Ms. Ghaida Barghouthi - Welcome

PHStat2Introducation The PHSTAT2 program is an Add-In program for Microsoft Excel.?? It is available for download from the Prentice Hall textbook website.? In order for the add-in to operate properly you must have Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 and Microsoft Excel 2003, Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 (32-bit version) installed.? You must also have the latest Microsoft-supplied patches and service packs for Excel applied (visit ? and click on Custom for the latest Excel updates).? PHStat2 will not work properly with un patched versions of Excel or the 64-bit version of Excel 2010.? You can only update Excel and install PHStat2 if you log on to Windows using a user account that includes administrator privileges. ? Installing PHSTAT2 from the Web For complete instructions on how to download, install and troubleshoot the PHSTAT2 program, click on the Readme link. Step 1:? Configure Excel to accept the add-in A.?for Excel 2003 users:? The Microsoft Office macro security level must be set to Medium in order to allow PHStat2 to properly function.? Open Microsoft Excel and select?<Tools>< Macro>< Security>.? In the Security Level tab of the Security dialog box that appears, click the Medium option and then click OK.? Setting the security level in this dialog box, affects all Microsoft Office programs. When you are finished using PHStat2, you can set the security level to High, for greatest security. B.?for Excel 2007 & 2010 users:? You must change the Trust Center settings to allow PHStat2 to properly function. You can access the Excel Options dialog box in Excel 2007 by clicking on the Office Button and then clicking Excel Options (at bottom of the Office Button menu window).? You can access the Excel Options dialog box in Excel 2010 by clicking on <File><Options>.?? Once in the Excel Options dialog box, follow these steps: ????? 1.?click Trust Center in the left pane and then click Trust Center Settings in the right pane. ????? 2.? In the Trust Center dialog box, click Add-ins in the next left pane ????? 3.? In the Add-ins right pane clear all of the checkboxes. ????? 4. Click Macro Settings in the left pane and in the Macro Settings right pane click disable all macros with notification. ????? 5. Click OK to close the Trust Center dialog box. ????? 6.? Back in the Excel Options dialog box, click OK to finish. Step 2:? Enable the Excel Analysis Tool Pak add-ins (Note:? this step is unnecessary for installing the PHStat2 add-in, but will ensure the availability of the Excel's Data Analysis subroutines) a.?If you are using Excel 2003, open Excel and select <Tools><Add-Ins> and in the Add-Ins dialog box that appears, verify that Analysis ToolPak and Analysis ToolPak –VBA are checked in the Add-Ins available list. Then click OK and exit Excel to save these settings. (If these two add-ins do not appear in the list, you will need to install them.) B.?for Excel 2007 & 2010 users:? First access the Excel Options dialog box.? In Excel 2007, click on the Office Button and then Excel Options (at bottom of the Office Button menu window).? In Excel 2010, click on?<File><Options>.?? Once in the Excel Options dialog box, click Add-Ins? in the left pane and look for Analysis ToolPak and Analysis ToolPak –VBA under Active Application Add-ins. If they do not appear, click Go. In the Add-Ins dialog box that appears, verify that Analysis ToolPak and Analysis ToolPak –VBA are checked in the Add-Ins available list. Then click OK and exit Excel to save these settings. (If these two add-ins do not appear in the list, you will need to install them) Step 3:? Download and install the PHStat2 add-in a.? click on the following link: B.?save the file to a local folder, and then run the file.? Run the setup program only after first logging on to Windows using a user account that includes administrator privileges.? The PHStat2 setup program installs the PHStat2 files to your system and adds entries in the Windows registry file for your system. The setup program also adds Desktop icons and a Start Menu program group for PHStat2.? C.?after the setup completes, check the installation by opening PHStat2. A proper installation will cause Excel to display a PHStat menu in the Add-Ins tab (Excel 2007 or Excel 2010) or the menu bar (Excel 2003). If you have skipped checking for and applying necessary Excel updates, or if some of the updates were unable to be applied, you may see a “Compile Error” message that talks about a “hidden module” when you first attempt to use PHStat2. If this occurs, repeat the process to check for and update Excel (see Introduction above). Using PHSTAT2 You use PHStat2 by double-clicking the Desktop PHStat2 icon or selecting PHStat2 from the Start menu PHStat2 program group. Once properly loaded, PHStat2 will add a new PHStat menu to the Microsoft Excel menu bar, if you are using Excel 2003.? If you are using Excel 2007 or 2010, this menu will appear in the Add-Ins tab.? When using PHStat2 the first time with the correct Excel security settings,?you will see a macro virus warning dialog box as you attempt to open PHStat2. When this dialog box appears, click the Enable Macros button to allow PHStat2 to be opened. ? ................

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