Cow Eye Dissection Worksheet

|Cow Eye Dissection Worksheet |[pic] |

1. List three observations you made when you examined the surface of the eye:

a. ___wet___________________________

b. ______smelly________________________

c. ____________fatty__________________

2. Identify the following structures and describe their function:

a. Cornea: outer lens that lets light into the eye

b. Tear gland: produces tears

c. Optic nerve: sends messages from the eye to the brain

d. Iris: Colored ring of muscle that changes the size of the pupil

e. Pupil: hole in the iris that allows light into the inner eye

f. retina : a layer of cells in the back of the eye that picks up vibrations of visible light

3. Name the three layers you sliced through when you cut across the top of the eye:

a. _______Fat_______________________

b. _________Muscle_____________________

c. ____________Sclera__________________

4. Match the following parts of the eye to their function: (ciliary body, sclera, iris, retina, lens, & tapetum luteum)

_________Retina_____________ Contains the photoreceptors for vision.

_________Iris_____________ The colored portion of the eye.

_________Lens_____________ This structure changes shape to focus light on the retina.

________Pupil______________ The opening in the iris through which light passes.

______Tapetum Luteum________________ The iridescent portion of the choroid layer found in nocturnal animals.

____________Ciliary Body__________ Consists of muscles, which control and shape the lens.

________Sclera______________ The white of the eye.

4. Use the pictures below to name the parts of the eye:


1. __Cornea______________________________________

2. ____Fat____________________________________

3. ______Optic nerve__________________________________

4. ________Iris________________________________

5. ________Pupil________________________________

6. _________Sclera______________________________

7. __________Ciliary Body______________________________

8. _____________Blood vessels___________________________

9. _____________Tapetum Luteum___________________________

10. ___________Retina _____________________________

11. _______________ Lens _____________

12. _____________ Vitreous Humor ___________


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