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IV. Anatomy and Physiology (AN)REVIEW QUESTIONS The sebaceous glands, skin, hair, and nails make up the ____________ system.nervouscardiovascularsensoryintegumentaryThe heart, lymphatic organs, and blood vessels are in the ___________ system.respiratorycardiovasculardigestive urinaryThe liver, stomach, mouth, and pancreas are in the ___________ system.reproductivesensorydigestivemuscularThe bladder, urethra, kidneys, and ureters are in the ___________ system.urinaryreproductiverespiratorymuscularIn the human body, the senses include all of the following EXCEPT ___________.earseyesteethnoseThe brain, nerves, and spinal cord are in the ___________ system.skeletalnervoussensoryendocrineThe trachea, nose, lungs and pharynx are in the ____________ system.skeletalrespiratorynervoussensoryTendons, joints, bones, and cartilages are in the __________ system.skeletalintegumentarymuscularendocrineThe upper middle area of the abdomen is called the ___________.hypogastric regionepigastric regionumbilical regionno correct answerThe lower middle area of the abdomen is called the _____________.hypogastric regionepigastric regionumbilical regionno correct answerThe central middle area of the abdomen is called the ___________.hypogastric regionepigastric regionumbilical regionno correct answerThe humerus is located in the _________.legarmbackneckThe pubis is located in the ___________.pelvischestneckfootThe femur is located in the _____________.legarmfootneckThe patella is located in the _________.kneeelbowneckheadThe ulna is located in the _________.backfootlegarmThe tibia is located in the ________.footarmbackleg The fibula is located in the __________.legarmfoothandThe radius is located in the ________.armlegfoothandThe maxilla is located in the ________.headfootchestarmThe metatarsals are located in the ___________.foothand legarmThe metacarpals are located in the __________.foothandbackchestThe name for the collar bone is __________.carpalsclaviclefossafemurThe smaller of the lower leg bones is called ___________.fibulatibiapatellafemurThe zygomatic bone is located in the _________.headchestlegkneeThe mandible bone is located in the ___________.chest headfootlegThe sphenoid bone is located in the ___________.footchestlegarmThe vertebrae are located in the _____________.headbacklegarmBones are ___________.meant to be pliable and bend easilybuilt to provide support & structurefilled with carbon dioxidesolid, sturdy calcium structuresThe study of bones is called ______________.osteologymorphologyneurologyno correct answerThe majority of the bones in the arms and legs are __________ bones.shortlongflatirregularBones of the wrist and ankle are called _____________ bones. longshortflatsesamoidThe muscle that flexes and supinates the forearm is called the __________.deltoidbiceps brachiirectus femorisvastus lateralisThe major artery to the head is called the __________.brachialcarotidulnarrenalOne of the arteries that supplies the hand and forearm is called the ___________.intercostalulnarbrachialrenalThe major artery that supplies the abdomen is called the ________ artery.celiaccarotidbrachialiliacThe major artery that supplies the thorax is called the __________ artery.renalintercostalradialaortaThe major artery that supplies the kidney is called the _________ artery.celiacrenalulnarbrachialThe major artery that supplies the bladder, rectum, and some reproductive organs is called the _____________.iliacceliaccarotidulnarThe major artery that supplies the upper arm is called the _____________.brachialcarotidulnariliacThe major artery that supplies the knee is called the ___________.poplitealdorsalis pedisulnarcarotidThe major artery that supplies the foot is called the __________.dorsalis pedispoplitealiliacrenalThe major vein that drains the upper arm is called the __________.jugularbrachialcephalicfemoralThe major vein that drains the head and brain is called the ____________.jugularvertebralcephaliculnarThe major vein that drains the liver is called the ____________.hepaticaxillaryulnarfemoralThe major vein that drains the kidneys is called the _____________.hepaticrenalcephalicfemoralThe major vein that drains the pelvis is called the ____________.common iliac hepaticrenalulnarThe point in which air enters the respiratory tract is called the ______________.larynxlungnasal cavitybronchusThe wind pipe which conducts air between the larynx and lungs is called the ___________.larynxpharynx trachealungsThe divisions of the trachea which enter the lungs are called the ___________.pharynxtracheabronchilarynxLocated between the pharynx and trachea, and containing the vocal cords is the ___________.larynxpharynxnasal cavitytracheaA condition of the nasal septum turning away from midline is called a ____________.sinusitisdeviated septumdislocated sinusnasal polypThe medical name for nose bleed is called ____________.epistaxissinusitispleurisycoryzaInflammation of the sinus cavity