Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy & Physiology

Ch. 12--Lymphatic

Revised: 3/11/11

12.1 Lymphatic System pp 389-395

Self Test 12.1 (3)-- (PRACTICE) DUE

Activities: Lymphatic Collecting Vessels & Regional Lymph Nodes (PRACTICE)

Online Chapter 12 Quiz 1 (20)-- (PRACTICE) DUE:

12.2 Non-Specific Body Defenses pp 395-400

Self Test 12.2 (4)-- (PRACTICE) DUE:

Activities: Events of Allergic Reactions (PRACTICE)

12.3 Specific Body Defenses pp 400-417

Self Test 12.3 (6)-- (PRACTICE) DUE:

Online Chapter 12 Quiz 2 (20)-- (PRACTICE) DUE:


Ex. 31—Lymphatic System Structure and Immune System Function (Pg 549-551)


Ch 12 Review Worksheet (End of Ch. Questions) DUE:


12A: 4-5, 7-8, 11-15, 19-21, 24, 28-29, 32, 35-37, 44 (1-17 *) DUE:

*The following have 2+ answers: 1-2, 4-6, 8-9, 11, 13, 15-16)

Short Essays:

12A: 1-4, 7-9, 11, 18-20

Chapter Review:

Page 423-424 (1-9, 11-13*) DUE:

*The following have 2+ answers: 4-6, 8, 12)

Name: _________________________ Period: _____

Short Essays 12A: 1-4, 7-9, 11, 18-20

1. A) What is the most important function of the lymphatic vessels?

B) What is the most important function of the lymph nodes?

2. Where are the lymph nodes most dense?

3. A) What is the special role of the tonsils?

B) What is the special role of the spleen?

4. Besides acting as mechanical barriers, the skin and mucosae of the body contribute to body protection in other ways. Cite the common body locations and the importance of mucus, lysozyme, keratin, acid pH, and cilia.

| |Common Body Locations |Importance |

| | | |

|Mucus | | |

| | | |

|Lysozyme | | |

| | | |

|Keratin | | |

| | | |

|Acid pH | | |

| | | |

|Cilia | | |

7. Define immune response.

8. A) Define antigen.

B) What is the difference between a complete antigen and an incomplete antigen (hapten)?

11. A) Define immunocompetence.

B) What indicates that a B cell or T cell has developed immunocompetence?

C) Where does the “programming phase” occur in the case of T cells?

D) Where does the “programming phase” occur in the case of B cells?

18. How do antibodies help to defend the body?

19. A) Define allergy.

B) Distinguish between immediate types of allergy and delayed allergic reactions relative to cause and consequences.

20. What events can result in the loss of self-tolerance and autoimmune disease?

Name: _________________________ Period: _____

Ch. 12 Review Questions pages 423-424 (1-9, 11-13*)

Complete the questions which follow. Note, some questions may have more than one answer.

_____ 1. Lymph capillaries:

A) are open-ended like drinking straws.

B) have continuous tight junctions like the capillaries of the brain.

C) contain endothelial cells separated by flaplike valves that can open wide.

D) have special barriers that stop cancer cells from entering.

_____ 2. Which parts of the lymph node show increased activity when antibody production is high?

A) Germinal centers

B) Outer follicle

C) Medullary cords

D) Medullary sinuses

_____ 3. Which of the following connect to the lymph node at the hilus?

A) Afferent lymphatic vessels

B) Efferent lymphatic vessels

C) Trabeculae

D) Anchoring filaments

_____ 4. Which of the following are part of the MALT?

A) Tonsils

B) Thymus

C) Peyer’s Patches

D) Any lymphoid tissue along the digestive tract

_____ 5. Developmentally, embryonic lymphatic vessels are most closely associated with the:

A) veins

B) arteries

C) nerves

D) thymus gland

_____ 6. Which of the following are cardinal signs of inflammation?

A) Phagocytosis

B) Edema

C) Leukocytosis

D) Pain

_____ 7. Chemical mediators of inflammation include:

A) interferon

B) histamine

C) complement

D) antibodies

_____ 8. Against which of the following will interferon do some good?

A) Infection of the body cells by a virus

B) Circulating free viruses

C) Some types of cancer

D) Bacterial infection

_____ 9. Which of these antibody classes is usually arranged as a pentamer?

A) IgG

B) IgM

C) IgA

D) IgD

_____ 11. Which of the following antibody capabilities cause a transfusion reaction with A or B erythrocyte antigens?

A) Neutralization

B) Precipitation

C) Complement fixation

D) Agglutination

_____ 12. Which of the following is(are) examples of autoimmune disease?

A) Type I diabetes

B) Multiple Sclerosis

C) Grave’s Disease

D) Rheumatoid arthritis

_____ 13. The main cellular target of the HIV virus that causes AIDS is:

A) helper T cells

B) cytotoxic T cells

C) macrophages

D) B cells


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