Anatomy Assignments

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Test Review Sheet: Digestive System

1. What is the alimentary canal? Continuous hollow tube that food passes through

a. What organs are part of the alimentary canal? Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines, rectum, anus

b. What organs are accessory digestive organs? Pancreas, salivary glands, teeth, liver, gall bladder

2. Where is the vestibule located? Between the teeth and lips

3. Another name for chewing is mastication .

4. What is peristalsis? The rhythmic smooth muscle contraction of the alimentary canal organs

5. Describe the 3 layers of the alimentary canal:

a. Mucosa Innermost layers, epithelial cells (simple columnar)

b. Submucosa Middle layer made up of lymphatic , blood vessel, nerve

c. Serosa Outermost layer, contains serous-producing cells

6. Label these regions of the stomach: Cardia, fundus, body, pylorus, rugae, greater curvature, and lesser curvature.

7. What is the main function of these organs:

a. Stomach mechanical and chemical digestion of food into chyme

b. Small intestine mineral and nutrient absorption

c. Large Intestine water and salt absorption

d. Pancreas create and release digestive enzymes

e. Liver create bile, breakdown alcohol/drugs, degrade hormones, make cholesterol

f. Gall Bladder release bile into the duodenum

g. Greater omentum protection and insulation of organs below

8. Liquid, digesting food is called chyme .

9. The connection of the esophagus to the stomach is the cardio esophageal sphincter and the connection from the stomach to the duodenum is the pyloric sphincter

10. What do these specialized stomach cells do?

Mucous neck cells – produce sticky alkaline mucus

Gastric glands – secrete gastric juice

Chief cells – produce protein-digesting enzymes (pepsinogens)

Parietal cells – produce hydrochloric acid

Endocrine cells – produce gastrin

11. Label the regions of the small intestine: Duodenum, jejunum, ileum, mesentery (just know the location)

(Histology of a villi)

12. What is the function of the villi and microvilli? Increase absorption surface area in the small intestines

13. What role do enzymes play? Speed up chemical digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats

14. Does any digestion by the body take place in the large intestine? NO!!!

15. Why is the colon called the large intestine? Colon=large intestines, they are thicker in diameter than the small intestines

16. Label the regions of the large intestine: ileocecal valve, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, haustra, teniae coli, rectum, anus and appendix.

17. How does mucus protect the lining of the colon? Prevents acid corrosion and aids movement (lubrication)

18. What produces vitamin K and B in the colon? Bacteria flora

19. Describe the difference in involuntary movement of the large and small intestines.

Mass movement- 2-4 times a day, powerful and slow (large)

Peristalsis- continuous and rhythmic (all)

20. What are the 4 types of teeth? Incisors, canines, premolar and molars

21. List the endocrine products of the pancreas? Insulin

22. What produces the brown color in feces? Where is it synthesized? Bilirubin, liver

23. List 4 roles of the liver.

a. Detoxifies drugs and alcohol

b. Degrades hormones

c. Produce cholesterol, blood proteins (albumin and clotting proteins)

d. Plays a central role in metabolism


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