstand redox reactions taking place in our daily lifeunderstand corrosion of certain metalsunderstand rancidity of oils and fatsTeaching AidYou tube module balancing of chemical equation chemical equation balancing rusting of iron rancidity redox reaction types of reactionE notesDiksha linkAssessmentClass test -different kinds of chemical reactionsRevision -Work sheetMONTH: APRILContent/Topic 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th WeekChapter 2:Acids, Bases, and SaltsChapter 2 Indicators (Acid- base and Olfactory)Chemical nature of acids and bases Characteristic properties of acids Strong/weak acidsChapter 2Characteristic Properties of bases.Strong/weak basesChapter 2pH concept Importance of pH in daily life pH of salts Chemicals from NaOH Bleaching powder Baking soda Washing soda Plaster of ParisChapter 2Chapter 2Discussion of NCERT exercisePracticalDifferent type of chemical reactionsTo study the properties of dilute HCl and dilute NaOH amrita o labTo find the pH of unknown samples using pH papers amrita o labLearning ObjectiveThe students will be able toname acid-base and olfactory indicatorstell the colour changes of indicators in acidic and basic solutionsexplain the general properties of acidsexplain the general properties of basesdifferentiate between base and alkaliwrite the ionization of acids and basesexplain pH conceptunderstand pH of salt solutionsunderstand the properties of NaOH, baking soda, washing soda, bleaching powderexplain the preparation of NaOH, baking soda, washing soda, plaster of parisExpected Learning OutcomeThe students would be able toidentify various natural and synthetic indicatorsexplain the nature of unknown samples using different indicatorsidentify whether the given substances are acidic or basic in naturedistinguish between strong and weak acids and basesrelate pH to everyday lifedistinguish between baking soda and washing sodaunderstand the application of Plaster of Paris and Bleaching powder in daily lifeTeaching AidsSmart class modules,Tests of indicators with acidic and basic substances, pH papers to test the nature of Solutions ph in every day life ph calculations natural indicators diute and concentrated acid ph or universal indicatorse notes PdfAssesmentRevision worksheet, Class Tests81165691286930MONTH: JUNEContent/Topic1st Week2nd Week3rd Week4th Week5th WeekChapter -3 Metals and Non- metalsChapter -3Physical Properties of metals and non- metalsChapter -3 Chemical properties of metalsReactivity series Ionic bondingChapter 3 Properties of Ionic compounds Minerals and Ores Metallurgy - Steps involvedChapter 3 Electrolytic reduction Roasting and Calcination Thermite reactionChapter 3Extraction of less reactive metals Electrolytic refining of Cu CorrosionAlloysPracticalTo study the action of certain metals on salt solutions and arrange them in the order of their reactivity relatively reactivity of metals reaction of metals with waterLearning ObjectiveThe students will be able tounderstand the physical properties of metals and non-metalsexplain chemical properties of metalsunderstand the formation of ionsdescribe ionic bondingdifferentiate between roasting and calcinationexplain electrolytic reductionExpected LearningOutcomeThe students would be able todescribe the properties of metals and non-metals used in daily liferecall reactivity series of metalsdistinguish between metals and non-metalsunderstand the various steps involved in metallurgyidentify ionic compounds on the basis of their propertiesdifferentiate between minerals and oresunderstand the application of thermite reaction in daily lifeTeaching AidsSmart / you tobe modules. physical properties of water Metallurgy Thermite reaction propertied of ionic compounds properties of ionic compounds e notes PdfAssessmentClass +Homework AssignmentsClass TestsBIOLOGYMONTH: MARCHContent / Topic1st Week2nd Week3rd Week4th Week5th WeekChapter 6: Life processesSession commences from the second week of the month i.e 8th March 2021Chapter 6IntroductionWhat are life processes?Nutrition- Autotrophic NutritionChapter 6Heterotrophic NutritionModes of nutrition in other animalsChapter 6Nutrition in humansHow do organisms obtain their nutrition?Chapter 6Introducing respiration and its typesPracticalTo prepare a temporary mount of a leaf peel to show stomata.Learning ObjectivesIt will enable the students to:Understand the different life processesUnderstand the different modes of nutritionDifferentiate between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutritionKnow the various steps and enzymes associated with respect to nutrition in humansExpected Learning OutcomeThe students would be able to:Identify the different life processesDescribe the different modes of nutritionDifferentiate between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutritionKnow the function of different organs and enzymes associated with digestionTeaching AidSmart Class ModuleReady ReckonerE - Resource 1 - – Resource 2 - – Resource 3 - ModelsAssessmentReady Reckoner Question BankClass TestCBSE Sample PapersMONTH: APRILContent/Topic1st Week2nd Week3rd Week4th Week5th WeekChapter 6: Life ProcessesChapter 6a) Respiration in different organismsChapter 6a) Respiration- aerobic respiration and anaerobic respirationChapter 6Transportation in human beingHeart, Blood, bloodvesselsChapter 6Maintenance by platelets,LymphTransportation in plantsChapter 