Human Anatomy & Physiology – Mid-Term #1

Human Anatomy & Physiology – Mid-Term #2

Answer sheet


I. Multiple Choice – Please write the correct letter choice in the space allotted

1 | |11 | |21 | |31 | |41 | |51 | |61 | | |2 | |12 | |22 | |32 | |42 | |52 | |62 | | |3 | |13 | |23 | |33 | |43 | |53 | |63 | | |4 | |14 | |24 | |34 | |44 | |54 | |64 | | |5 | |15 | |25 | |35 | |45 | |55 | |65 | | |6 | |16 | |26 | |36 | |46 | |56 | |66 | | |7 | |17 | |27 | |37 | |47 | |57 | |67 | | |8 | |18 | |28 | |38 | |48 | |58 | |68 | | |9 | |19 | |29 | |39 | |49 | |59 | |69 | | |10 | |20 | |30 | |40 | |50 | |60 | |70 | | |

II. Short Answer – Please use the spaces below to answer the following short answer essay questions

1) Describe five different functions of integral membrane proteins

2) Compare and contrast primary and secondary active transport

3) Sam does not consume alcohol, while his brother Sebastian regularly drinks large quantities of alcohol. If we could examine the liver cells

of each of these brothers, would we see a difference in smooth ER and peroxisomes? Explain

4) Compare mitosis to meiosis

5) How would a drug that functions as an angiogenesis inhibitor be useful in treating cancer?

6) Name and briefly describe the different categories of epithelial tissues based on cell shape and number of layers of cells found in the tissue

7) Discuss the difference(s) between an endocrine and an exocrine gland

8) Collagen and elastin are added to many skin care products. What type of tissue are they normally a part of and why are they added to

these products?

9) Explain why a membrane is an organ

10) Joints such as the elbow, shoulder, and knee contain considerable amounts of cartilage and dense connective tissue. How does this

explain the fact that joint injuries are often very slow to heal?


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