Come, Enter the Mikvah – Set-Apart unto Yahuwah



II Timothy 2:1-5; 11-12, Sha’ul writing to Timothy: “You, then, my son, be strong in the favor that is in Messiah Yahushua…Suffer hardships with us as a good soldier of Messiah. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in the affairs of this life in order to please only him who enlisted him as a soldier. And if anyone competes in a game, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules…Trustworthy is the Word: For if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him. If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He shall also deny us.”

An enlisted soldier has no rights of his own. His will belongs to his Commanding Officer. Obedience is mandatory or else one is “relieved of duty,” and dishonorably discharged. Messiah Yahushua made it very hard to follow Him. The freebee “gospel” of Western culture requires little to nothing from a “believer.” Thus, it has basically created a lot of nice people who agree on some things, but in their lifestyle they believe and do “their own thing.” However, truly, if one claims to be born again yet stubbornly retains their own free will to do as they please, they certainly do not understand “The True New Birth.” (Matthew 10:34-39; Mark 8:34-38; Luke 9:47-10:4, 14:25-33, 18:18-30, and Romans 6--good examples) The whole theme of the Tenak (Torah, Prophets, Writings) contains the requirements of Yahuweh for being one of HIS people, part of HIS Kingdom. He is an exclusivist. He has to be--He lives in absolute Light-Truth. The requirements allow us access to His realm! He calls us to be set-apart AS HE IS set-apart, children of Light as He is Light, perfect (mature, complete), and blameless in our obedience to Him.

Yahuweh’s soldiers are His personal warriors in the earth. He is the ultimate Commander of our lives, but has placed us under the authority of His Son--“the Captain of the Host.” Isaiah 34, 63:1-6; Daniel 7:21-22, 24-27; Zechariah 14:1-5; Psalm 2, Jude 1:14-15 quoting the Book of Enoch I, and Revelation 19 are just a few examples of the authority of Yahushua to execute the vengeance of Yahuweh upon Their enemies, and our enemies, at His coming (Revelation 11:15-18).

It is mandatory that a soldier die to his own will in order to please his Commanding Officer! What a mess it would be to have an army of soldiers, each doing their own will. What confusion! They’d be wiped out.

But, this is Western reasoning that puts extreme emphasis on our being free to “do as we feel is OK to do.” Western world philosophy makes everything “relevant,” including truth. Tolerance of everyone is mandatory for interacting in our present world. Being set-apart to Yahuweh goes against the grain of everything Western culture stands for.

However, the Scriptures teach “without set-apartness, no one will see Elohim.”

If you are not allowing the Spirit of Yahuweh to daily train and discipline you in obedience, you’re no soldier of His! He won’t work with a bunch of lazy, rebellious, stubborn free thinkers. With Yahuweh--you’re either in, or you’re out!

Yahushua is the Captain of the Host! His Abba/Father is the “Man of war” who commands Him and directs the battle! (Exodus 15:1-13)

Yehoshua/Joshua spoke with Yahushua personally before he and his troops stormed Jericho. (Yehoshua 5:13-15) Because Joshua’s battle plan was given by this Captain of the Host who appeared to him, their victory was sure from the beginning!

If the battle-plan for your life’s advancement against the enemy each day doesn’t come from Him alone, you’re on your own out on the battle field--totally vulnerable to attack and destruction!

We are born again into warfare. The enemy knows those that belong to Yahuweh, and from our birth he marked us for destruction. At our new birth, we became an enemy of Yahuweh’s enemies.

After one is born again the enemy begins quickly and strongly in the mind to throw the new babe in Messiah into confusion, doubt, and a mind-set of defeat. He slowly, but surely, works to undermine faith in the Word, so obedience diminishes, zeal is squelched, and the dulling effects of the world began to take them into dullness. They choose a pastor, or rabbi, and a church that suits them. Few are taught submission to the Spirit of Yahuweh, so what began in their spirit ends up in head reasoning.

The enemy works like the anaconda/python. The anaconda is the largest of the snakes. It knocks its victim down then stuns them in the head, making the victim disoriented, confused, and dismayed. Then it slowly wraps around the victim, crushing it. Then when the victim is either dead or terribly irrational, it drags the victim under the mud where it dwells, and slowly devours them. This attempt begins almost immediately on those who are truly born again, especially on those who have been in the dark kingdom through occult practices, witchcraft, Satanism, “deep sin” i.e. child sacrifice, pornography, drugs, abortion, and other ties to the kingdom of darkness, in which he had a previous stronghold in their life--putting them under demonic influence and/or control.

The war is very real! Satan and his forces don’t pay much attention to those whom they do not fear. But, those that fear Yahuweh – yes, they pay attention! This is why the new believer must immediately be taught to study the Word and hear from the Spirit for themselves, to fear Him, obey Him, worship Him daily, love Him, and know Him.

