Mental Health Bulletin, July 2008 - NHSGGC

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This bulletin is produced every two months and covers a wide range of supportive care issues, including cancer pain, and should be of interest to staff working in this area. The topics covered all relate to cancer and include symptom management, exercise, nutritional, psychological and fertility issues.

Many of the following articles are available online via the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network. Please use the links where provided and your ATHENS password. A complete list of available online journals and registration for ATHENS can be found at

If the article you require is not available via the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network and you would like to request a print copy, please submit your request online at

This bulletin contains a selection of material gathered from a search of the evidence base, and is not intended to be comprehensive. Professional judgment should be exercised when appraising the material. The Library takes no responsibility for the wording, content and accuracy of the information supplied, which has been extracted in good faith from reputable sources. NHSGGC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.


Communication, Decision Making and Quality of Care ……………………………….….2

Complimentary Therapies …………………………………………………………………...5

Exercise and Rehabilitation ……………………………………………………………….…6

Fatigue …………………………………………………………………………………….…...8

Nutritional Issues ………………………………………………………………………….…..8

Pain ………………………………………………………………………………………….....10

Patient Information and Education …………………………………………………….…....11

Psychological Issues ……………………………………………………………………. …..12

Quality of Life …………………………………………………………………………… ….15

Sex and Fertility Issues ……………………………………………………………….…….16

Spiritual Issues ………………………………………………………………………….…...17

Symptom management ……………………………………………………………….…….17

Compiled by:

Lorraine McLeod

Assistant Librarian

Level 0, Education Suite, Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, 1053 Great Western Road, Glasgow

0141 3017283,

Communication, Decision Making & Quality of Care

Oncology health workers’ views and experiences on caring for ethnic minority patients: A mixed method systematic review. 2016. International journal of nursing studies, 53, pp. 379-398 20p.

ABURUB, A.'., et al, 2016. Using a personalized measure (Patient Generated Index (PGI)) to identify what matters to people with cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 437-445.

PASSALACQUA, R., et al, 2016. Feasibility of a quality improvement strategy integrating psychosocial care into 28 medical cancer centers (HuCare project). Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 147-155.

WU, L.-., et al, 2016. Relationship between palliative care consultation service and end-of-life outcomes. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 53-60.

The importance of nurses in cancer care. 2015. The Lancet Oncology, 16(7), pp. 737.

A National Survey to Systematically Identify Factors Associated With Oncologists' Attitudes Toward End-of-Life Discussions: What Determines Timing of End-of-Life Discussions? 2015. Oncologist, 20(11), pp. 1304-1311 8p.

Adding Value to Palliative Care Services: The Development of an Institutional Bereavement Program. 2015. Journal of palliative medicine, 18(11), pp. 915-922 8p.

Doctor-to-doctor communication of prognosis in metastatic cancer: a review of letters from medical oncologists to referring doctors. 2015. Internal Medicine Journal, 45(9), pp. 909-915 8p.

Evaluation of a Web Course to Increase Evidence-Based Practice Knowledge Among Nurses. 2015. Clinical journal of oncology nursing, 19(5), pp. 623-627 5p.

Improving communication with palliative care cancer patients at home – A pilot study of SAGE & THYME communication skills model. 2015. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(5), pp. 465-472 8p.

Improving primary palliative care in Scotland: lessons from a mixed methods study. 2015. BMC Family Practice, 16, pp. 1-8 8p.

Lessons From Early Implementation of a Patient-Centered Care Model in Oncology. 2015. Journal of Oncology Practice, 11(6), pp. 456-461 7p.

Oncology nurses' experience of collaboration: A case study. 2015. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(5), pp. 509-515 7p.

Palliative care consultation services in hospitals in the Netherlands: the design of the COMPASS study. 2015. BMC Palliative Care, 14, pp. 1-6 6p.

Prognostic communication in cancer: A critical interpretive synthesis of the literature. 2015. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(5), pp. 554-567 14p.

Randomized Controlled Trial of Shared Care for Patients With Cancer Involving General Practitioners and Cancer Specialists. 2015. Journal of Oncology Practice, 11(5), pp. 349-355 8p.

The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of clinical nurse specialist-led hospital to home transitional care: a systematic review. 2015. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 21(5), pp. 763-781 19p.

The Developmental Transition From Living With to Dying From Cancer: Hospice Decision Making. 2015. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 33(5), pp. 576-598 23p.

The Evolving Role of the Nurse During the Cancer Treatment Decision-Making Process: A Literature Review. 2015. Clinical journal of oncology nursing, 19(5), pp. 548-556 9p.

ABRAHAMS, E., et al, 2015. Accelerating the delivery of patient-centered, high-quality cancer care. Clinical Cancer Research, 21(10), pp. 2263-2267.

BECKER-SCHIEBE, M., et al, 2015. Predictors of overall satisfaction of cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. Patient Preference and Adherence, 9, pp. 1381-1388.

BEERNAERT, K., et al, 2015. What are physicians' reasons for not referring people with life-limiting illnesses to specialist palliative care services? A nationwide survey. PLoS ONE, 10 (9)

BERNACKI, R., et al, 2015. Development of the Serious Illness Care Program: A randomised controlled trial of a palliative care communication intervention. BMJ Open, 5 (10)

BLANCH-HARTIGAN, D., et al, 2015. Cancer survivors' receipt of treatment summaries and implications for patient-centered communication and quality of care. Patient education and counseling, 98(10), pp. 1274-1279.

BOUSQUET G, et al, 2015. Breaking Bad News in Oncology: A Metasynthesis. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33(22), pp. 2437-2443.

CALLAHAN, R. and DARZI, A., 2015. Analysis & commentary: Five policy levers to meet the value challenge in cancer care. Health affairs, 34(9), pp. 1563-1568.

CASWELL, G., et al, 2015. Communication between family carers and health professionals about end-of-life care for older people in the acute hospital setting: A qualitative study. BMC Palliative Care, (14), 35

DAVIS, M.P., et al, 2015. How well is palliative care integrated into cancer care? A MASCC, ESMO, and EAPC Project. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(9), pp. 2677-2685.

DENNIS, K., et al, 2015. Rapid access palliative radiation therapy programs: An efficient model of care. Future Oncology, 11(17), pp. 2417-2426.

DODSON, C., 2015. Attitudes of oncology nurses concerning pharmacogenomics. Personalized Medicine, 12(6), pp. 559-562.

ENZINGER, A.C., et al, 2015. Outcomes of prognostic disclosure: Associations with prognostic understanding, distress, and relationship with physician among patients with advanced cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33(32), pp. 3809-3816.

GRASSI, L., 2015. Communicating anticancer treatment cessation and transition to palliative care: The need for a comprehensive and culturally relevant, person-centered approach. Cancer, 121(23), pp. 4104-4107.

GUVELI, H., et al, 2015. Oncology staff: Burnout, job satisfaction and coping with stress. Psycho-oncology, 24(8), pp. 926-931.

HAHLWEG, P., et al, 2015. In absentia: An exploratory study of how patients are considered in multidisciplinary cancer team meetings. PLoS ONE, 10 (10)

HARENWALL, S. and MCVEY, J., 2015. Increasing communication and self-care skills for front line staff in cancer care. Cancer Nursing Practice, 14(7), pp. 28-33 6p.

