SPORTS MEDICINE 25 - Stovka Sport Coach





1.1: Part I ~ Anatomy of the Spine, Abdomen and Shoulder Complex

• Anatomy of the Vertebral Column

7 _______________ Vertebrae

12 _______________ Vertebrae

5 _______________ Vertebrae

5 _______________ Vertebrae (fusesd and commonly called the

_____________ )

5. _______________ Vertebrae (fused and commonly called the

_____________ )

Label the vertebral column below:

C1 & C2 ~ Cervical Vertebrae 1 and Cervical Vertebrae 2

Also known as the ________________ and ________________.

Label the following diagram:

What synovial joint is this? ___________________

Functionally the vertebral column:

➢ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

➢ Provides attachment for various muscles, ribs and internal organs (viscera).

➢ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Each vertebrae is created slightly differently based on function and type of movement allowed at the joint:

Cervical vertebrae look like this: Lumbar vertebrae look like this:


Sacral vertebrae look like this: Coccygeal Vertebrae look like this:

Label this cross section of a Thoracic vertebra below:

• Axial Skeleton and Appendicular Skeleton

|Axial Skeleton Includes: |Appendicular Skeleton includes: |

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Please color the Axial and Appendicular skeleton in your booklet.

• Anatomy of the Thoracic Cage

The thoracic cage is a bony and cartilaginous structure which surrounds the thoracic cavity and supports the ___________________.

Label the following rib below:

What is a synonym for the word articulation? ____________________

There are _______ pairs of true ribs, ________ pairs of false ribs and ______ pairs of floating ribs.

Label the following diagram:

• Pectoral Girdle and Upper Extremities:

What two sets of bones constitute the pectoral or shoulder girdle?

What is the primary function of the pectoral girdle?

What bone fits into the glenoid cavity to form the glenohumeral joint?

What type of joint is this?

What shoulder injury typically occurs at this joint?

Another name for the clavicle is the ___________________________.

Function of the Clavicle is: _________________


What makes up the Sternoclavicular joint? _____________________________


What makes up the Acromioclavicular joint? ___________________________


Label the two above joints on the following diagram:

• Humerus

The Humerus is a long robust bone that articulates (joins) proximally with the _____________ and ___________ with the ____________ and _____________.

• The Radius and Ulna

In the anatomical position, which side is the ulna positioned on? ______________

In the anatomical position, which side is the radius positioned on? _____________

The ulna is more firmly connected to the distal end of the _______________ than the radius and is _________________ in length.

The radius, however, is m more firmly attached to the ___________ than the ulna.

• The Carpals

The wrist and hand contains of _____ bones.

The Carpals have ___ of those bones arranged in ___ rows of ___.

First Row of Bones from right to left:

a. ___________________

b. ___________________

c. ___________________

d. ___________________

Second Row of Bones from right to left:

a. ___________________

b. ___________________

c. ___________________

d. ___________________

The Metacarpals make up the next ___ bones.

The phalanges consist of ___ bones. The thumb has only a proximal and distal ____________.



1. ______________________

3. ______________________

4. ______________________

5. ______________________

6. ______________________

7. ______________________

8. ______________________

9. ______________________


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