6Introducing ‘Excretory system’Excretion in Humans (Structure of Nephron) PracticalTo show experimentally that carbon dioxide is given out during respirationLearning ObjectivesIt will enable the students to:Know about respiration and different types of respirationKnow the reason for specific design of respiratory system in aquatic and terrestrial organismsKnow the function of different organs for transportation in humansUnderstand the requirement of the pumping organ of our body that is structure of heart and its associated blood vesselsKnow significance of transportation in plantKnow the process of excretionKnow the function of organs of excretory systemExpected Learning OutcomeThe students would be able to:Explain respiratory organs, methods of respirationUnderstand the mechanism of breathing and respirationRealize the significance of respiratory systemUnderstand the function of different organs in respiratory system and circulatory systemDifferentiate between the processes of transportation and excretion in plants and animalsUnderstand the importance of transportation and excretion in plants and animalsUnderstand the functioning of kidney and the process of dialysisTeaching AidsDiagrams & ChartsReady ReckonerSmart Class ModuleLaboratory ModelsE – Resource 1 - – Resource 2 - – Resource 3 - – Resource 4 - Reckoner question bankClass TestsCBSE Sample Papers MONTH: JUNEContent/Topic 1st Week2nd Week3rd Week4th Week5th WeekChapter 6: Life ProcessesChapter 7: Control and CoordinationChapter 6Process of ‘Dialysis’ and Functioning of KidneyExcretion in PlantsDiscussion of NCERT exerciseChapter 7Nervous SystemReflex ActionChapter 7a) Human brain and how is brain protected?Chapter 7How does nervous tissue cause action?‘Blue Questions’ NCERTChapter 7a) Coordination inPracticalExperiments on PhototropismStudy of Laboratory Model of Human BrainLearning ObjectiveIt will enable the students to:Understand nervous system in human beingsUnderstand the reflex actions and its importanceKnow the structure and function of the brain.Know the types of movements in plants.Know the role of hormones in plants and animalsExpected Learning OutcomeThe students would be able to:Explain nervous system in human beingsDefine reflex actionDifferentiate between reflex action and other actionsAnalyze the structure and function of the brainRecall coordination in plantsDiscuss various tropic movements in plantsUnderstand the function of hormones in humans and plants Discuss action caused by the nervous systemTeaching AidsSmart module, Pictures/specimens of different types of plants and animals.Laboratory ModelsE – Resource 1 - – Resource 2 - – Resource 3 - – Resource 4 - ) Ready ReckonerAssessmentReady Reckoner question bankCBSE Sample papers , Class Tests and PT1SOCIAL STUDIESMONTH: MARCHContent /Topic1st week2nd week3rd week4th week(HISTORY)The Rise of Nationalism in Europe(Political Science)Power SharingThe Rise of Nationalism in EuropeThe French Revolution and the Idea of the NationThe Rise of Nationalism in EuropeThe Making of Nationalism in EuropeThe Rise of Nationalism in EuropeThe Age of Revolutions: 1830- 1848Power SharingBelgium & Sri Lanka – Case StudiesWhy is Power Sharing desirable?Prudential and moral ReasonsForms of Power SharingLearning ObjectivesThe Rise of Nationalism in EuropeEnable the learners to identify and comprehend the forms in which nationalism developed along with the formation of nation states in Europe in the post-1830 period.Establish the relationship and bring out the difference between European nationalism and anti-colonial nationalism.Understand the way the idea of nationalism emerged and led to the formation of nation states in Europe and elsewhereTo recalls names, places, dates, people associated with some important historical eventsPower SharingUnderstand reasons for power sharingStudy about division of power in democracyFamiliarize with the centrality of power sharing in a democracy. Understand the working of spatial and social power sharing mechanisms.Expected Learning OutcomesThe Rise of Nationalism in EuropeTo defines terms and concepts such as nationalism, colonialism etc.Critically examine formation of Nation states.Analyse developments such as French Revolution, nationalism, industrialisation, globalisation, and urbanization in world history.Identify and locate places related to European nationalism on map.Power SharingKnow about need and importance of Power Sharing.Better understanding of urban development in the present by comparing it with the past.Teaching Aid/ResourceE-ModulesOnline Images of Maps, timelineE Textbook illustrationsDigital Content Online Resources PPT ResourceMONTH: APRILContent / Topic1st week2nd week3rd week4th week(Political Science)Federalism(GEO)Resources and DevelopmentFederalismWhat is Federalism?What make India a Federal Country?FederalismHow is Federalism practiced?Decentralization in IndiaResources and DevelopmentTypes of ResourcesDevelopment of ResourcesResource Planning in IndiaLand ResourcesLand UtilizationLand Use Pattern in IndiaResources and Development Contd.Land Degradation and Conservation MeasuresSoil as a ResourceClassification of SoilsSoil Erosion and Soil ConservationLearning ObjectivesFederalismStudy characteristic features of Federalism.Learn about various aspects of Federalism in India.Familiarise with the federal structure and provisions. Describe the