HUI, D., et al, 2015. Indicators of integration of oncology and palliative care programs: An international consensus. Annals of Oncology, 26(9) (pp 1953-1959)

HUI, D., et al, 2015. Attitudes and beliefs toward supportive and palliative care referral among hematologic and solid tumor oncology specialists. Oncologist, 20(11), pp. 1326-1332.

KYDD, A., 2015. Palliative care: From oncology to all nursing arenas - Good practice or scaring the patients?. Maturitas, 81(4), pp. 446-448.

LANE, B.R., et al, 2015. Development of a Center for Personalized Cancer Care at a Regional Cancer Center: Feasibility Trial of an Institutional Tumor Sequencing Advisory Board. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 17(6) (pp 695-704)

LORHAN S, et al, 2015. The role of volunteers at an outpatient cancer center: how do volunteers enhance the patient experience?. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(6), pp. 1597-1605.

LU, A., et al, 2015. The Language of End-of-Life Decision Making: A Simulation Study. Journal of palliative medicine, 18(9), pp. 740-746 7p.

MASEL EK, et al, 2015. Coming and going: predicting the discharge of cancer patients admitted to a palliative care unit: easier than thought?. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(8), pp. 2335-2339.

MAZUR, L., et al, 2015. The association between event learning and continuous quality improvement programs and culture of patient safety. Practical Radiation Oncology, 5(5) (pp 286-294).

MCCORKLE, R., et al, 2015. An advanced practice nurse coordinated multidisciplinary intervention for patients with late-stage cancer: A cluster randomized trial. Journal of palliative medicine, 18(11), pp. 962-969.

MORI, M., et al, 2015. A national survey to systematically identify factors associated with oncologists' attitudes toward end-of-life discussions: What determines timing of end-of-life discussions?. Oncologist, 20(11), pp. 1304-1311.

ODEH B, et al, 2015. Optimizing cancer care through mobile health. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 2183-2188.

PATEL, M.I., et al, 2015. Redesigning advanced cancer care delivery: Three ways to create higher value cancer care. Journal of Oncology Practice, 11(4), pp. 280-284.

PETERSEN, G.S., et al, 2015. Cancer patients' preferences of care within hospitals: A systematic literature review. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 27(5) (pp 384-395)

RAJAN, A., et al, 2015. Staff perceptions of change resulting from participation in a European cancer accreditation programme: A snapshot from eight cancer centres. ecancermedicalscience, 9, 547

SCHILDMANN, J., et al, 2015. Decisions about Limiting Treatment in Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Clinical Ethical Analysis of Reported Variables. Journal of palliative medicine, 18(10), pp. 884-892.

SCHNIPPER, L.E., et al, 2015. American Society of Clinical Oncology statement: A conceptual framework to assess the value of cancer treatment options. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33(23), pp. 2563-2577.

SILVER, J.K., et al, 2015. Cancer rehabilitation and palliative care: critical components in the delivery of high-quality oncology services. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(12), pp. 3633-3643.

STAIRMAND, J., et al, 2015. Consideration of comorbidity in treatment decision making in multidisciplinary cancer team meetings: A systematic review. Annals of Oncology, 26(7), pp. 1325-1332.

VAN RIET PAAP, J., et al, 2015. Strategies to implement evidence into practice to improve palliative care: Recommendations of a nominal group approach with expert opinion leaders Ethics, organization and policy. BMC Palliative Care, 14, 47

WARRINGTON L, et al, 2015. Integrated care pathways for cancer survivors - a role for patient-reported outcome measures and health informatics. Acta Oncologica, 54(5), pp. 600-608.

YUAN, C., 2015. Precision Nursing: New Era of Cancer Care. Cancer nursing, 38(5), pp. 333-334.

Complimentary Therapies

XIANGYONG, Y., et al, 2016. External application of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of bone cancer pain: a meta-analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 11-17.

Cancer patients taking herbal medicines: A review of clinical purposes, associated factors, and perceptions of benefit or harm. 2015. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 175, pp. 58-66 9p.

Evaluation of Group Acupuncture for Cancer-Related Symptoms: A Retrospective Analysis. 2015. Journal of palliative medicine, 18(10), pp. 878-880 3p.

Integrative Review: Effects of Music on Cancer Pain in Adults. 2015. Oncology nursing forum, 42(6), pp. E368-E375 8p.

BAR-SELA G, et al, 2015. The effect of complementary and alternative medicine on quality of life, depression, anxiety, and fatigue levels among cancer patients during active oncology treatment: phase II study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 1979-1985.

BAUML JM, et al, 2015. Do attitudes and beliefs regarding complementary and alternative medicine impact its use among patients with cancer? A cross-sectional survey. Cancer, 121(14), pp. 2431-2438.

BONACCHI, A., et al, 2015. Complementary needs behind complementary therapies in cancer patients. Psycho-oncology, 24(9), pp. 1124-1130.

BONETT, J., 2015. Ceiling art in a radiation therapy department: Its effect on patient treatment experience. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences, 62(3), pp. 192-197.

CUTSHALL, S.M., et al, 2015. Symptom burden and integrative medicine in cancer survivorship. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(10), pp. 2989-2994.

HUANG, C.-., et al, 2015. Prophylactic Treatment with Adlay Bran Extract Reduces the Risk of Severe Acute Radiation Dermatitis: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind Study. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, pp. 312072

NIGHTINGALE, G., et al, 2015. A pharmacist-led medication assessment used to determine a more precise estimation of the prevalence of complementary and alternative medication (CAM) use among ambulatory senior adults with cancer. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 6(5), pp. 411-417.

POONTHANANIWATKUL, B., et al, 2015. Cancer patients taking herbal medicines: A review of clinical purposes, associated factors, and perceptions of benefit or harm. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 175, pp. 58-66.

ROSSI E, et al, 2015. Complementary and alternative medicine for cancer patients: results of the EPAAC survey on integrative oncology centres in Europe. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(6), pp. 1795-1806.

ÜSTÜNDAĞ, S., 2015. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Cancer Patients and Determination of Affecting Factors. Holistic nursing practice, 29(6), pp. 357-369 13p.

WIELAND, L.S., et al, 2015. Summarizing the best evidence on CAM interventions for integrative medicine: A new Cochrane Summary of Findings initiative for EuJIM. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 7(5), pp. 439-441.

ZACHARIAE, R. and O'TOOLE, M.S., 2015. The effect of expressive writing intervention on psychological and physical health outcomes in cancer patients - A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psycho-oncology, 24(11), pp. 1349-1359.

Exercise & Rehabilitation

Self-reported competence in long term care provision for adult cancer survivors: A cross sectional survey of nursing and allied health care professionals. 2016. International journal of nursing studies, 53, pp. 85-94 10p.

DORLAND, H.F., et al, 2016. Factors influencing work functioning after cancer diagnosis: a focus group study with cancer survivors and occupational health professionals. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 261-266.

FELDSTAIN, A., et al, 2016. An interdisciplinary palliative rehabilitation intervention bolstering general self-efficacy to attenuate symptoms of depression in patients living with advanced cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 109-117.

