Semester 1 Review 12/2018 Study Diagrams & InfoName: _______________________________________________Most of your diagrams & questions will be the same ones used in your previous notes, quizzes & tests.ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY - MIDTERM REVIEW 1/2014Up to +10 on your midterm exam grade.Be able to use all the directional terms Study the parts with boxes only. Write your diagram answers on these pages. Or # the boxes & write answers on a separate page.Name the serous membranes using the TWO part name.Identify: A band, I band, M line, Z line, H zoneColor code the epimysium, perimysium & endomysiumStudy the following fracture Xrays on the ppt in bone tissue unit and know who they primarily affect or what situation they happen in.SpiralGreenstickComminuted Identify the following tissues on the next page: you may also use the Unit 2 slide study on the webpage to practice: reticularsmooth muscleskeletal muscleadiposedense irregular CTDense regular CTcompact bonespongy bonehyaline cartilagefibrocartilage For each of the following chapters - write down information about the following topics in your own handwriting. If it says “STUDY”, you do not need to write down anything but you do need to know it. You may take notes on whatever will help you to remember and to study. Attach flashcards in baggies if used for a section.Unit 1: Introduction to Anatomy 1. Define:anatomyphysiology2. Define: - 3 parts & functions of a control mechanism3. Define:a. negative feedback mechanism (& example)b. positive feedback mechanism (& example)4. Write the functions of a. immune systemb. cardiovascular systemc. respiratoryd. endocrinee. urinary/excretory5. For each specific body cavity, list the names of main organs contained:ex. mediastinum - aorta, trachea, esophagusDorsalCranialVertebralThoracicPleuralPericardialAbdominal Pelvic Unit 2: Cells, Cellular Processes & Tissues 1. Water - List the 5 properties of water and why they are biologically important.1. ___________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________5. ___________________________________________________b. define polarity: ___________________________________________2. What does a buffer do that is so important to your proteins? 3. Carbohydrates - a. List the major function of carbohydrates.b. Glycogen is stored in __________________ & ________________4. Lipidsa. List the 3 types & their use/function1. ___________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________5. Protein - Denaturation – definition, 2 causes & 3 effects of6. Enzymesa. Define substrateb. Define active sitec. An enzyme is a type of ______________________(macromolecule).d. An enzyme ____________________ the speed of the reaction by ____________________________ the activation energy.7. ATP is the _______________________ molecule.8. cell membrane – list description/functiona. integral proteinsb.. peripheral proteinsc. cholesterold. phospholipidse. glycocalyxf. what two types of lipids are found in the cell membrane?9. For each of the following: Discuss the direction of water movement and the term that describes what would happen to a cell placed in each of the following solutions:a. isotonicb. hypotonicc. hypertonic10. Types of cell membrane specializations - define, location examples, functiona. desmosomesb. tight junctionsc. gap junctionsd. microvilli11. List key words of the 6 major characteristics of epithelial tissue and a brief description of their importance to the body (ex. desmosomes & tight junctions make impermeable to bacteria etc.)Unit 3: Integumentary System1. From your quizzes & notes: Make any notes that you needa. Study the 5 layers of epidermis, special features & functionsb. Study the 2 layers of dermis, features and functions (ex. fingerprints, cleavage lines, flexure lines, stretch marks)c. Study the hypodermis features and functions2. List the 3 main factors affecting skin color3. List the function/description of:a. arrector pili muscleb. hair folliclec. hair bulbd. hair roote. matrix4. For each sudoriferous gland – List description/functiona. eccrine b. apocrinec. ceruminous5. sebaceous glands – list description/function6. List all the facts about Vitamin Da. Where is it made?b. where is it activated?c. What is its function?7. List the 2 main dangers to watch out for in burn patients8. List the 3 degrees of burns with layers & structures affected1. ___________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________9. List the 3 types of skin cancer & what structure it develops in, does it spread easily, visual description1. ___________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________10. Study ABCD ruleUnit 4: Bone Tissue & the Skeletal System1. List the 5 functions of bones and give a brief description or example for each1. ___________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________5. ___________________________________________________2. Describe:a. osteonb. trabeculae3. List inorganic matrix description & features4. List organic matrix description & features5. Study chart from quiz about hormonal regulation (hyper vs. hypocalcemia)6. Know the optimal blood Ca level = 9-11 mg Ca / 100 ml of blood7. Study page 1 terms of your Skeletal System Notes WorksheetUnit 5: Articulations Study a description of each of the structural (3 types) & the functional (3 types) classificationsList the 3 criteria used to classify joints1. ___________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________synovial joints – function/description of general structures articular cartilagefibrous capsulesynovial membranesynovial fluidmenisciList 3 stability factors and discuss how they affect stabilityStudy the 3 main types of arthritis from the chart in your notes.Unit 6: The Muscular SystemIdentify & sketch the fascicle arrangement that is:best for fast and large movements? ________________________________best for strength? ______________________________________________best for movement of larger areas? ________________________________best for greatest range of motion __________________________________List the function/description of each of the following structures:Terminal cisternaeSarcoplasmic reticulumT tubulesTroponinTropomyosinATPaseUnit 7: Basic Structure & Function of the NS1. List & describe the 3 main functions of the NS2. List the myelin sheath function3. Neurons vs. neuroglia functions4. Pathway of impulse conduction through a neuron5. List the 2 functions of Schwann cells in PNS regeneration.Unit 8: Divisions of the Nervous System 1. meninges – List the order superficial to deep2. spaces List the order & what they contain3. sympathetic vs. parasympathetic nervous system4. brain - List these major brain parts & their main functioncorpus callosumlimbic systemreticular formationhypothalamusthalamusprefrontal cortexBroca’s areaCerebellumChoroid plexus5. Define, give the function, and list the components of the blood - brain barrier Unit 9: The Special SensesDefine the following disorders:astigmatism glaucomaDefine the following terms:HyperopiaMyopiaEmmetropiaPresbyopiaList the 4 refractory structure in the eyeList all the characteristics of nearsightedness.(see chart in notes)Test Folders: You may take your test folder home to study with BUT they are part of your Semester 1 grade so bring it back with all your tests included. Test folders will count in your average. It is mandatory to turn your tests in.Your test folder MUST be organized in the following manner:You have 8 unit tests (plus any retests). These should be paper clipped together IN ORDER as a separate packet and placed WITH your graded paper packets from your notebook. Do NOT leave them in your Test folder.Unit 1 – Introduction to Anatomy & PhysiologyUnit 2 – Cells, Cellular Processes, & TissuesUnit 3 - Integumentary systemUnit 4 - Bone tissue & the Skeletal SystemUnit 5 - ArticulationsUnit 6 – Muscular SystemUnit 7 - Basic Structure & Function of the NSUnit 8 – Divisions of the NSUnit 9 – The Special Senses Binders: Do not do this until your review is finished - it will be harder to find your information once your graded papers are pulled out.Binders will count in your average. It is mandatory to turn your notebook in. Binders MUST be organized in the following manner.You will be given a progress report for each grading period. All papers listed on the PR should be pulled out of your notebook and placed behind the PR and paper clipped together. Do this for each grading period. Place the graded paper packets in the front pocket or inside the front cover of your binder. Do NOT put it into the rings of your binder.The rest of your notes should be kept in unit order with dividers in the rings of your binder. (Or in labeled pockets of your folder)After your notebook is returned to you, you may pull out your dividers to reuse, but keep your notes in the back of your binder and in order to use as a reference for next semester.See the example PRs on the whiteboard to see what you should have to include and what you do not have to include. ................

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