working of the organs of government.2. Resources and DevelopmentLearn about Resources and their categorisationList the Features of Resource planning in IndiaNeed and importance of resource conservationUnderstand the value of resources and the need for their judicious utilization and conservation.Need and importance of Soil and its conservation Explain the concept of Sustainable DevelopmentExpected Learning OutcomesFederalismAnalyse federal provisions and institutions.Explain decentralization in rural and urban areasClassify subjects into Union List, State List, Concurrent List & Residuary SubjectsResources and DevelopmentAnalyze the importance of resources.Classify various land use pattern in IndiaExplain the formation of SoilList and describe some methods of soil conservationSuggest ways to solve the problem of pollution in urban centresUnderstand importance of Sustainable DevelopmentTeaching Aid/ResourceE-ModulesE Textbook illustrations Digital ContentOnline Resources Online Images of Map50990506432550 MONTH: JUNEContent / Topic 1st week 2nd week3rd week4th week(GEO)Agriculture(POLITICAL SCIENCE)Political PartiesAgricultureTypes of farmingCropping PatternsMajor CropsAgricultureTechnological and Institutional ReformsImpact of Globalization on AgriculturePolitical PartiesWhy do we need Political Parties?How many Parties should we have?National Political PartiesPolitical PartiesState PartiesChallenges to Political PartiesHow can Parties be reformed?Learning ObjectivesAgricultureExplain the importance of agriculture in national economy.Identify various types of farming and discuss the various farming methods;Describe the spatial distribution of major crops as well as understand the relationship between rainfall regimes and cropping pattern.Political PartiesAnalyse party systems in democracies.Introduction to major political parties, challenges faced by them and reforms in the country.Expected Learning OutcomesAgricultureDifferentiate between different methods of farming.Analyze the role of various government policies for institutional as well as technological reforms since independencePolitical PartiesDifferentiate between regional and national political parties.Evaluate the policies and programmes of different political parties in the states of IndiaSuggest ways to deal with the challenges to Political PartiesTeaching Aid/ResourceE-Modules, E Textbook illustrations Digital Content,Online Resources ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MONTH: MARCHContent / Topic1st Week2nd Week3rd Week4th Week5th WeekIntroduction to artificial intelligenceWhat is Intelligence?Decision MakingHow do machines become Artificially Intelligent?Applications of Artificial Intelligence around usWhat is not AI?Artificial Intelligence (AI) Machine Learning Deep learningAI Domains CVData Science NLPBayesian theorem AI EthicsLearning ObjectivesStudents will be able toTo understand and appreciate AI and describe its application in daily life To understand the process of decision makingIntroduction to AI related terminology such as AI, ML, DL and domains- Data , Cv, NLP Basics of EthicsExpected Learning OutcomesStudents would be able to –Basics of AI ethics (who is accountable, transparency and Explianability, Actions of AI Impact of AI) Figure out the meaning of language inputs and problem use a combination of different types of information Select AI model for any real life problemTeaching AidsWhite Board, E-Notes , You TubeHand on activity +Homework Assignments , Class Tests,Chapter wise sample paper solveMONTH- APRILContent / Topic1st Week2nd Week3rd Week4th WeekAI Project CycleProblem Scoping 4Ws Problem CanvasData Acquisition Data Feature Data ExplorationRule Based Approach Learning Based Approach Supervised Learning classification: Regression:Unsupervised Learning Clustering:Dimensionality Reduction:Evaluation Neural NetworksLearning ObjectivesStudents will be able to -Introduction to AI Project CycleUnderstanding Problem Scoping and Sustainable Development Goals Simplifying Data AcquisitionData Visualization TechniquesRule-based and Learning AI ApproachesSupervised , Unsupervised and reinforcement Learning Models Evaluation of deaExpected Learning OutcomesStudents would be able to –Differentiate between IT cycle and AI project Cycle Collect data from different reliable resourcesIdentify problem and find a solution with AI to achieve GoalTeaching AidsWhite Board, E-Notes , You TubeHand on activity +Homework Assignments,Class Tests,Chapter wise sample paper solveJUNE Content / Topic 1ST Week2nd Week3rd Week 4th WeekAdvance PythonIntroduction to Virtual Environments Introduction to PythonPython Basics Keywords & Identifiers Variables & Datatypes OperatorsstatementsConditional Statements LoopingPython Packages Num pyPandas MatplotlibLearning ObjectivesStudents will be able to -Introduction to PythonBasics of Python and Jupyter NotebookExpected Learning OutcomesStudents would be able to –Install python and anaconda for different platforms and work with different libraries Work with Jupyter notebookImplement in AI / ML in projectsTeaching AidsWhite Board, E-Notes , You Tube ,Hand on activity Lab practiceAssessmentClass +Homework Assignments, Class Tests ,Chapter wise sample paper solve????: ????? ??? :March????????? ????????????? ??????????? ???????????? ?????????? ?????????? 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