TREANOR, C. and DONNELLY, M., 2016. Late effects of cancer and cancer treatment-the perspective of the patient. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 337-346.

Breast and Prostate Cancer Survivor Responses to Group Exercise and Supportive Group Psychotherapy. 2015. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 33(6), pp. 620-634 15p.

Cancer survivors' concealment or disclosure of diagnosis: Implications for return to work. 2015. Work, 52(3), pp. 643-655 13p.

Changes in and Associations Among Functional Status and Perceived Quality of Life of Patients With Metastatic/Locally Advanced Cancer Receiving Rehabilitation for General Disability. 2015. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 32(7), pp. 695-702 8p.

High-intensity functional training improves functional movement and body composition among cancer survivors: a pilot study. 2015. European Journal of Cancer Care, 24(6), pp. 812-817 6p.

Physical Activity and Self-Rated Health Status Among Older Adult Cancer Survivors: Does Intensity of Activity Play a Role? 2015. Oncology nursing forum, 42(6), pp. 614-624 11p.

Symptom burden and functional gains in a cancer rehabilitation unit. 2015. International Journal of Therapy & Rehabilitation, 22(11), pp. 517-523 7p.

Understanding male cancer patients' barriers to participating in cancer rehabilitation. 2015. European Journal of Cancer Care, 24(6), pp. 801-811 11p.

Work or welfare after cancer? Explorations of identity and stigma. 2015. Sociology of health & illness, 37(8), pp. 1191-1205 15p.

Working Toward Normalcy Post-Treatment: A Qualitative Study of Older Adult Breast and Prostate Cancer Survivors. 2015. Oncology nursing forum, , pp. E358-E367 10p.

ATKINSON, T.M., et al, 2015. The level of association between functional performance status measures and patient-reported outcomes in cancer patients: a systematic review. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(12), pp. 3645-3652.

BUCHAN J, et al, 2015. Exercise barriers self-efficacy: development and validation of a subcale for individuals with cancer-related lymphedema. Health & Quality of Life Outcomes, 13, pp. 37.

CLARKE, T.C., et al, 2015. Working with cancer: Health and employment among cancer survivors. Annals of Epidemiology, 25(11), pp. 832-838.

CREVENNA, R., 2015. Cancer rehabilitation and palliative care-two important parts of comprehensive cancer care. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(12), pp. 3407-3408.

HINZ A, et al, 2015. Fear of progression in patients 6 months after cancer rehabilitation-a- validation study of the fear of progression questionnaire FoP-Q-12. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(6), pp. 1579-1587.

HUSSON O, et al, 2015. High levels of physical activity are associated with lower levels of fatigue among lymphoma patients: Results from the longitudinal PROFILES registry. Acta Oncologica, 54(5), pp. 678-684.

JABSON, J.M., 2015. Follow-up care instructions, treatment summaries, and cancer survivors' receipt of follow-up health care and late/long term effects. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 1851-1856.

JANSEN F, et al, 2015. Cancer survivors' perceived need for supportive care and their attitude towards self-management and eHealth. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(6), pp. 1679-1688.

KARVINEN, K. and VALLANCE, J., 2015. Breast and Colon Cancer Survivors' Expectations About Physical Activity for Improving Survival. Oncology nursing forum, 42(5), pp. 527-533

KIRKHAM, A.A., et al, 2015. Health-related physical fitness assessment in a community-based cancer rehabilitation setting. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(9), pp. 2525-2533.

LEE, S.Y., et al, 2015. The impact of job status on quality of life: General population versus long-term cancer survivors. Psycho-oncology, 24(11), pp. 1552-1559.

MARTIN, E., et al, 2015. Breast and Prostate Cancer Survivor Responses to Group Exercise and Supportive Group Psychotherapy. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 33(6), pp. 620-634.

MINTON O, et al, 2015. The role of behavioural modification and exercise in the management of cancer-related fatigue to reduce its impact during and after cancer treatment. Acta Oncologica, 54(5), pp. 581-586.

MOLASSIOTIS A, et al, 2015. The effect of resistance inspiratory muscle training in the management of breathlessness in patients with thoracic malignancies: a feasibility randomised trial. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(6), pp. 1637-1645.

MORRISON, T.L. and THOMAS, R.L., 2015. Comparing men's and women's experiences of work after cancer: a photovoice study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(10), pp. 3015-3023.

PARK JH, et al, 2015. The effect of oncologists' exercise recommendations on the level of exercise and quality of life in survivors of breast and colorectal cancer: A randomized controlled trial. Cancer, 121(16), pp. 2740-2748.

PINTO, B., et al, 2015. Peer mentorship to promote physical activity among cancer survivors: Effects on quality of life. Psycho-oncology, 24(10), pp. 1295-1302.

SAOTOME, T., et al, 2015. Cancer rehabilitation: a barometer for survival?. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(10), pp. 3033-3041.

SHNEERSON, C., et al, 2015. A survey investigating the associations between self-management practices and quality of life in cancer survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(9), pp. 2655-2662.

SHNEERSON, C., et al, 2015. Patterns of self-management practices undertaken by cancer survivors: variations in demographic factors. European Journal of Cancer Care, 24(5), pp. 683-694 12p.

VAN WAART, H., et al, 2015. Effect of low-intensity physical activity and moderate- to high-intensity physical exercise during adjuvant chemotherapy on physical fitness, fatigue, and chemotherapy completion rates: Results of the PACES randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33(17), pp. 1918-1927.


FILLER, K. and SALIGAN, L.N., 2016. Defining cancer-related fatigue for biomarker discovery. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 5-7.

BERGER, A.M., et al, 2015. Cancer-related fatigue, version 2.2015. JNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 13(8), pp. 1012-1039.

CHEON PM, et al, 2015. Fatigue scores in patients receiving palliative radiotherapy for painful bone metastases. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 2097-2103.

DU, S., et al, 2015. Patient education programs for cancer-related fatigue: A systematic review. Patient education and counseling, 98(11), pp. 1308-1319.

FOSTER, C., et al, 2015. Managing fatigue after cancer treatment: Development of RESTORE, a web-based resource to support self-management. Psycho-oncology, 24(8), pp. 940-949.

HUSSON O, et al, 2015. Variation in fatigue among 6011 (long-term) cancer survivors and a normative population: a study from the population-based PROFILES registry. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 2165-2174.

JAMES S, et al, 2015. Cancer-related fatigue: results from patient experience surveys undertaken in a UK regional cancer centre. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 2089-2095.

JOHNS, S.A., et al, 2015. Randomized controlled pilot study of mindfulness-based stress reduction for persistently fatigued cancer survivors. Psycho-oncology, 24(8), pp. 885-893.

LUND RASMUSSEN, C., et al, 2015. Effects of melatonin on physical fatigue and other symptoms in patients with advanced cancer receiving palliative care: A double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial. Cancer, 121(20), pp. 3727-3736.

MITCHELL, G.K., et al, 2015. The effect of methylphenidate on fatigue in advanced cancer: An aggregated N-of-1 trial. Journal of pain and symptom management, 50(3), pp. 289-296.

PAGE, B.R., et al, 2015. Phase II double-blind placebo-controlled randomized study of armodafinil for brain radiation-induced fatigue. Neuro-oncology, 17(10), pp. 1393-1401.

