Respiratory System Worksheet

Respiratory System Worksheet

I. Complete the following statements by inserting one of the words below in the answer blanks.

cartilage moisten pressure voice box

filter nostrils speak warm

larynx pharynx vocal cords

Air enters the nasal cavity of the respiratory system through the _________. The nasal cavity has several functions. The major functions are to ______________, ________________, and ________________ the incoming air. The passageway common to the digestive and respiratory systems, the ________________, is often called the throat; it connects the nasal cavity with the _____________ below. Reinforcement of the trachea with ________________ rings prevents its collapse during _______________ changes that occur during breathing. The larynx or __________________ is built from cartilage. Within the larynx are the _______________________, which vibrate with exhaled air and allow an individual to ________________.

II. The figure below is a sagittal view of the upper respiratory structures. Correctly identify all structures listed below.

nasal cavity vocal cords trachea

pharynx oral cavity epiglottis

larynx esophagus

III. Using the key choices, select terms identified in the following descriptions by inserting the appropriate term in the answer blanks.

Key Choices:

A. alveoli D. esophagus G. trachea

B. bronchioles E. pleura

C. epiglottis F. bronchi

_____ 1. Smallest respiratory passageways.

_____ 2. Food passageway posterior to the trachea.

_____ 3. Closes off the larynx during swallowing.

_____ 4. Windpipe

_____ 5. Actual site of gas exchanges.

_____ 6. Membrane that lines the thoracic cavity and covers the surface of the lungs.

_____ 7. Tube that enters the right and left lungs.

IV. The figure below illustrates the gross anatomy of the lower respiratory system. Label the areas/structure listed below.

larynx pleural space lower lobe of right lung

trachea diaphragm bronchioles

right bronchus upper lobe of right lung


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