The mind is indeed the battlefield. From the new birth, the soul-mind (flesh, sin-prone nature) begins to fight the mind of the re-born spirit. At the true new birth, the Spirit puts the mind of Messiah within us, which wars with the desires of the flesh. Your natural mind and emotions (soul) are knit together with the lusts of your flesh which are earth bound, and which drive your sin-prone nature. Your will bows to, and aligns with, whatever force is strongest within you.

Only by the discipline of the Spirit can you be trained to win the war. But, because of the weakness of the “gospel” of Western Christianity, most new believers continue to fall prey to the lusts of the flesh. (I John 2:15-17) Only a miniscule few allow Him to prepare them for spiritual warfare in His army. (Matthew 7:13-14) That word “few” describes a remnant that has gone through His boot camp, and allowed Him to train them for victorious warfare.

King David said “You have trained my hands for war.” (Psalm 18:28-40)

He only disciplines His children! Those that have submitted to His discipline are already victorious (Hebrews 12:1-14). They’ve already overcome and won the battle, even before they fight in it, for a “winning attitude” is in them. We must allow the Spirit to discipline us! The victorious ones know their Commanding Officer. They know His voice. They trust Him. He trusts them.

If a military Commanding General can’t trust his troops, they’ve lost before they ever begin. The relationship between the General and his troops has to be personal. There has to be a bonding between each soldier and his Commanding Officer so that they are in unity of mind and purpose that is unshakable. Thus they advance against the enemy with “unshakable advancement.”

You are born again with combat boots on, with weapons placed in your spirit! (Ephesians 6:10-18)

This is what disqualifies the majority of Western believers from being in His army. Most don’t know how to be loyal to anyone or anything other than the dictates of their own reasoning-mind and emotions. They don’t take the time to know Him, so how can they bond with Him? The ruler of most people is “self,” and/or perhaps submission to a chosen authority-figure who says what they want to hear.

Matthew 10:34-39 makes that very clear. If He is not your Supreme and only Commander, He is not your Commander at all. He must be Elyon (Most High), Shaddai (Almighty) in your life every moment of every day and every night.

People ask: What’s going on with Yedidah these days? Well, I’ll tell you…

I am obsessed with loyalty to my Elohim! My zeal is raging off the charts. The fire of His Spirit is blazing inside of me. No matter the cost, I must go forward in His service. Nothing else takes precedent over my relationship with Elohim. My goal is to be in Their Presence forever! Abba is calling me more and more to meet with Him behind the veil in His Most Set-Apart Place. That’s where we get our marching orders – behind the veil, in His Presence! The portal to His dimension is opening more and more. But, the onslaught of demonic spirits against His warriors is greatly increasing!

Amy Carmichael, famous missionary to India, once said: “He who is closest to his Captain is a sure target for the archers.” There is an extremely high price to pay for being close to Yahuweh and Yahushua in this final war, when the entire world is being led into war against Yahuweh and Yahushua. The onslaught of demonic forces, as well as their human agents, will increase beyond what our minds can comprehend. Yet, in being close to Them, we also are assured of victory.

Recently, I had a powerful vision of Messiah’s coming with all His set-apart ones (Zechariah 14:1-5; Jude 1:14-15, quoting the book of Enoch I) Thus, my focus is strongly on being prepared. I must warn as many as possible to turn from the futility of soul-guided life, and take Him up on His challenge: “Follow Me.” (Matthew 4:17-25)

I must not miss one thing He has for me to do. My eyes are on Revelation 22:3-5.

My prayer to Him is: “Do whatever You have to do to me to prepare me, but do not let me miss my goal to be by the side of Yahushua forever!” (Philippians 3:3-14)

Below is a picture of Ariel Sharon speaking with his troops. “Ariel” is “lion” in Hebrew.


I Chronicles 19:13: “Be strong, and let us show strength for our people and for the cities of our Elohim, and let Yahuweh do what is good in His eyes.”

Sharon’s biography Warrior is a powerful book. As I read it (2003), I did a study in spiritual warfare from the battle plans that Yahuweh gave him. We are soldiers of the Lion of the tribe of Judah! If we are in His battalion, we have died with Him, arisen with Him, and are now moving forward under every order from His mouth. He is our

5-Star General, our Commanding Officer! We must observe His rules astutely or be Dishonorably Discharged from His army. We must never insert our own rules or reasoning into His battle plans! This would be disastrous for the whole battalion--sure death for everyone!

The renewed battalion of the “Gideon 300” are being gathered together in unity as one - ”echad.” (Judges 7) [Refer to: “Gideon 300”/January 5, 2009] This article tells you how Yahuweh chooses His soldiers, and how He dismisses those who would obstruct victory. With passionate loyalty to our Captain, we do not turn tail in fear, but press forward with a winning attitude, because we know the Winner of all winners!