PLATT, A., et al, 2015. Force Perception, Effort, Strength, and Dynamic Muscle Function in Cancer-Related Fatigue. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 32(6), pp. 577-580

WRIGHT, F., et al, 2015. Trajectories of evening fatigue in oncology outpatients receiving chemotherapy. Journal of pain and symptom management, 50(2), pp. 163-175.

WRIGHT, F., et al, 2015. Predictors and trajectories of morning fatigue are distinct from evening fatigue. Journal of pain and symptom management, 50(2), pp. 176-189.

Nutritional Issues

Vitamin D deficiency and its association with fatigue and quality of life in advanced cancer patients under palliative care: A cross-sectional study. 2016. Palliative medicine, 30(1), pp. 89-96 8p.

LEE, J.L.C., et al, 2016. Nutrition intervention approaches to reduce malnutrition in oncology patients: a systematic review. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 469-480.

PLANAS, M., et al, 2016. Prevalence of hospital malnutrition in cancer patients: a sub-analysis of the PREDyCES study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 429-435.

An Epidemiological Survey of Cachexia in Advanced Cancer Patients and Analysis on Its Diagnostic and Treatment Status. 2015. Nutrition & Cancer, 67(7), pp. 1056-1062 7p.

Antioxidant and Anticoagulant Status Were Improved by Personalized Dietary Intervention Based on Biochemical and Clinical Parameters in Cancer Patients. 2015. Nutrition & Cancer, 67(7), pp. 1083-1092 10p.

Health-Related Quality of Life of Food-Insecure Ethnic Minority Patients With Cancer. 2015. Journal of Oncology Practice, 11(5), pp. 396-402 8p.

Palliative enteral feeding for patients with malignant esophageal obstruction: a retrospective study. 2015. BMC Palliative Care, 14, pp. 1-8 8p.

The Effect of a Neutropenic Diet on Infection and Mortality Rates in Cancer Patients: A Meta-Analysis. 2015. Nutrition & Cancer, 67(8), pp. 1230-1238 9p.

Use of Hospital-Based Food Pantries Among Low-Income Urban Cancer Patients. 2015. Journal of community health, 40(6), pp. 1193-1200 8p.

ANKER, S.D. and MORLEY, J.E., 2015. Cachexia: A nutritional syndrome?. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 6(4), pp. 269-271.

ARSHAD, A., et al, 2015. Could omega-3 fatty acids improve quality of life in cancer patients?. Future Oncology, 11(24), pp. 3225-3228.

BARBARO, A.D.L., 2015. The complex liaison between cachexia and tumor burden (Review). Oncology reports, 34(4), pp. 1635-1649.

BOZZETTI, F., et al, 2015. Development and validation of a nomogram to predict survival in incurable cachectic cancer patients on home parenteral nutrition. Annals of Oncology, 26(11) (pp 2335-2340).

BRITTON, B., et al, 2015. Eating As Treatment (EAT) study protocol: A stepped-wedge, randomised controlled trial of a health behaviour change intervention provided by dietitians to improve nutrition in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing radiotherapy. BMJ Open, 5 (7)

DE LUIS DA, et al, 2015. Effect of three different doses of arginine enhanced enteral nutrition on nutritional status and outcomes in well nourished postsurgical cancer patients: a randomized single blinded prospective trial. European Review for Medical & Pharmacological Sciences, 19(6), pp. 950-955.

DE WAELE, E., et al, 2015. Nutrition therapy in cachectic cancer patients. The Tight Caloric Control (TiCaCo) pilot trial. Appetite, 91, pp. 298-301.

ESPOSITO, A., et al, 2015. Mechanisms of anorexia-cachexia syndrome and rational for treatment with selective ghrelin receptor agonist. Cancer treatment reviews, 41(9) (pp 793-797).

EZEOKE, C.C. and MORLEY, J.E., 2015. Pathophysiology of anorexia in the cancer cachexia syndrome. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 6(4), pp. 287-302.

FEARON, K.C.H., et al, 2015. Request for regulatory guidance for cancer cachexia intervention trials. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 6(4), pp. 272-274.

FOCAN, C., et al, 2015. Dietetic and psychological mindfulness workshops for the management of cachectic cancer patients. A randomized study. Anticancer Research, 35(11), pp. 6311-6315.

GRUNDMANN, O., et al, 2015. The value of bioelectrical impedance analysis and phase angle in the evaluation of malnutrition and quality of life in cancer patients - A comprehensive review. European journal of clinical nutrition, 69(12), pp. 1290-1297.

GUNES-BAYIR, A. and KIZILTAN, H.S., 2015. Palliative Vitamin C Application in Patients with Radiotherapy-Resistant Bone Metastases: A Retrospective Study. Nutrition and cancer, 67(6), pp. 921-925.

GUTTRIDGE, D.C., 2015. A TGF-beta pathway associated with cancer cachexia. Nature medicine, 21(11), pp. 1248-1249.

MADEDDU, C., et al, 2015. Advances in pharmacologic strategies for cancer cachexia. Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy, 16(14), pp. 2163-2177.

MERCADANTE, S., et al, 2015. Frequency and Indications of Parenteral Nutrition in an Acute Palliative Care Unit. Nutrition and cancer, 67(6), pp. 1010-1013.

NAGHIBI, M., et al, 2015. A systematic review with meta-analysis of survival, quality of life and cost-effectiveness of home parenteral nutrition in patients with inoperable malignant bowel obstruction. Clinical Nutrition, 34(5), pp. 825-837.

SUN, L., et al, 2015. An Epidemiological Survey of Cachexia in Advanced Cancer Patients and Analysis on Its Diagnostic and Treatment Status. Nutrition and cancer, 67(7), pp. 1056-1062.

THAMSBORG LH, et al, 2015. Development of a lack of appetite item bank for computer-adaptive testing (CAT). Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(6), pp. 1541-1548.

WEN-CHING LOU, 2015. Factors Influencing Intensive Care Unit Nurses' Behavioral Intentions Regarding Providing Artificial Nutrition and Hydration. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 17(5), pp. 397-403 7p.


Have We Improved Pain Control in Cancer Patients? A Multicenter Study of Ambulatory and Hospitalized Cancer Patients. 2015. Journal of palliative medicine, 18(11), pp. 923-932 10p.

Interventions for Nurse-Related Barriers in Cancer Pain Management. 2015. Oncology nursing forum, 42(6), pp. 634-641 8p.

Perospirone Exhibits Antiemetic Efficacy against Opioid-Induced Nausea in Patients with Advanced Cancer. 2015. Journal of palliative medicine, 18(10), pp. 823-824 2p.

Pharmaceutical Opioid Use and Dependence among People Living with Chronic Pain: Associations Observed within the Pain and Opioids in Treatment (POINT) Cohort. 2015. Pain Medicine, 16(9), pp. 1745-1758 14p.

Screening for Pain in the Ambulatory Cancer Setting: Is 0-10 Enough? 2015. Journal of Oncology Practice, 11(6), pp. 435-441 9p.

The Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses on the Effectiveness of Non-pharmacological Cancer Pain Management. 2015. Pain Management Nursing, 16(5), pp. 781-791 11p.

