Anatomy/Physiology Final Exam Project - Weebly

Anatomy/Physiology Final Exam Project



Throughout your lifetime you will visit physicians and other health professionals whose job is to keep you healthy and diagnose problems when they occur. You are familiar with getting a physical exam and getting vaccines. There may also be other procedures that you have experienced, such as MRIs, CAT scans, or surgeries. The health care field has many branches and many diagnostic tools. When you go into a hospital because you are sick or injured, doctors may order a variety of tests to determine the condition and proper course of treatment or procedures to help you get better.

In this final exam project, you are going to choose any health condition and design a PowerPoint presentation to teach the class about it. You may choose a condition you are familiar with, or find one that is just interesting to you. Some examples are:

• Constipation

• Gastritis

• Plantar Fasciitis

• Diarrhea

• Heart Burn

• Gallstones

• Crohn’s Disease

• Whipple’s Disease

• Marphan’s Disease

• You may also look up diseases or conditions of your choosing

Your choice is not limited to the above list of examples, but Mr. Dodd must approve the topic.

STEP ONE: Choose your Topic

Your project is to be done as no more than 2 per group. If you don’t have any idea of the procedures available, check out the list of medical procedures performed at these hospitals. You do not have to pick one from these lists, but it can help you get started.

STEP TWO: Research

You will need to research your chosen procedure carefully to set up your presentation. DO NOT just copy and paste information from a hospital website. The websites below are reputable websites for health information. If you choose a website randomly from Google or another search engine, be sure to research the author to be sure it is “good” (factual) information.

• Click on Health Topics > Diagnosis and Therapy

There are three main sections to your PowerPoint presentation. How you organize your presentation is entirely up to you, but all sections must be included and obvious to your audience. You may add any additional information that you feel appropriate; the questions in each section are guidelines to help organize your information.


1. Analysis of health problem (disease/condition)

• How does it happen?

• What health problem (symptoms) does it present?

• What reasons makes most people go to physician?

• What Body System(s) would this affect? Explain.

• Is there a specific group that usually has this condition (children, teens, the elderly, etc)?

• Are there any other important facts to cover here?

2. Description of the diagnostic procedures

• How is the disease or condition diagnosed?

• What procedures does an individual need to go through for diagnosis?

• Where is the procedure is performed (physician’s office, same day surgery center, hospital, etc)

• Who or what team performs the procedure (general practitioner, physician’s assistant, nurse, technician, surgeon)

• What equipment is needed?

• What are the risks of the procedure?

• (may not apply to all) What is the likely outcome or prognosis? i.e. how reliable are these results?

3. Treatment/Rehabilitation of disease/condition

• What are the treatments a person has to go through?

• What can be done to make these treatments easier on a person?

• Is this treatment something that you would encourage a person to do?

• (may not apply to all) How would you convince someone in your family or a friend to go for the treatment? What research is there to support your belief?

• Is the disease/condition curable, manageable, Lifelong? Explain.

• Please add anything specific to your disease or condition, which may not be covered here.

4. Prevention or reoccurrence of disease/condition

• Can the disease/condition be prevented in the future?

• Do you need to worry about the reoccurrence of the disease/condition?

• Please add anything specific to your disease or condition, which may not be covered here.

STEP THREE: Project Design

Your presentation will be done as a PowerPoint. You are to save it on your “H” drive, send it to me as an e-mail, or bring it on a flash drive that I may copy onto my flash drive (please remember that the school’s server does not accept all flash drives).

Here are some guidelines to follow when preparing your presentation:

1. Have a title slide that follows the following format:






2. Do not copy/paste (Plagiarism will not be tolerated)

3. Do not use a lot of medical jargon, consider your audience. Keep the slides simple and direct.

4. Use images appropriately. Having no images will make your presentation dull, but images used in the right place can help you explain and illustrate your topic.

5. Do not include too much information on one slide; a presentation is designed to be delivered in bite-sized pieces.

6. Avoid using too many bells and whistles. Too many animations, noises and transitions can be distracting. This also applies to choosing a background theme that is not too cluttered.

7. Use a spell check to avoid grammar mistakes that will detract from your overall grade.

8. Make sure your slides flow in a logical way. (see above outline for assistance only)

9. It is very tempting to place video on your presentation, and videos certainly can help illustrate a procedure. A video, however, should not take the place of your own research. Also videos can be very large and hard to send, so if you want your audience to see a video, it should be no longer than 3 minutes and use a LINK rather than placing the video within your presentation.

10. Do NOT have more than 15 slides in the presentation.

Plagiarism will be covered in class. If you missed it, Please see Mr. Dodd.

STEP FOUR: Presentation and Submission


| |X1 |X2 |X3 |X4 |

|Description of health problem is complete and body system affected is detailed | | | | |

|Person performing diagnosis is described with regards to their medical qualifications | | | | |

|Detailed description of equipment used (if no equipment, what will health practitioner | | | | |

|will be doing) | | | | |

|Treatment/rehabilitation is detailed, audience would have a very good idea of what to | | | | |

|expect if they were to go through this treatment/rehabilitation | | | | |

|Preparations and risks of treatment are addressed | | | | |

|Specific anatomical details and goals of what is happening during treatment | | | | |

|Audience fully understands why it is important to have treatment and has clear sense of | | | | |

|how it feels to get this done | | | | |

|Importance in treatment to improve patient’s life (current and future) is discussed and | | | | |

|explained | | | | |

|PowerPoint is creative & organized | | | | |

|Spelling, grammar, and pronunciation are correct | | | | |

|Totals | | | | |

|Final Total & Grade % | |

Total points out of 100


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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