SBI4U: Anaerobic Respiration

SBI4U: Anaerobic Respiration

What is anaerobic respiration?

• An anaerobic process (________________________________)

• Glucose undergoes 2 steps: _____________________ and ________________________

• Produces only _________ ATP!

Why do cells use anaerobic respiration?

• Used by organisms that can live in ______________________ environments

• Used by human _________________ cells when they don’t have enough Oxygen

• Cells performed anaerobic respiration long before anaerobic respiration occurred (the early was an ____________________environment)

• After glycolysis cells need a way to convert NADH back to _________________

o There is a __________________________ of NAD+ so cells need to reuse it!

o NADH ____________________ producing an alcohol/ carboxylic acid and NAD+

There are 2 main types of Anaerobic Respiration

1. Lactic Acid Fermentation

• Occurs in _____________________________________________

2. Alcohol Fermentation

• Occurs in _____________________________________________

Lactic Acid Fermentation

• Used by human muscle cells in times of ____________________________ (during intense exercise)

• Converts pyruvate to ____________________________________

• Lactate has a _____________________taste and is produced by the bacteria used to make yogurt (___________________________________________)

• Accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles results in _______________________

Steps in Lactic Acid Fermentation

1. Glucose is converted to ______________________ resulting in ______ ATP and _____NADH (GLYCOLYSIS!)

2. The 2 pyruvate molecules are reduced to 2 Lactate molecules and the 2 NADH are oxidized to NAD+

3. In humans lactate is transferred through the blood from the ________________ to the _______________

• When there is enough Oxygen again the liver ____________________ lactate back to _______________________ where it re-enters aerobic respiration

Ethanol Fermentation

• Used in a variety of food-producing processes

• Production of _________________________________ all depend on the process of ethanol fermentation

• Converts pyruvate to __________________ and ______________________

Steps in Ethanol Fermentation:

1. Glucose is converted to ______________________ resulting in ______ ATP and _____NADH (GLYCOLYSIS!)

2. Pyruvate is converted to 2 _________________and 2 _____________________

3. Acetylaldehyde is reduced to 2 _______________ and 2 NADH are ___________________ to 2 NAD+


1. Pg. 124 Q: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8a, 9

2. Read Page 119 in your text book. How does yeast make bread rise?


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