CORLI O, et al, 2015. Assessing the response to opioids in cancer patients: a methodological proposal and the results. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 1867-1873.

DAVIES A, et al, 2015. Improved patient functioning after treatment of breakthrough cancer pain: an open-label study of fentanyl buccal tablet in patients with cancer pain. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 2135-2143.

FENG S, et al, 2015. 125I Seed Implant Brachytherapy for Painful Bone Metastases After Failure of External Beam Radiation Therapy. Medicine, 94(31), pp. e1253.

GUITART, J., et al, 2015. Sublingual Fentanyl Tablets for Relief of Breakthrough Pain in Cancer Patients and Association with Quality-of-Life Outcomes. Clinical Drug Investigation, 35(12), pp. 815-822.

HAYWOOD A, et al, 2015. Corticosteroids for the management of cancer-related pain in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 4, pp. 010756.

KHAN, L., et al, 2015. Prophylactic dexamethasone effectively reduces the incidence of pain flare following spine stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT): a prospective observational study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(10), pp. 2937-2943.

KNAUL FM, et al, 2015. Closing the divide: the Harvard Global Equity Initiative-Lancet Commission on global access to pain control and palliative care. Lancet, 386(9995), pp. 722-724.

KURITA GP and SJOGREN P, 2015. Pain management in cancer survivorship. Acta Oncologica, 54(5), pp. 629-634.

LYNCH, L. and SIMPSON, K.H., 2015. Interventional techniques for pain management in palliative care. Medicine (United Kingdom), 43(12), pp. 705-708.

MEGHANI, S.H., et al, 2015. Adherence to Analgesics for Cancer Pain: A Comparative Study of African Americans and Whites Using an Electronic Monitoring Device. Journal of Pain, 16(9) (pp 825-835)

OVAYOLU O, et al, 2015. Pain in cancer patients: pain assessment by patients and family caregivers and problems experienced by caregivers. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 1857-1864.

SCHMIDT-HANSEN M, et al, 2015. Buprenorphine for treating cancer pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3, pp. 009596.

STASO, M.D., et al, 2015. Treatment of solitary painful osseous metastases with radiotherapy, cryoablation or combined therapy: Propensity matching analysis in 175 patients. PLoS ONE, 10 (6) , 2015

TWOMEY F, et al, 2015. An Observational Research Study to Evaluate the Impact of Breakthrough Cancer Pain on the Daily Lives and Functional Status of Patients. Irish medical journal, 108(6), pp. 174-176.

Patient Information & Education

AKIYAMA, M., et al, 2016. The effects of community-wide dissemination of information on perceptions of palliative care, knowledge about opioids, and sense of security among cancer patients, their families, and the general public. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 347-356.

BAR-SELA, G., et al, 2016. The association between the strength of the working alliance and sharing concerns by advanced cancer patients: a pilot study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 319-325.

GARVEY, G., et al, 2016. Indigenous cancer patient and staff attitudes towards unmet needs screening using the SCNAT-IP. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 215-223.

O'CALLAGHAN, C., et al, 2016. "I might not have cancer if you didn't mention it": a qualitative study on information needed by culturally diverse cancer survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 409-418.

A randomized controlled trial of the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a texting intervention on medication adherence in adults prescribed oral anti-cancer agents: study protocol. 2015. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(12), pp. 2965-2976 12p.

Are Patients With Cancer Less Willing to Share Their Health Information? Privacy, Sensitivity, and Social Purpose. 2015. Journal of Oncology Practice, 11(5), pp. 378-383 8p.

Feasibility of a Text Messaging Intervention to Promote Self-Management for Patients Prescribed Oral Anticancer Agents. 2015. Oncology nursing forum, 42(6), pp. 647-657 11p.

Patient Education Process in Oncoiogic Context: What, Why, and by Whom? 2015. Nursing research, 64(5), pp. 381-390 10p.

The Preference to Discuss Expected Survival Is Associated with Loss of Meaning and Purpose in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients. 2015. Journal of palliative medicine, 18(11), pp. 970-976 7p.

BAUDENDISTEL, I., et al, 2015. The patients' active role in managing a personal electronic health record: a qualitative analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(9), pp. 2613-2621.

BOULTON, M., et al, 2015. A qualitative study of cancer survivors' responses to information on the long-term and late effects of pelvic radiotherapy 1-11 years post treatment. European Journal of Cancer Care, 24(5), pp. 734-747 14p.

CLARKE, R.T., et al, 2015. The signs, symptoms and help-seeking experiences of neutropenic sepsis patients before they reach hospital: a qualitative study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(9), pp. 2687-2694.

COHEN, E. and BOTTI, M., 2015. Cancer patients' perceptions of the barriers and facilitators to patient participation in symptom management during an episode of admission. Cancer nursing, 38(6), pp. 458-465.

KUIJPERS, W., et al, 2015. An interactive portal to empower cancer survivors: a qualitative study on user expectations. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(9), pp. 2535-2542.

LEONARD, K.E. and KALMAN, M.A., 2015. The Meaning of Touch to Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy. Oncology nursing forum, 42(5), pp. 517-526 10p.

PASCHALI, A.A., et al, 2015. Patient and physician reports of the information provided about illness and treatment: What matters for patients' adaptation to cancer during treatment?. Psycho-oncology, 24(8), pp. 901-909.

SHARMA, R.K., et al, 2015. Racial/ethnic differences in inpatient palliative care consultation for patients with advanced cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33(32), pp. 3802-3808.

SIM, J.A., et al, 2015. Association between information provision and decisional conflict in cancer patients. Annals of Oncology, 26(9) (pp 1974-1980)

STICKEL, A., et al, 2015. Patients' knowledge and attitudes towards cancer peer support programs. Oncology (Switzerland), 89, pp. 242-244.

TRIEBEL, K.L., et al, 2015. Capacity of patients with brain metastases to make treatment decisions. Psycho-oncology, 24(11), pp. 1448-1455.

VEHLING, S., et al, 2015. The preference to discuss expected survival is associated with loss of meaning and purpose in terminally ill cancer patients. Journal of palliative medicine, 18(11), pp. 970-976.

WOODS, C.J., et al, 2015. Closing calls to a cancer helpline: Expressions of caller satisfaction. Patient education and counseling, 98(8), pp. 943-953.

Psychological Issues

COSTA, D.S.J., et al, 2016. The sum of all fears: conceptual challenges with measuring fear of cancer recurrence. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 1-3.

SHAW, J.M., et al, 2016. Developing a clinical pathway for the identification and management of anxiety and depression in adult cancer patients: an online Delphi consensus process. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 33-41.

TANG, S.T., et al, 2016. Prevalence of severe depressive symptoms increases as death approaches and is associated with disease burden, tangible social support, and high self-perceived burden to others. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 83-91.

Profiling the Psychological Training and Support Needs of Oncology Staff, and Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Level 2 Psychological Support Training Program Workshop. 2015. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 33(6), pp. 686-702 17p.

Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Are Associated With Satisfaction With Information Provision and Internet Use Among 3080 Cancer Survivors. 2015. Cancer nursing, 38(5), pp. 335-342 8p.

