Strategy Group Project Bibliographies - Bloomberg Center

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Career Services Industry Week 101 – Investment Management

September 15, 2008

Resources to Support Decision-Making Process

|Need to find… |Found in… |Best database to start with… * |Other places to look... |

|Industry overview and trends |industry reports, analyst reports, industry |Standard & Poor’s Industry Surveys |Vault Online Career Library |

| |averages and statistics, articles | | |

|Competitors, potential employers, new entrants |top participants list, IPOs, analyst reports |Capital IQ |Orbis |

| | | |Vault Online Career Library |

|Company overview |company profile |Capital IQ |Nelson Directory |

| | | |Hoover’s Online |

|Company strategies, activities, public company |company annual reports, SEC filings, articles |Thomson Research |Factiva |

|financials, etc. | | |Business Source Complete |

|Market share/market size |statistical sources, articles and reports |Factiva |Business Source Complete |

|Analyst coverage for industry and companies |analyst reports |Thomson Research - Investext |OneSource |

* Descriptions of resources are in subsequent table in this document or at the Baker Library | Bloomberg Center Web Site.

Access resources via the Databases A – Z Listing at the Baker Library | Bloomberg Center Web Site or as indicated.

Description of Resources

|Resource |Location |Main Features |Why Use it? / Tips |

|Capital IQ |Online |Sophisticated screening and personalization tools to |Create lists of companies based on industry, geography, size, transaction details, deal types, |

| | |identify companies. |and other specific criteria. |

|Factiva |Online |Thousands of sources including trade publications, |Search for specific company and industry news of interest. |

| | |newspapers, and newswires. | |

|Nelson Information's |Stamps Reading Room Ref. |Directory of management firms including organizational |Identify firms based on specialization and industry. Special index of minority- and |

|Directory of Investment |HG 4907 .N32 and Media |overviews, clients, decision-making processes, fees, and|women-owned investment firms. |

|Managers |Collection |asset holdings. | |

|Orbis |Online |Profiles of companies worldwide |Create lists of companies based on industry, geography, size, and other criteria. |

| | |Financials for public companies | |

|S&P Industry Surveys |Online |Industry reports on the U.S. and global regions. |Learn how the industry operates and how to analyze a company. |

| | |Financial comparison of major players. |Find out about industry trends and resources for additional industry information, e.g., |

| | | |Investment Services. |

|Thomson Research |Online |Full-text of SEC filings required for companies publicly|SEC filings and annual reports are excellent source of company specific information. |

| | |traded in the U.S. | |

| | |Annual reports in PDF format. | |

|Thomson Research - |Online |Full-text of financial analyst reports on public |Often provides forecasts, statistics, in-depth financial analyses, and assessments of |

|Investext | |companies and industries worldwide. |management/marketing strategies. |

| | | |Sometimes provides information about private companies. |

|Vault Online Career |Online |The inside scoop on what it's like to work for the |Identify top players, e.g., Vault Career Guide to Investment Management and Vault Guide to the |

|Library | |profiled companies. |Top 25 Investment Management Firms. |

Related Resources

• Baker Library Research Guide for Financial Markets

• Baker Library Research Guide for Financial Services and Investment Banking Industry

• Baker Library Research Guide for Hedge Funds

• Baker Library Research Guide for Real Estate Industry

• HOLLIS Catalog - Identify books and other materials that often are good sources for background on a company, industry, or topic.

To ask any questions about information resources contact Baker librarians in person, at 617.495.6040, or


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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