Read the story of King Jehoshaphat in II Chronicles 18-20. See how he learned to fear Yahuweh by his mistakes (chapters 18-19), so that in chapter 20 He and his army got victory over a powerful enemy much larger than them.

“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.” (Read II Corinthians 10:3-6; Ephesians 6:10-18)

The enemy does not fight with carnal weapons either. As I said above, the battleground is first and foremost in our mind and emotions. The enemy attacks the soul to insert fear, doubt, confusion, discouragement, despair, pride, anger, bitterness--negative emotions of all types--so that we stray from His straight path, and therefore become a disadvantage to ourselves, and to His Kingdom. If one allows this to continue, the result will be “demonizing,” control of the mind and emotions by demonic forces.

It is the decisions of our will that determines whether we will win or lose! If the enemy can’t get us through wiles and deceit, lies, and emotionally imploding, he may try to attack the body. He cannot attack a re-born spirit! If that doesn’t work, he will attack those we love, to bring them down into his net of destruction. That’s when only the strong keep going forward. This is where Messiah’s words in Matthew 10:34-39 divide.

Upon entering His army, we move forward against the enemy under His authority. We do not do anything unless ordered by Him to do it. We strive to be just like Him! He said He never did anything or spoke anything unless His Father gave the command for Him to do so. This is our order. We only speak and do as He says. Messiah’s battle plans come from His Father.

The “Eliyahu Company” is about to begin marching--the forerunning company--the Daniel 11:32 people – the Gideon 300 – the end-time army of the King. Some from the past are returning to join with this company, headed by Eliyahu and Moshe.

Call them “the 144,000,” or “the marked ones,” with His Name in their forehead they cannot die. It is His bullah seal of ownership. Messiah “bought us”--redeemed us.

We were foreknown before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4-5; I Peter 1:1-4, Psalm 139:1-18; Jeremiah 1:4-5). These have asked of the Master, and desired with their whole being--forsaking all to embrace His will--to be marked, so that they cannot leave His side forever! From birth, this desire was placed in the spirit of the set-apart ones! (Examples: Deuteronomy 15:16-17; Psalm 40:6-8; Ezekiel 9:4-5; Revelation 3:12; 7:1-8; 9:4; 14:1-5; 22:3-5)

Because of allowing the Spirit to transform them, their nature, ways, and thinking, is that of Yahuweh and Yahushua! They become “echad” with Him. They only move as He commands. They are free of “self,” so they can move in His power by His voice-leading. They have come out of all defilement and stand before His throne “blameless.”

These are those who move with unshakable advancement because going forward has been their way of life, i.e. they do not balk at the Red Sea but go forward at the command of their Master! One of my passages of Scripture is: “Exodus 14:13-31. My favorite verse is: Exodus 14:15. [Refer to: “Forward March”/February 20, 2010]

His soldiers walk in His light, and thus they are united by His Spirit. The world has never seen such a victorious army! This army boldly advances against the forces of darkness, to bring the Word of Yahuweh to those who will hear. Their purpose is not to destroy but to gather and protect together those who stand with Yahuweh and Yahushua.

The army of Joel 2:1-11, 25b is under Yahuweh’s control. They do His will in judgment. It is an army that destroys --an army of Nephillim, hybrids, demonic forces--spirits of war, famine, disease, and the beasts of the earth. Another description of this army is found in Revelation 9:7, 17, 19 (compare with Joel 2:4). As this army advances forward, they destroy. As His end-time remnant marches forward, the only thing destroyed are the agents of Satan. Yah’s people always go forward to bring life!

Read these words carefully; listen to the songs online and be filled with joy!

“Soldiers of the Lion” by Chuck Girard, Name Above All Names album/1983

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The field is white and frosty, the hour is drawing near

The battle lines are being drawn as the hour of dawn appears

In the stillness of the morning, the air is crisp and charged

With the tension of the battle, and the enemy at large

The battlefield is crowded, but the soldiers here are few

Yet the enemy is held at bay, no weapon can get through

Our tiny band of warriors continue in our stand

And as new soldiers join us, we prepare to take the Land

We form a line of conquest, like fire our armor shines

With unshakable advancement, we move against the lines

Our swords are drawn and ready, and our numbers grow each day

We'll soon be fully strengthened and we'll blow the troops away!


We're the soldiers of the Lion, we're the army of the light

The unstoppable battalion that drives away the night

And the Lion is our standard, and we know we cannot die

'Cause the mighty name of Yahushua is our sovereign battle Cry!

We move against the forces of the father of all lies

And the enemy is forced to flee before our very eyes

For no demon can resist us or begin to stand against

An army fully armored, no! Hell has no defense!