is called _____________.sinusitisepistaxisasthmaemphysemaInflammation of the pleura is called ____________.pneumoniapleurisyatelectasispleural effusionEscape of fluid into the thoracic cavity is called ___________.pulmonary edemapleural effusionemphysemapneumoniaInflammation of the nasal mucosa results in __________.nasal polypssinusitisrhinitispleurisyAn accumulation of air in the pleural cavity after the lungs collapse is known as __________.pneumoniapneumothoraxasthmapleural effusionWhooping cough is another name for __________.crouppertussispleurisypneumonia Inflammation of the mucus lining of the vagina is called ____________. phlegmonvaginitispyorrheathrushInflammation of the gums is called __________.stomatitis gingivitisdental inflammationthrushLesions of the mucous membrane of the stomach are called the ___________ ulcers.gastricintestinalduodenalfollicularA serious chronic disease of the liver is called ___________.hiatal herniacirrhosischolecystitispancreatitis Chronic inflammation of the colon is called ___________.colitiscolonitispancreatitisno correct answerInflammation of the gallbladder is called __________.cystitiscolitisdiverticulitischolecystitisInflammation of the pancreas is called __________.pancreatitiscolitisdiverticulitischolecystitisInflammation of the appendix is called __________.pancreatitisappendicitischolecystitisdiverticulitisDilated veins that occur in the rectum are known as __________.hemorrhoidshepatitisherniasno correct answerWhen the internal environment of the body is functioning properly, a condition of ________ exists.homeostasisdysfunctionhemorrhageeuphoriaThe science of the function of the cells, tissues, and organs of the body is called ____________.physiologyanatomyhistologygross anatomyThe lateral movement of the limbs away from the median plane of the body, is called ______.extensioninternal rotationabductionsupinationAn extrauterine pregnancy in which the fertilized own ovum begins to develop outside the uterus is called ____________.eclampsiatoxemiaectopicPIDThe second portion of the small intestines is called the __________.decalvantsigmoidduodenum jejunumOne of the vital functions of long bones is the formation of __________.white blood cellsred blood cellscalciumcelluliteA unilateral paralysis that follows damage to the brain is called _________.hemiplegiaquadriplegiaparaplegiasciaticaThe use of ultrasound to produce a picture of the structure of the heart is called ____________.cardiac catheterizationa cardiac stress testechocardiographyelectrocardiographyDigestion begins in the mouth, where food is chewed and mixed with a substance called ___________.amino acidsalivafatty acidno correct answerThe lining of the duodenum is composed of thousands of tiny finger-like projections called __________.ulcersvillihemorrhoidsherniasInfected pressure sores on the skin are called ___________.decubitus ulcerscarbunclesfurunclesdecubitus blistersVaricose veins of the anal canal or outside the external sphincter are called __________.hemorrhoidsvilliperitonitisdiarrheaCarcinogenic means ____________ causing. diarrheadiseasecoughcancerA weakness in the walls of muscle that allows underlying tissue to push through it is called _________.an ulcera herniaa hemorrhoiddiarrheaA gallbladder disorder involving stones in the gallbladder is ____________.cholecystitisintestinal obstructionhepatitischolelithiasis Inflammation of the retina is ________.retinitisperitonitiscolitisherniaFoods that are mild in flavor and easy to digest (non-spicy) comprise a ___________.clear liquid dietlow calorie dietdiabetic dietbland dietA tube inserted into one of the patients nostrils and down the back of the throat, through the esophagus until the end reaches the patients stomach is a(n) ___________.test tubenasogastric tubeirrigation tubeno correct answerWashing out of the stomach through a nasogastric tube is called ____________.gavagelavageboth a and bno correct answerThe healthy adult excretes daily approximately _________ of urine. 1000 to 1500 milliliters 5 to 100 milliliters4000 to 6000 milliliters100 to 500 millilitersThe inability to control the passage of urine in the bladder is called ____________.specimenurine analysisurinary incontinence drippingPainful voiding is called ___________.urine burndysuriahydronephrosiscystitisIf the septum of the heart has an abnormal opening it is referred to as ___________.stenosisa septal defectphlebitisa heart murmurBranches of the bundle branches, which transmit the impulses to the walls of the ventricles, causing the ventricles to contract are called ______________.bundle of hispurkinje fibersleft bundle branchesright bundle branchesA coronary occlusion causing a condition that produces chest pain which may radiate to the left arm, shoulder, jaw or neck due to lack of blood supply to the heart is called ______________.angina pectorisarteriolosclerosisatherosclerosishypertension ................

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