Assessment Rubric for Rhetorical Analysis

Assessment Rubric for Rhetorical Analysis


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|CATEGORY |A |B |C |D |F |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Analysis |Specific, developed |Analysis is generally |General and/or |Analysis is sparse and |No relevant analysis and|

|  |analysis and insightful |sound but could be more |undeveloped analysis. |lacks insight |insightful observations |

|   |observations. |specific or insightful | | |made |

|  | |in some areas. | | | |

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|30 pts. | | | | | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Supporting Details |Support information is |Support information has |Support information has |An attempt has been made |No support information |

|  |related to analysis and |minor weaknesses |major weaknesses |to add support |found or irrelevant. |

|  |supportive of the |relative to analysis |relative to analysis |information, but it was | |

|  |topic/subject. |and/or support of the |and/or support of the |unrelated or confusing. | |

|  | |topic/subject. |topic/subject. | | |

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|20 pts. | | | | | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

| Focus |Maintains focus on |May exhibit minor lapses|May lose or may exhibit |May fail to establish |No analytical focus |

|  |topic/subject throughout|in focus on |major lapses in focus on|focus on topic/subject. |found. |

|  |response. |topic/subject. |topic/subject. | | |

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|20 pts. | | | | | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Writing Fluency: Clear, |Demonstrates skillful |Demonstrates reasonable |Writing fluency is |Demonstrates minimal |Writing is not fluent-- |

|Concise, Correct |writing fluency, |writing fluency, |lacking, exhibits |writing fluency, exhibits |unreadable. |

|  |exhibits few or no |exhibits few mechanical |several mechanical |numerous mechanical | |

|  |mechanical errors. |errors.   |errors.   |errors.   | |

|  | | | | | |

|15  pts. | | | | | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|APA and |Sources are cited |Sources are cited, but |Sources are cited, but |Some of the sources are |Sources are not cited at|

|Documentation |correctly in the |there are a few errors |there are several errors|not cited and/or the |all. |

|  |document and on the |in the format. |in the format. |format is not correct. | |

|  |reference page. | | | | |

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|15 pts. | | | | | |


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