So look out powers of darkness, your hour has finally come

Our commander's name is Yahushua, and we've got you on the run

And we'll charge you and we'll route you

With the Spirit's mighty sword

You've had this planet long enough,

You know you're not our Lord!

So get back to outer darkness, and you leave the saints alone

Your weapons cannot prosper, we're commissioned by the



(Note: I changed “Jesus” twice above to His real Name, Yahushua)

“Kingdom Come” by Chuck Girard, Name Above All Names album/1983

Kingdom come, My kingdom come, the hour is drawing near

Let everyone obey these words, that has the ear to hear

Let the kingdom come from deep within and let Me rule your heart

And purge your life from everything that's been keeping us apart

Let the earth hear My voice, the time to decide is here

To decide to walk as a soldier, to decide not to live in fear

The sheep shall divide from the goats,

The chaff shall be blown from the wheat

My people shall arise and become a strength,

They will never give place to defeat.

They will walk in unified faith,

In power that shall conquer all

They will lay their lives on the line

But they shall not faint and they shall not fall

My Name shall be their name,

they will walk behind the veil

The world shall know them by their love,

And that love shall never fail.


Kingdom come, My kingdom come, the hour is drawing near

Let everyone obey these words, that has the ear to hear

Run the race to win, cease to practice sin!

The crown of glory awaits you, so come on, get in, get in

The Word, My Word is the key,

Get it inside your heart

For the seed you plant...will become a tree

Bearing fruit that you soon will harvest.

Oh spirit of man rise up! Let me live big inside

When you walk down the street,

The sick shall recover, and the dead shall rise!

Let no man think me weak, I am able to perform what I say

And all that I've declared shall come to pass in the last detail.

My will shall be done, on Earth through the sons of God

Who walk in power and in faith and in love--

You are the sons of God!

Kingdom come, My kingdom come, the hour is drawing near

Let everyone obey these words, that has the ear to hear

Let the kingdom come from deep within

and let Me rule your heart

And purge your life from everything

That's been keeping us...apart

Extra lyrics given prophetically which were excluded from the recording due to format restraint:

You're My own righteousness, and all that I possess

Has been given to you to equip you, to conquer, nothing less

Go forth be bold and be strong, don't let anything distract

Be single minded and train your eye, to never once look back

(My note: Of course you can change “God” to “Yah,” or “El”)

Who is this unstoppable battalion that cannot die? Who is this remnant who moves forward with unshakable advancement? Who are these people calling with authority: “Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven?” Those that are empowered by the King of Kings! Only they can go forward with power against the enemy! Our sword is His Word!

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) was a real flesh and blood man, with real human feelings. But, as said about Messiah in Isaiah 50:7, Jeremiah set his “face like a flint arrow” and he was not shamed. In Jeremiah 20:9, he speaks of His Word as fire shut up in his bones. As the Word goes deep into our Spirit, it becomes like fire--purifying fire. We must not hold His Truth back.

In my work for the Master in Third World nations, from late-1950s to present, especially since 1966 after being baptized into His Spirit, I saw the power of Yahuweh changing people’s lives. I saw the book of The Acts of the Apostles alive today. Especially during my years in and out of East Africa, as I partnered with the Spirit of Yahuweh, I saw many born again, many filled with the Spirit, people delivered from demonic powers, people healed--even creative miracles. Many filled with the fire of His Word went forth to proclaim His Word with power. I mentored several in the work of the ministry at Andrew Womack’s Charis Bible College in Kisumu, Kenya, and conducted seminars for pastors and other leaders in many places in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. I taught the Word. I trained the people to go forth and do His work. People were hearing from the Spirit, and the fellowship was wonderful!

But, tragically, a real suffering to my spirit, in working with people in the intellectual Western world, I have found that almost all have bound and gagged the Spirit of Yahuweh, so that He is not free to move through them. They’ve shut down the portal of their re-born spirit in order to live in their earth-related intellectual mind. Thus, few have seen miracles of His power. So many are skeptical, thinking that there is not really any true demonstration of His power in the world today.

I tell you the truth: Places that have seen the greatest persecution of believers have also seen some of the greatest of all miracles. As people full of faith go forth, even in the face of danger, imprisonment, and great suffering, the forces of Heaven go to work also. I’ve talked to people who live under great persecution, and the stories of the miraculous intervention of Yahuweh are awesome! Yet, in the West, most people seek entertainment because life is so boring.

Who needs entertainment when Yahuweh is moving forward “in the strength of His might,” and we get to move with Him? Oh how I long to return to His work among those with “child-like faith!” (Matthew 18:3-4) He never let me lose my child-like faith! I thank Him so much for that!

Daniel 11:32b: “…the people who know their Elohim will be strong and do exploits”--acting on His commands and seeing Him work. The key to victory is knowing Him! [Refer to: “The Exploit People”/November 17, 2011]

With love,


January 31, 2014


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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