The effects of a palliative care program on antidepressant use and continuing maintenance medications in near end-of-life oncology patients (the HEALED study). 2015. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 21(5), pp. 331-338 8p.

The Psychological Effects of Malignant Fungating Wounds. 2015. EWMA Journal, 15(2), pp. 29-32 4p.

AARTS, J.W.F., et al, 2015. The relation between depression, coping and health locus of control: Differences between older and younger patients, with and without cancer. Psycho-oncology, 24(8), pp. 950-957.

AKTAS A, et al, 2015. The psychometric properties of cancer multisymptom assessment instruments: a clinical review. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 2189-2202.

BEEKERS, N., et al, 2015. Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Are Associated with Satisfaction with Information Provision and Internet Use among 3080 Cancer Survivors: Results of the PROFILES Registry. Cancer nursing, 38(5), pp. 335-342.

BENOOT, C., et al, 2015. Informal support needs of cancer patients who are living alone: A qualitative insight. Psycho-oncology, 24(9), pp. 1066-1072.

BEST, M., et al, 2015. Treatment of holistic suffering in cancer: A systematic literature review. Palliative medicine, 29(10), pp. 885-898.

BEST, M., et al, 2015. Conceptual analysis of suffering in cancer: A systematic review. Psycho-oncology, 24(9), pp. 977-986.

BLANK, M., et al, 2015. Peculiarities of anxiety score distribution in adult cancer patients. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 33(5), pp. 551-560.

BLOOM, E.L., et al, 2015. Post-operative smoking status in lung and head and neck cancer patients: Association with depressive symptomatology, pain, and fatigue. Psycho-oncology, 24(9), pp. 1012-1019.

BLUETHMANN, S.M., et al, 2015. Grasping the 'teachable moment': Time since diagnosis, symptom burden and health behaviors in breast, colorectal and prostate cancer survivors. Psycho-oncology, 24(10), pp. 1250-1257.

BUTOW, P., et al, 2015. Clinical pathway for the screening, assessment and management of anxiety and depression in adult cancer patients: Australian guidelines. Psycho-oncology, 24(9), pp. 987-1001.

CLOVER, K.A., et al, 2015. Why do oncology outpatients who report emotional distress decline help?. Psycho-oncology, 24(7), pp. 812-818.

COSTANTINI, A., et al, 2015. Awareness of cancer, satisfaction with care, emotional distress, and adjustment to illness: An Italian multicenter study. Psycho-oncology, 24(9), pp. 1088-1096.

DECKX, L., et al, 2015. Loneliness in patients with cancer: The first year after cancer diagnosis. Psycho-oncology, 24(11), pp. 1521-1528.

DELGADO-GUAY, M., et al, 2015. Financial distress and its associations with physical and emotional symptoms and quality of life among advanced cancer patients. Oncologist, 20(9), pp. 1092-1098.

DUNN, J., et al, 2015. Reinforcing the role of psycho-social oncology in global cancer prevention: Applying psycho-oncology research in programmes and practice. Psycho-oncology, 24(10), pp. 1217-1221.

FALLER, H., et al, 2015. Performance status and depressive symptoms as predictors of quality of life in cancer patients. A structural equation modeling analysis. Psycho-oncology, 24(11), pp. 1456-1462.

GRASSI, L., et al, 2015. Role of Psychosocial Variables on Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting and Health-Related Quality of Life among Cancer Patients: A European Study. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 84(6), pp. 339-347.

JANSE M, et al, 2015. Changes in cancer patients' personal goals in the first 6 months after diagnosis: the role of illness variables. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 1893-1900.

JONES, S.M.W., et al, 2015. Medical comorbidity and psychotropic medication fills in older adults with breast or prostate cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(10), pp. 3005-3009.

KAMEN, C., et al, 2015. Disparities in psychological distress impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender cancer survivors. Psycho-oncology, 24(11), pp. 1384-1391.

LAMBERT, S.D., et al, 2015. Making sense of variations in prevalence estimates of depression in cancer: A co-calibration of commonly used depression scales using rasch analysis. JNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 13(10), pp. 1203-1211.

LEE, J.E., et al, 2015. Caregiver burden, patients' self-perceived burden, and preference for palliative care among cancer patients and caregivers. Psycho-oncology, 24(11), pp. 1545-1551.

MACKENZIE, L.J., et al, 2015. A cross-sectional study of radiation oncology outpatients' concern about, preferences for, and perceived barriers to discussing anxiety and depression. Psycho-oncology, 24(11), pp. 1392-1397.

MEYER, F., et al, 2015. Advanced cancer as a risk for major depressive episodes. Psycho-oncology, 24(9), pp. 1080-1087.

MILLEGAN, J., et al, 2015. Leveraging iPads to introduce meditation and reduce distress among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: a promising approach. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(12), pp. 3393-3394.

OKUYAMA, S., et al, 2015. Psychosocial telephone interventions for patients with cancer and survivors: A systematic review. Psycho-oncology, 24(8), pp. 587-870.

OSTUZZI G, et al, 2015. Efficacy and acceptability of antidepressants on the continuum of depressive experiences in patients with cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer treatment reviews, 41(8), pp. 714-724.

REGAN, T., et al, 2015. A qualitative investigation of health care professionals', patients' and partners' views on psychosocial issues and related interventions for couples coping with cancer. PLoS ONE, 10 (7)

ROSBERGER, Z., et al, 2015. The missing piece: Cancer prevention within psycho-oncology - A commentary. Psycho-oncology, 24(10), pp. 1330-1337.

ROULEAU, C.R., et al, 2015. The impact of mindfulness-based interventions on symptom burden, positive psychological outcomes, and biomarkers in cancer patients. Cancer Management and Research, 7, pp. 121-131.

SCHOFIELD P and CHAMBERS S, 2015. Effective, clinically feasible and sustainable: Key design features of psycho-educational and supportive care interventions to promote individualised self-management in cancer care. Acta Oncologica, 54(5), pp. 805-812.

SHELDON, L.K., et al, 2015. Patient cues and symptoms of psychosocial distress: What predicts assessment and treatment of distress by oncology clinicians?. Psycho-oncology, 24(9), pp. 1020-1027.

SMITH, S.K., et al, 2015. Evaluation of Pillars4life: A virtual coping skills program for cancer survivors. Psycho-oncology, 24(11), pp. 1407-1415.

STAFFORD L, et al, 2015. Anxiety and depression symptoms in the 2 years following diagnosis of breast or gynaecologic cancer: prevalence, course and determinants of outcome. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(8), pp. 2215-2224.

STAPLETON, S. and PATTISON, N., 2015. The lived experience of men with advanced cancer in relation to their perceptions of masculinity: a qualitative phenomenological study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(7-8), pp. 1069-1078.

THOMAS, H., et al, 2015. The effects of a palliative care program on antidepressant use and continuing maintenance medications in near end-of-life oncology patients (the HEALED study). Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 21(5), pp. 331-338.

WADA, S., et al, 2015. The Association between Depressive Symptoms and Age in Cancer Patients: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of pain and symptom management, 50(6), pp. 768-777.

WAKEFIELD, C.E., et al, 2015. Patient-reported depression measures in cancer: A meta-review. The Lancet Psychiatry, 2(7), pp. 635-647.

