Catalog of the animation links, 2D, 3D and endoscopic

Catalog of the links with animations, 2D, 3D and endoscopic images of the individual systems and organs in the virtual anatomy atlas of the human body

Category: 6. Web, web-based applications, internet information space or 7. Users' experiences with distance education


Janko Žufić,

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Higher Teacher’s School in Pula, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Aleksandra Žufić

Elementary school “Veli vrh”, Pula, Croatia

Elementary school “Krnica”, Pula, Croatia

Expanded abstract


As the saying goes «A picture is worth thousand words», and if the picture is animated, in motion, or followed by sound effects, than it is worth even more. A goal of this study is to help the users (primarily the students of biology, medicine and anatomy) to get an insight into the organs and systems of the human body, as well as the principals of their functioning by using two- and three-dimensional images, animations, elements of virtual reality, and images of probes inserted into individual human organs and systems. Individual images are showing differences between the normal (healthy) condition and the abnormal (unhealthy) condition.

Usage of virtual anatomy atlas, in comparison to a classic «paper-made» atlas has numerous advantages. Organs and systems can be viewed from different perspectives, they can also be magnified and minimized. Typically, the systems are shown in one layer that can be highlighted (by different colors, or by disproportional magnification), while the other layers can be hidden or made transparent.

Since there are already many similar topics on the web, this study has collected large number of links to those web sites, the content is systemized in order to enable the users to gain the access to the various topics, methodologies, user tools and users, all in one place.

Why not use only one web site containing a complete virtual atlas?

Institutions or individuals that are producing such topics, are putting on their web sites what they consider might be important or simply emphasize parts of their primary interest (for example, some will elaborate on the anatomy of the brain to its smallest details, while the rest of the human body will be presented parenthetically). Usually, they are using only one or two imaging tools.

Web site designed for this study will offer large number of sources that are using various tools. Images are limited to 2D- and 3D-animations of organs, systems and whole human body and to the video or similar recordings produced during diagnostic or surgical treatments of patients.

Structure of the web site

Structure of the web site strives to be logical and intuitive. At the home-page, virtual atlas is divided on 11 parts – menus - for display of the following systems and organs:

1. The complete body, systems and individual organs – containing links to the web sites from numerous sources which are showing 2D- or 3D-animation of a whole body, organs and systems;

2. Motoric system – DivX movie showing functioning of the arm;

3. Bones and joints – images of foot, hand, arm and spine. It is particularly interesting to view animation of various treatments used to «repair» spine from various illnesses or damages/traumas;

4. Central nervous system – primarily showing the brain, brain atlas, parts of the brain and (virtual) endoscopy of the brain;

5. Respiratory system – review of the respiratory system, animation of lungs, larynx and trachea;

6. Heart and cardiovascular system – animation of the heart, interior images of the heart, various images of the aorta. Events during fibrillations of the heart;

7. Senses of hearing and sight. Animated images of the eye reaction to the light;

8. Immune system – this group includes understanding how immune system works, cells and organs of the immune system, animated images of antibodies;

9. DNA – includes images of the interactive animated anatomy of DNA, transcription of DNA into RNA, RNA translation and animation of DNA replication;

10. Endoscopic images - interesting images of healthy and diseased organs or systems made during endoscopic examinations. There are (virtual) images of the brain, lungs, trachea, larynx, ear, heart and other organs. Images are shown in MPEG or GIF formats;

11. Games and quiz – visitors can interactively, in different ways, re-examine their knowledge of anatomy of internal organs, bone structure, muscles, changes of a human body in puberty, nervous system or other individual systems of the human body.

Overview of existing web sites and comparison with the web sites created in this study

There is a large number of similar web sites with listed links to the anatomy of human body. Some of the existing web sites are showing only individual organs or systems (for example brain or heart), and this analysis does not include them. This analysis also does not include commercial web sites that are not accessible to common users, and those that require an authorization. We will mention only several major web sites that have links to the complete human body atlas.

Web site - the page with approximately eighty links with description of the anatomy of human body and functioning of individual systems and organs, mainly presented by text or picture, while the number of animated web sites is minimal.

Web site provides links to some 5000 pages of educational material, assisting elementary and high school teachers (K12). Out of such a large number of links, there is a relatively small number of medicine-related links, and those that are available have not been structured or specifically marked as animated. Furthermore, chosen links have been adjusted for K12 level (details are omitted, as well as other relevant things).

Web site contains a large number of medical links intended for the wide educational spectrum, but web sites with animation (only a few of them) have not been marked.

Web site also contains large number of links to the anatomy of the human body, describing what and how individual systems and organs function. Only some of the sites are animated (a small number), and these have not been specifically marked.

Web pages created in this study are unique in the world, since they contain links that are directly leading the users intuitively and logically to the animations, 2D or 3D images of the human anatomy. Although the number of links is not high, it is growing progressively.

Problems that may occur during navigation of the web pages

Problems that may occur during use of these web pages are mainly due to a lack of certain plug-ins (on the side of the user) for viewing virtual or other animations. Solution to these problems is to install the plug-ins that is available on the Internet for free.

