RUBRIC – character analysis


ENG IV – Period ___


Character Analysis Rubric

Introduction Paragraph (4 total points)

_____/1 The paper begins with a hook.

_____/1 The paper includes a transition from the hook to your character/story.

_____/2 The thesis statement is clear and expresses how character development contributes to the author’s

message or theme.

Body Paragraph(s) (18 total points)

_____/2 Begins with a topic sentence that describes your character’s situation, what they endure in the story.

_____/4 Explains how the character develops: through physical description, thoughts, feelings, and actions

of others and themselves, through direct comments.

_____/4 Identifies and explains literary devices associated with character development.

_____/4 Contains textual evidence that supports your claims.

Be sure to include the page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence.

Example: In the story, “She said she was nice” (3).

_____/4 Explains how character development contributes to the theme.

Conclusion Paragraph (8 total points)

_____/1 Begins with a topic sentence that transitions from body to conclusion.

_____/2 Revisits thesis statement.

_____/3 Includes a comment that links the character with one of the novel’s themes.

_____/2 Concludes with an original comment.

(Turn over)

Mechanics/Content (10 total points)

_____/2 The paper is proofread for spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

_____/1 The paper has the correct heading and title.

_____/1 The paper is double-spaced and in Times New Roman 12 pt. font.

_____/2 Ideas and examples are thoughtful, insightful, and comprehensive.

_____/2 The paper is organized.

_____/2 The ideas expressed are cohesive throughout the paper.

TOTAL:____/40 GRADE:_____%


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