WANAT, M., et al, 2015. Selecting, training and supervising nurses to treat depression in the medically ill: Experience and recommendations from the SMaRT oncology collaborative care trials. General hospital psychiatry, 37(6), pp. 518-521.

Quality of Life

ASHLEY, L., et al, 2015. Illness perceptions within 6 months of cancer diagnosis are an independent prospective predictor of health-related quality of life 15 months post-diagnosis. Psycho-oncology, 24(11), pp. 1463-1470.

AL-BATRAN, S.-., et al, 2015. The impact of docetaxel-related toxicities on health-related quality of life in patients with metastatic cancer (QoliTax). Annals of Oncology, 26(6), pp. 1244-1248.

ANNUNZIATA, M.A., et al, 2015. Is long-term cancer survivors' quality of life comparable to that of the general population? An italian study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(9), pp. 2663-2668.

CALLAHAN C and BRINTZENHOFESZOC K, 2015. Financial Quality of Life for Patients With Cancer: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 33(4), pp. 377-394.

FITENI, F., et al, 2015. Health-related quality-of-life as co-primary endpoint in randomized clinical trials in oncology. Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy, 15(8), pp. 885-891.

GOTZE, H., et al, 2015. Predictors of quality of life of cancer patients, their children, and partners. Psycho-oncology, 24(7), pp. 787-795.

HUSSON O, et al, 2015. The role of personality in the course of health-related quality of life and disease-specific health status among colorectal cancer survivors: A prospective population-based study from the PROFILES registry. Acta Oncologica, 54(5), pp. 669-677.

KAUFMANN A, et al, 2015. Quality of life in very elderly radiotherapy patients: a prospective pilot study using the EORTC QLQ-ELD14 module. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 1883-1892.

KENZIK KM, et al, 2015. How much do cancer-related symptoms contribute to health-related quality of life in lung and colorectal cancer patients? A report from the Cancer Care Outcomes Research and Surveillance (CanCORS) Consortium. Cancer, 121(16), pp. 2831-2839.

LOCKER, L.S. and LUBBE, A.S., 2015. Quality of life in palliative care: An analysis of quality-of-life assessment. Progress in Palliative Care, 23(4), pp. 208-219.

LOU, Y., et al, 2015. Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of FACIT-AI, a New Tool for Assessing Quality of Life in Patients with Malignant Ascites. Journal of palliative medicine, 18(10), pp. 829-833.

SCHANDELMAIER, S., et al, 2015. Planning and reporting of quality-of-life outcomes in cancer trials. Annals of Oncology, 26(9) (pp 1966-1973)

WEST, C., et al, 2015. Gender Differences in Predictors of Quality of Life at the Initiation of Radiation Therapy. Oncology nursing forum, 42(5), pp. 507-516 10p.

Sex & Fertility Issues

BANERJEE, R. and TSIAPALI, E., 2016. Occurrence and recall rates of fertility discussions with young breast cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 163-171.

Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonist Cotreatment During Chemotherapy May Increase Pregnancy Rate in Survivors. 2015. Oncologist, 20(11), pp. 1283-1289 7p.

Predictors of Sexual Adjustment in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy. 2015. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 33(5), pp. 488-503 16p.

Women's experiences with information provision and deciding about fertility preservation in the Netherlands: 'satisfaction in general, but unmet needs'. 2015. Health Expectations, 18(5), pp. 956-968 13p.

DESHPANDE, N.A., et al, 2015. Impact of fertility preservation counseling and treatment on psychological outcomes among women with cancer: A systematic review. Cancer, 121(22), pp. 3938-3947.

JEFFERY DD, et al, 2015. Self-Reported Sexual Function Measures Administered to Female Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review, 2008-2014. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 33(4), pp. 433-466.

KIM J and MERSEREAU JE, 2015. Early referral makes the decision-making about fertility preservation easier: a pilot survey study of young female cancer survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(6), pp. 1663-1667.

KIM, J.-., et al, 2015. The Effectiveness of Psychoeducational Interventions Focused on Sexuality in Cancer. Cancer nursing, 38(5), pp. E32-E42.

KROUWEL EM, et al, 2015. Management of sexual side effects in the surgical oncology practice: A nationwide survey of Dutch surgical oncologists. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 41(9), pp. 1179-1187.

KROUWEL, E.M., et al, 2015. Sexual Concerns after (Pelvic) Radiotherapy: Is There Any Role for the Radiation Oncologist?. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12(9), pp. 1927-1939.

PARK, E.-. and KIM, J.-., 2015. Predictors of sexual adjustment in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 33(5), pp. 488-503.

PERZ, J. and USSHER, J.M., 2015. A randomized trial of a minimal intervention for sexual concerns after cancer: A comparison of self-help and professionally delivered modalities.

BMC cancer (15), 629

ROBBINS, H.L., et al, 2015. Fertility preservation in young cancer patients-too little, too late?. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(12), pp. 3395-3397.

SPORN, N.J., et al, 2015. Sexual health communication between cancer survivors and providers: How frequently does it occur and which providers are preferred?. Psycho-oncology, 24(9), pp. 1167-1173.

VON WOLFF, M., et al, 2015. Fertility-preservation counselling and treatment for medical reasons: Data from a multinational network of over 5000 women. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 31(5), pp. 605-612.

Spiritual Issues

Development and Initial Validation of a Spiritual Support Subscale for the MOS Social Support Survey. 2015. Journal of Religion & Health, 54(6), pp. 2355-2366 12p.

Examining Forms of Spiritual Care Provided in the Advanced Cancer Setting. 2015. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 32(7), pp. 750-757 8p.

Spiritual Well-Being for Increasing Life Expectancy in Palliative Radiotherapy Patients: A Questionnaire-Based Study. 2015. Journal of Religion & Health, 54(5), pp. 1563-1572 10p.

BROWN AJ, et al, 2015. Targeting those with decreased meaning and peace: a supportive care opportunity. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 2025-2032.

BYRNE, J. and BYRNE, M., 2015. Hope is palliative. Oncologist, 20(11), pp. 1342-1343.

ETTEMA, E., et al, 2015. Embedding of the spiritual dimension in palliative consultation services in the Netherlands: Inventory, evaluation, and recommendations. Progress in Palliative Care, 23(5), pp. 259-266.

JIM, H.S.L., et al, 2015. Religion, spirituality, and physical health in cancer patients: A meta-analysis. Cancer, 121(21), pp. 3760-3768.

KEALL RM, et al, 2015. Therapeutic life review in palliative care: a systematic review of quantitative evaluations. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management, 49(4), pp. 747-761.

PROSERPIO T, et al, 2015. Hope in cancer patients: the relational domain as a crucial factor. Tumori, 101(4), pp. 447-454.

RODIN, D., et al, 2015. Whose role? Oncology practitioners' perceptions of their role in providing spiritual care to advanced cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(9), pp. 2543-2550.

SALSMAN, J.M., et al, 2015. Religion, spirituality, and health outcomes in cancer: A case for a meta-analytic investigation. Cancer, 121(21), pp. 3754-3759.

SALSMAN, J.M., et al, 2015. A meta-analytic approach to examining the correlation between religion/spirituality and mental health in cancer. Cancer, 121(21), pp. 3769-3778.