The next category of problems can be attributed to the size (ten or more megabytes) of certain elements (in particular movies), creating a problem during the download through slow 56K modem connections. The “solution” is to use internet connection that allows for faster flow of data.


Web pages created in this study () would greatly help the users (primarily students of medicine) to gain an overview and learn anatomy of human body using 2D- and 3D-imaging, animation and endoscopic images.

About the authors

Janko Zufic, born in 1967 in Pula, Croatia, graduated with the major in Automation in 1993 from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia. He is currently working at the Higher Teacher’s School in Pula as a system engineer and professor of several subjects related to informatics. In 2003 he and his colleagues presented a study, “Application of computers in methodical planning of natural and social studies”, at the international scientific symposium “IV Days of Mate Demarin” on Brijuni island (Croatia). In 2003 he enrolled in post-graduated doctoral studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. His main area of interest is application of computers in teaching.

Aleksandra Zufic, born in Karlovac (Croatia) in 1969, graduated with a major in Automation in 1992 from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia. During her third year of study she was a recipient of the “Josip Loncar” award as the best student in her area of studies. She is currently teaching informatics at the elementary schools “Veli vrh” and “Krnica” in Pula. The main area of her interest is the application of computers in teaching. She is participating in the project “Application of computers in studies and teaching of history”. She is an active participant in public discussions regarding curriculum and teaching plan and program of informatics in elementary schools. She is attending the seminar “Quality school”.


We need equipments: LCD projector and PC (with USB port). We study presentation with PowerPoint.

Katalog linkova s animacijama, 2D, 3D i endoskopskim prikazima pojedinih sustava i organa virtualnog anatomskog atlasa ljudskog tijela

Prošireni sažetak


Postoji uzrečica «Jedna slika zamjenjuje tisuću riječi», a ako je slika animirana ili u pokretu ili se pritom koriste i zvučni efekti, tada još i više. Cilj ovog rada je pomoću 2D i 3D prikaza, animacija, elemenata virtualne stvarnosti (virtual reality), prikaza sondiranja pojedinih ljudskih organa i sustava pomoći korisnicima (ponajprije učenicima i studentima biologije, medicine i anatomije) u upoznavanju organa i sustava ljudskog tijela, kao i princip njihova rada. Pojedini prikazi pokazuju razliku između normalnog (zdravog) i stanja s smetnjama (bolesnog stanja).

Korištenje virtualnog anatomskog atlasa u odnosu na klasični «papirnati» ima brojne prednosti. Organi i sustavi se mogu pregledavati iz različitih pogleda, mogu povećavati i smanjivati. Obično su sustavi prikazani pomoću istog sloja kojeg se može posebno istaknuti (korištenjem različite boje, neproporcionalno povećanje ili slično), dok se ostali slojevi mogu sakriti ili učiniti transparentnim.

Obzirom da na webu već postoji mnoštvo takvih i sličnih sadržaja, u ovom je radu prikupljen velik broj linkova na te stranice, sistematiziran je sadržaj kako bi se korisnicima na jednom mjestu omogućio uvid u različite sadržaje, metodologije, korištene alate i korisnike.

Zašto ne koristiti samo jedan web site na kome je kompletan virtualni atlas?

Institucije ili pojedinci koji izrađuju ovakve sadržaje na svoje web stranice stavljaju ono što smatraju da je bitno ili stavljaju naglasak na djelatnost kojom se prvenstveno bave (na primjer, razraditi će anatomiju mozga do krajnjih granica, dok će ostatak tijela biti prikazan tek usput). Pri tome koriste u pravilu jedan do dva alata za prikaz.

Na web siteu koji je napravljen u ovom radu pronaći će se velik broj izvora, koji koriste različite alate. Prikazi su ograničeni na 2D i 3D animacije organa, sustava i čitavog ljudskog tijela te na video ili slične zapise koji se proizvode pri dijagnostičkim ili operativnim zahvatima nad pacijentima.

Struktura web sitea

Struktura web sita nastoji biti logična i intuitivna. Na početnoj stranici virtualni atlas podijeljen je na 11 dijelova-menua za prikaz:

1) kompletnog tijela, sustava i pojedinih organa - tu su zastupljene web stranice više izvora koje prikazuju 2D ili 3D animacije čitavog tijela, organa i sustava

2) sustavi za pokretanje – prikaz rada ruke pomoću DivX filma

3) kosti i zglobova – prikaz stopala, šake, ruke i kralježnice. Posebno je interesantno pogledati animacije zahvata koji se poduzimaju za «popravak» kralježnice od raznih bolesti i/ili oštećenja/povreda.

4) živčanog sustava – prvenstveno su prikazani mozak, atlas mozgova, dijelovi mozga i (virtualna) endoskopija mozga

5) dišnog sustava – pregled dišnog sustava, animacija pluća, animacija grkljana i dušnika

6) srca i krvožilnog sustava – animacija srca, prikaz srca iznutra, različiti prikazi aorta. Pojave kod fibrilacije srca.

7) osjetila sluha i vida – prikazi slušnog i očnog sustava. Animacija prikaza reakcije oka na svjetlo.

