RUBRIC for ‘Poetry Analysis Presentation’

|Category |Master=4 points |Apprentice=3 points |Novice=2 points |Untrained=0 point |Score |

|THEMATIC ACCURACY |The student's packet and the |The student identifies a partial theme |The student identifies a theme that is |The student does not clearly identify an | |

|& CONNECTION |student articulates & identifies an|that he/she feels is the overall theme of |inaccurate. |overall theme of Poem. | |

| |accurate overall theme of Poem. |Poem. | | | |

|TIME |Student’s visual shows an in depth |Student’s visual shows a partial |Student’s visual shows little |Student’s visual shows no understanding of| |

|AND EFFORT |understanding of the text. Much |understanding of the text. Some time and |understanding of the text. May appear to |the text. Little to no time and effort | |

| |time and effort went into the |effort went into the selection & |illustrate not enough time and effort went|appears to have gone into the selection & | |

| |selection & explanation of the |explanation of the visual. |into the selection & analysis of the |analysis of the visual. | |

| |visual. It is not just pretty; it | |visual. | | |

| |is correct. | | | | |

|VISUAL REPRESENTATION / PAINTING |The painting is recognizable, |The painting is recognizable and detailed |The painting is recognizable and detailed |The painting may or may not be | |

| |detailed and directly relate to the|but only partially related to the literary|but connects to inaccurate literary |recognizable and detailed but they do not | |

| |literary elements of the Poem. |elements of the Poem. |elements or show little connection at all.|relate to literary elements of the Poem. | |

|INFORMATION |Gives complete and detailed |Gives basic details and information, |Student is lacking in details, class is |Student is errant in details, class is | |

| |information, Student is |Student has completed some research. |left lacking knowledge on topic. |left lacking knowledge on topic/creation | |

| |knowledgeable and students feel |Class still has questions. | |of confusion | |

| |well informed. | | | | |

|ORGANIZATION |Well organized, presentation is |Organized, presentation is interesting. |Fragmented, presentation is flat. |Disorganized, presentation is confusing. | |

| |fluid and engaging. | | | | |

|PRESENTATION |Student does not falter in the |Student has minimal faltering in the |Student falters in the Presentation of the|Student falters frequently in the | |

| |Presentation of the Poem; showing |Presentation of the Poem; showing detailed|Poem; but not impacting knowledge of |Presentation of the Poem; impeding | |

| |detailed knowledge of speaker and |knowledge of speaker and audience. |speaker and audience. |knowledge of speaker and audience, | |

| |audience. | | |recitation only. | |

|VERBAL TECHNIQUES |Student uses a clear voice and |Student's voice is clear. Student |Student's voice is low. Student |Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces | |

| |correct, precise pronunciation of |pronounces most words correctly. Most |incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience |terms, and speaks too quietly for audience| |

| |terms so that all audience members |audience members can hear presentation. |members have difficulty hearing |in the back of class to hear. Student may | |

| |can hear presentation without |There may be slight fidgeting. |presentation. May or may not be fidgeting |be fidgeting or moving in ways that | |

| |fidgeting at all. | |during presentation. |distract the audience. | |


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