Web Links for Unit 4, Human Anatomy Laboratory

Systems & Histology Web Links Human Anatomy

Lab Unit 4 Saddleback College

Compiled by Dr. Jane Horlings

( I have put these in a rough order, from those I think would be most useful to you, to those that are of maybe less utility, in each section.

General Histology Resources

Jay Doc Histo Web. The University of Kansas (the Blue Jays) Histology site. You can click on thumbnails to view photomicrographs of histological sections. Expanded views show much detail.

LUMEN Virtual Histology. From the Loyola University Medical Education Network.

Southern Illinois University, University of Medicine Histology.

Kentucky Community and Technical College Histology. An excellent website, just click on the system and you get pages with good, small pictures with concise descriptions. Easy to use! Don’t know how it prints, but this could make a good set of study sheets!


University of Delaware Histology. Color Images of Histological Sections. Huge, high definition photomicrographs!

University of Minnesota. Histology. Quiz yourself with these pictures!

University of Wisconsin Medical School. Histology Home Page. Pick your tissue type. Then click on the view with the “L” for great labeled photographs, “U” for unlabeled.

Histology Guide. Click on the slide box on the left to see the slides. Great images, many colorized electron micrographs as well.

Atlas of Histology. College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Click on a system, or the top link, Complete Slide list.

Boston University Histology Learning System. Good quality photomicrographs, clickable by body system, topic, or an interesting clickable body figure (click on “Anatomical Figure”). If I were the student, I would click on the Thumbnail function, and go from there...

Ed's Basic Histology Gallery: University of Health Sciences, Kansas City. Scroll down for the slide list. This guy has an interesting, “folksy” approach—he walks and talks you through the material.

Histology. University of Virginia Health System - Cell and Tissue Structure. Click on a system, then images for photomicrographs and great informative text. This has been expanded, and is a terrific resource, including informative text and great labeled photomicrographs.

Blue Histology. From the School of Anatomy & Human Biology at The University of Western Australia. Follow the link for the MCQ quiz for multiple choice questions. You can also say “thumbnails”—then “show all” and click on what you want to see.

Histology, from Niagra Community College. Nice, big, labeled color photographs.

Systems of the Body: Models

Many of these have a link for labeled v. unlabeled. Really all of these are great and will be useful in helping you study for the practical!

Models that are much like ours, from Margaret Steinberg at El Camino College. She used to teach at Saddleback!

Photo Gallery of Anatomy Models. This rather bland-looking list of models links you to fabulous photos of the models with numbers. Roll your mouse over the model for the name; this is great! You can quiz yourself, then see the answer, one by one...You can also click for other options (upper right corner).

Model Index. From Palomar College. Models, labeled, most of them identical to ours!

Models, from San Diego Mesa College. Pick a system. In the next page, click on the thumbnail for the photo, unlabeled — or click on Label for a labeled photo.

Bio 204. Check this out for the various models. Click to see the digestive, lymphatic, respiratory etc. Just scroll down!






Bio 29 at Penn State. Click to see labeled/unlabeled kidney model that is just like ours:

Anatomy from Niagra Community College

Reproductive System:

Endocrine System;

Respiratory System;

Urinary System;

Digestive System;

Lab 2404. Labeled and unlabeled models, many similar to ours.

Male Reproductive:


Systems of the Body: Cats. These pictures should be very similar to what you see in the mink.

The Anatomy Corner, Cat Dissection. Good picture, click on the thumbnail, enlarges. Play around with the website, to see all of the photo galleries, some labeled, some unlabeled.

Thoracic cavity dissection

Abdominal cavity dissection

Female reproductive system dissection

Cat Anatomy Tutorial from Kenyon College, Gambier, OH. Internal organs. Good pictures with labels. If you get lost, scroll down and click “Return to Organs.”

Virtual Cat Anatomy. Click on the organ system or area for a small, simple labeled picture. Keep going back a page to index. From Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.

Human Anatomy. From Penn State. Click on organ systems to go to pages with photos of cat anatomy. Really great pictures, can click for correct answers to the numbered structures.

General Resources

As always, check out Some students really like this website.

Updated November 2017 Dr. Jane Horlings,

Saddleback College jhorlings@saddleback.edu


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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