8) obrambenog sustava – ovoj grupi pripada razumijevanje rada obrambenog sustava, ćelija i organa obrambenog sustava, animacija antitijela.

9) DNA – obuhvaća prikaz interaktivne animacije anatomije DNA, transciption DNA u RNA, RNA translation kao i pojavu replikacije DNA.

10) Endoskopskih snimki – Zanimljivi prikazi zdravih i bolesnih organa ili sustava snimljenih pri endoskopskim pretragama. Prikazani su snimci mozga (virtualni), pluća, dušnika, grkljana, uha, srca i drugih organa. Snimci su u MPEG ili GIF formatu.

11) Igra i kvizova – na ovom mjestu posjetitelji mogu na nekoliko načina, interaktivno, provjeriti svoje poznavanje anatomije unutarnjih organa, kostura, mišića, promjena u ljudskom tijelu u vrijeme puberteta, nervnog sustava ili pojedinih sustava ljudskog tijela

Pregled postojećih web stranica i usporedba s web stranicama nastalih u ovom radu.

Postoji velik broj sličnih web stranica koje navode linkove na anatomiju ljudskog tijela. Neke od njih prikazuju samo pojedine organe ili sustave (npr. mozak ili srce) i njih se u ovoj analizi neće doticati. Ova se analiza neće osvrtati ni na komercijalne web stranice koje nisu dostupne običnim korisnicima i za koje je potrebna autorizacija. Navesti će se samo nekoliko vodećih web stranica koje imaju linkove na kompletno ljudsko tijelo.

Web stranica - stranica sa oko osamdesetak linkova koji opisuju anatomiju ljudskog tijela i rad pojedinih sustava i organa, uglavnom tekstualno i slikovno dok je broj animiranih web stranica zanemariv.

Web stranica daje linkove na oko 5000 stranica edukacijskih sadržaja koji pomažu učiteljima u osnovno i srednjoškolskom obrazovanju (K12). Od tako velikog broja linkova relativno je mali broj onih koji su medicinskog karaktera, a i od onih koji to jesu, linkovi nisu strukturirani ni posebno označeni po pitanju animacija. Također, izabrani linkovi su prilagođeni K12 uzrastu (ispušteni su detalji, ali i bitnije stvari).

Web stranica sadrži velik broj medicinskih linkova namijenjenih širokom spektru obrazovanja, ali nisu posebno naznačene web stranice s animacijama (kojih ima ih u vrlo malom broju).

Web stranica također sadrži velik broj linkova na anatomiju ljudskog tijela opisujući što i kako radi pojedini organi ili sustavi. Samo su neke stranice animirane (vrlo mali broj), a i nisu posebno naznačene.

Web stranice koje su napravljene u ovom radu jedinstvene su u svijetu jer se u njima nalaze linkovi koji korisnika intuitivno i logično direktno vode na animacije, 2D ili 3D prikaz anatomije čovjeka. Iako broj linkova nije velik, kontinuirano raste.

Problemi koji se mogu pojaviti prigodom korištenja web stranica

Problemi koji se mogu pojaviti s korištenjem ovih stranica su nedostatak (kod korisnika) pojedinih plugin-ova za pregled virtualnih ili nekih drugih animacija. Rješenje problema svodi se na instalaciju plugin-ova koji su besplatno dostupni na webu.

Sljedeći je problem što su neki sadržaji (osobito filmski zapisi) relativno veliki (nekoliko desetaka megabajta) i veliki je problem čekati njihovo downloadiranje s sporim 56K modemom. «Rješenje» je koristiti veze koje imaju veći protok podataka.


Web stranice () koje su izrađene u ovom radu uvelike će pomoći korisnicima (u prvom redu učenicima i studentima medicine) u pregledu i učenju anatomije ljudskog tijela koristeći 2D i 3D prikaz, animacije i endoskopske snimke.

O autorima

Janko Žufić, rođen je 1967. godine u Puli, Hrvatska. 1993. godine diplomirao je na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva, smjer Automatika. Od 2002. godine radi na Visokoj učiteljskoj školi u Puli kao sistem inženjer i predavač nekoliko informatičkih predmeta. Sa suradnicima je objavio članak «Primjena računala u nastavi prirode i društva» na međunarodnom znanstveno-stručnom skupu «IV. Dani Mate Demarina» na Brijunima (Hrvatska), 2003. godine. 2003. godine upisuje poslijediplomski doktorski studij na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Područje njegovog interesa je primjena računala u nastavi.

Aleksandra Žufić, rođena je u Karlovcu (Hrvatska) 1969. godine. Diplomirala je na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu smjer Automatika, 1992. godine. Na trećoj godini studija dobila je Pismeno priznanje «Josip Lončar» kao najbolji student na smjeru Automatika. Radi kao učiteljica informatike u Osnovnim školama «Veli vrh» i «Krnica» u Puli. Područje njezina interesa je primjena računala u nastavi. Sudjeluje u projektu «Primjena računala u nastavi povijesti». Aktivna je sudionica u javnim raspravama za curriculum i nastavni plan i program predmeta Informatika u osnovnim školama. Polaznica je seminara «Kvalitetna škola».


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