SHERMAN, A.C., et al, 2015. A meta-analytic review of religious or spiritual involvement and social health among cancer patients. Cancer, 121(21), pp. 3779-3788.

TAN, J.Y.S., et al, 2015. Caring for the caregiver while caring for the patient: exploring the dyadic relationship between patient spirituality and caregiver quality of life. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(12), pp. 3403-3406.

Symptom Management

Palliative and Supportive Care Cochrane Systematic Reviews

BATEMAN, E., et al, 2016. Serum-derived bovine immunoglobulin/protein isolate in the alleviation of chemotherapy-induced mucositis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 377-385.

DE LAS PENAS, R., et al, 2016. SIADH-related hyponatremia in hospital day care units: clinical experience and management with tolvaptan. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 499-507.

GIBSON, S. and MCCONIGLEY, R., 2016. Unplanned oncology admissions within 14 days of non-surgical discharge: a retrospective study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 311-317.

HWANG, I.G., et al, 2016. Phase II trial of epidermal growth factor ointment for patients with Erlotinib-related skin effects. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 301-309.

LINK, H., et al, 2016. Adherence to granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) guidelines to reduce the incidence of febrile neutropenia after chemotherapy-a representative sample survey in Germany. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 367-376.

MATSUO, K., et al, 2016. Associations between oral complications and days to death in palliative care patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 157-161.

STIEL, S., et al, 2016. In-service documentation tools and statements on palliative sedation in Germany-do they meet the EAPC framework recommendations? A qualitative document analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 459-467.

STOPECK, A.T., et al, 2016. Safety of long-term denosumab therapy: results from the open label extension phase of two phase 3 studies in patients with metastatic breast and prostate cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 447-455. Erratum 457-458

SUMPIO, C., et al, 2016. Treatment complexity: a description of chemotherapy and supportive care treatment visits in patients with advanced-stage cancer diagnoses. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), pp. 285-293.

A Store-and-Forward Tele-Audiology Solution to Promote Efficient Screenings for Ototoxicity during Cisplatin Cancer Treatment. 2015. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 26(9), pp. 750-760 11p.

Delirium in Patients With Cancer: What Nurses Need to Know to Improve Care. 2015. Clinical journal of oncology nursing, 19(5), pp. 585-590 6p.

Delirium Screening: A Systematic Review of Delirium Screening Tools in Hospitalized Patients. 2015. Gerontologist, 55(6), pp. 1079-1099 21p.

Falls in Older Adults With Cancer: Evaluation by Oncology Providers. 2015. Journal of Oncology Practice, 11(6), pp. 470-474 6p.

Feasibility of using the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer Antiemesis Tool for assessment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre. 2015. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 21(5), pp. 348-357 10p.

Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c and Lack of Association With Symptom Severity in Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy for Solid Tumors. 2015. Oncology nursing forum, 42(6), pp. 581-590 10p.

Improvements in the management of neutropenic sepsis: lessons learned from a district general hospital. 2015. Clinical Medicine, 15(6), pp. 526-530 5p.

Influenza Vaccination in Patients With Cancer: Factors Associated With Vaccination Practices for Patients and Their Household Members. 2015. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 36(10), pp. 1239-1241 3p.

Introduction of vincristine mini-bags and an assessment of the subsequent risk of extravasation. 2015. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 21(5), pp. 339-347 9p.

Reducing Time to Antibiotic Administration for Febrile Neutropenia in the Emergency Department. 2015. Journal of Oncology Practice, 11(6), pp. 450-455 8p.

Resilience and unmet supportive care needs in patients with cancer during early treatment: A descriptive study. 2015. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(5), pp. 582-588

Risk factors for noninvasive ventilation failure in cancer patients in the intensive care unit: A retrospective cohort study. 2015. Journal of critical care, 30(5), pp. 1003-1007 5p.

Secondary Exposure of Family Members to Cyclophosphamide After Chemotherapy of Outpatients With Cancer: A Pilot Study. 2015. Oncology nursing forum, 42(6), pp. 665-671 7p.

Self-Reported Assessment of Symptoms and Self-Care Within a Cohort of U.S. Veterans During Outpatient Care for Cancer. 2015. Clinical journal of oncology nursing, 19(5), pp. 595-602 8p.

Testing pilocarpine drops for dry mouth in advanced cancer using n-of-1 trials: A feasibility study. 2015. Palliative medicine, 29(10), pp. 967-974 8p.

Unplanned 30-Day Readmissions in a General Internal Medicine Hospitalist Service at a Comprehensive Cancer Center. 2015. Journal of Oncology Practice, 11(5), pp. 410-415 8p.

Use of Disinfection Cap to Reduce Central-Line–Associated Bloodstream Infection and Blood Culture Contamination Among Hematology–Oncology Patients. 2015. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 36(12), pp. 1401-1408 8p.

ABDEL-RAHMAN O and FOUAD M, 2015. Risk of mucocutaneous toxicities in patients with solid tumors treated with lapatinib: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Current Medical Research & Opinion, 31(5), pp. 975-986.

ABDEL-RAHMAN, O., et al, 2015. Risk of cutaneous toxicities in patients with solid tumors treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors: A meta-analysis. Future Oncology, 11(17), pp. 2471-2484.

ARELLANO, J., et al, 2015. Physician preferences for bone metastasis drug therapy in Canada. Current Oncology, 22(5), pp. e342-e348.

BABIKER HM, et al, 2015. Oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy: a tale of two electrolytes. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(6), pp. 1483-1485.

BARKOKEBAS, A., et al, 2015. Impact of oral mucositis on oral-health-related quality of life of patients diagnosed with cancer. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine, 44(9), pp. 746-751.

BAYRAKTAR, B., et al, 2015. Colorectal stenting for palliation and as a bridge to surgery: A 5-year follow-up study. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 21(31), pp. 9373-9379.

BENDER CM, et al, 2015. Patterns of change in cognitive function with anastrozole therapy. Cancer, 121(15), pp. 2627-2636.

BERARDI, R., et al, 2015. Hyponatremia is a predictor of hospital length and cost of stay and outcome in cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(10), pp. 3095-3101.

BERGER MJ, et al, 2015. Stopping paclitaxel premedication after two doses in patients not experiencing a previous infusion hypersensitivity reaction. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(7), pp. 2019-2024.

BHAYANI, M.K., et al, 2015. Sialendoscopy for Patients with Radioiodine-Induced Sialadenitis and Xerostomia. Thyroid, 25(7), pp. 834-838.

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SCHILDMANN EK, et al, 2015. Medication and monitoring in palliative sedation therapy: a systematic review and quality assessment of published guidelines. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management, 49(4), pp. 734-746.

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WANG, L., et al, 2015. The impact of primary prophylaxis with granulocyte colony-stimulating factors on febrile neutropenia during chemotherapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(11), pp. 3131-3140.

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YORKE, J., et al, 2015. Management of the respiratory distress symptom cluster in lung cancer: a randomised controlled feasibility trial. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23(11), pp. 3373-3384.

YOUNG CJ, et al, 2015. Improving Quality of Life for People with Incurable Large-Bowel Obstruction: Randomized Control Trial of Colonic Stent Insertion. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 58(9), pp. 838-849.

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